// // nullable.cs: Nullable types support // // Authors: Martin Baulig (martin@ximian.com) // Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com) // Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com) // // Dual licensed under the terms of the MIT X11 or GNU GPL // // Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) // Copyright 2004-2008 Novell, Inc // using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Collections; namespace Mono.CSharp.Nullable { public class NullableType : TypeExpr { Expression underlying; public NullableType (Expression underlying, Location l) { this.underlying = underlying; loc = l; eclass = ExprClass.Type; } public NullableType (Type type, Location loc) : this (new TypeExpression (type, loc), loc) { } protected override TypeExpr DoResolveAsTypeStep (IResolveContext ec) { TypeArguments args = new TypeArguments (loc); args.Add (underlying); if (TypeManager.generic_nullable_type == null) { TypeManager.generic_nullable_type = TypeManager.CoreLookupType ( "System", "Nullable`1", Kind.Struct, true); } ConstructedType ctype = new ConstructedType (TypeManager.generic_nullable_type, args, loc); return ctype.ResolveAsTypeTerminal (ec, false); } } public sealed class NullableInfo { public readonly Type Type; public readonly Type UnderlyingType; public MethodInfo HasValue; public MethodInfo Value; public MethodInfo GetValueOrDefault; public ConstructorInfo Constructor; public NullableInfo (Type type) { Type = type; UnderlyingType = TypeManager.GetTypeArguments (type) [0]; PropertyInfo has_value_pi = TypeManager.GetPredefinedProperty (type, "HasValue", Location.Null, Type.EmptyTypes); PropertyInfo value_pi = TypeManager.GetPredefinedProperty (type, "Value", Location.Null, Type.EmptyTypes); GetValueOrDefault = TypeManager.GetPredefinedMethod (type, "GetValueOrDefault", Location.Null, Type.EmptyTypes); HasValue = has_value_pi.GetGetMethod (false); Value = value_pi.GetGetMethod (false); #if MS_COMPATIBLE if (UnderlyingType.Module == CodeGen.Module.Builder) { Type o_type = TypeManager.DropGenericTypeArguments (type); Constructor = TypeBuilder.GetConstructor (type, TypeManager.GetPredefinedConstructor (o_type, Location.Null, o_type.GetGenericArguments ())); return; } #endif Constructor = type.GetConstructor (new Type[] { UnderlyingType }); } } public class Unwrap : Expression, IMemoryLocation, IAssignMethod { Expression expr; NullableInfo info; LocalTemporary temp; protected Unwrap (Expression expr) { this.expr = expr; this.loc = expr.Location; } public static Unwrap Create (Expression expr, EmitContext ec) { return new Unwrap (expr).Resolve (ec) as Unwrap; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (EmitContext ec) { return expr.CreateExpressionTree (ec); } public override Expression DoResolve (EmitContext ec) { if (expr == null) return null; info = new NullableInfo (expr.Type); type = info.UnderlyingType; eclass = expr.eclass; return this; } public override Expression DoResolveLValue (EmitContext ec, Expression right_side) { return DoResolve (ec); } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { Store (ec); AddressOf (ec, AddressOp.LoadStore); ec.ig.EmitCall (OpCodes.Call, info.Value, null); } public void EmitCheck (EmitContext ec) { Store (ec); AddressOf (ec, AddressOp.LoadStore); ec.ig.EmitCall (OpCodes.Call, info.HasValue, null); } public void EmitGetValueOrDefault (EmitContext ec) { Store (ec); AddressOf (ec, AddressOp.LoadStore); ec.ig.EmitCall (OpCodes.Call, info.GetValueOrDefault, null); } public override bool Equals (object obj) { Unwrap uw = obj as Unwrap; return uw != null && expr.Equals (uw.expr); } public Expression Original { get { return expr; } } public override int GetHashCode () { return expr.GetHashCode (); } public override bool IsNull { get { return expr.IsNull; } } void Store (EmitContext ec) { if (expr is VariableReference) return; if (temp != null) return; expr.Emit (ec); LocalVariable.Store (ec); } public void Load (EmitContext ec) { if (expr is