// // method.cs: Method based declarations // // Authors: Miguel de Icaza (miguel@gnu.org) // Martin Baulig (martin@ximian.com) // Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com) // // Dual licensed under the terms of the MIT X11 or GNU GPL // // Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) // Copyright 2004-2008 Novell, Inc // Copyright 2011 Xamarin Inc. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using System.Linq; using Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; #if NET_2_1 using XmlElement = System.Object; #else using System.Xml; #endif #if STATIC using MetaType = IKVM.Reflection.Type; using SecurityType = System.Collections.Generic.List; using IKVM.Reflection; using IKVM.Reflection.Emit; #else using MetaType = System.Type; using SecurityType = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; #endif namespace Mono.CSharp { public abstract class MethodCore : InterfaceMemberBase, IParametersMember { protected ParametersCompiled parameters; protected ToplevelBlock block; protected MethodSpec spec; protected MethodCore (TypeDefinition parent, FullNamedExpression type, Modifiers mod, Modifiers allowed_mod, MemberName name, Attributes attrs, ParametersCompiled parameters) : base (parent, type, mod, allowed_mod, name, attrs) { this.parameters = parameters; } public override Variance ExpectedMemberTypeVariance { get { return Variance.Covariant; } } // // Returns the System.Type array for the parameters of this method // public TypeSpec [] ParameterTypes { get { return parameters.Types; } } public ParametersCompiled ParameterInfo { get { return parameters; } } AParametersCollection IParametersMember.Parameters { get { return parameters; } } public ToplevelBlock Block { get { return block; } set { block = value; } } public CallingConventions CallingConventions { get { CallingConventions cc = parameters.CallingConvention; if (!IsInterface) if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.STATIC) == 0) cc |= CallingConventions.HasThis; // FIXME: How is `ExplicitThis' used in C#? return cc; } } protected override bool CheckOverrideAgainstBase (MemberSpec base_member) { bool res = base.CheckOverrideAgainstBase (base_member); // // Check that the permissions are not being changed // if (!CheckAccessModifiers (this, base_member)) { Error_CannotChangeAccessModifiers (this, base_member); res = false; } return res; } protected override bool CheckBase () { // Check whether arguments were correct. if (!DefineParameters (parameters)) return false; return base.CheckBase (); } // // Represents header string for documentation comment. // public override string DocCommentHeader { get { return "M:"; } } public override void Emit () { if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED) == 0) { parameters.CheckConstraints (this); } base.Emit (); } public override bool EnableOverloadChecks (MemberCore overload) { if (overload is MethodCore) { caching_flags |= Flags.MethodOverloadsExist; return true; } if (overload is AbstractPropertyEventMethod) return true; return base.EnableOverloadChecks (overload); } public override string GetSignatureForDocumentation () { string s = base.GetSignatureForDocumentation (); if (MemberName.Arity > 0) s += "``" + MemberName.Arity.ToString (); return s + parameters.GetSignatureForDocumentation (); } public MethodSpec Spec { get { return spec; } } protected override bool VerifyClsCompliance () { if (!base.VerifyClsCompliance ()) return false; if (parameters.HasArglist) { Report.Warning (3000, 1, Location, "Methods with variable arguments are not CLS-compliant"); } if (member_type != null && !member_type.IsCLSCompliant ()) { Report.Warning (3002, 1, Location, "Return type of `{0}' is not CLS-compliant", GetSignatureForError ()); } parameters.VerifyClsCompliance (this); return true; } } public interface IGenericMethodDefinition : IMethodDefinition { TypeParameterSpec[] TypeParameters { get; } int TypeParametersCount { get; } // MethodInfo MakeGenericMethod (TypeSpec[] targs); } public sealed class MethodSpec : MemberSpec, IParametersMember { MethodBase inflatedMetaInfo; AParametersCollection parameters; TypeSpec returnType; TypeSpec[] targs; TypeParameterSpec[] constraints; public static readonly MethodSpec Excluded = new MethodSpec (MemberKind.Method, InternalType.FakeInternalType, null, null, ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters, 0); public MethodSpec (MemberKind kind, TypeSpec declaringType, IMethodDefinition details, TypeSpec returnType, AParametersCollection parameters, Modifiers modifiers) : base (kind, declaringType, details, modifiers) { this.parameters = parameters; this.returnType = returnType; } #region Properties public override int Arity { get { return IsGeneric ? GenericDefinition.TypeParametersCount : 0; } } public TypeParameterSpec[] Constraints { get { if (constraints == null && IsGeneric) constraints = GenericDefinition.TypeParameters; return constraints; } } public bool IsConstructor { get { return Kind == MemberKind.Constructor; } } public new IMethodDefinition MemberDefinition { get { return (IMethodDefinition) definition; } } public IGenericMethodDefinition GenericDefinition { get { return (IGenericMethodDefinition) definition; } } public bool IsAsync { get { return (Modifiers & Modifiers.ASYNC) != 0; } } public bool IsExtensionMethod { get { return IsStatic && parameters.HasExtensionMethodType; } } public bool IsSealed { get { return (Modifiers & Modifiers.SEALED) != 0; } } // When is virtual or abstract public bool IsVirtual { get { return (Modifiers & (Modifiers.VIRTUAL | Modifiers.ABSTRACT | Modifiers.OVERRIDE)) != 0; } } public bool IsReservedMethod { get { return Kind == MemberKind.Operator || IsAccessor; } } TypeSpec IInterfaceMemberSpec.MemberType { get { return returnType; } } public AParametersCollection Parameters { get { return parameters; } } public TypeSpec ReturnType { get { return