// // typemanager.cs: C# type manager // // Author: Miguel de Icaza (miguel@gnu.org) // // Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL // // (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) // // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; namespace Mono.CSharp { public class TypeManager { // // A list of core types that the compiler requires or uses // static public Type object_type; static public Type value_type; static public Type string_type; static public Type int32_type; static public Type uint32_type; static public Type int64_type; static public Type uint64_type; static public Type float_type; static public Type double_type; static public Type char_type; static public Type char_ptr_type; static public Type short_type; static public Type decimal_type; static public Type bool_type; static public Type sbyte_type; static public Type byte_type; static public Type ushort_type; static public Type enum_type; static public Type delegate_type; static public Type multicast_delegate_type; static public Type void_type; static public Type enumeration_type; static public Type array_type; static public Type runtime_handle_type; static public Type icloneable_type; static public Type type_type; static public Type ienumerator_type; static public Type idisposable_type; static public Type default_member_type; static public Type iasyncresult_type; static public Type asynccallback_type; static public Type intptr_type; static public Type monitor_type; static public Type runtime_field_handle_type; static public Type attribute_usage_type; static public Type dllimport_type; static public Type unverifiable_code_type; static public Type methodimpl_attr_type; static public Type marshal_as_attr_type; static public Type param_array_type; static public Type void_ptr_type; static public Type [] NoTypes; // // Internal, not really used outside // Type runtime_helpers_type; // // These methods are called by code generated by the compiler // static public MethodInfo string_concat_string_string; static public MethodInfo string_concat_object_object; static public MethodInfo string_isinterneted_string; static public MethodInfo system_type_get_type_from_handle; static public MethodInfo object_getcurrent_void; static public MethodInfo bool_movenext_void; static public MethodInfo void_dispose_void; static public MethodInfo void_monitor_enter_object; static public MethodInfo void_monitor_exit_object; static public MethodInfo void_initializearray_array_fieldhandle; static public MethodInfo int_getlength_int; static public MethodInfo delegate_combine_delegate_delegate; static public MethodInfo delegate_remove_delegate_delegate; static public MethodInfo int_get_offset_to_string_data; // // The attribute constructors. // static public ConstructorInfo cons_param_array_attribute; // // Holds the Array of Assemblies that have been loaded // (either because it is the default or the user used the // -r command line option) // Assembly [] assemblies; // // Keeps a list of module builders. We used this to do lookups // on the modulebuilder using GetType -- needed for arrays // ModuleBuilder [] modules; // // This is the type_cache from the assemblies to avoid // hitting System.Reflection on every lookup. // Hashtable types; // // This is used to hotld the corresponding TypeContainer objects // since we need this in FindMembers // Hashtable typecontainers; // // Keeps track of those types that are defined by the // user's program // ArrayList user_types; // // Keeps a mapping between TypeBuilders and their TypeContainers // static PtrHashtable builder_to_container; // // Maps MethodBase.RuntimeTypeHandle to a Type array that contains // the arguments to the method // static Hashtable method_arguments; // // Maybe `method_arguments' should be replaced and only // method_internal_params should be kept? // static Hashtable method_internal_params; static PtrHashtable builder_to_interface; // // Keeps track of delegate types // static Hashtable builder_to_delegate; // // Keeps track of enum types // static Hashtable builder_to_enum; // // Keeps track of attribute types // static Hashtable builder_to_attr; public TypeManager () { assemblies = null; modules = null; user_types = new ArrayList (); types = new Hashtable (); typecontainers = new Hashtable (); builder_to_interface = new PtrHashtable (); builder_to_delegate = new PtrHashtable (); builder_to_enum = new PtrHashtable (); builder_to_attr = new PtrHashtable (); } static TypeManager () { method_arguments = new PtrHashtable (); method_internal_params = new PtrHashtable (); builder_to_container = new PtrHashtable (); NoTypes = new Type [0]; } public void AddUserType (string name, TypeBuilder t) { types.Add (name, t); user_types.Add (t); } public void AddUserType (string name, TypeBuilder