VariableReference) expr.Emit (ec); else LocalVariable.Emit (ec); } public override void MutateHoistedGenericType (AnonymousMethodStorey storey) { type = storey.MutateType (type); info.Constructor = storey.MutateConstructor (info.Constructor); info.HasValue = storey.MutateGenericMethod (info.HasValue); info.GetValueOrDefault = storey.MutateGenericMethod (info.GetValueOrDefault); info.Value = storey.MutateGenericMethod (info.Value); } public void AddressOf (EmitContext ec, AddressOp mode) { IMemoryLocation ml = expr as VariableReference; if (ml != null) ml.AddressOf (ec, mode); else LocalVariable.AddressOf (ec, mode); } // // Keeps result of non-variable expression // LocalTemporary LocalVariable { get { if (temp == null) temp = new LocalTemporary (info.Type); return temp; } } public void Emit (EmitContext ec, bool leave_copy) { if (leave_copy) Load (ec); Emit (ec); } public void EmitAssign (EmitContext ec, Expression source, bool leave_copy, bool prepare_for_load) { InternalWrap wrap = new InternalWrap (source, info, loc); ((IAssignMethod) expr).EmitAssign (ec, wrap, leave_copy, false); } protected class InternalWrap : Expression { public Expression expr; public NullableInfo info; public InternalWrap (Expression expr, NullableInfo info, Location loc) { this.expr = expr; this.info = info; this.loc = loc; type = info.Type; eclass = ExprClass.Value; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (EmitContext ec) { throw new NotSupportedException ("ET"); } public override Expression DoResolve (EmitContext ec) { return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { expr.Emit (ec); ec.ig.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, info.Constructor); } } } public class Wrap : TypeCast { readonly NullableInfo info; protected Wrap (Expression expr, Type type) : base (expr, type) { info = new NullableInfo (type); eclass = ExprClass.Value; } public static Expression Create (Expression expr, Type type) { // // Avoid unwraping and wraping of the same type // Unwrap unwrap = expr as Unwrap; if (unwrap != null && TypeManager.IsEqual (expr.Type, TypeManager.GetTypeArguments (type) [0])) return unwrap.Original; return new Wrap (expr, type); } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { child.Emit (ec); ec.ig.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, info.Constructor); } } // // Represents null literal lifted to nullable type // public class LiftedNull : EmptyConstantCast, IMemoryLocation { private LiftedNull (Type nullable_type, Location loc) : base (new NullLiteral (loc), nullable_type) { eclass = ExprClass.Value; } public static Constant Create (Type nullable, Location loc) { return new LiftedNull (nullable, loc); } public static Expression CreateFromExpression (Expression e) { Report.Warning (458, 2, e.Location, "The result of the expression is always `null' of type `{0}'", TypeManager.CSharpName (e.Type)); return ReducedExpression.Create (Create (e.Type, e.Location), e); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (EmitContext ec) { ArrayList args = new ArrayList (2); args.Add (new Argument (this)); args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (new TypeExpression (type, loc), loc))); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall ("Constant", args); } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { // TODO: generate less temporary variables LocalTemporary value_target = new LocalTemporary (type); value_target.AddressOf (ec, AddressOp.Store); ec.ig.Emit (OpCodes.Initobj, type); value_target.Emit (ec); } public void AddressOf (EmitContext ec, AddressOp Mode) { LocalTemporary value_target = new LocalTemporary (type); value_target.AddressOf (ec, AddressOp.Store); ec.ig.Emit (OpCodes.Initobj, type); ((IMemoryLocation) value_target).AddressOf (ec, Mode); } } public abstract class Lifted : Expression, IMemoryLocation { Expression expr, underlying, wrap, null_value; Unwrap unwrap; protected Lifted (Expression expr, Location loc) { this.expr = expr; this.loc = loc; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (EmitContext ec) { ArrayList args = new ArrayList (2); args.Add (new Argument (expr.CreateExpressionTree (ec))); args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (new TypeExpression (type, loc), loc))); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall ("Convert", args); } public override Expression DoResolve (EmitContext ec) { expr = expr.Resolve (ec); if (expr == null) return null; unwrap = Unwrap.Create (expr, ec); if (unwrap == null) return null; underlying = ResolveUnderlying (unwrap, ec); if (underlying == null) return null; TypeExpr target_type = new NullableType (underlying.Type, loc); target_type = target_type.ResolveAsTypeTerminal (ec, false); if (target_type == null) return null; wrap = Wrap.Create (underlying, target_type.Type); if (wrap == null) return null; null_value = LiftedNull.Create (wrap.Type, loc); type = wrap.Type; eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } protected abstract Expression ResolveUnderlying (Expression unwrap, EmitContext ec); public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { ILGenerator ig = ec.ig; Label is_null_label = ig.DefineLabel (); Label end_label = ig.DefineLabel (); unwrap.EmitCheck (ec); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Brfalse, is_null_label); wrap.Emit (ec); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Br, end_label); ig.MarkLabel (is_null_label); null_value.Emit (ec); ig.MarkLabel (end_label); } public void AddressOf (EmitContext ec, AddressOp mode) { unwrap.AddressOf (ec, mode); } } public class LiftedConversion : Lifted { public readonly bool IsUser; public readonly bool IsExplicit; public readonly Type TargetType; public LiftedConversion (Expression expr, Type target_type, bool is_user, bool is_explicit, Location loc) : base (expr, loc) { this.IsUser = is_user; this.IsExplicit = is_explicit; this.TargetType = target_type; } protected override Expression ResolveUnderlying (Expression unwrap, EmitContext ec) { Type type = TypeManager.GetTypeArguments (TargetType) [0]; if (IsUser) { if (IsExplicit) return Convert.ExplicitUserConversion (ec, unwrap, type, loc); else return Convert.ImplicitUserConversion (ec, unwrap, type, loc); } else { if (IsExplicit) return Convert.ExplicitConversion (ec, unwrap, type, loc); else return Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, unwrap, type, loc); } } } public class LiftedUnaryOperator : Unary, IMemoryLocation { Unwrap unwrap; Expression user_operator; public LiftedUnaryOperator (Unary.Operator op, Expression expr, Location loc) : base (op, expr, loc) { } public void AddressOf (EmitContext ec, AddressOp mode) { unwrap.AddressOf (ec, mode); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (EmitContext ec) { if (user_operator != null) return user_operator.CreateExpressionTree (ec); if (Oper == Operator.UnaryPlus) return Expr.CreateExpressionTree (ec); return base.CreateExpressionTree (ec); } public override Expression DoResolve (EmitContext ec) { if (eclass != ExprClass.Invalid) return this; unwrap = Unwrap.Create (Expr, ec); if (unwrap == null) return null; Expression res = base.ResolveOperator (ec, unwrap); if (res != this) { if (user_operator == null) return res; } else { res = Expr = LiftExpression (ec, Expr); } if (res == null) return null; eclass = ExprClass.Value; type = res.Type; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { ILGenerator ig = ec.ig; Label is_null_label = ig.DefineLabel (); Label end_label = ig.DefineLabel (); unwrap.EmitCheck (ec); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Brfalse, is_null_label); NullableInfo ni = new NullableInfo (type); if (user_operator != null) { user_operator.Emit (ec); } else { EmitOperator (ec, ni.UnderlyingType); } ig.