// // namespace.cs: Tracks namespaces // // Author: // Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com) // Marek Safar (marek.safar@seznam.cz) // // Copyright 2001 Ximian, Inc. // Copyright 2003-2008 Novell, Inc. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Reflection; namespace Mono.CSharp { public class RootNamespace : Namespace { // // Points to Mono's GetNamespaces method, an // optimization when running on Mono to fetch all the // namespaces in an assembly // static MethodInfo get_namespaces_method; protected readonly string alias_name; protected Assembly [] referenced_assemblies; Hashtable all_namespaces; static RootNamespace () { get_namespaces_method = typeof (Assembly).GetMethod ("GetNamespaces", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); } public RootNamespace (string alias_name) : base (null, String.Empty) { this.alias_name = alias_name; referenced_assemblies = new Assembly [0]; all_namespaces = new Hashtable (); all_namespaces.Add ("", this); } public void AddAssemblyReference (Assembly a) { foreach (Assembly assembly in referenced_assemblies) { if (a == assembly) return; } int top = referenced_assemblies.Length; Assembly [] n = new Assembly [top + 1]; referenced_assemblies.CopyTo (n, 0); n [top] = a; referenced_assemblies = n; } public void ComputeNamespace (CompilerContext ctx, Type extensionType) { foreach (Assembly a in referenced_assemblies) { try { ComputeNamespaces (a, extensionType); } catch (TypeLoadException e) { ctx.Report.Error (11, Location.Null, e.Message); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) { ctx.Report.Error (12, Location.Null, "An assembly `{0}' is used without being referenced", a.FullName); } } } public virtual Type LookupTypeReflection (CompilerContext ctx, string name, Location loc, bool must_be_unique) { // FIXME: Breaks dynamic Assembly invocation_assembly = CodeGen.Assembly.Builder; Type found_type = null; foreach (Assembly a in referenced_assemblies) { Type t = GetTypeInAssembly (invocation_assembly, a, name); if (t == null) continue; if (!must_be_unique) return t; if (found_type == null) { found_type = t; continue; } // When type is forwarded if (t.Assembly == found_type.Assembly) continue; ctx.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (found_type); ctx.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (t); if (loc.IsNull) { Error_AmbiguousPredefinedType (ctx, loc, name, found_type); } else { ctx.Report.Error (433, loc, "The imported type `{0}' is defined multiple times", name); } return found_type; } return found_type; } // // Returns the types starting with the given prefix // public ICollection CompletionGetTypesStartingWith (string prefix) { Hashtable result = null; foreach (Assembly a in referenced_assemblies){ Type [] mtypes = a.GetTypes (); foreach (Type t in mtypes){ string f = t.FullName; if (f.StartsWith (prefix) && (result == null || !result.Contains (f))){ if (result == null) result = new Hashtable (); result [f] = f; } } } return result == null ? result : result.Keys; } protected static void Error_AmbiguousPredefinedType (CompilerContext ctx, Location loc, string name, Type type) { ctx.Report.Warning (1685, 1, loc, "The predefined type `{0}' is ambiguous. Using definition from `{1}'", name, type.Assembly.FullName); } public void RegisterNamespace (Namespace child) { if (child != this) all_namespaces.Add (child.Name, child); } public bool IsNamespace (string name) { return all_namespaces.Contains (name); } protected void RegisterNamespace (string dotted_name) { if (dotted_name != null && dotted_name.Length != 0 && ! IsNamespace (dotted_name)) GetNamespace (dotted_name, true); } void RegisterExtensionMethodClass (Type t) { string n = t.Namespace; Namespace ns = n == null ? GlobalRootNamespace.Instance : (Namespace) all_namespaces[n]; if (ns == null) ns = GetNamespace (n, true); ns.RegisterExternalExtensionMethodClass (t); } void ComputeNamespaces (Assembly assembly, Type extensionType) { bool contains_extension_methods = extensionType != null && assembly.IsDefined (extensionType, false); if (get_namespaces_method != null) { string [] namespaces = (string []) get_namespaces_method.Invoke (assembly, null); foreach (string ns in namespaces) RegisterNamespace (ns); if (!contains_extension_methods) return; } foreach (Type t in assembly.GetTypes ()) { if ((t.Attributes & Class.StaticClassAttribute) == Class.StaticClassAttribute && contains_extension_methods && t.IsDefined (extensionType, false)) RegisterExtensionMethodClass (t); if (get_namespaces_method == null) RegisterNamespace (t.Namespace); } } protected static Type GetTypeInAssembly (Assembly invocation, Assembly assembly, string name) { if (assembly == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("assembly"); if (name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("name"); Type t = assembly.GetType (name); if (t == null) return null; if (t.IsPointer) throw new InternalErrorException ("Use GetPointerType() to get a pointer"); TypeAttributes ta = t.Attributes & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask; if (ta == TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate) return null; if ((ta == TypeAttributes.NotPublic || ta == TypeAttributes.NestedAssembly || ta == TypeAttributes.NestedFamANDAssem) && !TypeManager.IsThisOrFriendAssembly (invocation, t.Assembly)) return null; return t; } public override string ToString () { return String.Format ("RootNamespace ({0}::)", alias_name); } public override string GetSignatureForError () { return alias_name + "::"; } } public class GlobalRootNamespace : RootNamespace { Module [] modules; ListDictionary root_namespaces; public static GlobalRootNamespace Instance = new GlobalRootNamespace (); GlobalRootNamespace () : base ("global") { root_namespaces = new ListDictionary (); root_namespaces.Add (alias_name, this); } public static void Reset () { Instance = new GlobalRootNamespace (); } public Assembly [] Assemblies { get { return referenced_assemblies; } } public Module [] Modules { get { return modules; } } public void AddModuleReference (Module m) { int top = modules != null ? modules.Length : 0; Module [] n = new Module [top + 1]; if (modules != null) modules.CopyTo (n, 0); n [top] = m; modules = n; if (m == RootContext.ToplevelTypes.Builder) return; foreach (Type t in m.GetTypes ()) RegisterNamespace (t.Namespace); } public void ComputeNamespaces (CompilerContext ctx) { // // Do very early lookup because type is required when we cache // imported extension types in ComputeNamespaces // Type extension_attribute_type = TypeManager.CoreLookupType (ctx, "System.Runtime.CompilerServices", "ExtensionAttribute", Kind.Class, false); foreach (RootNamespace rn in root_namespaces.Values) { rn.ComputeNamespace (ctx, extension_attribute_type); } } public void DefineRootNamespace (string alias, Assembly assembly, CompilerContext ctx) { if (alias == alias_name) { NamespaceEntry.Error_GlobalNamespaceRedefined (Location.Null, ctx.Report); return; } RootNamespace retval = GetRootNamespace (alias); if (retval == null) { retval = new RootNamespace (alias); root_namespaces.Add (alias, retval); } retval.AddAssemblyReference (assembly); } public override void Error_NamespaceDoesNotExist (Location loc, string name, Report Report) { Report.Error (400, loc, "The type or namespace name `{0}' could not be found in the global namespace (are you missing an assembly reference?)", name); } public RootNamespace GetRootNamespace (string name) { return (RootNamespace) root_namespaces[name]; } public override Type LookupTypeReflection (CompilerContext ctx, string name, Location loc, bool must_be_unique) { Type found_type = base.LookupTypeReflection (ctx, name, loc, must_be_unique); if (modules != null) { foreach (Module module in modules) { Type t = module.GetType (name); if (t == null) continue; if (found_type == null) { found_type = t; continue; } ctx.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (found_type); if (loc.IsNull) { DeclSpace ds = TypeManager.LookupDeclSpace (t); Error_AmbiguousPredefinedType (ctx, ds.Location, name, found_type); return found_type; } ctx.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (t); ctx.Report.Warning (436, 2, loc, "The type `{0}' conflicts with the imported type `{1}'. Ignoring the imported type definition", TypeManager.CSharpName (t), TypeManager.CSharpName (found_type)); return t; } } return found_type; } } /// /// Keeps track of the namespaces defined in the C# code. /// /// This is an Expression to allow it to be referenced in the /// compiler parse/intermediate tree during name resolution. /// public class Namespace : FullNamedExpression { Namespace parent; string fullname; IDictionary namespaces; IDictionary declspaces; Hashtable cached_types; RootNamespace root; ArrayList external_exmethod_classes; public readonly MemberName MemberName; /// /// Constructor Takes the current namespace and the /// name. This is