// // The provider for a tree of ECMA documents // // Authors: // Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com) // Joshua Tauberer (tauberer@for.net) // // (C) 2002, 2003 Ximian, Inc. // (C) 2003 Joshua Tauberer. // // TODO: // Should cluster together constructors // // Easy: // Should render attributes on the signature. // Include examples as well. // namespace Monodoc { using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.XPath; using System.Xml.Xsl; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip; using Monodoc.Lucene.Net.Index; using Monodoc.Lucene.Net.Documents; using Mono.Documentation; using BF = System.Reflection.BindingFlags; // // Helper routines to extract information from an Ecma XML document // public static class EcmaDoc { public static string GetFullClassName (XmlDocument doc) { return doc.SelectSingleNode ("/Type").Attributes ["FullName"].InnerText; } public static string GetClassName (XmlDocument doc) { return GetDisplayName (doc.SelectSingleNode ("/Type")).Replace ("+", "."); } public static string GetDisplayName (XmlNode type) { if (type.Attributes ["DisplayName"] != null) { return type.Attributes ["DisplayName"].Value; } return type.Attributes ["Name"].Value; } public static string GetClassAssembly (XmlDocument doc) { return doc.SelectSingleNode ("/Type/AssemblyInfo/AssemblyName").InnerText; } public static string GetClassNamespace (XmlDocument doc) { string s = doc.SelectSingleNode ("/Type").Attributes ["FullName"].InnerText; return s.Substring (0, s.LastIndexOf (".")); } public static string GetTypeKind (XmlDocument doc) { XmlNode node = doc.SelectSingleNode ("/Type/Base/BaseTypeName"); if (node == null){ if (GetFullClassName (doc) == "System.Object") return "Class"; return "Interface"; } switch (node.InnerText){ case "System.Delegate": case "System.MulticastDelegate": return "Delegate"; case "System.ValueType": return "Structure"; case "System.Enum": return "Enumeration"; default: return "Class"; } } // // Utility function: converts a fully .NET qualified type name into a C#-looking one // public static string ConvertCTSName (string type) { if (!type.StartsWith ("System.")) return type; if (type.EndsWith ("*")) return ConvertCTSName(type.Substring(0, type.Length - 1)) + "*"; if (type.EndsWith ("&")) return ConvertCTSName(type.Substring(0, type.Length - 1)) + "&"; if (type.EndsWith ("[]")) return ConvertCTSName(type.Substring(0, type.Length - 2)) + "[]"; switch (type) { case "System.Byte": return "byte"; case "System.SByte": return "sbyte"; case "System.Int16": return "short"; case "System.Int32": return "int"; case "System.Int64": return "long"; case "System.UInt16": return "ushort"; case "System.UInt32": return "uint"; case "System.UInt64": return "ulong"; case "System.Single": return "float"; case "System.Double": return "double"; case "System.Decimal": return "decimal"; case "System.Boolean": return "bool"; case "System.Char": return "char"; case "System.String": return "string"; case "System.Object": return "object"; case "System.Void": return "void"; } if (type.LastIndexOf(".") == 6) return type.Substring(7); return type; } internal static string GetNamespaceFile (string dir, string ns) { string nsxml = Path.Combine (dir, "ns-" + ns + ".xml"); if (!File.Exists (nsxml)) nsxml = Path.Combine (dir, ns + ".xml"); return nsxml; } } // // The Ecma documentation provider: // // It populates a tree with contents during the help assembly // public class EcmaProvider : Provider { ArrayList/**/ asm_dirs = new ArrayList (); public EcmaProvider () { } public EcmaProvider (string base_directory) { AddDirectory (base_directory); } public void AddDirectory (string directory) { if (!Directory.Exists (directory)) throw new FileNotFoundException (String.Format ("The directory `{0}' does not exist", directory)); asm_dirs.Add (directory); } public override void PopulateTree (Tree tree) { ArrayList ns_dirs = new ArrayList (); foreach (string asm in asm_dirs) { ns_dirs.AddRange (Directory.GetDirectories (asm)); } foreach (string ns in ns_dirs){ string basedir = Directory.GetParent (ns).FullName; string [] files = Directory.GetFiles (ns); Node ns_node = null; string tn = null; Hashtable nsnodes = new Hashtable(); foreach (string file in files){ if (!file.EndsWith (".xml")) continue; if (ns_node == null) { tn = Path.GetFileName (ns); tree.HelpSource.Message (TraceLevel.Info, "Processing namespace {0}", tn); ns_node = tree.LookupNode (tn, "N:" + tn); string ns_summary_file = EcmaDoc.GetNamespaceFile (basedir, tn); nsnodes[ns_node] = nsnodes; if (File.Exists (ns_summary_file)) { XmlDocument nsSummaryFile = new XmlDocument (); nsSummaryFile.Load (ns_summary_file); namespace_realpath [tn] = ns_summary_file; XmlNode ns_summary = nsSummaryFile.SelectSingleNode ("Namespace/Docs/summary"); if (ns_summary != null && ns_summary.InnerText.Trim () != "To be added." && ns_summary.InnerText != "") { namespace_summaries [tn] = ns_summary; namespace_remarks [tn] = nsSummaryFile.SelectSingleNode ("Namespace/Docs/remarks"); } } else if (!namespace_summaries.ContainsKey (tn)) { namespace_summaries [tn] = null; namespace_remarks [tn] = null; } } tree.HelpSource.Message (TraceLevel.Verbose, " Processing input file {0}", Path.GetFileName (file)); PopulateClass (tree, tn, ns_node, file); } // Sort the list of types in each namespace foreach (Node ns_node2 in nsnodes.Keys) ns_node2.Sort(); } } struct TypeInfo : IComparable { public string type_assembly; public string type_name; public string type_full; public string type_kind; public XmlNode type_doc; public TypeInfo (string k, string a, string f, string s, XmlNode n) { type_assembly = a; type_name = s; type_doc = n; type_kind = k; type_full = f; } public int CompareTo (object b) { TypeInfo na = this; TypeInfo nb = (TypeInfo) b; return String.Compare (na.type_full, nb.type_full); } } // // Packs a file with the summary data // public override void CloseTree (HelpSource hs, Tree tree) { foreach (DictionaryEntry de in class_summaries){ XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument (); string ns = (string) de.Key; ArrayList list = (ArrayList) de.Value; list.Sort(); XmlElement elements = doc.CreateElement ("elements"); doc.AppendChild (elements); if (namespace_summaries [ns] != null) elements.AppendChild (doc.ImportNode ((XmlNode)namespace_summaries [ns],true)); else elements.AppendChild (doc.CreateElement("summary")); if (namespace_remarks [ns] != null) elements.AppendChild (doc.ImportNode ((XmlNode)namespace_remarks [ns],true)); else elements.AppendChild (doc.CreateElement("remarks")); hs.Message (TraceLevel.Info, "Have {0} elements in the {1}", list.Count, ns); foreach (TypeInfo p in list){ XmlElement e = null; switch (p.type_kind){ case "Class": e = doc.CreateElement ("class"); break; case "Enumeration": e = doc.CreateElement ("enum"); break; case "Structure": e = doc.CreateElement ("struct"); break; case "Delegate": e = doc.CreateElement ("delegate"); break; case "Interface": e = doc.CreateElement ("interface"); break; } e.SetAttribute ("name", p.type_name); e.SetAttribute ("fullname", p.type_full); e.SetAttribute ("assembly", p.type_assembly); XmlNode copy = doc.ImportNode (p.type_doc, true); e.AppendChild (copy); elements.AppendChild (e); } hs.PackXml ("xml.summary." + ns, doc,(string) namespace_realpath[ns]); } XmlDocument nsSummary = new XmlDocument (); XmlElement root = nsSummary.CreateElement ("elements"); nsSummary.AppendChild (root); foreach (DictionaryEntry de in namespace_summaries) { XmlNode n = (XmlNode)de.Value; XmlElement summary = nsSummary.CreateElement ("namespace"); summary.SetAttribute ("ns", (string)de.Key); root.AppendChild (summary); if (n != null) summary.AppendChild (nsSummary.ImportNode (n,true)); else summary.AppendChild (nsSummary.CreateElement("summary")); } tree.HelpSource.PackXml ("mastersummary.xml", nsSummary, null); AddExtensionMethods (tree); } void AddExtensionMethods (Tree tree) { XmlDocument extensions = null; XmlNode root = null; int numMethods = 0; foreach (string asm in asm_dirs) { string overview_file = Path.Combine (asm, "index.xml"); if (File.Exists (overview_file)) { XmlDocument overview = new XmlDocument (); overview.Load (overview_file); XmlNodeList e = overview.SelectNodes ("/Overview/ExtensionMethods/*"); if (e.Count > 0) { if (extensions == null) { extensions = new XmlDocument (); root = extensions.CreateElement ("ExtensionMethods"); extensions.AppendChild (root); } foreach (XmlNode n in e) { ++numMethods; root.AppendChild (extensions.ImportNode (n, true)); } } } } if (extensions != null) { tree.HelpSource.Message (TraceLevel.Info, "Have {0} extension methods", numMethods); tree.HelpSource.PackXml ("ExtensionMethods.xml", extensions, "ExtensionMethods.xml"); } } Hashtable class_summaries = new Hashtable (); Hashtable namespace_summaries = new Hashtable (); Hashtable namespace_remarks = new Hashtable (); Hashtable namespace_realpath = new Hashtable (); XmlDocument doc; void PopulateClass (Tree tree, string ns, Node ns_node, string file) { doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.Load (file); string name = EcmaDoc.GetClassName (doc); string assembly = EcmaDoc.GetClassAssembly (doc); string kind = EcmaDoc.GetTypeKind (doc); string full = EcmaDoc.GetFullClassName (doc); Node class_node; string file_code = ns_node.tree.HelpSource.PackFile (file); XmlNode class_summary = doc.SelectSingleNode ("/Type/Docs/summary"); ArrayList l = (ArrayList) class_summaries [ns]; if (l == null){ l = new ArrayList (); class_summaries [ns] = (object) l; } l.Add (new TypeInfo (kind, assembly, full, name, class_summary)); class_node = ns_node.LookupNode (String.Format ("{0} {1}", name, kind), "ecma:" + file_code + "#" + name + "/"); if (kind == "Delegate") { if (doc.SelectSingleNode("/Type/ReturnValue") == null) tree.HelpSource.Message (TraceLevel.Error, "Delegate " + name + " does not have a ReturnValue node. See the ECMA-style updates."); } if (kind == "Enumeration") return; if (kind == "Delegate") return; // // Always add the Members node // class_node.CreateNode ("Members", "*"); PopulateMember (name, class_node, "Constructor", "Constructors"); PopulateMember (name, class_node, "Method", "Methods"); PopulateMember (name, class_node, "Property", "Properties"); PopulateMember (name, class_node, "Field", "Fields"); PopulateMember (name, class_node, "Event", "Events"); PopulateMember (name, class_node, "Operator", "Operators"); } class NodeIndex { public XmlNode node; public int index; public NodeIndex (XmlNode node, int index) { this.node = node; this.index = index; } } struct NodeCompare : IComparer { public int Compare (object a, object b) { NodeIndex na = (NodeIndex) a; NodeIndex nb = (NodeIndex) b; return String.Compare (na.node.Attributes ["MemberName"].InnerText, nb.node.Attributes ["MemberName"].InnerText); } } string GetMemberName (XmlNode node) { return node.Attributes ["MemberName"].InnerText; } // // Performs an XPath query on the document to extract the nodes for the various members // we also use some extra text to pluralize the caption // void PopulateMember (string typename, Node node, string type, string caption) { string select = type; if (select == "Operator") select = "Method"; XmlNodeList list1 = doc.SelectNodes (String.Format ("/Type/Members/Member[MemberType=\"{0}\"]", select)); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); int i = 0; foreach (XmlElement n in list1) { n.SetAttribute("assembler_index", (i++).ToString()); if (type == "Method" && GetMemberName(n).StartsWith("op_")) continue; if (type == "Operator" && !GetMemberName(n).StartsWith("op_")) continue; list.Add(n); } int count = list.Count; if (count == 0) return; Node nodes_node; string key = type.Substring (0, 1); nodes_node = node.CreateNode (caption, key); switch (type) { case "Event": case "Field": foreach (XmlElement n in list) nodes_node.CreateNode (GetMemberName (n), n.GetAttribute("assembler_index")); break; case "Constructor": foreach (XmlElement n in list) nodes_node.CreateNode (EcmaHelpSource.MakeSignature(n, typename), n.GetAttribute("assembler_index")); break; case "Property": // properties with indexers can be overloaded too case "Method": case "Operator": foreach (XmlElement n in list) { bool multiple = false; foreach (XmlNode nn in list) { if (n != nn && GetMemberName(n) == nn.Attributes ["MemberName"].InnerText) { multiple = true; break; } } string group, name, sig; if (type != "Operator") { name = GetMemberName(n); sig = EcmaHelpSource.MakeSignature(n, null); group = name; } else { EcmaHelpSource.MakeOperatorSignature(n, out name, out sig); group = name; } if (multiple) { nodes_node.LookupNode (group, group) .CreateNode (sig, n.GetAttribute("assembler_index")); } else { nodes_node.CreateNode (name, n.GetAttribute("assembler_index")); } } foreach (Node n in nodes_node.Nodes) { if (!n.IsLeaf) n.Sort (); } break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } nodes_node.Sort (); } } // // The Ecma HelpSource provider // public class EcmaHelpSource : HelpSource { public EcmaHelpSource (string base_file, bool create) : base (base_file, create) { ExtObject = new ExtensionObject (this); } public EcmaHelpSource () { ExtObject = new ExtensionObject (this); } static string css_ecma; public static string css_ecma_code { get { if (css_ecma != null) return css_ecma; if (use_css) { System.Reflection.Assembly assembly = typeof(EcmaHelpSource).Assembly; Stream str_css = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream ("mono-ecma.css"); css_ecma = (new StreamReader (str_css)).ReadToEnd(); } else { css_ecma = String.Empty; } return css_ecma; } } public override string InlineCss { get {return base.InlineCss + css_ecma_code;} } static string js; public static string js_code { get { if (js != null) return js; if (use_css) { System.Reflection.Assembly assembly = typeof(EcmaHelpSource).Assembly; Stream str_js = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream ("mono-ecma-css.js"); js = (new StreamReader (str_js)).ReadToEnd(); } else { js = String.Empty; } return js; } } public override string InlineJavaScript { get {return js_code + base.InlineJavaScript;} } public override string GetText (string