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, ni.Constructor); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Br_S, end_label); ig.MarkLabel (is_null_label); LiftedNull.Create (type, loc).Emit (ec); ig.MarkLabel (end_label); } Expression LiftExpression (EmitContext ec, Expression expr) { TypeExpr lifted_type = new NullableType (expr.Type, expr.Location); lifted_type = lifted_type.ResolveAsTypeTerminal (ec, false); if (lifted_type == null) return null; expr.Type = lifted_type.Type; return expr; } protected override Expression ResolveEnumOperator (EmitContext ec, Expression expr) { expr = base.ResolveEnumOperator (ec, expr); if (expr == null) return null; Expr = LiftExpression (ec, Expr); return LiftExpression (ec, expr); } protected override Expression ResolveUserOperator (EmitContext ec, Expression expr) { expr = base.ResolveUserOperator (ec, expr); if (expr == null) return null; // // When a user operator is of non-nullable type // if (Expr is Unwrap) { user_operator = LiftExpression (ec, expr); return user_operator; } return expr; } } public class LiftedBinaryOperator : Binary { Unwrap left_unwrap, right_unwrap; bool left_null_lifted, right_null_lifted; Expression left_orig, right_orig; Expression user_operator; ConstructorInfo wrap_ctor; public LiftedBinaryOperator (Binary.Operator op, Expression left, Expression right, Location loc) : base (op, left, right) { this.loc = loc; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (EmitContext ec) { if (user_operator != null) return user_operator.CreateExpressionTree (ec); return base.CreateExpressionTree (ec); } // // CSC 2 has this behavior, it allows structs to be compared // with the null literal *outside* of a generics context and // inlines that as true or false. // Expression CreateNullConstant (Expression expr) { // FIXME: Handle side effect constants Constant c = new BoolConstant (Oper == Operator.Inequality, loc); if ((Oper & Operator.EqualityMask) != 0) { Report.Warning (472, 2, loc, "The result of comparing `{0}' against null is always `{1}'. " + "This operation is undocumented and it is temporary supported for compatibility reasons only", expr.GetSignatureForError (), c.AsString ()); } else { Report.Warning (464, 2, loc, "The result of comparing type `{0}' against null is always `{1}'", expr.GetSignatureForError (), c.AsString ()); } return ReducedExpression.Create (c, this); } public override Expression DoResolve (EmitContext ec) { if (eclass != ExprClass.Invalid) return this; if ((Oper & Operator.LogicalMask) != 0) { Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (left, right); return null; } left_orig = left; if (TypeManager.IsNullableType (left.Type)) { left = left_unwrap = Unwrap.Create (left, ec); if (left == null) return null; } right_orig = right; if (TypeManager.IsNullableType (right.Type)) { right = right_unwrap = Unwrap.Create (right, ec); if (right == null) return null; } // // Some details are in 6.4.2, 7.2.7 // Arguments can be lifted for equal operators when the return type is bool and both // arguments are of same type // if (left is NullLiteral) { left = right; left_null_lifted = true; type = TypeManager.bool_type; } if (right is NullLiteral) { right = left; right_null_lifted = true; type = TypeManager.bool_type; } eclass = ExprClass.Value; return DoResolveCore (ec, left_orig, right_orig); } void EmitBitwiseBoolean (EmitContext ec) { ILGenerator ig = ec.ig; Label load_left = ig.DefineLabel (); Label load_right = ig.DefineLabel (); Label end_label = ig.DefineLabel (); left_unwrap.EmitGetValueOrDefault (ec); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Brtrue_S, load_right); right_unwrap.EmitGetValueOrDefault (ec); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Brtrue_S, load_left); left_unwrap.EmitCheck (ec); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Brfalse_S, load_right); // load left ig.MarkLabel (load_left); if (Oper == Operator.BitwiseAnd) { left_unwrap.Load (ec); } else { right_unwrap.Load (ec); right_unwrap = left_unwrap; } ig.Emit (OpCodes.Br_S, end_label); // load right ig.MarkLabel (load_right); right_unwrap.Load (ec); ig.MarkLabel (end_label); } // // Emits optimized equality or inequality operator when possible // bool EmitEquality (EmitContext ec) { ILGenerator ig = ec.ig; // // Either left or right is null // if (left_unwrap != null && (right_null_lifted || right.IsNull)) { left_unwrap.EmitCheck (ec); if (Oper == Binary.Operator.Equality) { ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ceq); } return true; } if (right_unwrap != null && (left_null_lifted || left.IsNull)) { right_unwrap.EmitCheck (ec); if (Oper == Binary.Operator.Equality) { ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ceq); } return true; } if (user_operator != null) return false; Label dissimilar_label = ig.DefineLabel (); Label end_label = ig.DefineLabel (); if (left_unwrap != null) left_unwrap.EmitGetValueOrDefault (ec); else left.Emit (ec); if (right_unwrap != null) right_unwrap.EmitGetValueOrDefault (ec); else right.Emit (ec); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Bne_Un_S, dissimilar_label); if (left_unwrap != null) left_unwrap.EmitCheck (ec); if (right_unwrap != null) right_unwrap.EmitCheck (ec); if (left_unwrap != null && right_unwrap != null) { if (Oper == Operator.Inequality) ig.Emit (OpCodes.Xor); else ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ceq); } else { if (Oper == Operator.Inequality) { ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ceq); } } ig.Emit (OpCodes.Br_S, end_label); ig.MarkLabel (dissimilar_label); if (Oper == Operator.Inequality) ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1); else ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0); ig.MarkLabel (end_label); return true; } public override void EmitBranchable (EmitContext ec, Label target, bool onTrue) { Emit (ec); ec.ig.Emit (onTrue ? OpCodes.Brtrue : OpCodes.Brfalse, target); } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { // // Optimize same expression operation // if (right_unwrap != null && right.Equals (left)) right_unwrap = left_unwrap; if (user_operator == null && IsBitwiseBoolean) { EmitBitwiseBoolean (ec); return; } if ((Oper & Operator.EqualityMask) != 0) { if (EmitEquality (ec)) return; } ILGenerator ig = ec.ig; Label is_null_label = ig.DefineLabel (); Label end_label = ig.DefineLabel (); if (left_unwrap != null) { left_unwrap.EmitCheck (ec); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Brfalse, is_null_label); } // // Don't emit HasValue check when left and right expressions are same // if (right_unwrap != null && !left.Equals (right)) { right_unwrap.EmitCheck (ec); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Brfalse, is_null_label); } EmitOperator (ec, left.Type); if (wrap_ctor != null) ig.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, wrap_ctor); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Br_S, end_label); ig.MarkLabel (is_null_label); if ((Oper & Operator.ComparisonMask) != 0) { if (Oper == Operator.Equality) ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1); else ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0); } else { LiftedNull.Create (type, loc).Emit (ec); } ig.MarkLabel (end_label); } protected override void EmitOperator (EmitContext ec, Type l) { if (user_operator != null) { user_operator.Emit (ec); return; } if (TypeManager.IsNullableType (l)) l = TypeManager.GetTypeArguments (l) [0]; base.EmitOperator (ec, l); } bool IsBitwiseBoolean { get { return (Oper & Operator.BitwiseMask) != 0 && left_unwrap != null && right_unwrap != null && left_unwrap.Type == TypeManager.bool_type && right_unwrap.Type == TypeManager.bool_type; } } Expression LiftResult (EmitContext ec, Expression res_expr) { TypeExpr lifted_type; // // Avoid double conversion // if (left_unwrap == null || left_null_lifted || !TypeManager.IsEqual (left_unwrap.Type, left.Type) || (left_unwrap != null && right_null_lifted)) { lifted_type = new NullableType (left.Type, loc); lifted_type = lifted_type.ResolveAsTypeTerminal (ec, false); if (lifted_type == null) return null; if (left is UserCast || left is TypeCast) left.Type = lifted_type.Type; else left = EmptyCast.Create (left, lifted_type.Type); } if (right_unwrap == null || right_null_lifted || !TypeManager.IsEqual (right_unwrap.Type, right.Type) || (right_unwrap != null && left_null_lifted)) { lifted_type = new NullableType (right.Type, loc); lifted_type = lifted_type.ResolveAsTypeTerminal (ec, false); if (lifted_type == null) return null; if (right is UserCast || right is TypeCast) right.Type = lifted_type.Type; else right = EmptyCast.Create (right, lifted_type.Type); } if ((Oper & Operator.ComparisonMask) == 0) { lifted_type = new NullableType (res_expr.Type, loc); lifted_type = lifted_type.ResolveAsTypeTerminal (ec, false); if (lifted_type == null) return null; wrap_ctor = new NullableInfo (lifted_type.Type).Constructor; type = res_expr.Type = lifted_type.Type; } if (left_null_lifted) { left = LiftedNull.Create (right.Type, left.Location); if ((Oper & (Operator.ArithmeticMask | Operator.ShiftMask)) != 0) return LiftedNull.CreateFromExpression (res_expr); // // Value types and null comparison // if (right_unwrap == null || (Oper & Operator.RelationalMask) != 0) return CreateNullConstant (right_orig).Resolve (ec); } if (right_null_lifted) { right = LiftedNull.Create (left.Type, right.Location); if ((Oper & (Operator.ArithmeticMask | Operator.ShiftMask)) != 0) return LiftedNull.CreateFromExpression (res_expr); // // Value types and null comparison // if (left_unwrap == null || (Oper & Operator.RelationalMask) != 0) return CreateNullConstant (left_orig).Resolve (ec); } return res_expr; } protected override Expression ResolveOperatorPredefined (EmitContext ec, Binary.PredefinedOperator [] operators, bool primitives_only, Type enum_type) { Expression e = base.ResolveOperatorPredefined (ec, operators, primitives_only, enum_type); if (e == this || enum_type != null) return LiftResult (ec, e); // // 7.9.9 Equality operators and null // // The == and != operators permit one operand to be a value of a nullable type and // the other to be the null literal, even if no predefined or user-defined operator // (in unlifted or lifted form) exists for the operation. // if (e == null && (Oper & Operator.EqualityMask) != 0) { if ((left_null_lifted && right_unwrap != null) || (right_null_lifted && left_unwrap != null)) return LiftResult (ec, this); } return e; } protected override Expression ResolveUserOperator (EmitContext ec, Type l, Type r) { Expression expr = base.ResolveUserOperator (ec, l, r); if (expr == null) return null; expr = LiftResult (ec, expr); if (expr is Constant) return expr; type = expr.Type; user_operator = expr; return this; } } public class NullCoalescingOperator : Expression { Expression left, right; Unwrap unwrap; public NullCoalescingOperator (Expression left, Expression right, Location loc) { this.left = left; this.right = right; this.loc = loc; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (EmitContext ec) { if (left is NullLiteral) Report.Error (845, loc, "An expression tree cannot contain a coalescing operator with null left side"); UserCast uc = left as UserCast; Expression conversion = null; if (uc != null) { left = uc.Source; ArrayList c_args = new ArrayList (2); c_args.Add (new Argument (uc.CreateExpressionTree (ec))); c_args.Add (new Argument (left.CreateExpressionTree (ec))); conversion = CreateExpressionFactoryCall ("Lambda", c_args); } ArrayList args = new ArrayList (3); args.Add (new Argument (left.CreateExpressionTree (ec))); args.Add (new Argument (right.CreateExpressionTree (ec))); if (conversion != null) args.Add (new Argument (conversion)); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall ("Coalesce", args); } public override Expression DoResolve (EmitContext ec) { if (type != null) return this; left = left.Resolve (ec); right = right.Resolve (ec); if (left == null || right == null) return null; eclass = ExprClass.Value; Type ltype = left.Type, rtype = right.Type; // // If left is a nullable type and an implicit conversion exists from right to underlying type of left, // the result is underlying type of left // if (TypeManager.IsNullableType (ltype) && left.eclass != ExprClass.MethodGroup) { unwrap = Unwrap.Create (left, ec); if (unwrap == null) return null; if (Convert.ImplicitConversionExists (ec, right, unwrap.Type)) { left = unwrap; type = left.Type; right = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, right, type, loc); return this; } } else if (TypeManager.IsReferenceType (ltype) && right.eclass != ExprClass.MethodGroup) { if (Convert.ImplicitConversionExists (ec, right, ltype)) { // // Reduce (constant ?? expr) to constant // Constant lc = left as Constant; if (lc != null && !lc.IsDefaultValue) return new SideEffectConstant (lc, right, loc).Resolve (ec); // // Reduce (left ?? null) to left OR (null-constant ?? right) to right // if (right.IsNull || lc != null) return ReducedExpression.Create (lc != null ? right : left, this).Resolve (ec); right = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, right, ltype, loc); type = left.Type; return this; } } else { Binary.Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (left, right, "??", loc); return null; } if (!Convert.ImplicitConversionExists (ec, unwrap != null ? unwrap : left, rtype)) { Binary.Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (left, right, "??", loc); return null; } // // Reduce (null ?? right) to right // if (left.IsNull) return ReducedExpression.Create (right, this).Resolve (ec); left = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, unwrap != null ? unwrap : left, rtype, loc); type = rtype; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { ILGenerator ig = ec.ig; Label end_label = ig.DefineLabel (); if (unwrap != null) { Label is_null_label = ig.DefineLabel (); unwrap.EmitCheck (ec); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Brfalse, is_null_label); left.Emit (ec); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Br, end_label); ig.MarkLabel (is_null_label); right.Emit (ec); ig.MarkLabel (end_label); return; } left.Emit (ec); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Dup); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Brtrue, end_label); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Pop); right.Emit (ec); ig.MarkLabel (end_label); } public override void MutateHoistedGenericType (AnonymousMethodStorey storey) { left.MutateHoistedGenericType (storey); right.MutateHoistedGenericType (storey); type = storey.MutateType (type); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { NullCoalescingOperator target = (NullCoalescingOperator) t; target.left = left.Clone (clonectx); target.right = right.Clone (clonectx); } } public class LiftedUnaryMutator : ExpressionStatement { public readonly UnaryMutator.Mode Mode; Expression expr; UnaryMutator underlying; Unwrap unwrap; public LiftedUnaryMutator (UnaryMutator.Mode mode, Expression expr, Location loc) { this.expr = expr; this.Mode = mode; this.loc = loc; eclass = ExprClass.Value; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (EmitContext ec) { return new SimpleAssign (this, this).CreateExpressionTree (ec); } public override Expression DoResolve (EmitContext ec) { expr = expr.Resolve (ec); if (expr == null) return null; unwrap = Unwrap.Create (expr, ec); if (unwrap == null) return null; underlying = (UnaryMutator) new UnaryMutator (Mode, unwrap, loc).Resolve (ec); if (underlying == null) return null; type = expr.Type; return this; } void DoEmit (EmitContext ec, bool is_expr) { ILGenerator ig = ec.ig; Label is_null_label = ig.DefineLabel (); Label end_label = ig.DefineLabel (); unwrap.EmitCheck (ec); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Brfalse, is_null_label); if (is_expr) { underlying.Emit (ec); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Br_S, end_label); } else { underlying.EmitStatement (ec); } ig.MarkLabel (is_null_label); if (is_expr) LiftedNull.Create (type, loc).Emit (ec); ig.MarkLabel (end_label); } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { DoEmit (ec, true); } public override void EmitStatement (EmitContext ec) { DoEmit (ec, false); } } }