// // parameter.cs: Parameter definition. // // Author: Miguel de Icaza (miguel@gnu.org) // // Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL // // (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) // // // using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Collections; namespace Mono.CSharp { /// /// Represents a single method parameter /// public class Parameter { [Flags] public enum Modifier : byte { NONE = 0, REF = 1, OUT = 2, PARAMS = 4, // This is a flag which says that it's either REF or OUT. ISBYREF = 8 } public readonly Expression TypeName; public readonly Modifier ModFlags; public Attributes OptAttributes; public readonly string Name; public Type parameter_type; public Parameter (Expression type, string name, Modifier mod, Attributes attrs) { Name = name; ModFlags = mod; TypeName = type; OptAttributes = attrs; } // // Resolve is used in method definitions // public bool Resolve (DeclSpace ds, Location l) { parameter_type = ds.ResolveType (TypeName, false, l); if (parameter_type == TypeManager.void_type){ Report.Error (1536, l, "`void' parameter is not permitted"); return false; } return parameter_type != null; } public Type ExternalType () { if ((ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.ISBYREF) != 0) return TypeManager.GetReferenceType (parameter_type); return parameter_type; } public Type ParameterType { get { return parameter_type; } } public ParameterAttributes Attributes { get { int flags = ((int) ModFlags) & ~((int) Parameter.Modifier.ISBYREF); switch ((Modifier) flags) { case Modifier.NONE: return ParameterAttributes.None; case Modifier.REF: return ParameterAttributes.None; case Modifier.OUT: return ParameterAttributes.Out; case Modifier.PARAMS: return 0; } return ParameterAttributes.None; } } /// /// Returns the signature for this parameter evaluating it on the /// @tc context /// public string GetSignature (DeclSpace ds, Location loc) { if (parameter_type == null){ if (!Resolve (ds, loc)) return null; } return ExternalType ().FullName; } } /// /// Represents the methods parameters /// public class Parameters { public Parameter [] FixedParameters; public readonly Parameter ArrayParameter; string signature; Type [] types; Location loc; static Parameters empty_parameters; public Parameters (Parameter [] fixed_parameters, Parameter array_parameter, Location l) { FixedParameters = fixed_parameters; ArrayParameter = array_parameter; loc = l; } /// /// This is used to reuse a set of empty parameters, because they /// are common /// public static Parameters EmptyReadOnlyParameters { get { if (empty_parameters == null) empty_parameters = new Parameters (null, null, Location.Null); return empty_parameters; } } public bool Empty { get { return (FixedParameters == null) && (ArrayParameter == null); } } public void ComputeSignature (DeclSpace ds) { signature = ""; if (FixedParameters != null){ for (int i = 0; i < FixedParameters.Length; i++){ Parameter par = FixedParameters [i]; signature += par.GetSignature (ds, loc); } } // // Note: as per the spec, the `params' arguments (ArrayParameter) // are not used in the signature computation for a method // } void Error_DuplicateParameterName (string name) { Report.Error ( 100, loc, "The parameter name `" + name + "' is a duplicate"); } public bool VerifyArgs () { int count; int i, j; if (FixedParameters == null) return true; count = FixedParameters.Length; string array_par_name = ArrayParameter != null ? ArrayParameter.Name : null; for (i = 0; i < count; i++){ string base_name = FixedParameters [i].Name; for (j = i + 1; j < count; j++){ if (base_name != FixedParameters [j].Name) continue; Error_DuplicateParameterName (base_name); return false; } if (base_name == array_par_name){ Error_DuplicateParameterName (base_name); return false; } } return true; } /// /// Returns the signature of the Parameters evaluated in /// the @tc environment /// public string GetSignature (DeclSpace ds) { if (signature == null){ VerifyArgs (); ComputeSignature (ds); } return signature; } /// /// Returns the paramenter information based on the name /// public Parameter GetParameterByName (string name, out int idx) { idx = 0; int i = 0; if (FixedParameters != null){ foreach (Parameter par in FixedParameters){ if (par.Name == name){ idx = i; return par; } i++; } } if (ArrayParameter != null){ if (name == ArrayParameter.Name){ idx = i; return ArrayParameter; } } return null; } bool ComputeParameterTypes (DeclSpace ds) { int extra = (ArrayParameter != null) ? 1 : 0; int i = 0; int pc; if (FixedParameters == null) pc = extra; else pc = extra + FixedParameters.Length; types = new Type [pc]; if (!VerifyArgs ()){ FixedParameters = null; return false; } bool failed = false; if (FixedParameters != null){ foreach (Parameter p in FixedParameters){ Type t = null; if (p.Resolve (ds, loc)) t = p.ExternalType (); else failed = true; types [i] = t; i++; } } if (extra > 0){ if (ArrayParameter.Resolve (ds, loc)) types [i] = ArrayParameter.ExternalType (); else failed = true; } if (failed){ types = null; return false; } return true; } // // This variant is used by Delegates, because they need to // resolve/define names, instead of the plain LookupType // public bool ComputeAndDefineParameterTypes (DeclSpace ds) { int extra = (ArrayParameter != null) ? 1 : 0; int i = 0; int pc; if (FixedParameters == null) pc = extra; else pc = extra + FixedParameters.Length; types = new Type [pc]; if (!VerifyArgs ()){ FixedParameters = null; return false; } bool ok_flag = true; if (FixedParameters != null){ foreach (Parameter p in FixedParameters){ Type t = null; if (p.Resolve (ds, loc)) t = p.ExternalType (); else ok_flag = false; types [i] = t; i++; } } if (extra > 0){ if (ArrayParameter.Resolve (ds, loc)) types [i] = ArrayParameter.ExternalType (); else ok_flag = false; } // // invalidate the cached types // if (!ok_flag){ types = null; } return ok_flag; } /// /// Returns the argument types as an array /// static Type [] no_types = new Type [0]; public Type [] GetParameterInfo (DeclSpace ds) { if (types != null) return types; if (FixedParameters == null && ArrayParameter == null) return no_types; if (ComputeParameterTypes (ds) == false){ types = null; return null; } return types; } /// /// Returns the type of a given parameter, and stores in the `is_out' /// boolean whether this is an out or ref parameter. /// /// Note that the returned type will not contain any dereference in this /// case (ie, you get "int" for a ref int instead of "int&" /// public Type GetParameterInfo (DeclSpace ds, int idx, out Parameter.Modifier mod) { mod = Parameter.Modifier.NONE; if (!VerifyArgs ()){ FixedParameters = null; return null; } if (FixedParameters == null && ArrayParameter == null) return null; if (types == null) if (ComputeParameterTypes (ds) == false) return null; // // If this is a request for the variable lenght arg. // int array_idx = (FixedParameters != null ? FixedParameters.Length : 0); if (idx == array_idx) return types [idx]; // // Otherwise, it is a fixed parameter // Parameter p = FixedParameters [idx]; mod = p.ModFlags; if ((mod & (Parameter.Modifier.REF | Parameter.Modifier.OUT)) != 0) mod |= Parameter.Modifier.ISBYREF; return p.ParameterType; } public CallingConventions GetCallingConvention () { // For now this is the only correc thing to do return CallingConventions.Standard; } } }