// // namespace.cs: Tracks namespaces // // Author: // Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com) // Marek Safar (marek.safar@seznam.cz) // // Copyright 2001 Ximian, Inc. // Copyright 2003-2008 Novell, Inc. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace Mono.CSharp { public class RootNamespace : Namespace { readonly string alias_name; readonly Dictionary all_namespaces; public RootNamespace (string alias_name) : base (null, String.Empty) { this.alias_name = alias_name; all_namespaces = new Dictionary (); all_namespaces.Add ("", this); } public string Alias { get { return alias_name; } } public void RegisterNamespace (Namespace child) { if (child != this) all_namespaces.Add (child.Name, child); } public bool IsNamespace (string name) { return all_namespaces.ContainsKey (name); } protected void RegisterNamespace (string dotted_name) { if (dotted_name != null && dotted_name.Length != 0 && ! IsNamespace (dotted_name)) GetNamespace (dotted_name, true); } public override string GetSignatureForError () { return alias_name + "::"; } } public class GlobalRootNamespace : RootNamespace { public GlobalRootNamespace () : base ("global") { } } // // Namespace cache for imported and compiled namespaces // // This is an Expression to allow it to be referenced in the // compiler parse/intermediate tree during name resolution. // public class Namespace : FullNamedExpression { Namespace parent; string fullname; protected Dictionary namespaces; protected Dictionary> types; Dictionary cached_types; RootNamespace root; bool cls_checked; public readonly MemberName MemberName; /// /// Constructor Takes the current namespace and the /// name. This is bootstrapped with parent == null /// and name = "" /// public Namespace (Namespace parent, string name) { // Expression members. this.eclass = ExprClass.Namespace; this.Type = InternalType.Namespace; this.loc = Location.Null; this.parent = parent; if (parent != null) this.root = parent.root; else this.root = this as RootNamespace; if (this.root == null) throw new InternalErrorException ("Root namespaces must be created using RootNamespace"); string pname = parent != null ? parent.fullname : ""; if (pname == "") fullname = name; else fullname = parent.fullname + "." + name; if (fullname == null) throw new InternalErrorException ("Namespace has a null fullname"); if (parent != null && parent.MemberName != MemberName.Null) MemberName = new MemberName (parent.MemberName, name); else if (name.Length == 0) MemberName = MemberName.Null; else MemberName = new MemberName (name); namespaces = new Dictionary (); cached_types = new Dictionary (); root.RegisterNamespace (this); } #region Properties /// /// The qualified name of the current namespace /// public string Name { get { return fullname; } } /// /// The parent of this namespace, used by the parser to "Pop" /// the current namespace declaration /// public Namespace Parent { get { return parent; } } #endregion protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { return this; } public void Error_NamespaceDoesNotExist (IMemberContext ctx, string name, int arity, Location loc) { var retval = LookupType (ctx, name, arity, LookupMode.IgnoreAccessibility, loc); if (retval != null) { ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (retval.Type); ErrorIsInaccesible (ctx, retval.GetSignatureForError (), loc); return; } retval = LookupType (ctx, name, -System.Math.Max (1, arity), LookupMode.Probing, loc); if (retval != null) { Error_TypeArgumentsCannotBeUsed (ctx, retval.Type, arity, loc); return; } Namespace ns; if (arity > 0 && namespaces.TryGetValue (name, out ns)) { ns.Error_TypeArgumentsCannotBeUsed (ctx, null, arity, loc); return; } if (this is GlobalRootNamespace) { ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.Error (400, loc, "The type or namespace name `{0}' could not be found in the global namespace (are you missing an assembly reference?)", name); } else { ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.Error (234, loc, "The type or namespace name `{0}' does not exist in the namespace `{1}'. Are you missing an assembly reference?", name, GetSignatureForError ()); } } public override string GetSignatureForError () { return fullname; } public Namespace GetNamespace (string name, bool create) { int pos = name.IndexOf ('.'); Namespace ns; string first; if (pos >= 0) first = name.Substring (0, pos); else first = name; if (!namespaces.TryGetValue (first, out ns)) { if (!create) return null; ns = new Namespace (this, first); namespaces.Add (first, ns); } if (pos >= 0) ns = ns.GetNamespace (name.Substring (pos + 1), create); return ns; } public IList GetAllTypes (string name) { IList found; if (types == null || !types.TryGetValue (name, out found)) return null; return found; } public TypeExpr LookupType (IMemberContext ctx, string name, int arity, LookupMode mode, Location loc) { if (types == null) return null; TypeExpr te; if (arity == 0 && cached_types.TryGetValue (name, out te)) return te; IList found; if (!types.TryGetValue (name, out found)) return null; TypeSpec best = null; foreach (var ts in found) { if (ts.Arity == arity) { if (best == null) { if ((ts.Modifiers & Modifiers.INTERNAL) != 0 && !ts.MemberDefinition.IsInternalAsPublic (ctx.Module.DeclaringAssembly) && mode != LookupMode.IgnoreAccessibility) continue; best = ts; continue; } if (best.MemberDefinition.IsImported && ts.MemberDefinition.IsImported) { if (mode == LookupMode.Normal) { ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (best); ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (ts); ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.Error (433, loc, "The imported type `{0}' is defined multiple times", ts.GetSignatureForError ()); } break; } if (best.MemberDefinition.IsImported) best = ts; if ((best.Modifiers & Modifiers.INTERNAL) != 0 && !best.MemberDefinition.IsInternalAsPublic (ctx.Module.DeclaringAssembly)) continue; if (mode != LookupMode.Normal) continue; if (ts.MemberDefinition.IsImported) ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (ts); ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.Warning (436, 2, loc, "The type `{0}' conflicts with the imported type of same name'. Ignoring the imported type definition", best.GetSignatureForError ()); } // // Lookup for the best candidate with the closest arity match // if (arity < 0) { if (best == null) { best = ts; } else if (System.Math.Abs (ts.Arity + arity) < System.Math.Abs (best.Arity + arity)) { best = ts; } } } if (best == null) return null; te = new TypeExpression (best, Location.Null); // TODO MemberCache: Cache more if (arity == 0 && mode == LookupMode.Normal) cached_types.Add (name, te); return te; } TypeSpec LookupType (string name, int arity) { if (types == null) return null; IList found; if (types.TryGetValue (name, out found)) { TypeSpec best = null; foreach (var ts in found) { if (ts.Arity == arity) return ts; // // Lookup for the best candidate with closest arity match // if (arity < 0) { if (best == null) { best = ts; } else if (System.Math.Abs (ts.Arity + arity) < System.Math.Abs (best.Arity + arity)) { best = ts; } } } return best; } return null; } public FullNamedExpression LookupTypeOrNamespace (IMemberContext ctx, string name, int arity, LookupMode mode, Location loc) { var texpr = LookupType (ctx, name, arity, mode, loc); Namespace ns; if (arity == 0 && namespaces.TryGetValue (name, out ns)) { if (texpr == null) return ns; if (mode != LookupMode.Probing) { ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (texpr.Type); // ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (ns.loc, ""); ctx.Module.Compiler.Report.Warning (437, 2, loc, "The type `{0}' conflicts with the imported namespace `{1}'. Using the definition found in the source file", texpr.GetSignatureForError (), ns.GetSignatureForError ()); } if (texpr.Type.MemberDefinition.IsImported) return ns; } return texpr; } // // Completes types with the given `prefix' // public IEnumerable