// // Important test: Type parameters and boxing (26.7.3). // // This tests the constrained_ prefix opcode. // using System; public interface ICounter { void Increment (); } namespace ValueTypeCounters { public struct SimpleCounter : ICounter { public int Value; public void Increment () { Value += 2; } } public struct PrintingCounter : ICounter { public int Value; public override string ToString () { return Value.ToString (); } public void Increment () { Value += 2; } } public struct ExplicitCounter : ICounter { public int Value; public override string ToString () { return Value.ToString (); } void ICounter.Increment () { Value++; } } public struct InterfaceCounter : ICounter { public int Value; public override string ToString () { return Value.ToString (); } void ICounter.Increment () { Value++; } public void Increment () { Value += 2; } } } namespace ReferenceTypeCounters { public class SimpleCounter : ICounter { public int Value; public void Increment () { Value += 2; } } public class PrintingCounter : ICounter { public int Value; public override string ToString () { return Value.ToString (); } public void Increment () { Value += 2; } } public class ExplicitCounter : ICounter { public int Value; public override string ToString () { return Value.ToString (); } void ICounter.Increment () { Value++; } } public class InterfaceCounter : ICounter { public int Value; public override string ToString () { return Value.ToString (); } void ICounter.Increment () { Value++; } public void Increment () { Value += 2; } } } namespace Test { using V = ValueTypeCounters; using R = ReferenceTypeCounters; public class Test where T : ICounter { public static void Foo (T x) { Console.WriteLine (x.ToString ()); x.Increment (); Console.WriteLine (x.ToString ()); } } public class X { static void Main () { Test.Foo (new V.SimpleCounter ()); Test.Foo (new V.PrintingCounter ()); Test.Foo (new V.ExplicitCounter ()); Test.Foo (new V.InterfaceCounter ()); Test.Foo (new R.SimpleCounter ()); Test.Foo (new R.PrintingCounter ()); Test.Foo (new R.ExplicitCounter ()); Test.Foo (new R.InterfaceCounter ()); } } }