// // Tests that explicit and normal implementations of methods are handled // properly. Before we used to have the normal method implementation // "implement" the classes, so that it would go into an infinite loop. // (bug #26334) // // Now explicit implementations are defined first. // using System; public interface IDiagnostic { void Stop(); } public interface IAutomobile { void Stop(); } public class MyCar: IAutomobile, IDiagnostic { public bool diag_stop, car_stop, auto_stop; void IDiagnostic.Stop() { diag_stop = true; } public void Stop() { car_stop = true; IAutomobile self = (IAutomobile)this; // cast this self.Stop(); // forwarding call } void IAutomobile.Stop() { auto_stop = true; } } class TestConflict { static int Main () { MyCar car1 = new MyCar(); car1.Stop(); // calls the IAutomobile.Stop implementation IDiagnostic car2 = new MyCar(); car2.Stop(); IAutomobile car3 = new MyCar(); car3.Stop(); if (!car1.car_stop) return 1; if (car1.diag_stop) return 2; Console.WriteLine ("ok"); return 0; } }