// // report.cs: report errors and warnings. // // Author: Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com) // // (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc. (http://www.ximian.com) // // // FIXME: currently our class library does not support custom number format strings // using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; namespace Mono.CSharp { /// /// This class is used to report errors and warnings t te user. /// public class Report { /// /// Errors encountered so far /// static public int Errors; /// /// Warnings encountered so far /// static public int Warnings; /// /// Whether errors should be throw an exception /// static public bool Fatal; /// /// Whether warnings should be considered errors /// static public bool WarningsAreErrors; /// /// Whether to dump a stack trace on errors. /// static public bool Stacktrace; // // If the 'expected' error code is reported then the // compilation succeeds. // // Used for the test suite to excercise the error codes // static int expected_error = 0; // // Keeps track of the warnings that we are ignoring // static Hashtable warning_ignore_table; static Hashtable warning_regions_table; /// /// List of symbols related to reported error/warning. You have to fill it before error/warning is reported. /// static StringCollection related_symbols = new StringCollection (); abstract class AbstractMessage { static void Check (int code) { if (code == expected_error) { Environment.Exit (0); } } public abstract string MessageType { get; } public virtual void Print (int code, string location, string text) { if (code < 0) code = 8000-code; StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder (); if (location.Length != 0) { msg.Append (location); msg.Append (' '); } msg.AppendFormat ("{0} CS{1:0000}: {2}", MessageType, code, text); Console.WriteLine (msg.ToString ()); foreach (string s in related_symbols) { Console.WriteLine (String.Concat (s, MessageType, ')')); } related_symbols.Clear (); if (Stacktrace) Console.WriteLine (FriendlyStackTrace (new StackTrace (true))); if (Fatal) throw new Exception (text); Check (code); } public virtual void Print (int code, Location location, string text) { if (location.Equals (Location.Null)) { Print (code, "", text); return; } Print (code, String.Format ("{0}({1})", location.Name, location.Row), text); } } sealed class WarningMessage: AbstractMessage { Location loc = Location.Null; readonly int Level; public WarningMessage (): this (-1) {} public WarningMessage (int level) { Level = level; } bool IsEnabled (int code) { if (RootContext.WarningLevel < Level) return false; if (warning_ignore_table != null) { if (warning_ignore_table.Contains (code)) { return false; } } if (warning_regions_table == null || loc.Equals (Location.Null)) return true; WarningRegions regions = (WarningRegions)warning_regions_table [loc.Name]; return regions.IsWarningEnabled (code, loc.Row); } public override void Print(int code, string location, string text) { if (!IsEnabled (code)) { related_symbols.Clear (); return; } if (WarningsAreErrors) { new ErrorMessage ().Print (code, location, text); return; } Warnings++; base.Print (code, location, text); } public override void Print(int code, Location location, string text) { loc = location; base.Print (code, location, text); } public override string MessageType { get { return "warning"; } } } sealed class ErrorMessage: AbstractMessage { public override void Print(int code, string location, string text) { Errors++; base.Print (code, location, text); } public override string MessageType { get { return "error"; } } } public static void FeatureIsNotStandardized (Location loc, string feature) { Report.Error (1644, loc, "Feature '{0}' cannot be used because it is not part of the standardized ISO C# language specification", feature); } public static string FriendlyStackTrace (Exception e) { return FriendlyStackTrace (new StackTrace (e, true)); } static string FriendlyStackTrace (StackTrace t) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); bool foundUserCode = false; for (int i = 0; i < t.FrameCount; i++) { StackFrame f = t.GetFrame (i); MethodBase mb = f.GetMethod (); if (!foundUserCode && mb.ReflectedType == typeof (Report)) continue; foundUserCode = true; sb.Append ("\tin "); if (f.GetFileLineNumber () > 0) sb.AppendFormat ("(at {0}:{1}) ", f.GetFileName (), f.GetFileLineNumber ()); sb.AppendFormat ("{0}.