// // ModuleDefinition.cs // // Author: // Jb Evain (jbevain@gmail.com) // // (C) 2005 Jb Evain // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // namespace Mono.Cecil { using System; using SR = System.Reflection; using SS = System.Security; using SSP = System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using Mono.Cecil.Cil; using Mono.Cecil.Binary; using Mono.Cecil.Metadata; internal sealed class ModuleDefinition : ModuleReference, ICustomAttributeProvider, IMetadataScope, IReflectionStructureVisitable, IReflectionVisitable { Guid m_mvid; bool m_main; bool m_manifestOnly; AssemblyNameReferenceCollection m_asmRefs; ModuleReferenceCollection m_modRefs; ResourceCollection m_res; TypeDefinitionCollection m_types; TypeReferenceCollection m_refs; ExternTypeCollection m_externs; MemberReferenceCollection m_members; CustomAttributeCollection m_customAttrs; AssemblyDefinition m_asm; Image m_image; ImageReader m_imgReader; ReflectionController m_controller; MetadataResolver m_resolver; SecurityDeclarationReader m_secReader; public Guid Mvid { get { return m_mvid; } set { m_mvid = value; } } public bool Main { get { return m_main; } set { m_main = value; } } public AssemblyNameReferenceCollection AssemblyReferences { get { return m_asmRefs; } } public ModuleReferenceCollection ModuleReferences { get { return m_modRefs; } } public ResourceCollection Resources { get { return m_res; } } public TypeDefinitionCollection Types { get { return m_types; } } public TypeReferenceCollection TypeReferences { get { return m_refs; } } public MemberReferenceCollection MemberReferences { get { return m_members; } } public ExternTypeCollection ExternTypes { get { if (m_externs == null) m_externs = new ExternTypeCollection (this); return m_externs; } } public bool HasCustomAttributes { get { return (m_customAttrs == null) ? false : (m_customAttrs.Count > 0); } } public CustomAttributeCollection CustomAttributes { get { if (m_customAttrs == null) m_customAttrs = new CustomAttributeCollection (this); return m_customAttrs; } } public AssemblyDefinition Assembly { get { return m_asm; } } internal ReflectionController Controller { get { return m_controller; } } internal MetadataResolver Resolver { get { return m_resolver; } } internal ImageReader ImageReader { get { return m_imgReader; } } public Image Image { get { return m_image; } set { m_image = value; m_secReader = null; } } public ModuleDefinition (string name, AssemblyDefinition asm) : this (name, asm, null, false) { } public ModuleDefinition (string name, AssemblyDefinition asm, bool main) : this (name, asm, null, main) { } internal ModuleDefinition (string name, AssemblyDefinition asm, StructureReader reader, bool main) : base (name) { if (asm == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("asm"); if (name == null || name.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentNullException ("name"); m_asm = asm; m_main = main; #if !CF_1_0 m_mvid = Guid.NewGuid (); #endif if (reader != null) { m_image = reader.Image; m_imgReader = reader.ImageReader; m_manifestOnly = reader.ManifestOnly; } else m_image = Image.CreateImage (); m_modRefs = new ModuleReferenceCollection (this); m_asmRefs = new AssemblyNameReferenceCollection (this); m_res = new ResourceCollection (this); m_types = new TypeDefinitionCollection (this); m_refs = new TypeReferenceCollection (this); m_members = new MemberReferenceCollection (this); m_controller = new ReflectionController (this); m_resolver = new MetadataResolver (asm); } public IMetadataTokenProvider LookupByToken (MetadataToken token) { return m_controller.Reader.LookupByToken (token); } public IMetadataTokenProvider LookupByToken (TokenType table, int rid) { return LookupByToken (new MetadataToken (table, (uint) rid)); } void CheckContext (TypeDefinition context) { if (context.Module != this) throw new ArgumentException ("The context parameter does not belongs to this module"); CheckGenericParameterProvider (context); } void CheckContext (MethodDefinition context) { CheckGenericParameterProvider (context); } static void CheckGenericParameterProvider (IGenericParameterProvider context) { if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("context"); if (context.GenericParameters.Count == 0) throw new ArgumentException ("The context parameter is not a generic type"); } ImportContext GetContext () { return new ImportContext (m_controller.Importer); } static ImportContext GetContext (IImporter importer) { return new ImportContext (importer); } ImportContext GetContext (TypeDefinition context) { return new ImportContext (m_controller.Importer, context); } ImportContext GetContext (MethodDefinition context) { return new ImportContext (m_controller.Importer, context); } static ImportContext GetContext (IImporter importer, TypeDefinition