// // statement.cs: Statement representation for the IL tree. // // Authors: // Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com) // Martin Baulig (martin@ximian.com) // Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com) // // Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Ximian, Inc. // Copyright 2003, 2004 Novell, Inc. // Copyright 2011 Xamarin Inc. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; #if STATIC using IKVM.Reflection.Emit; #else using System.Reflection.Emit; #endif namespace Mono.CSharp { public abstract class Statement { public Location loc; protected bool reachable; public bool IsUnreachable { get { return !reachable; } } /// /// Resolves the statement, true means that all sub-statements /// did resolve ok. /// public virtual bool Resolve (BlockContext bc) { return true; } /// /// Return value indicates whether all code paths emitted return. /// protected abstract void DoEmit (EmitContext ec); public virtual void Emit (EmitContext ec) { ec.Mark (loc); DoEmit (ec); if (ec.StatementEpilogue != null) { ec.EmitEpilogue (); } } // // This routine must be overrided in derived classes and make copies // of all the data that might be modified if resolved // protected abstract void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement target); public Statement Clone (CloneContext clonectx) { Statement s = (Statement) this.MemberwiseClone (); CloneTo (clonectx, s); return s; } public virtual Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { ec.Report.Error (834, loc, "A lambda expression with statement body cannot be converted to an expresion tree"); return null; } public virtual object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } // // Return value indicates whether statement has unreachable end // protected abstract bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc); public bool FlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { if (reachable) { fc.UnreachableReported = false; var res = DoFlowAnalysis (fc); return res; } // // Special handling cases // if (this is Block) { return DoFlowAnalysis (fc); } if (this is EmptyStatement || loc.IsNull) return true; if (fc.UnreachableReported) return true; fc.Report.Warning (162, 2, loc, "Unreachable code detected"); fc.UnreachableReported = true; return true; } public virtual Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { if (!rc.IsUnreachable) reachable = true; return rc; } protected void CheckExitBoundaries (BlockContext bc, Block scope) { if (bc.CurrentBlock.ParametersBlock.Original != scope.ParametersBlock.Original) { bc.Report.Error (1632, loc, "Control cannot leave the body of an anonymous method"); return; } for (var b = bc.CurrentBlock; b != null && b != scope; b = b.Parent) { if (b.IsFinallyBlock) { Error_FinallyClauseExit (bc); break; } } } protected void Error_FinallyClauseExit (BlockContext bc) { bc.Report.Error (157, loc, "Control cannot leave the body of a finally clause"); } } public sealed class EmptyStatement : Statement { public EmptyStatement (Location loc) { this.loc = loc; } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext ec) { return true; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { throw new NotSupportedException (); } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { return false; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement target) { // nothing needed. } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class If : Statement { Expression expr; public Statement TrueStatement; public Statement FalseStatement; bool true_returns, false_returns; public If (Expression bool_expr, Statement true_statement, Location l) : this (bool_expr, true_statement, null, l) { } public If (Expression bool_expr, Statement true_statement, Statement false_statement, Location l) { this.expr = bool_expr; TrueStatement = true_statement; FalseStatement = false_statement; loc = l; } public Expression Expr { get { return this.expr; } } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext ec) { expr = expr.Resolve (ec); var ok = TrueStatement.Resolve (ec); if (FalseStatement != null) { ok &= FalseStatement.Resolve (ec); } return ok; } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { Label false_target = ec.DefineLabel (); Label end; // // If we're a boolean constant, Resolve() already // eliminated dead code for us. // Constant c = expr as Constant; if (c != null){ c.EmitSideEffect (ec); if (!c.IsDefaultValue) TrueStatement.Emit (ec); else if (FalseStatement != null) FalseStatement.Emit (ec); return; } expr.EmitBranchable (ec, false_target, false); TrueStatement.Emit (ec); if (FalseStatement != null){ bool branch_emitted = false; end = ec.DefineLabel (); if (!true_returns){ ec.Emit (OpCodes.Br, end); branch_emitted = true; } ec.MarkLabel (false_target); FalseStatement.Emit (ec); if (branch_emitted) ec.MarkLabel (end); } else { ec.MarkLabel (false_target); } } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { expr.FlowAnalysisConditional (fc); var da_false = new DefiniteAssignmentBitSet (fc.DefiniteAssignmentOnFalse); fc.DefiniteAssignment = fc.DefiniteAssignmentOnTrue; var res = TrueStatement.FlowAnalysis (fc); if (FalseStatement == null) { var c = expr as Constant; if (c != null && !c.IsDefaultValue) return true_returns; if (true_returns) fc.DefiniteAssignment = da_false; else fc.DefiniteAssignment &= da_false; return false; } if (true_returns) { fc.DefiniteAssignment = da_false; return FalseStatement.FlowAnalysis (fc); } var da_true = fc.DefiniteAssignment; fc.DefiniteAssignment = da_false; res &= FalseStatement.FlowAnalysis (fc); if (!TrueStatement.IsUnreachable) { if (false_returns || FalseStatement.IsUnreachable) fc.DefiniteAssignment = da_true; else fc.DefiniteAssignment &= da_true; } return res; } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { if (rc.IsUnreachable) return rc; base.MarkReachable (rc); var c = expr as Constant; if (c != null) { bool take = !c.IsDefaultValue; if (take) { rc = TrueStatement.MarkReachable (rc); } else { if (FalseStatement != null) rc = FalseStatement.MarkReachable (rc); } return rc; } var true_rc = TrueStatement.MarkReachable (rc); true_returns = true_rc.IsUnreachable; if (FalseStatement == null) return rc; var false_rc = FalseStatement.MarkReachable (rc); false_returns = false_rc.IsUnreachable; return true_rc & false_rc; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement t) { If target = (If) t; target.expr = expr.Clone (clonectx); target.TrueStatement = TrueStatement.Clone (clonectx); if (FalseStatement != null) target.FalseStatement = FalseStatement.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class Do : LoopStatement { public Expression expr; bool iterator_reachable, end_reachable; public Do (Statement statement, BooleanExpression bool_expr, Location doLocation, Location whileLocation) : base (statement) { expr = bool_expr; loc = doLocation; WhileLocation = whileLocation; } public Location WhileLocation { get; private set; } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext bc) { var ok = base.Resolve (bc); expr = expr.Resolve (bc); return ok; } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { Label loop = ec.DefineLabel (); Label old_begin = ec.LoopBegin; Label old_end = ec.LoopEnd; ec.LoopBegin = ec.DefineLabel (); ec.LoopEnd = ec.DefineLabel (); ec.MarkLabel (loop); Statement.Emit (ec); ec.MarkLabel (ec.LoopBegin); // Mark start of while condition ec.Mark (WhileLocation); // // Dead code elimination // if (expr is Constant) { bool res = !((Constant) expr).IsDefaultValue; expr.EmitSideEffect (ec); if (res) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Br, loop); } else { expr.EmitBranchable (ec, loop, true); } ec.MarkLabel (ec.LoopEnd); ec.LoopBegin = old_begin; ec.LoopEnd = old_end; } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { var res = Statement.FlowAnalysis (fc); expr.FlowAnalysisConditional (fc); fc.DefiniteAssignment = fc.DefiniteAssignmentOnFalse; if (res && !iterator_reachable) return !end_reachable; if (!end_reachable) { var c = expr as Constant; if (c != null && !c.IsDefaultValue) return true; } return false; } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { base.MarkReachable (rc); var body_rc = Statement.MarkReachable (rc); if (body_rc.IsUnreachable && !iterator_reachable) { expr = new UnreachableExpression (expr); return end_reachable ? rc : Reachability.CreateUnreachable (); } if (!end_reachable) { var c = expr as Constant; if (c != null && !c.IsDefaultValue) return Reachability.CreateUnreachable (); } return rc; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement t) { Do target = (Do) t; target.Statement = Statement.Clone (clonectx); target.expr = expr.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } public override void SetEndReachable () { end_reachable = true; } public override void SetIteratorReachable () { iterator_reachable = true; } } public class While : LoopStatement { public Expression expr; bool empty, infinite, end_reachable; List end_reachable_das; public While (BooleanExpression bool_expr, Statement statement, Location l) : base (statement) { this.expr = bool_expr; loc = l; } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext bc) { bool ok = true; expr = expr.Resolve (bc); if (expr == null) ok = false; var c = expr as Constant; if (c != null) { empty = c.IsDefaultValue; infinite = !empty; } ok &= base.Resolve (bc); return ok; } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { if (empty) { expr.EmitSideEffect (ec); return; } Label old_begin = ec.LoopBegin; Label old_end = ec.LoopEnd; ec.LoopBegin = ec.DefineLabel (); ec.LoopEnd = ec.DefineLabel (); // // Inform whether we are infinite or not // if (expr is Constant) { // expr is 'true', since the 'empty' case above handles the 'false' case ec.MarkLabel (ec.LoopBegin); if (ec.EmitAccurateDebugInfo) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Nop); expr.EmitSideEffect (ec); Statement.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Br, ec.LoopBegin); // // Inform that we are infinite (ie, `we return'), only // if we do not `break' inside the code. // ec.MarkLabel (ec.LoopEnd); } else { Label while_loop = ec.DefineLabel (); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Br, ec.LoopBegin); ec.MarkLabel (while_loop); Statement.Emit (ec); ec.MarkLabel (ec.LoopBegin); ec.Mark (loc); expr.EmitBranchable (ec, while_loop, true); ec.MarkLabel (ec.LoopEnd); } ec.LoopBegin = old_begin; ec.LoopEnd = old_end; } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { expr.FlowAnalysisConditional (fc); fc.DefiniteAssignment = fc.DefiniteAssignmentOnTrue; var da_false = new DefiniteAssignmentBitSet (fc.DefiniteAssignmentOnFalse); Statement.FlowAnalysis (fc); // // Special case infinite while with breaks // if (end_reachable_das != null) { da_false = DefiniteAssignmentBitSet.And (end_reachable_das); end_reachable_das = null; } fc.DefiniteAssignment = da_false; if (infinite && !end_reachable) return true; return false; } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { if (rc.IsUnreachable) return rc; base.MarkReachable (rc); // // Special case unreachable while body // if (empty) { Statement.MarkReachable (Reachability.CreateUnreachable ()); return rc; } Statement.MarkReachable (rc); // // When infinite while end is unreachable via break anything what follows is unreachable too // if (infinite && !end_reachable) return Reachability.CreateUnreachable (); return rc; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement t) { While target = (While) t; target.expr = expr.Clone (clonectx); target.Statement = Statement.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } public override void AddEndDefiniteAssignment (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { if (!infinite) return; if (end_reachable_das == null) end_reachable_das = new List (); end_reachable_das.Add (fc.DefiniteAssignment); } public override void SetEndReachable () { end_reachable = true; } } public class For : LoopStatement { bool infinite, empty, iterator_reachable, end_reachable; List end_reachable_das; public For (Location l) : base (null) { loc = l; } public Statement Initializer { get; set; } public Expression Condition { get; set; } public Statement Iterator { get; set; } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext bc) { Initializer.Resolve (bc); if (Condition != null) { Condition = Condition.Resolve (bc); var condition_constant = Condition as Constant; if (condition_constant != null) { if (condition_constant.IsDefaultValue) { empty = true; } else { infinite = true; } } } else { infinite = true; } return base.Resolve (bc) && Iterator.Resolve (bc); } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { Initializer.FlowAnalysis (fc); DefiniteAssignmentBitSet da_false; if (Condition != null) { Condition.FlowAnalysisConditional (fc); fc.DefiniteAssignment = fc.DefiniteAssignmentOnTrue; da_false = new DefiniteAssignmentBitSet (fc.DefiniteAssignmentOnFalse); } else { da_false = fc.BranchDefiniteAssignment (); } Statement.FlowAnalysis (fc); Iterator.FlowAnalysis (fc); // // Special case infinite for with breaks // if (end_reachable_das != null) { da_false = DefiniteAssignmentBitSet.And (end_reachable_das); end_reachable_das = null; } fc.DefiniteAssignment = da_false; if (infinite && !end_reachable) return true; return false; } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { base.MarkReachable (rc); Initializer.MarkReachable (rc); var body_rc = Statement.MarkReachable (rc); if (!body_rc.IsUnreachable || iterator_reachable) { Iterator.MarkReachable (rc); } // // When infinite for end is unreachable via break anything what follows is unreachable too // if (infinite && !end_reachable) { return Reachability.CreateUnreachable (); } return rc; } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { if (Initializer != null) Initializer.Emit (ec); if (empty) { Condition.EmitSideEffect (ec); return; } Label old_begin = ec.LoopBegin; Label old_end = ec.LoopEnd; Label loop = ec.DefineLabel (); Label test = ec.DefineLabel (); ec.LoopBegin = ec.DefineLabel (); ec.LoopEnd = ec.DefineLabel (); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Br, test); ec.MarkLabel (loop); Statement.Emit (ec); ec.MarkLabel (ec.LoopBegin); Iterator.Emit (ec); ec.MarkLabel (test); // // If test is null, there is no test, and we are just // an infinite loop // if (Condition != null) { ec.Mark (Condition.Location); // // The Resolve code already catches the case for // Test == Constant (false) so we know that // this is true // if (Condition is Constant) { Condition.EmitSideEffect (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Br, loop); } else { Condition.EmitBranchable (ec, loop, true); } } else ec.Emit (OpCodes.Br, loop); ec.MarkLabel (ec.LoopEnd); ec.LoopBegin = old_begin; ec.LoopEnd = old_end; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement t) { For target = (For) t; if (Initializer != null) target.Initializer = Initializer.Clone (clonectx); if (Condition != null) target.Condition = Condition.Clone (clonectx); if (Iterator != null) target.Iterator = Iterator.Clone (clonectx); target.Statement = Statement.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } public override void AddEndDefiniteAssignment (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { if (!infinite) return; if (end_reachable_das == null) end_reachable_das = new List (); end_reachable_das.Add (fc.DefiniteAssignment); } public override void SetEndReachable () { end_reachable = true; } public override void SetIteratorReachable () { iterator_reachable = true; } } public abstract class LoopStatement : Statement { protected LoopStatement (Statement statement) { Statement = statement; } public Statement Statement { get; set; } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext bc) { var prev_loop = bc.EnclosingLoop; var prev_los = bc.EnclosingLoopOrSwitch; bc.EnclosingLoopOrSwitch = bc.EnclosingLoop = this; var ok = Statement.Resolve (bc); bc.EnclosingLoopOrSwitch = prev_los; bc.EnclosingLoop = prev_loop; return ok; } // // Needed by possibly infinite loops statements (for, while) and switch statment // public virtual void AddEndDefiniteAssignment (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { } public virtual void SetEndReachable () { } public virtual void SetIteratorReachable () { } } public class StatementExpression : Statement { ExpressionStatement expr; public StatementExpression (ExpressionStatement expr) { this.expr = expr; loc = expr.StartLocation; } public StatementExpression (ExpressionStatement expr, Location loc) { this.expr = expr; this.loc = loc; } public ExpressionStatement Expr { get { return this.expr; } } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement t) { StatementExpression target = (StatementExpression) t; target.expr = (ExpressionStatement) expr.Clone (clonectx); } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { expr.EmitStatement (ec); } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { expr.FlowAnalysis (fc); return false; } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { base.MarkReachable (rc); expr.MarkReachable (rc); return rc; } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext ec) { expr = expr.ResolveStatement (ec); return expr != null; } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class StatementErrorExpression : Statement { Expression expr; public StatementErrorExpression (Expression expr) { this.expr = expr; this.loc = expr.StartLocation; } public Expression Expr { get { return expr; } } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext bc) { expr.Error_InvalidExpressionStatement (bc); return true; } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { throw new NotSupportedException (); } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { return false; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement target) { var t = (StatementErrorExpression) target; t.expr = expr.