// Compiler options: -langversion:linq // Uber-test for object and collection initialization using System; using System.Collections.Generic; public class Test { private class Point { public int X; public int Y; } private class Line { public Point P1 = new Point (); public Point P2 = new Point (); } private class Rectangle { public Line Top = new Line (); public Line Right = new Line (); public Line Left = new Line (); public Line Bottom = new Line (); } private class Library { public string Name; public string PhoneNumber; public List Books; public Library () { Books = new List { "Tale of Two Cities", "Catcher in the Rye", "Great Gatsby" }; } } private class Thing { public int Number; public string Name; } private class Box { public Thing Thing1; public Thing Thing2; } static int Main () { Thing thing1 = new Thing() { Number = 1, Name = "Bob" }; Line line = new Line { P1 = { X = 1, Y = 5 }, P2 = { X = 3, Y = 6 } }; if (line.P1.X != 1 || line.P1.Y != 5 || line.P2.X != 3 || line.P2.Y != 6) return 1; Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle () { Top = { P1 = { X = 0, Y = 5 }, P2 = { X = 5, Y = 5 } }, Bottom = { P1 = { X = 0, Y = 0, }, P2 = { X = 5, Y = 0, }, }, Right = { P1 = { X = 5, Y = 5 }, P2 = { X = 5, Y = 0 } }, Left = { P1 = { X = 0, Y = 0, }, P2 = { X = 0, Y = 5 } } }; if (rectangle.Top.P1.X != 0 || rectangle.Bottom.P2.X != 5 || rectangle.Right.P2.Y != 0 || rectangle.Left.P1.Y != 0) return 2; List list = new List (3) { "Foo", "Bar", "Baz" }; if (list[0] != "Foo" || list[1] != "Bar" || list[2] != "Baz") return 3; Library library = new Library { Name = "New York Public Library", Books = { "Grapes of Wrath", "Dracula", }, PhoneNumber = "212-621-0626" }; if (library.Name != "New York Public Library" || library.PhoneNumber != "212-621-0626" || library.Books[0] != "Tale of Two Cities" || library.Books[1] != "Catcher in the Rye" || library.Books[2] != "Great Gatsby" || library.Books[3] != "Grapes of Wrath" || library.Books[4] != "Dracula") return 4; Box box = new Box { Thing1 = new Thing { Number = 1, Name = "Wilber" }, Thing2 = new Thing() { Number = 2, Name = "Chris" } }; if (box.Thing1.Number != 1 || box.Thing1.Name != "Wilber" || box.Thing2.Number != 2 || box.Thing2.Name != "Chris") return 5; Library library2 = new Library { Books = new List { "The Hound of Baskerville", "Flatland", "The Origin of Species" } }; if (library2.Books[0] != "The Hound of Baskerville" || library2.Books[1] != "Flatland" || library2.Books[2] != "The Origin of Species") return 6; return 0; } }