CompletionGetTypesStartingWith (string prefix) { if (types == null) return Enumerable.Empty (); var res = from item in types where item.Key.StartsWith (prefix) && item.Value.Any (l => (l.Modifiers & Modifiers.PUBLIC) != 0) select item.Key; if (namespaces != null) res = res.Concat (from item in namespaces where item.Key.StartsWith (prefix) select item.Key); return res; } // // Looks for extension method in this namespace // public List LookupExtensionMethod (IMemberContext invocationContext, TypeSpec extensionType, string name, int arity) { if (types == null) return null; List found = null; // TODO: Add per namespace flag when at least 1 type has extension foreach (var tgroup in types.Values) { foreach (var ts in tgroup) { if ((ts.Modifiers & Modifiers.METHOD_EXTENSION) == 0) continue; var res = ts.MemberCache.FindExtensionMethods (invocationContext, extensionType, name, arity); if (res == null) continue; if (found == null) { found = res; } else { found.AddRange (res); } } } return found; } // // Extension methods look up for dotted namespace names // public IList LookupExtensionMethod (IMemberContext invocationContext, TypeSpec extensionType, string name, int arity, out Namespace scope) { // // Inspect parent namespaces in namespace expression // scope = this; do { var candidates = scope.LookupExtensionMethod (invocationContext, extensionType, name, arity); if (candidates != null) return candidates; scope = scope.Parent; } while (scope != null); return null; } public void AddType (ModuleContainer module, TypeSpec ts) { if (types == null) { types = new Dictionary> (64); } var name = ts.Name; IList existing; if (types.TryGetValue (name, out existing)) { TypeSpec better_type; TypeSpec found; if (existing.Count == 1) { found = existing[0]; if (ts.Arity == found.Arity) { better_type = IsImportedTypeOverride (module, ts, found); if (better_type == found) return; if (better_type != null) { existing [0] = better_type; return; } } existing = new List (); existing.Add (found); types[name] = existing; } else { for (int i = 0; i < existing.Count; ++i) { found = existing[i]; if (ts.Arity != found.Arity) continue; better_type = IsImportedTypeOverride (module, ts, found); if (better_type == found) return; if (better_type != null) { existing.RemoveAt (i); --i; continue; } } } existing.Add (ts); } else { types.Add (name, new TypeSpec[] { ts }); } } // // We import any types but in the situation there are same types // but one has better visibility (either public or internal with friend) // the less visible type is removed from the namespace cache // public static TypeSpec IsImportedTypeOverride (ModuleContainer module, TypeSpec ts, TypeSpec found) { var ts_accessible = (ts.Modifiers & Modifiers.PUBLIC) != 0 || ts.MemberDefinition.IsInternalAsPublic (module.DeclaringAssembly); var found_accessible = (found.Modifiers & Modifiers.PUBLIC) != 0 || found.MemberDefinition.IsInternalAsPublic (module.DeclaringAssembly); if (ts_accessible && !found_accessible) return ts; // found is better always better for accessible or inaccessible ts if (!ts_accessible) return found; return null; } public void RemoveDeclSpace (string name) { types.Remove (name); cached_types.Remove (name); } public override FullNamedExpression ResolveAsTypeOrNamespace (IMemberContext mc) { return this; } public void SetBuiltinType (BuiltinTypeSpec pts) { var found = types[pts.Name]; cached_types.Remove (pts.Name); if (found.Count == 1) { types[pts.Name][0] = pts; } else { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } public void VerifyClsCompliance () { if (types == null || cls_checked) return; cls_checked = true; // TODO: This is quite ugly way to check for CLS compliance at namespace level var locase_types = new Dictionary> (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (var tgroup in types.Values) { foreach (var tm in tgroup) { if ((tm.Modifiers & Modifiers.PUBLIC) == 0 || !tm.IsCLSCompliant ()) continue; List found; if (!locase_types.TryGetValue (tm.Name, out found)) { found = new List (); locase_types.Add (tm.Name, found); } found.Add (tm); } } foreach (var locase in locase_types.Values) { if (locase.Count < 2) continue; bool all_same = true; foreach (var notcompliant in locase) { all_same = notcompliant.Name == locase[0].Name; if (!all_same) break; } if (all_same) continue; TypeContainer compiled = null; foreach (var notcompliant in locase) { if (!notcompliant.MemberDefinition.IsImported) { if (compiled != null) compiled.