{1} (", mb.ReflectedType.Name, mb.Name); bool first = true; foreach (ParameterInfo pi in mb.GetParameters ()) { if (!first) sb.Append (", "); first = false; sb.Append (TypeManager.CSharpName (pi.ParameterType)); } sb.Append (")\n"); } return sb.ToString (); } // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // IF YOU ADD A NEW WARNING YOU HAVE TO DUPLICATE ITS ID HERE public static bool IsValidWarning (int code) { int[] all_warnings = new int[] { 28, 67, 78, 105, 108, 109, 114, 192, 168, 169, 183, 184, 219, 251, 612, 618, 626, 628, 642, 649, 659, 660, 661, 672, 1030, 1522, 1616, 1691, 1692, 1901, 2002, 2023, 3012, 3019, 8024, 8028 }; foreach (int i in all_warnings) { if (i == code) return true; } return false; } static public void LocationOfPreviousError (Location loc) { Console.WriteLine (String.Format ("{0}({1}) (Location of symbol related to previous error)", loc.Name, loc.Row)); } static public void RuntimeMissingSupport (string feature) { Report.Error (-88, "Your .NET Runtime does not support '{0}'. Please use the latest Mono runtime instead.", feature); } /// /// In most error cases is very useful to have information about symbol that caused the error. /// Call this method before you call Report.Error when it makes sense. /// static public void SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (Location loc, string symbol) { SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (String.Format ("{0}({1})", loc.Name, loc.Row), symbol); } static public void SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (MemberInfo mi) { TypeContainer temp_ds = TypeManager.LookupTypeContainer (mi.DeclaringType); if (temp_ds == null) { SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (mi.DeclaringType.Assembly.Location, TypeManager.GetFullNameSignature (mi)); } else { if (mi is MethodBase) { IMethodData md = TypeManager.GetMethod ((MethodBase)mi); SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (md.Location, md.GetSignatureForError (temp_ds)); return; } string name = String.Concat (temp_ds.Name, ".", mi.Name); MemberCore mc = temp_ds.GetDefinition (name); SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (mc); } } static public void SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (MemberCore mc) { SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (mc.Location, mc.GetSignatureForError ()); } static public void SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (Type type) { DeclSpace temp_ds = TypeManager.LookupDeclSpace (type); if (temp_ds == null) SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (type.Assembly.Location, TypeManager.CSharpName (type)); else SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (temp_ds.Location, TypeManager.CSharpName (type)); } static void SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (string loc, string symbol) { related_symbols.Add (String.Format ("{0}: '{1}' (name of symbol related to previous ", loc, symbol)); } public static WarningRegions RegisterWarningRegion (Location location) { if (warning_regions_table == null) warning_regions_table = new Hashtable (); WarningRegions regions = (WarningRegions)warning_regions_table [location.Name]; if (regions == null) { regions = new WarningRegions (); warning_regions_table.Add (location.Name, regions); } return regions; } static public void Warning (int code, int level, Location loc, string format, params object[] args) { WarningMessage w = new WarningMessage (level); w.Print (code, loc, String.Format (format, args)); } static public void Warning (int code, Location loc, string format, params object[] args) { WarningMessage w = new WarningMessage (); w.Print (code, loc, String.Format (format, args)); } static public void Warning (int code, string format, params object[] args) { Warning (code, Location.Null, String.Format (format, args)); } /// /// Did you test your WarningLevel, that you use this method /// static public void Warning (int code, string text) { Warning (code, Location.Null, text); } static public void Error (int code, string format, params object[] args) { Error (code, Location.Null, String.Format (format, args)); } static public void Error (int code, Location loc, string format, params object[] args) { ErrorMessage e = new ErrorMessage (); e.Print (code, loc, String.Format (format, args)); } static public void SetIgnoreWarning (int code) { if (warning_ignore_table == null) warning_ignore_table = new Hashtable (); warning_ignore_table [code] = true; } static public int ExpectedError { set { expected_error = value; } get { return expected_error; } } public static int DebugFlags = 0; [Conditional ("MCS_DEBUG")] static public void Debug (string message, params object[] args) { Debug (4, message, args); } [Conditional ("MCS_DEBUG")] static public void Debug (int category, string message, params object[] args) { if ((category & DebugFlags) == 0) return; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (message); if ((args != null) && (args.Length > 0)) { sb.Append (": "); bool