// // rootcontext.cs: keeps track of our tree representation, and assemblies loaded. // // Author: Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com) // Ravi Pratap (ravi@ximian.com) // Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com) // // // Dual licensed under the terms of the MIT X11 or GNU GPL // // Copyright 2001 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) // Copyright 2004-2008 Novell, Inc // Copyright 2011 Xamarin, Inc (http://www.xamarin.com) // using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Globalization; using System; namespace Mono.CSharp { public enum LanguageVersion { ISO_1 = 1, ISO_2 = 2, V_3 = 3, V_4 = 4, V_5 = 5, Future = 100, Default = LanguageVersion.V_5, } public enum RuntimeVersion { v1, v2, v4 } public enum Target { Library, Exe, Module, WinExe } public enum Platform { AnyCPU, X86, X64, IA64 } public class CompilerSettings { public Target Target; public Platform Platform; public string TargetExt; public bool VerifyClsCompliance; public bool Optimize; public LanguageVersion Version; public bool EnhancedWarnings; public bool LoadDefaultReferences; public string SdkVersion; public string StrongNameKeyFile; public string StrongNameKeyContainer; public bool StrongNameDelaySign; // // Assemblies references to be loaded // public List AssemblyReferences; // // External aliases for assemblies // public List> AssemblyReferencesAliases; // // Modules to be embedded // public List Modules; // // Lookup paths for referenced assemblies // public List ReferencesLookupPaths; // // Encoding. // public Encoding Encoding; // // If set, enable XML documentation generation // public string DocumentationFile; public string MainClass; // // Output file // public string OutputFile; // // The default compiler checked state // public bool Checked; // // If true, the compiler is operating in statement mode, // this currently turns local variable declaration into // static variables of a class // public bool StatementMode; // TODO: SUPER UGLY // // Whether to allow Unsafe code // public bool Unsafe; public string Win32ResourceFile; public string Win32IconFile; // // A list of resource files for embedding // public List Resources; public bool GenerateDebugInfo; // Compiler debug flags only public bool ParseOnly, TokenizeOnly, Timestamps; public int DebugFlags; // // Whether we are being linked against the standard libraries. // This is only used to tell whether `System.Object' should // have a base class or not. // public bool StdLib; public RuntimeVersion StdLibRuntimeVersion; readonly List conditional_symbols; readonly List source_files; public CompilerSettings () { StdLib = true; Target = Target.Exe; TargetExt = ".exe"; Platform = Platform.AnyCPU; Version = LanguageVersion.Default; VerifyClsCompliance = true; Optimize = true; Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; LoadDefaultReferences = true; StdLibRuntimeVersion = RuntimeVersion.v4; AssemblyReferences = new List (); AssemblyReferencesAliases = new List> (); Modules = new List (); ReferencesLookupPaths = new List (); conditional_symbols = new List (); // // Add default mcs define // conditional_symbols.Add ("__MonoCS__"); source_files = new List (); } #region Properties public CompilationSourceFile FirstSourceFile { get { return source_files.Count > 0 ? source_files [0] : null; } } public bool HasKeyFileOrContainer { get { return StrongNameKeyFile != null || StrongNameKeyContainer != null; } } public bool NeedsEntryPoint { get { return Target == Target.Exe || Target == Target.WinExe; } } public List SourceFiles { get { return source_files; } } #endregion public void AddConditionalSymbol (string symbol) { if (!conditional_symbols.Contains (symbol)) conditional_symbols.Add (symbol); } public bool IsConditionalSymbolDefined (string symbol) { return conditional_symbols.Contains (symbol); } } public class CommandLineParser { enum ParseResult { Success, Error, Stop, UnknownOption } static readonly char[] argument_value_separator = new char[] { ';', ',' }; static readonly char[] numeric_value_separator = new char[] { ';', ',', ' ' }; readonly Report report; readonly TextWriter output; bool stop_argument; Dictionary source_file_index; public event Func UnknownOptionHandler; public CommandLineParser (Report report) : this (report, Console.Out) { } public CommandLineParser (Report report, TextWriter messagesOutput) { this.report = report; this.output = messagesOutput; } public bool HasBeenStopped { get { return stop_argument; } } void About () { output.WriteLine ( "The Mono C# compiler is Copyright 2001-2011, Novell, Inc.