// // report.cs: report errors and warnings. // // Author: Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com) // // (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc. (http://www.ximian.com) // // // FIXME: currently our class library does not support custom number format strings // using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; namespace Mono.CSharp { /// /// This class is used to report errors and warnings t te user. /// public class Report { /// /// Errors encountered so far /// static public int Errors; /// /// Warnings encountered so far /// static public int Warnings; /// /// Whether errors should be throw an exception /// static public bool Fatal; /// /// Whether warnings should be considered errors /// static public bool WarningsAreErrors; /// /// Whether to dump a stack trace on errors. /// static public bool Stacktrace; // // If the 'expected' error code is reported then the // compilation succeeds. // // Used for the test suite to excercise the error codes // static int expected_error = 0; // // Keeps track of the warnings that we are ignoring // static Hashtable warning_ignore_table; /// /// List of symbols related to reported error/warning. You have to fill it before error/warning is reported. /// static StringCollection related_symbols = new StringCollection (); struct WarningData { public WarningData (int level, string text) { Level = level; Message = text; } public bool IsEnabled () { return RootContext.WarningLevel >= Level; } public string Format (params object[] args) { return String.Format (Message, args); } readonly string Message; readonly int Level; } static string GetErrorMsg (int error_no) { switch (error_no) { case 0122: return "'{0}' is inaccessible due to its protection level"; case 0134: return "Cannot use qualified namespace names in nested namespace declarations"; case 0145: return "A const field requires a value to be provided"; case 0160: return "A previous catch clause already catches all exceptions of this or a super type '{0}'"; case 0210: return "You must provide an initializer in a fixed or using statement declaration"; case 0243: return "Conditional not valid on '{0}' because it is an override method"; case 0247: return "Cannot use a negative size with stackalloc"; case 0415: return "The 'IndexerName' attribute is valid only on an indexer that is not an explicit interface member declaration"; case 0553: return "'{0}' : user defined conversion to/from base class"; case 0554: return "'{0}' : user defined conversion to/from derived class"; case 0577: return "Conditional not valid on '{0}' because it is a destructor, operator, or explicit interface implementation"; case 0578: return "Conditional not valid on '{0}' because its return type is not void"; case 0582: return "Conditional not valid on interface members"; case 0592: return "Attribute '{0}' is not valid on this declaration type. It is valid on {1} declarations only."; case 0601: return "The DllImport attribute must be specified on a method marked `static' and `extern'"; case 0609: return "Cannot set the 'IndexerName' attribute on an indexer marked override"; case 0610: return "Field or property cannot be of type '{0}'"; case 0619: return "'{0}' is obsolete: '{1}'"; case 0626: return "Method, operator, or accessor '{0}' is marked external and has no attributes on it. Consider adding a DllImport attribute to specify the external implementation"; case 0629: return "Conditional member '{0}' cannot implement interface member"; case 0633: return "The argument to the 'IndexerName' attribute must be a valid identifier"; case 0657: return "'{0}' is not a valid attribute location for this declaration. Valid attribute locations for this declaration are '{1}'"; case 1555: return "Could not find '{0}' specified for Main method"; case 1556: return "'{0}' specified for Main method must be a valid class or struct"; case 1618: return "Cannot create delegate with '{0}' because it has a Conditional attribute"; case 1667: return "'{0}' is not valid on property or event accessors. It is valid on '{1}' declarations only"; case 1669: return "__arglist is not valid in this context"; case 3000: return "Methods with variable arguments are not CLS-compliant"; case 3001: return "Argument type '{0}' is not CLS-compliant"; case 3002: return "Return type of '{0}' is not CLS-compliant"; case 3003: return "Type of '{0}' is not CLS-compliant"; case 3005: return "Identifier '{0}' differing only in case is not CLS-compliant"; case 3006: return "Overloaded method '{0}' differing only in ref or out, or in array rank, is not CLS-compliant"; case 3008: return "Identifier '{0}' is not CLS-compliant"; case 3009: return "'{0}': base type '{1}' is not CLS-compliant"; case 3010: return "'{0}': CLS-compliant interfaces must have only CLS-compliant members"; case 3011: return "'{0}': only CLS-compliant members can be abstract"; case 3013: return "Added modules must be marked with the CLSCompliant attribute to match the assembly"; case 3014: return "'{0}' cannot be marked as CLS-compliant because the assembly does not have a CLSCompliant attribute"; case 3015: return "'{0}' has no accessible constructors which use only CLS-compliant types"; case 3016: return "Arrays as attribute arguments are not CLS-compliant"; } throw new InternalErrorException (String.Format ("Missing error '{0}' text", error_no)); } static WarningData GetWarningMsg (int warn_no) { switch (warn_no) { case -24: return new WarningData (1, "The Microsoft Runtime cannot set this marshal info. Please use the Mono runtime instead."); case -28: return new WarningData (1, "The Microsoft .NET Runtime 1.x does not permit setting custom attributes on the return type"); case 0612: return new WarningData (1, "'{0}' is obsolete"); case 0618: return new WarningData (2, "'{0}' is obsolete: '{1}'"); case 0672: return new WarningData (1, "Member '{0}' overrides obsolete member. Add the Obsolete attribute to '{0}'"); case 3012: return new WarningData (1, "You must specify the CLSCompliant attribute on the assembly, not the module, to enable CLS compliance checking"); case 3019: return new WarningData (2, "CLS compliance checking will not be performed on '{0}' because it is private or internal"); } throw new InternalErrorException (String.Format ("Wrong warning number '{0}'", warn_no)); } static void Check (int code) { if (code == expected_error){ if (Fatal) throw new Exception (); Environment.Exit (0); } } public static string FriendlyStackTrace (Exception e) { return FriendlyStackTrace (new StackTrace (e, true)); } static string FriendlyStackTrace (StackTrace t) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); bool foundUserCode = false; for (int i = 0; i < t.FrameCount; i++) { StackFrame f = t.GetFrame (i); MethodBase mb = f.GetMethod (); if (!foundUserCode && mb.ReflectedType == typeof (Report)) continue; foundUserCode = true; sb.Append ("\tin "); if (f.GetFileLineNumber () > 0) sb.AppendFormat ("(at {0}:{1}) ", f.GetFileName (), f.GetFileLineNumber ()); sb.AppendFormat ("{0}.{1} (", mb.ReflectedType.Name, mb.Name); bool first = true; foreach (ParameterInfo pi in mb.GetParameters ()) { if (!first) sb.Append (", "); first = false; sb.Append (TypeManager.CSharpName (pi.ParameterType)); } sb.Append (")\n"); } return sb.ToString (); } [Obsolete ("Use SymbolRelatedToPreviousError for better error description")] static public void LocationOfPreviousError (Location loc) { Console.WriteLine (String.Format ("{0}({1}) (Location of symbol related to previous error)", loc.Name, loc.Row)); } /// /// In most error cases is very useful to have information about symbol that caused the error. /// Call this method before you call Report.Error when it makes sense. /// static public void SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (Location loc, string symbol) { SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (String.Format ("{0}({1})", loc.Name, loc.Row), symbol); } static public void SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (MemberInfo mi) { DeclSpace temp_ds = TypeManager.LookupDeclSpace (mi.DeclaringType); if (temp_ds == null) { SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (mi.DeclaringType.Assembly.Location, TypeManager.GetFullNameSignature (mi)); } else { string name = String.Concat (temp_ds.Name, ".", mi.Name); MemberCore mc = temp_ds.GetDefinition (name) as MemberCore; SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (mc.Location, mc.GetSignatureForError ()); } } static public void SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (Type type) { SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (type.Assembly.Location, TypeManager.CSharpName (type)); } static void SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (string loc, string symbol) { related_symbols.Add (String.Format ("{0}: ('{1}' name of symbol related to previous error)", loc, symbol)); } static public void RealError (string msg) { Errors++; Console.WriteLine (msg); foreach (string s in related_symbols) Console.WriteLine (s); related_symbols.Clear (); if (Stacktrace) Console.WriteLine (FriendlyStackTrace (new StackTrace (true))); if (Fatal) throw new Exception (msg); } /// /// Method reports warning message. Only one reason why exist Warning and Report methods is beter code readability. /// static public void Warning_T (int code, Location loc, params object[] args) { WarningData warning = GetWarningMsg (code); if (warning.IsEnabled ()) Warning (code, loc, warning.Format (args)); related_symbols.Clear (); } /// /// Reports error message. /// static public void Error_T (int code, Location loc, params object[] args) { Error_T (code, String.Format ("{0}({1})", loc.Name, loc.Row), args); } static public void Error_T (int code, string location, params object[] args) { string errorText = String.Format (GetErrorMsg (code), args); PrintError (code, location, errorText); } static void PrintError (int code, string l, string text) { if (code < 0) code = 8000-code; string msg = String.Format ("{0} error CS{1:0000}: {2}", l, code, text); RealError (msg); Check (code); } static public void Error (int code, Location l, string text) { if (code < 0) code = 8000-code; string msg = String.Format ( "{0}({1}) error CS{2:0000}: {3}", l.Name, l.Row, code, text); // "{0}({1}) error CS{2}: {3}", l.Name, l.Row, code, text); RealError (msg); Check (code); } static public void Warning (int code, Location l, string text) { if (code < 0) code = 8000-code; if (warning_ignore_table != null){ if (warning_ignore_table.Contains (code)) { related_symbols.Clear (); return; } } if (WarningsAreErrors) Error (code, l, text); else { string row; if (Location.IsNull (l)) row = ""; else row = l.Row.ToString (); Console.WriteLine (String.Format ( "{0}({1}) warning CS{2:0000}: {3}", // "{0}({1}) warning CS{2}: {3}", l.Name, row, code, text)); Warnings++; foreach (string s in related_symbols) Console.WriteLine (s); related_symbols.Clear (); Check (code); if (Stacktrace) Console.WriteLine (new StackTrace ().ToString ()); } } static public void Warning (int code, string text) { Warning (code, Location.Null, text); } static public void Warning (int code, int level, string text) { if (RootContext.WarningLevel >= level) Warning (code, Location.Null, text); } static public void Warning (int code, int level, Location l, string text) { if (RootContext.WarningLevel >= level) Warning (code, l, text); } static public void Error (int code, string text) { if (code < 0) code = 8000-code; string msg = String.Format ("error CS{0:0000}: {1}", code, text); // string msg = String.Format ("error CS{0}: {1}", code, text); RealError (msg); Check (code); } static public void Error (int code, Location loc, string format, params object[] args) { Error (code, loc, String.Format (format, args)); } static public void Warning (int code, Location loc, string format, params object[] args) { Warning (code, loc, String.Format (format, args)); } static public void Warning (int code, string format, params object[] args) { Warning (code, String.Format (format, args)); } static public void Message (Message m) { if (m is ErrorMessage) Error (m.code, m.text); else Warning (m.code, m.text); } static public void SetIgnoreWarning (int code) { if (warning_ignore_table == null) warning_ignore_table = new Hashtable (); warning_ignore_table [code] = true; } static public int ExpectedError { set { expected_error = value; } get { return expected_error; } } public static int DebugFlags = 0; [Conditional ("MCS_DEBUG")] static public void Debug (string message, params object[] args) { Debug (4, message, args); } [Conditional ("MCS_DEBUG")] static public void Debug (int category, string message, params object[] args) { if ((category & DebugFlags) == 0) return; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (message); if ((args != null) && (args.Length > 0)) { sb.Append (": "); bool first = true; foreach (object arg in args) { if (first) first = false; else sb.Append (", "); if (arg == null) sb.Append ("null"); else if (arg is ICollection) sb.Append (PrintCollection ((ICollection) arg)); else sb.Append (arg); } } Console.WriteLine (sb.ToString ()); } static public string PrintCollection (ICollection collection) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.Append (collection.GetType ()); sb.Append ("("); bool first = true; foreach (object o in collection) { if (first) first = false; else sb.Append (", "); sb.Append (o); } sb.Append (")"); return sb.ToString (); } } public class Message { public int code; public string text; public Message (int code, string text) { this.code = code; this.text = text; } } public class WarningMessage : Message { public WarningMessage (int code, string text) : base (code, text) { } } public class ErrorMessage : Message { public ErrorMessage (int code, string text) : base (code, text) { } // // For compatibility reasons with old code. // public static void report_error (string error) { Console.Write ("ERROR: "); Console.WriteLine (error); } } public enum TimerType { FindMembers = 0, TcFindMembers = 1, MemberLookup = 2, CachedLookup = 3, CacheInit = 4, MiscTimer = 5, CountTimers = 6 } public enum CounterType { FindMembers = 0, MemberCache = 1, MiscCounter = 2, CountCounters = 3 } public class Timer { static DateTime[] timer_start; static TimeSpan[] timers; static long[] timer_counters; static long[] counters; static Timer () { timer_start = new DateTime [(int) TimerType.CountTimers]; timers = new TimeSpan [(int) TimerType.CountTimers]; timer_counters = new long [(int) TimerType.CountTimers]; counters = new long [(int) CounterType.CountCounters]; for (int i = 0; i < (int) TimerType.CountTimers; i++) { timer_start [i] = DateTime.Now; timers [i] = TimeSpan.Zero; } } [Conditional("TIMER")] static public void IncrementCounter (CounterType which) { ++counters [(int) which]; } [Conditional("TIMER")] static public void StartTimer (TimerType which) { timer_start [(int) which] = DateTime.Now; } [Conditional("TIMER")] static public void StopTimer (TimerType which) { timers [(int) which] += DateTime.Now - timer_start [(int) which]; ++timer_counters [(int) which]; } [Conditional("TIMER")] static public void ShowTimers () { ShowTimer (TimerType.FindMembers, "- FindMembers timer"); ShowTimer (TimerType.TcFindMembers, "- TypeContainer.FindMembers timer"); ShowTimer (TimerType.MemberLookup, "- MemberLookup timer"); ShowTimer (TimerType.CachedLookup, "- CachedLookup timer"); ShowTimer (TimerType.CacheInit, "- Cache init"); ShowTimer (TimerType.MiscTimer, "- Misc timer"); ShowCounter (CounterType.FindMembers, "- Find members"); ShowCounter (CounterType.MemberCache, "- Member cache"); ShowCounter (CounterType.MiscCounter, "- Misc counter"); } static public void ShowCounter (CounterType which, string msg) { Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1}", counters [(int) which], msg); } static public void ShowTimer (TimerType which, string msg) { Console.WriteLine ( "[{0:00}:{1:000}] {2} (used {3} times)", (int) timers [(int) which].TotalSeconds, timers [(int) which].Milliseconds, msg, timer_counters [(int) which]); } } public class InternalErrorException : Exception { public InternalErrorException () : base ("Internal error") { } public InternalErrorException (string message) : base (message) { } } }