// // Mono.Tools.GacUtil // // Author(s): // Tood Berman // Jackson Harper // // Copyright 2003 Todd Berman // Copyright 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Mono.Security; namespace Mono.Tools { public class Driver { private enum Command { Unknown, Install, Uninstall, UninstallSpecific, List, Help } public static int Main (string [] args) { if (args.Length == 0) Usage (); Command command = GetCommand (args [0]); if (command == Command.Unknown && IsSwitch (args [0])) { Console.WriteLine ("Unknown command: " + args [0]); Environment.Exit (1); } else if (command == Command.Unknown) { Usage (); } else if (command == Command.Help) { ShowHelp (true); Environment.Exit (1); } string libdir = GetLibDir (); string name, package, gacdir, root; name = package = root = gacdir = null; for (int i=1; i= args.Length) { Console.WriteLine ("Option " + args [i] + " takes 1 argument"); Environment.Exit (1); } switch (args [i]) { case "-package": case "/package": package = args [++i]; break; case "-root": case "/root": root = args [++i]; break; case "-gacdir": case "/gacdir": gacdir = args [++i]; break; } continue; } if (name == null) name = args [i]; else name += args [i]; } if (gacdir == null) gacdir = GetGacDir (); else gacdir = Path.Combine (Path.Combine (gacdir, "mono"), "gac"); string link_gacdir = gacdir; if (root != null) { libdir = Path.Combine (Path.Combine (root, gacdir), "mono"); gacdir = Path.Combine (libdir, "gac"); } switch (command) { case Command.Install: if (name == null) { Console.WriteLine ("Option " + args [0] + " takes 1 argument"); Environment.Exit (1); } Install (name, package, gacdir, link_gacdir, libdir); break; case Command.Uninstall: if (name == null) { Console.WriteLine ("Option " + args [0] + " takes 1 argument"); Environment.Exit (1); } Uninstall (name, package, gacdir, libdir); break; case Command.UninstallSpecific: if (name == null) { Console.WriteLine ("Opetion " + args [0] + " takes 1 argument"); Environment.Exit (1); } UninstallSpecific (name, package, gacdir, libdir); break; case Command.List: List (name, gacdir); break; } return 0; } private static void Install (string name, string package, string gacdir, string link_gacdir, string libdir) { string failure_msg = "Failure adding assembly to the cache: "; if (!File.Exists (name)) { Console.WriteLine (failure_msg + "The system cannot find the file specified."); Environment.Exit (1); } AssemblyName an = null; byte [] pub_tok; try { an = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName (name); } catch { Console.WriteLine (failure_msg + "The file specified is not a valid assembly."); Environment.Exit (1); } pub_tok = an.GetPublicKeyToken (); if (pub_tok == null || pub_tok.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine (failure_msg + "Attempt to install an assembly without a strong name."); Environment.Exit (1); } string conf_name = name + ".config"; string version_token = an.Version + "_" + an.CultureInfo.Name.ToLower (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "_" + GetStringToken (pub_tok); string full_path = Path.Combine (Path.Combine (gacdir, an.Name), version_token); string asmb_file = Path.GetFileName (name); string asmb_path = Path.Combine (full_path, asmb_file); try { if (Directory.Exists (full_path)) { // Wipe out the directory. This way we ensure old assemblies // config files, and AOTd files are removed. Directory.Delete (full_path, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory (full_path); } catch { Console.WriteLine (failure_msg + "gac directories could not be created, " + "possibly permission issues."); // Environment.Exit (1); throw; } File.Copy (name, asmb_path, true); if (File.Exists (conf_name)) File.Copy (conf_name, asmb_path + ".config", true); if (package != null) { string link_path = Path.Combine (Path.Combine (link_gacdir,an.Name), version_token); string ref_dir = Path.Combine (libdir, package); string ref_path = Path.Combine (ref_dir, asmb_file); if (File.Exists (ref_path)) File.Delete (ref_path); try { Directory.CreateDirectory (ref_dir); } catch { Console.WriteLine ("ERROR: Could not create package dir file."); Environment.Exit (1); } Symlink (Path.Combine (link_path, asmb_file), ref_path); Console.WriteLine ("Package exported to: " + Path.Combine (libdir, package)); } Console.WriteLine ("{0} installed into the gac ({1})", an.Name, gacdir); } private static void Uninstall (string name, string package, string gacdir, string libdir) { string [] assembly_pieces = name.Split (new char[] { ',' }); Hashtable asm_info = new Hashtable (); foreach (string item in assembly_pieces) { string[] pieces = item.Trim ().Split (new char[] { '=' }, 2); if(pieces.Length == 1) asm_info ["assembly"] = pieces [0]; else asm_info [pieces[0].Trim ().ToLower (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)] = pieces [1]; } string asmdir = Path.Combine (gacdir, (string) asm_info ["assembly"]); if (!Directory.Exists (asmdir)) { Console.WriteLine ("No assemblies found that match: " + name); Environment.Exit (1); } string searchString = GetSearchString (asm_info); string [] directories = Directory.GetDirectories (asmdir, searchString); foreach (string dir in directories) { Directory.Delete (dir, true); if (package != null) { string link_dir = Path.Combine (libdir, package); string link = Path.Combine (link_dir, (string) asm_info ["assembly"] + ".dll"); File.Delete (link); if (Directory.GetFiles (link_dir).Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine ("Cleaning package directory, it is empty."); Directory.Delete (link_dir); } } Console.WriteLine ("Assembly removed from the gac."); } if(Directory.GetDirectories (asmdir).Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine ("Cleaning assembly dir, its empty"); Directory.Delete (asmdir); } } private static void UninstallSpecific (string name, string package, string gacdir, string libdir) { string failure_msg = "Failure to remove assembly from the cache: "; if (!File.Exists (name)) { Console.WriteLine (failure_msg + "The system cannot find the file specified."); Environment.Exit (1); } AssemblyName an = null; try { an = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName (name); } catch { Console.WriteLine (failure_msg + "The file specified is not a valid assembly."); Environment.Exit (1); } Uninstall (an.FullName.Replace (" ", String.Empty), package, gacdir, libdir); } private static void List (string name, string gacdir) { Console.WriteLine ("The following assemblies are installed into the GAC:"); if (name != null) { FilteredList (name, gacdir); return; } int count = 0; DirectoryInfo gacinfo = new DirectoryInfo (gacdir); foreach (DirectoryInfo parent in gacinfo.GetDirectories ()) { foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in parent.GetDirectories ()) { Console.WriteLine (AsmbNameFromVersionString (parent.Name, dir.Name)); count++; } } Console.WriteLine ("Number of items = " + count); } private static void FilteredList (string name, string gacdir) { string [] assembly_pieces = name.Split (new char[] { ',' }); Hashtable asm_info = new Hashtable (); foreach (string item in assembly_pieces) { string[] pieces = item.Trim ().Split (new char[] { '=' }, 2); if(pieces.Length == 1) asm_info ["assembly"] = pieces [0]; else asm_info [pieces[0].Trim ().ToLower (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)] = pieces [1]; } string asmdir = Path.Combine (gacdir, (string) asm_info ["assembly"]); if (!Directory.Exists (asmdir)) { Console.WriteLine ("Number of items = 0"); return; } string search = GetSearchString (asm_info); string [] dir_list = Directory.GetDirectories (asmdir, search); int count = 0; foreach (string dir in dir_list) { Console.WriteLine (AsmbNameFromVersionString ((string) asm_info ["assembly"], new DirectoryInfo (dir).Name)); count++; } Console.WriteLine ("Number of items = " + count); } private static string GetSearchString (Hashtable asm_info) { if (asm_info.Keys.Count == 1) return "*"; string version, culture, token; version = asm_info ["version"] as string; version = (version == null ? "*" : version); culture = asm_info ["culture"] as string; culture = (culture == null ? "*" : culture.ToLower (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); token = asm_info ["publickeytoken"] as string; token = (token == null ? "*" : token.ToLower (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); return String.Format ("{0}_{1}_{2}", version, culture, token); } private static string AsmbNameFromVersionString (string name, string str) { string [] pieces = str.Split ('_'); return String.Format ("{0}, Version={1}, Culture={2}, PublicKeyToken={3}", name, pieces [0], (pieces [1] == String.Empty ? "neutral" : pieces [1]), pieces [2]); } private static bool IsSwitch (string arg) { return (arg [0] == '-' || (arg [0] == '/' && !File.Exists (arg))); } private static Command GetCommand (string arg) { Command c = Command.Unknown; switch (arg) { case "-i": case "/i": case "--install": c = Command.Install; break; case "-u": case "/u": case "/uf": case "--uninstall": c = Command.Uninstall; break; case "-us": case "/us": case "--uninstall-specific": c = Command.UninstallSpecific; break; case "-l": case "/l": case "--list": c = Command.List; break; case "-?": case "/?": case "--help": c = Command.Help; break; } return c; } private static void Symlink (string oldpath, string newpath) { if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '/') { symlink (oldpath, newpath); } else { File.Copy (oldpath, newpath); } } [DllImport ("libc", SetLastError=true)] public static extern int symlink (string oldpath, string newpath); private static string GetGacDir () { PropertyInfo gac = typeof (System.Environment).GetProperty ("GacPath", BindingFlags.Static|BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (gac == null) { Console.WriteLine ("ERROR: Mono runtime not detected, please use " + "the mono runtime for gacutil.exe"); Environment.Exit (1); } MethodInfo get_gac = gac.GetGetMethod (true); return (string) get_gac.Invoke (null, null); } private static string GetLibDir () { MethodInfo libdir = typeof (System.Environment).GetMethod ("internalGetGacPath", BindingFlags.Static|BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (libdir == null) { Console.WriteLine ("ERROR: Mono runtime not detected, please use " + "the mono runtime for gacutil.exe"); Environment.Exit (1); } return Path.Combine ((string)libdir.Invoke (null, null), "mono"); } private static string GetStringToken (byte[] tok) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); for (int i = 0; i < tok.Length ; i++) sb.Append (tok[i].ToString ("x2")); return sb.ToString (); } private static void Usage () { ShowHelp (false); Environment.Exit (1); } private static void ShowHelp (bool detailed) { Console.WriteLine ("Usage: gacutil.exe [ ]"); Console.WriteLine ("Commands:"); Console.WriteLine ("-i [-package NAME] [-root ROOTDIR] [-gacdir GACDIR]"); Console.WriteLine ("\tInstalls an assembly into the global assembly cache."); if (detailed) { Console.WriteLine ("\t is the name of the file that contains the " + "\tassembly manifest\n" + "\tExample: -i myDll.dll"); } Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("-u [-package NAME] [-root ROOTDIR] [-gacdir GACDIR]"); Console.WriteLine ("\tUninstalls an assembly from the global assembly cache."); if (detailed) { Console.WriteLine ("\t is the name of the assembly (partial or\n" + "\tfully qualified) to remove from the global assembly cache. If a \n" + "\tpartial name is specified all matching assemblies will be uninstalled.\n" + "\tExample: -u myDll,Version="); } Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("-us [-package NAME] [-root ROOTDIR] [-gacdir GACDIR]"); Console.WriteLine ("\tUninstalls an assembly using the specifed assemblies full name."); if (detailed) { Console.WriteLine ("\t is the path to an assembly. The full assembly name\n" + "\tis retrieved from the specified assembly if there is an assembly in\n" + "\tthe GAC with a matching name, it is removed.\n" + "\tExample: -us myDll.dll"); } Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("-l [assembly_name] [-root ROOTDIR] [-gacdir GACDIR]"); Console.WriteLine ("\tLists the contents of the global assembly cache."); if (detailed) { Console.WriteLine ("\tWhen the parameter is specified only matching\n" + "\tassemblies are listed."); } Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("-?"); Console.WriteLine ("\tDisplays a detailed help screen\n"); Console.WriteLine (); if (!detailed) return; Console.WriteLine ("Options:"); Console.WriteLine ("-package "); Console.WriteLine ("Used to create a directory in prefix/lib/mono with the name NAME, and a\n" + "\tsymlink is created from NAME/assembly_name to the assembly on the GAC.\n" + "\tThis is used so developers can reference a set of libraries at once."); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("-gacdir "); Console.WriteLine ("Used to specify the GACs base directory. Once an assembly has been installed\n" + "\tto a non standard gacdir the MONO_GAC_PATH environment variable must be used\n" + "\tto access the assembly."); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("-root "); Console.WriteLine ("\tUsed by developers integrating this with automake tools or packaging tools\n" + "\tthat require a prefix directory to be specified. The root represents the\n" + "\t\"libdir\" component of a prefix (typically prefix/lib)."); } } }