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (compiled); compiled = notcompliant.MemberDefinition as TypeContainer; } else { compiled.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (notcompliant); } } compiled.Compiler.Report.Warning (3005, 1, compiled.Location, "Identifier `{0}' differing only in case is not CLS-compliant", compiled.GetSignatureForError ()); } } } // // Namespace block as created by the parser // public class NamespaceContainer : IMemberContext, ITypesContainer { Namespace ns; readonly ModuleContainer module; readonly NamespaceContainer parent; readonly CompilationSourceFile file; readonly Location loc; NamespaceContainer implicit_parent; int symfile_id; // Namespace using import block List using_aliases; List using_clauses; public bool DeclarationFound; // End bool resolved; public readonly bool IsImplicit; public readonly TypeContainer SlaveDeclSpace; static readonly Namespace [] empty_namespaces = new Namespace [0]; static readonly string[] empty_using_list = new string[0]; Namespace [] namespace_using_table; public NamespaceContainer (MemberName name, ModuleContainer module, NamespaceContainer parent, CompilationSourceFile sourceFile) { this.module = module; this.parent = parent; this.file = sourceFile; this.loc = name == null ? Location.Null : name.Location; if (parent != null) ns = parent.NS.GetNamespace (name.GetName (), true); else if (name != null) ns = module.GlobalRootNamespace.GetNamespace (name.GetName (), true); else ns = module.GlobalRootNamespace; SlaveDeclSpace = new RootDeclSpace (module, this); } private NamespaceContainer (ModuleContainer module, NamespaceContainer parent, CompilationSourceFile file, Namespace ns, bool slave) { this.module = module; this.parent = parent; this.file = file; this.IsImplicit = true; this.ns = ns; this.SlaveDeclSpace = slave ? new RootDeclSpace (module, this) : null; } #region Properties public Location Location { get { return loc; } } public MemberName MemberName { get { return ns.MemberName; } } public CompilationSourceFile SourceFile { get { return file; } } public List Usings { get { return using_clauses; } } #endregion // // Extracts the using alises and using clauses into a couple of // arrays that might already have the same information; Used by the // C# Eval mode. // public void Extract (List out_using_aliases, List out_using_clauses) { if (using_aliases != null){ foreach (NamespaceUsingAlias uae in using_aliases){ bool replaced = false; for (int i = 0; i < out_using_aliases.Count; i++){ NamespaceUsingAlias out_uea = (NamespaceUsingAlias) out_using_aliases [i]; if (out_uea.Alias == uae.Alias){ out_using_aliases [i] = uae; replaced = true; break; } } if (!replaced) out_using_aliases.Add (uae); } } if (using_clauses != null){ foreach (NamespaceUsing ue in using_clauses){ bool found = false; foreach (NamespaceUsing out_ue in out_using_clauses) if (out_ue.Name == ue.Name){ found = true; break; } if (!found) out_using_clauses.Add (ue); } } } // // According to section 16.3.1 (using-alias-directive), the namespace-or-type-name is // resolved as if the immediately containing namespace body has no using-directives. // // Section 16.3.2 says that the same rule is applied when resolving the namespace-name // in the using-namespace-directive. // // To implement these rules, the expressions in the using directives are resolved using // the "doppelganger" (ghostly bodiless duplicate). // NamespaceContainer doppelganger; NamespaceContainer Doppelganger { get { if (!IsImplicit && doppelganger == null) { doppelganger = new NamespaceContainer (module, ImplicitParent, file, ns, true); doppelganger.using_aliases = using_aliases; } return doppelganger; } } public Namespace NS { get { return ns; } } public NamespaceContainer Parent { get { return parent; } } public NamespaceContainer ImplicitParent { get { if (parent == null) return null; if (implicit_parent == null) { implicit_parent = (parent.NS == ns.Parent) ? parent : new NamespaceContainer (module, parent, file, ns.Parent, false); } return implicit_parent; } } /// /// Records a new namespace for resolving name references /// public void AddUsing (MemberName name, Location loc) { if (DeclarationFound){ Compiler.Report.Error (1529, loc, "A using clause must precede all other namespace elements except extern alias declarations"); } if (using_clauses == null) { using_clauses = new List (); } else { foreach (NamespaceUsing old_entry in using_clauses) { if (name.Equals (old_entry.MemberName)) { Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (old_entry.Location, old_entry.GetSignatureForError ()); Compiler.Report.Warning (105, 3, loc, "The using directive for `{0}' appeared previously in this namespace", name.GetSignatureForError ()); return; } } } using_clauses.Add (new NamespaceUsing (name)); } public void AddUsingAlias (string alias, MemberName name, Location loc) { if (DeclarationFound){ Compiler.Report.Error (1529, loc, "A using clause must precede all other namespace elements except extern alias declarations"); } AddUsingAlias (new LocalUsingAliasEntry (alias, name, loc)); } public void AddUsingExternalAlias (string alias, Location loc, Report Report) { bool not_first = using_clauses != null || DeclarationFound; if (using_aliases != null && !not_first) { foreach (NamespaceUsingAlias uae in using_aliases) { if (uae is LocalUsingAliasEntry) { not_first = true; break; } } } if (not_first) Report.Error (439, loc, "An extern alias declaration must precede all other elements"); if (alias == "global") { Error_GlobalNamespaceRedefined (loc, Report); return; } AddUsingAlias (new NamespaceUsingAlias (alias, loc)); } void AddUsingAlias (NamespaceUsingAlias uae) { if (using_aliases == null) { using_aliases = new List (); } else { foreach (NamespaceUsingAlias entry in using_aliases) { if (uae.Alias == entry.Alias) { Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (uae.Location, uae.Alias); Compiler.Report.Error (1537, entry.Location, "The using alias `{0}' appeared previously in this namespace", entry.Alias); return; } } } using_aliases.Add (uae); } // // Does extension methods look up to find a method which matches name and extensionType. // Search starts from this namespace and continues hierarchically up to top level. // public ExtensionMethodCandidates LookupExtensionMethod (TypeSpec extensionType, string name, int arity) { List candidates = null; foreach (Namespace n in GetUsingTable ()) { var a = n.LookupExtensionMethod (this, extensionType, name, arity); if (a == null) continue; if (candidates == null) candidates = a; else candidates.AddRange (a); } if (candidates != null) return new ExtensionMethodCandidates (candidates, this); if (parent == null) return null; Namespace ns_scope; var ns_candidates = ns.Parent.LookupExtensionMethod (this, extensionType, name, arity, out ns_scope); if (ns_candidates != null) return new ExtensionMethodCandidates (ns_candidates, this, ns_scope); // // Continue in parent container // return parent.LookupExtensionMethod (extensionType, name, arity); } public FullNamedExpression LookupNamespaceOrType (string name, int arity, LookupMode mode, Location loc) { // Precondition: Only simple names (no dots) will be looked up with this function. FullNamedExpression resolved = null; for (NamespaceContainer curr_ns = this; curr_ns != null; curr_ns = curr_ns.ImplicitParent) { if ((resolved = curr_ns.Lookup (name, arity, mode, loc)) != null) break; } return resolved; } public IList CompletionGetTypesStartingWith (string