// // parameter.cs: Parameter definition. // // Author: Miguel de Icaza (miguel@gnu.org) // Marek Safar (marek.safar@seznam.cz) // // Dual licensed under the terms of the MIT X11 or GNU GPL // // Copyright 2001-2003 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) // Copyright 2003-2008 Novell, Inc. // // using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Text; using System.Linq; namespace Mono.CSharp { /// /// Abstract Base class for parameters of a method. /// public abstract class ParameterBase : Attributable { protected ParameterBuilder builder; public override void ApplyAttributeBuilder (Attribute a, MethodSpec ctor, byte[] cdata, PredefinedAttributes pa) { #if false if (a.Type == pa.MarshalAs) { UnmanagedMarshal marshal = a.GetMarshal (this); if (marshal != null) { builder.SetMarshal (marshal); } return; } #endif if (a.HasSecurityAttribute) { a.Error_InvalidSecurityParent (); return; } if (a.Type == pa.Dynamic) { a.Error_MisusedDynamicAttribute (); return; } builder.SetCustomAttribute ((ConstructorInfo) ctor.GetMetaInfo (), cdata); } public ParameterBuilder Builder { get { return builder; } } public override bool IsClsComplianceRequired() { return false; } } /// /// Class for applying custom attributes on the return type /// public class ReturnParameter : ParameterBase { MemberCore method; // TODO: merge method and mb public ReturnParameter (MemberCore method, MethodBuilder mb, Location location) { this.method = method; try { builder = mb.DefineParameter (0, ParameterAttributes.None, ""); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { method.Compiler.Report.RuntimeMissingSupport (location, "custom attributes on the return type"); } } public override void ApplyAttributeBuilder (Attribute a, MethodSpec ctor, byte[] cdata, PredefinedAttributes pa) { if (a.Type == pa.CLSCompliant) { method.Compiler.Report.Warning (3023, 1, a.Location, "CLSCompliant attribute has no meaning when applied to return types. Try putting it on the method instead"); } // This occurs after Warning -28 if (builder == null) return; base.ApplyAttributeBuilder (a, ctor, cdata, pa); } public override AttributeTargets AttributeTargets { get { return AttributeTargets.ReturnValue; } } /// /// Is never called /// public override string[] ValidAttributeTargets { get { return null; } } } /// /// Class for applying custom attributes on the implicit parameter type /// of the 'set' method in properties, and the 'add' and 'remove' methods in events. /// /// // TODO: should use more code from Parameter.ApplyAttributeBuilder public class ImplicitParameter : ParameterBase { public ImplicitParameter (MethodBuilder mb) { builder = mb.DefineParameter (1, ParameterAttributes.None, "value"); } public override AttributeTargets AttributeTargets { get { return AttributeTargets.Parameter; } } /// /// Is never called /// public override string[] ValidAttributeTargets { get { return null; } } } public class ImplicitLambdaParameter : Parameter { public ImplicitLambdaParameter (string name, Location loc) : base (null, name, Modifier.NONE, null, loc) { } public override TypeSpec Resolve (IMemberContext ec, int index) { if (parameter_type == null) throw new InternalErrorException ("A type of implicit lambda parameter `{0}' is not set", Name); base.idx = index; return parameter_type; } public TypeSpec Type { set { parameter_type = value; } } } public class ParamsParameter : Parameter { public ParamsParameter (FullNamedExpression type, string name, Attributes attrs, Location loc): base (type, name, Parameter.Modifier.PARAMS, attrs, loc) { } public override TypeSpec Resolve (IMemberContext ec, int index) { if (base.Resolve (ec, index) == null) return null; var ac = parameter_type as ArrayContainer; if (ac == null || ac.Rank != 1) { ec.Compiler.Report.Error (225, Location, "The params parameter must be a single dimensional array"); return null; } return