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } // // Simple version of statement list not requiring a block // public class StatementList : Statement { List statements; public StatementList (Statement first, Statement second) { statements = new List { first, second }; } #region Properties public IList Statements { get { return statements; } } #endregion public void Add (Statement statement) { statements.Add (statement); } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext ec) { foreach (var s in statements) s.Resolve (ec); return true; } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { foreach (var s in statements) s.Emit (ec); } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { foreach (var s in statements) s.FlowAnalysis (fc); return false; } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { base.MarkReachable (rc); Reachability res = rc; foreach (var s in statements) res = s.MarkReachable (rc); return res; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement target) { StatementList t = (StatementList) target; t.statements = new List (statements.Count); foreach (Statement s in statements) t.statements.Add (s.Clone (clonectx)); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } // // For statements which require special handling when inside try or catch block // public abstract class ExitStatement : Statement { protected bool unwind_protect; protected abstract bool DoResolve (BlockContext bc); protected abstract bool IsLocalExit { get; } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext bc) { var res = DoResolve (bc); if (!IsLocalExit) { // // We are inside finally scope but is it the scope we are exiting // if (bc.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.FinallyScope)) { for (var b = bc.CurrentBlock; b != null; b = b.Parent) { if (b.IsFinallyBlock) { Error_FinallyClauseExit (bc); break; } if (b is ParametersBlock) break; } } } unwind_protect = bc.HasAny (ResolveContext.Options.TryScope | ResolveContext.Options.CatchScope); return res; } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { if (IsLocalExit) return true; if (fc.TryFinally != null) { fc.TryFinally.RegisterForControlExitCheck (new DefiniteAssignmentBitSet (fc.DefiniteAssignment)); } else { fc.ParametersBlock.CheckControlExit (fc); } return true; } } /// /// Implements the return statement /// public class Return : ExitStatement { Expression expr; public Return (Expression expr, Location l) { this.expr = expr; loc = l; } #region Properties public Expression Expr { get { return expr; } protected set { expr = value; } } protected override bool IsLocalExit { get { return false; } } #endregion protected override bool DoResolve (BlockContext ec) { var block_return_type = ec.ReturnType; if (expr == null) { if (block_return_type.Kind == MemberKind.Void || block_return_type == InternalType.ErrorType) return true; // // Return must not be followed by an expression when // the method return type is Task // if (ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod is AsyncInitializer) { var storey = (AsyncTaskStorey) ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod.Storey; if (storey.ReturnType == ec.Module.PredefinedTypes.Task.TypeSpec) { // // Extra trick not to emit ret/leave inside awaiter body // expr = EmptyExpression.Null; return true; } if (storey.ReturnType.IsGenericTask) block_return_type = storey.ReturnType.TypeArguments[0]; } if (ec.CurrentIterator != null) { Error_ReturnFromIterator (ec); } else if (block_return_type != InternalType.ErrorType) { ec.Report.Error (126, loc, "An object of a type convertible to `{0}' is required for the return statement", block_return_type.GetSignatureForError ()); } return false; } expr = expr.Resolve (ec); AnonymousExpression am = ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod; if (am == null) { if (block_return_type.Kind == MemberKind.Void) { ec.Report.Error (127, loc, "`{0}': A return keyword must not be followed by any expression when method returns void", ec.GetSignatureForError ()); return false; } } else { if (am.IsIterator) { Error_ReturnFromIterator (ec); return false; } var async_block = am as AsyncInitializer; if (async_block != null) { if (expr != null) { var storey = (AsyncTaskStorey) am.Storey; var async_type = storey.ReturnType; if (async_type == null && async_block.ReturnTypeInference != null) { if (expr.Type.Kind == MemberKind.Void && !(this is ContextualReturn)) ec.Report.Error (4029, loc, "Cannot return an expression of type `void'"); else async_block.ReturnTypeInference.AddCommonTypeBoundAsync (expr.Type); return true; } if (async_type.Kind == MemberKind.Void) { ec.Report.Error (8030, loc, "Anonymous function or lambda expression converted to a void returning delegate cannot return a value"); return false; } if (!async_type.IsGenericTask) { if (this is ContextualReturn) return true; if (async_block.DelegateType != null) { ec.Report.Error (8031, loc, "Async lambda expression or anonymous method converted to a `Task' cannot return a value. Consider returning `Task'"); } else { ec.Report.Error (1997, loc, "`{0}': A return keyword must not be followed by an expression when async method returns `Task'. Consider using `Task' return type", ec.GetSignatureForError ()); } return false; } // // The return type is actually Task type argument // if (expr.Type == async_type && async_type.TypeArguments [0] != ec.Module.PredefinedTypes.Task.TypeSpec) { ec.Report.Error (4016, loc, "`{0}': The return expression type of async method must be `{1}' rather than `Task<{1}>'", ec.GetSignatureForError (), async_type.TypeArguments[0].GetSignatureForError ()); } else { block_return_type = async_type.TypeArguments[0]; } } } else { if (block_return_type.Kind == MemberKind.Void) { ec.Report.Error (8030, loc, "Anonymous function or lambda expression converted to a void returning delegate cannot return a value"); return false; } var l = am as AnonymousMethodBody; if (l != null && expr != null) { if (l.ReturnTypeInference != null) { l.ReturnTypeInference.AddCommonTypeBound (expr.Type); return true; } // // Try to optimize simple lambda. Only when optimizations are enabled not to cause // unexpected debugging experience // if (this is ContextualReturn && !ec.IsInProbingMode && ec.Module.Compiler.Settings.Optimize) { l.DirectMethodGroupConversion = expr.CanReduceLambda (l); } } } } if (expr == null) return false; if (expr.Type != block_return_type && expr.Type != InternalType.ErrorType) { expr = Convert.ImplicitConversionRequired (ec, expr, block_return_type, loc); if (expr == null) { if (am != null && block_return_type == ec.ReturnType) { ec.Report.Error (1662, loc, "Cannot convert `{0}' to delegate type `{1}' because some of the return types in the block are not implicitly convertible to the delegate return type", am.ContainerType, am.GetSignatureForError ()); } return false; } } return true; } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { if (expr != null) { var async_body = ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod as AsyncInitializer; if (async_body != null) { var storey = (AsyncTaskStorey)async_body.Storey; Label exit_label = async_body.BodyEnd; // // It's null for await without async // if (storey.HoistedReturnValue != null) { // // Special case hoisted return value (happens in try/finally scenario) // if (ec.TryFinallyUnwind != null) { exit_label = TryFinally.EmitRedirectedReturn (ec, async_body); } var async_return = (IAssignMethod)storey.HoistedReturnValue; async_return.EmitAssign (ec, expr, false, false); ec.EmitEpilogue (); } else { expr.Emit (ec); if (ec.TryFinallyUnwind != null) exit_label = TryFinally.EmitRedirectedReturn (ec, async_body); } ec.Emit (OpCodes.Leave, exit_label); return; } expr.Emit (ec); ec.EmitEpilogue (); if (unwind_protect || ec.EmitAccurateDebugInfo) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Stloc, ec.TemporaryReturn ()); } if (unwind_protect) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Leave, ec.CreateReturnLabel ()); } else if (ec.EmitAccurateDebugInfo) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Br, ec.CreateReturnLabel ()); } else { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ret); } } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { if (expr != null) expr.FlowAnalysis (fc); base.DoFlowAnalysis (fc); return true; } void Error_ReturnFromIterator (ResolveContext rc) { rc.Report.Error (1622, loc, "Cannot return a value from iterators. Use the yield return statement to return a value, or yield break to end the iteration"); } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { base.MarkReachable (rc); return Reachability.CreateUnreachable (); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement t) { Return target = (Return) t; // It's null for simple return; if (expr != null) target.expr = expr.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class Goto : ExitStatement { string target; LabeledStatement label; TryFinally try_finally; public Goto (string label, Location l) { loc = l; target = label; } public string Target { get { return target; } } protected override bool IsLocalExit { get { return true; } } protected override bool DoResolve (BlockContext bc) { label = bc.CurrentBlock.LookupLabel (target); if (label == null) { Error_UnknownLabel (bc, target, loc); return false; } try_finally = bc.CurrentTryBlock as TryFinally; CheckExitBoundaries (bc, label.Block); return true; } public static void Error_UnknownLabel (BlockContext bc, string label, Location loc) { bc.Report.Error (159, loc, "The label `{0}:' could not be found within the scope of the goto statement", label); } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { // Goto to unreachable label if (label == null) return true; if (fc.AddReachedLabel (label)) return true; label.Block.ScanGotoJump (label, fc); return true; } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { if (rc.IsUnreachable) return rc; base.MarkReachable (rc); if (try_finally != null) { if (try_finally.FinallyBlock.HasReachableClosingBrace) { label.AddGotoReference (rc); } else { label = null; } } else { label.AddGotoReference (rc); } return Reachability.CreateUnreachable (); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement target) { // Nothing to clone } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { // This should only happen for goto from try block to unrechable label if (label == null) return; Label l = label.LabelTarget (ec); if (ec.TryFinallyUnwind != null && IsLeavingFinally (label.Block)) { var async_body = (AsyncInitializer) ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod; l = TryFinally.EmitRedirectedJump (ec, async_body, l, label.Block); } ec.Emit (unwind_protect ? OpCodes.Leave : OpCodes.Br, l); } bool IsLeavingFinally (Block labelBlock) { var b = try_finally.Statement as Block; while (b != null) { if (b == labelBlock) return true; b = b.Parent; } return false; } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class LabeledStatement : Statement { string name; bool defined; bool referenced; Label label; Block block; public LabeledStatement (string name, Block block, Location l) { this.name = name; this.block = block; this.loc = l; } public Label LabelTarget (EmitContext ec) { if (defined) return label; label = ec.DefineLabel (); defined = true; return label; } public Block Block { get { return block; } } public string Name { get { return name; } } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement target) { var t = (LabeledStatement) target; t.block = clonectx.RemapBlockCopy (block); } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext bc) { return true; } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { LabelTarget (ec); ec.MarkLabel (label); } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { if (!referenced) { fc.Report.Warning (164, 2, loc, "This label has not been referenced"); } return false; } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { base.MarkReachable (rc); if (referenced) rc = new Reachability (); return rc; } public void AddGotoReference (Reachability rc) { if (referenced) return; referenced = true; MarkReachable (rc); block.ScanGotoJump (this); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } /// /// `goto default' statement /// public class GotoDefault : SwitchGoto { public GotoDefault (Location l) : base (l) { } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext bc) { if (bc.Switch == null) { Error_GotoCaseRequiresSwitchBlock (bc); return false; } bc.Switch.RegisterGotoCase (null, null); base.Resolve (bc); return true; } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { ec.Emit (unwind_protect ? OpCodes.Leave : OpCodes.Br, ec.Switch.DefaultLabel.GetILLabel (ec)); } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { if (!rc.IsUnreachable) { var label = switch_statement.DefaultLabel; if (label.IsUnreachable) { label.MarkReachable (rc); switch_statement.Block.ScanGotoJump (label); } } return base.MarkReachable (rc); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } /// /// `goto case' statement /// public class GotoCase : SwitchGoto { Expression expr; public GotoCase (Expression e, Location l) : base (l) { expr = e; } public Expression Expr { get { return expr; } } public SwitchLabel Label { get; set; } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext ec) { if (ec.Switch == null) { Error_GotoCaseRequiresSwitchBlock (ec); return false; } Constant c = expr.ResolveLabelConstant (ec); if (c == null) { return false; } Constant res; if (ec.Switch.IsNullable && c is NullLiteral) { res = c; } else { TypeSpec type = ec.Switch.SwitchType; res = c.Reduce (ec, type); if (res == null) { c.Error_ValueCannotBeConverted (ec, type, true); return false; } if (!Convert.ImplicitStandardConversionExists (c, type)) ec.Report.Warning (469, 2, loc, "The `goto case' value is not implicitly convertible to type `{0}'", type.GetSignatureForError ()); } ec.Switch.RegisterGotoCase (this, res); base.Resolve (ec); expr = res; return true; } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { ec.Emit (unwind_protect ? OpCodes.Leave : OpCodes.Br, Label.GetILLabel (ec)); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement t) { GotoCase target = (GotoCase) t; target.expr = expr.Clone (clonectx); } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { if (!rc.IsUnreachable) { var label = switch_statement.FindLabel ((Constant) expr); if (label.IsUnreachable) { label.MarkReachable (rc); switch_statement.Block.ScanGotoJump (label); } } return base.MarkReachable (rc); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public abstract class SwitchGoto : Statement { protected bool unwind_protect; protected Switch switch_statement; protected SwitchGoto (Location loc) { this.loc = loc; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement target) { // Nothing to clone } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext bc) { CheckExitBoundaries (bc, bc.Switch.Block); unwind_protect = bc.HasAny (ResolveContext.Options.TryScope | ResolveContext.Options.CatchScope); switch_statement = bc.Switch; return true; } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { return true; } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { base.MarkReachable (rc); return Reachability.CreateUnreachable (); } protected void Error_GotoCaseRequiresSwitchBlock (BlockContext bc) { bc.Report.Error (153, loc, "A goto case is only valid inside a switch statement"); } } public class Throw : Statement { Expression expr; public Throw (Expression expr, Location l) { this.expr = expr; loc = l; } public Expression Expr { get { return this.expr; } } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext ec) { if (expr == null) { if (!ec.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.CatchScope)) { ec.Report.Error (156, loc, "A throw statement with no arguments is not allowed outside of a catch clause"); } else if (ec.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.FinallyScope)) { for (var b = ec.CurrentBlock; b != null && !b.IsCatchBlock; b = b.Parent) { if (b.IsFinallyBlock) { ec.Report.Error (724, loc, "A throw statement with no arguments is not allowed inside of a finally clause nested inside of the innermost catch clause"); break; } } } return true; } expr = expr.Resolve (ec, ResolveFlags.Type | ResolveFlags.VariableOrValue); if (expr == null) return false; var et = ec.BuiltinTypes.Exception; if (Convert.ImplicitConversionExists (ec, expr, et)) expr = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, expr, et, loc); else ec.Report.Error (155, expr.Location, "The type caught or thrown must be derived from System.Exception"); return true; } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { if (expr == null) { var atv = ec.AsyncThrowVariable; if (atv != null) { if (atv.HoistedVariant != null) { atv.HoistedVariant.Emit (ec); } else { atv.Emit (ec); } ec.Emit (OpCodes.Throw); } else { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Rethrow); } } else { expr.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Throw); } } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { if (expr != null) expr.FlowAnalysis (fc); return true; } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { base.MarkReachable (rc); return Reachability.CreateUnreachable (); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement t) { Throw target = (Throw) t; if (expr != null) target.expr = expr.