prefix) { IEnumerable all = Enumerable.Empty (); for (NamespaceContainer curr_ns = this; curr_ns != null; curr_ns = curr_ns.ImplicitParent){ foreach (Namespace using_ns in GetUsingTable ()){ if (prefix.StartsWith (using_ns.Name)){ int ld = prefix.LastIndexOf ('.'); if (ld != -1){ string rest = prefix.Substring (ld+1); all = all.Concat (using_ns.CompletionGetTypesStartingWith (rest)); } } all = all.Concat (using_ns.CompletionGetTypesStartingWith (prefix)); } } return all.Distinct ().ToList (); } // Looks-up a alias named @name in this and surrounding namespace declarations public FullNamedExpression LookupNamespaceAlias (string name) { for (NamespaceContainer n = this; n != null; n = n.ImplicitParent) { if (n.using_aliases == null) continue; foreach (NamespaceUsingAlias ue in n.using_aliases) { if (ue.Alias == name) return ue.Resolve (Doppelganger ?? this, Doppelganger == null); } } return null; } FullNamedExpression Lookup (string name, int arity, LookupMode mode, Location loc) { // // Check whether it's in the namespace. // FullNamedExpression fne = ns.LookupTypeOrNamespace (this, name, arity, mode, loc); // // Check aliases. // if (using_aliases != null && arity == 0) { foreach (NamespaceUsingAlias ue in using_aliases) { if (ue.Alias == name) { if (fne != null) { if (Doppelganger != null) { if (mode == LookupMode.Normal) { // TODO: Namespace has broken location //Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (fne.Location, null); Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (ue.Location, null); Compiler.Report.Error (576, loc, "Namespace `{0}' contains a definition with same name as alias `{1}'", GetSignatureForError (), name); } } else { return fne; } } return ue.Resolve (Doppelganger ?? this, Doppelganger == null); } } } if (fne != null) return fne; if (IsImplicit) return null; // // Check using entries. // FullNamedExpression match = null; foreach (Namespace using_ns in GetUsingTable ()) { // A using directive imports only types contained in the namespace, it // does not import any nested namespaces fne = using_ns.LookupType (this, name, arity, mode, loc); if (fne == null) continue; if (match == null) { match = fne; continue; } // Prefer types over namespaces var texpr_fne = fne as TypeExpr; var texpr_match = match as TypeExpr; if (texpr_fne != null && texpr_match == null) { match = fne; continue; } else if (texpr_fne == null) { continue; } // It can be top level accessibility only var better = Namespace.IsImportedTypeOverride (module, texpr_match.Type, texpr_fne.Type); if (better == null) { if (mode == LookupMode.Normal) { Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (texpr_match.Type); Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (texpr_fne.Type); Compiler.Report.Error (104, loc, "`{0}' is an ambiguous reference between `{1}' and `{2}'", name, texpr_match.GetSignatureForError (), texpr_fne.GetSignatureForError ()); } return match; } if (better == texpr_fne.Type) match = texpr_fne; } return match; } Namespace [] GetUsingTable () { if (namespace_using_table != null) return namespace_using_table; if (using_clauses == null) { namespace_using_table = empty_namespaces; return namespace_using_table; } var list = new List (using_clauses.Count); foreach (NamespaceUsing ue in using_clauses) { Namespace using_ns = ue.Resolve (Doppelganger); if (using_ns == null) continue; list.Add (using_ns); } namespace_using_table = list.ToArray (); return namespace_using_table; } public int SymbolFileID { get { if (symfile_id == 0 && file.SourceFileEntry != null) { int parent_id = parent == null ? 0 : parent.SymbolFileID; string [] using_list = empty_using_list; if (using_clauses != null) { using_list = new string [using_clauses.