parameter_type; } public override void ApplyAttributes (MethodBuilder mb, ConstructorBuilder cb, int index) { base.ApplyAttributes (mb, cb, index); PredefinedAttributes.Get.ParamArray.EmitAttribute (builder); } } public class ArglistParameter : Parameter { // Doesn't have proper type because it's never chosen for better conversion public ArglistParameter (Location loc) : base (null, String.Empty, Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null, loc) { parameter_type = InternalType.Arglist; } public override void ApplyAttributes (MethodBuilder mb, ConstructorBuilder cb, int index) { // Nothing to do } public override bool CheckAccessibility (InterfaceMemberBase member) { return true; } public override TypeSpec Resolve (IMemberContext ec, int index) { return parameter_type; } } public interface IParameterData { Expression DefaultValue { get; } bool HasExtensionMethodModifier { get; } bool HasDefaultValue { get; } Parameter.Modifier ModFlags { get; } string Name { get; } } // // Parameter information created by parser // public class Parameter : ParameterBase, IParameterData, ILocalVariable { [Flags] public enum Modifier : byte { NONE = 0, REF = REFMASK | ISBYREF, OUT = OUTMASK | ISBYREF, PARAMS = 4, // This is a flag which says that it's either REF or OUT. ISBYREF = 8, REFMASK = 32, OUTMASK = 64, This = 128 } static string[] attribute_targets = new string [] { "param" }; FullNamedExpression texpr; readonly Modifier modFlags; string name; Expression default_expr; protected TypeSpec parameter_type; public readonly Location Location; protected int idx; public bool HasAddressTaken; Expression expr_tree_variable; static TypeExpr parameter_expr_tree_type; HoistedVariable hoisted_variant; public Parameter (FullNamedExpression type, string name, Modifier mod, Attributes attrs, Location loc) { this.name = name; modFlags = mod; Location = loc; texpr = type; // Only assign, attributes will be attached during resolve base.attributes = attrs; } #region Properties public FullNamedExpression TypeExpression { get { return texpr; } } #endregion public override void ApplyAttributeBuilder (Attribute a, MethodSpec ctor, byte[] cdata, PredefinedAttributes pa) { if (a.Type == pa.In && ModFlags == Modifier.OUT) { a.Report.Error (36, a.Location, "An out parameter cannot have the `In' attribute"); return; } if (a.Type == pa.ParamArray) { a.Report.Error (674, a.Location, "Do not use `System.ParamArrayAttribute'. Use the `params' keyword instead"); return; } if (a.Type == PredefinedAttributes.Get.Out && (ModFlags & Modifier.REF) == Modifier.REF && !OptAttributes.Contains (pa.In)) { a.Report.Error (662, a.Location, "Cannot specify only `Out' attribute on a ref parameter. Use both `In' and `Out' attributes or neither"); return; } if (a.Type == pa.CLSCompliant) { a.Report.Warning (3022, 1, a.Location, "CLSCompliant attribute has no meaning when applied to parameters. Try putting it on the method instead"); } if (HasDefaultValue && (a.Type == pa.DefaultParameterValue || a.Type == pa.OptionalParameter)) { a.Report.Error (1745, a.Location, "Cannot specify `{0}' attribute on optional parameter `{1}'", TypeManager.CSharpName (a.Type).Replace ("Attribute", ""), Name); return; } if (a.Type == pa.DefaultParameterValue) { TypeSpec arg_type; var c = a.GetParameterDefaultValue (out arg_type); if (c == null) { if (parameter_type == TypeManager.object_type) { a.Report.Error (1910, a.Location, "Argument of type `{0}' is not applicable for the DefaultParameterValue attribute", arg_type.GetSignatureForError ()); } else { a.Report.Error (1909, a.Location, "The DefaultParameterValue attribute is not applicable on parameters of type `{0}'", parameter_type.GetSignatureForError ()); ; } return; } if (arg_type == parameter_type || parameter_type == TypeManager.object_type || (c.IsNull && TypeManager.IsReferenceType (parameter_type) && !TypeManager.IsGenericParameter (parameter_type))) builder.SetConstant (c.GetValue ()); else a.Report.Error (1908, a.Location, "The type of the default value should match the type of the parameter"); return; } base.ApplyAttributeBuilder (a, ctor, cdata, pa); } public virtual bool CheckAccessibility (InterfaceMemberBase member) { if (parameter_type == null || TypeManager.IsGenericParameter (parameter_type)) return true; return member.IsAccessibleAs (parameter_type); } public static void Reset () { parameter_expr_tree_type = null; } // // Resolve is used in method definitions // public virtual TypeSpec Resolve (IMemberContext rc, int index) { if (parameter_type != null) return parameter_type; if (attributes != null) attributes.AttachTo (this, rc); var expr = texpr.ResolveAsTypeTerminal (rc, false); if (expr == null) return null; this.idx = index; texpr = expr; parameter_type = texpr.Type; if ((modFlags & Parameter.Modifier.ISBYREF) != 0 && TypeManager.IsSpecialType (parameter_type)) { rc.Compiler.Report.Error (1601, Location, "Method or delegate parameter cannot be of type `{0}'", GetSignatureForError ()); return null; } TypeManager.CheckTypeVariance (parameter_type, (modFlags & Parameter.Modifier.ISBYREF) != 0 ? Variance.None : Variance.Contravariant, rc); if (parameter_type.IsStatic) { rc.Compiler.Report.Error (721, Location, "`{0}': static types cannot be used as parameters", texpr.GetSignatureForError ()); return parameter_type; } if ((modFlags & Modifier.This) != 0 && (parameter_type.IsPointer || parameter_type == InternalType.Dynamic)) { rc.Compiler.Report.Error (1103, Location, "The extension method cannot be of type `{0}'", TypeManager.CSharpName (parameter_type)); } return parameter_type; } public void ResolveDefaultValue (ResolveContext rc) { if (default_expr != null) default_expr = ResolveDefaultExpression (rc); } Expression ResolveDefaultExpression (ResolveContext rc) { default_expr = default_expr.Resolve (rc); if (default_expr == null) return null; if (!(default_expr is Constant || default_expr is DefaultValueExpression)) { if (TypeManager.IsNullableType (parameter_type)) { rc.Compiler.Report.Error (1770, default_expr.Location, "The expression being assigned to nullable optional parameter `{0}' must be default value", Name); } else { rc.Compiler.Report.Error (1736, default_expr.Location, "The expression being assigned to optional parameter `{0}' must be a constant or default value", Name); } return null; } if (default_expr.Type == parameter_type) return default_expr; if (TypeManager.IsNullableType (parameter_type)) { if (Convert.ImplicitNulableConversion (rc, default_expr, parameter_type) != null) return default_expr; } else { var res = Convert.ImplicitConversionStandard (rc, default_expr, parameter_type, default_expr.Location); if (res != null) { if (!default_expr.IsNull && TypeManager.IsReferenceType (parameter_type) && parameter_type != TypeManager.string_type) { rc.Compiler.Report.Error (1763, default_expr.Location, "Optional parameter `{0}' of type `{1}' can only be initialized with `null'", Name, GetSignatureForError ()); return null; } return res; } } rc.Compiler.Report.Error (1750, Location, "Optional parameter expression of type `{0}' cannot be converted to parameter type `{1}'", TypeManager.CSharpName (default_expr.Type), GetSignatureForError ()); return null; } public bool HasDefaultValue { get { return default_expr != null; } } public bool HasExtensionMethodModifier { get { return (modFlags & Modifier.This) != 0; } } // // Hoisted parameter variant // public HoistedVariable HoistedVariant { get { return hoisted_variant; } set { hoisted_variant = value; } } public Modifier ModFlags { get { return modFlags & ~Modifier.This; } } public string Name { get { return name; } set { name = value; } } ParameterAttributes Attributes { get { return ParametersCompiled.GetParameterAttribute (modFlags) | (HasDefaultValue ? ParameterAttributes.Optional : ParameterAttributes.None); } } public override AttributeTargets AttributeTargets { get { return AttributeTargets.Parameter; } } public virtual string GetSignatureForError () { string type_name; if (parameter_type != null) type_name = TypeManager.CSharpName (parameter_type); else type_name = texpr.GetSignatureForError (); string mod = GetModifierSignature (modFlags); if (mod.Length > 0) return String.Concat (mod, " ", type_name); return type_name; } public static string GetModifierSignature (Modifier mod) { switch (mod) { case Modifier.OUT: return "out"; case Modifier.PARAMS: return "params"; case Modifier.REF: return "ref"; case Modifier.This: return "this"; default: return ""; } } public void IsClsCompliant (IMemberContext ctx) { if (parameter_type.IsCLSCompliant ()) return; ctx.Compiler.Report.Warning (3001, 1, Location, "Argument type `{0}' is not CLS-compliant", GetSignatureForError ()); } public virtual void ApplyAttributes (MethodBuilder mb, ConstructorBuilder cb, int index) { if (mb == null) builder = cb.DefineParameter (index, Attributes, Name); else builder = mb.DefineParameter (index, Attributes, Name); if (OptAttributes != null) OptAttributes.Emit (); if (HasDefaultValue) { // // Emit constant values for true constants only, the other // constant-like expressions will rely on default value expression // Constant c = default_expr as Constant; if (c != null) { if (default_expr.Type == TypeManager.decimal_type) { builder.SetCustomAttribute (Const.CreateDecimalConstantAttribute (c)); } else { builder.SetConstant (c.GetTypedValue ()); } } } if (parameter_type == InternalType.Dynamic) { PredefinedAttributes.Get.Dynamic.EmitAttribute (builder); } else { var trans_flags = TypeManager.HasDynamicTypeUsed (parameter_type); if (trans_flags != null) { var pa = PredefinedAttributes.Get.DynamicTransform; if (pa.Constructor != null || pa.ResolveConstructor (Location, ArrayContainer.MakeType (TypeManager.bool_type))) { builder.SetCustomAttribute ( new CustomAttributeBuilder (pa.Constructor, new object [] { trans_flags })); } } } } public override string[] ValidAttributeTargets { get { return attribute_targets; } } public Parameter Clone () { Parameter p = (Parameter) MemberwiseClone (); if (attributes != null) p.attributes = attributes.Clone (); return p; } public ExpressionStatement CreateExpressionTreeVariable (BlockContext ec) { if ((modFlags & Modifier.ISBYREF) != 0) ec.Report.Error (1951, Location, "An expression tree parameter cannot use `ref' or `out' modifier"); expr_tree_variable = new TemporaryVariable (ResolveParameterExpressionType (ec, Location).Type, Location); expr_tree_variable = expr_tree_variable.Resolve (ec); Arguments arguments = new Arguments (2); arguments.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf ( new TypeExpression (parameter_type, Location), Location))); arguments.Add (new Argument (new StringConstant (Name, Location))); return new SimpleAssign (ExpressionTreeVariableReference (), Expression.CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Parameter", null, arguments, Location)); } public Expression DefaultValue { get { return default_expr; } set { default_expr = value; } } public void Emit (EmitContext ec) { int arg_idx = idx; if (!ec.IsStatic) arg_idx++; ParameterReference.EmitLdArg (ec, arg_idx); } public void EmitAssign (EmitContext ec) { int arg_idx = idx; if (!ec.IsStatic) arg_idx++; if (arg_idx <= 255) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Starg_S, (byte) arg_idx); else ec.Emit (OpCodes.Starg, arg_idx); } public void EmitAddressOf (EmitContext ec) { int arg_idx = idx; if (!ec.IsStatic) arg_idx++; bool is_ref = (ModFlags & Modifier.ISBYREF) != 0; if (is_ref) { ParameterReference.EmitLdArg (ec, arg_idx); } else { if (arg_idx <= 255) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarga_S, (byte) arg_idx); else ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarga, arg_idx); } } public Expression ExpressionTreeVariableReference () { return expr_tree_variable; } // // System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression type // public static TypeExpr ResolveParameterExpressionType (IMemberContext ec, Location location) { if (parameter_expr_tree_type != null) return parameter_expr_tree_type; TypeSpec p_type = TypeManager.parameter_expression_type; if (p_type == null) { p_type = TypeManager.CoreLookupType (ec.Compiler, "System.Linq.Expressions", "ParameterExpression", MemberKind.Class, true); TypeManager.parameter_expression_type = p_type; } parameter_expr_tree_type = new TypeExpression (p_type, location). ResolveAsTypeTerminal (ec, false); return parameter_expr_tree_type; } public void Warning_UselessOptionalParameter (Report Report) { Report.Warning (1066, 1, Location, "The default value specified for optional parameter `{0}' will never be used", Name); } } // // Imported or resolved parameter information // public class ParameterData : IParameterData { readonly string name; readonly Parameter.Modifier modifiers; readonly Expression default_value; public ParameterData (string name, Parameter.Modifier modifiers) { this.name = name; this.modifiers = modifiers; } public ParameterData (string name, Parameter.Modifier modifiers, Expression defaultValue) : this (name, modifiers) { this.default_value = defaultValue; } #region IParameterData Members public Expression DefaultValue { get { return default_value; } } public bool HasExtensionMethodModifier { get { return (modifiers & Parameter.Modifier.This) != 0; } } public bool HasDefaultValue { get { return default_value != null; } } public Parameter.Modifier ModFlags { get { return modifiers & ~Parameter.Modifier.This; } } public string Name { get { return name; } } #endregion } public abstract class AParametersCollection { protected bool has_arglist; protected bool has_params; // Null object pattern protected IParameterData [] parameters; protected TypeSpec [] types; public CallingConventions CallingConvention { get { return has_arglist ? CallingConventions.VarArgs : CallingConventions.Standard; } } public int Count { get { return parameters.Length; } } public TypeSpec ExtensionMethodType { get { if (Count == 0) return null; return FixedParameters [0].HasExtensionMethodModifier ? types [0] : null; } } public IParameterData [] FixedParameters { get { return parameters; } } public static ParameterAttributes GetParameterAttribute (Parameter.Modifier modFlags) { return (modFlags & Parameter.Modifier.OUT) == Parameter.Modifier.OUT ? ParameterAttributes.Out : ParameterAttributes.None; } // Very expensive operation public Type[] GetMetaInfo () { Type[] types; if (has_arglist) { if (Count == 1) return Type.EmptyTypes; types = new Type [Count - 1]; } else { if (Count == 0) return Type.EmptyTypes; types = new Type [Count]; } for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; ++i) { types[i] = Types[i].GetMetaInfo (); if ((FixedParameters [i].ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.ISBYREF) == 0) continue; // TODO MemberCache: Should go to MetaInfo getter types [i] = types [i].MakeByRefType (); } return types; } // // Returns the parameter information based on the name // public int GetParameterIndexByName (string name) { for (int idx = 0; idx < Count; ++idx) { if (parameters [idx].Name == name) return idx; } return -1; } public string GetSignatureForError () { return GetSignatureForError ("(", ")", Count); } public string GetSignatureForError (string start, string end, int count) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (start); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (i != 0) sb.Append (", "); sb.Append (ParameterDesc (i)); } sb.Append (end); return sb.ToString (); } public bool HasArglist { get { return has_arglist; } } public