context) { return new ImportContext (importer, context); } public TypeReference Import (Type type) { if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("type"); return m_controller.Helper.ImportSystemType (type, GetContext ()); } public TypeReference Import (Type type, TypeDefinition context) { if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("type"); CheckContext (context); return m_controller.Helper.ImportSystemType (type, GetContext (context)); } public TypeReference Import (Type type, MethodDefinition context) { if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("type"); CheckContext (context); return m_controller.Helper.ImportSystemType (type, GetContext (context)); } public MethodReference Import (SR.MethodBase meth) { if (meth == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("meth"); if (meth is SR.ConstructorInfo) return m_controller.Helper.ImportConstructorInfo ( meth as SR.ConstructorInfo, GetContext ()); else return m_controller.Helper.ImportMethodInfo ( meth as SR.MethodInfo, GetContext ()); } public MethodReference Import (SR.MethodBase meth, TypeDefinition context) { if (meth == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("meth"); CheckContext (context); ImportContext import_context = GetContext (context); if (meth is SR.ConstructorInfo) return m_controller.Helper.ImportConstructorInfo ( meth as SR.ConstructorInfo, import_context); else return m_controller.Helper.ImportMethodInfo ( meth as SR.MethodInfo, import_context); } public FieldReference Import (SR.FieldInfo field) { if (field == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("field"); return m_controller.Helper.ImportFieldInfo (field, GetContext ()); } public FieldReference Import (SR.FieldInfo field, TypeDefinition context) { if (field == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("field"); CheckContext (context); return m_controller.Helper.ImportFieldInfo (field, GetContext (context)); } public FieldReference Import (SR.FieldInfo field, MethodDefinition context) { if (field == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("field"); CheckContext (context); return m_controller.Helper.ImportFieldInfo (field, GetContext (context)); } public TypeReference Import (TypeReference type) { if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("type"); return m_controller.Importer.ImportTypeReference (type, GetContext ()); } public TypeReference Import (TypeReference type, TypeDefinition context) { if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("type"); CheckContext (context); return m_controller.Importer.ImportTypeReference (type, GetContext (context)); } public TypeReference Import (TypeReference type, MethodDefinition context) { if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("type"); CheckContext (context); return m_controller.Importer.ImportTypeReference (type, GetContext (context)); } public MethodReference Import (MethodReference meth) { if (meth == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("meth"); return m_controller.Importer.ImportMethodReference (meth, GetContext ()); } public MethodReference Import (MethodReference meth, TypeDefinition context) { if (meth == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("meth"); CheckContext (context); return m_controller.Importer.ImportMethodReference (meth, GetContext (context)); } public MethodReference Import (MethodReference meth, MethodDefinition context) { if (meth == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("meth"); CheckContext (context); return m_controller.Importer.ImportMethodReference (meth, GetContext (context)); } public FieldReference Import (FieldReference field) { if (field == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("field"); return m_controller.Importer.ImportFieldReference (field, GetContext ()); } public FieldReference Import (FieldReference field, TypeDefinition context) { if (field == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("field"); CheckContext (context); return m_controller.Importer.ImportFieldReference (field, GetContext (context)); } public FieldReference Import (FieldReference field, MethodDefinition context) { if (field == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("field"); CheckContext (context); return m_controller.Importer.ImportFieldReference (field, GetContext (context)); } static FieldDefinition ImportFieldDefinition (FieldDefinition field, ImportContext context) { return FieldDefinition.Clone (field, context); } static MethodDefinition ImportMethodDefinition (MethodDefinition meth, ImportContext context) { return MethodDefinition.Clone (meth, context); } static TypeDefinition ImportTypeDefinition (TypeDefinition type, ImportContext context) { return TypeDefinition.Clone (type, context); } public TypeDefinition