returnType; } } public TypeSpec[] TypeArguments { get { return targs; } } #endregion public MethodSpec GetGenericMethodDefinition () { if (!IsGeneric && !DeclaringType.IsGeneric) return this; return MemberCache.GetMember (declaringType, this); } public MethodBase GetMetaInfo () { // // inflatedMetaInfo is extra field needed for cases where we // inflate method but another nested type can later inflate // again (the cache would be build with inflated metaInfo) and // TypeBuilder can work with method definitions only // if (inflatedMetaInfo == null) { if ((state & StateFlags.PendingMetaInflate) != 0) { var dt_meta = DeclaringType.GetMetaInfo (); if (DeclaringType.IsTypeBuilder) { if (IsConstructor) inflatedMetaInfo = TypeBuilder.GetConstructor (dt_meta, (ConstructorInfo) MemberDefinition.Metadata); else inflatedMetaInfo = TypeBuilder.GetMethod (dt_meta, (MethodInfo) MemberDefinition.Metadata); } else { #if STATIC // it should not be reached throw new NotImplementedException (); #else inflatedMetaInfo = MethodInfo.GetMethodFromHandle (MemberDefinition.Metadata.MethodHandle, dt_meta.TypeHandle); #endif } state &= ~StateFlags.PendingMetaInflate; } else { inflatedMetaInfo = MemberDefinition.Metadata; } } if ((state & StateFlags.PendingMakeMethod) != 0) { var sre_targs = new MetaType[targs.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < sre_targs.Length; ++i) sre_targs[i] = targs[i].GetMetaInfo (); inflatedMetaInfo = ((MethodInfo) inflatedMetaInfo).MakeGenericMethod (sre_targs); state &= ~StateFlags.PendingMakeMethod; } return inflatedMetaInfo; } public override string GetSignatureForDocumentation () { string name; switch (Kind) { case MemberKind.Constructor: name = "#ctor"; break; case MemberKind.Method: if (Arity > 0) name = Name + "``" + Arity.ToString (); else name = Name; break; default: name = Name; break; } name = DeclaringType.GetSignatureForDocumentation () + "." + name + parameters.GetSignatureForDocumentation (); if (Kind == MemberKind.Operator) { var op = Operator.GetType (Name).Value; if (op == Operator.OpType.Explicit || op == Operator.OpType.Implicit) { name += "~" + ReturnType.GetSignatureForDocumentation (); } } return name; } public override string GetSignatureForError () { string name; if (IsConstructor) { name = DeclaringType.GetSignatureForError () + "." + DeclaringType.Name; } else if (Kind == MemberKind.Operator) { var op = Operator.GetType (Name).Value; if (op == Operator.OpType.Implicit || op == Operator.OpType.Explicit) { name = DeclaringType.GetSignatureForError () + "." + Operator.GetName (op) + " operator " + returnType.GetSignatureForError (); } else { name = DeclaringType.GetSignatureForError () + ".operator " + Operator.GetName (op); } } else if (IsAccessor) { int split = Name.IndexOf ('_'); name = Name.Substring (split + 1); var postfix = Name.Substring (0, split); if (split == 3) { var pc = parameters.Count; if (pc > 0 && postfix == "get") { name = "this" + parameters.GetSignatureForError ("[", "]", pc); } else if (pc > 1 && postfix == "set") { name = "this" + parameters.GetSignatureForError ("[", "]", pc - 1); } } return DeclaringType.GetSignatureForError () + "." + name + "." + postfix; } else { name = base.GetSignatureForError (); if (targs != null) name += "<" + TypeManager.CSharpName (targs) + ">"; else if (IsGeneric) name += "<" + TypeManager.CSharpName (GenericDefinition.TypeParameters) + ">"; } return name + parameters.GetSignatureForError (); } public override MemberSpec InflateMember (TypeParameterInflator inflator) { var ms = (MethodSpec) base.InflateMember (inflator); ms.inflatedMetaInfo = null; ms.returnType = inflator.Inflate (returnType); ms.parameters = parameters.Inflate (inflator); if (IsGeneric) ms.constraints = TypeParameterSpec.InflateConstraints (inflator, Constraints); return ms; } public MethodSpec MakeGenericMethod (IMemberContext context, params TypeSpec[] targs) { if (targs == null) throw new ArgumentNullException (); // TODO MemberCache // if (generic_intances != null && generic_intances.TryGetValue (targs, out ginstance)) // return ginstance; //if (generic_intances == null) // generic_intances = new Dictionary (TypeSpecArrayComparer.Default); var inflator = new TypeParameterInflator (context, DeclaringType, GenericDefinition.TypeParameters, targs); var inflated = (MethodSpec) MemberwiseClone (); inflated.declaringType = inflator.TypeInstance; inflated.returnType = inflator.Inflate (returnType); inflated.parameters = parameters.Inflate (inflator); inflated.targs = targs; inflated.constraints = TypeParameterSpec.InflateConstraints (inflator, constraints ?? GenericDefinition.TypeParameters); inflated.state |= StateFlags.PendingMakeMethod; // if (inflated.parent == null) // inflated.parent = parent; //generic_intances.Add (targs, inflated); return inflated; } public MethodSpec Mutate (TypeParameterMutator mutator) { var targs = TypeArguments; if (targs != null) targs = mutator.Mutate (targs); var decl = DeclaringType; if (DeclaringType.IsGenericOrParentIsGeneric) { decl = mutator.Mutate (decl); } if (targs == TypeArguments && decl == DeclaringType) return this; var ms = (MethodSpec) MemberwiseClone (); if (decl != DeclaringType) { ms.inflatedMetaInfo = null; ms.declaringType = decl; ms.state |= StateFlags.PendingMetaInflate; } if (targs != null) { ms.targs = targs; ms.state |= StateFlags.PendingMakeMethod; } return ms; } public override List ResolveMissingDependencies (MemberSpec caller) { var missing = returnType.ResolveMissingDependencies (this); foreach (var pt in parameters.Types) { var m = pt.GetMissingDependencies (this); if (m == null) continue; if (missing == null) missing = new List (); missing.AddRange (m); } if (Arity > 0) { foreach (var tp in GenericDefinition.TypeParameters) { var m = tp.GetMissingDependencies (this); if (m == null) continue; if (missing == null) missing = new List (); missing.AddRange (m); } } return