bool HasExtensionMethodType { get { if (Count == 0) return false; return FixedParameters [0].HasExtensionMethodModifier; } } public bool HasParams { get { return has_params; } } public bool IsEmpty { get { return parameters.Length == 0; } } public AParametersCollection Inflate (TypeParameterInflator inflator) { TypeSpec[] inflated_types = null; bool default_value = false; for (int i = 0; i < Count; ++i) { var inflated_param = inflator.Inflate (types[i]); if (inflated_types == null) { if (inflated_param == types[i]) continue; default_value |= FixedParameters[i] is DefaultValueExpression; inflated_types = new TypeSpec[types.Length]; Array.Copy (types, inflated_types, types.Length); } inflated_types[i] = inflated_param; } if (inflated_types == null) return this; var clone = (AParametersCollection) MemberwiseClone (); clone.types = inflated_types; if (default_value) { for (int i = 0; i < Count; ++i) { var dve = clone.FixedParameters[i] as DefaultValueExpression; if (dve != null) { throw new NotImplementedException ("net"); // clone.FixedParameters [i].DefaultValue = new DefaultValueExpression (); } } } return clone; } public string ParameterDesc (int pos) { if (types == null || types [pos] == null) return ((Parameter)FixedParameters [pos]).GetSignatureForError (); string type = TypeManager.CSharpName (types [pos]); if (FixedParameters [pos].HasExtensionMethodModifier) return "this " + type; Parameter.Modifier mod = FixedParameters [pos].ModFlags; if (mod == 0) return type; return Parameter.GetModifierSignature (mod) + " " + type; } public TypeSpec[] Types { get { return types; } set { types = value; } } } // // A collection of imported or resolved parameters // public class ParametersImported : AParametersCollection { ParametersImported (AParametersCollection param, TypeSpec[] types) { this.parameters = param.FixedParameters; this.types = types; has_arglist = param.HasArglist; has_params = param.HasParams; } ParametersImported (IParameterData [] parameters, TypeSpec [] types, bool hasArglist, bool hasParams) { this.parameters = parameters; this.types = types; this.has_arglist = hasArglist; this.has_params = hasParams; } public ParametersImported (IParameterData[] param, TypeSpec[] types, bool hasParams) { this.parameters = param; this.types = types; this.has_params = hasParams; } public static AParametersCollection Create (TypeSpec parent, MethodBase method) { return Create (parent, method.GetParameters (), method); } // // Imports System.Reflection parameters // public static AParametersCollection Create (TypeSpec parent, ParameterInfo [] pi, MethodBase method) { int varargs = method != null && (method.CallingConvention & CallingConventions.VarArgs) != 0 ? 1 : 0; if (pi.Length == 0 && varargs == 0) return ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters; TypeSpec [] types = new TypeSpec [pi.Length + varargs]; IParameterData [] par = new IParameterData [pi.Length + varargs]; bool is_params = false; for (int i = 0; i < pi.Length; i++) { ParameterInfo p = pi [i]; Parameter.Modifier mod = 0; Expression default_value = null; if (p.ParameterType.IsByRef) { if ((p.Attributes & (ParameterAttributes.Out | ParameterAttributes.In)) == ParameterAttributes.Out) mod = Parameter.Modifier.OUT; else mod = Parameter.Modifier.REF; // // Strip reference wrapping // types [i] = Import.ImportType (p.ParameterType.GetElementType ()); } else if (i == 0 && method.IsStatic && parent.IsStatic && // TODO: parent.Assembly.IsExtension && HasExtensionAttribute (method)) { mod = Parameter.Modifier.This; types[i] = Import.ImportType (p.ParameterType); } else { types[i] = Import.ImportType (p.ParameterType); if (i >= pi.Length - 2 && types[i] is ArrayContainer) { var cattrs = CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes (p); if (cattrs != null && cattrs.Any (l => l.Constructor.DeclaringType == typeof (ParamArrayAttribute))) { mod = Parameter.Modifier.PARAMS; is_params = true; } } if (!is_params && p.IsOptional) { object value = p.DefaultValue; if (value == Missing.Value) { default_value = EmptyExpression.Null; } else if (value == null) { default_value = new NullLiteral (Location.Null); } else { default_value = Constant.CreateConstant (null, Import.ImportType (value.GetType ()), value, Location.Null); } } } par [i] = new ParameterData (p.Name, mod, default_value); } if (varargs != 0) { par [par.Length - 1] = new ArglistParameter (Location.Null); types [types.Length - 1] = InternalType.Arglist; } return method != null ? new ParametersImported (par, types, varargs != 0, is_params) : new ParametersImported (par, types, is_params); } static bool HasExtensionAttribute (MethodBase mb) { var all_attributes = CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes (mb); foreach (var attr in all_attributes) { var dt = attr.Constructor.DeclaringType; if (dt.Name == "ExtensionAttribute" && dt.Namespace == "System.Runtime.CompilerServices") { return true; } } return false; } } /// /// Represents the methods parameters /// public class ParametersCompiled : AParametersCollection { public static readonly ParametersCompiled EmptyReadOnlyParameters = new ParametersCompiled (); // Used by C# 2.0 delegates public static readonly ParametersCompiled Undefined = new ParametersCompiled (); private ParametersCompiled () { parameters = new Parameter [0]; types = TypeSpec.EmptyTypes; } private ParametersCompiled (IParameterData [] parameters, TypeSpec [] types) { this.parameters = parameters; this.types = types; } public ParametersCompiled (CompilerContext ctx, params Parameter[] parameters) { if (parameters == null) throw new ArgumentException ("Use EmptyReadOnlyParameters"); this.parameters = parameters; int count = parameters.Length; if (count == 0) return; if (count == 1) { has_params = (parameters [0].ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.PARAMS) != 0; return; } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){ string base_name = parameters [i].Name; has_params |= (parameters [i].ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.PARAMS) != 0; for (int j = i + 1; j < count; j++){ if (base_name != parameters [j].Name) continue; ErrorDuplicateName (parameters[i], ctx.Report); i = j; } } } public ParametersCompiled (CompilerContext ctx, Parameter [] parameters, bool has_arglist) : this (ctx, parameters) { this.has_arglist = has_arglist; } public static ParametersCompiled CreateFullyResolved (Parameter p, TypeSpec type) { return new ParametersCompiled (new Parameter [] { p }, new TypeSpec [] { type }); } public static ParametersCompiled CreateFullyResolved (IParameterData[] parameters, TypeSpec[] types) { return new ParametersCompiled (parameters, types); } public static AParametersCollection CreateFullyResolved (TypeSpec[] types) { var pd = new ParameterData [types.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < pd.Length; ++i) pd[i] = new ParameterData (null, Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null); return new ParametersCompiled (pd, types); } public static ParametersCompiled CreateImplicitParameter (FullNamedExpression texpr, Location loc) { return new ParametersCompiled ( new[] { new Parameter (texpr, "value", Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null, loc) }, null); } // // Returns non-zero value for equal CLS parameter signatures // public static int IsSameClsSignature (AParametersCollection a, AParametersCollection b) { int res = 0; for (int i = 0; i < a.Count; ++i) { var a_type = a.Types[i]; var b_type = b.Types[i]; if (TypeSpecComparer.Override.IsEqual (a_type, b_type)) { const Parameter.Modifier ref_out = Parameter.Modifier.REF | Parameter.Modifier.OUT; if ((a.FixedParameters[i].ModFlags & ref_out) != (b.FixedParameters[i].ModFlags & ref_out)) res |= 1; continue; } var ac_a = a_type