t, TypeContainer tc) { AddUserType (name, t); builder_to_container.Add (t, tc); typecontainers.Add (name, tc); } public void AddDelegateType (string name, TypeBuilder t, Delegate del) { types.Add (name, t); builder_to_delegate.Add (t, del); } public void AddEnumType (string name, TypeBuilder t, Enum en) { types.Add (name, t); builder_to_enum.Add (t, en); } public void AddUserInterface (string name, TypeBuilder t, Interface i) { AddUserType (name, t); builder_to_interface.Add (t, i); } public void RegisterAttrType (Type t, TypeContainer tc) { builder_to_attr.Add (t, tc); } /// /// Returns the TypeContainer whose Type is `t' or null if there is no /// TypeContainer for `t' (ie, the Type comes from a library) /// public static TypeContainer LookupTypeContainer (Type t) { return (TypeContainer) builder_to_container [t]; } public Interface LookupInterface (Type t) { return (Interface) builder_to_interface [t]; } public static Delegate LookupDelegate (Type t) { return (Delegate) builder_to_delegate [t]; } public static Enum LookupEnum (Type t) { return (Enum) builder_to_enum [t]; } public static TypeContainer LookupAttr (Type t) { return (TypeContainer) builder_to_attr [t]; } /// /// Registers an assembly to load types from. /// public void AddAssembly (Assembly a) { int top = assemblies != null ? assemblies.Length : 0; Assembly [] n = new Assembly [top + 1]; if (assemblies != null) assemblies.CopyTo (n, 0); n [top] = a; assemblies = n; } /// /// Registers a module builder to lookup types from /// public void AddModule (ModuleBuilder mb) { int top = modules != null ? modules.Length : 0; ModuleBuilder [] n = new ModuleBuilder [top + 1]; if (modules != null) modules.CopyTo (n, 0); n [top] = mb; modules = n; } /// /// Returns the Type associated with @name /// public Type LookupType (string name) { Type t; // // First lookup in user defined and cached values // t = (Type) types [name]; if (t != null) return t; foreach (Assembly a in assemblies){ t = a.GetType (name); if (t != null){ types [name] = t; return t; } } foreach (ModuleBuilder mb in modules) { t = mb.GetType (name); if (t != null) { types [name] = t; return t; } } return null; } /// /// Returns the C# name of a type if possible, or the full type name otherwise /// static public string CSharpName (Type t) { if (t == int32_type) return "int"; else if (t == uint32_type) return "uint"; else if (t == int64_type) return "long"; else if (t == uint64_type) return "ulong"; else if (t == float_type) return "float"; else if (t == double_type) return "double"; else if (t == char_type) return "char"; else if (t == short_type) return "short"; else if (t == decimal_type) return "decimal"; else if (t == bool_type) return "bool"; else if (t == sbyte_type) return "sbyte"; else if (t == byte_type) return "byte"; else if (t == short_type) return "short"; else if (t == ushort_type) return "ushort"; else if (t == string_type) return "string"; else if (t == object_type) return "object"; else if (t == void_type) return "void"; else return t.FullName; } /// /// Looks up a type, and aborts if it is not found. This is used /// by types required by the compiler /// Type CoreLookupType (string name) { Type t = LookupType (name); if (t == null){ Report.Error (518, "The predefined type `" + name + "' is not defined or imported"); Environment.Exit (0); } return t; } /// /// Returns the MethodInfo for a method named `name' defined /// in type `t' which takes arguments of types `args' /// MethodInfo GetMethod (Type t, string name, Type [] args) { MethodInfo mi = t.GetMethod (name, args); if (mi == null) throw new Exception ("Can not find the core function `" + name + "'"); return mi; } ConstructorInfo GetConstructor (Type t, Type [] args) { ConstructorInfo ci = t.GetConstructor (args); if (ci == null) throw new Exception ("Can not find the core constructor for `" + t.FullName + "'"); return ci; } /// /// The types have to be initialized after the initial /// population of the type has happened (for example, to /// bootstrap the corlib.dll /// public void InitCoreTypes () { object_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Object"); value_type = CoreLookupType ("System.ValueType"); string_type = CoreLookupType ("System.String"); int32_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Int32"); int64_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Int64"); uint32_type = CoreLookupType ("System.UInt32"); uint64_type = CoreLookupType ("System.UInt64"); float_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Single"); double_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Double"); byte_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Byte"); sbyte_type = CoreLookupType ("System.SByte"); char_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Char"); char_ptr_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Char*"); short_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Int16"); ushort_type = CoreLookupType ("System.UInt16"); decimal_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Decimal"); bool_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Boolean"); enum_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Enum"); multicast_delegate_type = CoreLookupType ("System.MulticastDelegate"); delegate_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Delegate"); array_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Array"); void_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Void"); type_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Type"); runtime_field_handle_type = CoreLookupType ("System.RuntimeFieldHandle"); runtime_helpers_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers"); default_member_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Reflection.DefaultMemberAttribute"); runtime_handle_type = CoreLookupType ("System.RuntimeTypeHandle"); asynccallback_type = CoreLookupType ("System.AsyncCallback"); iasyncresult_type = CoreLookupType ("System.IAsyncResult"); ienumerator_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Collections.IEnumerator"); idisposable_type = CoreLookupType ("System.IDisposable"); icloneable_type = CoreLookupType ("System.ICloneable"); monitor_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Threading.Monitor"); intptr_type = CoreLookupType ("System.IntPtr"); attribute_usage_type = CoreLookupType ("System.AttributeUsageAttribute"); dllimport_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute"); methodimpl_attr_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplAttribute"); marshal_as_attr_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAsAttribute"); param_array_type = CoreLookupType ("System.ParamArrayAttribute"); unverifiable_code_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Security.UnverifiableCodeAttribute"); void_ptr_type = CoreLookupType ("System.Void*"); // // Now load the default methods that we use. // Type [] string_string = { string_type, string_type }; string_concat_string_string = GetMethod ( string_type, "Concat", string_string); Type [] object_object = { object_type, object_type }; string_concat_object_object = GetMethod ( string_type, "Concat", object_object); Type [] string_ = { string_type }; string_isinterneted_string = GetMethod ( string_type, "IsInterned", string_); Type [] runtime_type_handle = { runtime_handle_type }; system_type_get_type_from_handle = GetMethod ( type_type, "GetTypeFromHandle", runtime_type_handle); Type [] delegate_delegate = { delegate_type, delegate_type }; delegate_combine_delegate_delegate = GetMethod ( delegate_type, "Combine", delegate_delegate); delegate_remove_delegate_delegate = GetMethod ( delegate_type, "Remove", delegate_delegate); // // Void arguments // Type [] void_arg = { }; object_getcurrent_void = GetMethod ( ienumerator_type, "get_Current", void_arg); bool_movenext_void = GetMethod ( ienumerator_type, "MoveNext", void_arg); void_dispose_void = GetMethod ( idisposable_type, "Dispose", void_arg); int_get_offset_to_string_data = GetMethod ( runtime_helpers_type, "get_OffsetToStringData", void_arg); // // object arguments // Type [] object_arg = { object_type }; void_monitor_enter_object = GetMethod ( monitor_type, "Enter", object_arg); void_monitor_exit_object = GetMethod ( monitor_type, "Exit", object_arg); Type [] array_field_handle_arg = { array_type, runtime_field_handle_type }; void_initializearray_array_fieldhandle = GetMethod ( runtime_helpers_type, "InitializeArray", array_field_handle_arg); // // Array functions // Type [] int_arg = { int32_type }; int_getlength_int = GetMethod ( array_type, "GetLength", int_arg); // // Attributes // cons_param_array_attribute = GetConstructor ( param_array_type, void_arg); } const BindingFlags instance_and_static = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance; // // FIXME: This can be optimized easily. speedup by having a single builder mapping // public MemberInfo [] FindMembers (Type t, MemberTypes mt, BindingFlags bf, MemberFilter filter, object criteria) { // // We have to take care of arrays specially, because GetType on // a TypeBuilder array will return a Type, not a TypeBuilder, // and we can not call FindMembers on this type. // if (t.IsSubclassOf (TypeManager.array_type)) return TypeManager.array_type.FindMembers (mt, bf, filter, criteria); if (!