missing; } } public abstract class MethodOrOperator : MethodCore, IMethodData, IMethodDefinition { ReturnParameter return_attributes; SecurityType declarative_security; protected MethodData MethodData; static readonly string[] attribute_targets = new string [] { "method", "return" }; protected MethodOrOperator (TypeDefinition parent, FullNamedExpression type, Modifiers mod, Modifiers allowed_mod, MemberName name, Attributes attrs, ParametersCompiled parameters) : base (parent, type, mod, allowed_mod, name, attrs, parameters) { } public override void ApplyAttributeBuilder (Attribute a, MethodSpec ctor, byte[] cdata, PredefinedAttributes pa) { if (a.Target == AttributeTargets.ReturnValue) { if (return_attributes == null) return_attributes = new ReturnParameter (this, MethodBuilder, Location); return_attributes.ApplyAttributeBuilder (a, ctor, cdata, pa); return; } if (a.Type == pa.MethodImpl) { if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.ASYNC) != 0 && (a.GetMethodImplOptions () & MethodImplOptions.Synchronized) != 0) { Report.Error (4015, a.Location, "`{0}': Async methods cannot use `MethodImplOptions.Synchronized'", GetSignatureForError ()); } is_external_implementation = a.IsInternalCall (); } else if (a.Type == pa.DllImport) { const Modifiers extern_static = Modifiers.EXTERN | Modifiers.STATIC; if ((ModFlags & extern_static) != extern_static) { Report.Error (601, a.Location, "The DllImport attribute must be specified on a method marked `static' and `extern'"); } if (MemberName.IsGeneric || Parent.IsGenericOrParentIsGeneric) { Report.Error (7042, a.Location, "The DllImport attribute cannot be applied to a method that is generic or contained in a generic type"); } is_external_implementation = true; } if (a.IsValidSecurityAttribute ()) { a.ExtractSecurityPermissionSet (ctor, ref declarative_security); return; } if (MethodBuilder != null) MethodBuilder.SetCustomAttribute ((ConstructorInfo) ctor.GetMetaInfo (), cdata); } public override AttributeTargets AttributeTargets { get { return AttributeTargets.Method; } } MethodBase IMethodDefinition.Metadata { get { return MethodData.MethodBuilder; } } // TODO: Remove and use MethodData abstraction public MethodBuilder MethodBuilder { get { return MethodData.MethodBuilder; } } protected override bool CheckForDuplications () { return Parent.MemberCache.CheckExistingMembersOverloads (this, parameters); } public virtual EmitContext CreateEmitContext (ILGenerator ig, SourceMethodBuilder sourceMethod) { return new EmitContext (this, ig, MemberType, sourceMethod); } public override bool Define () { if (!base.Define ()) return false; if (!CheckBase ()) return false; MemberKind kind; if (this is Operator) kind = MemberKind.Operator; else if (this is Destructor) kind = MemberKind.Destructor; else kind = MemberKind.Method; string explicit_name; if (IsPartialDefinition) { caching_flags &= ~Flags.Excluded_Undetected; caching_flags |= Flags.Excluded; // Add to member cache only when a partial method implementation has not been found yet if ((caching_flags & Flags.PartialDefinitionExists) != 0) return true; if (IsExplicitImpl) return true; explicit_name = null; } else { MethodData = new MethodData (this, ModFlags, flags, this, base_method); if (!MethodData.Define (Parent.PartialContainer, GetFullName (MemberName))) return false; explicit_name = MethodData.MetadataName; } spec = new MethodSpec (kind, Parent.Definition, this, ReturnType, parameters, ModFlags); if (MemberName.Arity > 0) spec.IsGeneric = true; Parent.MemberCache.AddMember (this, explicit_name, spec); return true; } protected override void DoMemberTypeIndependentChecks () { base.DoMemberTypeIndependentChecks (); CheckAbstractAndExtern (block != null); if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.PARTIAL) != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; ++i) { IParameterData p = parameters.FixedParameters [i]; if ((p.ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.OUT) != 0) { Report.Error (752, Location, "`{0}': A partial method parameters cannot use `out' modifier", GetSignatureForError ()); } if (p.HasDefaultValue && IsPartialImplementation) ((Parameter) p).Warning_UselessOptionalParameter (Report); } } } protected override void DoMemberTypeDependentChecks () { base.DoMemberTypeDependentChecks (); if (MemberType.IsStatic) { Error_StaticReturnType (); } } public override void Emit () { if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED) != 0 && !Parent.IsCompilerGenerated) Module.PredefinedAttributes.CompilerGenerated.EmitAttribute (MethodBuilder); if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN) != 0) Module.PredefinedAttributes.DebuggerHidden.EmitAttribute (MethodBuilder); if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.DEBUGGER_STEP_THROUGH) != 0) Module.PredefinedAttributes.DebuggerStepThrough.EmitAttribute (MethodBuilder); if (ReturnType.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) { return_attributes = new ReturnParameter (this, MethodBuilder, Location); Module.PredefinedAttributes.Dynamic.EmitAttribute (return_attributes.Builder); } else if (ReturnType.HasDynamicElement) { return_attributes = new ReturnParameter (this, MethodBuilder, Location); Module.PredefinedAttributes.Dynamic.EmitAttribute (return_attributes.Builder, ReturnType, Location); } if (OptAttributes != null) OptAttributes.Emit (); if (declarative_security != null) { foreach (var de in declarative_security) { #if STATIC MethodBuilder.