Inject (TypeDefinition type) { return Inject (type, m_controller.Importer); } public TypeDefinition Inject (TypeDefinition type, IImporter importer) { if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("type"); if (importer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("importer"); TypeDefinition definition = ImportTypeDefinition (type, GetContext (importer)); this.Types.Add (definition); return definition; } public TypeDefinition Inject (TypeDefinition type, TypeDefinition context) { return Inject (type, context, m_controller.Importer); } public TypeDefinition Inject (TypeDefinition type, TypeDefinition context, IImporter importer) { Check (type, context, importer); TypeDefinition definition = ImportTypeDefinition (type, GetContext (importer, context)); context.NestedTypes.Add (definition); return definition; } public MethodDefinition Inject (MethodDefinition meth, TypeDefinition context) { return Inject (meth, context, m_controller.Importer); } void Check (IMemberDefinition definition, TypeDefinition context, IImporter importer) { if (definition == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("definition"); if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("context"); if (importer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("importer"); if (context.Module != this) throw new ArgumentException ("The context parameter does not belongs to this module"); } public MethodDefinition Inject (MethodDefinition meth, TypeDefinition context, IImporter importer) { Check (meth, context, importer); MethodDefinition definition = ImportMethodDefinition (meth, GetContext (importer, context)); context.Methods.Add (definition); return definition; } public FieldDefinition Inject (FieldDefinition field, TypeDefinition context) { return Inject (field, context, m_controller.Importer); } public FieldDefinition Inject (FieldDefinition field, TypeDefinition context, IImporter importer) { Check (field, context, importer); FieldDefinition definition = ImportFieldDefinition (field, GetContext (importer, context)); context.Fields.Add (definition); return definition; } public void FullLoad () { if (m_manifestOnly) m_controller.Reader.VisitModuleDefinition (this); foreach (TypeDefinition type in this.Types) { foreach (MethodDefinition meth in type.Methods) meth.LoadBody (); foreach (MethodDefinition ctor in type.Constructors) ctor.LoadBody (); } if (m_controller.Reader.SymbolReader == null) return; m_controller.Reader.SymbolReader.Dispose (); m_controller.Reader.SymbolReader = null; } public void LoadSymbols () { m_controller.Reader.SymbolReader = SymbolStoreHelper.GetReader (this); } public void LoadSymbols (ISymbolReader reader) { m_controller.Reader.SymbolReader = reader; } public void SaveSymbols () { m_controller.Writer.SaveSymbols = true; } public void SaveSymbols (ISymbolWriter writer) { SaveSymbols (); m_controller.Writer.SymbolWriter = writer; } public void SaveSymbols (string outputDirectory) { SaveSymbols (); m_controller.Writer.OutputFile = outputDirectory; } public void SaveSymbols (string outputDirectory, ISymbolWriter writer) { SaveSymbols (outputDirectory); m_controller.Writer.SymbolWriter = writer; } public byte [] GetAsByteArray (CustomAttribute ca) { CustomAttribute customAttr = ca; if (!ca.Resolved) if (customAttr.Blob != null) return customAttr.Blob; else return new byte [0]; return m_controller.Writer.SignatureWriter.CompressCustomAttribute ( ReflectionWriter.GetCustomAttributeSig (ca), ca.Constructor); } public byte [] GetAsByteArray (SecurityDeclaration dec) { // TODO - add support for 2.0 format // note: the 1.x format is still supported in 2.0 so this isn't an immediate problem if (!dec.Resolved) return dec.Blob; #if !CF_1_0 && !CF_2_0 if (dec.PermissionSet != null) return Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes (dec.PermissionSet.ToXml ().ToString ()); #endif return new byte [0]; } public CustomAttribute FromByteArray (MethodReference ctor, byte [] data) { return m_controller.Reader.GetCustomAttribute (ctor, data); } public SecurityDeclaration FromByteArray (SecurityAction action, byte [] declaration) { if (m_secReader == null) m_secReader = new SecurityDeclarationReader (Image.MetadataRoot, m_controller.Reader); return m_secReader.FromByteArray (action, declaration); } public override void Accept (IReflectionStructureVisitor visitor) { visitor.VisitModuleDefinition (this); this.AssemblyReferences.Accept (visitor); this.ModuleReferences.Accept (visitor); this.Resources.Accept (visitor); } public void Accept (IReflectionVisitor visitor) { visitor.VisitModuleDefinition (this); this.Types.Accept (visitor); this.TypeReferences.Accept (visitor); } public override string ToString () { string s = (m_main ? "(main), Mvid=" : "Mvid="); return s + m_mvid; } } }