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class Break : LocalExitStatement { public Break (Location l) : base (l) { } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { var l = ec.LoopEnd; if (ec.TryFinallyUnwind != null) { var async_body = (AsyncInitializer) ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod; l = TryFinally.EmitRedirectedJump (ec, async_body, l, enclosing_loop.Statement as Block); } ec.Emit (unwind_protect ? OpCodes.Leave : OpCodes.Br, l); } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { enclosing_loop.AddEndDefiniteAssignment (fc); return true; } protected override bool DoResolve (BlockContext bc) { enclosing_loop = bc.EnclosingLoopOrSwitch; return base.DoResolve (bc); } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { base.MarkReachable (rc); if (!rc.IsUnreachable) enclosing_loop.SetEndReachable (); return Reachability.CreateUnreachable (); } } public class Continue : LocalExitStatement { public Continue (Location l) : base (l) { } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { var l = ec.LoopBegin; if (ec.TryFinallyUnwind != null) { var async_body = (AsyncInitializer) ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod; l = TryFinally.EmitRedirectedJump (ec, async_body, l, enclosing_loop.Statement as Block); } ec.Emit (unwind_protect ? OpCodes.Leave : OpCodes.Br, l); } protected override bool DoResolve (BlockContext bc) { enclosing_loop = bc.EnclosingLoop; return base.DoResolve (bc); } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { base.MarkReachable (rc); if (!rc.IsUnreachable) enclosing_loop.SetIteratorReachable (); return Reachability.CreateUnreachable (); } } public abstract class LocalExitStatement : ExitStatement { protected LoopStatement enclosing_loop; protected LocalExitStatement (Location loc) { this.loc = loc; } protected override bool IsLocalExit { get { return true; } } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement t) { // nothing needed. } protected override bool DoResolve (BlockContext bc) { if (enclosing_loop == null) { bc.Report.Error (139, loc, "No enclosing loop out of which to break or continue"); return false; } var block = enclosing_loop.Statement as Block; // Don't need to do extra checks for simple statements loops if (block != null) { CheckExitBoundaries (bc, block); } return true; } } public interface ILocalVariable { void Emit (EmitContext ec); void EmitAssign (EmitContext ec); void EmitAddressOf (EmitContext ec); } public interface INamedBlockVariable { Block Block { get; } Expression CreateReferenceExpression (ResolveContext rc, Location loc); bool IsDeclared { get; } bool IsParameter { get; } Location Location { get; } } public class BlockVariableDeclarator { LocalVariable li; Expression initializer; public BlockVariableDeclarator (LocalVariable li, Expression initializer) { if (li.Type != null) throw new ArgumentException ("Expected null variable type"); this.li = li; this.initializer = initializer; } #region Properties public LocalVariable Variable { get { return li; } } public Expression Initializer { get { return initializer; } set { initializer = value; } } #endregion public virtual BlockVariableDeclarator Clone (CloneContext cloneCtx) { var t = (BlockVariableDeclarator) MemberwiseClone (); if (initializer != null) t.initializer = initializer.Clone (cloneCtx); return t; } } public class BlockVariable : Statement { Expression initializer; protected FullNamedExpression type_expr; protected LocalVariable li; protected List declarators; TypeSpec type; public BlockVariable (FullNamedExpression type, LocalVariable li) { this.type_expr = type; this.li = li; this.loc = type_expr.Location; } protected BlockVariable (LocalVariable li) { this.li = li; } #region Properties public List Declarators { get { return declarators; } } public Expression Initializer { get { return initializer; } set { initializer = value; } } public FullNamedExpression TypeExpression { get { return type_expr; } } public LocalVariable Variable { get { return li; } } #endregion public void AddDeclarator (BlockVariableDeclarator decl) { if (declarators == null) declarators = new List (); declarators.Add (decl); } static void CreateEvaluatorVariable (BlockContext bc, LocalVariable li) { if (bc.Report.Errors != 0) return; var container = bc.CurrentMemberDefinition.Parent.PartialContainer; Field f = new Field (container, new TypeExpression (li.Type, li.Location), Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.STATIC, new MemberName (li.Name, li.Location), null); container.AddField (f); f.Define (); li.HoistedVariant = new HoistedEvaluatorVariable (f); li.SetIsUsed (); } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext bc) { return Resolve (bc, true); } public bool Resolve (BlockContext bc, bool resolveDeclaratorInitializers) { if (type == null && !li.IsCompilerGenerated) { var vexpr = type_expr as VarExpr; // // C# 3.0 introduced contextual keywords (var) which behaves like a type if type with // same name exists or as a keyword when no type was found // if (vexpr != null && !vexpr.IsPossibleType (bc)) { if (bc.Module.Compiler.Settings.Version < LanguageVersion.V_3) bc.Report.FeatureIsNotAvailable (bc.Module.Compiler, loc, "implicitly typed local variable"); if (li.IsFixed) { bc.Report.Error (821, loc, "A fixed statement cannot use an implicitly typed local variable"); return false; } if (li.IsConstant) { bc.Report.Error (822, loc, "An implicitly typed local variable cannot be a constant"); return false; } if (Initializer == null) { bc.Report.Error (818, loc, "An implicitly typed local variable declarator must include an initializer"); return false; } if (declarators != null) { bc.Report.Error (819, loc, "An implicitly typed local variable declaration cannot include multiple declarators"); declarators = null; } Initializer = Initializer.Resolve (bc); if (Initializer != null) { ((VarExpr) type_expr).InferType (bc, Initializer); type = type_expr.Type; } else { // Set error type to indicate the var was placed correctly but could // not be infered // // var a = missing (); // type = InternalType.ErrorType; } } if (type == null) { type = type_expr.ResolveAsType (bc); if (type == null) return false; if (li.IsConstant && !type.IsConstantCompatible) { Const.Error_InvalidConstantType (type, loc, bc.Report); } } if (type.IsStatic) FieldBase.Error_VariableOfStaticClass (loc, li.Name, type, bc.Report); li.Type = type; } bool eval_global = bc.Module.Compiler.Settings.StatementMode && bc.CurrentBlock is ToplevelBlock; if (eval_global) { CreateEvaluatorVariable (bc, li); } else if (type != InternalType.ErrorType) { li.PrepareAssignmentAnalysis (bc); } if (initializer != null) { initializer = ResolveInitializer (bc, li, initializer); // li.Variable.DefinitelyAssigned } if (declarators != null) { foreach (var d in declarators) { d.Variable.Type = li.Type; if (eval_global) { CreateEvaluatorVariable (bc, d.Variable); } else if (type != InternalType.ErrorType) { d.Variable.PrepareAssignmentAnalysis (bc); } if (d.Initializer != null && resolveDeclaratorInitializers) { d.Initializer = ResolveInitializer (bc, d.Variable, d.Initializer); // d.Variable.DefinitelyAssigned } } } return true; } protected virtual Expression ResolveInitializer (BlockContext bc, LocalVariable li, Expression initializer) { var a = new SimpleAssign (li.CreateReferenceExpression (bc, li.Location), initializer, li.Location); return a.ResolveStatement (bc); } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { li.CreateBuilder (ec); if (Initializer != null && !IsUnreachable) ((ExpressionStatement) Initializer).EmitStatement (ec); if (declarators != null) { foreach (var d in declarators) { d.Variable.CreateBuilder (ec); if (d.Initializer != null && !IsUnreachable) { ec.Mark (d.Variable.Location); ((ExpressionStatement) d.Initializer).EmitStatement (ec); } } } } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { if (Initializer != null) Initializer.FlowAnalysis (fc); if (declarators != null) { foreach (var d in declarators) { if (d.Initializer != null) d.Initializer.FlowAnalysis (fc); } } return false; } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { var init = initializer as ExpressionStatement; if (init != null) init.MarkReachable (rc); return base.MarkReachable (rc); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement target) { BlockVariable t = (BlockVariable) target; if (type_expr != null) t.type_expr = (FullNamedExpression) type_expr.Clone (clonectx); if (initializer != null) t.initializer = initializer.Clone (clonectx); if (declarators != null) { t.declarators = null; foreach (var d in declarators) t.AddDeclarator (d.Clone (clonectx)); } } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class BlockConstant : BlockVariable { public BlockConstant (FullNamedExpression type, LocalVariable li) : base (type, li) { } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { // Nothing to emit, not even sequence point } protected override Expression ResolveInitializer (BlockContext bc, LocalVariable li, Expression initializer) { initializer = initializer.Resolve (bc); if (initializer == null) return null; var c = initializer as Constant; if (c == null) { initializer.Error_ExpressionMustBeConstant (bc, initializer.Location, li.Name); return null; } c = c.ConvertImplicitly (li.Type); if (c == null) { if (TypeSpec.IsReferenceType (li.Type)) initializer.Error_ConstantCanBeInitializedWithNullOnly (bc, li.Type, initializer.Location, li.Name); else initializer.Error_ValueCannotBeConverted (bc, li.Type, false); return null; } li.ConstantValue = c; return initializer; } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } // // The information about a user-perceived local variable // public sealed class LocalVariable : INamedBlockVariable, ILocalVariable { [Flags] public enum Flags { Used = 1, IsThis = 1 << 1, AddressTaken = 1 << 2, CompilerGenerated = 1 << 3, Constant = 1 << 4, ForeachVariable = 1 << 5, FixedVariable = 1 << 6, UsingVariable = 1 << 7, IsLocked = 1 << 8, SymbolFileHidden = 1 << 9, ReadonlyMask = ForeachVariable | FixedVariable | UsingVariable } TypeSpec type; readonly string name; readonly Location loc; readonly Block block; Flags flags; Constant const_value; public VariableInfo VariableInfo; HoistedVariable hoisted_variant; LocalBuilder builder; public LocalVariable (Block block, string name, Location loc) { this.block = block; this.name = name; this.loc = loc; } public LocalVariable (Block block, string name, Flags flags, Location loc) : this (block, name, loc) { this.flags = flags; } // // Used by variable declarators // public LocalVariable (LocalVariable li, string name, Location loc) : this (li.block, name, li.flags, loc) { } #region Properties public bool AddressTaken { get { return (flags & Flags.AddressTaken) != 0; } } public Block Block { get { return block; } } public Constant ConstantValue { get { return const_value; } set { const_value = value; } } // // Hoisted local variable variant // public HoistedVariable HoistedVariant { get { return hoisted_variant; } set { hoisted_variant = value; } } public bool IsDeclared { get { return type != null; } } public bool IsCompilerGenerated { get { return (flags & Flags.CompilerGenerated) != 0; } } public bool IsConstant { get { return (flags & Flags.Constant) != 0; } } public bool IsLocked { get { return (flags & Flags.IsLocked) != 0; } set { flags = value ? flags | Flags.IsLocked : flags & ~Flags.IsLocked; } } public bool IsThis { get { return (flags & Flags.IsThis) != 0; } } public bool IsFixed { get { return (flags & Flags.FixedVariable) != 0; } set { flags = value ? flags | Flags.FixedVariable : flags & ~Flags.FixedVariable; } } bool INamedBlockVariable.IsParameter { get { return false; } } public bool IsReadonly { get { return (flags & Flags.ReadonlyMask) != 0; } } public Location Location { get { return loc; } } public string Name { get { return name; } } public TypeSpec Type { get { return type; } set { type = value; } } #endregion public void CreateBuilder (EmitContext ec) { if ((flags & Flags.Used) == 0) { if (VariableInfo == null) { // Missing flow analysis or wrong variable flags throw new InternalErrorException ("VariableInfo is null and the variable `{0}' is not used", name); } if (VariableInfo.IsEverAssigned) ec.Report.Warning (219, 3, Location, "The variable `{0}' is assigned but its value is never used", Name); else ec.Report.Warning (168, 3, Location, "The variable `{0}' is declared but never used", Name); } if (HoistedVariant != null) return; if (builder != null) { if ((flags & Flags.CompilerGenerated) != 0) return; // To avoid Used warning duplicates throw new InternalErrorException ("Already created variable `{0}'", name); } // // All fixed variabled are pinned, a slot has to be alocated // builder = ec.DeclareLocal (Type, IsFixed); if ((flags & Flags.SymbolFileHidden) == 0) ec.DefineLocalVariable (name, builder); } public static LocalVariable CreateCompilerGenerated (TypeSpec type, Block block, Location loc, bool writeToSymbolFile = false) { LocalVariable li = new LocalVariable (block, GetCompilerGeneratedName (block), Flags.CompilerGenerated | Flags.Used, loc); if (!writeToSymbolFile) li.flags |= Flags.SymbolFileHidden; li.Type = type; return li; } public Expression CreateReferenceExpression (ResolveContext rc, Location loc) { if (IsConstant && const_value != null) return Constant.CreateConstantFromValue (Type, const_value.GetValue (), loc); return new LocalVariableReference (this, loc); } public void Emit (EmitContext ec) { // TODO: Need something better for temporary variables if ((flags & Flags.CompilerGenerated) != 0) CreateBuilder (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc, builder); } public void EmitAssign (EmitContext ec) { // TODO: Need something better for temporary variables if ((flags & Flags.CompilerGenerated) != 0) CreateBuilder (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Stloc, builder); } public void EmitAddressOf (EmitContext ec) { // TODO: Need something better for temporary variables if ((flags & Flags.CompilerGenerated) != 0) CreateBuilder (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloca, builder); } public static string GetCompilerGeneratedName (Block block) { // HACK: Debugger depends on the name semantics return "$locvar" + block.ParametersBlock.TemporaryLocalsCount++.ToString ("X"); } public string GetReadOnlyContext () { switch (flags & Flags.ReadonlyMask) { case Flags.FixedVariable: return "fixed variable"; case Flags.ForeachVariable: return "foreach iteration variable"; case Flags.UsingVariable: return "using variable"; } throw new InternalErrorException ("Variable is not readonly"); } public bool IsThisAssigned (FlowAnalysisContext fc, Block block) { if (VariableInfo == null) throw new Exception (); if (IsAssigned (fc)) return true; return VariableInfo.IsFullyInitialized (fc, block.StartLocation); } public bool IsAssigned (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { return fc.IsDefinitelyAssigned (VariableInfo); } public void PrepareAssignmentAnalysis (BlockContext bc) { // // No need to run assignment analysis for these guys // if ((flags & (Flags.Constant | Flags.ReadonlyMask | Flags.CompilerGenerated)) != 0) return; VariableInfo = VariableInfo.Create (bc, this); } // // Mark the variables as referenced in the user code // public void SetIsUsed () { flags |= Flags.Used; } public void SetHasAddressTaken () { flags |= (Flags.AddressTaken | Flags.Used); } public override string ToString () { return string.Format ("LocalInfo ({0},{1},{2},{3})", name, type, VariableInfo, Location); } } /// /// Block represents a C# block. /// /// /// /// This class is used in a number of places: either to represent /// explicit blocks that the programmer places or implicit blocks. /// /// Implicit blocks are used as labels or to introduce variable /// declarations. /// /// Top-level blocks derive from Block, and they are called ToplevelBlock /// they contain extra information that is not necessary on normal blocks. /// public class Block : Statement { [Flags] public enum Flags { Unchecked = 1, ReachableEnd = 8, Unsafe = 16, HasCapturedVariable = 64, HasCapturedThis = 1 << 7, IsExpressionTree = 1 << 8, CompilerGenerated = 1 << 9, HasAsyncModifier = 1 << 10, Resolved = 1 << 11, YieldBlock = 1 << 12, AwaitBlock = 1 << 13, FinallyBlock = 1 << 14, CatchBlock = 1 << 15, Iterator = 1 << 20, NoFlowAnalysis = 1 << 21, InitializationEmitted = 1 << 22 } public Block Parent; public Location StartLocation; public Location EndLocation; public ExplicitBlock Explicit; public ParametersBlock ParametersBlock; protected Flags flags; // // The statements in this block // protected List statements; protected List scope_initializers; int? resolving_init_idx; Block original; #if DEBUG static int id; public int ID = id++; static int clone_id_counter; int clone_id; #endif // int assignable_slots; public Block (Block parent, Location start, Location end) : this (parent, 0, start, end) { } public Block (Block parent, Flags flags, Location start, Location end) { if (parent != null) { // the appropriate constructors will fixup these fields ParametersBlock = parent.ParametersBlock; Explicit = parent.Explicit; } this.Parent = parent; this.flags = flags; this.StartLocation = start; this.EndLocation = end; this.loc = start; statements = new List (4); this.original = this; } #region Properties public Block Original { get { return original; } protected set { original = value; } } public bool IsCompilerGenerated { get { return (flags & Flags.CompilerGenerated) != 0; } set { flags = value ? flags | Flags.CompilerGenerated : flags & ~Flags.CompilerGenerated; } } public bool IsCatchBlock { get { return (flags & Flags.CatchBlock) != 0; } } public bool IsFinallyBlock { get { return (flags & Flags.FinallyBlock) != 0; } } public bool Unchecked { get { return (flags & Flags.Unchecked) != 0; } set { flags = value ? flags | Flags.Unchecked : flags & ~Flags.Unchecked; } } public bool Unsafe { get { return (flags & Flags.Unsafe) != 0; } set { flags |= Flags.Unsafe; } } public List Statements { get { return statements; } } #endregion public void SetEndLocation (Location loc) { EndLocation = loc; } public void AddLabel (LabeledStatement target) { ParametersBlock.TopBlock.AddLabel (target.Name, target); } public void AddLocalName (LocalVariable li) { AddLocalName (li.Name, li); } public void AddLocalName (string name, INamedBlockVariable li) { ParametersBlock.TopBlock.AddLocalName (name, li, false); } public virtual void Error_AlreadyDeclared (string name, INamedBlockVariable variable, string reason) { if (reason == null) { Error_AlreadyDeclared (name, variable); return; } ParametersBlock.TopBlock.Report.Error (136, variable.Location, "A local variable named `{0}' cannot be declared in this scope because it would give a different meaning " + "to `{0}', which is already used in a `{1}' scope to denote something else", name, reason); } public virtual void Error_AlreadyDeclared (string name, INamedBlockVariable variable) { var