__AddDeclarativeSecurity (de); #else MethodBuilder.AddDeclarativeSecurity (de.Key, de.Value); #endif } } if (type_expr != null) ConstraintChecker.Check (this, member_type, type_expr.Location); base.Emit (); if (MethodData != null) MethodData.Emit (Parent); if (block != null && block.StateMachine is AsyncTaskStorey) { var psm = Module.PredefinedAttributes.AsyncStateMachine; psm.EmitAttribute (MethodBuilder, block.StateMachine); } if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.PARTIAL) == 0) Block = null; } protected void Error_ConditionalAttributeIsNotValid () { Report.Error (577, Location, "Conditional not valid on `{0}' because it is a constructor, destructor, operator or explicit interface implementation", GetSignatureForError ()); } public bool IsPartialDefinition { get { return (ModFlags & Modifiers.PARTIAL) != 0 && Block == null; } } public bool IsPartialImplementation { get { return (ModFlags & Modifiers.PARTIAL) != 0 && Block != null; } } public override string[] ValidAttributeTargets { get { return attribute_targets; } } #region IMethodData Members bool IMethodData.IsAccessor { get { return false; } } public TypeSpec ReturnType { get { return MemberType; } } public MemberName MethodName { get { return MemberName; } } /// /// Returns true if method has conditional attribute and the conditions is not defined (method is excluded). /// public override string[] ConditionalConditions () { if ((caching_flags & (Flags.Excluded_Undetected | Flags.Excluded)) == 0) return null; if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.PARTIAL) != 0 && (caching_flags & Flags.Excluded) != 0) return new string [0]; caching_flags &= ~Flags.Excluded_Undetected; string[] conditions; if (base_method == null) { if (OptAttributes == null) return null; Attribute[] attrs = OptAttributes.SearchMulti (Module.PredefinedAttributes.Conditional); if (attrs == null) return null; conditions = new string[attrs.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < conditions.Length; ++i) conditions[i] = attrs[i].GetConditionalAttributeValue (); } else { conditions = base_method.MemberDefinition.ConditionalConditions(); } if (conditions != null) caching_flags |= Flags.Excluded; return conditions; } #endregion public virtual void PrepareEmit () { var mb = MethodData.DefineMethodBuilder (Parent); if (CurrentTypeParameters != null) { string[] gnames = new string[CurrentTypeParameters.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < gnames.Length; ++i) { gnames[i] = CurrentTypeParameters[i].Name; } var gen_params = MethodBuilder.DefineGenericParameters (gnames); for (int i = 0; i < CurrentTypeParameters.Count; ++i) { var tp = CurrentTypeParameters[i]; tp.Define (gen_params[i]); } } // // Generic method has been already defined to resolve method parameters // correctly when they use type parameters // mb.SetParameters (parameters.GetMetaInfo ()); mb.SetReturnType (ReturnType.GetMetaInfo ()); } public override void WriteDebugSymbol (MonoSymbolFile file) { if (MethodData != null && !IsPartialDefinition) MethodData.WriteDebugSymbol (file); } } public class Method : MethodOrOperator, IGenericMethodDefinition { Method partialMethodImplementation; public Method (TypeDefinition parent, FullNamedExpression return_type, Modifiers mod, MemberName name, ParametersCompiled parameters, Attributes attrs) : base (parent, return_type, mod, parent.PartialContainer.Kind == MemberKind.Interface ? AllowedModifiersInterface : parent.PartialContainer.Kind == MemberKind.Struct ? AllowedModifiersStruct | Modifiers.ASYNC : AllowedModifiersClass | Modifiers.ASYNC, name, attrs, parameters) { } protected Method (TypeDefinition parent, FullNamedExpression return_type, Modifiers mod, Modifiers amod, MemberName name, ParametersCompiled parameters, Attributes attrs) : base (parent, return_type, mod, amod, name, attrs, parameters) { } #region Properties public override TypeParameters CurrentTypeParameters { get { return MemberName.TypeParameters; } } public TypeParameterSpec[] TypeParameters { get { return CurrentTypeParameters.Types; } } public int TypeParametersCount { get { return CurrentTypeParameters == null ? 0 : CurrentTypeParameters.Count; } } #endregion public override void Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { visitor.Visit (this); } public static Method Create (TypeDefinition parent, FullNamedExpression returnType, Modifiers mod, MemberName name, ParametersCompiled parameters, Attributes attrs) { var m = new Method (parent, returnType, mod, name, parameters, attrs); if ((mod & Modifiers.PARTIAL) != 0) { const Modifiers invalid_partial_mod = Modifiers.AccessibilityMask | Modifiers.ABSTRACT | Modifiers.EXTERN | Modifiers.NEW | Modifiers.OVERRIDE | Modifiers.SEALED | Modifiers.VIRTUAL; if ((mod & invalid_partial_mod) != 0) { m.Report.Error (750, m.Location, "A partial method cannot define access modifier or any of abstract, extern, new, override, sealed, or virtual modifiers"); mod &= ~invalid_partial_mod; } if ((parent.ModFlags & Modifiers.PARTIAL) == 0) { m.Report.Error (751, m.Location, "A partial method must be declared within a partial class or partial struct"); } } if ((mod & Modifiers.STATIC) == 0 && parameters.HasExtensionMethodType) { m.Report.Error (1105, m.Location, "`{0}': Extension methods must be declared static", m.GetSignatureForError ()); } return m; } public override string GetSignatureForError() { return base.GetSignatureForError () + parameters.GetSignatureForError (); } void Error_DuplicateEntryPoint (Method b) { Report.Error (17, b.Location, "Program `{0}' has more than one entry point defined: `{1}'", b.Module.Builder.ScopeName, b.GetSignatureForError ()); } bool IsEntryPoint () { if (ReturnType.Kind != MemberKind.Void && ReturnType.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int) return false; if (parameters.IsEmpty) return true; if (parameters.Count > 1) return false; var ac = parameters.Types [0] as ArrayContainer; return ac != null && ac.Rank == 1 && ac.Element.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.String && (parameters[0].ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.RefOutMask) == 0; } public override FullNamedExpression LookupNamespaceOrType (string name, int arity, LookupMode mode, Location loc) { if (arity == 0) { var tp = CurrentTypeParameters; if (tp != null) { TypeParameter t = tp.Find (name); if (t != null) return new TypeParameterExpr (t, loc); } } return base.LookupNamespaceOrType (name, arity, mode, loc); } public override void ApplyAttributeBuilder (Attribute a, MethodSpec ctor, byte[] cdata, PredefinedAttributes pa) { if (a.Type == pa.Conditional) { if (IsExplicitImpl) { Error_ConditionalAttributeIsNotValid (); return; } if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.OVERRIDE) != 0) { Report.Error (243, Location, "Conditional not valid on `{0}' because it is an override method", GetSignatureForError ()); return; } if (ReturnType.Kind != MemberKind.Void) { Report.Error (578, Location, "Conditional not valid on `{0}' because its return type is not void", GetSignatureForError ()); return; } if (IsInterface) { Report.Error (582, Location, "Conditional not valid on interface members"); return; } if (MethodData.implementing != null) { Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (MethodData.implementing.DeclaringType); Report.Error (629, Location, "Conditional member `{0}' cannot implement interface member `{1}'", GetSignatureForError (), TypeManager.CSharpSignature (MethodData.implementing)); return; } for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; ++i) { if ((parameters.FixedParameters [i].ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.OUT) != 0) { Report.Error (685, Location, "Conditional method `{0}' cannot have an out parameter", GetSignatureForError ()); return; } } } if (a.Type == pa.Extension) { a.Error_MisusedExtensionAttribute (); return; } base.ApplyAttributeBuilder (a, ctor, cdata, pa); } void CreateTypeParameters () { var tparams = MemberName.TypeParameters; var parent_tparams = Parent.TypeParametersAll; for (int i = 0; i < MemberName.Arity; i++) { string type_argument_name = tparams[i].MemberName.Name; if (block == null) { int idx = parameters.GetParameterIndexByName (type_argument_name); if (idx >= 0) { var b = block; if (b == null) b = new ToplevelBlock (Compiler, Location); b.Error_AlreadyDeclaredTypeParameter (type_argument_name, parameters[i].Location); } } else { INamedBlockVariable variable = null; block.GetLocalName (type_argument_name, block, ref variable); if (variable != null) variable.Block.Error_AlreadyDeclaredTypeParameter (type_argument_name, variable.Location); } if (parent_tparams != null) { var tp = parent_tparams.Find (type_argument_name); if (tp != null) { tparams[i].WarningParentNameConflict (tp); } } } tparams.Create (null, 0, Parent); } protected virtual void DefineTypeParameters () { var tparams = CurrentTypeParameters; TypeParameterSpec[] base_tparams = null; TypeParameterSpec[] base_decl_tparams = TypeParameterSpec.EmptyTypes; TypeSpec[] base_targs = TypeSpec.EmptyTypes; if (((ModFlags & Modifiers.OVERRIDE) != 0 || IsExplicitImpl)) { MethodSpec base_override = base_method ?? MethodData.implementing; if (base_override != null) { base_tparams = base_override.GenericDefinition.TypeParameters; if (base_override.DeclaringType.IsGeneric) { base_decl_tparams = base_override.DeclaringType.MemberDefinition.TypeParameters; if (base_method != null) { var base_type_parent = CurrentType; while (base_type_parent.BaseType != base_override.DeclaringType) { base_type_parent = base_type_parent.BaseType; } base_targs = base_type_parent.BaseType.TypeArguments; } else { foreach (var iface in Parent.CurrentType.Interfaces) { if (iface == base_override.DeclaringType) { base_targs = iface.TypeArguments; break; } } } } if (base_override.IsGeneric) { ObsoleteAttribute oa; foreach (var base_tp in base_tparams) { oa = base_tp.BaseType.GetAttributeObsolete (); if (oa != null) { AttributeTester.Report_ObsoleteMessage (oa, base_tp.BaseType.GetSignatureForError (), Location, Report); } if (base_tp.InterfacesDefined != null) { foreach (var iface in base_tp.InterfacesDefined) { oa = iface.GetAttributeObsolete (); if (oa != null) { AttributeTester.Report_ObsoleteMessage (oa, iface.GetSignatureForError (), Location, Report); } } } } if (base_decl_tparams.Length != 0) { base_decl_tparams = base_decl_tparams.Concat (base_tparams).ToArray (); base_targs = base_targs.Concat (tparams.Types).ToArray (); } else { base_decl_tparams = base_tparams; base_targs = tparams.Types; } } } } for (int i = 0; i < tparams.Count; ++i) { var tp = tparams [i]; if (base_tparams == null) { tp.ResolveConstraints (this); continue; } // // Copy base constraints for override/explicit methods // var base_tparam = base_tparams [i]; var local_tparam = tp.Type; local_tparam.SpecialConstraint = base_tparam.SpecialConstraint; var inflator = new TypeParameterInflator (this, CurrentType, base_decl_tparams, base_targs); base_tparam.InflateConstraints (inflator, local_tparam); // // Check all type argument constraints for possible collision or unification // introduced by inflating inherited constraints in this context // // Conflict example: // // class A { virtual void Foo () where U : class, T {} } // class B : A { override void Foo {} } // var local_tparam_targs = local_tparam.TypeArguments; if (local_tparam_targs != null) { for (int ii = 0; ii < local_tparam_targs.Length; ++ii) { var ta = local_tparam_targs [ii]; if (!ta.IsClass && !ta.IsStruct) continue; TypeSpec[] unique_tparams = null; for (int iii = ii + 1; iii < local_tparam_targs.Length; ++iii) { // // Remove any identical or unified constraint types // var tparam_checked = local_tparam_targs [iii]; if (TypeSpecComparer.IsEqual (ta, tparam_checked) || TypeSpec.IsBaseClass (ta, tparam_checked, false)) { unique_tparams = new TypeSpec[local_tparam_targs.Length - 1]; Array.Copy (local_tparam_targs, 0, unique_tparams, 0, iii); Array.Copy (local_tparam_targs, iii + 1, unique_tparams, iii, local_tparam_targs.Length - iii - 1); } else if (!TypeSpec.IsBaseClass (tparam_checked, ta, false)) { Constraints.Error_ConflictingConstraints (this, local_tparam, ta, tparam_checked, Location); } } if (unique_tparams != null) { local_tparam_targs = unique_tparams; local_tparam.TypeArguments = local_tparam_targs; continue; } Constraints.CheckConflictingInheritedConstraint (local_tparam, ta, this, Location); } } } if (base_tparams == null && MethodData != null && MethodData.implementing != null) { CheckImplementingMethodConstraints (Parent, spec, MethodData.implementing); } } public static bool CheckImplementingMethodConstraints (TypeContainer container, MethodSpec method, MethodSpec baseMethod) { var tparams = method.Constraints; var base_tparams = baseMethod.Constraints; for (int i = 0; i < tparams.Length; ++i) { if (!tparams[i].HasSameConstraintsImplementation (base_tparams[i])) { container.