%{ using System.Text; using System.IO; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Monkeydoc.Ecma { public class EcmaUrlParser { int yacc_verbose_flag = 0; public void IsValid (string input) { var reader = new StringReader (input); var lexer = new EcmaUrlTokenizer (reader); this.yyparse (lexer); } public EcmaDesc Parse (string input) { var reader = new StringReader (input); var lexer = new EcmaUrlTokenizer (reader); return (EcmaDesc)this.yyparse (lexer); } public bool TryParse (string input, out EcmaDesc desc) { desc = null; try { desc = Parse (input); } catch { return false; } return true; } EcmaDesc SetEcmaDescType (object result, EcmaDesc.Kind kind) { var desc = result as EcmaDesc; desc.DescKind = kind; return desc; } List SafeReverse (List input) { if (input == null) return null; input.Reverse (); return input; } %} %token ERROR %token IDENTIFIER %token DIGIT %token DOT %token COMMA %token COLON %token INNER_TYPE_SEPARATOR %token OP_GENERICS_LT %token OP_GENERICS_GT %token OP_GENERICS_BACKTICK %token OP_OPEN_PAREN %token OP_CLOSE_PAREN %token OP_ARRAY_OPEN %token OP_ARRAY_CLOSE %token SLASH_SEPARATOR %token STAR %token REF_ARG %token OUT_ARG %token EXPLICIT_IMPL_SEP %start expression %% expression : 'T' COLON type_expression { $$ = SetEcmaDescType ($3, EcmaDesc.Kind.Type); } | 'N' COLON namespace_expression { $$ = SetEcmaDescType ($3, EcmaDesc.Kind.Namespace); } | 'M' COLON method_expression { $$ = SetEcmaDescType ($3, EcmaDesc.Kind.Method); } | 'F' COLON simple_member_expression { $$ = SetEcmaDescType ($3, EcmaDesc.Kind.Field); } | 'C' COLON constructor_expression { $$ = SetEcmaDescType ($3, EcmaDesc.Kind.Constructor); } | 'P' COLON property_expression { $$ = SetEcmaDescType ($3, EcmaDesc.Kind.Property); } | 'E' COLON simple_member_expression { $$ = SetEcmaDescType ($3, EcmaDesc.Kind.Event); } | 'O' COLON operator_expression { $$ = SetEcmaDescType ($3, EcmaDesc.Kind.Operator); } /* i.e. id.id.id or id */ dot_expression : IDENTIFIER { $$ = new List { (string)$1 }; } | IDENTIFIER DOT dot_expression { ((ICollection)$3).Add ((string)$1); $$ = $3; } namespace_expression : dot_expression { $$ = new EcmaDesc { Namespace = string.Join (".", ((IEnumerable)$1).Reverse ()) }; } type_expression : dot_expression type_expression_suffix { var dotExpr = ((List)$1); dotExpr.Reverse (); var desc = $2 as EcmaDesc; desc.DescKind = EcmaDesc.Kind.Type; desc.Namespace = string.Join (".", dotExpr.Take (dotExpr.Count - 1)); desc.TypeName = dotExpr.Last (); $$ = desc; } /* To be used in types with no namespaces attached to them like an inner type*/ reduced_type_expression : IDENTIFIER type_expression_suffix { var desc = $2 as EcmaDesc; desc.DescKind = EcmaDesc.Kind.Type; desc.TypeName = $1 as string; $$ = desc; } type_expression_suffix : opt_generic_type_suffix opt_inner_type_description opt_array_definition opt_etc { bool nestedDescHasEtc = $2 != null && ((EcmaDesc)$2).IsEtc; EcmaDesc nestedType = (EcmaDesc)$2; $$ = new EcmaDesc { GenericTypeArguments = $1 as List, NestedType = nestedType, ArrayDimensions = $3 as IList, Etc = $4 != null ? ((Tuple)$4).Item1 : nestedDescHasEtc ? nestedType.Etc : (char)0, EtcFilter = $4 != null ? ((Tuple)$4).Item2 : nestedDescHasEtc ? nestedType.EtcFilter : null }; if (nestedDescHasEtc) { nestedType.Etc = (char)0; nestedType.EtcFilter = null; } } opt_inner_type_description : /* empty */ { $$ = null; } | INNER_TYPE_SEPARATOR reduced_type_expression { $$ = $2; } opt_generic_type_suffix : /* empty */ { $$ = null; } | OP_GENERICS_BACKTICK DIGIT { $$ = Enumerable.Repeat (null, (int)$2).ToList (); } | OP_GENERICS_LT generic_type_arg_list OP_GENERICS_GT { $$ = $2; } generic_type_arg_list : type_expression { $$ = new List () { (EcmaDesc)$1 }; } | generic_type_arg_list COMMA type_expression { ((List)$1).Add ((EcmaDesc)$3); $$ = $1; } opt_array_definition : /* empty */ { $$ = null; } | OP_ARRAY_OPEN opt_array_definition_list OP_ARRAY_CLOSE opt_array_definition { var dims = ((IList)$4) ?? new List (2); dims.Add ((int)$2); $$ = dims; } opt_array_definition_list : /* empty */ { $$ = 1; } | COMMA opt_array_definition_list { $$ = ((int)$2) + 1; } opt_etc : /* empty */ { $$ = null; } | SLASH_SEPARATOR etc_identifier { $$ = Tuple.Create (((string)$2)[0], null); } | SLASH_SEPARATOR etc_identifier SLASH_SEPARATOR reduced_member_expression { $$ = Tuple.Create (((string)$2)[0], (string)$4); } /* | SLASH_SEPARATOR etc_identifier SLASH_SEPARATOR IDENTIFIER opt_generic_type_suffix { $$ = Tuple.Create (((string)$2)[0], (string)$4 + ($5 == null ? string.Empty : "<" + string.Join (",", ((IEnumerable)$5).Select (t => t.ToCompleteTypeName ())) + ">")); } */ etc_identifier : STAR { $$ = "*"; } | IDENTIFIER { $$ = $1; } method_expression : type_expression DOT IDENTIFIER opt_generic_type_suffix opt_arg_list_suffix { var desc = $1 as EcmaDesc; desc.MemberName = $3 as string; desc.GenericMemberArguments = $4 as List; desc.MemberArguments = SafeReverse ($5 as List); $$ = desc; } | dot_expression opt_generic_type_suffix opt_arg_list_suffix { var dotExpr = ((List)$1); $$ = new EcmaDesc { Namespace = string.Join (".", dotExpr.Skip (2).DefaultIfEmpty (string.Empty).Reverse ()), TypeName = dotExpr.Skip (1).First (), MemberName = dotExpr.First (), GenericMemberArguments = $2 as List, MemberArguments = SafeReverse ($3 as List) }; } | type_expression EXPLICIT_IMPL_SEP method_expression { var desc = $1 as EcmaDesc; desc.ExplicitImplMember = $3 as EcmaDesc; $$ = desc; } /* To be used with members that may have no type/namespace attached */ reduced_member_expression : IDENTIFIER opt_generic_type_suffix { $$ = (string)$1 + ($2 == null ? string.Empty : "<" + string.Join (",", ((IEnumerable)$2).Select (t => t.ToCompleteTypeName ())) + ">"); } | IDENTIFIER opt_generic_type_suffix DOT reduced_member_expression { var existing = $4 as string; var expr = (string)$1 + ($2 == null ? string.Empty : "<" + string.Join (",", ((IEnumerable)$2).Select (t => t.ToCompleteTypeName ())) + ">"); $$ = expr + "." + existing; } arg_type_expression : type_expression opt_arg_type_suffix { var desc = (EcmaDesc)$1; desc.DescModifier = (EcmaDesc.Mod)$2; $$ = desc; } opt_arg_type_suffix : /* empty */ { $$ = EcmaDesc.Mod.Normal; } | STAR { $$ = EcmaDesc.Mod.Pointer; } | REF_ARG { $$ = EcmaDesc.Mod.Ref; } | OUT_ARG { $$ = EcmaDesc.Mod.Out; } type_expression_list : /* empty */ { $$ = null; } | arg_type_expression { $$ = new List () { (EcmaDesc)$1 }; } | arg_type_expression COMMA type_expression_list { ((List)$3).Add ((EcmaDesc)$1); $$ = $3; } simple_member_expression : dot_expression { var dotExpr = ((List)$1); dotExpr.Reverse (); $$ = new EcmaDesc { Namespace = dotExpr.Count > 2 ? string.Join (".", dotExpr.Take (dotExpr.Count - 2)) : string.Empty, TypeName = dotExpr.Count > 1 ? dotExpr[dotExpr.Count - 2] : string.Empty, MemberName = dotExpr[dotExpr.Count - 1] }; } | type_expression DOT IDENTIFIER { var desc = $1 as EcmaDesc; desc.MemberName = $3 as string; $$ = desc; } | type_expression EXPLICIT_IMPL_SEP simple_member_expression { var desc = $1 as EcmaDesc; desc.ExplicitImplMember = $3 as EcmaDesc; $$ = desc; } constructor_expression : method_expression { $$ = $1; } operator_expression : method_expression { $$ = $1; } property_expression : simple_member_expression opt_property_indexer { var desc = $1 as EcmaDesc; desc.MemberArguments = SafeReverse ($2 as List); $$ = desc; } opt_property_indexer : opt_arg_list_suffix { $$ = $1; } /*simple_member_expression opt_arg_list_suffix { $$ = CopyFromEcmaDesc (new EcmaDesc { MemberArguments = SafeReverse ($2 as List) }, (EcmaDesc)$1); }*/ opt_arg_list_suffix : /* empty */ { $$ = null; } | OP_OPEN_PAREN type_expression_list OP_CLOSE_PAREN { $$ = $2; } %% }