pi = variable as ParametersBlock.ParameterInfo; if (pi != null) { pi.Parameter.Error_DuplicateName (ParametersBlock.TopBlock.Report); } else { ParametersBlock.TopBlock.Report.Error (128, variable.Location, "A local variable named `{0}' is already defined in this scope", name); } } public virtual void Error_AlreadyDeclaredTypeParameter (string name, Location loc) { ParametersBlock.TopBlock.Report.Error (412, loc, "The type parameter name `{0}' is the same as local variable or parameter name", name); } // // It should be used by expressions which require to // register a statement during resolve process. // public void AddScopeStatement (Statement s) { if (scope_initializers == null) scope_initializers = new List (); // // Simple recursive helper, when resolve scope initializer another // new scope initializer can be added, this ensures it's initialized // before existing one. For now this can happen with expression trees // in base ctor initializer only // if (resolving_init_idx.HasValue) { scope_initializers.Insert (resolving_init_idx.Value, s); ++resolving_init_idx; } else { scope_initializers.Add (s); } } public void InsertStatement (int index, Statement s) { statements.Insert (index, s); } public void AddStatement (Statement s) { statements.Add (s); } public LabeledStatement LookupLabel (string name) { return ParametersBlock.GetLabel (name, this); } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { if (rc.IsUnreachable) return rc; MarkReachableScope (rc); foreach (var s in statements) { rc = s.MarkReachable (rc); if (rc.IsUnreachable) { if ((flags & Flags.ReachableEnd) != 0) return new Reachability (); return rc; } } flags |= Flags.ReachableEnd; return rc; } public void MarkReachableScope (Reachability rc) { base.MarkReachable (rc); if (scope_initializers != null) { foreach (var si in scope_initializers) si.MarkReachable (rc); } } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext bc) { if ((flags & Flags.Resolved) != 0) return true; Block prev_block = bc.CurrentBlock; bc.CurrentBlock = this; // // Compiler generated scope statements // if (scope_initializers != null) { for (resolving_init_idx = 0; resolving_init_idx < scope_initializers.Count; ++resolving_init_idx) { scope_initializers[resolving_init_idx.Value].Resolve (bc); } resolving_init_idx = null; } bool ok = true; int statement_count = statements.Count; for (int ix = 0; ix < statement_count; ix++){ Statement s = statements [ix]; if (!s.Resolve (bc)) { ok = false; statements [ix] = new EmptyStatement (s.loc); continue; } } bc.CurrentBlock = prev_block; flags |= Flags.Resolved; return ok; } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { for (int ix = 0; ix < statements.Count; ix++){ statements [ix].Emit (ec); } } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { if (scope_initializers != null) EmitScopeInitializers (ec); DoEmit (ec); } protected void EmitScopeInitializers (EmitContext ec) { foreach (Statement s in scope_initializers) s.Emit (ec); } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { if (scope_initializers != null) { foreach (var si in scope_initializers) si.FlowAnalysis (fc); } return DoFlowAnalysis (fc, 0); } bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc, int startIndex) { bool end_unreachable = !reachable; bool goto_flow_analysis = startIndex != 0; for (; startIndex < statements.Count; ++startIndex) { var s = statements[startIndex]; end_unreachable = s.FlowAnalysis (fc); if (s.IsUnreachable) { statements [startIndex] = RewriteUnreachableStatement (s); continue; } // // Statement end reachability is needed mostly due to goto support. Consider // // if (cond) { // goto X; // } else { // goto Y; // } // X: // // X label is reachable only via goto not as another statement after if. We need // this for flow-analysis only to carry variable info correctly. // if (end_unreachable) { bool after_goto_case = goto_flow_analysis && s is GotoCase; var f = s as TryFinally; if (f != null && !f.FinallyBlock.HasReachableClosingBrace) { // // Special case for try-finally with unreachable code after // finally block. Try block has to include leave opcode but there is // no label to leave to after unreachable finally block closing // brace. This sentinel ensures there is always IL instruction to // leave to even if we know it'll never be reached. // statements.Insert (startIndex + 1, new SentinelStatement ()); } else { for (++startIndex; startIndex < statements.Count; ++startIndex) { s = statements [startIndex]; if (s is SwitchLabel) { if (!after_goto_case) s.FlowAnalysis (fc); break; } if (s.IsUnreachable) { s.FlowAnalysis (fc); statements [startIndex] = RewriteUnreachableStatement (s); } } } // // Idea is to stop after goto case because goto case will always have at least same // variable assigned as switch case label. This saves a lot for complex goto case tests // if (after_goto_case) break; continue; } var lb = s as LabeledStatement; if (lb != null && fc.AddReachedLabel (lb)) break; } // // The condition should be true unless there is forward jumping goto // // if (this is ExplicitBlock && end_unreachable != Explicit.HasReachableClosingBrace) // Debug.Fail (); return !Explicit.HasReachableClosingBrace; } static Statement RewriteUnreachableStatement (Statement s) { // LAMESPEC: It's not clear whether declararion statement should be part of reachability // analysis. Even csc report unreachable warning for it but it's actually used hence // we try to emulate this behaviour // // Consider: // goto L; // int v; // L: // v = 1; if (s is BlockVariable || s is EmptyStatement || s is SentinelStatement) return s; return new EmptyStatement (s.loc); } public void ScanGotoJump (Statement label) { int i; for (i = 0; i < statements.Count; ++i) { if (statements[i] == label) break; } var rc = new Reachability (); for (++i; i < statements.Count; ++i) { var s = statements[i]; rc = s.MarkReachable (rc); if (rc.IsUnreachable) return; } flags |= Flags.ReachableEnd; } public void ScanGotoJump (Statement label, FlowAnalysisContext fc) { int i; for (i = 0; i < statements.Count; ++i) { if (statements[i] == label) break; } DoFlowAnalysis (fc, ++i); } #if DEBUG public override string ToString () { return String.Format ("{0}: ID={1} Clone={2} Location={3}", GetType (), ID, clone_id != 0, StartLocation); } #endif protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement t) { Block target = (Block) t; #if DEBUG target.clone_id = ++clone_id_counter; #endif clonectx.AddBlockMap (this, target); if (original != this) clonectx.AddBlockMap (original, target); target.ParametersBlock = (ParametersBlock) (ParametersBlock == this ? target : clonectx.RemapBlockCopy (ParametersBlock)); target.Explicit = (ExplicitBlock) (Explicit == this ? target : clonectx.LookupBlock (Explicit)); if (Parent != null) target.Parent = clonectx.RemapBlockCopy (Parent); target.statements = new List (statements.Count); foreach (Statement s in statements) target.statements.Add (s.Clone (clonectx)); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class ExplicitBlock : Block { protected AnonymousMethodStorey am_storey; int debug_scope_index; public ExplicitBlock (Block parent, Location start, Location end) : this (parent, (Flags) 0, start, end) { } public ExplicitBlock (Block parent, Flags flags, Location start, Location end) : base (parent, flags, start, end) { this.Explicit = this; } #region Properties public AnonymousMethodStorey AnonymousMethodStorey { get { return am_storey; } } public bool HasAwait { get { return (flags & Flags.AwaitBlock) != 0; } } public bool HasCapturedThis { set { flags = value ? flags | Flags.HasCapturedThis : flags & ~Flags.HasCapturedThis; } get { return (flags & Flags.HasCapturedThis) != 0; } } // // Used to indicate that the block has reference to parent // block and cannot be made static when defining anonymous method // public bool HasCapturedVariable { set { flags = value ? flags | Flags.HasCapturedVariable : flags & ~Flags.HasCapturedVariable; } get { return (flags & Flags.HasCapturedVariable) != 0; } } public bool HasReachableClosingBrace { get { return (flags & Flags.ReachableEnd) != 0; } set { flags = value ? flags | Flags.ReachableEnd : flags & ~Flags.ReachableEnd; } } public bool HasYield { get { return (flags & Flags.YieldBlock) != 0; } } #endregion // // Creates anonymous method storey in current block // public AnonymousMethodStorey CreateAnonymousMethodStorey (ResolveContext ec) { // // Return same story for iterator and async blocks unless we are // in nested anonymous method // if (ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod is StateMachineInitializer && ParametersBlock.Original == ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod.Block.Original) return ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod.Storey; if (am_storey == null) { MemberBase mc = ec.MemberContext as MemberBase; // // Creates anonymous method storey for this block // am_storey = new AnonymousMethodStorey (this, ec.CurrentMemberDefinition.Parent.PartialContainer, mc, ec.CurrentTypeParameters, "AnonStorey", MemberKind.Class); } return am_storey; } public void EmitScopeInitialization (EmitContext ec) { if ((flags & Flags.InitializationEmitted) != 0) return; if (am_storey != null) { DefineStoreyContainer (ec, am_storey); am_storey.EmitStoreyInstantiation (ec, this); } if (scope_initializers != null) EmitScopeInitializers (ec); flags |= Flags.InitializationEmitted; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { if (Parent != null) { // TODO: It's needed only when scope has variable (normal or lifted) ec.BeginScope (GetDebugSymbolScopeIndex ()); } EmitScopeInitialization (ec); if (ec.EmitAccurateDebugInfo && !IsCompilerGenerated && ec.Mark (StartLocation)) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Nop); } DoEmit (ec); if (Parent != null) ec.EndScope (); if (ec.EmitAccurateDebugInfo && HasReachableClosingBrace && !(this is ParametersBlock) && !IsCompilerGenerated && ec.Mark (EndLocation)) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Nop); } } protected void DefineStoreyContainer (EmitContext ec, AnonymousMethodStorey storey) { if (ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod != null && ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod.Storey != null) { storey.SetNestedStoryParent (ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod.Storey); storey.Mutator = ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod.Storey.Mutator; } // // Creates anonymous method storey // storey.CreateContainer (); storey.DefineContainer (); if (Original.Explicit.HasCapturedThis && Original.ParametersBlock.TopBlock.ThisReferencesFromChildrenBlock != null) { // // Only first storey in path will hold this reference. All children blocks will // reference it indirectly using $ref field // for (Block b = Original.Explicit; b != null; b = b.Parent) { if (b.Parent != null) { var s = b.Parent.Explicit.AnonymousMethodStorey; if (s != null) { storey.HoistedThis = s.HoistedThis; break; } } if (b.Explicit == b.Explicit.ParametersBlock && b.Explicit.ParametersBlock.StateMachine != null) { if (storey.HoistedThis == null) storey.HoistedThis = b.Explicit.ParametersBlock.StateMachine.HoistedThis; if (storey.HoistedThis != null) break; } } // // We are the first storey on path and 'this' has to be hoisted // if (storey.HoistedThis == null || !(storey.Parent is HoistedStoreyClass)) { foreach (ExplicitBlock ref_block in Original.ParametersBlock.TopBlock.ThisReferencesFromChildrenBlock) { // // ThisReferencesFromChildrenBlock holds all reference even if they // are not on this path. It saves some memory otherwise it'd have to // be in every explicit block. We run this check to see if the reference // is valid for this storey // Block block_on_path = ref_block; for (; block_on_path != null && block_on_path != Original; block_on_path = block_on_path.Parent); if (block_on_path == null) continue; if (storey.HoistedThis == null) { storey.AddCapturedThisField (ec, null); } for (ExplicitBlock b = ref_block; b.AnonymousMethodStorey != storey; b = b.Parent.Explicit) { ParametersBlock pb; AnonymousMethodStorey b_storey = b.AnonymousMethodStorey; if (b_storey != null) { // // Don't add storey cross reference for `this' when the storey ends up not // beeing attached to any parent // if (b.ParametersBlock.StateMachine == null) { AnonymousMethodStorey s = null; for (Block ab = b.AnonymousMethodStorey.OriginalSourceBlock.Parent; ab != null; ab = ab.Parent) { s = ab.Explicit.AnonymousMethodStorey; if (s != null) break; } // Needs to be in sync with AnonymousMethodBody::DoCreateMethodHost if (s == null) { var parent = storey == null || storey.Kind == MemberKind.Struct ? null : storey; b.AnonymousMethodStorey.AddCapturedThisField (ec, parent); break; } } // // Stop propagation inside same top block // if (b.ParametersBlock == ParametersBlock.Original) { b_storey.AddParentStoreyReference (ec, storey); // b_storey.HoistedThis = storey.HoistedThis; break; } b = pb = b.ParametersBlock; } else { pb = b as ParametersBlock; } if (pb != null && pb.StateMachine != null) { if (pb.StateMachine == storey) break; // // If we are state machine with no parent. We can hook into parent without additional // reference and capture this directly // ExplicitBlock parent_storey_block = pb; while (parent_storey_block.Parent != null) { parent_storey_block = parent_storey_block.Parent.Explicit; if (parent_storey_block.AnonymousMethodStorey != null) { break; } } if (parent_storey_block.AnonymousMethodStorey == null) { if (pb.StateMachine.HoistedThis == null) { pb.StateMachine.AddCapturedThisField (ec, null); b.HasCapturedThis = true; } continue; } var parent_this_block = pb; while (parent_this_block.Parent != null) { parent_this_block = parent_this_block.Parent.ParametersBlock; if (parent_this_block.StateMachine != null && parent_this_block.StateMachine.HoistedThis != null) { break; } } // // Add reference to closest storey which holds captured this // pb.StateMachine.AddParentStoreyReference (ec, parent_this_block.StateMachine ?? storey); } // // Add parent storey reference only when this is not captured directly // if (b_storey != null) { b_storey.AddParentStoreyReference (ec, storey); b_storey.HoistedThis = storey.HoistedThis; } } } } } var ref_blocks = storey.ReferencesFromChildrenBlock; if (ref_blocks != null) { foreach (ExplicitBlock ref_block in ref_blocks) { for (ExplicitBlock b = ref_block; b.AnonymousMethodStorey != storey; b = b.Parent.Explicit) { if (b.AnonymousMethodStorey != null) { b.AnonymousMethodStorey.AddParentStoreyReference (ec, storey); // // Stop propagation inside same top block // if (b.ParametersBlock == ParametersBlock.Original) break; b = b.ParametersBlock; } var pb = b as ParametersBlock; if (pb != null && pb.StateMachine != null) { if (pb.StateMachine == storey) break; pb.StateMachine.AddParentStoreyReference (ec, storey); } b.HasCapturedVariable = true; } } } storey.Define (); storey.PrepareEmit (); storey.Parent.PartialContainer.AddCompilerGeneratedClass (storey); } public int GetDebugSymbolScopeIndex () { if (debug_scope_index == 0) debug_scope_index = ++ParametersBlock.debug_scope_index; return debug_scope_index; } public void RegisterAsyncAwait () { var block = this; while ((block.flags & Flags.AwaitBlock) == 0) { block.flags |= Flags.AwaitBlock; if (block is ParametersBlock) return; block = block.Parent.Explicit; } } public void RegisterIteratorYield () { ParametersBlock.TopBlock.IsIterator = true; var block = this; while ((block.flags & Flags.YieldBlock) == 0) { block.flags |= Flags.YieldBlock; if (block.Parent == null) return; block = block.Parent.Explicit; } } public void SetCatchBlock () { flags |= Flags.CatchBlock; } public void SetFinallyBlock () { flags |= Flags.FinallyBlock; } public void WrapIntoDestructor (TryFinally tf, ExplicitBlock tryBlock) { tryBlock.statements = statements; statements = new List (1); statements.Add (tf); } } // // ParametersBlock was introduced to support anonymous methods // and lambda expressions // public class ParametersBlock : ExplicitBlock { public class ParameterInfo : INamedBlockVariable { readonly ParametersBlock block; readonly int index; public VariableInfo VariableInfo; bool is_locked; public ParameterInfo (ParametersBlock block, int index) { this.block = block; this.index = index; } #region Properties public ParametersBlock Block { get { return block; } } Block INamedBlockVariable.Block { get { return block; } } public bool IsDeclared { get { return true; } } public bool IsParameter { get { return true; } } public bool IsLocked { get { return is_locked; } set { is_locked = value; } } public Location Location { get { return Parameter.Location; } } public Parameter Parameter { get { return block.Parameters [index]; } } public TypeSpec ParameterType { get { return Parameter.Type; } } #endregion public Expression CreateReferenceExpression (ResolveContext rc, Location loc) { return new ParameterReference (this, loc); } } // // Block is converted into an expression // sealed class BlockScopeExpression : Expression { Expression child; readonly ParametersBlock block; public BlockScopeExpression (Expression child, ParametersBlock block) { this.child = child; this.block = block; } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return child.ContainsEmitWithAwait (); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { throw new NotSupportedException (); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { if (child == null) return null; child = child.Resolve (ec); if (child == null) return null; eclass = child.eclass; type = child.Type; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { block.EmitScopeInitializers (ec); child.Emit (ec); } } protected ParametersCompiled parameters; protected ParameterInfo[] parameter_info; protected bool resolved; protected ToplevelBlock top_block; protected StateMachine state_machine; protected Dictionary labels; public ParametersBlock (Block parent, ParametersCompiled parameters, Location start, Flags flags = 0) : base (parent, 0, start, start) { if (parameters == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("parameters"); this.parameters = parameters; ParametersBlock = this; this.flags |= flags | (parent.ParametersBlock.flags & (Flags.YieldBlock | Flags.AwaitBlock)); this.top_block = parent.ParametersBlock.top_block; ProcessParameters (); } protected ParametersBlock (ParametersCompiled parameters, Location start) : base (null, 0, start, start) { if (parameters == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("parameters"); this.parameters = parameters; ParametersBlock = this; } // // It's supposed to be used by method body implementation of anonymous methods // protected ParametersBlock (ParametersBlock source, ParametersCompiled parameters) : base (null, 0, source.StartLocation, source.EndLocation) { this.parameters = parameters; this.statements = source.statements; this.scope_initializers = source.scope_initializers; this.resolved = true; this.reachable = source.reachable; this.am_storey = source.am_storey; this.state_machine = source.state_machine; this.flags = source.flags & Flags.ReachableEnd; ParametersBlock = this; // // Overwrite original for comparison purposes when linking cross references // between anonymous methods // Original = source.Original; } #region Properties public bool IsAsync { get { return (flags & Flags.HasAsyncModifier) != 0; } set { flags = value ? flags | Flags.HasAsyncModifier : flags & ~Flags.HasAsyncModifier; } } // // Block has been converted to expression tree // public bool IsExpressionTree { get { return (flags & Flags.IsExpressionTree) != 0; } } // // The parameters for the block. // public ParametersCompiled Parameters { get { return parameters; } } public StateMachine StateMachine { get { return state_machine; } } public ToplevelBlock TopBlock { get { return top_block; } set { top_block = value; } } public bool Resolved { get { return (flags & Flags.Resolved) != 0; } } public int TemporaryLocalsCount { get; set; } #endregion // // Checks whether all `out' parameters have been assigned. // public void CheckControlExit (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { CheckControlExit (fc, fc.DefiniteAssignment); } public virtual void CheckControlExit (FlowAnalysisContext fc, DefiniteAssignmentBitSet dat) { if (parameter_info == null) return; foreach (var p in parameter_info) { if (p.VariableInfo == null) continue; if (p.VariableInfo.IsAssigned (dat)) continue; fc.Report.Error (177, p.Location, "The out parameter `{0}' must be assigned to before control leaves the current method", p.Parameter.Name); } } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement t) { base.CloneTo (clonectx, t); var target = (ParametersBlock) t; // // Clone label statements as well as they contain block reference // var pb = this; while (true) { if (pb.labels != null) { target.labels = new Dictionary (); foreach (var entry in pb.labels) { var list = entry.Value as List; if (list != null) { var list_clone = new List (); foreach (var lentry in list) { list_clone.Add (RemapLabeledStatement (lentry, clonectx.RemapBlockCopy (lentry.Block))); } target.labels.Add (entry.Key, list_clone); } else { var labeled = (LabeledStatement) entry.Value; target.labels.Add (entry.Key, RemapLabeledStatement (labeled, clonectx.RemapBlockCopy (labeled.Block))); } } break; } if (pb.Parent == null) break; pb = pb.Parent.ParametersBlock; } } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { if (statements.Count == 1) { Expression expr = statements[0].CreateExpressionTree (ec); if (scope_initializers != null) expr = new BlockScopeExpression (expr, this); return expr; } return base.CreateExpressionTree (ec); } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { if (state_machine != null && state_machine.OriginalSourceBlock != this) { DefineStoreyContainer (ec, state_machine); state_machine.EmitStoreyInstantiation (ec, this); } base.Emit (ec); } public void EmitEmbedded (EmitContext ec) { if (state_machine != null && state_machine.OriginalSourceBlock != this) { DefineStoreyContainer (ec, state_machine); state_machine.EmitStoreyInstantiation (ec, this); } base.Emit (ec); } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { var res = base.DoFlowAnalysis (fc); if (HasReachableClosingBrace) CheckControlExit (fc); return res; } public LabeledStatement GetLabel (string name, Block block) { // // Cloned parameters blocks can have their own cloned version of top-level labels // if (labels == null) { if (Parent != null) return Parent.ParametersBlock.GetLabel (name, block); return null; } object value; if (!labels.TryGetValue (name, out value)) { return null; } var label = value as LabeledStatement; Block b = block; if (label != null) { if (IsLabelVisible (label, b)) return label; } else { List list = (List) value; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i) { label = list[i]; if (IsLabelVisible (label, b)) return label; } } return null; } static bool IsLabelVisible (LabeledStatement label, Block b) { do { if (label.Block == b) return true; b = b.Parent; } while (b != null); return false; } public ParameterInfo GetParameterInfo (Parameter p) { for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; ++i) { if (parameters[i] == p) return parameter_info[i]; } throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid parameter"); } public ParameterReference GetParameterReference (int index, Location loc) { return new ParameterReference (parameter_info[index], loc); } public Statement PerformClone (ref HashSet undeclaredVariables) { undeclaredVariables = TopBlock.GetUndeclaredVariables (); CloneContext clonectx = new CloneContext (); return Clone (clonectx); } protected void ProcessParameters () { if (parameters.Count == 0) return; parameter_info = new ParameterInfo[parameters.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < parameter_info.Length; ++i) { var p = parameters.FixedParameters[i]; if (p == null) continue; // TODO: Should use Parameter only and more block there parameter_info[i] = new ParameterInfo (this, i); if (p.Name != null) AddLocalName (p.Name, parameter_info[i]); } } LabeledStatement RemapLabeledStatement (LabeledStatement stmt, Block dst) { var src = stmt.Block; // // Cannot remap label block if the label was not yet cloned which // can happen in case of anonymous method inside anoynymous method // with a label. But in this case we don't care because goto cannot // jump of out anonymous method // if (src.ParametersBlock != this) return stmt; var src_stmts = src.Statements; for (int i = 0; i < src_stmts.Count; ++i) { if (src_stmts[i] == stmt) return (LabeledStatement) dst.Statements[i]; } throw new InternalErrorException ("Should never be reached"); } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext bc) { // TODO: if ((flags & Flags.Resolved) != 0) if (resolved) return true; resolved = true; if (bc.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.ExpressionTreeConversion)) flags |= Flags.IsExpressionTree; try { PrepareAssignmentAnalysis (bc); if (!base.Resolve (bc)) return false; } catch (Exception e) { if (e is CompletionResult || bc.Report.IsDisabled || e is FatalException || bc.Report.Printer is NullReportPrinter || bc.Module.Compiler.Settings.BreakOnInternalError) throw; if (bc.CurrentBlock != null) { bc.Report.Error (584, bc.CurrentBlock.StartLocation, "Internal compiler error: {0}", e.Message); } else { bc.Report.Error (587, "Internal compiler error: {0}", e.Message); } } // // If an asynchronous body of F is either an expression classified as nothing, or a // statement block where no return statements have expressions, the inferred return type is Task // if (IsAsync) { var am = bc.CurrentAnonymousMethod as AnonymousMethodBody; if (am != null && am.ReturnTypeInference != null && !am.ReturnTypeInference.HasBounds (0)) { am.ReturnTypeInference = null; am.ReturnType = bc.Module.PredefinedTypes.Task.TypeSpec; return true; } } return true; } void PrepareAssignmentAnalysis (BlockContext bc) { for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; ++i) { var par = parameters.FixedParameters[i]; if ((par.ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.OUT) == 0) continue; parameter_info [i].VariableInfo = VariableInfo.Create (bc, (Parameter) par); } } public ToplevelBlock ConvertToIterator (IMethodData method, TypeDefinition host, TypeSpec iterator_type, bool is_enumerable) { var iterator = new Iterator (this, method, host, iterator_type, is_enumerable); var stateMachine = new IteratorStorey (iterator); state_machine = stateMachine; iterator.SetStateMachine (stateMachine); var tlb = new ToplevelBlock (host.Compiler, Parameters, Location.Null, Flags.CompilerGenerated); tlb.Original = this; tlb.state_machine = stateMachine; tlb.AddStatement (new Return (iterator, iterator.Location)); return tlb; } public ParametersBlock ConvertToAsyncTask (IMemberContext context, TypeDefinition host, ParametersCompiled parameters, TypeSpec returnType, TypeSpec delegateType, Location loc) { for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++) { Parameter p = parameters[i]; Parameter.Modifier mod = p.ModFlags; if ((mod & Parameter.Modifier.RefOutMask) != 0) { host.Compiler.Report.Error (1988, p.Location, "Async methods cannot have ref or out parameters"); return this; } if (p is ArglistParameter) { host.Compiler.Report.Error (4006, p.Location, "__arglist is not allowed in parameter list of async methods"); return this; } if (parameters.Types[i].IsPointer) { host.Compiler.Report.Error (4005, p.Location, "Async methods cannot have unsafe parameters"); return this; } } if (!HasAwait) { host.Compiler.Report.Warning (1998, 1, loc, "Async block lacks `await' operator and will run synchronously"); } var block_type = host.Module.Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Void; var initializer = new AsyncInitializer (this, host, block_type); initializer.Type = block_type; initializer.DelegateType = delegateType; var stateMachine = new AsyncTaskStorey (this, context, initializer, returnType); state_machine = stateMachine; initializer.SetStateMachine (stateMachine); const Flags flags = Flags.CompilerGenerated; var b = this is ToplevelBlock ? new ToplevelBlock (host.Compiler, Parameters, Location.Null, flags) : new ParametersBlock (Parent, parameters, Location.Null, flags | Flags.HasAsyncModifier); b.Original = this; b.state_machine = stateMachine; b.AddStatement (new AsyncInitializerStatement (initializer)); return b; } } // // // public class ToplevelBlock : ParametersBlock { LocalVariable this_variable; CompilerContext compiler; Dictionary names; List this_references; public ToplevelBlock (CompilerContext ctx, Location loc) : this (ctx, ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters, loc) { } public ToplevelBlock (CompilerContext ctx, ParametersCompiled parameters, Location start, Flags flags = 0) : base (parameters, start) { this.compiler = ctx; this.flags = flags; top_block = this; ProcessParameters (); } // // Recreates a top level block from parameters block. Used for // compiler generated methods where the original block comes from // explicit child block. This works for already resolved blocks // only to ensure we resolve them in the correct flow order // public ToplevelBlock (ParametersBlock source, ParametersCompiled parameters) : base (source, parameters) { this.compiler = source.TopBlock.compiler; top_block = this; } public bool IsIterator { get { return (flags & Flags.Iterator) != 0; } set { flags = value ? flags | Flags.Iterator : flags & ~Flags.Iterator; } } public Report Report { get { return compiler.Report; } } // // Used by anonymous blocks to track references of `this' variable // public List ThisReferencesFromChildrenBlock { get { return this_references; } } // // Returns the "this" instance variable of this block. // See AddThisVariable() for more information. // public LocalVariable ThisVariable { get { return this_variable; } } public void AddLocalName (string name, INamedBlockVariable li, bool ignoreChildrenBlocks) { if (names == null) names = new Dictionary (); object value; if (!names.TryGetValue (name, out value)) { names.Add (name, li); return; } INamedBlockVariable existing = value as INamedBlockVariable; List existing_list; if (existing != null) { existing_list = new List (); existing_list.Add (existing); names[name] = existing_list; } else { existing_list = (List) value; } // // A collision checking between local names // var variable_block = li.Block.Explicit; for (int i = 0; i < existing_list.Count; ++i) { existing = existing_list[i]; Block b = existing.Block.Explicit; // Collision at same level if (variable_block == b) { li.Block.Error_AlreadyDeclared (name, li); break; } // Collision with parent Block parent = variable_block; while ((parent = parent.Parent) != null) { if (parent == b) { li.Block.Error_AlreadyDeclared (name, li, "parent or current"); i = existing_list.Count; break; } } if (!ignoreChildrenBlocks && variable_block.Parent != b.Parent) { // Collision with children while ((b = b.Parent) != null) { if (variable_block == b) { li.Block.Error_AlreadyDeclared (name, li, "child"); i = existing_list.Count; break; } } } } existing_list.Add (li); } public void AddLabel (string name, LabeledStatement label) { if (labels == null) labels = new Dictionary (); object value; if (!labels.TryGetValue (name, out value)) { labels.Add (name, label); return; } LabeledStatement existing = value as LabeledStatement; List existing_list; if (existing != null) { existing_list = new List (); existing_list.Add (existing); labels[name] = existing_list; } else { existing_list = (List) value; } // // A collision checking between labels // for (int i = 0; i < existing_list.Count; ++i) { existing = existing_list[i]; Block b = existing.Block; // Collision at same level if (label.Block == b) { Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (existing.loc, name); Report.Error (140, label.loc, "The label `{0}' is a duplicate", name); break; } // Collision with parent b = label.Block; while ((b = b.Parent) != null) { if (existing.Block == b) { Report.Error (158, label.loc, "The label `{0}' shadows another label by the same name in a contained scope", name); i = existing_list.Count; break; } } // Collision with with children b = existing.Block; while ((b = b.Parent) != null) { if (label.Block == b) { Report.Error (158, label.loc, "The label `{0}' shadows another label by the same name in a contained scope", name); i = existing_list.Count; break; } } } existing_list.Add (label); } public void AddThisReferenceFromChildrenBlock (ExplicitBlock block) { if (this_references == null) this_references = new List (); if (!this_references.Contains (block)) this_references.Add (block); } public void RemoveThisReferenceFromChildrenBlock (ExplicitBlock block) { this_references.Remove (block); } // // Creates an arguments set from all parameters, useful for method proxy calls // public Arguments GetAllParametersArguments () { int count = parameters.Count; Arguments args = new Arguments (count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var pi = parameter_info[i]; var arg_expr = GetParameterReference (i, pi.Location); Argument.AType atype_modifier; switch (pi.Parameter.ParameterModifier & Parameter.Modifier.RefOutMask) { case Parameter.Modifier.REF: atype_modifier = Argument.AType.Ref; break; case Parameter.Modifier.OUT: atype_modifier = Argument.AType.Out; break; default: atype_modifier = 0; break; } args.Add (new Argument (arg_expr, atype_modifier)); } return args; } // // Lookup inside a block, the returned value can represent 3 states // // true+variable: A local name was found and it's valid // false+variable: A local name was found in a child block only // false+null: No local name was found // public bool GetLocalName (string name, Block block, ref INamedBlockVariable variable) { if (names == null) return false; object value; if (!names.TryGetValue (name, out value)) return false; variable = value as INamedBlockVariable; Block b = block; if (variable != null) { do { if (variable.Block == b.Original) return true; b = b.Parent; } while (b != null); b = variable.Block; do { if (block == b) return false; b = b.Parent; } while (b != null); } else { List list = (List) value; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i) { variable = list[i]; do { if (variable.Block == b.Original) return true; b = b.Parent; } while (b != null); b = variable.Block; do { if (block == b) return false; b = b.Parent; } while (b != null); b = block; } } variable = null; return false; } public void IncludeBlock (ParametersBlock pb, ToplevelBlock block) { if (block.names != null) { foreach (var n in block.names) { var variable = n.Value as INamedBlockVariable; if (variable != null) { if (variable.Block.ParametersBlock == pb) AddLocalName (n.Key, variable, false); continue; } foreach (var v in (List) n.Value) if (v.Block.ParametersBlock == pb) AddLocalName (n.Key, v, false); } } } // // This is used by non-static `struct' constructors which do not have an // initializer - in this case, the constructor must initialize all of the // struct's fields. To do this, we add a "this" variable and use the flow // analysis code to ensure that it's been fully initialized before control // leaves the constructor. // public void AddThisVariable (BlockContext bc) { if (this_variable != null) throw new InternalErrorException (StartLocation.ToString ()); this_variable = new LocalVariable (this, "this", LocalVariable.Flags.IsThis | LocalVariable.Flags.Used, StartLocation); this_variable.Type = bc.CurrentType; this_variable.PrepareAssignmentAnalysis (bc); } public override void CheckControlExit (FlowAnalysisContext fc, DefiniteAssignmentBitSet dat) { // // If we're a non-static struct constructor which doesn't have an // initializer, then we must initialize all of the struct's fields. // if (this_variable != null) this_variable.IsThisAssigned (fc, this); base.CheckControlExit (fc, dat); } public HashSet GetUndeclaredVariables () { if (names == null) return null; HashSet variables = null; foreach (var entry in names) { var complex = entry.Value as List; if (complex != null) { foreach (var centry in complex) { if (IsUndeclaredVariable (centry)) { if (variables == null) variables = new HashSet (); variables.Add ((LocalVariable) centry); } } } else if (IsUndeclaredVariable ((INamedBlockVariable)entry.Value)) { if (variables == null) variables = new HashSet (); variables.Add ((LocalVariable)entry.Value); } } return variables; } static bool IsUndeclaredVariable (INamedBlockVariable namedBlockVariable) { var lv = namedBlockVariable as LocalVariable; return lv != null && !lv.IsDeclared; } public void SetUndeclaredVariables (HashSet undeclaredVariables) { if (names == null) return; foreach (var entry in names) { var complex = entry.Value as List; if (complex != null) { foreach (var centry in complex) { var lv = centry as LocalVariable; if (lv != null && undeclaredVariables.Contains (lv)) { lv.Type = null; } } } else { var lv = entry.Value as LocalVariable; if (lv != null && undeclaredVariables.Contains (lv)) lv.Type = null; } } } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { if (Report.Errors > 0) return; try { if (IsCompilerGenerated) { using (ec.With (BuilderContext.Options.OmitDebugInfo, true)) { base.Emit (ec); } } else { base.Emit (ec); } // // If `HasReturnLabel' is set, then we already emitted a // jump to the end of the method, so we must emit a `ret' // there. // // Unfortunately, System.Reflection.Emit automatically emits // a leave to the end of a finally block. This is a problem // if no code is following the try/finally block since we may // jump to a point after the end of the method. // As a workaround, we're always creating a return label in // this case. // if (ec.HasReturnLabel || HasReachableClosingBrace) { if (ec.HasReturnLabel) ec.MarkLabel (ec.ReturnLabel); if (ec.EmitAccurateDebugInfo && !IsCompilerGenerated) ec.Mark (EndLocation); if (ec.ReturnType.Kind != MemberKind.Void) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc, ec.TemporaryReturn ()); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ret); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new InternalErrorException (e, StartLocation); } } public bool Resolve (BlockContext bc, IMethodData md) { if (resolved) return true; var errors = bc.Report.Errors; base.Resolve (bc); if (bc.Report.Errors > errors) return false; MarkReachable (new Reachability ()); if (HasReachableClosingBrace && bc.ReturnType.Kind != MemberKind.Void) { // TODO: var md = bc.CurrentMemberDefinition; bc.Report.Error (161, md.Location, "`{0}': not all code paths return a value", md.GetSignatureForError ()); } if ((flags & Flags.NoFlowAnalysis) != 0) return true; var fc = new FlowAnalysisContext (bc.Module.Compiler, this, bc.AssignmentInfoOffset); try { FlowAnalysis (fc); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InternalErrorException (e, StartLocation); } return true; } } public class SwitchLabel : Statement { Constant converted; Expression label; Label? il_label; // // if expr == null, then it is the default case. // public SwitchLabel (Expression expr, Location l) { label = expr; loc = l; } public bool IsDefault { get { return label == null; } } public Expression Label { get { return label; } } public Location Location { get { return loc; } } public Constant Converted { get { return converted; } set { converted = value; } } public bool PatternMatching { get; set; } public bool SectionStart { get; set; } public Label GetILLabel (EmitContext ec) { if (il_label == null){ il_label = ec.DefineLabel (); } return il_label.Value; } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { ec.MarkLabel (GetILLabel (ec)); } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { if (!SectionStart) return false; fc.BranchDefiniteAssignment (fc.SwitchInitialDefinitiveAssignment); return false; } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext bc) { if (ResolveAndReduce (bc)) bc.Switch.RegisterLabel (bc, this); return true; } // // Resolves the expression, reduces it to a literal if possible // and then converts it to the requested type. // bool ResolveAndReduce (BlockContext bc) { if (IsDefault) return true; var switch_statement = bc.Switch; if (PatternMatching) { label = new Is (switch_statement.ExpressionValue, label, loc).Resolve (bc); return label != null; } var c = label.ResolveLabelConstant (bc); if (c == null) return false; if (switch_statement.IsNullable && c is NullLiteral) { converted = c; return true; } if (switch_statement.IsPatternMatching) { label = new Is (switch_statement.ExpressionValue, label, loc).Resolve (bc); return true; } converted = c.ImplicitConversionRequired (bc, switch_statement.SwitchType); return converted != null; } public void Error_AlreadyOccurs (ResolveContext ec, SwitchLabel collision_with) { ec.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (collision_with.loc, null); ec.Report.Error (152, loc, "The label `{0}' already occurs in this switch statement", GetSignatureForError ()); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement target) { var t = (SwitchLabel) target; if (label != null) t.label = label.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } public string GetSignatureForError () { string label; if (converted == null) label = "default"; else label = converted.GetValueAsLiteral (); return string.Format ("case {0}:", label); } } public class Switch : LoopStatement { // structure used to hold blocks of keys while calculating table switch sealed class LabelsRange : IComparable { public readonly long min; public long max; public readonly List label_values; public LabelsRange (long value) { min = max = value; label_values = new List (); label_values.Add (value); } public LabelsRange (long min, long max, ICollection values) { this.min = min; this.max = max; this.label_values = new List (values); } public long Range { get { return max - min + 1; } } public bool AddValue (long value) { var gap = value - min + 1; // Ensure the range has > 50% occupancy if (gap > 2 * (label_values.Count + 1) || gap <= 0) return false; max = value; label_values.Add (value); return true; } public int CompareTo (LabelsRange other) { int nLength = label_values.Count; int nLengthOther = other.label_values.Count; if (nLengthOther == nLength) return (int) (other.min - min); return nLength - nLengthOther; } } sealed class DispatchStatement : Statement { readonly Switch body; public DispatchStatement (Switch body) { this.body = body; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement target) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { return false; } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { body.EmitDispatch (ec); } } class MissingBreak : Statement { readonly SwitchLabel label; public MissingBreak (SwitchLabel sl) { this.label = sl; this.loc = sl.loc; } public bool FallOut { get; set; } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement target) { } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { if (FallOut) { fc.Report.Error (8070, loc, "Control cannot fall out of switch statement through final case label `{0}'", label.GetSignatureForError ()); } else { fc.Report.Error (163, loc, "Control cannot fall through from one case label `{0}' to another", label.GetSignatureForError ()); } return true; } } public Expression Expr; // // Mapping of all labels to their SwitchLabels // Dictionary labels; Dictionary string_labels; List case_labels; List> goto_cases; List end_reachable_das; /// /// The governing switch type /// public TypeSpec SwitchType; Expression new_expr; SwitchLabel case_null; SwitchLabel case_default; Label defaultLabel, nullLabel; VariableReference value; ExpressionStatement string_dictionary; FieldExpr switch_cache_field; ExplicitBlock block; bool end_reachable; // // Nullable Types support // Nullable.Unwrap unwrap; public Switch (Expression e, ExplicitBlock block, Location l) : base (block) { Expr = e; this.block = block; loc = l; } public SwitchLabel ActiveLabel { get; set; } public ExplicitBlock Block { get { return block; } } public SwitchLabel DefaultLabel { get { return case_default; } } public bool IsNullable { get { return unwrap != null; } } public bool IsPatternMatching { get { return new_expr == null && SwitchType != null; } } public List RegisteredLabels { get { return case_labels; } } public VariableReference ExpressionValue { get { return value; } } // // Determines the governing type for a switch. The returned // expression might be the expression from the switch, or an // expression that includes any potential conversions to // static Expression SwitchGoverningType (ResolveContext rc, Expression expr, bool unwrapExpr) { switch (expr.Type.BuiltinType) { case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.String: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Bool: return expr; } if (expr.Type.IsEnum) return expr; // // Try to find a *user* defined implicit conversion. // // If there is no implicit conversion, or if there are multiple // conversions, we have to report an error // Expression converted = null; foreach (TypeSpec tt in rc.Module.PredefinedTypes.SwitchUserTypes) { if (!unwrapExpr && tt.IsNullableType && expr.Type.IsNullableType) break; var restr = Convert.UserConversionRestriction.ImplicitOnly | Convert.UserConversionRestriction.ProbingOnly; if (unwrapExpr) restr |= Convert.UserConversionRestriction.NullableSourceOnly; var e = Convert.UserDefinedConversion (rc, expr, tt, restr, Location.Null); if (e == null) continue; // // Ignore over-worked ImplicitUserConversions that do // an implicit conversion in addition to the user conversion. // var uc = e as UserCast; if (uc == null) continue; if (converted != null){ // rc.Report.ExtraInformation (loc, "(Ambiguous implicit user defined conversion in previous "); return null; } converted = e; } return converted; } public static TypeSpec[] CreateSwitchUserTypes (ModuleContainer module, TypeSpec nullable) { var types = module.Compiler.BuiltinTypes; // LAMESPEC: For some reason it does not contain bool which looks like csc bug TypeSpec[] stypes = new[] { types.SByte, types.Byte, types.Short, types.UShort, types.Int, types.UInt, types.Long, types.ULong, types.Char, types.String }; if (nullable != null) { Array.Resize (ref stypes, stypes.Length + 9); for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { stypes [10 + i] = nullable.MakeGenericType (module, new [] { stypes [i] }); } } return stypes; } public void RegisterLabel (BlockContext rc, SwitchLabel sl) { case_labels.Add (sl); if (sl.IsDefault) { if (case_default != null) { sl.Error_AlreadyOccurs (rc, case_default); } else { case_default = sl; } return; } if (sl.Converted == null) return; try { if (string_labels != null) { string string_value = sl.Converted.GetValue () as string; if (string_value == null) case_null = sl; else string_labels.Add (string_value, sl); } else { if (sl.Converted.IsNull) { case_null = sl; } else { labels.Add (sl.Converted.GetValueAsLong (), sl); } } } catch (ArgumentException) { if (string_labels != null) sl.Error_AlreadyOccurs (rc, string_labels[(string) sl.Converted.GetValue ()]); else sl.Error_AlreadyOccurs (rc, labels[sl.Converted.GetValueAsLong ()]); } } // // This method emits code for a lookup-based switch statement (non-string) // Basically it groups the cases into blocks that are at least half full, // and then spits out individual lookup opcodes for each block. // It emits the longest blocks first, and short blocks are just // handled with direct compares. // void EmitTableSwitch (EmitContext ec, Expression val) { if (labels != null && labels.Count > 0) { List ranges; if (string_labels != null) { // We have done all hard work for string already // setup single range only ranges = new List (1); ranges.Add (new LabelsRange (0, labels.Count - 1, labels.Keys)); } else { var element_keys = new long[labels.Count]; labels.Keys.CopyTo (element_keys, 0); Array.Sort (element_keys); // // Build possible ranges of switch labes to reduce number // of comparisons // ranges = new List (element_keys.Length); var range = new LabelsRange (element_keys[0]); ranges.Add (range); for (int i = 1; i < element_keys.Length; ++i) { var l = element_keys[i]; if (range.AddValue (l)) continue; range = new LabelsRange (l); ranges.Add (range); } // sort the blocks so we can tackle the largest ones first ranges.Sort (); } Label lbl_default = defaultLabel; TypeSpec compare_type = SwitchType.IsEnum ? EnumSpec.GetUnderlyingType (SwitchType) : SwitchType; for (int range_index = ranges.Count - 1; range_index >= 0; --range_index) { LabelsRange kb = ranges[range_index]; lbl_default = (range_index == 0) ? defaultLabel : ec.DefineLabel (); // Optimize small ranges using simple equality check if (kb.Range <= 2) { foreach (var key in kb.label_values) { SwitchLabel sl = labels[key]; if (sl == case_default || sl == case_null) continue; if (sl.Converted.IsZeroInteger) { val.EmitBranchable (ec, sl.GetILLabel (ec), false); } else { val.Emit (ec); sl.Converted.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Beq, sl.GetILLabel (ec)); } } } else { // TODO: if all the keys in the block are the same and there are // no gaps/defaults then just use a range-check. if (compare_type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long || compare_type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong) { // TODO: optimize constant/I4 cases // check block range (could be > 2^31) val.Emit (ec); ec.EmitLong (kb.min); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Blt, lbl_default); val.Emit (ec); ec.EmitLong (kb.max); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Bgt, lbl_default); // normalize range val.Emit (ec); if (kb.min != 0) { ec.EmitLong (kb.min); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Sub); } ec.Emit (OpCodes.Conv_I4); // assumes < 2^31 labels! } else { // normalize range val.Emit (ec); int first = (int) kb.min; if (first > 0) { ec.EmitInt (first); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Sub); } else if (first < 0) { ec.EmitInt (-first); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Add); } } // first, build the list of labels for the switch int iKey = 0; long cJumps = kb.Range; Label[] switch_labels = new Label[cJumps]; for (int iJump = 0; iJump < cJumps; iJump++) { var key = kb.label_values[iKey]; if (key == kb.min + iJump) { switch_labels[iJump] = labels[key].GetILLabel (ec); iKey++; } else { switch_labels[iJump] = lbl_default; } } // emit the switch opcode ec.Emit (OpCodes.Switch, switch_labels); } // mark the default for this block if (range_index != 0) ec.MarkLabel (lbl_default); } // the last default just goes to the end if (ranges.Count > 0) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Br, lbl_default); } } public SwitchLabel FindLabel (Constant value) { SwitchLabel sl = null; if (string_labels != null) { string s = value.GetValue () as string; if (s == null) { if (case_null != null) sl = case_null; else if (case_default != null) sl = case_default; } else { string_labels.TryGetValue (s, out sl); } } else { if (value is NullLiteral) { sl = case_null; } else { labels.TryGetValue (value.GetValueAsLong (), out sl); } } if (sl == null || sl.SectionStart) return sl; // // Always return section start, it simplifies handling of switch labels // for (int idx = case_labels.IndexOf (sl); ; --idx) { var cs = case_labels [idx]; if (cs.SectionStart) return cs; } } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { Expr.FlowAnalysis (fc); var prev_switch = fc.SwitchInitialDefinitiveAssignment; var InitialDefinitiveAssignment = fc.DefiniteAssignment; fc.SwitchInitialDefinitiveAssignment = InitialDefinitiveAssignment; block.FlowAnalysis (fc); fc.SwitchInitialDefinitiveAssignment = prev_switch; if (end_reachable_das != null) { var sections_das = DefiniteAssignmentBitSet.And (end_reachable_das); InitialDefinitiveAssignment |= sections_das; end_reachable_das = null; } fc.DefiniteAssignment = InitialDefinitiveAssignment; return case_default != null && !end_reachable; } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext ec) { Expr = Expr.Resolve (ec); if (Expr == null) return false; // // LAMESPEC: User conversion from non-nullable governing type has a priority // new_expr = SwitchGoverningType (ec, Expr, false); if (new_expr == null) { if (Expr.Type.IsNullableType) { unwrap = Nullable.Unwrap.Create (Expr, false); if (unwrap == null) return false; // // Unwrap + user conversion using non-nullable type is not allowed but user operator // involving nullable Expr and nullable governing type is // new_expr = SwitchGoverningType (ec, unwrap, true); } } Expression switch_expr; if (new_expr == null) { if (ec.Module.Compiler.Settings.Version != LanguageVersion.Experimental) { if (Expr.Type != InternalType.ErrorType) { ec.Report.Error (151, loc, "A switch expression of type `{0}' cannot be converted to an integral type, bool, char, string, enum or nullable type", Expr.Type.GetSignatureForError ()); } return false; } switch_expr = Expr; SwitchType = Expr.Type; } else { switch_expr = new_expr; SwitchType = new_expr.Type; if (SwitchType.IsNullableType) { new_expr = unwrap = Nullable.Unwrap.Create (new_expr, true); SwitchType = Nullable.NullableInfo.GetUnderlyingType (SwitchType); } if (SwitchType.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Bool && ec.Module.Compiler.Settings.Version == LanguageVersion.ISO_1) { ec.Report.FeatureIsNotAvailable (ec.Module.Compiler, loc, "switch expression of boolean type"); return false; } if (block.Statements.Count == 0) return true; if (SwitchType.