// // report.cs: report errors and warnings. // // Author: Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com) // Marek Safar (marek.safar@seznam.cz) // // Copyright 2001 Ximian, Inc. (http://www.ximian.com) // using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; namespace Mono.CSharp { // // Errors and warnings manager // public class Report { /// /// Whether warnings should be considered errors /// public bool WarningsAreErrors; List warnings_as_error; List warnings_only; public static int DebugFlags = 0; public const int RuntimeErrorId = 10000; // // Keeps track of the warnings that we are ignoring // HashSet warning_ignore_table; Dictionary warning_regions_table; int warning_level; ReportPrinter printer; int reporting_disabled; /// /// List of symbols related to reported error/warning. You have to fill it before error/warning is reported. /// List extra_information = new List (); // // IF YOU ADD A NEW WARNING YOU HAVE TO ADD ITS ID HERE // public static readonly int[] AllWarnings = new int[] { 28, 67, 78, 105, 108, 109, 114, 162, 164, 168, 169, 183, 184, 197, 219, 251, 252, 253, 278, 282, 402, 414, 419, 420, 429, 436, 440, 458, 464, 465, 467, 469, 472, 612, 618, 626, 628, 642, 649, 652, 658, 659, 660, 661, 665, 672, 675, 693, 728, 809, 824, 1030, 1058, 1066, 1522, 1570, 1571, 1572, 1573, 1574, 1580, 1581, 1584, 1587, 1589, 1590, 1591, 1592, 1607, 1616, 1633, 1634, 1635, 1685, 1690, 1691, 1692, 1695, 1696, 1699, 1700, 1701, 1702, 1709, 1717, 1718, 1720, 1901, 1981, 2002, 2023, 2029, 3000, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3005, 3006, 3007, 3008, 3009, 3010, 3011, 3012, 3013, 3014, 3015, 3016, 3017, 3018, 3019, 3021, 3022, 3023, 3024, 3026, 3027 }; static HashSet AllWarningsHashSet; public Report (ReportPrinter printer) { if (printer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("printer"); this.printer = printer; warning_level = 4; } public void DisableReporting () { ++reporting_disabled; } public void EnableReporting () { --reporting_disabled; } public void FeatureIsNotAvailable (CompilerContext compiler, Location loc, string feature) { string version; switch (compiler.Settings.Version) { case LanguageVersion.ISO_1: version = "1.0"; break; case LanguageVersion.ISO_2: version = "2.0"; break; case LanguageVersion.V_3: version = "3.0"; break; default: throw new InternalErrorException ("Invalid feature version", compiler.Settings.Version); } Error (1644, loc, "Feature `{0}' cannot be used because it is not part of the C# {1} language specification", feature, version); } public void FeatureIsNotSupported (Location loc, string feature) { Error (1644, loc, "Feature `{0}' is not supported in Mono mcs1 compiler. Consider using the `gmcs' compiler instead", feature); } bool IsWarningEnabled (int code, int level, Location loc) { if (WarningLevel < level) return false; if (IsWarningDisabledGlobally (code)) return false; if (warning_regions_table == null || loc.IsNull) return true; WarningRegions regions; if (!warning_regions_table.TryGetValue (loc.File, out regions)) return true; return regions.IsWarningEnabled (code, loc.Row); } public bool IsWarningDisabledGlobally (int code) { return warning_ignore_table != null && warning_ignore_table.Contains (code); } bool IsWarningAsError (int code) { bool is_error = WarningsAreErrors; // Check specific list if (warnings_as_error != null) is_error |= warnings_as_error.Contains (code); // Ignore excluded warnings if (warnings_only != null && warnings_only.Contains (code)) is_error = false; return is_error; } public void RuntimeMissingSupport (Location loc, string feature) { Error (-88, loc, "Your .NET Runtime does not support `{0}'. Please use the latest Mono runtime instead.", feature); } /// /// In most error cases is very useful to have information about symbol that caused the error. /// Call this method before you call Report.Error when it makes sense. /// public void SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (Location loc, string symbol) { SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (loc.ToString ()); } public void SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (MemberSpec ms) { if (reporting_disabled > 0 || !printer.HasRelatedSymbolSupport) return; var mc = ms.MemberDefinition as MemberCore; while (ms is ElementTypeSpec) { ms = ((ElementTypeSpec) ms).Element; mc = ms.MemberDefinition as MemberCore; } if (mc != null) { SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (mc); } else { if (ms.DeclaringType != null) ms = ms.DeclaringType; var imported_type = ms.MemberDefinition as ImportedTypeDefinition; if (imported_type != null) { var iad = imported_type.DeclaringAssembly as ImportedAssemblyDefinition; SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (iad.Location); } } } public void SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (MemberCore