\n\n" + "The compiler source code is released under the terms of the \n" + "MIT X11 or GNU GPL licenses\n\n" + "For more information on Mono, visit the project Web site\n" + " http://www.mono-project.com\n\n" + "The compiler was written by Miguel de Icaza, Ravi Pratap, Martin Baulig, Marek Safar, Raja R Harinath, Atushi Enomoto"); } public CompilerSettings ParseArguments (string[] args) { CompilerSettings settings = new CompilerSettings (); List response_file_list = null; bool parsing_options = true; stop_argument = false; source_file_index = new Dictionary (); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { string arg = args[i]; if (arg.Length == 0) continue; if (arg[0] == '@') { string[] extra_args; string response_file = arg.Substring (1); if (response_file_list == null) response_file_list = new List (); if (response_file_list.Contains (response_file)) { report.Error (1515, "Response file `{0}' specified multiple times", response_file); return null; } response_file_list.Add (response_file); extra_args = LoadArgs (response_file); if (extra_args == null) { report.Error (2011, "Unable to open response file: " + response_file); return null; } args = AddArgs (args, extra_args); continue; } if (parsing_options) { if (arg == "--") { parsing_options = false; continue; } bool dash_opt = arg[0] == '-'; bool slash_opt = arg[0] == '/'; if (dash_opt) { switch (ParseOptionUnix (arg, ref args, ref i, settings)) { case ParseResult.Error: case ParseResult.Success: continue; case ParseResult.Stop: stop_argument = true; return settings; case ParseResult.UnknownOption: if (UnknownOptionHandler != null) { var ret = UnknownOptionHandler (args, i); if (ret != -1) { i = ret; continue; } } break; } } if (dash_opt || slash_opt) { // Try a -CSCOPTION string csc_opt = dash_opt ? "/" + arg.Substring (1) : arg; switch (ParseOption (csc_opt, ref args, settings)) { case ParseResult.Error: case ParseResult.Success: continue; case ParseResult.UnknownOption: // Need to skip `/home/test.cs' however /test.cs is considered as error if ((slash_opt && arg.Length > 3 && arg.IndexOf ('/', 2) > 0)) break; if (UnknownOptionHandler != null) { var ret = UnknownOptionHandler (args, i); if (ret != -1) { i = ret; continue; } } Error_WrongOption (arg); return null; case ParseResult.Stop: stop_argument = true; return settings; } } } ProcessSourceFiles (arg, false, settings.SourceFiles); } return settings; } void ProcessSourceFiles (string spec, bool recurse, List sourceFiles) { string path, pattern; SplitPathAndPattern (spec, out path, out pattern); if (pattern.IndexOf ('*') == -1) { AddSourceFile (spec, sourceFiles); return; } string[] files = null; try { files = Directory.GetFiles (path, pattern); } catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException) { report.Error (2001, "Source file `" + spec + "' could not be found"); return; } catch (System.IO.IOException) { report.Error (2001, "Source file `" + spec + "' could not be found"); return; } foreach (string f in files) { AddSourceFile (f, sourceFiles); } if (!recurse) return; string[] dirs = null; try { dirs = Directory.GetDirectories (path); } catch { } foreach (string d in dirs) { // Don't include path in this string, as each // directory entry already does ProcessSourceFiles (d + "/" + pattern, true, sourceFiles); } } static string[] AddArgs (string[] args, string[] extra_args) { string[] new_args; new_args = new string[extra_args.Length + args.Length]; // if args contains '--' we have to take that into account // split args into first half and second half based on '--' // and add the extra_args before -- int split_position = Array.IndexOf (args, "--"); if (split_position != -1) { Array.Copy (args, new_args, split_position); extra_args.CopyTo (new_args, split_position); Array.Copy (args, split_position, new_args, split_position + extra_args.Length, args.Length - split_position); } else { args.CopyTo (new_args, 0); extra_args.CopyTo (new_args, args.Length); } return new_args; } void AddAssemblyReference (string alias, string assembly, CompilerSettings settings) { if (assembly.Length == 0) { report.Error (1680, "Invalid reference alias `{0}='. Missing filename", alias); return; } if (!IsExternAliasValid (alias)) { report.Error (1679, "Invalid extern alias for -reference. Alias `{0}' is not a valid identifier", alias); return; } settings.AssemblyReferencesAliases.Add (Tuple.Create (alias, assembly)); } void AddResource (AssemblyResource res, CompilerSettings settings) { if (settings.Resources == null) { settings.Resources = new List (); settings.Resources.Add (res); return; } if (settings.Resources.Contains (res)) { report.Error (1508, "The resource identifier `{0}' has already been used in this assembly", res.Name); return; } settings.Resources.Add (res); } void AddSourceFile (string fileName, List sourceFiles) { string path = Path.GetFullPath (fileName); int index; if (source_file_index.TryGetValue (path, out index)) { string other_name = sourceFiles[index - 1].Name; if (fileName.Equals (other_name)) report.Warning (2002, 1, "Source file `{0}' specified multiple times", other_name); else report.Warning (2002, 1, "Source filenames `{0}' and `{1}' both refer to the same file: {2}", fileName, other_name, path); return; } var unit = new CompilationSourceFile (fileName, path, sourceFiles.Count + 1); sourceFiles.Add (unit); source_file_index.Add (path, unit.Index); } void Error_RequiresArgument (string option) { report.Error (2006, "Missing argument for `{0}' option", option); } void Error_RequiresFileName (string option) { report.Error (2005, "Missing file specification for `{0}' option", option); } void Error_WrongOption (string option) { report.Error (2007, "Unrecognized command-line option: `{0}'", option); } static bool IsExternAliasValid (string identifier) { if (identifier.Length == 0) return false; if (identifier[0] != '_' && !char.IsLetter (identifier[0])) return false; for (int i = 1; i < identifier.Length; i++) { char c = identifier[i]; if (char.IsLetter (c) || char.IsDigit (c)) continue; UnicodeCategory category = char.GetUnicodeCategory (c); if (category != UnicodeCategory.Format || category != UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark || category != UnicodeCategory.SpacingCombiningMark || category != UnicodeCategory.ConnectorPunctuation) return false; } return true; } static string[] LoadArgs (string file) { StreamReader f; var args = new List (); string line; try { f = new StreamReader (file); } catch { return null; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); while ((line = f.ReadLine ()) != null) { int t = line.Length; for (int i = 0; i < t; i++) { char c = line[i]; if (c == '"' || c == '\'') { char end = c; for (i++; i < t; i++) { c = line[i]; if (c == end) break; sb.Append (c); } } else if (c == ' ') { if (sb.Length > 0) { args.Add (sb.ToString ()); sb.Length = 0; } } else sb.Append (c); } if (sb.Length > 0) { args.Add (sb.ToString ()); sb.Length = 0; } } return args.ToArray (); } void OtherFlags () { output.WriteLine ( "Other flags in the compiler\n" + " --fatal[=COUNT] Makes errors after COUNT fatal\n" + " --lint Enhanced warnings\n" + " --parse Only parses the source file\n" + " --runtime:VERSION Sets mscorlib.dll metadata version: v1, v2, v4\n" + " --stacktrace Shows stack trace at error location\n" + " --timestamp Displays time stamps of various compiler events\n" + " -v Verbose parsing (for debugging the parser)\n" + " --mcs-debug X Sets MCS debugging level to X\n"); } // // This parses the -arg and /arg options to the compiler, even if the strings // in the following text use "/arg" on the strings. // ParseResult ParseOption (string option, ref string[] args, CompilerSettings settings) { int idx = option.IndexOf (':'); string arg, value; if (idx == -1) { arg = option; value = ""; } else { arg = option.Substring (0, idx); value = option.Substring (idx + 1); } switch (arg.ToLowerInvariant ()) { case "/nologo": return ParseResult.Success; case "/t": case "/target": switch (value) { case "exe": settings.Target = Target.Exe; break; case "winexe": settings.Target = Target.WinExe; break; case "library": settings.Target = Target.Library; settings.TargetExt = ".dll"; break; case "module": settings.Target = Target.Module; settings.TargetExt = ".netmodule"; break; default: report.Error (2019, "Invalid target type for -target. Valid options are `exe', `winexe', `library' or `module'"); return ParseResult.Error; } return ParseResult.Success; case "/out": if (value.Length == 0) { Error_RequiresFileName (option); return ParseResult.Error; } settings.OutputFile = value; return ParseResult.Success; case "/o": case "/o+": case "/optimize": case "/optimize+": settings.Optimize = true; return ParseResult.Success; case "/o-": case "/optimize-": settings.Optimize = false; return ParseResult.Success; // TODO: Not supported by csc 3.5+ case "/incremental": case "/incremental+": case "/incremental-": // nothing. return ParseResult.Success; case "/d": case "/define": { if (value.Length == 0) { Error_RequiresArgument (option); return ParseResult.Error; } foreach (string d in value.Split (argument_value_separator)) { string conditional = d.Trim (); if (!Tokenizer.IsValidIdentifier (conditional)) { report.Warning (2029, 1, "Invalid conditional define symbol `{0}'", conditional); continue; } settings.AddConditionalSymbol (conditional); } return ParseResult.Success; } case "/bugreport": // // We should collect data, runtime, etc and store in the file specified // output.WriteLine ("To file bug reports, please visit: http://www.mono-project.com/Bugs"); return ParseResult.Success; case "/pkg": { string packages; if (value.Length == 0) { Error_RequiresArgument (option); return ParseResult.Error; } packages = String.Join (" ", value.Split (new Char[] { ';', ',', '\n', '\r' })); string pkgout = Driver.GetPackageFlags (packages, report); if (pkgout == null) return ParseResult.Error; string[] xargs = pkgout.Trim (new Char[] { ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t' }).Split (new Char[] { ' ', '\t' }); args = AddArgs (args, xargs); return ParseResult.Success; } case "/linkres": case "/linkresource": case "/res": case "/resource": AssemblyResource res = null; string[] s = value.Split (argument_value_separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); switch (s.Length) { case 1: if (s[0].Length == 0) goto default; res = new AssemblyResource (s[0], Path.GetFileName (s[0])); break; case 2: res = new AssemblyResource (s[0], s[1]); break; case 3: if (s[2] != "public" && s[2] != "private") { report.Error (1906, "Invalid resource visibility option `{0}'. Use either `public' or `private' instead", s[2]); return ParseResult.Error; } res = new AssemblyResource (s[0], s[1], s[2] == "private"); break; default: report.Error (-2005, "Wrong number of arguments for option `{0}'", option); return ParseResult.Error; } if (res != null) { res.IsEmbeded = arg[1] == 'r' || arg[1] == 'R'; AddResource (res, settings); } return ParseResult.Success; case "/recurse": if (value.Length == 0) { Error_RequiresFileName (option); return ParseResult.Error; } ProcessSourceFiles (value, true, settings.SourceFiles); return ParseResult.Success; case "/r": case "/reference": { if (value.Length == 0) { Error_RequiresFileName (option); return ParseResult.Error; } string[] refs = value.Split (argument_value_separator); foreach (string r in refs) { if (r.Length == 0) continue; string val = r; int index = val.IndexOf ('='); if (index > -1) { string alias = r.Substring (0, index); string assembly = r.Substring (index + 1); AddAssemblyReference (alias, assembly, settings); if (refs.Length != 1) { report.Error (2034, "Cannot specify multiple aliases using single /reference option"); return ParseResult.Error; } } else { settings.AssemblyReferences.Add (val); } } return ParseResult.Success; } case "/addmodule": { if (value.Length == 0) { Error_RequiresFileName (option); return ParseResult.Error; } string[] refs = value.Split (argument_value_separator); foreach (string r in refs) { settings.Modules.Add (r); } return ParseResult.Success; } case "/win32res": { if (value.Length == 0) { Error_RequiresFileName (option); return