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < using_clauses.Count; i++) using_list [i] = ((NamespaceUsing) using_clauses [i]).MemberName.GetName (); } symfile_id = SymbolWriter.DefineNamespace (ns.Name, file.CompileUnitEntry, using_list, parent_id); } return symfile_id; } } static void MsgtryRef (string s) { Console.WriteLine (" Try using -r:" + s); } static void MsgtryPkg (string s) { Console.WriteLine (" Try using -pkg:" + s); } public static void Error_GlobalNamespaceRedefined (Location loc, Report Report) { Report.Error (1681, loc, "The global extern alias cannot be redefined"); } public static void Error_NamespaceNotFound (Location loc, string name, Report Report) { Report.Error (246, loc, "The type or namespace name `{0}' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?", name); switch (name) { case "Gtk": case "GtkSharp": MsgtryPkg ("gtk-sharp-2.0"); break; case "Gdk": case "GdkSharp": MsgtryPkg ("gdk-sharp-2.0"); break; case "Glade": case "GladeSharp": MsgtryPkg ("glade-sharp-2.0"); break; case "System.Drawing": case "System.Web.Services": case "System.Web": case "System.Data": case "System.Windows.Forms": MsgtryRef (name); break; } } /// /// Used to validate that all the using clauses are correct /// after we are finished parsing all the files. /// public void Resolve () { if (resolved) return; resolved = true; if (using_aliases != null) { foreach (NamespaceUsingAlias ue in using_aliases) ue.Resolve (Doppelganger, Doppelganger == null); } if (using_clauses != null) { foreach (NamespaceUsing ue in using_clauses) ue.Resolve (Doppelganger); } if (parent != null) parent.Resolve (); } public string GetSignatureForError () { return ns.GetSignatureForError (); } #region IMemberContext Members CompilerContext Compiler { get { return module.Compiler; } } public TypeSpec CurrentType { get { return SlaveDeclSpace.CurrentType; } } public MemberCore CurrentMemberDefinition { get { return SlaveDeclSpace.CurrentMemberDefinition; } } public TypeParameter[] CurrentTypeParameters { get { return SlaveDeclSpace.CurrentTypeParameters; } } public bool IsObsolete { get { return SlaveDeclSpace.IsObsolete; } } public bool IsUnsafe { get { return SlaveDeclSpace.IsUnsafe; } } public bool IsStatic { get { return SlaveDeclSpace.IsStatic; } } public ModuleContainer Module { get { return module; } } #endregion } public class NamespaceUsing { readonly MemberName name; Namespace resolved; public NamespaceUsing (MemberName name) { this.name = name; } public string GetSignatureForError () { return name.GetSignatureForError (); } public Location Location { get { return name.Location; } } public MemberName MemberName { get { return name; } } public string Name { get { return GetSignatureForError (); } } public Namespace Resolve (IMemberContext rc) { if (resolved != null) return resolved; FullNamedExpression fne = name.GetTypeExpression ().ResolveAsTypeOrNamespace (rc); if (fne == null) return null; resolved = fne as Namespace; if (resolved == null) { rc.Module.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (fne.Type); rc.Module.Compiler.Report.Error (138, Location, "`{0}' is a type not a namespace. A using namespace directive can only be applied to namespaces", GetSignatureForError ()); } return resolved; } } public class NamespaceUsingAlias { public readonly string Alias; public Location Location; public NamespaceUsingAlias (string alias, Location loc) { this.Alias = alias; this.Location = loc; } public virtual FullNamedExpression Resolve (IMemberContext rc, bool local) { FullNamedExpression fne = rc.Module.GetRootNamespace (Alias); if (fne == null) { rc.Module.Compiler.Report.Error (430, Location, "The extern alias `{0}' was not specified in -reference option", Alias); } return fne; } } class LocalUsingAliasEntry : NamespaceUsingAlias { FullNamedExpression resolved; MemberName value; public LocalUsingAliasEntry (string alias, MemberName name, Location loc) : base (alias, loc) { this.value = name; } public override FullNamedExpression Resolve (IMemberContext rc, bool local) { if (resolved != null || value == null) return resolved; if (local) return null; resolved = value.GetTypeExpression ().ResolveAsTypeOrNamespace (rc); if (resolved == null) { value = null; return null; } return resolved; } } }