bootstrapped with parent == null /// and name = "" /// public Namespace (Namespace parent, string name) { // Expression members. this.eclass = ExprClass.Namespace; this.Type = typeof (Namespace); this.loc = Location.Null; this.parent = parent; if (parent != null) this.root = parent.root; else this.root = this as RootNamespace; if (this.root == null) throw new InternalErrorException ("Root namespaces must be created using RootNamespace"); string pname = parent != null ? parent.fullname : ""; if (pname == "") fullname = name; else fullname = parent.fullname + "." + name; if (fullname == null) throw new InternalErrorException ("Namespace has a null fullname"); if (parent != null && parent.MemberName != MemberName.Null) MemberName = new MemberName (parent.MemberName, name); else if (name.Length == 0) MemberName = MemberName.Null; else MemberName = new MemberName (name); namespaces = new HybridDictionary (); cached_types = new Hashtable (); root.RegisterNamespace (this); } public override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { return this; } public virtual void Error_NamespaceDoesNotExist (Location loc, string name, Report Report) { if (name.IndexOf ('`') > 0) { FullNamedExpression retval = Lookup (RootContext.ToplevelTypes.Compiler, SimpleName.RemoveGenericArity (name), loc); if (retval != null) { retval.Error_TypeArgumentsCannotBeUsed (Report, loc); return; } } else { Type t = LookForAnyGenericType (name); if (t != null) { Error_InvalidNumberOfTypeArguments (t, loc); return; } } Report.Error (234, loc, "The type or namespace name `{0}' does not exist in the namespace `{1}'. Are you missing an assembly reference?", name, GetSignatureForError ()); } public static void Error_InvalidNumberOfTypeArguments (Type t, Location loc) { RootContext.ToplevelTypes.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (t); RootContext.ToplevelTypes.Compiler.Report.Error (305, loc, "Using the generic type `{0}' requires `{1}' type argument(s)", TypeManager.CSharpName(t), TypeManager.GetNumberOfTypeArguments(t).ToString()); } public override string GetSignatureForError () { return fullname; } public Namespace GetNamespace (string name, bool create) { int pos = name.IndexOf ('.'); Namespace ns; string first; if (pos >= 0) first = name.Substring (0, pos); else first = name; ns = (Namespace) namespaces [first]; if (ns == null) { if (!create) return null; ns = new Namespace (this, first); namespaces.Add (first, ns); } if (pos >= 0) ns = ns.GetNamespace (name.Substring (pos + 1), create); return ns; } public bool HasDefinition (string name) { return declspaces != null && declspaces [name] != null; } TypeExpr LookupType (CompilerContext ctx, string name, Location loc) { if (cached_types.Contains (name)) return cached_types [name] as TypeExpr; Type t = null; if (declspaces != null) { DeclSpace tdecl = declspaces [name] as DeclSpace; if (tdecl != null) { // // Note that this is not: // // t = tdecl.DefineType () // // This is to make it somewhat more useful when a DefineType // fails due to problems in nested types (more useful in the sense // of fewer misleading error messages) // tdecl.DefineType (); t = tdecl.TypeBuilder; if (RootContext.EvalMode){ // Replace the TypeBuilder with a System.Type, as // Reflection.Emit fails otherwise (we end up pretty // much with Random type definitions later on). Type tt = t.Assembly.GetType (t.Name); if (tt != null) t = tt; } } } string lookup = t != null ? t.FullName : (fullname.Length == 0 ? name : fullname + "." + name); Type rt = root.LookupTypeReflection (ctx, lookup, loc, t == null); // HACK: loc.IsNull when the type is core type if (t == null || (rt != null && loc.IsNull)) t = rt; TypeExpr te = t == null ? null : new TypeExpression (t, Location.Null); cached_types [name] = te; return te; } /// /// Used for better error reporting only /// public Type LookForAnyGenericType (string typeName) { if (declspaces == null) return null; typeName = SimpleName.RemoveGenericArity (typeName); foreach (DictionaryEntry de in declspaces) { string type_item = (string) de.Key; int pos = type_item.LastIndexOf ('`'); if (pos == typeName.Length && String.Compare (typeName, 0, type_item, 0, pos) == 0) return ((DeclSpace) de.Value).TypeBuilder; } return null; } public FullNamedExpression Lookup (CompilerContext ctx, string name, Location loc) { if (namespaces.Contains (name)) return (Namespace) namespaces [name]; return LookupType (ctx, name, loc); } // // Completes types with the