ParseResult.Error; } if (settings.Win32IconFile != null) report.Error (1565, "Cannot specify the `win32res' and the `win32ico' compiler option at the same time"); settings.Win32ResourceFile = value; return ParseResult.Success; } case "/win32icon": { if (value.Length == 0) { Error_RequiresFileName (option); return ParseResult.Error; } if (settings.Win32ResourceFile != null) report.Error (1565, "Cannot specify the `win32res' and the `win32ico' compiler option at the same time"); settings.Win32IconFile = value; return ParseResult.Success; } case "/doc": { if (value.Length == 0) { Error_RequiresFileName (option); return ParseResult.Error; } settings.DocumentationFile = value; return ParseResult.Success; } case "/lib": { string[] libdirs; if (value.Length == 0) { return ParseResult.Error; } libdirs = value.Split (argument_value_separator); foreach (string dir in libdirs) settings.ReferencesLookupPaths.Add (dir); return ParseResult.Success; } case "/debug-": settings.GenerateDebugInfo = false; return ParseResult.Success; case "/debug": if (value == "full" || value == "") settings.GenerateDebugInfo = true; return ParseResult.Success; case "/debug+": settings.GenerateDebugInfo = true; return ParseResult.Success; case "/checked": case "/checked+": settings.Checked = true; return ParseResult.Success; case "/checked-": settings.Checked = false; return ParseResult.Success; case "/clscheck": case "/clscheck+": settings.VerifyClsCompliance = true; return ParseResult.Success; case "/clscheck-": settings.VerifyClsCompliance = false; return ParseResult.Success; case "/unsafe": case "/unsafe+": settings.Unsafe = true; return ParseResult.Success; case "/unsafe-": settings.Unsafe = false; return ParseResult.Success; case "/warnaserror": case "/warnaserror+": if (value.Length == 0) { report.WarningsAreErrors = true; } else { foreach (string wid in value.Split (numeric_value_separator)) report.AddWarningAsError (wid); } return ParseResult.Success; case "/warnaserror-": if (value.Length == 0) { report.WarningsAreErrors = false; } else { foreach (string wid in value.Split (numeric_value_separator)) report.RemoveWarningAsError (wid); } return ParseResult.Success; case "/warn": if (value.Length == 0) { Error_RequiresArgument (option); return ParseResult.Error; } SetWarningLevel (value); return ParseResult.Success; case "/nowarn": if (value.Length == 0) { Error_RequiresArgument (option); return ParseResult.Error; } var warns = value.Split (numeric_value_separator); foreach (string wc in warns) { try { if (wc.Trim ().Length == 0) continue; int warn = Int32.Parse (wc); if (warn < 1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("warn"); } report.SetIgnoreWarning (warn); } catch { report.Error (1904, "`{0}' is not a valid warning number", wc); return ParseResult.Error; } } return ParseResult.Success; case "/noconfig": settings.LoadDefaultReferences = false; return ParseResult.Success; case "/platform": if (value.Length == 0) { Error_RequiresArgument (option); return ParseResult.Error; } switch (value.ToLower (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { case "anycpu": settings.Platform = Platform.AnyCPU; break; case "x86": settings.Platform = Platform.X86; break; case "x64": settings.Platform = Platform.X64; break; case "itanium": settings.Platform = Platform.IA64; break; default: report.Error (1672, "Invalid platform type for -platform. Valid options are `anycpu', `x86', `x64' or `itanium'"); return ParseResult.Error; } return ParseResult.Success; case "/sdk": if (value.Length == 0) { Error_RequiresArgument (option); return ParseResult.Error; } settings.SdkVersion = value; return ParseResult.Success; // We just ignore this. case "/errorreport": case "/filealign": if (value.Length == 0) { Error_RequiresArgument (option); return ParseResult.Error; } return ParseResult.Success; case "/helpinternal": OtherFlags (); return ParseResult.Stop; case "/help": case "/?": Usage (); return ParseResult.Stop; case "/main": case "/m": if (value.Length == 0) { Error_RequiresArgument (option); return ParseResult.Error; } settings.MainClass = value; return ParseResult.Success; case "/nostdlib": case "/nostdlib+": settings.StdLib = false; return ParseResult.Success; case "/nostdlib-": settings.StdLib = true; return ParseResult.Success; case "/fullpaths": report.Printer.ShowFullPaths = true; return ParseResult.Success; case "/keyfile": if (value.Length == 0) { Error_RequiresFileName (option); return ParseResult.Error; } settings.StrongNameKeyFile = value; return ParseResult.Success; case "/keycontainer": if (value.Length == 0) { Error_RequiresArgument (option); return ParseResult.Error; } settings.StrongNameKeyContainer = value; return ParseResult.Success; case "/delaysign+": case "/delaysign": settings.StrongNameDelaySign = true; return ParseResult.Success; case "/delaysign-": settings.StrongNameDelaySign = false; return ParseResult.Success; case "/langversion": if (value.Length == 0) { Error_RequiresArgument (option); return ParseResult.Error; } switch (value.ToLowerInvariant ()) { case "iso-1": settings.Version = LanguageVersion.ISO_1; return ParseResult.Success; case "default": settings.Version = LanguageVersion.Default; return ParseResult.Success; case "iso-2": settings.Version = LanguageVersion.ISO_2; return ParseResult.Success; case "3": settings.Version = LanguageVersion.V_3; return ParseResult.Success; case "4": settings.Version = LanguageVersion.V_4; return ParseResult.Success; case "5": settings.Version = LanguageVersion.V_5; return ParseResult.Success; case "future": settings.Version = LanguageVersion.Future; return ParseResult.Success; } report.Error (1617, "Invalid -langversion option `{0}'. It must be `ISO-1', `ISO-2', `3', `4', `5', `Default' or `Future'", value); return ParseResult.Error; case "/codepage": if (value.Length == 0) { Error_RequiresArgument (option); return ParseResult.Error; } switch (value) { case "utf8": settings.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; break; case "reset": settings.Encoding = Encoding.Default; break; default: try { settings.Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding (int.Parse (value)); } catch { report.Error (2016, "Code page `{0}' is invalid or not installed", value); } return ParseResult.Error; } return ParseResult.Success; default: return ParseResult.UnknownOption; } } // // Currently handles the Unix-like command line options, but will be // deprecated in favor of the CSCParseOption, which will also handle the // options that start with a dash in the future. // ParseResult ParseOptionUnix (string arg, ref string[] args, ref int i, CompilerSettings settings) { switch (arg){ case "-v": CSharpParser.yacc_verbose_flag++; return ParseResult.Success; case "--version": Version (); return ParseResult.Stop; case "--parse": settings.ParseOnly = true; return ParseResult.Success; case "--main": case "-m": report.Warning (-29, 1, "Compatibility: Use -main:CLASS instead of --main CLASS or -m CLASS"); if ((i + 1) >= args.Length){ Error_RequiresArgument (arg); return ParseResult.Error; } settings.MainClass = args[++i]; return ParseResult.Success; case "--unsafe": report.Warning (-29, 1, "Compatibility: Use -unsafe instead of --unsafe"); settings.Unsafe = true; return ParseResult.Success; case "/?": case "/h": case "/help": case "--help": Usage (); return ParseResult.Stop; case "--define": report.Warning (-29, 1, "Compatibility: Use -d:SYMBOL instead of --define SYMBOL"); if ((i + 1) >= args.Length){ Error_RequiresArgument (arg); return ParseResult.Error; } settings.AddConditionalSymbol (args [++i]); return ParseResult.Success; case "--tokenize": settings.TokenizeOnly = true; return ParseResult.Success; case "-o": case "--output": report.Warning (-29, 1, "Compatibility: Use -out:FILE instead of --output FILE or -o FILE"); if ((i + 1) >= args.Length){ Error_RequiresArgument (arg); return ParseResult.Error; } settings.OutputFile = args[++i]; return ParseResult.Success; case "--checked": report.Warning (-29, 1, "Compatibility: Use -checked instead of --checked"); settings.Checked = true; return ParseResult.Success; case "--stacktrace": report.Printer.Stacktrace = true; return ParseResult.Success; case "--linkresource": case "--linkres": report.Warning (-29, 1, "Compatibility: Use -linkres:VALUE instead of --linkres VALUE"); if ((i + 1) >= args.Length){ Error_RequiresArgument (arg); return ParseResult.Error; } AddResource (new AssemblyResource (args[++i], args[i]), settings); return ParseResult.Success; case "--resource": case "--res": report.Warning (-29, 1, "Compatibility: Use -res:VALUE instead of --res VALUE"); if ((i + 1) >= args.Length){ Error_RequiresArgument (arg); return ParseResult.Error; } AddResource (new AssemblyResource (args[++i], args[i], true), settings); return ParseResult.Success; case "--target": report.Warning (-29, 1, "Compatibility: Use -target:KIND instead of --target KIND"); if ((i + 1) >= args.Length){ Error_RequiresArgument (arg); return ParseResult.Error; } string type = args [++i]; switch (type){ case "library": settings.Target = Target.Library; settings.TargetExt = ".dll"; break; case "exe": settings.Target = Target.Exe; break; case "winexe": settings.Target = Target.WinExe; break; case "module": settings.Target = Target.Module; settings.TargetExt = ".dll"; break; default: report.Error (2019, "Invalid target type for -target. Valid options are `exe', `winexe', `library' or `module'"); break; } return ParseResult.Success; case "-r": report.Warning (-29, 1, "Compatibility: Use -r:LIBRARY instead of -r library"); if ((i + 1) >= args.Length){ Error_RequiresArgument (arg); return ParseResult.Error; } string val = args [++i]; int idx = val.IndexOf ('='); if (idx > -1) { string alias = val.Substring (0, idx); string assembly = val.Substring (idx + 1); AddAssemblyReference (alias, assembly, settings); return ParseResult.Success; } settings.AssemblyReferences.Add (val); return ParseResult.Success; case "-L": report.Warning (-29, 1, "Compatibility: Use -lib:ARG instead of --L arg"); if ((i + 1) >= args.Length){ Error_RequiresArgument (arg); return ParseResult.Error; } settings.ReferencesLookupPaths.Add (args [++i]); return ParseResult.Success; case "--lint": settings.EnhancedWarnings = true; return ParseResult.Success; case "--nostdlib": report.Warning (-29, 1, "Compatibility: Use -nostdlib instead of --nostdlib"); settings.StdLib = false; return ParseResult.Success; case "--nowarn": report.Warning (-29, 1, "Compatibility: Use -nowarn instead of --nowarn"); if ((i + 1) >= args.Length){ Error_RequiresArgument (arg); return ParseResult.Error; } int warn = 0; try { warn = int.Parse (args [++i]); } catch { Usage (); Environment.Exit (1); } report.SetIgnoreWarning (warn); return ParseResult.Success; case "--wlevel": report.Warning (-29, 1, "Compatibility: Use -warn:LEVEL instead of --wlevel LEVEL"); if ((i + 1) >= args.Length){ Error_RequiresArgument (arg); return ParseResult.Error; } SetWarningLevel (args [++i]); return ParseResult.Success; case "--mcs-debug": if ((i + 1) >= args.Length){ Error_RequiresArgument (arg); return ParseResult.Error; } try { settings.DebugFlags = int.Parse (args [++i]); } catch { Error_RequiresArgument (arg); return ParseResult.Error; } return ParseResult.Success; case "--about": About (); return ParseResult.Stop; case "--recurse": report.Warning (-29, 1, "Compatibility: Use -recurse:PATTERN option instead --recurse PATTERN"); if ((i + 1) >= args.Length){ Error_RequiresArgument (arg); return ParseResult.Error; } ProcessSourceFiles (args [++i], true, settings.SourceFiles); return ParseResult.Success; case "--timestamp": settings.Timestamps = true; return ParseResult.Success; case "--debug": case "-g": report.Warning (-29, 1, "Compatibility: Use -debug option instead of -g or --debug"); settings.GenerateDebugInfo = true; return ParseResult.Success; case "--noconfig": report.Warning (-29, 1, "Compatibility: Use -noconfig option instead of --noconfig"); settings.LoadDefaultReferences = false; return ParseResult.Success; default: if (arg.StartsWith ("--fatal")){ int fatal = 1; if (arg.StartsWith ("--fatal=")) int.TryParse (arg.Substring (8), out fatal); report.Printer.FatalCounter = fatal; return ParseResult.Success; } if (arg.StartsWith ("--runtime:", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { string version = arg.Substring (10); switch (version) { case "v1": case "V1": settings.StdLibRuntimeVersion = RuntimeVersion.v1; break; case "v2": case "V2": settings.StdLibRuntimeVersion = RuntimeVersion.v2; break; case "v4": case "V4": settings.StdLibRuntimeVersion = RuntimeVersion.v4; break; } return ParseResult.Success; } return ParseResult.UnknownOption; } } void SetWarningLevel (string s) { int level = -1; try { level = int.Parse (s); } catch { } if (level < 0 || level > 4) { report.Error (1900, "Warning level must be in the range 0-4"); return; } report.WarningLevel = level; } // // Given a path specification, splits the path from the file/pattern // static void SplitPathAndPattern (string spec, out string path, out string pattern) { int p = spec.LastIndexOf ('/'); if (p != -1) { // // Windows does not like /file.cs, switch that to: // "\", "file.cs" // if (p == 0) { path = "\\"; pattern = spec.Substring (1); } else { path = spec.Substring (0, p); pattern = spec.Substring (p + 1); } return; } p = spec.LastIndexOf ('\\'); if (p != -1) { path = spec.Substring (0, p); pattern = spec.Substring (p + 1); return; } path = "."; pattern = spec; } void Usage () { output.WriteLine ( "Mono C# compiler, Copyright 2001 - 2011 Novell, Inc.\n" + "mcs [options] source-files\n" + " --about About the Mono C# compiler\n" + " -addmodule:M1[,Mn] Adds the module to the generated assembly\n" + " -checked[+|-] Sets default aritmetic overflow context\n" + " -clscheck[+|-] Disables CLS Compliance verifications\n" + " -codepage:ID Sets code page to the one in ID (number, utf8, reset)\n" + " -define:S1[;S2] Defines one or more conditional symbols (short: -d)\n" + " -debug[+|-], -g Generate debugging information\n" + " -delaysign[+|-] Only insert the public key into the assembly (no signing)\n" + " -doc:FILE Process documentation comments to XML file\n" + " -fullpaths Any issued error or warning uses absolute file path\n" + " -help Lists all compiler options (short: -?)\n" + " -keycontainer:NAME The key pair container used to sign the output assembly\n" + " -keyfile:FILE The key file used to strongname the ouput assembly\n" + " -langversion:TEXT Specifies language version: ISO-1, ISO-2, 3, 4, 5, Default or Future\n" + " -lib:PATH1[,PATHn] Specifies the location of referenced assemblies\n" + " -main:CLASS Specifies the class with the Main method (short: -m)\n" + " -noconfig Disables implicitly referenced assemblies\n" + " -nostdlib[+|-] Does not reference mscorlib.dll library\n" + " -nowarn:W1[,Wn] Suppress one or more compiler warnings\n" + " -optimize[+|-] Enables advanced compiler optimizations (short: -o)\n" + " -out:FILE Specifies output assembly name\n" + " -pkg:P1[,Pn] References packages P1..Pn\n" + " -platform:ARCH Specifies the target platform of the output assembly\n" + " ARCH can be one of: anycpu, x86, x64 or itanium\n" + " -recurse:SPEC Recursively compiles files according to SPEC pattern\n" + " -reference:A1[,An] Imports metadata from the specified assembly (short: -r)\n" + " -reference:ALIAS=A Imports metadata using specified extern alias (short: -r)\n" + " -sdk:VERSION Specifies SDK version of referenced assemblies\n" + " VERSION can be one of: 2, 4 (default) or custom value\n" + " -target:KIND Specifies the format of the output assembly (short: -t)\n" + " KIND can be one of: exe, winexe, library, module\n" + " -unsafe[+|-] Allows to compile code which uses unsafe keyword\n" + " -warnaserror[+|-] Treats all warnings as errors\n" + " -warnaserror[+|-]:W1[,Wn] Treats one or more compiler warnings as errors\n" + " -warn:0-4 Sets warning level, the default is 4 (short -w:)\n" + " -helpinternal Shows internal and advanced compiler options\n" + "\n" + "Resources:\n" + " -linkresource:FILE[,ID] Links FILE as a resource (short: -linkres)\n" + " -resource:FILE[,ID] Embed FILE as a resource (short: -res)\n" + " -win32res:FILE Specifies Win32 resource file (.res)\n" + " -win32icon:FILE Use this icon for the output\n" + " @file Read response file for more options\n\n" + "Options can be of the form -option or /option"); } void Version () { string version = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod ().DeclaringType.Assembly.GetName ().Version.ToString (); output.WriteLine ("Mono C# compiler version {0}", version); } } public class RootContext { // // Contains the parsed tree // static ModuleContainer root; static public ModuleContainer ToplevelTypes { get { return root; } set { root = value; } } } }