/// /// MonoXSD.cs -- A reflection-based tool for dealing with XML Schema. /// /// Authors: Duncan Mak (duncan@ximian.com) /// Lluis Sanchez Gual (lluis@ximian.com) /// Atsushi Enomoto (atsushi@ximian.com) /// /// Copyright (C) 2003, Duncan Mak, /// Ximian, Inc. /// using System; using System.Collections; using System.Data; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Xml.Serialization; using System.CodeDom; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using Microsoft.CSharp; using Microsoft.VisualBasic; namespace Mono.Util { public class Driver { public static readonly string helpString = "xsd.exe - a utility for generating schema or class files\n\n" + "xsd.exe .xsd /classes [/element:NAME] [/language:NAME]\n" + " [/namespace:NAME] [/outputdir:PATH] [/uri:NAME]\n\n" + "xsd.exe .xsd /dataset [/element:NAME] [/language:NAME]\n" + " [/namespace:NAME] [/outputdir:PATH] [/uri:NAME]\n\n" + "xsd.exe .dll|.exe [/outputdir:PATH] [/type:NAME]\n\n" + "xsd.exe .xml [.xml ...] [/outputdir:PATH]\n\n" + " /c /classes Generate classes for the specified schema.\n" + " /d /dataset Generate typed dataset classes for the specified schema.\n" + " /e /element:NAME Element from schema to generate code for.\n" + " Multiple elements can be specified.\n" + " /u /uri:NAME Namespace uri of the elements to generate code for.\n" + " /l /language:NAME The language, or type name of custom CodeDomProvider\n" + " to use for the generated code.\n" + " Shorthand specifiers are: \"CS\" (C#) and \"VB\" (VB.NET).\n" + " For type name, assembly qualified name is required.\n" + " /g /generator:TYPE Code Generator type name, followed by ','\n" + " and assembly file name.\n" + " /o /outputdir:PATH The directory where to generate the code or schemas.\n" + " /n /namespace:NAME Namespace for the generated code.\n" + " /t /type:NAME Type for which to generate an xml schema.\n" + " Multiple types can be specified.\n" + " /h /help Output this help.\n"; static readonly string incorrectOrder = "Options must be specified after Assembly or schema file names"; static readonly string duplicatedParam = "The option {0} cannot be specified more that once"; static readonly string unknownOption = "Unknown option {0}"; static readonly string incompatibleArgs = "Cannot mix options for generating schemas and for generatic classes"; static readonly string invalidParams = "Invalid parameters"; static readonly string tooManyAssem = "Only one assembly name can be specified"; static readonly string errLoadAssembly = "Could not load assembly: {0}"; static readonly string typeNotFound = "Type {0} not found in the specified assembly"; static readonly string languageNotSupported = "The language {0} is not supported"; static readonly string missingOutputForXsdInput = "Can only generate one of classes or datasets."; static readonly string generatorAssemblyNotFound = "Could not load code provider assembly file: {0}"; static readonly string generatorTypeNotFound = "Could not find specified code provider type: {0}"; static readonly string generatorTypeIsNotCodeGenerator = "Specified code provider type was not CodeDomProvider: {0}"; static readonly string generatorThrewException = "Specified CodeDomProvider raised an error while creating its instance: {0}"; static void Main (string [] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine (helpString); Environment.Exit (0); } try { new Driver().Run (args); } catch (ApplicationException ex) { Console.WriteLine (ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine (ex); } } string outputDir = null; ArrayList lookupTypes = new ArrayList(); ArrayList assemblies = new ArrayList(); ArrayList schemaNames = new ArrayList(); ArrayList inferenceNames = new ArrayList(); ArrayList elements = new ArrayList(); string language = null; string namesp = null; string uri = null; string providerOption = null; CodeDomProvider provider; public void Run (string[] args) { ArrayList unknownFiles = new ArrayList(); bool generateClasses = false; bool readingFiles = true; bool schemasOptions = false; bool assemblyOptions = false; bool generateDataset = false; bool inference = false; foreach (string arg in args) { if (!arg.StartsWith ("--") && !arg.StartsWith ("/") || (arg.StartsWith ("/") && arg.IndexOfAny (Path.InvalidPathChars) == -1) ) { if ((arg.EndsWith (".dll") || arg.EndsWith (".exe")) && !arg.Substring (1).StartsWith ("generator:") && !arg.Substring (1).StartsWith ("g:")) { if (!readingFiles) throw new ApplicationException (incorrectOrder); assemblies.Add (arg); assemblyOptions = true; continue; } else if (arg.EndsWith (".xsd")) { if (!readingFiles) Error (incorrectOrder); schemaNames.Add (arg); schemasOptions = true; continue; } else if (arg.EndsWith (".xml")) { if (generateClasses || generateDataset) Error (duplicatedParam); inferenceNames.Add (arg); inference = true; continue; } else if (!arg.StartsWith ("/")) { if (!readingFiles) Error (incorrectOrder); unknownFiles.Add (arg); continue; } } readingFiles = false; int i = arg.IndexOf (":"); if (i == -1) i = arg.Length; string option = arg.Substring (1,i-1); string param = (i 1) Error (tooManyAssem); if (outputDir == null) outputDir = "."; string typename = null; Type generatorType = null; if (language != null) { switch (language) { case "CS": provider = new CSharpCodeProvider (); break; case "VB": provider = new VBCodeProvider (); break; default: typename = StripQuot (language); generatorType = Type.GetType (typename); if (generatorType == null) Error (generatorTypeNotFound, typename); break; } } if (providerOption != null) { string param = providerOption; int comma = param.IndexOf (','); if (comma < 0) { typename = StripQuot (param); generatorType = Type.GetType (param); } else { typename = param.Substring (0, comma); string asmName = param.Substring (comma + 1); #if NET_1_1 Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile (asmName); #else Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFrom (asmName); #endif if (asm == null) Error (generatorAssemblyNotFound, asmName); generatorType = asm.GetType (typename); } if (generatorType == null) Error (generatorTypeNotFound, typename); } if (generatorType != null) { if (!generatorType.IsSubclassOf (typeof (CodeDomProvider))) Error (generatorTypeIsNotCodeGenerator, typename); try { provider = (CodeDomProvider) Activator.CreateInstance (generatorType, null); } catch (Exception ex) { Error (generatorThrewException, generatorType.AssemblyQualifiedName.ToString () + " --> " + ex.Message); } Console.WriteLine ("Loaded custom generator type " + generatorType + " ."); } if (provider == null) provider = new CSharpCodeProvider (); if (schemasOptions) { if (!generateClasses && !generateDataset) Error (missingOutputForXsdInput); schemaNames.AddRange (unknownFiles); if (generateClasses) GenerateClasses (); else if (generateDataset) GenerateDataset (); } else if (inference) { foreach (string xmlfile in inferenceNames) { string genFile = Path.Combine (outputDir, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (xmlfile) + ".xsd"); DataSet ds = new DataSet (); ds.InferXmlSchema (xmlfile, null); ds.WriteXmlSchema (genFile); Console.WriteLine ("Written file " + genFile); } } else { assemblies.AddRange (unknownFiles); GenerateSchemas (); } } public void GenerateSchemas () { Assembly assembly = null; try { assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom ((string) assemblies [0]); } catch (Exception ex) { Error (errLoadAssembly, ex.Message); } Type[] types; if (lookupTypes.Count > 0) { types = new Type [lookupTypes.Count]; for (int n=0; n 0) { foreach (string name in elements) qnames.Add (new XmlQualifiedName (name, uri)); } else { foreach (XmlSchema schema in schemas) { if (!schema.IsCompiled) schema.Compile (null); foreach (XmlSchemaObject ob in schema.Items) if (ob is XmlSchemaElement) qnames.Add (((XmlSchemaElement)ob).QualifiedName); } } // Import schemas and generate the class model XmlSchemaImporter importer = new XmlSchemaImporter (schemas); XmlCodeExporter sx = new XmlCodeExporter (codeNamespace, cunit); ArrayList maps = new ArrayList(); foreach (XmlQualifiedName qname in qnames) { XmlTypeMapping tm = importer.ImportTypeMapping (qname); if (tm != null) maps.Add (tm); } foreach (XmlTypeMapping tm in maps) { sx.ExportTypeMapping (tm); } // Generate the code ICodeGenerator gen = provider.CreateGenerator(); string genFile = Path.Combine (outputDir, targetFile); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(genFile, false); gen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit (cunit, sw, new CodeGeneratorOptions()); sw.Close(); Console.WriteLine ("Written file " + genFile); } public void GenerateDataset () { if (namesp == null) namesp = ""; if (uri == null) uri = ""; string targetFile = ""; DataSet dataset = new DataSet (); foreach (string fileName in schemaNames) { dataset.ReadXmlSchema (fileName); if (targetFile == "") targetFile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (fileName); else targetFile += "_" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (fileName); } targetFile += "." + provider.FileExtension; CodeCompileUnit cunit = new CodeCompileUnit (); CodeNamespace codeNamespace = new CodeNamespace (namesp); cunit.Namespaces.Add (codeNamespace); codeNamespace.Comments.Add (new CodeCommentStatement ("\nThis source code was auto-generated by MonoXSD\n")); // Generate the code ICodeGenerator gen = provider.CreateGenerator (); TypedDataSetGenerator.Generate (dataset, codeNamespace, gen); string genFile = Path.Combine (outputDir, targetFile); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(genFile, false); gen.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit (cunit, sw, new CodeGeneratorOptions()); sw.Close(); Console.WriteLine ("Written file " + genFile); } public void Error (string msg) { throw new ApplicationException (msg); } public void Error (string msg, string param) { throw new ApplicationException (string.Format(msg,param)); } private string StripQuot (string input) { if (input.Length < 2) return input; if (input [0] == '"' && input [input.Length -1] == '"' || input [0] == '\'' && input [input.Length - 1] == '\'') return input.Substring (1, input.Length - 2); else return language; } } }