given `prefix' and stores the results in `result' // public void CompletionGetTypesStartingWith (string prefix, Hashtable result) { int l = fullname.Length + 1; ICollection res = root.CompletionGetTypesStartingWith (fullname + "." + prefix); if (res == null) return; foreach (string match in res){ string x = match.Substring (l); // Turn reflection nested classes foo+bar into foo.bar x = x.Replace ('+', '.'); // Only get the first name element, no point in adding anything beyond the first dot. int p = x.IndexOf ('.'); if (p != -1) x = x.Substring (0, p); // Turn Foo`N into Foo< p = x.IndexOf ('`'); if (p != -1) x = x.Substring (0, p) + "<"; if (!result.Contains (x)) result [x] = x; } } public void RegisterExternalExtensionMethodClass (Type type) { // Ignore, extension methods cannot be nested if (type.DeclaringType != null) return; // TODO: CodeGen.Assembly.Builder is global if (type.IsNotPublic && !TypeManager.IsThisOrFriendAssembly (CodeGen.Assembly.Builder, type.Assembly)) return; if (external_exmethod_classes == null) external_exmethod_classes = new ArrayList (); external_exmethod_classes.Add (type); } /// /// Looks for extension method in this namespace /// public ArrayList LookupExtensionMethod (Type extensionType, ClassOrStruct currentClass, string name) { ArrayList found = null; // TODO: problematic var invocation_assembly = CodeGen.Assembly.Builder; if (declspaces != null) { IEnumerator e = declspaces.Values.GetEnumerator (); e.Reset (); while (e.MoveNext ()) { Class c = e.Current as Class; if (c == null) continue; if ((c.ModFlags & Modifiers.METHOD_EXTENSION) == 0) continue; ArrayList res = c.MemberCache.FindExtensionMethods (invocation_assembly, extensionType, name, c != currentClass); if (res == null) continue; if (found == null) found = res; else found.AddRange (res); } } if (external_exmethod_classes == null) return found; foreach (Type t in external_exmethod_classes) { MemberCache m = TypeHandle.GetMemberCache (t); ArrayList res = m.FindExtensionMethods (invocation_assembly, extensionType, name, true); if (res == null) continue; if (found == null) found = res; else found.AddRange (res); } return found; } public void AddDeclSpace (string name, DeclSpace ds) { if (declspaces == null) declspaces = new HybridDictionary (); declspaces.Add (name, ds); } public void RemoveDeclSpace (string name) { declspaces.Remove (name); } /// /// The qualified name of the current namespace /// public string Name { get { return fullname; } } /// /// The parent of this namespace, used by the parser to "Pop" /// the current namespace declaration /// public Namespace Parent { get { return parent; } } } // // Namespace container as created by the parser // public class NamespaceEntry : IMemberContext { class UsingEntry { readonly MemberName name; Namespace resolved; public UsingEntry (MemberName name) { this.name = name; } public string GetSignatureForError () { return name.GetSignatureForError (); } public Location Location { get { return name.Location; } } public MemberName MemberName { get { return name; } } public string Name { get { return GetSignatureForError (); } } public Namespace Resolve (IMemberContext rc) { if (resolved != null) return resolved; FullNamedExpression fne = name.GetTypeExpression ().ResolveAsTypeStep (rc, false); if (fne == null) return null; resolved = fne as Namespace; if (resolved == null) { rc.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (fne.Type); rc.Compiler.Report.Error (138, Location, "`{0}' is a type not a namespace. A using namespace directive can only be applied to namespaces", GetSignatureForError ()); } return resolved; } public override string ToString () { return Name; } } class UsingAliasEntry { public readonly string Alias; public Location Location; public UsingAliasEntry (string alias, Location loc) { this.Alias = alias; this.Location = loc; } public virtual FullNamedExpression Resolve (IMemberContext rc) { FullNamedExpression fne = GlobalRootNamespace.Instance.GetRootNamespace (Alias); if (fne == null) { rc.Compiler.Report.Error (430, Location, "The extern alias `{0}' was not specified in -reference option", Alias); } return fne; } public override string ToString () { return Alias; } } class LocalUsingAliasEntry : UsingAliasEntry { FullNamedExpression resolved; MemberName value; public LocalUsingAliasEntry (string alias, MemberName name, Location loc) : base (alias, loc) { this.value = name; } public override FullNamedExpression Resolve (IMemberContext rc) { if (resolved != null || value == null) return resolved; if (rc == null) return null; resolved = value.GetTypeExpression ().ResolveAsTypeStep (rc, false); if (resolved == null) { value = null; return null; } if (resolved is TypeExpr) resolved = resolved.ResolveAsBaseTerminal (rc, false); return resolved; } public override string ToString () { return String.Format ("{0} = {1}", Alias, value.GetSignatureForError ()); } } Namespace ns; NamespaceEntry parent, implicit_parent; CompilationUnit file; int symfile_id; // Namespace using import block ArrayList using_aliases; ArrayList using_clauses; public bool DeclarationFound = false; // End public readonly bool IsImplicit; public readonly DeclSpace SlaveDeclSpace; static readonly Namespace [] empty_namespaces = new Namespace [0]; Namespace [] namespace_using_table; static ArrayList entries = new ArrayList (); public static void Reset () { entries = new ArrayList (); } public NamespaceEntry (NamespaceEntry parent, CompilationUnit file, string name) { this.parent = parent; this.file = file; entries.Add (this); if (parent != null) ns = parent.NS.GetNamespace (name, true); else if (name != null) ns = GlobalRootNamespace.Instance.GetNamespace (name, true); else ns = GlobalRootNamespace.Instance; SlaveDeclSpace = new RootDeclSpace (this); } private NamespaceEntry (NamespaceEntry parent, CompilationUnit file, Namespace ns, bool slave) { this.parent = parent; this.file = file; this.IsImplicit = true; this.ns = ns; this.SlaveDeclSpace = slave ? new RootDeclSpace (this) : null; } // // Populates the Namespace with some using declarations, used by the // eval mode. // public void Populate (ArrayList source_using_aliases, ArrayList source_using_clauses) { foreach (UsingAliasEntry uae in source_using_aliases){ if (using_aliases == null) using_aliases = new ArrayList (); using_aliases.Add (uae); } foreach (UsingEntry ue in source_using_clauses){ if (using_clauses == null) using_clauses = new ArrayList (); using_clauses.Add (ue); } } // // Extracts the using alises and using clauses into a couple of // arrays that might already have the same information; Used by the // C# Eval mode. // public void Extract (ArrayList out_using_aliases, ArrayList out_using_clauses) { if (using_aliases != null){ foreach (UsingAliasEntry uae in using_aliases){ bool replaced = false; for (int i = 0; i < out_using_aliases.Count; i++){ UsingAliasEntry out_uea = (UsingAliasEntry) out_using_aliases [i]; if (out_uea.Alias == uae.Alias){ out_using_aliases [i] = uae; replaced = true; break; } } if (!replaced) out_using_aliases.Add (uae); } } if (using_clauses != null){ foreach (UsingEntry ue in using_clauses){ bool found = false; foreach (UsingEntry out_ue in out_using_clauses) if (out_ue.Name == ue.Name){ found = true; break; } if (!found) out_using_clauses.Add (ue); } } } // // According to section 16.3.1 (using-alias-directive), the namespace-or-type-name is // resolved as if the immediately containing namespace body has no using-directives. // // Section 16.3.2 says that the same rule is applied when resolving the namespace-name // in the using-namespace-directive. // // To implement these rules, the expressions in the using directives are resolved using // the "doppelganger" (ghostly bodiless duplicate). // NamespaceEntry doppelganger; NamespaceEntry Doppelganger { get { if (!IsImplicit && doppelganger == null) { doppelganger = new NamespaceEntry (ImplicitParent, file, ns, true); doppelganger.using_aliases = using_aliases; } return doppelganger; } } public Namespace NS { get { return ns; } } public NamespaceEntry Parent { get { return parent; } } public NamespaceEntry ImplicitParent { get { if (parent == null) return null; if (implicit_parent == null) { implicit_parent = (parent.NS == ns.Parent) ? parent : new NamespaceEntry (parent, file, ns.Parent, false); } return implicit_parent; } } /// /// Records a new namespace for resolving name references /// public void AddUsing (MemberName name, Location loc) { if (DeclarationFound){ Compiler.Report.Error (1529, loc, "A using clause must precede all other namespace elements except extern alias declarations"); } if (using_clauses == null) { using_clauses = new ArrayList (); } else { foreach (UsingEntry old_entry in using_clauses) { if (name.Equals (old_entry.MemberName)) { Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (old_entry.Location, old_entry.GetSignatureForError ()); Compiler.Report.Warning (105, 3, loc, "The