url, out Node match_node) { match_node = null; if (url == "root:") { XmlReader summary = GetHelpXml ("mastersummary.xml"); if (summary == null) return null; XsltArgumentList args = new XsltArgumentList(); args.AddExtensionObject("monodoc:///extensions", ExtObject); args.AddParam("show", "", "masteroverview"); string s = Htmlize(new XPathDocument (summary), args); return BuildHtml (css_ecma_code, js_code, s); } if (url.StartsWith ("ecma:")) { string s = GetTextFromUrl (url); return BuildHtml (css_ecma_code, js_code, s); } return null; } string RenderMemberLookup (string typename, string member, ref Node type_node) { if (type_node.Nodes == null) return null; string membername = member; string[] argtypes = null; if (member.IndexOf("(") > 0) { membername = membername.Substring(0, member.IndexOf("(")); member = member.Replace("@", "&"); // reform the member signature with CTS names string x = member.Substring(member.IndexOf("(")+1); argtypes = x.Substring(0, x.Length-1).Split(',', ':'); // operator signatures have colons if (membername == ".ctor") membername = typename; member = membername + "("; for (int i = 0; i < argtypes.Length; i++) { argtypes[i] = EcmaDoc.ConvertCTSName(argtypes[i]); if (i > 0) member += ","; member += argtypes[i]; } member += ")"; } // Check if a node caption matches exactly bool isoperator = false; if ((membername == "op_Implicit" || membername == "op_Explicit") && argtypes.Length == 2) { isoperator = true; membername = "Conversion"; member = argtypes[0] + " to " + argtypes[1]; } else if (membername.StartsWith("op_")) { isoperator = true; membername = membername.Substring(3); } foreach (Node x in type_node.Nodes){ if (x.Nodes == null) continue; if (isoperator && x.Caption != "Operators") continue; foreach (Node m in x.Nodes) { string caption = m.Caption; string ecaption = ToEscapedMemberName (caption); if (m.IsLeaf) { // No overloading (usually), is just the member name. The whole thing for constructors. if (caption == membername || caption == member || ecaption == membername || ecaption == member) { type_node = m; return GetTextFromUrl (m.URL); } } else if (caption == member || ecaption == member) { // Though there are overloads, no arguments are in the url, so use this base node type_node = m; return GetTextFromUrl (m.URL); } else { // Check subnodes which are the overloads -- must match signature foreach (Node mm in m.Nodes) { ecaption = ToEscapedTypeName (mm.Caption); if (mm.Caption == member || ecaption == member) { type_node = mm; return GetTextFromUrl (mm.URL); } } } } } return null; } public static string MakeSignature (XmlNode n, string cstyleclass) { string sig; if (cstyleclass == null) sig = n.Attributes["MemberName"].InnerText; else { // constructor style sig = cstyleclass; } /*if (n.SelectSingleNode("MemberType").InnerText == "Method" || n.SelectSingleNode("MemberType").InnerText == "Constructor") {*/ // properties with indexers too XmlNodeList paramnodes = n.SelectNodes("Parameters/Parameter"); sig += "("; bool first = true; foreach (XmlNode p in paramnodes) { if (!first) sig += ","; string type = p.Attributes["Type"].InnerText; type = EcmaDoc.ConvertCTSName(type); sig += type; first = false; } sig += ")"; //} return sig; } public static void MakeOperatorSignature (XmlNode n, out string nicename, out string sig) { string name; name = n.Attributes["MemberName"].InnerText; nicename = name.Substring(3); switch (name) { // unary operators: no overloading possible case "op_UnaryPlus": case "op_UnaryNegation": case "op_LogicalNot": case "op_OnesComplement": case "op_Increment": case "op_Decrement": case "op_True": case "op_False": sig = nicename; break; // binary operators: overloading is possible based on parameter types case "op_Addition": case "op_Subtraction": case "op_Multiply": case "op_Division": case "op_Modulus": case "op_BitwiseAnd": case "op_BitwiseOr": case "op_ExclusiveOr": case "op_LeftShift": case "op_RightShift": case "op_Equality": case "op_Inequality": case "op_GreaterThan": case "op_LessThan": case "op_GreaterThanOrEqual": case "op_LessThanOrEqual": XmlNodeList paramnodes = n.SelectNodes("Parameters/Parameter"); sig = nicename + "("; bool first = true; foreach (XmlNode p in paramnodes) { if (!first) sig += ","; string type = p.Attributes["Type"].InnerText; type = EcmaDoc.ConvertCTSName(type); sig += type; first = false; } sig += ")"; break; // overloading based on parameter and return type case "op_Implicit": case "op_Explicit": nicename = "Conversion"; string arg = n.SelectSingleNode("Parameters/Parameter/@Type").InnerText; string ret = n.SelectSingleNode("ReturnValue/ReturnType").InnerText; sig = EcmaDoc.ConvertCTSName(arg) + " to " + EcmaDoc.ConvertCTSName(ret); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } } // // This routine has to perform a lookup on a type. // // Example: T:System.Text.StringBuilder // // The prefix is the kind of opereation being requested (T:, E:, M: etc) // ns is the namespace being looked up // type is the type being requested // // This has to walk our toplevel (which is always a namespace) // And then the type space, and then walk further down depending on the request // public override string RenderTypeLookup (string prefix, string ns, string type, string member, out Node match_node) { string url = GetUrlForType (prefix, ns, type, member, out match_node); if (url == null) return null; return GetTextFromUrl (url); } public virtual string GetIdFromUrl (string prefix, string ns, string type) { Node tmp_node = new Node (Tree, "", ""); string url = GetUrlForType (prefix, ns, type, null, out tmp_node); if (url == null) return null; return GetFile (url.Substring (5), out url); } public string GetUrlForType (string prefix, string ns, string type, string member, out Node match_node) { if (!prefix.EndsWith(":")) throw new ArgumentException("prefix"); if (member != null) member = member.Replace ("#", ".").Replace ("{", "<").Replace ("}", ">"); // If a nested type, compare only inner type name to node list. // This should be removed when the node list doesn't lose the containing type name. type = ToEscapedTypeName (type.Replace("+", ".")); MatchAttempt[] attempts = GetAttempts (ns, type); foreach (Node ns_node in Tree.Nodes){ string ns_node_namespace = ns_node.Element.Substring (2); if (!MatchesNamespace (attempts, ns_node_namespace, out type)) continue; foreach (Node type_node in ns_node.Nodes){ string element = type_node.Element; string cname; if (element.StartsWith("T:")) { cname = element.Substring(2); string _ns; RootTree.GetNamespaceAndType (cname, out _ns, out cname); cname = ToEscapedTypeName (cname); int pidx = cname.LastIndexOf ("."); cname = cname.Substring(pidx+1); pidx = cname.LastIndexOf ("/"); if (pidx != -1) cname = cname.Substring(0, pidx); cname = cname.Replace("+", "."); } else { int pidx = element.IndexOf ("#"); int sidx = element.IndexOf ("/"); cname = element.Substring (pidx + 1, sidx-pidx-1); cname = ToEscapedTypeName (cname); } //Console.WriteLine ("t:{0} cn:{1} p:{2}", type, cname, prefix); if (type == cname && prefix == "T:") { match_node = type_node; return