// Mono.Util.CorCompare.MissingAttribute // // Author(s): // Piers Haken (piersh@friskit.com) // // (C) 2001-2002 Piers Haken using System; using System.Xml; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections; namespace Mono.Util.CorCompare { /// /// Represents an Attribute that is completely missing /// /// /// created by - Piersh /// created on - 3/2/2002 9:47:00 pm /// class MissingAttribute : MissingBase { // e.g. Object attributeMono; Object attributeMS; static Hashtable htIgnore; static MissingAttribute () { htIgnore = new Hashtable (); htIgnore.Add ("System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceAttribute", null); htIgnore.Add ("System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute", null); htIgnore.Add ("System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute", null); htIgnore.Add ("System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute", null); htIgnore.Add ("System.Runtime.InteropServices.InterfaceTypeAttribute", null); htIgnore.Add ("System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute", null); } public MissingAttribute (Object _attributeMono, Object _attributeMS) { attributeMono = _attributeMono; attributeMS = _attributeMS; m_nodeStatus = new NodeStatus (attributeMono, attributeMS); } public override string Name { get { return Attribute.ToString (); } } public override string Type { get { return "attribute"; } } public override NodeStatus Analyze () { return m_nodeStatus; } public Object Attribute { get { return (attributeMono != null) ? attributeMono : attributeMS; } } /// /// creates a map from a list of attributes /// the hashtable maps from name to attribute /// /// the list of attributes /// a map public static Hashtable GetAttributeMap (Object [] rgAttributes) { Hashtable map = new Hashtable (); foreach (Object attribute in rgAttributes) { if (attribute != null) { string strName = attribute.ToString (); if (!map.Contains (strName) && !htIgnore.Contains (strName)) map.Add (strName, attribute); } } return map; } /// /// analyzes two sets of reflected attributes, generates a list /// of MissingAttributes according to the completion of the first set wrt the second. /// /// mono attributes /// microsoft attributes /// where the results are put /// completion info for the whole set public static NodeStatus AnalyzeAttributes (Object [] rgAttributesMono, Object [] rgAttributesMS, ArrayList rgAttributes) { NodeStatus nodeStatus = new NodeStatus (); Hashtable mapAttributesMono = (rgAttributesMono == null) ? new Hashtable () : MissingAttribute.GetAttributeMap (rgAttributesMono); Hashtable mapAttributesMS = (rgAttributesMS == null) ? new Hashtable () : MissingAttribute.GetAttributeMap (rgAttributesMS); foreach (Object attribute in mapAttributesMS.Values) { string strAttribute = attribute.ToString (); Object attributeMono = mapAttributesMono [strAttribute]; MissingAttribute ma = new MissingAttribute (attributeMono, attribute); rgAttributes.Add (ma); NodeStatus nsAttribute = ma.Analyze (); nodeStatus.AddChildren (nsAttribute); if (attributeMono != null) mapAttributesMono.Remove (strAttribute); } foreach (Object attribute in mapAttributesMono.Values) { if (attribute.ToString ().EndsWith ("MonoTODOAttribute")) { nodeStatus.SetError (ErrorTypes.Todo); //nodeStatus.statusCountsChildren.errorCounts.Add (ErrorTypes.Todo); //nodeStatus.statusCountsTotal.errorCounts.Add (ErrorTypes.Todo); //nodeStatus.cTodo ++; // this is where ALL the 'todo's come from } else { MissingAttribute ma = new MissingAttribute (attribute, null); rgAttributes.Add (ma); NodeStatus nsAttribute = ma.Analyze (); nodeStatus.AddChildren (nsAttribute); } } return nodeStatus; } } }