mc) { SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (mc.Location, mc.GetSignatureForError ()); } public void SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (string loc) { string msg = String.Format ("{0} (Location of the symbol related to previous ", loc); if (extra_information.Contains (msg)) return; extra_information.Add (msg); } public void AddWarningAsError (string warningId) { int id; try { id = int.Parse (warningId); } catch { CheckWarningCode (warningId, Location.Null); return; } if (!CheckWarningCode (id, Location.Null)) return; if (warnings_as_error == null) warnings_as_error = new List (); warnings_as_error.Add (id); } public void RemoveWarningAsError (string warningId) { int id; try { id = int.Parse (warningId); } catch { CheckWarningCode (warningId, Location.Null); return; } if (!CheckWarningCode (id, Location.Null)) return; if (warnings_only == null) warnings_only = new List (); warnings_only.Add (id); } public bool CheckWarningCode (string code, Location loc) { Warning (1691, 1, loc, "`{0}' is not a valid warning number", code); return false; } public bool CheckWarningCode (int code, Location loc) { if (AllWarningsHashSet == null) AllWarningsHashSet = new HashSet (AllWarnings); if (AllWarningsHashSet.Contains (code)) return true; return CheckWarningCode (code.ToString (), loc); } public void ExtraInformation (Location loc, string msg) { extra_information.Add (String.Format ("{0} {1}", loc, msg)); } public WarningRegions RegisterWarningRegion (Location location) { WarningRegions regions; if (warning_regions_table == null) { regions = null; warning_regions_table = new Dictionary (); } else { warning_regions_table.TryGetValue (location.File, out regions); } if (regions == null) { regions = new WarningRegions (); warning_regions_table.Add (location.File, regions); } return regions; } public void Warning (int code, int level, Location loc, string message) { if (reporting_disabled > 0) return; if (!IsWarningEnabled (code, level, loc)) return; AbstractMessage msg; if (IsWarningAsError (code)) msg = new ErrorMessage (code, loc, message, extra_information); else msg = new WarningMessage (code, loc, message, extra_information); extra_information.Clear (); printer.Print (msg); } public void Warning (int code, int level, Location loc, string format, string arg) { Warning (code, level, loc, String.Format (format, arg)); } public void Warning (int code, int level, Location loc, string format, string arg1, string arg2) { Warning (code, level, loc, String.Format (format, arg1, arg2)); } public void Warning (int code, int level, Location loc, string format, params object[] args) { Warning (code, level, loc, String.Format (format, args)); } public void Warning (int code, int level, string message) { Warning (code, level, Location.Null, message); } public void Warning (int code, int level, string format, string arg) { Warning (code, level, Location.Null, format, arg); } public void Warning (int code, int level, string format, string arg1, string arg2) { Warning (code, level, Location.Null, format, arg1, arg2); } public void Warning (int code, int level, string format, params string[] args) { Warning (code, level, Location.Null, String.Format (format, args)); } // // Warnings encountered so far // public int Warnings { get { return printer.WarningsCount; } } public void Error (int code, Location loc, string error) { if (reporting_disabled > 0) return; ErrorMessage msg = new ErrorMessage (code, loc, error, extra_information); extra_information.Clear (); printer.Print (msg); } public void Error (int code, Location loc, string format, string arg) { Error (code, loc, String.Format (format, arg)); } public void Error (int code, Location loc, string format, string arg1, string arg2) { Error (code, loc, String.Format (format, arg1, arg2)); } public void Error (int code, Location loc, string format, params string[] args) { Error (code, loc, String.Format (format, args)); } public void Error (int code, string error) { Error (code, Location.Null, error); } public void Error (int code, string format, string arg) { Error (code, Location.Null, format, arg); } public void Error (int code, string format, string arg1, string arg2) { Error (code, Location.Null, format, arg1, arg2); } public void Error (int code, string format, params string[] args) { Error (code, Location.Null, String.Format (format, args)); } // // Errors encountered so far // public int Errors { get { return printer.ErrorsCount; } } public bool IsDisabled { get { return reporting_disabled > 0; } } public ReportPrinter Printer { get { return printer; } } public void SetIgnoreWarning (int code) { if (warning_ignore_table == null) warning_ignore_table = new HashSet (); warning_ignore_table.Add (code); } public ReportPrinter SetPrinter (ReportPrinter printer) { ReportPrinter old = this.printer; this.printer = printer; return old; } public int WarningLevel { get { return warning_level; } set { warning_level = value; } } [Conditional ("MCS_DEBUG")] static public void Debug (string message, params object[] args) { Debug (4, message, args); } [Conditional ("MCS_DEBUG")] static public void Debug (int category, string message, params object[] args) { if ((category & DebugFlags) == 0) return; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (message); if ((args != null) && (args.Length > 0)) { sb.Append (": "); bool first = true; foreach (object arg in args) { if (first) first = false; else sb.Append (", "); if (arg == null) sb.Append ("null"); // else if (arg is ICollection) // sb.Append (PrintCollection ((ICollection) arg)); else sb.Append (arg); } } Console.WriteLine (sb.ToString ()); } /* static public string PrintCollection (ICollection collection) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.Append (collection.GetType ()); sb.Append ("("); bool first = true; foreach (object o in collection) { if (first) first = false; else sb.Append (", "); sb.Append (o); } sb.Append (")"); return sb.ToString (); } */ } public abstract class AbstractMessage { readonly string[] extra_info; protected readonly int code; protected readonly Location location; readonly string message; protected AbstractMessage (int code, Location loc, string msg, List extraInfo) { this.code = code; if (code < 0) this.code = 8000 - code; this.location = loc; this.message = msg; if (extraInfo.Count != 0) { this.extra_info = extraInfo.ToArray (); } } protected AbstractMessage (AbstractMessage aMsg) { this.code = aMsg.code; this.location = aMsg.location; this.message = aMsg.message; this.extra_info = aMsg.extra_info; } public int Code { get { return code; } } public override bool Equals (object obj) { AbstractMessage msg = obj as AbstractMessage; if (msg == null) return false; return code == msg.code && location.Equals (msg.location) && message == msg.message; } public override int GetHashCode () { return code.GetHashCode (); } public abstract bool IsWarning { get; } public Location Location { get { return location; } } public abstract string MessageType { get; } public string[] RelatedSymbols { get { return extra_info; } } public string Text { get { return message; } } } sealed class WarningMessage : AbstractMessage { public WarningMessage (int code, Location loc, string message, List extra_info) : base (code, loc, message, extra_info) { } public override bool IsWarning { get { return true; } } public override string MessageType { get { return "warning"; } } } sealed class ErrorMessage : AbstractMessage { public ErrorMessage (int code, Location loc, string message, List extraInfo) : base (code, loc, message, extraInfo) { } public ErrorMessage (AbstractMessage aMsg) : base (aMsg) { } public override bool IsWarning { get { return false; } } public override string MessageType { get { return "error"; } } } // // Generic base for any message writer // public abstract class ReportPrinter { #region Properties public int FatalCounter { get; set; } public int ErrorsCount { get; protected set; } public bool ShowFullPaths { get; set; } // // Whether to dump a stack trace on errors. // public bool Stacktrace { get; set; } public int WarningsCount { get; private set; } // // When (symbols related to previous ...) can be used // public virtual bool HasRelatedSymbolSupport { get { return true; } } #endregion protected virtual string FormatText (string txt) { return txt; } public virtual void Print (AbstractMessage msg) { if (msg.IsWarning) { ++WarningsCount; } else { ++ErrorsCount; if (ErrorsCount == FatalCounter) throw new Exception (msg.Text); } } protected void Print (AbstractMessage msg, TextWriter output) { StringBuilder txt = new StringBuilder (); if (!msg.Location.IsNull) { if (ShowFullPaths) txt.Append (msg.Location.ToStringFullName ()); else txt.Append (msg.Location.ToString ()); txt.Append (" "); } txt.AppendFormat ("{0} CS{1:0000}: {2}", msg.MessageType, msg.Code, msg.Text); if (!msg.IsWarning) output.WriteLine (FormatText (txt.ToString ())); else output.WriteLine (txt.ToString ()); if (msg.RelatedSymbols != null) { foreach (string s in msg.RelatedSymbols) output.WriteLine (s + msg.MessageType + ")"); } } public void Reset () { // HACK: Temporary hack for broken repl flow ErrorsCount = WarningsCount = 0; } } // // Default message recorder, it uses two types of message groups. // Common messages: messages reported in all sessions. // Merged messages: union of all messages in all sessions. // // Used by the Lambda expressions to compile the code with various // parameter values, or by attribute resolver // class SessionReportPrinter : ReportPrinter { List session_messages; // // A collection of exactly same messages reported in all sessions // List common_messages; // // A