first = true; foreach (object arg in args) { if (first) first = false; else sb.Append (", "); if (arg == null) sb.Append ("null"); else if (arg is ICollection) sb.Append (PrintCollection ((ICollection) arg)); else sb.Append (arg); } } Console.WriteLine (sb.ToString ()); } static public string PrintCollection (ICollection collection) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.Append (collection.GetType ()); sb.Append ("("); bool first = true; foreach (object o in collection) { if (first) first = false; else sb.Append (", "); sb.Append (o); } sb.Append (")"); return sb.ToString (); } } public enum TimerType { FindMembers = 0, TcFindMembers = 1, MemberLookup = 2, CachedLookup = 3, CacheInit = 4, MiscTimer = 5, CountTimers = 6 } public enum CounterType { FindMembers = 0, MemberCache = 1, MiscCounter = 2, CountCounters = 3 } public class Timer { static DateTime[] timer_start; static TimeSpan[] timers; static long[] timer_counters; static long[] counters; static Timer () { timer_start = new DateTime [(int) TimerType.CountTimers]; timers = new TimeSpan [(int) TimerType.CountTimers]; timer_counters = new long [(int) TimerType.CountTimers]; counters = new long [(int) CounterType.CountCounters]; for (int i = 0; i < (int) TimerType.CountTimers; i++) { timer_start [i] = DateTime.Now; timers [i] = TimeSpan.Zero; } } [Conditional("TIMER")] static public void IncrementCounter (CounterType which) { ++counters [(int) which]; } [Conditional("TIMER")] static public void StartTimer (TimerType which) { timer_start [(int) which] = DateTime.Now; } [Conditional("TIMER")] static public void StopTimer (TimerType which) { timers [(int) which] += DateTime.Now - timer_start [(int) which]; ++timer_counters [(int) which]; } [Conditional("TIMER")] static public void ShowTimers () { ShowTimer (TimerType.FindMembers, "- FindMembers timer"); ShowTimer (TimerType.TcFindMembers, "- TypeContainer.FindMembers timer"); ShowTimer (TimerType.MemberLookup, "- MemberLookup timer"); ShowTimer (TimerType.CachedLookup, "- CachedLookup timer"); ShowTimer (TimerType.CacheInit, "- Cache init"); ShowTimer (TimerType.MiscTimer, "- Misc timer"); ShowCounter (CounterType.FindMembers, "- Find members"); ShowCounter (CounterType.MemberCache, "- Member cache"); ShowCounter (CounterType.MiscCounter, "- Misc counter"); } static public void ShowCounter (CounterType which, string msg) { Console.WriteLine ("{0} {1}", counters [(int) which], msg); } static public void ShowTimer (TimerType which, string msg) { Console.WriteLine ( "[{0:00}:{1:000}] {2} (used {3} times)", (int) timers [(int) which].TotalSeconds, timers [(int) which].Milliseconds, msg, timer_counters [(int) which]); } } public class InternalErrorException : Exception { public InternalErrorException () : base ("Internal error") { } public InternalErrorException (string message) : base (message) { } } /// /// Handles #pragma warning /// public class WarningRegions { abstract class PragmaCmd { public int Line; protected PragmaCmd (int line) { Line = line; } public abstract bool IsEnabled (int code, bool previous); } class Disable: PragmaCmd { int code; public Disable (int line, int code) : base (line) { this.code = code; } public override bool IsEnabled (int code, bool previous) { return this.code == code ? false : previous; } } class DisableAll: PragmaCmd { public DisableAll (int line) : base (line) {} public override bool IsEnabled(int code, bool previous) { return false; } } class Enable: PragmaCmd { int code; public Enable (int line, int code) : base (line) { this.code = code; } public override bool IsEnabled(int code, bool previous) { return this.code == code ? true : previous; } } class EnableAll: PragmaCmd { public EnableAll (int line) : base (line) {} public override bool IsEnabled(int code, bool previous) { return true; } } ArrayList regions = new ArrayList (); public void WarningDisable (int line) { regions.Add (new DisableAll (line)); } public void WarningDisable (Location location, int code) { if (CheckWarningCode (code, location)) regions.Add (new Disable (location.Row, code)); } public void WarningEnable (int line) { regions.Add (new EnableAll (line)); } public void WarningEnable (Location location, int code) { if (CheckWarningCode (code, location)) regions.Add (new Enable (location.Row, code)); } public bool IsWarningEnabled (int code, int src_line) { bool result = true; foreach (PragmaCmd pragma in regions) { if (src_line < pragma.Line) break; result = pragma.IsEnabled (code, result); } return result; } bool CheckWarningCode (int code, Location loc) { if (Report.IsValidWarning (code)) return true; Report.Warning (1691, 1, loc, "'{0}' is not a valid warning number", code); return false; } } }