type_node.URL; } else if (type.StartsWith (cname)){ int p = cname.Length; match_node = type_node; if (type == cname){ string ret = RenderMemberLookup (type, member, ref match_node); if (ret == null) return type_node.URL; return match_node.URL; } else if (type [p] == '/'){ // // This handles summaries // match_node = null; foreach (Node nd in type_node.Nodes) { if (nd.Element [nd.Element.Length - 1] == type [p + 1]) { match_node = nd; break; } } string ret = type_node.URL; if (!ret.EndsWith("/")) ret += "/"; return ret + type.Substring (p + 1); } } } } match_node = null; return null; } struct MatchAttempt { public string Namespace; public string Type; public MatchAttempt (string ns, string t) { Namespace = ns; Type = t; } } private static MatchAttempt[] GetAttempts (string ns, string type) { MatchAttempt[] attempts = new MatchAttempt [Count (ns, '.') + 1]; int wns = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ns.Length; ++i) { if (ns [i] == '.') attempts [wns++] = new MatchAttempt (ns.Substring (0, i), ns.Substring (i+1) + "." + type); } attempts [wns++] = new MatchAttempt (ns, type); return attempts; } private static int Count (string s, char c) { int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; ++i) if (s [i] == c) ++n; return n; } private static bool MatchesNamespace (MatchAttempt[] attempts, string ns, out string type) { for (int i = 0; i < attempts.Length; ++i) if (ns == attempts [i].Namespace) { type = attempts [i].Type; return true; } type = null; return false; } public static string ToEscapedTypeName (string typename) { return ToEscapedName (typename, "`"); } static string ToEscapedName (string name, string escape) { StringBuilder filename = new StringBuilder (name.Length); int numArgs = 0; int numLt = 0; bool copy = true; for (int i = 0; i < name.Length; ++i) { char c = name [i]; switch (c) { case '{': case '<': copy = false; ++numLt; break; case '}': case '>': --numLt; if (numLt == 0) { filename.Append (escape).Append ((numArgs+1).ToString()); numArgs = 0; copy = true; } break; case ',': if (numLt == 1) ++numArgs; break; default: if (copy) filename.Append (c); break; } } return filename.ToString (); } static string ToEscapedMemberName (string membername) { return ToEscapedName (membername, "``"); } public override string GetNodeXPath (XPathNavigator n) { if (n.Matches ("/Type/Docs/param")) { string type_name = (string) n.Evaluate ("string (ancestor::Type/@FullName)"); string param_name = (string) n.Evaluate ("string (@name)"); return String.Format ("/Type [@FullName = '{0}']/Docs/param[@name='{1}']", type_name, param_name); } if (n.Matches ("/Type/Docs/*")) { string type_name = (string) n.Evaluate ("string (ancestor::Type/@FullName)"); return String.Format ("/Type [@FullName = '{0}']/Docs/{1}", type_name, n.Name); } if (n.Matches ("/Type/Members/Member/Docs/*")) { string type_name = (string) n.Evaluate ("string (ancestor::Type/@FullName)"); string member_name = (string) n.Evaluate ("string (ancestor::Member/@MemberName)"); string member_sig = (string) n.Evaluate ("string (ancestor::Member/MemberSignature [@Language='C#']/@Value)"); string param_name = (string) n.Evaluate ("string (@name)"); if (param_name == null || param_name == "") { return String.Format ( "/Type [@FullName = '{0}']/Members/Member [@MemberName = '{1}'][MemberSignature [@Language='C#']/@Value = '{2}']/Docs/{3}", type_name, member_name, member_sig, n.Name); } else { return String.Format ( "/Type [@FullName = '{0}']/Members/Member [@MemberName = '{1}'][MemberSignature [@Language='C#']/@Value = '{2}']/Docs/param [@name = '{3}']", type_name, member_name, member_sig, param_name); } } Message (TraceLevel.Warning, "WARNING: Was not able to get clean XPath expression for node {0}", EditingUtils.GetXPath (n)); return base.GetNodeXPath (n); } protected virtual XmlReader GetNamespaceDocument (string ns) { return GetHelpXml ("xml.summary." + ns); } public override string RenderNamespaceLookup (string nsurl, out Node match_node) { foreach (Node ns_node in Tree.Nodes){ if (ns_node.Element != nsurl) continue; match_node = ns_node; string ns_name = nsurl.Substring (2); XmlDocument doc = GetHelpXmlWithChanges("xml.summary." + ns_name); if (doc == null) return null; XsltArgumentList args = new XsltArgumentList(); args.AddExtensionObject("monodoc:///extensions", ExtObject); args.AddParam("show", "", "namespace"); args.AddParam("namespace", "", ns_name); string s = Htmlize(doc, args); return BuildHtml (css_ecma_code, js_code, s); } match_node = null; return null; } private string SelectString(XmlNode node, string xpath) { XmlNode ret = node.SelectSingleNode(xpath); if (ret == null) return ""; return ret.InnerText; } private int SelectCount(XmlNode node, string xpath) { return node.SelectNodes(xpath).Count; } // // Returns the XmlDocument from the given url, and fills in `rest' // protected virtual XmlDocument GetXmlFromUrl(string url, out string rest) { // Remove ecma: url = url.Substring (5); string file = GetFile (url, out rest); // Console.WriteLine ("Got [{0}] and [{1}]", file, rest); return GetHelpXmlWithChanges (file); } string GetTextFromUrl (string url) { string rest, rest2; Node node; XmlDocument doc = GetXmlFromUrl (url, out rest); // Load base-type information so the stylesheet can draw the inheritance // tree and (optionally) include inherited members in the members list. XmlElement basenode = (XmlElement)doc.SelectSingleNode("Type/Base"); XmlElement membersnode = (XmlElement)doc.SelectSingleNode("Type/Members"); XmlNode basetype = doc.SelectSingleNode("Type/Base/BaseTypeName"); int baseindex = 0; while (basetype != null) { // Add the ParentType node to Type/Base XmlElement inheritancenode = doc.CreateElement("ParentType"); inheritancenode.SetAttribute("Type", basetype.InnerText); inheritancenode.SetAttribute("Order", (baseindex++).ToString()); basenode.AppendChild(inheritancenode); // Load the base type XML data int dot = basetype.InnerText.LastIndexOf('.'); string ns = basetype.InnerText.Substring(0, dot == -1 ? 0 : dot); string n = basetype.InnerText.Substring(dot == -1 ? 