(t is TypeBuilder)){ // // Since FindMembers will not lookup both static and instance // members, we emulate this behaviour here. // if ((bf & instance_and_static) == instance_and_static){ MemberInfo [] i_members = t.FindMembers ( mt, bf & ~BindingFlags.Static, filter, criteria); MemberInfo [] s_members = t.FindMembers ( mt, bf & ~BindingFlags.Instance, filter, criteria); int i_len = i_members.Length; int s_len = s_members.Length; if (i_len > 0 || s_len > 0){ MemberInfo [] both = new MemberInfo [i_len + s_len]; i_members.CopyTo (both, 0); s_members.CopyTo (both, i_len); return both; } else return i_members; } return t.FindMembers (mt, bf, filter, criteria); } // // FIXME: We should not have builder_to_blah everywhere, // we should just have a builder_to_findmemberizable // and have them implement a new ICanFindMembers interface // Enum e = (Enum) builder_to_enum [t]; if (e != null) return e.FindMembers (mt, bf, filter, criteria); Delegate del = (Delegate) builder_to_delegate [t]; if (del != null) return del.FindMembers (mt, bf, filter, criteria); Interface iface = (Interface) builder_to_interface [t]; if (iface != null) return iface.FindMembers (mt, bf, filter, criteria); TypeContainer tc = (TypeContainer) builder_to_container [t]; if (tc != null) return tc.FindMembers (mt, bf, filter, criteria); return null; } public static bool IsBuiltinType (Type t) { if (t == object_type || t == string_type || t == int32_type || t == uint32_type || t == int64_type || t == uint64_type || t == float_type || t == double_type || t == char_type || t == short_type || t == decimal_type || t == bool_type || t == sbyte_type || t == byte_type || t == ushort_type) return true; else return false; } public static bool IsDelegateType (Type t) { if (t.IsSubclassOf (TypeManager.delegate_type)) return true; else return false; } public static bool IsEnumType (Type t) { if (t.IsSubclassOf (TypeManager.enum_type)) return true; else return false; } public static bool IsInterfaceType (Type t) { Interface iface = (Interface) builder_to_interface [t]; if (iface != null) return true; else return false; } /// /// Returns the User Defined Types /// public ArrayList UserTypes { get { return user_types; } } public Hashtable TypeContainers { get { return typecontainers; } } static Hashtable builder_to_constant; public static void RegisterConstant (FieldBuilder fb, Const c) { if (builder_to_constant == null) builder_to_constant = new PtrHashtable (); if (builder_to_constant.Contains (fb)) return; builder_to_constant.Add (fb, c); } public static Const LookupConstant (FieldBuilder fb) { if (builder_to_constant == null) return null; return (Const) builder_to_constant [fb]; } /// /// Gigantic work around for missing features in System.Reflection.Emit follows. /// /// /// /// Since System.Reflection.Emit can not return MethodBase.GetParameters /// for anything which is dynamic, and we need this in a number of places, /// we register this information here, and use it afterwards. /// static public bool RegisterMethod (MethodBase mb, InternalParameters ip, Type [] args) { if (args == null) args = NoTypes; method_arguments.Add (mb, args); method_internal_params.Add (mb, ip); return true; } static public InternalParameters LookupParametersByBuilder (MethodBase mb) { if (! (mb is ConstructorBuilder || mb is MethodBuilder)) return null; if (method_internal_params.Contains (mb)) return (InternalParameters) method_internal_params [mb]; else throw new Exception ("Argument for Method not registered" + mb); } /// /// Returns the argument types for a method based on its methodbase /// /// For dynamic methods, we use the compiler provided types, for /// methods from existing assemblies we load them from GetParameters, /// and insert them into the cache /// static public Type [] GetArgumentTypes (MethodBase mb) { if (method_arguments.Contains (mb)) return (Type []) method_arguments [mb]; else { ParameterInfo [] pi = mb.GetParameters (); int c = pi.Length; Type [] types = new Type [c]; for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) types [i] = pi [i].ParameterType; method_arguments.Add (mb, types); return types; } } // // This is a workaround the fact that GetValue is not // supported for dynamic types // static Hashtable fields = new Hashtable (); static public bool RegisterFieldValue (FieldBuilder fb, object value) { if (fields.Contains (fb)) return false; fields.Add (fb, value); return true; } static public object GetValue (FieldBuilder fb) { return fields [fb]; } static Hashtable fieldbuilders_to_fields = new Hashtable (); static public bool RegisterField (FieldBuilder fb, Field f) { if (fieldbuilders_to_fields.Contains (fb)) return false; fieldbuilders_to_fields.Add (fb, f); return true; } static public Field GetField (FieldInfo fb) { return (Field) fieldbuilders_to_fields [fb]; } static Hashtable events; static public bool RegisterEvent (MyEventBuilder eb, MethodBase add, MethodBase remove) { if (events == null) events = new Hashtable (); if (events.Contains (eb)) return false; events.Add (eb, new Pair (add, remove)); return true; } static public MethodInfo GetAddMethod (EventInfo