collection of unique messages reported in all sessions // List merged_messages; public override void Print (AbstractMessage msg) { // // This line is useful when debugging recorded messages // // Console.WriteLine ("RECORDING: {0}", msg.ToString ()); if (session_messages == null) session_messages = new List (); session_messages.Add (msg); base.Print (msg); } public void EndSession () { if (session_messages == null) return; // // Handles the first session // if (common_messages == null) { common_messages = new List (session_messages); merged_messages = session_messages; session_messages = null; return; } // // Store common messages if any // for (int i = 0; i < common_messages.Count; ++i) { AbstractMessage cmsg = common_messages[i]; bool common_msg_found = false; foreach (AbstractMessage msg in session_messages) { if (cmsg.Equals (msg)) { common_msg_found = true; break; } } if (!common_msg_found) common_messages.RemoveAt (i); } // // Merge session and previous messages // for (int i = 0; i < session_messages.Count; ++i) { AbstractMessage msg = session_messages[i]; bool msg_found = false; for (int ii = 0; ii < merged_messages.Count; ++ii) { if (msg.Equals (merged_messages[ii])) { msg_found = true; break; } } if (!msg_found) merged_messages.Add (msg); } } public bool IsEmpty { get { return merged_messages == null && common_messages == null; } } // // Prints collected messages, common messages have a priority // public bool Merge (ReportPrinter dest) { var messages_to_print = merged_messages; if (common_messages != null && common_messages.Count > 0) { messages_to_print = common_messages; } if (messages_to_print == null) return false; bool error_msg = false; foreach (AbstractMessage msg in messages_to_print) { dest.Print (msg); error_msg |= !msg.IsWarning; } return error_msg; } } public class StreamReportPrinter : ReportPrinter { readonly TextWriter writer; public StreamReportPrinter (TextWriter writer) { this.writer = writer; } public override void Print (AbstractMessage msg) { Print (msg, writer); base.Print (msg); } } public class ConsoleReportPrinter : StreamReportPrinter { static readonly string prefix, postfix; static ConsoleReportPrinter () { string term = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("TERM"); bool xterm_colors = false; switch (term){ case "xterm": case "rxvt": case "rxvt-unicode": if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("COLORTERM") != null){ xterm_colors = true; } break; case "xterm-color": xterm_colors = true; break; } if (!xterm_colors) return; if (!(UnixUtils.isatty (1) && UnixUtils.isatty (2))) return; string config = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("MCS_COLORS"); if (config == null){ config = "errors=red"; //config = "brightwhite,red"; } if (config == "disable") return; if (!config.StartsWith ("errors=")) return; config = config.Substring (7); int p = config.IndexOf (","); if (p == -1) prefix = GetForeground (config); else prefix = GetBackground (config.Substring (p+1)) + GetForeground (config.Substring (0, p)); postfix = "\x001b[0m"; } public ConsoleReportPrinter () : base (Console.Error) { } public ConsoleReportPrinter (TextWriter writer) : base (writer) { } static int NameToCode (string s) { switch (s) { case "black": return 0; case "red": return 1; case "green": return 2; case "yellow": return 3; case "blue": return 4; case "magenta": return 5; case "cyan": return 6; case "grey": case "white": return 7; } return 7; } // // maps a color name to its xterm color code // static string GetForeground (string s) { string highcode; if (s.StartsWith ("bright")) { highcode = "1;"; s = s.Substring (6); } else highcode = ""; return "\x001b[" + highcode + (30 + NameToCode (s)).ToString () + "m"; } static string GetBackground (string s) { return "\x001b[" + (40 + NameToCode (s)).ToString () + "m"; } protected override string FormatText (string txt) { if (prefix != null) return prefix + txt + postfix; return txt; } static string FriendlyStackTrace (StackTrace t) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); bool foundUserCode = false; for (int i = 0; i < t.FrameCount; i++) { StackFrame f = t.GetFrame (i); var mb = f.GetMethod (); if (!foundUserCode && mb.ReflectedType == typeof (Report)) continue; foundUserCode = true; sb.Append ("\tin "); if (f.GetFileLineNumber () > 0) sb.AppendFormat ("(at {0}:{1}) ", f.GetFileName (), f.GetFileLineNumber ()); sb.AppendFormat ("{0}.