using System; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using NUnit.Core; using NUnit.Util; namespace NUnit.ConsoleRunner { /// /// Summary description for Runner. /// public class Runner { [STAThread] public static int Main(string[] args) { NTrace.Info( "NUnit-console.exe starting" ); ConsoleOptions options = new ConsoleOptions(args); if(!options.nologo) WriteCopyright(); if( { options.Help(); return ConsoleUi.OK; } if(options.NoArgs) { Console.Error.WriteLine("fatal error: no inputs specified"); options.Help(); return ConsoleUi.OK; } if(!options.Validate()) { foreach( string arg in options.InvalidArguments ) Console.Error.WriteLine("fatal error: invalid argument: {0}", arg ); options.Help(); return ConsoleUi.INVALID_ARG; } // Add Standard Services to ServiceManager ServiceManager.Services.AddService( new SettingsService() ); ServiceManager.Services.AddService( new DomainManager() ); //ServiceManager.Services.AddService( new RecentFilesService() ); //ServiceManager.Services.AddService( new TestLoader() ); ServiceManager.Services.AddService( new AddinRegistry() ); ServiceManager.Services.AddService( new AddinManager() ); // TODO: Resolve conflict with gui testagency when running // console tests under the gui. //ServiceManager.Services.AddService( new TestAgency() ); // Initialize Services ServiceManager.Services.InitializeServices(); try { ConsoleUi consoleUi = new ConsoleUi(); return consoleUi.Execute( options ); } catch( FileNotFoundException ex ) { Console.WriteLine( ex.Message ); return ConsoleUi.FILE_NOT_FOUND; } catch( Exception ex ) { Console.WriteLine( "Unhandled Exception:\n{0}", ex.ToString() ); return ConsoleUi.UNEXPECTED_ERROR; } finally { if(options.wait) { Console.Out.WriteLine("\nHit key to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); } NTrace.Info( "NUnit-console.exe terminating" ); } } private static void WriteCopyright() { Assembly executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); System.Version version = executingAssembly.GetName().Version; string productName = "NUnit"; string copyrightText = "Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Charlie Poole.\r\nCopyright (C) 2002-2004 James W. Newkirk, Michael C. Two, Alexei A. Vorontsov.\r\nCopyright (C) 2000-2002 Philip Craig.\r\nAll Rights Reserved."; object[] objectAttrs = executingAssembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyProductAttribute), false); if ( objectAttrs.Length > 0 ) productName = ((AssemblyProductAttribute)objectAttrs[0]).Product; objectAttrs = executingAssembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyCopyrightAttribute), false); if ( objectAttrs.Length > 0 ) copyrightText = ((AssemblyCopyrightAttribute)objectAttrs[0]).Copyright; Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} version {1}", productName, version.ToString(3))); Console.WriteLine(copyrightText); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine( "Runtime Environment - " ); RuntimeFramework framework = RuntimeFramework.CurrentFramework; Console.WriteLine( string.Format(" OS Version: {0}", Environment.OSVersion ) ); Console.WriteLine( string.Format(" CLR Version: {0} ( {1} )", Environment.Version, framework.GetDisplayName() ) ); Console.WriteLine(); } } }