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.String) { string_labels = new Dictionary (); } else { labels = new Dictionary (); } } var constant = switch_expr as Constant; // // Don't need extra variable for constant switch or switch with // only default case // if (constant == null) { // // Store switch expression for comparison purposes // value = switch_expr as VariableReference; if (value == null && !HasOnlyDefaultSection ()) { var current_block = ec.CurrentBlock; ec.CurrentBlock = Block; // Create temporary variable inside switch scope value = TemporaryVariableReference.Create (SwitchType, ec.CurrentBlock, loc); value.Resolve (ec); ec.CurrentBlock = current_block; } } case_labels = new List (); Switch old_switch = ec.Switch; ec.Switch = this; var parent_los = ec.EnclosingLoopOrSwitch; ec.EnclosingLoopOrSwitch = this; var ok = Statement.Resolve (ec); ec.EnclosingLoopOrSwitch = parent_los; ec.Switch = old_switch; // // Check if all goto cases are valid. Needs to be done after switch // is resolved because goto can jump forward in the scope. // if (goto_cases != null) { foreach (var gc in goto_cases) { if (gc.Item1 == null) { if (DefaultLabel == null) { Goto.Error_UnknownLabel (ec, "default", loc); } continue; } var sl = FindLabel (gc.Item2); if (sl == null) { Goto.Error_UnknownLabel (ec, "case " + gc.Item2.GetValueAsLiteral (), loc); } else { gc.Item1.Label = sl; } } } if (!ok) return false; if (constant == null && SwitchType.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.String && string_labels.Count > 6) { ResolveStringSwitchMap (ec); } // // Anonymous storey initialization has to happen before // any generated switch dispatch // block.InsertStatement (0, new DispatchStatement (this)); return true; } bool HasOnlyDefaultSection () { for (int i = 0; i < block.Statements.Count; ++i) { var s = block.Statements[i] as SwitchLabel; if (s == null || s.IsDefault) continue; return false; } return true; } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { if (rc.IsUnreachable) return rc; base.MarkReachable (rc); block.MarkReachableScope (rc); if (block.Statements.Count == 0) return rc; SwitchLabel constant_label = null; var constant = new_expr as Constant; if (constant != null) { constant_label = FindLabel (constant) ?? case_default; if (constant_label == null) { block.Statements.RemoveAt (0); return rc; } } var section_rc = new Reachability (); SwitchLabel prev_label = null; for (int i = 0; i < block.Statements.Count; ++i) { var s = block.Statements[i]; var sl = s as SwitchLabel; if (sl != null && sl.SectionStart) { // // Section is marked already via goto case // if (!sl.IsUnreachable) { section_rc = new Reachability (); continue; } if (constant_label != null && constant_label != sl) section_rc = Reachability.CreateUnreachable (); else if (section_rc.IsUnreachable) { section_rc = new Reachability (); } else { if (prev_label != null) { sl.SectionStart = false; s = new MissingBreak (prev_label); s.MarkReachable (rc); block.Statements.Insert (i - 1, s); ++i; } } prev_label = sl; } section_rc = s.MarkReachable (section_rc); } if (!section_rc.IsUnreachable && prev_label != null) { prev_label.SectionStart = false; var s = new MissingBreak (prev_label) { FallOut = true }; s.MarkReachable (rc); block.Statements.Add (s); } // // Reachability can affect parent only when all possible paths are handled but // we still need to run reachability check on switch body to check for fall-through // if (case_default == null && constant_label == null) return rc; // // We have at least one local exit from the switch // if (end_reachable) return rc; return Reachability.CreateUnreachable (); } public void RegisterGotoCase (GotoCase gotoCase, Constant value) { if (goto_cases == null) goto_cases = new List> (); goto_cases.Add (Tuple.Create (gotoCase, value)); } // // Converts string switch into string hashtable // void ResolveStringSwitchMap (ResolveContext ec) { FullNamedExpression string_dictionary_type; if (ec.Module.PredefinedTypes.Dictionary.Define ()) { string_dictionary_type = new TypeExpression ( ec.Module.PredefinedTypes.Dictionary.TypeSpec.MakeGenericType (ec, new [] { ec.BuiltinTypes.String, ec.BuiltinTypes.Int }), loc); } else if (ec.Module.PredefinedTypes.Hashtable.Define ()) { string_dictionary_type = new TypeExpression (ec.Module.PredefinedTypes.Hashtable.TypeSpec, loc); } else { ec.Module.PredefinedTypes.Dictionary.Resolve (); return; } var ctype = ec.CurrentMemberDefinition.Parent.PartialContainer; Field field = new Field (ctype, string_dictionary_type, Modifiers.STATIC | Modifiers.PRIVATE | Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED, new MemberName (CompilerGeneratedContainer.MakeName (null, "f", "switch$map", ec.Module.CounterSwitchTypes++), loc), null); if (!field.Define ()) return; ctype.AddField (field); var init = new List (); int counter = -1; labels = new Dictionary (string_labels.Count); string value = null; foreach (SwitchLabel sl in case_labels) { if (sl.SectionStart) labels.Add (++counter, sl); if (sl == case_default || sl == case_null) continue; value = (string) sl.Converted.GetValue (); var init_args = new List (2); init_args.Add (new StringLiteral (ec.BuiltinTypes, value, sl.Location)); sl.Converted = new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, counter, loc); init_args.Add (sl.Converted); init.Add (new CollectionElementInitializer (init_args, loc)); } Arguments args = new Arguments (1); args.Add (new Argument (new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, init.Count, loc))); Expression initializer = new NewInitialize (string_dictionary_type, args, new CollectionOrObjectInitializers (init, loc), loc); switch_cache_field = new FieldExpr (field, loc); string_dictionary = new SimpleAssign (switch_cache_field, initializer.Resolve (ec)); } void DoEmitStringSwitch (EmitContext ec) { Label l_initialized = ec.DefineLabel (); // // Skip initialization when value is null // value.EmitBranchable (ec, nullLabel, false); // // Check if string dictionary is initialized and initialize // switch_cache_field.EmitBranchable (ec, l_initialized, true); using (ec.With (BuilderContext.Options.OmitDebugInfo, true)) { string_dictionary.EmitStatement (ec); } ec.MarkLabel (l_initialized); LocalTemporary string_switch_variable = new LocalTemporary (ec.BuiltinTypes.Int); ResolveContext rc = new ResolveContext (ec.MemberContext); if (switch_cache_field.Type.IsGeneric) { Arguments get_value_args = new Arguments (2); get_value_args.Add (new Argument (value)); get_value_args.Add (new Argument (string_switch_variable, Argument.AType.Out)); Expression get_item = new Invocation (new MemberAccess (switch_cache_field, "TryGetValue", loc), get_value_args).Resolve (rc); if (get_item == null) return; // // A value was not found, go to default case // get_item.EmitBranchable (ec, defaultLabel, false); } else { Arguments get_value_args = new Arguments (1); get_value_args.Add (new Argument (value)); Expression get_item = new ElementAccess (switch_cache_field, get_value_args, loc).Resolve (rc); if (get_item == null) return; LocalTemporary get_item_object = new LocalTemporary (ec.BuiltinTypes.Object); get_item_object.EmitAssign (ec, get_item, true, false); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Brfalse, defaultLabel); ExpressionStatement get_item_int = (ExpressionStatement) new SimpleAssign (string_switch_variable, new Cast (new TypeExpression (ec.BuiltinTypes.Int, loc), get_item_object, loc)).Resolve (rc); get_item_int.EmitStatement (ec); get_item_object.Release (ec); } EmitTableSwitch (ec, string_switch_variable); string_switch_variable.Release (ec); } // // Emits switch using simple if/else comparison for small label count (4 + optional default) // void EmitShortSwitch (EmitContext ec) { MethodSpec equal_method = null; if (SwitchType.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.String) { equal_method = ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.StringEqual.Resolve (loc); } if (equal_method != null) { value.EmitBranchable (ec, nullLabel, false); } for (int i = 0; i < case_labels.Count; ++i) { var label = case_labels [i]; if (label == case_default || label == case_null) continue; var constant = label.Converted; if (constant == null) { label.Label.EmitBranchable (ec, label.GetILLabel (ec), true); continue; } if (equal_method != null) { value.Emit (ec); constant.Emit (ec); var call = new CallEmitter (); call.EmitPredefined (ec, equal_method, new Arguments (0)); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Brtrue, label.GetILLabel (ec)); continue; } if (constant.IsZeroInteger && constant.Type.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long && constant.Type.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong) { value.EmitBranchable (ec, label.GetILLabel (ec), false); continue; } value.Emit (ec); constant.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Beq, label.GetILLabel (ec)); } ec.Emit (OpCodes.Br, defaultLabel); } void EmitDispatch (EmitContext ec) { if (IsPatternMatching) { EmitShortSwitch (ec); return; } if (value == null) { // // Constant switch, we've already done the work if there is only 1 label // referenced // int reachable = 0; foreach (var sl in case_labels) { if (sl.IsUnreachable) continue; if (reachable++ > 0) { var constant = (Constant) new_expr; var constant_label = FindLabel (constant) ?? case_default; ec.Emit (OpCodes.Br, constant_label.GetILLabel (ec)); break; } } return; } if (string_dictionary != null) { DoEmitStringSwitch (ec); } else if (case_labels.Count < 4 || string_labels != null) { EmitShortSwitch (ec); } else { EmitTableSwitch (ec, value); } } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { // // Setup the codegen context // Label old_end = ec.LoopEnd; Switch old_switch = ec.Switch; ec.LoopEnd = ec.DefineLabel (); ec.Switch = this; defaultLabel = case_default == null ? ec.LoopEnd : case_default.GetILLabel (ec); nullLabel = case_null == null ? defaultLabel : case_null.GetILLabel (ec); if (value != null) { ec.Mark (loc); var switch_expr = new_expr ?? Expr; if (IsNullable) { unwrap.EmitCheck (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Brfalse, nullLabel); value.EmitAssign (ec, switch_expr, false, false); } else if (switch_expr != value) { value.EmitAssign (ec, switch_expr, false, false); } // // Next statement is compiler generated we don't need extra // nop when we can use the statement for sequence point // ec.Mark (block.StartLocation); block.IsCompilerGenerated = true; } else { new_expr.EmitSideEffect (ec); } block.Emit (ec); // Restore context state. ec.MarkLabel (ec.LoopEnd); // // Restore the previous context // ec.LoopEnd = old_end; ec.Switch = old_switch; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement t) { Switch target = (Switch) t; target.Expr = Expr.Clone (clonectx); target.Statement = target.block = (ExplicitBlock) block.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } public override void AddEndDefiniteAssignment (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { if (case_default == null && !(new_expr is Constant)) return; if (end_reachable_das == null) end_reachable_das = new List (); end_reachable_das.Add (fc.DefiniteAssignment); } public override void SetEndReachable () { end_reachable = true; } } // A place where execution can restart in a state machine public abstract class ResumableStatement : Statement { bool prepared; protected Label resume_point; public Label PrepareForEmit (EmitContext ec) { if (!prepared) { prepared = true; resume_point = ec.DefineLabel (); } return resume_point; } public virtual Label PrepareForDispose (EmitContext ec, Label end) { return end; } public virtual void EmitForDispose (EmitContext ec, LocalBuilder pc, Label end, bool have_dispatcher) { } } public abstract class TryFinallyBlock : ExceptionStatement { protected Statement stmt; Label dispose_try_block; bool prepared_for_dispose, emitted_dispose; Method finally_host; protected TryFinallyBlock (Statement stmt, Location loc) : base (loc) { this.stmt = stmt; } #region Properties public Statement Statement { get { return stmt; } } #endregion protected abstract void EmitTryBody (EmitContext ec); public abstract void EmitFinallyBody (EmitContext ec); public override Label PrepareForDispose (EmitContext ec, Label end) { if (!prepared_for_dispose) { prepared_for_dispose = true; dispose_try_block = ec.DefineLabel (); } return dispose_try_block; } protected sealed override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { EmitTryBodyPrepare (ec); EmitTryBody (ec); bool beginFinally = EmitBeginFinallyBlock (ec); Label start_finally = ec.DefineLabel (); if (resume_points != null && beginFinally) { var state_machine = (StateMachineInitializer) ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod; ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc, state_machine.SkipFinally); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Brfalse_S, start_finally); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Endfinally); } ec.MarkLabel (start_finally); if (finally_host != null) { finally_host.Define (); finally_host.PrepareEmit (); finally_host.Emit (); // Now it's safe to add, to close it properly and emit sequence points finally_host.Parent.AddMember (finally_host); var ce = new CallEmitter (); ce.InstanceExpression = new CompilerGeneratedThis (ec.CurrentType, loc); ce.EmitPredefined (ec, finally_host.Spec, new Arguments (0), true); } else { EmitFinallyBody (ec); } if (beginFinally) ec.EndExceptionBlock (); } public override void EmitForDispose (EmitContext ec, LocalBuilder pc, Label end, bool have_dispatcher) { if (emitted_dispose) return; emitted_dispose = true; Label end_of_try = ec.DefineLabel (); // Ensure that the only way we can get into this code is through a dispatcher if (have_dispatcher) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Br, end); ec.BeginExceptionBlock (); ec.MarkLabel (dispose_try_block); Label[] labels = null; for (int i = 0; i < resume_points.Count; ++i) { ResumableStatement s = resume_points[i]; Label ret = s.PrepareForDispose (ec, end_of_try); if (ret.Equals (end_of_try) && labels == null) continue; if (labels == null) { labels = new Label[resume_points.Count]; for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) labels[j] = end_of_try; } labels[i] = ret; } if (labels != null) { int j; for (j = 1; j < labels.Length; ++j) if (!labels[0].Equals (labels[j])) break; bool emit_dispatcher = j < labels.Length; if (emit_dispatcher) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc, pc); ec.EmitInt (first_resume_pc); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Sub); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Switch, labels); } foreach (ResumableStatement s in resume_points) s.EmitForDispose (ec, pc, end_of_try, emit_dispatcher); } ec.MarkLabel (end_of_try); ec.BeginFinallyBlock (); if (finally_host != null) { var ce = new CallEmitter (); ce.InstanceExpression = new CompilerGeneratedThis (ec.CurrentType, loc); ce.EmitPredefined (ec, finally_host.Spec, new Arguments (0), true); } else { EmitFinallyBody (ec); } ec.EndExceptionBlock (); } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { var res = stmt.FlowAnalysis (fc); parent = null; return res; } protected virtual bool EmitBeginFinallyBlock (EmitContext ec) { ec.BeginFinallyBlock (); return true; } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { base.MarkReachable (rc); return Statement.MarkReachable (rc); } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext bc) { bool ok; parent = bc.CurrentTryBlock; bc.CurrentTryBlock = this; using (bc.Set (ResolveContext.Options.TryScope)) { ok = stmt.Resolve (bc); } bc.CurrentTryBlock = parent; // // Finally block inside iterator is called from MoveNext and // Dispose methods that means we need to lift the block into // newly created host method to emit the body only once. The // original block then simply calls the newly generated method. // if (bc.CurrentIterator != null && !bc.IsInProbingMode) { var b = stmt as Block; if (b != null && b.Explicit.HasYield) { finally_host = bc.CurrentIterator.CreateFinallyHost (this); } } return base.Resolve (bc) && ok; } } // // Base class for blocks using exception handling // public abstract class ExceptionStatement : ResumableStatement { protected List resume_points; protected int first_resume_pc; protected ExceptionStatement parent; protected ExceptionStatement (Location loc) { this.loc = loc; } protected virtual void EmitBeginException (EmitContext ec) { ec.BeginExceptionBlock (); } protected virtual void EmitTryBodyPrepare (EmitContext ec) { StateMachineInitializer state_machine = null; if (resume_points != null) { state_machine = (StateMachineInitializer) ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod; ec.EmitInt ((int) IteratorStorey.State.Running); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Stloc, state_machine.CurrentPC); } EmitBeginException (ec); if (resume_points != null) { ec.MarkLabel (resume_point); // For normal control flow, we want to fall-through the Switch // So, we use CurrentPC rather than the $PC field, and initialize it to an outside value above ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc, state_machine.CurrentPC); ec.EmitInt (first_resume_pc); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Sub); Label[] labels = new Label[resume_points.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < resume_points.Count; ++i) labels[i] = resume_points[i].PrepareForEmit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Switch, labels); } } public virtual int AddResumePoint (ResumableStatement stmt, int pc, StateMachineInitializer stateMachine) { if (parent != null) { // TODO: MOVE to virtual TryCatch var tc = this as TryCatch; var s = tc != null && tc.IsTryCatchFinally ? stmt : this; pc = parent.AddResumePoint (s, pc, stateMachine); } else { pc = stateMachine.AddResumePoint (this); } if (resume_points == null) { resume_points = new List (); first_resume_pc = pc; } if (pc != first_resume_pc + resume_points.Count) throw new InternalErrorException ("missed an intervening AddResumePoint?"); resume_points.Add (stmt); return pc; } } public class Lock : TryFinallyBlock { Expression expr; TemporaryVariableReference expr_copy; TemporaryVariableReference lock_taken; public Lock (Expression expr, Statement stmt, Location loc) : base (stmt, loc) { this.expr = expr; } public Expression Expr { get { return this.expr; } } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { expr.FlowAnalysis (fc); return base.DoFlowAnalysis (fc); } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext ec) { expr = expr.Resolve (ec); if (expr == null) return false; if (!TypeSpec.IsReferenceType (expr.Type) && expr.Type != InternalType.ErrorType) { ec.Report.Error (185, loc, "`{0}' is not a reference type as required by the lock statement", expr.Type.GetSignatureForError ()); } if (expr.Type.IsGenericParameter) { expr = Convert.ImplicitTypeParameterConversion (expr, (TypeParameterSpec)expr.Type, ec.BuiltinTypes.Object); } VariableReference lv = expr as VariableReference; bool locked; if (lv != null) { locked = lv.IsLockedByStatement; lv.IsLockedByStatement = true; } else { lv = null; locked = false; } // // Have to keep original lock value around to unlock same location // in the case of original value has changed or is null // expr_copy = TemporaryVariableReference.Create (ec.BuiltinTypes.Object, ec.CurrentBlock, loc); expr_copy.Resolve (ec); // // Ensure Monitor methods are available // if (ResolvePredefinedMethods (ec) > 1) { lock_taken = TemporaryVariableReference.Create (ec.BuiltinTypes.Bool, ec.CurrentBlock, loc); lock_taken.Resolve (ec); } using (ec.Set (ResolveContext.Options.LockScope)) { base.Resolve (ec); } if (lv != null) { lv.IsLockedByStatement = locked; } return true; } protected override void EmitTryBodyPrepare (EmitContext ec) { expr_copy.EmitAssign (ec, expr); if (lock_taken != null) { // // Initialize ref variable // lock_taken.EmitAssign (ec, new BoolLiteral (ec.BuiltinTypes, false, loc)); } else { // // Monitor.Enter (expr_copy) // expr_copy.