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (method); container.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (baseMethod); // Using container location because the interface can be implemented // by base class container.Compiler.Report.Error (425, container.Location, "The constraints for type parameter `{0}' of method `{1}' must match the constraints for type parameter `{2}' of interface method `{3}'. Consider using an explicit interface implementation instead", tparams[i].GetSignatureForError (), method.GetSignatureForError (), base_tparams[i].GetSignatureForError (), baseMethod.GetSignatureForError ()); return false; } } return true; } // // Creates the type // public override bool Define () { if (!base.Define ()) return false; if (member_type.Kind == MemberKind.Void && parameters.IsEmpty && MemberName.Arity == 0 && MemberName.Name == Destructor.MetadataName) { Report.Warning (465, 1, Location, "Introducing `Finalize' method can interfere with destructor invocation. Did you intend to declare a destructor?"); } if (Compiler.Settings.StdLib && ReturnType.IsSpecialRuntimeType) { Error1599 (Location, ReturnType, Report); return false; } if (CurrentTypeParameters == null) { if (base_method != null && !IsExplicitImpl) { if (parameters.Count == 1 && ParameterTypes[0].BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Object && MemberName.Name == "Equals") Parent.PartialContainer.Mark_HasEquals (); else if (parameters.IsEmpty && MemberName.Name == "GetHashCode") Parent.PartialContainer.Mark_HasGetHashCode (); } } else { DefineTypeParameters (); } if (block != null) { if (block.IsIterator) { // // Current method is turned into automatically generated // wrapper which creates an instance of iterator // Iterator.CreateIterator (this, Parent.PartialContainer, ModFlags); ModFlags |= Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN; } if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.ASYNC) != 0) { if (ReturnType.Kind != MemberKind.Void && ReturnType != Module.PredefinedTypes.Task.TypeSpec && !ReturnType.IsGenericTask) { Report.Error (1983, Location, "The return type of an async method must be void, Task, or Task"); } block = (ToplevelBlock) block.ConvertToAsyncTask (this, Parent.PartialContainer, parameters, ReturnType, null, Location); ModFlags |= Modifiers.DEBUGGER_STEP_THROUGH; } if (Compiler.Settings.WriteMetadataOnly) block = null; } if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.STATIC) == 0) return true; if (parameters.HasExtensionMethodType) { if (Parent.PartialContainer.IsStatic && !Parent.IsGenericOrParentIsGeneric) { if (!Parent.IsTopLevel) Report.Error (1109, Location, "`{0}': Extension methods cannot be defined in a nested class", GetSignatureForError ()); PredefinedAttribute pa = Module.PredefinedAttributes.Extension; if (!pa.IsDefined) { Report.Error (1110, Location, "`{0}': Extension methods require `System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute' type to be available. Are you missing an assembly reference?", GetSignatureForError ()); } ModFlags |= Modifiers.METHOD_EXTENSION; Parent.PartialContainer.ModFlags |= Modifiers.METHOD_EXTENSION; Spec.DeclaringType.SetExtensionMethodContainer (); Parent.Module.HasExtensionMethod = true; } else { Report.Error (1106, Location, "`{0}': Extension methods must be defined in a non-generic static class", GetSignatureForError ()); } } // // This is used to track the Entry Point, // var settings = Compiler.Settings; if (settings.NeedsEntryPoint && MemberName.Name == "Main" && (settings.MainClass == null || settings.MainClass == Parent.TypeBuilder.FullName)) { if (IsEntryPoint ()) { if (Parent.DeclaringAssembly.EntryPoint == null) { if (Parent.IsGenericOrParentIsGeneric || MemberName.IsGeneric) { Report.Warning (402, 4, Location, "`{0}': an entry point cannot be generic or in a generic type", GetSignatureForError ()); } else if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.ASYNC) != 0) { Report.Error (4009, Location, "`{0}': an entry point cannot be async method", GetSignatureForError ()); } else { SetIsUsed (); Parent.DeclaringAssembly.EntryPoint = this; } } else { Error_DuplicateEntryPoint (Parent.DeclaringAssembly.EntryPoint); Error_DuplicateEntryPoint (this); } } else { Report.Warning (28, 4, Location, "`{0}' has the wrong signature to be an entry point", GetSignatureForError ()); } } return true; } public override void PrepareEmit () { if (IsPartialDefinition) { // // Use partial method implementation builder for partial method declaration attributes // if (partialMethodImplementation != null) { MethodData = partialMethodImplementation.MethodData; } return; } base.PrepareEmit (); } // // Emits the code // public override void Emit () { try { if (IsPartialDefinition) { if (partialMethodImplementation != null && CurrentTypeParameters != null) { CurrentTypeParameters.CheckPartialConstraints (partialMethodImplementation); var otp = partialMethodImplementation.CurrentTypeParameters; for (int i = 0; i < CurrentTypeParameters.Count; ++i) { var tp = CurrentTypeParameters [i]; tp.Define (otp[i]); } } return; } if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.PARTIAL) != 0 && (caching_flags & Flags.PartialDefinitionExists) == 0) { Report.Error (759, Location, "A partial method `{0}' implementation is missing a partial method declaration", GetSignatureForError ()); } if (CurrentTypeParameters != null) { for (int i = 0; i < CurrentTypeParameters.Count; ++i) { var tp = CurrentTypeParameters [i]; tp.CheckGenericConstraints (false); tp.Emit (); } } if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.METHOD_EXTENSION) != 0) Module.PredefinedAttributes.Extension.EmitAttribute (MethodBuilder); base.Emit (); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InternalErrorException (this, e); } } public override bool EnableOverloadChecks (MemberCore overload) { if (overload is Indexer) return false; return base.EnableOverloadChecks (overload); } public static void Error1599 (Location loc, TypeSpec t, Report Report) { Report.Error (1599, loc, "Method or delegate cannot return type `{0}'", t.GetSignatureForError ()); } protected override bool ResolveMemberType () { if (CurrentTypeParameters != null) { CreateTypeParameters (); } return base.ResolveMemberType (); } public void SetPartialDefinition (Method methodDefinition) { caching_flags |= Flags.PartialDefinitionExists; methodDefinition.partialMethodImplementation = this; // Ensure we are always using method declaration parameters for (int i = 0; i < methodDefinition.parameters.Count; ++i ) { var md_p = methodDefinition.parameters [i]; var p = parameters [i]; p.Name = md_p.Name; p.DefaultValue = md_p.DefaultValue; if (md_p.OptAttributes != null) { if (p.OptAttributes == null) { p.OptAttributes = md_p.OptAttributes; } else { p.OptAttributes.Attrs.AddRange (md_p.OptAttributes.Attrs); } } } if (methodDefinition.attributes != null) { if (attributes == null) { attributes = methodDefinition.attributes; } else { attributes.Attrs.AddRange (methodDefinition.attributes.Attrs); } } if (CurrentTypeParameters != null) { for (int i = 0; i < CurrentTypeParameters.Count; ++i) { var tp_other = methodDefinition.CurrentTypeParameters [i]; if (tp_other.OptAttributes == null) continue; var tp = CurrentTypeParameters [i]; if (tp.OptAttributes == null) { tp.OptAttributes = tp_other.OptAttributes; } else { tp.OptAttributes.Attrs.AddRange (tp.OptAttributes.Attrs); } } } } } public abstract class ConstructorInitializer : ExpressionStatement { Arguments argument_list; MethodSpec base_ctor; protected ConstructorInitializer (Arguments argument_list, Location loc) { this.argument_list = argument_list; this.loc = loc; } public Arguments Arguments { get { return argument_list; } } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { throw new NotSupportedException (); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { throw new NotSupportedException ("ET"); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { eclass = ExprClass.Value; // FIXME: Hack var caller_builder = (Constructor) ec.MemberContext; // // Spec mandates that constructor initializer will not have `this' access // using (ec.Set (ResolveContext.Options.BaseInitializer)) { if (argument_list != null) { bool dynamic; argument_list.Resolve (ec, out dynamic); if (dynamic) { ec.Report.Error (1975, loc, "The constructor call cannot be dynamically dispatched within constructor initializer"); return null; } } type = ec.CurrentType; if (this is ConstructorBaseInitializer) { if (ec.CurrentType.BaseType == null) return this; type = ec.CurrentType.BaseType; if (ec.CurrentType.IsStruct) { ec.Report.Error (522, loc, "`{0}': Struct constructors cannot call base constructors", caller_builder.GetSignatureForError ()); return this; } } else { // // It is legal to have "this" initializers that take no arguments // in structs // // struct D { public D (int a) : this () {} // if (ec.CurrentType.IsStruct && argument_list == null) return this; } base_ctor = ConstructorLookup (ec, type, ref argument_list, loc); } if (base_ctor != null && base_ctor.MemberDefinition == caller_builder.Spec.MemberDefinition) { ec.Report.Error (516, loc, "Constructor `{0}' cannot call itself", caller_builder.GetSignatureForError ()); } return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { // // It can be null for struct initializers or System.Object // if (base_ctor == null) { if (type == ec.BuiltinTypes.Object) return; ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Initobj, type); return; } var call = new CallEmitter (); call.InstanceExpression = new CompilerGeneratedThis (type, loc); call.EmitPredefined (ec, base_ctor, argument_list); } public override void EmitStatement (EmitContext ec) { Emit (ec); } public override void FlowAnalysis (FlowAnalysisContext fc) { if (argument_list != null) argument_list.FlowAnalysis (fc); } } public class ConstructorBaseInitializer : ConstructorInitializer { public ConstructorBaseInitializer (Arguments argument_list, Location l) : base (argument_list, l) { } } class GeneratedBaseInitializer: ConstructorBaseInitializer { public GeneratedBaseInitializer (Location loc, Arguments arguments) : base (arguments, loc) { } } public class ConstructorThisInitializer : ConstructorInitializer { public ConstructorThisInitializer (Arguments argument_list, Location l) : base (argument_list, l) { } } public class Constructor : MethodCore, IMethodData, IMethodDefinition { public ConstructorBuilder ConstructorBuilder; public ConstructorInitializer Initializer; SecurityType declarative_security; bool has_compliant_args; SourceMethodBuilder debug_builder; // // Modifiers allowed for a constructor. // public const Modifiers AllowedModifiers = Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.PROTECTED | Modifiers.INTERNAL | Modifiers.STATIC | Modifiers.UNSAFE | Modifiers.EXTERN | Modifiers.PRIVATE; static readonly string[] attribute_targets = new string [] { "method" }; public static readonly string ConstructorName = ".ctor"; public static readonly string TypeConstructorName = ".cctor"; public Constructor (TypeDefinition parent, string name, Modifiers mod, Attributes