The source for NUnit 2 was altered to work with mono. Go to to get the original source code. Using Nunit on J2EE To use Nunit on J2EE do the following steps: 1. Install Grasshopper 2. Open 3. Build the project using Debug_Java or Release_Java configurations. 4. To run nunit use the following command line: "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -cp [classpath] NUnit.Console.ConsoleUi [input files] [options] Options: /fixture=STR Fixture to test /config=STR Project configuration to load /xml=STR Name of XML output file /transform=STR Name of transform file /xmlConsole Display XML to the console /output=STR File to receive test output (Short format: /out=STR) /err=STR File to receive test error output /labels Label each test in stdOut /include=STR List of categories to include /exclude=STR List of categories to exclude /noshadow Disable shadow copy /thread Run tests on a separate thread /wait Wait for input before closing console window /nologo Do not display the logo /help Display help (Short format: /?)