0 : dot+1); string basetypeurl = GetUrlForType("T:", ns, n, null, out node); XmlDocument basetypedoc = null; if (basetypeurl != null) basetypedoc = GetXmlFromUrl (basetypeurl, out rest2); if (basetypedoc == null) { inheritancenode.SetAttribute("Incomplete", "1"); break; } if (SettingsHandler.Settings.ShowInheritedMembers) { // Add inherited members foreach (XmlElement member in basetypedoc.SelectNodes("Type/Members/Member[not(MemberType='Constructor')]")) { string sig = SelectString(member, "MemberSignature[@Language='C#']/@Value"); if (sig.IndexOf(" static ") >= 0) continue; // If the signature of member matches the signature of a member already in the XML, // don't add it. string xpath = "@MemberName='" + SelectString(member, "@MemberName") + "'"; xpath += " and ReturnValue/ReturnType='" + SelectString(member, "ReturnValue/ReturnType") + "'"; xpath += " and count(Parameters/Parameter)=" + SelectCount(member, "Parameters/Parameter") + ""; int pi = 1; foreach (XmlElement p in member.SelectNodes("Parameters/Parameter")) { xpath += " and Parameters/Parameter[position()=" + pi + "]/@Type = '" + p.GetAttribute("Type") + "'"; pi++; } // If a signature match is found, don't add. XmlNode match = membersnode.SelectSingleNode("Member[" + xpath + "]"); if (match != null) continue; member.SetAttribute("DeclaredIn", basetype.InnerText); membersnode.AppendChild(membersnode.OwnerDocument.ImportNode(member, true)); } } basetype = basetypedoc.SelectSingleNode("Type/Base/BaseTypeName"); } ArrayList extensions = new ArrayList (); foreach (HelpSource hs in RootTree.HelpSources) { EcmaHelpSource es = hs as EcmaHelpSource; if (es == null) continue; Stream s = es.GetHelpStream ("ExtensionMethods.xml"); if (s != null) { XmlDocument d = new XmlDocument (); d.Load (s); foreach (XmlNode n in d.SelectNodes ("/ExtensionMethods/*")) { extensions.Add (n); } } } XmlDocUtils.AddExtensionMethods (doc, extensions, delegate (string s) { return RootTree.GetHelpXml ("T:" + s); }); XsltArgumentList args = new XsltArgumentList(); args.AddExtensionObject("monodoc:///extensions", ExtObject); if (rest == "") { args.AddParam("show", "", "typeoverview"); string s = Htmlize(doc, args); return BuildHtml (css_ecma_code, js_code, s); } string [] nodes = rest.Split (new char [] {'/'}); switch (nodes.Length) { case 1: args.AddParam("show", "", "members"); args.AddParam("index", "", "all"); break; case 2: // Could either be a single member, or an overload thingy try { int.Parse (nodes [1]); // is it an int args.AddParam("show", "", "member"); args.AddParam("index", "", nodes [1]); } catch { args.AddParam("show", "", "overloads"); args.AddParam("index", "", nodes [1]); } break; case 3: args.AddParam("show", "", "member"); args.AddParam("index", "", nodes [2]); break; default: return "What the hell is this URL " + url; } switch (nodes [0]){ case "C": args.AddParam("membertype", "", "Constructor"); break; case "M": args.AddParam("membertype", "", "Method"); break; case "P": args.AddParam("membertype", "", "Property"); break; case "F": args.AddParam("membertype", "", "Field"); break; case "E": args.AddParam("membertype", "", "Event"); break; case "O": args.AddParam("membertype", "", "Operator"); break; case "X": args.AddParam("membertype", "", "ExtensionMethod"); break; case "*": args.AddParam("membertype", "", "All"); break; default: return "Unknown url: " + url; } string html = Htmlize(doc, args); return BuildHtml (css_ecma_code, js_code, html); } public override void RenderPreviewDocs (XmlNode newNode, XmlWriter writer) { XsltArgumentList args = new XsltArgumentList (); args.AddExtensionObject ("monodoc:///extensions", ExtObject); Htmlize (newNode, args, writer); } static XslTransform ecma_transform; public static string Htmlize (IXPathNavigable ecma_xml) { return Htmlize(ecma_xml, null); } public static string Htmlize (IXPathNavigable ecma_xml, XsltArgumentList args) { EnsureTransform (); StringWriter output = new StringWriter (); ecma_transform.Transform (ecma_xml, args, output, null); return output.ToString (); } static void Htmlize (IXPathNavigable ecma_xml, XsltArgumentList args, XmlWriter w) { EnsureTransform (); if (ecma_xml == null) return; ecma_transform.Transform (ecma_xml, args, w, null); } static XslTransform ecma_transform_css, ecma_transform_no_css; static void EnsureTransform () { if (ecma_transform == null) { ecma_transform_css = new XslTransform (); ecma_transform_no_css = new XslTransform (); Assembly assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly (); Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream ("mono-ecma-css.xsl"); XmlReader xml_reader = new XmlTextReader (stream); XmlResolver r = new ManifestResourceResolver ("."); ecma_transform_css.Load (xml_reader, r, null); stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream ("mono-ecma.xsl"); xml_reader = new XmlTextReader (stream); ecma_transform_no_css.Load (xml_reader, r, null); } if (use_css) ecma_transform = ecma_transform_css; else ecma_transform = ecma_transform_no_css; } // This ExtensionObject stuff is used to check at run time whether // types and members have been implemented and whether there are any // MonoTODO attributes left on them. public readonly ExtensionObject ExtObject; public class ExtensionObject { readonly EcmaHelpSource hs; // // We are setting this to quiet now, as we need to transition // monodoc to run with the 2.x runtime and provide accurate // information in those cases. // bool quiet = true; public ExtensionObject (EcmaHelpSource hs) { this.hs = hs; } public string Colorize(string code, string lang) { return(Mono.Utilities.Colorizer.Colorize(code,lang)); } // Used by stylesheet to nicely reformat the tags. public string MakeNiceSignature(string sig, string contexttype) { if (sig.Length < 3) return sig; if (sig[1] != ':') return sig; char s = sig[0]; sig = sig.Substring(2); switch (s) { case 'N': return sig; case 'T': return ShortTypeName(sig, contexttype); case 'C': case 'M': case 'P': case 'F': case 'E': string type, mem, arg; // Get arguments int paren; if (s == 'C' || s == 'M') paren = sig.IndexOf("("); else if (s == 'P') paren = sig.IndexOf("["); else paren = 0; if (paren > 0 && paren < sig.Length-1) { string[] args = sig.Substring(paren+1, sig.Length-paren-2).Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) args[i] = ShortTypeName(args[i], contexttype); arg = "(" + String.Join(", ", args) + ")"; sig = sig.Substring(0, paren); } else { arg = ""; } // Get type and member names int dot = sig.LastIndexOf("."); if (s == 'C' || dot <= 0 || dot == sig.Length-1) { mem = ""; type = sig; } else { type = sig.Substring(0, dot); mem = sig.Substring(dot); } type = ShortTypeName(type, contexttype); return type + mem + arg; default: return sig; } } public string EditUrl (XPathNodeIterator itr) { if (itr.MoveNext ()) return hs.GetEditUri (itr.Current); return ""; } public string EditUrlNamespace (XPathNodeIterator itr, string ns, string section) { if (hs is EcmaUncompiledHelpSource) return "edit:file:" + Path.Combine(((EcmaUncompiledHelpSource)hs).BasePath, ns + ".xml") + "@/Namespace/Docs/" + section; else if (itr.MoveNext ()) return EditingUtils.FormatEditUri(itr.Current.BaseURI, "/elements/" + section); return ""; } private static string ShortTypeName(string name, string contexttype) { int dot = contexttype.LastIndexOf("."); if (dot < 0) return name; string contextns = contexttype.Substring(0, dot+1); if (name == contexttype) return name.Substring(dot+1); if (name.StartsWith(contextns)) return name.Substring(contextns.Length); return name.Replace("+", "."); } public string MonoImpInfo(string assemblyname, string typename, string membername, string arglist, bool strlong) { if (quiet) return ""; ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); if (arglist != "") a.Add(arglist); return MonoImpInfo(assemblyname, typename, membername, a, strlong); } public string MonoImpInfo(string assemblyname, string typename, string membername, XPathNodeIterator itr, bool strlong) { if (quiet) return ""; ArrayList rgs = new ArrayList (); while (itr.MoveNext ()) rgs.Add (itr.Current.Value); return MonoImpInfo (assemblyname, typename, membername, rgs, strlong); } public string MonoImpInfo(string assemblyname, string typename, string membername, ArrayList arglist, bool strlong) { try { Assembly assembly = null; try { assembly = Assembly.LoadWithPartialName(assemblyname); } catch (Exception) { // nothing. } if (assembly == null) { /*if (strlong) return "The assembly " + assemblyname + " is not available to MonoDoc."; else return "";*/ return ""; // silently ignore } Type t = assembly.GetType(typename, false); if (t == null) { if (strlong) return typename + " has not been implemented."; else return "Not implemented."; } // The following code is flakey and fails to find existing members return ""; #if false MemberInfo[] mis = t.GetMember(membername, BF.Static | BF.Instance | BF.Public | BF.NonPublic); if (mis.Length == 0) return "This member has not been implemented."; if (mis.Length == 1) return MonoImpInfo(mis[0], "member", strlong); // Scan for the appropriate member foreach (MemberInfo mi in mis) { System.Reflection.ParameterInfo[] pis; if (mi is MethodInfo || mi is ConstructorInfo) pis = ((MethodBase)mi).GetParameters(); else if (mi is PropertyInfo) pis = ((PropertyInfo)mi).GetIndexParameters(); else pis = null; if (pis != null) { bool good = true; if (pis.Length != arglist.Count) continue; for (int i = 0; i < pis.Length; i++) { if (pis[i].ParameterType.FullName != (string)arglist[i]) { good = false; break; } } if (!good) continue; } return MonoImpInfo(mi, "member", strlong); } #endif } catch (Exception) { return ""; } } public string MonoImpInfo(System.Reflection.MemberInfo mi, string itemtype, bool strlong) { if (quiet) return ""; string s = ""; object[] atts = mi.GetCustomAttributes(true); int todoctr = 0; foreach (object att in atts) if (att.GetType().Name == "MonoTODOAttribute") todoctr++; if (todoctr > 0) { if (strlong) s = "This " + itemtype + " is marked as being unfinished.
\n"; else s = "Unfinished."; } return s; } public string MonoImpInfo(string assemblyname, string typename, bool strlong) { if (quiet) return ""; try { if (assemblyname == "") return ""; Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadWithPartialName(assemblyname); if (assembly == null) return ""; Type t = assembly.GetType(typename, false); if (t == null) { if (strlong) return typename + " has not been implemented."; else return "Not implemented."; } string s = MonoImpInfo(t, "type", strlong); if (strlong) { MemberInfo[] mis = t.GetMembers(BF.Static | BF.Instance | BF.Public | BF.NonPublic); // Scan members for MonoTODO attributes int mctr = 0; foreach (MemberInfo mi in mis) { string mii = MonoImpInfo(mi, null, false); if (mii != "") mctr++; } if (mctr > 0) { s += "This type has " + mctr + " members that are marked as unfinished.
"; } } return s; } catch (Exception) { return ""; } } public bool MonoEditing () { return SettingsHandler.Settings.EnableEditing; } public bool IsToBeAdded(string text) { return text.StartsWith("To be added"); } } // // This takes one of the ecma urls, which look like this: // ecma:NUMERIC_ID#OPAQUE/REST // // NUMERIC_ID is the numeric ID assigned by the compressor // OPAQUE is opaque for node rendering (it typically contains T:System.Byte for example) // REST is the rest of the argument used to decode information // static string GetFile (string url, out string rest) { int pound = url.IndexOf ("#"); int slash = url.IndexOf ("/"); string fname = url.Substring (0, pound); rest = url.Substring (slash+1); return fname; } #if false // This should have a little cache or something. static XmlDocument GetDocument (HelpSource hs, string fname) { Stream s = hs.GetHelpStream (fname); if (s == null){ Error ("Could not fetch document {0}", fname); return null; } XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.Load (s); return doc; } #endif string GetKindFromCaption (string s) { int p = s.LastIndexOf (' '); if (p > 0) return s.Substring (p + 1); return null; } // // Obtain an URL of the type T:System.Object from the node // public static string GetNiceUrl (Node node) { if (node.Element.StartsWith("N:")) return node.Element; string name, full; int bk_pos = node.Caption.IndexOf (' '); // node from an overview if (bk_pos != -1) { name = node.Caption.Substring (0, bk_pos); full = node.Parent.Caption + "." + name.Replace ('.', '+'); return "T:" + full; } // node that lists constructors, methods, fields, ... if ((node.Caption == "Constructors") || (node.Caption == "Fields") || (node.Caption == "Events") || (node.Caption == "Members") || (node.Caption == "Properties") || (node.Caption == "Methods") || (node.Caption == "Operators")) { bk_pos = node.Parent.Caption.IndexOf (' '); name = node.Parent.Caption.Substring (0, bk_pos); full = node.Parent.Parent.Caption + "." + name.Replace ('.', '+'); return "T:" + full + "/" + node.Element; } int pr_pos = node.Caption.IndexOf ('('); // node from a constructor if (node.Parent.Element == "C") { name = node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Caption; int idx = node.URL.IndexOf ('/'); return node.URL[idx+1] + ":" + name + "." + node.Caption.Replace ('.', '+'); // node from a method with one signature, field, property, operator } else if (pr_pos == -1) { bk_pos = node.Parent.Parent.Caption.IndexOf (' '); name = node.Parent.Parent.Caption.Substring (0, bk_pos); full = node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Caption + "." + name.Replace ('.', '+'); int idx = node.URL.IndexOf ('/'); return node.URL[idx+1] + ":" + full + "." + node.Caption; // node from a method with several signatures } else { bk_pos = node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Caption.IndexOf (' '); name = node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Caption.Substring (0, bk_pos); full = node.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Caption + "." + name.Replace ('.', '+'); int idx = node.URL.IndexOf ('/'); return node.URL[idx+1] + ":" + full + "." + node.Caption; } } // // Populates the index. // public override void PopulateIndex (IndexMaker index_maker) { foreach (Node ns_node in Tree.Nodes){ foreach (Node type_node in ns_node.Nodes){ string typename = type_node.Caption.Substring (0, type_node.Caption.IndexOf (' ')); string full = ns_node.Caption + "." + typename; string doc_tag = GetKindFromCaption (type_node.Caption); string url = "T:" + full; if (doc_tag == "Class" || doc_tag == "Structure" || doc_tag == "Interface"){ index_maker.Add (type_node.Caption, typename, url); index_maker.Add (full + " " + doc_tag, full, url); foreach (Node c in type_node.Nodes){ switch (c.Caption){ case "Constructors": index_maker.Add (" constructors", typename+"0", url + "/C"); break; case "Fields": index_maker.Add (" fields", typename+"1", url + "/F"); break; case "Events": index_maker.Add (" events", typename+"2", url + "/E"); break; case "Properties": index_maker.Add (" properties", typename+"3", url + "/P"); break; case "Methods": index_maker.Add (" methods", typename+"4", url + "/M"); break; case "Operators": index_maker.Add (" operators", typename+"5", url + "/O"); break; } } // // Now repeat, but use a different sort key, to make sure we come after // the summary data above, start the counter at 6 // string keybase = typename + "6."; foreach (Node c in type_node.Nodes){ switch (c.Caption){ case "Constructors": break; case "Fields": foreach (Node nc in c.Nodes){ string res = nc.Caption; string nurl = String.Format ("F:{0}.