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Call, ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.MonitorEnter.Get ()); } base.EmitTryBodyPrepare (ec); } protected override void EmitTryBody (EmitContext ec) { // // Monitor.Enter (expr_copy, ref lock_taken) // if (lock_taken != null) { expr_copy.Emit (ec); lock_taken.LocalInfo.CreateBuilder (ec); lock_taken.AddressOf (ec, AddressOp.Load); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Call, ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.MonitorEnter_v4.Get ()); } Statement.Emit (ec); } public override void EmitFinallyBody (EmitContext ec) { // // if (lock_taken) Monitor.Exit (expr_copy) // Label skip = ec.DefineLabel (); if (lock_taken != null) { lock_taken.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Brfalse_S, skip); } expr_copy.Emit (ec); var m = ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.MonitorExit.Resolve (loc); if (m != null) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Call, m); ec.MarkLabel (skip); } int ResolvePredefinedMethods (ResolveContext rc) { // Try 4.0 Monitor.Enter (object, ref bool) overload first var m = rc.Module.PredefinedMembers.MonitorEnter_v4.Get (); if (m != null) return 4; m = rc.Module.PredefinedMembers.MonitorEnter.Get (); if (m != null) return 1; rc.Module.PredefinedMembers.MonitorEnter_v4.Resolve (loc); return 0; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement t) { Lock target = (Lock) t; target.expr = expr.Clone (clonectx); target.stmt = Statement.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class Unchecked : Statement { public Block Block; public Unchecked (Block b, Location loc) { Block = b; b.Unchecked = true; this.loc = loc; } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext ec) { using (ec.With (ResolveContext.Options.AllCheckStateFlags, false)) return Block.Resolve (ec); } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { using (ec.With (EmitContext.Options.CheckedScope, false)) Block.Emit (ec); } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { return Block.FlowAnalysis (fc); } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { base.MarkReachable (rc); return Block.MarkReachable (rc); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement t) { Unchecked target = (Unchecked) t; target.Block = clonectx.LookupBlock (Block); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class Checked : Statement { public Block Block; public Checked (Block b, Location loc) { Block = b; b.Unchecked = false; this.loc = loc; } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext ec) { using (ec.With (ResolveContext.Options.AllCheckStateFlags, true)) return Block.Resolve (ec); } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { using (ec.With (EmitContext.Options.CheckedScope, true)) Block.Emit (ec); } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { return Block.FlowAnalysis (fc); } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { base.MarkReachable (rc); return Block.MarkReachable (rc); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement t) { Checked target = (Checked) t; target.Block = clonectx.LookupBlock (Block); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class Unsafe : Statement { public Block Block; public Unsafe (Block b, Location loc) { Block = b; Block.Unsafe = true; this.loc = loc; } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext ec) { if (ec.CurrentIterator != null) ec.Report.Error (1629, loc, "Unsafe code may not appear in iterators"); using (ec.Set (ResolveContext.Options.UnsafeScope)) return Block.Resolve (ec); } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { Block.Emit (ec); } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { return Block.FlowAnalysis (fc); } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { base.MarkReachable (rc); return Block.MarkReachable (rc); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement t) { Unsafe target = (Unsafe) t; target.Block = clonectx.LookupBlock (Block); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } // // Fixed statement // public class Fixed : Statement { abstract class Emitter : ShimExpression { protected LocalVariable vi; protected Emitter (Expression expr, LocalVariable li) : base (expr) { vi = li; } public abstract void EmitExit (EmitContext ec); public override void FlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { expr.FlowAnalysis (fc); } } sealed class ExpressionEmitter : Emitter { public ExpressionEmitter (Expression converted, LocalVariable li) : base (converted, li) { } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext rc) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { // // Store pointer in pinned location // expr.Emit (ec); vi.EmitAssign (ec); } public override void EmitExit (EmitContext ec) { ec.EmitInt (0); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Conv_U); vi.EmitAssign (ec); } } class StringEmitter : Emitter { LocalVariable pinned_string; public StringEmitter (Expression expr, LocalVariable li) : base (expr, li) { } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext rc) { pinned_string = new LocalVariable (vi.Block, "$pinned", LocalVariable.Flags.FixedVariable | LocalVariable.Flags.CompilerGenerated | LocalVariable.Flags.Used, vi.Location); pinned_string.Type = rc.BuiltinTypes.String; vi.IsFixed = false; eclass = ExprClass.Variable; type = rc.BuiltinTypes.Int; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { pinned_string.CreateBuilder (ec); expr.Emit (ec); pinned_string.EmitAssign (ec); // TODO: Should use Binary::Add pinned_string.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Conv_I); var m = ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.RuntimeHelpersOffsetToStringData.Resolve (loc); if (m == null) return; PropertyExpr pe = new PropertyExpr (m, pinned_string.Location); //pe.InstanceExpression = pinned_string; pe.Resolve (new ResolveContext (ec.MemberContext)).Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Add); vi.EmitAssign (ec); } public override void EmitExit (EmitContext ec) { ec.EmitNull (); pinned_string.EmitAssign (ec); } } public class VariableDeclaration : BlockVariable { public VariableDeclaration (FullNamedExpression type, LocalVariable li) : base (type, li) { } protected override Expression ResolveInitializer (BlockContext bc, LocalVariable li, Expression initializer) { if (!Variable.Type.IsPointer && li == Variable) { bc.Report.Error (209, TypeExpression.Location, "The type of locals declared in a fixed statement must be a pointer type"); return null; } var res = initializer.Resolve (bc); if (res == null) return null; // // Case 1: Array // var ac = res.Type as ArrayContainer; if (ac != null) { TypeSpec array_type = ac.Element; // // Provided that array_type is unmanaged, // if (!TypeManager.VerifyUnmanaged (bc.Module, array_type, loc)) return null; Expression res_init; if (ExpressionAnalyzer.IsInexpensiveLoad (res)) { res_init = res; } else { var expr_variable = LocalVariable.CreateCompilerGenerated (ac, bc.CurrentBlock, loc); res_init = new CompilerAssign (expr_variable.CreateReferenceExpression (bc, loc), res, loc); res = expr_variable.CreateReferenceExpression (bc, loc); } // // and T* is implicitly convertible to the // pointer type given in the fixed statement. // ArrayPtr array_ptr = new ArrayPtr (res, array_type, loc); Expression converted = Convert.ImplicitConversionRequired (bc, array_ptr.Resolve (bc), li.Type, loc); if (converted == null) return null; // // fixed (T* e_ptr = (e == null || e.Length == 0) ? null : converted [0]) // converted = new Conditional (new BooleanExpression (new Binary (Binary.Operator.LogicalOr, new Binary (Binary.Operator.Equality, res_init, new NullLiteral (loc)), new Binary (Binary.Operator.Equality, new MemberAccess (res, "Length"), new IntConstant (bc.BuiltinTypes, 0, loc)))), new NullLiteral (loc), converted, loc); converted = converted.Resolve (bc); return new ExpressionEmitter (converted, li); } // // Case 2: string // if (res.Type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.String) { return new StringEmitter (res, li).Resolve (bc); } // Case 3: fixed buffer if (res is FixedBufferPtr) { return new ExpressionEmitter (res, li); } bool already_fixed = true; // // Case 4: & object. // Unary u = res as Unary; if (u != null) { if (u.Oper == Unary.Operator.AddressOf) { IVariableReference vr = u.Expr as IVariableReference; if (vr == null || !vr.IsFixed) { already_fixed = false; } } } else if (initializer is Cast) { bc.Report.Error (254, initializer.Location, "The right hand side of a fixed statement assignment may not be a cast expression"); return null; } if (already_fixed) { bc.Report.Error (213, loc, "You cannot use the fixed statement to take the address of an already fixed expression"); } res = Convert.ImplicitConversionRequired (bc, res, li.Type, loc); return new ExpressionEmitter (res, li); } } VariableDeclaration decl; Statement statement; bool has_ret; public Fixed (VariableDeclaration decl, Statement stmt, Location l) { this.decl = decl; statement = stmt; loc = l; } #region Properties public Statement Statement { get { return statement; } } public BlockVariable Variables { get { return decl; } } #endregion public override bool Resolve (BlockContext bc) { using (bc.Set (ResolveContext.Options.FixedInitializerScope)) { if (!decl.Resolve (bc)) return false; } return statement.Resolve (bc); } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { decl.FlowAnalysis (fc); return statement.FlowAnalysis (fc); } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { decl.Variable.CreateBuilder (ec); decl.Initializer.Emit (ec); if (decl.Declarators != null) { foreach (var d in decl.Declarators) { d.Variable.CreateBuilder (ec); d.Initializer.Emit (ec); } } statement.Emit (ec); if (has_ret) return; // // Clear the pinned variable // ((Emitter) decl.Initializer).EmitExit (ec); if (decl.Declarators != null) { foreach (var d in decl.Declarators) { ((Emitter)d.Initializer).EmitExit (ec); } } } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { base.MarkReachable (rc); decl.MarkReachable (rc); rc = statement.MarkReachable (rc); // TODO: What if there is local exit? has_ret = rc.IsUnreachable; return rc; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement t) { Fixed target = (Fixed) t; target.decl = (VariableDeclaration) decl.Clone (clonectx); target.statement = statement.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class Catch : Statement { class CatchVariableStore : Statement { readonly Catch ctch; public CatchVariableStore (Catch ctch) { this.ctch = ctch; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement target) { } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { // Emits catch variable debug information inside correct block ctch.EmitCatchVariableStore (ec); } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { return true; } } class FilterStatement : Statement { readonly Catch ctch; public FilterStatement (Catch ctch) { this.ctch = ctch; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement target) { } protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { if (ctch.li != null) { if (ctch.hoisted_temp != null) ctch.hoisted_temp.Emit (ec); else ctch.li.Emit (ec); if (!ctch.IsGeneral && ctch.type.Kind == MemberKind.TypeParameter) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Box, ctch.type); } var expr_start = ec.DefineLabel (); var end = ec.DefineLabel (); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Brtrue_S, expr_start); ec.EmitInt (0); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Br, end); ec.MarkLabel (expr_start); ctch.Filter.Emit (ec); ec.MarkLabel (end); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Endfilter); ec.BeginFilterHandler (); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Pop); } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { ctch.Filter.FlowAnalysis (fc); return true; } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext bc) { ctch.Filter = ctch.Filter.Resolve (bc); if (ctch.Filter != null) { if (ctch.Filter.ContainsEmitWithAwait ()) { bc.Report.Error (7094, ctch.Filter.Location, "The `await' operator cannot be used in the filter expression of a catch clause"); } var c = ctch.Filter as Constant; if (c != null && !c.IsDefaultValue) { bc.Report.Warning (7095, 1, ctch.Filter.Location, "Exception filter expression is a constant"); } } return true; } } ExplicitBlock block; LocalVariable li; FullNamedExpression type_expr; CompilerAssign assign; TypeSpec type; LocalTemporary hoisted_temp; public Catch (ExplicitBlock block, Location loc) { this.block = block; this.loc = loc; } #region Properties public ExplicitBlock Block { get { return block; } } public TypeSpec CatchType { get { return type; } } public Expression Filter { get; set; } public bool IsGeneral { get { return type_expr == null; } } public FullNamedExpression TypeExpression { get { return type_expr; } set { type_expr = value; } } public LocalVariable Variable { get { return li; } set { li = value; } } #endregion protected override void DoEmit (EmitContext ec) { if (Filter != null) { ec.BeginExceptionFilterBlock (); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Isinst, IsGeneral ? ec.BuiltinTypes.Object : CatchType); if (Block.HasAwait) { Block.EmitScopeInitialization (ec); } else { Block.Emit (ec); } return; } if (IsGeneral) ec.BeginCatchBlock (ec.BuiltinTypes.Object); else ec.BeginCatchBlock (CatchType); if (li == null) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Pop); if (Block.HasAwait) { if (li != null) EmitCatchVariableStore (ec); } else { Block.Emit (ec); } } void EmitCatchVariableStore (EmitContext ec) { li.CreateBuilder (ec); // // For hoisted catch variable we have to use a temporary local variable // for captured variable initialization during storey setup because variable // needs to be on the stack after storey instance for stfld operation // if (li.HoistedVariant != null) { hoisted_temp = new LocalTemporary (li.Type); hoisted_temp.Store (ec); // switch to assignment from temporary variable and not from top of the stack assign.UpdateSource (hoisted_temp); } } public override bool Resolve (BlockContext bc) { using (bc.Set (ResolveContext.Options.CatchScope)) { if (type_expr == null) { if (CreateExceptionVariable (bc.Module.Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object)) { if (!block.HasAwait || Filter != null) block.AddScopeStatement (new CatchVariableStore (this)); Expression source = new EmptyExpression (li.Type); assign = new CompilerAssign (new LocalVariableReference (li, Location.Null), source, Location.Null); Block.AddScopeStatement (new StatementExpression (assign, Location.Null)); } } else { type = type_expr.ResolveAsType (bc); if (type == null) return false; if (li == null) CreateExceptionVariable (type); if (type.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Exception && !TypeSpec.IsBaseClass (type, bc.BuiltinTypes.Exception, false)) { bc.Report.Error (155, loc, "The type caught or thrown must be derived from System.Exception"); } else if (li != null) { li.Type = type; li.PrepareAssignmentAnalysis (bc); // source variable is at the top of the stack Expression source = new EmptyExpression (li.Type); if (li.Type.IsGenericParameter) source = new UnboxCast (source, li.Type); if (!block.HasAwait || Filter != null) block.AddScopeStatement (new CatchVariableStore (this)); // // Uses Location.Null to hide from symbol file // assign = new CompilerAssign (new LocalVariableReference (li, Location.Null), source, Location.Null); Block.AddScopeStatement (new StatementExpression (assign, Location.Null)); } } if (Filter != null) { Block.AddScopeStatement (new FilterStatement (this)); } Block.SetCatchBlock (); return Block.Resolve (bc); } } bool CreateExceptionVariable (TypeSpec type) { if (!Block.HasAwait) return false; // TODO: Scan the block for rethrow expression //if (!Block.HasRethrow) // return; li = LocalVariable.CreateCompilerGenerated (type, block, Location.Null); return true; } protected override bool DoFlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { if (li != null && !li.IsCompilerGenerated) { fc.SetVariableAssigned (li.VariableInfo, true); } return block.FlowAnalysis (fc); } public override Reachability MarkReachable (Reachability rc) { base.MarkReachable (rc); var c = Filter as Constant; if (c != null && c.IsDefaultValue) return Reachability.CreateUnreachable (); return block.MarkReachable (rc); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Statement t) { Catch target = (Catch) t; if (type_expr != null) target.type_expr = (FullNamedExpression) type_expr.Clone (clonectx); if (Filter != null) target.Filter = Filter.Clone (clonectx); target.block = (ExplicitBlock) clonectx.LookupBlock (block); } } public class TryFinally : TryFinallyBlock { ExplicitBlock fini; List try_exit_dat; List