using directive for `{0}' appeared previously in this namespace", name.GetSignatureForError ()); return; } } } using_clauses.Add (new UsingEntry (name)); } public void AddUsingAlias (string alias, MemberName name, Location loc) { // TODO: This is parser bussines if (DeclarationFound){ Compiler.Report.Error (1529, loc, "A using clause must precede all other namespace elements except extern alias declarations"); } if (RootContext.Version != LanguageVersion.ISO_1 && alias == "global") Compiler.Report.Warning (440, 2, loc, "An alias named `global' will not be used when resolving 'global::';" + " the global namespace will be used instead"); AddUsingAlias (new LocalUsingAliasEntry (alias, name, loc)); } public void AddUsingExternalAlias (string alias, Location loc, Report Report) { // TODO: Do this in parser bool not_first = using_clauses != null || DeclarationFound; if (using_aliases != null && !not_first) { foreach (UsingAliasEntry uae in using_aliases) { if (uae is LocalUsingAliasEntry) { not_first = true; break; } } } if (not_first) Report.Error (439, loc, "An extern alias declaration must precede all other elements"); if (alias == "global") { Error_GlobalNamespaceRedefined (loc, Report); return; } AddUsingAlias (new UsingAliasEntry (alias, loc)); } void AddUsingAlias (UsingAliasEntry uae) { if (using_aliases == null) { using_aliases = new ArrayList (); } else { foreach (UsingAliasEntry entry in using_aliases) { if (uae.Alias == entry.Alias) { Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (uae.Location, uae.Alias); Compiler.Report.Error (1537, entry.Location, "The using alias `{0}' appeared previously in this namespace", entry.Alias); return; } } } using_aliases.Add (uae); } /// /// Does extension methods look up to find a method which matches name and extensionType. /// Search starts from this namespace and continues hierarchically up to top level. /// public ExtensionMethodGroupExpr LookupExtensionMethod (Type extensionType, string name, Location loc) { ArrayList candidates = null; foreach (Namespace n in GetUsingTable ()) { ArrayList a = n.LookupExtensionMethod (extensionType, null, name); if (a == null) continue; if (candidates == null) candidates = a; else candidates.AddRange (a); } if (candidates != null) return new ExtensionMethodGroupExpr (candidates, parent, extensionType, loc); if (parent == null) return null; // // Inspect parent namespaces in namespace expression // Namespace parent_ns = ns.Parent; do { candidates = parent_ns.LookupExtensionMethod (extensionType, null, name); if (candidates != null) return new ExtensionMethodGroupExpr (candidates, parent, extensionType, loc); parent_ns = parent_ns.Parent; } while (parent_ns != null); // // Continue in parent scope // return parent.LookupExtensionMethod (extensionType, name, loc); } public FullNamedExpression LookupNamespaceOrType (string name, Location loc, bool ignore_cs0104) { // Precondition: Only simple names (no dots) will be looked up with this function. FullNamedExpression resolved = null; for (NamespaceEntry curr_ns = this; curr_ns != null; curr_ns = curr_ns.ImplicitParent) { if ((resolved = curr_ns.Lookup (name, loc, ignore_cs0104)) != null) break; } return resolved; } public ICollection CompletionGetTypesStartingWith (string prefix) { Hashtable result = new Hashtable (); for (NamespaceEntry curr_ns = this; curr_ns != null; curr_ns = curr_ns.ImplicitParent){ foreach (Namespace using_ns in GetUsingTable ()){ if (prefix.StartsWith (using_ns.Name)){ int ld = prefix.LastIndexOf ('.'); if (ld != -1){ string rest = prefix.Substring (ld+1); using_ns.CompletionGetTypesStartingWith (rest, result); } } using_ns.CompletionGetTypesStartingWith (prefix, result); } } return result.Keys; } void Error_AmbiguousTypeReference (Location loc, string name, FullNamedExpression t1, FullNamedExpression t2) { Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (t1.Type); Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (t2.Type); Compiler.Report.Error (104, loc, "`{0}' is an ambiguous reference between `{1}' and `{2}'", name, t1.GetSignatureForError (), t2.GetSignatureForError ()); } // Looks-up a alias named @name in this and surrounding namespace declarations public FullNamedExpression LookupNamespaceAlias (string name) { for (NamespaceEntry n = this; n != null; n = n.ImplicitParent) { if (n.using_aliases == null) continue; foreach (UsingAliasEntry ue in n.using_aliases) { if (ue.Alias == name) return ue.Resolve (Doppelganger); } } return