{1}", full, res); index_maker.Add (String.Format ("{0}.{1} field", typename, res), keybase + res, nurl); index_maker.Add (String.Format ("{0} field", res), res, nurl); } break; case "Events": foreach (Node nc in c.Nodes){ string res = nc.Caption; string nurl = String.Format ("E:{0}.{1}", full, res); index_maker.Add (String.Format ("{0}.{1} event", typename, res), keybase + res, nurl); index_maker.Add (String.Format ("{0} event", res), res, nurl); } break; case "Properties": foreach (Node nc in c.Nodes){ string res = nc.Caption; string nurl = String.Format ("P:{0}.{1}", full, res); index_maker.Add (String.Format ("{0}.{1} property", typename, res), keybase + res, nurl); index_maker.Add (String.Format ("{0} property", res), res, nurl); } break; case "Methods": foreach (Node nc in c.Nodes){ string res = nc.Caption; int p = res.IndexOf ("("); if (p > 0) res = res.Substring (0, p); string nurl = String.Format ("M:{0}.{1}", full, res); index_maker.Add (String.Format ("{0}.{1} method", typename, res), keybase + res, nurl); index_maker.Add (String.Format ("{0} method", res), res, nurl); } break; case "Operators": foreach (Node nc in c.Nodes){ string res = nc.Caption; string nurl = String.Format ("O:{0}.{1}", full, res); index_maker.Add (String.Format ("{0}.{1} operator", typename, res), keybase + res, nurl); } break; } } } else if (doc_tag == "Enumeration"){ // // Enumerations: add the enumeration values // index_maker.Add (type_node.Caption, typename, url); index_maker.Add (full + " " + doc_tag, full, url); // Now, pull the values. string rest; XmlDocument x = GetXmlFromUrl (type_node.URL, out rest); if (x == null) continue; XmlNodeList members = x.SelectNodes ("/Type/Members/Member"); if (members == null) continue; foreach (XmlNode member_node in members){ string enum_value = member_node.Attributes ["MemberName"].InnerText; string caption = enum_value + " value"; index_maker.Add (caption, caption, url); } } else if (doc_tag == "Delegate"){ index_maker.Add (type_node.Caption, typename, url); index_maker.Add (full + " " + doc_tag, full, url); } } } } // // Create list of documents for searching // public override void PopulateSearchableIndex (IndexWriter writer) { StringBuilder text; foreach (Node ns_node in Tree.Nodes) { Message (TraceLevel.Info, "\tNamespace: {0} ({1})", ns_node.Caption, ns_node.Nodes.Count); foreach (Node type_node in ns_node.Nodes) { string typename = type_node.Caption.Substring (0, type_node.Caption.IndexOf (' ')); string full = ns_node.Caption + "." + typename; string doc_tag = GetKindFromCaption (type_node.Caption); string url = "T:" + full; string rest; XmlDocument xdoc = GetXmlFromUrl (type_node.URL, out rest); if (xdoc == null) continue; // // For classes, structures or interfaces add a doc for the overview and // add a doc for every constructor, method, event, ... // if (doc_tag == "Class" || doc_tag == "Structure" || doc_tag == "Interface"){ // Adds a doc for every overview of every type SearchableDocument doc = new SearchableDocument (); doc.title = type_node.Caption; doc.hottext = typename; doc.url = url; XmlNode node_sel = xdoc.SelectSingleNode ("/Type/Docs"); text = new StringBuilder (); GetTextFromNode (node_sel, text); doc.text = text.ToString (); text = new StringBuilder (); GetExamples (node_sel, text); doc.examples = text.ToString (); writer.AddDocument (doc.LuceneDoc); //Add docs for contructors, methods, etc. foreach (Node c in type_node.Nodes) { // c = Constructors || Fields || Events || Properties || Methods || Operators if (c.Element == "*") continue; int i = 1; foreach (Node nc in c.Nodes) { //xpath to the docs xml node string xpath; if (c.Caption == "Constructors") xpath = String.Format ("/Type/Members/Member[{0}]/Docs", i++); else if (c.Caption == "Operators") xpath = String.Format ("/Type/Members/Member[@MemberName='op_{0}']/Docs", nc.Caption); else xpath = String.Format ("/Type/Members/Member[@MemberName='{0}']/Docs", nc.Caption); //construct url of the form M:Array.Sort string urlnc; if (c.Caption == "Constructors") urlnc = String.Format ("{0}:{1}.{2}", c.Caption[0], ns_node.Caption, nc.Caption); else urlnc = String.Format ("{0}:{1}.{2}.{3}", c.Caption[0], ns_node.Caption, typename, nc.Caption); //create the doc SearchableDocument doc_nod = new SearchableDocument (); doc_nod.title = LargeName (nc); //dont add the parameters to the hottext int ppos = nc.Caption.IndexOf ('('); if (ppos != -1) doc_nod.hottext = nc.Caption.Substring (0, ppos); else doc_nod.hottext = nc.Caption; doc_nod.url = urlnc; XmlNode xmln = xdoc.SelectSingleNode (xpath); if (xmln == null) { Error ("Problem: {0}, with xpath: {1}", urlnc, xpath); continue; } text = new StringBuilder (); GetTextFromNode (xmln, text); doc_nod.text = text.ToString (); text = new StringBuilder (); GetExamples (xmln, text); doc_nod.examples = text.ToString (); writer.AddDocument (doc_nod.LuceneDoc); } } // // Enumerations: add the enumeration values // } else if (doc_tag == "Enumeration"){ XmlNodeList members = xdoc.SelectNodes ("/Type/Members/Member"); if (members == null) continue; text = new StringBuilder (); foreach (XmlNode member_node in members) { string enum_value = member_node.Attributes ["MemberName"].InnerText; text.Append (enum_value); text.Append (" "); GetTextFromNode (member_node["Docs"], text); text.Append ("\n"); } SearchableDocument doc = new SearchableDocument (); text = new StringBuilder (); GetExamples (xdoc.SelectSingleNode ("/Type/Docs"), text); doc.examples = text.ToString (); doc.title = type_node.Caption; doc.hottext = xdoc.DocumentElement.Attributes["Name"].Value; doc.url = url; doc.text = text.ToString(); writer.AddDocument (doc.LuceneDoc); // // Add delegates // } else if (doc_tag == "Delegate"){ SearchableDocument doc = new SearchableDocument (); doc.title = type_node.Caption; doc.hottext = xdoc.DocumentElement.Attributes["Name"].Value; doc.url = url; XmlNode node_sel = xdoc.SelectSingleNode ("/Type/Docs"); text = new StringBuilder (); GetTextFromNode (node_sel, text); doc.text = text.ToString(); text = new StringBuilder (); GetExamples (node_sel, text); doc.examples = text.ToString(); writer.AddDocument (doc.LuceneDoc); } } } } // // Extract the interesting text from the docs node // void GetTextFromNode (XmlNode n, StringBuilder sb) { //don't include example code if (n.Name == "code") return; //include the url to which points the see tag if (n.Name == "see" && n.Attributes.Count > 0) sb.Append (n.Attributes [0].Value); //include the name of the parameter if (n.Name == "paramref" && n.Attributes.Count > 0) sb.Append (n.Attributes [0].Value); //include the contents for the node that contains text if (n.