using System; using System.Threading; using System.Reflection; class I { public delegate string GetTextFn (string a); static public GetTextFn GetText; static string fn (string s) { return "(" + s + ")"; } static I () { GetText = new GetTextFn (fn); } } class X { public delegate int Foo (int i, int j); private void Thread_func () { Console.WriteLine ("Inside the thread !"); } public int Func (int i, int j) { return i+j; } public void Bar () { Foo my_func = new Foo (Func); int result = my_func (2, 4); Console.WriteLine ("Answer is : " + result); } static bool MyFilter (MemberInfo mi, object criteria) { Console.WriteLine ("You passed in : " + criteria); return true; } public static int Main () { I.GetTextFn _ = I.GetText; Console.WriteLine ("Value: " + I.GetText); X x = new X (); Thread thr = new Thread (new ThreadStart (x.Thread_func)); thr.Start (); Console.WriteLine ("Inside main "); thr.Join (); Console.WriteLine (_("Hello")); x.Bar (); MemberFilter filter = new MemberFilter (MyFilter); Type t = x.GetType (); MemberInfo [] mi = t.FindMembers (MemberTypes.Method, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic, Type.FilterName, "MyFilter"); Console.WriteLine ("FindMembers called, mi = " + mi); Console.WriteLine (" Count: " + mi.Length); if (!filter (mi [0], "MyFilter")) return 1; // // This test is used to call into a delegate defined in a separate // namespace, but which is still not a nested delegate inside a class // NameSpace.TestDelegate td = new NameSpace.TestDelegate (multiply_by_three); if (td (8) != 24) return 30; // // Check the names that were used to define the delegates // if (td.GetType ().FullName != "NameSpace.TestDelegate") return 31; if (_.GetType ().FullName != "I+GetTextFn") return 32; Console.WriteLine ("Test passes"); return 0; } static int multiply_by_three (int v) { return v * 3; } } namespace NameSpace { public delegate int TestDelegate (int a); }