null; } private FullNamedExpression Lookup (string name, Location loc, bool ignore_cs0104) { // // Check whether it's in the namespace. // FullNamedExpression fne = ns.Lookup (Compiler, name, loc); // // Check aliases. // if (using_aliases != null) { foreach (UsingAliasEntry ue in using_aliases) { if (ue.Alias == name) { if (fne != null) { if (Doppelganger != null) { // TODO: Namespace has broken location //Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (fne.Location, null); Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (ue.Location, null); Compiler.Report.Error (576, loc, "Namespace `{0}' contains a definition with same name as alias `{1}'", GetSignatureForError (), name); } else { return fne; } } return ue.Resolve (Doppelganger); } } } if (fne != null) return fne; if (IsImplicit) return null; // // Check using entries. // FullNamedExpression match = null; foreach (Namespace using_ns in GetUsingTable ()) { match = using_ns.Lookup (Compiler, name, loc); if (match == null || !(match is TypeExpr)) continue; if (fne != null) { if (!ignore_cs0104) Error_AmbiguousTypeReference (loc, name, fne, match); return null; } fne = match; } return fne; } Namespace [] GetUsingTable () { if (namespace_using_table != null) return namespace_using_table; if (using_clauses == null) { namespace_using_table = empty_namespaces; return namespace_using_table; } ArrayList list = new ArrayList (using_clauses.Count); foreach (UsingEntry ue in using_clauses) { Namespace using_ns = ue.Resolve (Doppelganger); if (using_ns == null) continue; list.Add (using_ns); } namespace_using_table = (Namespace[])list.ToArray (typeof (Namespace)); return namespace_using_table; } static readonly string [] empty_using_list = new string [0]; public int SymbolFileID { get { if (symfile_id == 0 && file.SourceFileEntry != null) { int parent_id = parent == null ? 0 : parent.SymbolFileID; string [] using_list = empty_using_list; if (using_clauses != null) { using_list = new string [using_clauses.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < using_clauses.Count; i++) using_list [i] = ((UsingEntry) using_clauses [i]).MemberName.GetName (); } symfile_id = SymbolWriter.DefineNamespace (ns.Name, file.CompileUnitEntry, using_list, parent_id); } return symfile_id; } } static void MsgtryRef (string s) { Console.WriteLine (" Try using -r:" + s); } static void MsgtryPkg (string s) { Console.WriteLine (" Try using -pkg:" + s); } public static void Error_GlobalNamespaceRedefined (Location loc, Report Report) { Report.Error (1681, loc, "You cannot redefine the global extern alias"); } public static void Error_NamespaceNotFound (Location loc, string name, Report Report) { Report.Error (246, loc, "The type or namespace name `{0}' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?", name); switch (name) { case "Gtk": case "GtkSharp": MsgtryPkg ("gtk-sharp"); break; case "Gdk": case "GdkSharp": MsgtryPkg ("gdk-sharp"); break; case "Glade": case "GladeSharp": MsgtryPkg ("glade-sharp"); break; case "System.Drawing": case "System.Web.Services": case "System.Web": case "System.Data": case "System.Windows.Forms": MsgtryRef (name); break; } } /// /// Used to validate that all the using clauses are correct /// after we are finished parsing all the files. /// void VerifyUsing () { if (using_aliases != null) { foreach (UsingAliasEntry ue in using_aliases) ue.Resolve (Doppelganger); } if (using_clauses != null) { foreach (UsingEntry ue in using_clauses) ue.Resolve (Doppelganger); } } /// /// Used to validate that all the using clauses are correct /// after we are finished parsing all the files. /// static public void VerifyAllUsing () { foreach (NamespaceEntry entry in entries) entry.VerifyUsing (); } public string GetSignatureForError () { return ns.GetSignatureForError (); } public override string ToString () { return ns.ToString (); } #region IMemberContext Members public CompilerContext Compiler { get { return RootContext.ToplevelTypes.Compiler; } } public Type CurrentType { get { return SlaveDeclSpace.CurrentType; } } public TypeContainer CurrentTypeDefinition { get { return SlaveDeclSpace.CurrentTypeDefinition; } } public TypeParameter[] CurrentTypeParameters { get { return SlaveDeclSpace.CurrentTypeParameters; } } public bool IsObsolete { get { return SlaveDeclSpace.IsObsolete; } } public bool IsUnsafe { get { return SlaveDeclSpace.IsUnsafe; } } public bool IsStatic { get { return SlaveDeclSpace.IsStatic; } } #endregion } }