ei) { if (ei is MyEventBuilder) { Pair pair = (Pair) events [ei]; return (MethodInfo) pair.First; } else return ei.GetAddMethod (); } static public MethodInfo GetRemoveMethod (EventInfo ei) { if (ei is MyEventBuilder) { Pair pair = (Pair) events [ei]; return (MethodInfo) pair.Second; } else return ei.GetAddMethod (); } static Hashtable properties; static public bool RegisterProperty (PropertyBuilder pb, MethodBase get, MethodBase set) { if (properties == null) properties = new Hashtable (); if (properties.Contains (pb)) return false; properties.Add (pb, new Pair (get, set)); return true; } // // FIXME: we need to return the accessors depending on whether // they are visible or not. // static public MethodInfo [] GetAccessors (PropertyInfo pi) { MethodInfo [] ret; if (pi is PropertyBuilder){ Pair pair = (Pair) properties [pi]; ret = new MethodInfo [2]; ret [0] = (MethodInfo) pair.First; ret [1] = (MethodInfo) pair.Second; return ret; } else { MethodInfo [] mi = new MethodInfo [2]; // // Why this and not pi.GetAccessors? // Because sometimes index 0 is the getter // sometimes it is 1 // mi [0] = pi.GetGetMethod (true); mi [1] = pi.GetSetMethod (true); return mi; } } static public MethodInfo GetPropertyGetter (PropertyInfo pi) { if (pi is PropertyBuilder){ Pair de = (Pair) properties [pi]; return (MethodInfo) de.Second; } else return pi.GetSetMethod (); } static public MethodInfo GetPropertySetter (PropertyInfo pi) { if (pi is PropertyBuilder){ Pair de = (Pair) properties [pi]; return (MethodInfo) de.First; } else return pi.GetGetMethod (); } /// /// The following is used to check if a given type implements an interface. /// The cache helps us reduce the expense of hitting Type.GetInterfaces everytime. /// public static bool ImplementsInterface (Type t, Type iface) { Type [] interfaces; // // FIXME OPTIMIZATION: // as soon as we hit a non-TypeBuiler in the interface // chain, we could return, as the `Type.GetInterfaces' // will return all the interfaces implement by the type // or its parents. // do { interfaces = t.GetInterfaces (); for (int i = interfaces.Length; i > 0; ){ i--; if (interfaces [i] == iface) return true; } t = t.BaseType; } while (t != null); return false; } // // This is needed, because enumerations from assemblies // do not report their underlyingtype, but they report // themselves // public static Type EnumToUnderlying (Type t) { t = t.UnderlyingSystemType; if (!TypeManager.IsEnumType (t)) return t; TypeCode tc = Type.GetTypeCode (t); switch (tc){ case TypeCode.Boolean: return TypeManager.bool_type; case TypeCode.Byte: return TypeManager.byte_type; case TypeCode.SByte: return TypeManager.sbyte_type; case TypeCode.Char: return TypeManager.char_type; case TypeCode.Int16: return TypeManager.short_type; case TypeCode.UInt16: return TypeManager.ushort_type; case TypeCode.Int32: return TypeManager.int32_type; case TypeCode.UInt32: return TypeManager.uint32_type; case TypeCode.Int64: return TypeManager.int64_type; case TypeCode.UInt64: return TypeManager.uint64_type; } throw new Exception ("Unhandled typecode in enum" + tc); } /// /// Utility function that can be used to probe whether a type /// is managed or not. /// public static bool VerifyUnManaged (Type t, Location loc) { if (t.IsValueType){ // // FIXME: this is more complex, we actually need to // make sure that the type does not contain any // classes itself // return true; } Report.Error ( 208, loc, "Cannot take the address or size of a variable of a managed type ('" + CSharpName (t) + "')"); return false; } /// /// Returns the name of the indexer in a given type. /// /// /// The default is not always `Item'. The user can change this behaviour by /// using the DefaultMemberAttribute in the class. /// /// For example, the String class indexer is named `Chars' not `Item' /// public static string IndexerPropertyName (Type t) { if (t is TypeBuilder) { TypeContainer tc = (TypeContainer) builder_to_container [t]; Attributes attrs = tc.OptAttributes; if (attrs == null || attrs.AttributeSections == null) return "Item"; foreach (AttributeSection asec in attrs.AttributeSections) { if (asec.Attributes == null) continue; foreach (Attribute a in asec.Attributes) { if (a.Name.IndexOf ("DefaultMember") != -1) { ArrayList pos_args = (ArrayList) a.Arguments [0]; Expression e = ((Argument) pos_args [0]).expr; if (e is StringConstant) return ((StringConstant) e).Value; } } } return "Item"; } System.Attribute attr = System.Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (t, TypeManager.default_member_type); if (attr != null) { DefaultMemberAttribute dma = (DefaultMemberAttribute) attr; return dma.MemberName; } return "Item"; } public static void MakePinned (LocalBuilder builder) { // // FIXME: Flag the "LocalBuilder" type as being // pinned. Figure out API. // } } }