as ArrayContainer; if (ac_a == null) return 0; var ac_b = b_type as ArrayContainer; if (ac_b == null) return 0; if (ac_a.Element is ArrayContainer || ac_b.Element is ArrayContainer) { res |= 2; continue; } if (ac_a.Rank != ac_b.Rank && TypeSpecComparer.Override.IsEqual (ac_a.Element, ac_b.Element)) { res |= 1; continue; } return 0; } return res; } public static ParametersCompiled MergeGenerated (CompilerContext ctx, ParametersCompiled userParams, bool checkConflicts, Parameter compilerParams, TypeSpec compilerTypes) { return MergeGenerated (ctx, userParams, checkConflicts, new Parameter [] { compilerParams }, new TypeSpec [] { compilerTypes }); } // // Use this method when you merge compiler generated parameters with user parameters // public static ParametersCompiled MergeGenerated (CompilerContext ctx, ParametersCompiled userParams, bool checkConflicts, Parameter[] compilerParams, TypeSpec[] compilerTypes) { Parameter[] all_params = new Parameter [userParams.Count + compilerParams.Length]; userParams.FixedParameters.CopyTo(all_params, 0); TypeSpec [] all_types; if (userParams.types != null) { all_types = new TypeSpec [all_params.Length]; userParams.Types.CopyTo (all_types, 0); } else { all_types = null; } int last_filled = userParams.Count; int index = 0; foreach (Parameter p in compilerParams) { for (int i = 0; i < last_filled; ++i) { while (p.Name == all_params [i].Name) { if (checkConflicts && i < userParams.Count) { ctx.Report.Error (316, userParams[i].Location, "The parameter name `{0}' conflicts with a compiler generated name", p.Name); } p.Name = '_' + p.Name; } } all_params [last_filled] = p; if (all_types != null) all_types [last_filled] = compilerTypes [index++]; ++last_filled; } ParametersCompiled parameters = new ParametersCompiled (all_params, all_types); parameters.has_params = userParams.has_params; return parameters; } protected virtual void ErrorDuplicateName (Parameter p, Report Report) { Report.Error (100, p.Location, "The parameter name `{0}' is a duplicate", p.Name); } public bool Resolve (IMemberContext ec) { if (types != null) return true; types = new TypeSpec [Count]; bool ok = true; Parameter p; for (int i = 0; i < FixedParameters.Length; ++i) { p = this [i]; TypeSpec t = p.Resolve (ec, i); if (t == null) { ok = false; continue; } types [i] = t; } return ok; } public void ResolveDefaultValues (ResolveContext rc) { for (int i = 0; i < FixedParameters.Length; ++i) { this [i].ResolveDefaultValue (rc); } } // Define each type attribute (in/out/ref) and // the argument names. public void ApplyAttributes (MethodBase builder) { if (Count == 0) return; MethodBuilder mb = builder as MethodBuilder; ConstructorBuilder cb = builder as ConstructorBuilder; for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { this [i].ApplyAttributes (mb, cb, i + 1); } } public void VerifyClsCompliance (IMemberContext ctx) { foreach (Parameter p in FixedParameters) p.IsClsCompliant (ctx); } public Parameter this [int pos] { get { return (Parameter) parameters [pos]; } } public Expression CreateExpressionTree (BlockContext ec, Location loc) { var initializers = new ArrayInitializer (Count, loc); foreach (Parameter p in FixedParameters) { // // Each parameter expression is stored to local variable // to save some memory when referenced later. // StatementExpression se = new StatementExpression (p.CreateExpressionTreeVariable (ec)); if (se.Resolve (ec)) ec.CurrentBlock.AddScopeStatement (se); initializers.Add (p.ExpressionTreeVariableReference ()); } return new ArrayCreation ( Parameter.ResolveParameterExpressionType (ec, loc), initializers, loc); } public ParametersCompiled Clone () { ParametersCompiled p = (ParametersCompiled) MemberwiseClone (); p.parameters = new IParameterData [parameters.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < Count; ++i) p.parameters [i] = this [i].Clone (); return p; } } }