// // monop -- a semi-clone of javap // // Authors: // Ben Maurer (bmaurer@users.sourceforge.net) // John Luke (john.luke@gmail.com) // // (C) 2004 Ben Maurer // (C) 2004 John Luke // using System; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; class MonoP { static string assembly; static BindingFlags default_flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public; // very common namespaces, all in corlib static readonly string [] v_common_ns = { "System", "System.Collections", "System.Reflection", "System.Text", "System.IO" }; static readonly string [] common_assemblies = { "System.Xml.dll", "System.Web.dll", "gtk-sharp.dll", "glib-sharp.dll" }; static readonly string [] common_ns = { "System.Xml", "System.Web", "Gtk", "GLib" }; static Type GetType (string tname, bool ignoreCase) { Type t; if (assembly != null) { Assembly a = GetAssembly (assembly, true); t = a.GetType (tname, false, ignoreCase); } else { t = Type.GetType (tname, false, ignoreCase); } return t; } static string [] GetAssemblyNamesFromGAC () { Process p = new Process (); p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; p.StartInfo.FileName = "gacutil"; p.StartInfo.Arguments = "-l"; p.Start (); string s; ArrayList names = new ArrayList (); StreamReader output = p.StandardOutput; while ((s = output.ReadLine ()) != null) names.Add (s); p.WaitForExit (); string [] retval = new string [names.Count - 2]; names.CopyTo (1, retval, 0, retval.Length); // skip the first and last line return retval; } static Assembly GetAssembly (string assembly, bool exit) { Assembly a = null; try { // if it exists try to use LoadFrom if (File.Exists (assembly)) a = Assembly.LoadFrom (assembly); // if it looks like a fullname try that else if (assembly.Split (',').Length == 4) a = Assembly.Load (assembly); // see if MONO_PATH has it else a = LoadFromMonoPath (assembly); } catch { // ignore exception it gets handled below } // last try partial name // this (apparently) is exception safe if (a == null) a = Assembly.LoadWithPartialName (assembly); if (a == null && exit) { Console.WriteLine ("Could not load {0}", MonoP.assembly); Environment.Exit (1); } return a; } static Assembly LoadFromMonoPath (string assembly) { // ; on win32, : everywhere else char sep = (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '/' ? ':' : ';'); string[] paths = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("MONO_PATH").Split (sep); foreach (string path in paths) { string apath = Path.Combine (path, assembly); if (File.Exists (apath)) return Assembly.LoadFrom (apath); } return null; } static Type GetType (string tname) { return GetType (tname, false); } static void PrintTypes (string assembly) { Assembly a = GetAssembly (assembly, true); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("Assembly Information:"); object[] cls = a.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (CLSCompliantAttribute), false); if (cls.Length > 0) { CLSCompliantAttribute cca = cls[0] as CLSCompliantAttribute; if (cca.IsCompliant) Console.WriteLine ("[CLSCompliant]"); } foreach (string ai in a.ToString ().Split (',')) Console.WriteLine (ai.Trim ()); Console.WriteLine (); Type [] types = a.GetExportedTypes (); foreach (Type t in types) Console.WriteLine (t.FullName); Console.WriteLine ("\nTotal: {0} types.", types.Length); } static void Completion (string prefix) { foreach (Type t in typeof (object).Assembly.GetExportedTypes ()) { if (t.Name.StartsWith (prefix)) { if (Array.IndexOf (v_common_ns, t.Namespace) != -1) { Console.WriteLine (t.Name); return; } } if (t.FullName.StartsWith (prefix)) { Console.WriteLine (t.FullName); } } foreach (string assm in common_assemblies) { try { Assembly a = GetAssembly (assm, true); foreach (Type t in a.GetExportedTypes ()) { if (t.Name.StartsWith (prefix)) { if (Array.IndexOf (common_ns, t.Namespace) != -1) { Console.WriteLine (t.Name); return; } } if (t.FullName.StartsWith (prefix)) { Console.WriteLine (t.FullName); } } } catch { } } } static void PrintUsage () { Console.WriteLine ("Usage is: monop [option] [-c] [-r:Assembly] [class-name]"); } static void PrintHelp () { PrintUsage (); Console.WriteLine (""); Console.WriteLine ("options:"); Console.WriteLine ("\t--declared-only,-d\tOnly show members declared in the Type"); Console.WriteLine ("\t--help,-h\t\tShow this information"); Console.WriteLine ("\t--private,-p\t\tShow private members"); } static void Main (string [] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { PrintUsage (); return; } if (args.Length == 1 && (args[0] == "--help" || args[0] == "-h")) { PrintHelp (); return; } int i = 0; if (args [0].StartsWith ("-r:") || args [0].StartsWith ("/r:")){ i++; assembly = args [0].Substring (3); if (args.Length == 1) { PrintTypes (assembly); return; } } if (args [0] == "-c") { Completion (args [1]); return; } if (args [i] == "--private" || args [i] == "-p") { default_flags |= BindingFlags.NonPublic; i++; } if (args [i] == "--declared-only" || args [i] == "-d") { default_flags |= BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly; i++; } if (args.Length < i + 1) { PrintUsage (); return; } string message = null; string tname = args [i]; Type t = GetType (tname); if (t == null) { // Try some very common ones, dont load anything foreach (string ns in v_common_ns) { t = GetType (ns + "." + tname, true); if (t != null) goto found; } } if (t == null) { foreach (string assm in GetAssemblyNamesFromGAC ()) { try { Assembly a = GetAssembly (assm, false); t = a.GetType (tname, false, true); if (t != null) { message = String.Format ("{0} is included in the {1} assembly.", t.FullName, t.Assembly.GetName ().Name); goto found; } foreach (string ns in common_ns) { t = a.GetType (ns + "." + tname, false, true); if (t != null) { message = String.Format ("{0} is included in the {1} assembly.", t.FullName, t.Assembly.GetName ().Name); goto found; } } } catch { } } } if (t == null) { Console.WriteLine ("Could not find {0}", tname); return; } found: // // This gets us nice buffering // StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter (Console.OpenStandardOutput (), Console.Out.Encoding); new Outline (t, sw).OutlineType (default_flags); sw.Flush (); if (message != null) Console.WriteLine (message); } }