{1} (", mb.ReflectedType.Name, mb.Name); bool first = true; foreach (var pi in mb.GetParameters ()) { if (!first) sb.Append (", "); first = false; sb.Append (pi.ParameterType.FullName); } sb.Append (")\n"); } return sb.ToString (); } public override void Print (AbstractMessage msg) { base.Print (msg); if (Stacktrace) Console.WriteLine (FriendlyStackTrace (new StackTrace (true))); } public static string FriendlyStackTrace (Exception e) { return FriendlyStackTrace (new StackTrace (e, true)); } public static void StackTrace () { Console.WriteLine (FriendlyStackTrace (new StackTrace (true))); } } class TimeReporter { public enum TimerType { ParseTotal, AssemblyBuilderSetup, CreateTypeTotal, ReferencesLoading, ReferencesImporting, PredefinedTypesInit, ModuleDefinitionTotal, UsingVerification, EmitTotal, CloseTypes, Resouces, OutputSave, DebugSave, } readonly Stopwatch[] timers; Stopwatch total; public TimeReporter (bool enabled) { if (!enabled) return; timers = new Stopwatch[System.Enum.GetValues(typeof (TimerType)).Length]; } public void Start (TimerType type) { if (timers != null) { var sw = new Stopwatch (); timers[(int) type] = sw; sw.Start (); } } public void StartTotal () { total = new Stopwatch (); total.Start (); } public void Stop (TimerType type) { if (timers != null) { timers[(int) type].Stop (); } } public void StopTotal () { total.Stop (); } public void ShowStats () { if (timers == null) return; Dictionary timer_names = new Dictionary () { { TimerType.ParseTotal, "Parsing source files" }, { TimerType.AssemblyBuilderSetup, "Assembly builder setup" }, { TimerType.CreateTypeTotal, "Compiled types created" }, { TimerType.ReferencesLoading, "Referenced assemblies loading" }, { TimerType.ReferencesImporting, "Referenced assemblies importing" }, { TimerType.PredefinedTypesInit, "Predefined types initialization" }, { TimerType.ModuleDefinitionTotal, "Module definition" }, { TimerType.UsingVerification, "Usings verification" }, { TimerType.EmitTotal, "Resolving and emitting members blocks" }, { TimerType.CloseTypes, "Module types closed" }, { TimerType.Resouces, "Embedding resources" }, { TimerType.OutputSave, "Writing output file" }, { TimerType.DebugSave, "Writing debug symbols file" }, }; int counter = 0; double percentage = total.ElapsedMilliseconds / 100; long subtotal = total.ElapsedMilliseconds; foreach (var timer in timers) { string msg = timer_names[(TimerType) counter++]; var ms = timer == null ? 0 : timer.ElapsedMilliseconds; Console.WriteLine ("{0,4:0.0}% {1,5}ms {2}", ms / percentage, ms, msg); subtotal -= ms; } Console.WriteLine ("{0,4:0.0}% {1,5}ms Other tasks", subtotal / percentage, subtotal); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("Total elapsed time: {0}", total.Elapsed); } } public class InternalErrorException : Exception { public InternalErrorException (MemberCore mc, Exception e) : base (mc.Location + " " + mc.GetSignatureForError (), e) { } public InternalErrorException () : base ("Internal error") { } public InternalErrorException (string message) : base (message) { } public InternalErrorException (string message, params object[] args) : base (String.Format (message, args)) { } public InternalErrorException (Exception exception, string message, params object[] args) : base (String.Format (message, args), exception) { } public InternalErrorException (Exception e, Location loc) : base (loc.ToString (), e) { } } /// /// Handles #pragma warning /// public class WarningRegions { abstract class PragmaCmd { public int Line; protected PragmaCmd (int line) { Line = line; } public abstract bool IsEnabled (int code, bool previous); } class Disable : PragmaCmd { int code; public Disable (int line, int code) : base (line) { this.code = code; } public override bool IsEnabled (int code, bool previous) { return this.code == code ? false : previous; } } class DisableAll : PragmaCmd { public DisableAll (int line) : base (line) {} public override bool IsEnabled(int code, bool previous) { return false; } } class Enable : PragmaCmd { int code; public Enable (int line, int code) : base (line) { this.code = code; } public override bool IsEnabled(int code, bool previous) { return this.code == code ? true : previous; } } class EnableAll : PragmaCmd { public EnableAll (int line) : base (line) {} public override bool IsEnabled(int code, bool previous) { return true; } } List regions = new List (); public void WarningDisable (int line) { regions.Add (new DisableAll (line)); } public void WarningDisable (Location location, int code, Report Report) { if (Report.CheckWarningCode (code, location)) regions.Add (new Disable (location.Row, code)); } public void WarningEnable (int line) { regions.Add (new EnableAll (line)); } public void WarningEnable (Location location, int code, Report Report) { if (!Report.CheckWarningCode (code, location)) return; if (Report.IsWarningDisabledGlobally (code)) Report.Warning (1635, 1, location, "Cannot restore warning `CS{0:0000}' because it was disabled globally", code); regions.Add (new Enable (location.Row, code)); } public bool IsWarningEnabled (int code, int src_line) { bool result = true; foreach (PragmaCmd pragma in regions) { if (src_line < pragma.Line) break; result = pragma.IsEnabled (code, result); } return result; } } }