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) sb.Append (n.Value); //add the rest of xml tags recursively if (n.HasChildNodes) foreach (XmlNode n_child in n.ChildNodes) GetTextFromNode (n_child, sb); } // // Extract the code nodes from the docs // void GetExamples (XmlNode n, StringBuilder sb) { if (n.Name == "code") { sb.Append (n.InnerText); } else { if (n.HasChildNodes) foreach (XmlNode n_child in n.ChildNodes) GetExamples (n_child, sb); } } // // Extract a large name for the Node // (copied from mono-tools/docbrowser/browser.Render() static string LargeName (Node matched_node) { string[] parts = matched_node.URL.Split('/', '#'); if(parts.Length == 3 && parts[2] != String.Empty) { //List of Members, properties, events, ... return parts[1] + ": " + matched_node.Caption; } else if(parts.Length >= 4) { //Showing a concrete Member, property, ... return parts[1] + "." + matched_node.Caption; } else { return matched_node.Caption; } } } public class EcmaUncompiledHelpSource : EcmaHelpSource { readonly DirectoryInfo basedir; readonly XmlDocument basedoc; public new readonly string Name; public readonly string BasePath; public EcmaUncompiledHelpSource (string base_file) : base () { Message (TraceLevel.Info, "Loading uncompiled help from " + base_file); basedir = new DirectoryInfo(base_file); BasePath = basedir.FullName; basedoc = new XmlDocument(); basedoc.Load(Path.Combine(basedir.FullName, "index.xml")); Name = basedoc.SelectSingleNode("Overview/Title").InnerText; bool has_content = false; foreach (XmlElement ns in basedoc.SelectNodes("Overview/Types/Namespace")) { has_content = true; Node nsnode = Tree.CreateNode(ns.GetAttribute("Name"), "N:" + ns.GetAttribute("Name")); bool has_types = false; foreach (XmlElement t in ns.SelectNodes("Type")) { has_types = true; string typename = EcmaDoc.GetDisplayName (t).Replace("+", "."); // Must load in each document to get the list of members... XmlDocument typedoc = new XmlDocument(); typedoc.Load(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(basedir.FullName, ns.GetAttribute("Name")), t.GetAttribute("Name") + ".xml")); string kind = EcmaDoc.GetTypeKind (typedoc); string url = ns.GetAttribute("Name") + "." + t.GetAttribute("Name"); Node typenode = nsnode.CreateNode(typename + " " + kind, "T:" + url); //Node typemembers = typenode.CreateNode("Members", "T:" + url + "/*"); Hashtable groups = new Hashtable(); Hashtable groups_count = new Hashtable(); foreach (XmlElement member in typedoc.SelectNodes("Type/Members/Member")) { string membername = member.GetAttribute("MemberName"); string membertype = member.SelectSingleNode("MemberType").InnerText; if (membertype == "Constructor") membername = t.GetAttribute("Name"); if (membername.StartsWith("op_")) membertype = "Operator"; Node group; if (groups.ContainsKey(membertype)) { group = (Node)groups[membertype]; } else { string membertypeplural = membertype + "s"; if (membertypeplural == "Propertys") membertypeplural = "Properties"; group = typenode.CreateNode(membertypeplural, "T:" + url + "/" + membertype[0]); groups[membertype] = group; groups_count[membertype] = 0; } if (membertype == "Constructor" || membertype == "Method" || (membertype == "Property" && member.SelectNodes("Parameters/Parameter").Count > 0)) { membername = EcmaHelpSource.MakeSignature(member, membertype == "Constructor" ? membername : null); } else if (membertype == "Operator") { string dummy; EcmaHelpSource.MakeOperatorSignature(member, out dummy, out membername); } int index = (int)groups_count[membertype]; groups_count[membertype] = index + 1; group.CreateNode(membername, index.ToString()); } foreach (Node group in groups.Values) group.Sort(); } if (has_types) nsnode.Sort(); } if (has_content) Tree.Sort(); } public override string GetIdFromUrl (string prefix, string ns, string type) { if (prefix != "T:") throw new NotImplementedException(); return Path.Combine(Path.Combine(basedir.FullName, ns), type + ".xml"); } protected override XmlDocument GetXmlFromUrl(string url, out string rest) { // strip off the T: url = url.Substring(2); int sidx = url.IndexOf("/"); if (sidx == -1) { rest = ""; } else { rest = url.Substring(sidx+1); url = url.Substring(0, sidx); } string ns, type; if (!RootTree.GetNamespaceAndType (url, out ns, out type)) { Message (TraceLevel.Error, "Could not determine namespace/type for {0}", url); return null; } string file = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(basedir.FullName, ns), ToEscapedTypeName (type).Replace ('.', '+') + ".xml"); if (!new FileInfo(file).Exists) return null; XmlDocument typedoc = new XmlDocument(); typedoc.Load(file); return typedoc; } public override string GetText (string url, out Node match_node) { if (url == "root:") { match_node = null; //load index.xml XmlDocument index = new XmlDocument (); index.Load (Path.Combine (basedir.FullName, "index.xml")); XmlNodeList nodes = index.SelectNodes ("/Overview/Types/Namespace"); //recreate masteroverview.xml XmlDocument summary = new XmlDocument (); XmlElement elements = summary.CreateElement ("elements"); foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) { XmlElement ns = summary.CreateElement ("namespace"); XmlAttribute attr = summary.CreateAttribute ("ns"); attr.Value = EcmaDoc.GetDisplayName (node); ns.Attributes.Append (attr); elements.AppendChild (ns); } summary.AppendChild (elements); XmlReader reader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (summary.OuterXml)); //transform the recently created masteroverview.xml XsltArgumentList args = new XsltArgumentList(); args.AddExtensionObject("monodoc:///extensions", ExtObject); args.AddParam("show", "", "masteroverview"); string s = EcmaHelpSource.Htmlize(new XPathDocument (reader), args); return BuildHtml (css_ecma_code, js_code, s); } return base.GetText(url, out match_node); } protected override XmlReader GetNamespaceDocument (string ns) { XmlDocument nsdoc = new XmlDocument(); nsdoc.Load (EcmaDoc.GetNamespaceFile (basedir.FullName, ns)); XmlDocument elements = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement docnode = elements.CreateElement("elements"); foreach (XmlElement doc in nsdoc.SelectNodes("Namespace/Docs/*")) { docnode.AppendChild(elements.ImportNode(doc, true)); } foreach (XmlElement t in basedoc.SelectNodes("Overview/Types/Namespace[@Name='" + ns + "']/Type")) { XmlDocument typedoc = new XmlDocument(); typedoc.Load(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(basedir.FullName, ns), t.GetAttribute("Name") + ".xml")); string typekind; switch (EcmaDoc.GetTypeKind(typedoc)) { case "Class": typekind = "class"; break; case "Enumeration": typekind = "enum"; break; case "Structure": typekind = "struct"; break; case "Delegate": typekind = "delegate"; break; case "Interface": typekind = "interface"; break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } XmlElement typenode = elements.CreateElement(typekind); typenode.SetAttribute("name", EcmaDoc.GetDisplayName (t).Replace ('+', '.')); typenode.SetAttribute("fullname", ns + "." + t.GetAttribute("Name")); typenode.AppendChild(elements.ImportNode(typedoc.SelectSingleNode("Type/Docs/summary"), true)); docnode.AppendChild(typenode); } return new XmlNodeReader(docnode); } } }