// Compiler options: -optimize+ // TODO: I will have to investigate how to test that instance ctor is really empty // GetMethodBody in 2.0 using System; using System.Reflection; class C { public C () {} int i = new int (); int i2 = 1 - 1; double d = new double (); char c = new char (); bool b = new bool (); decimal dec2 = new decimal (); object o = null; ValueType BoolVal = (ValueType)null; int[] a_i = null; object[] a_o = null; ValueType[] a_v = null; } class X { public delegate void D(); public static event D Ev1 = null; public static event D Ev2 = null; protected static string temp = null, real_temp = null; } class X2 { static int i = 5; } class Test { static int a = b = 5; static int b = 0; static int Main () { if (a != 5 || b != 0) return 1; if ((typeof (X2).Attributes & TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit) == 0) return 2; Console.WriteLine ("OK"); return 0; } }