attrs, ParametersCompiled args, Location loc) : base (parent, null, mod, AllowedModifiers, new MemberName (name, loc), attrs, args) { } public bool HasCompliantArgs { get { return has_compliant_args; } } public override AttributeTargets AttributeTargets { get { return AttributeTargets.Constructor; } } bool IMethodData.IsAccessor { get { return false; } } public bool IsPrimaryConstructor { get; set; } MethodBase IMethodDefinition.Metadata { get { return ConstructorBuilder; } } // // Returns true if this is a default constructor // public bool IsDefault () { if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.STATIC) != 0) return parameters.IsEmpty; return parameters.IsEmpty && (Initializer is ConstructorBaseInitializer) && (Initializer.Arguments == null); } public override void Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { visitor.Visit (this); } public override void ApplyAttributeBuilder (Attribute a, MethodSpec ctor, byte[] cdata, PredefinedAttributes pa) { if (a.IsValidSecurityAttribute ()) { a.ExtractSecurityPermissionSet (ctor, ref declarative_security); return; } if (a.Type == pa.MethodImpl) { is_external_implementation = a.IsInternalCall (); } ConstructorBuilder.SetCustomAttribute ((ConstructorInfo) ctor.GetMetaInfo (), cdata); } protected override bool CheckBase () { if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.STATIC) != 0) { if (!parameters.IsEmpty) { Report.Error (132, Location, "`{0}': The static constructor must be parameterless", GetSignatureForError ()); return false; } if ((caching_flags & Flags.MethodOverloadsExist) != 0) Parent.MemberCache.CheckExistingMembersOverloads (this, parameters); // the rest can be ignored return true; } // Check whether arguments were correct. if (!DefineParameters (parameters)) return false; if ((caching_flags & Flags.MethodOverloadsExist) != 0) Parent.MemberCache.CheckExistingMembersOverloads (this, parameters); if (Parent.PartialContainer.Kind == MemberKind.Struct && parameters.IsEmpty) { Report.Error (568, Location, "Structs cannot contain explicit parameterless constructors"); return false; } CheckProtectedModifier (); return true; } // // Creates the ConstructorBuilder // public override bool Define () { if (ConstructorBuilder != null) return true; if (!CheckAbstractAndExtern (block != null)) return false; // Check if arguments were correct. if (!CheckBase ()) return false; if (Parent.PrimaryConstructorParameters != null && !IsPrimaryConstructor) { if (Parent.Kind == MemberKind.Struct) { Report.Error (9009, Location, "`{0}': Structs with primary constructor cannot have explicit constructor", GetSignatureForError ()); } else if (Initializer == null || Initializer is ConstructorBaseInitializer) { Report.Error (9002, Location, "`{0}': Instance constructor of type with primary constructor must specify `this' constructor initializer", GetSignatureForError ()); } } var ca = ModifiersExtensions.MethodAttr (ModFlags) | MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName | MethodAttributes.SpecialName; ConstructorBuilder = Parent.TypeBuilder.DefineConstructor ( ca, CallingConventions, parameters.GetMetaInfo ()); spec = new MethodSpec (MemberKind.Constructor, Parent.Definition, this, Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Void, parameters, ModFlags); Parent.MemberCache.AddMember (spec); if (block != null) { // It's here only to report an error if (block.IsIterator) { member_type = Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Void; Iterator.CreateIterator (this, Parent.PartialContainer, ModFlags); } if (Compiler.Settings.WriteMetadataOnly) block = null; } return true; } // // Emits the code // public override void Emit () { if (Parent.PartialContainer.IsComImport) { if (!IsDefault ()) { Report.Error (669, Location, "`{0}': A class with the ComImport attribute cannot have a user-defined constructor", Parent.GetSignatureForError ()); } // Set as internal implementation and reset block data // to ensure no IL is generated ConstructorBuilder.SetImplementationFlags (MethodImplAttributes.InternalCall); block = null; } if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN) != 0) Module.PredefinedAttributes.DebuggerHidden.EmitAttribute (ConstructorBuilder); if (OptAttributes != null) OptAttributes.Emit (); base.Emit (); parameters.ApplyAttributes (this, ConstructorBuilder); BlockContext bc = new BlockContext (this, block, Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Void); bc.Set (ResolveContext.Options.ConstructorScope); if (block != null) { // // If we use a "this (...)" constructor initializer, then // do not emit field initializers, they are initialized in the other constructor // if (!(Initializer is ConstructorThisInitializer)) Parent.PartialContainer.ResolveFieldInitializers (bc); if (!IsStatic) { if (Initializer == null) { if (Parent.PartialContainer.Kind == MemberKind.Struct) { // // If this is a non-static `struct' constructor and doesn't have any // initializer, it must initialize all of the struct's fields. // block.AddThisVariable (bc); } else if (Parent.PartialContainer.Kind == MemberKind.Class) { Initializer = new GeneratedBaseInitializer (Location, null); } } if (Initializer != null) { // // mdb format does not support reqions. Try to workaround this by emitting the // sequence point at initializer. Any breakpoint at constructor header should // be adjusted to this sequence point as it's the next one which follows. // block.AddScopeStatement (new StatementExpression (Initializer)); } } if (block.Resolve (bc, this)) { debug_builder = Parent.CreateMethodSymbolEntry (); EmitContext ec = new EmitContext (this, ConstructorBuilder.GetILGenerator (), bc.ReturnType, debug_builder); ec.With (EmitContext.Options.ConstructorScope, true); block.Emit (ec); } } if (declarative_security != null) { foreach (var de in declarative_security) { #if STATIC ConstructorBuilder.__AddDeclarativeSecurity (de); #else ConstructorBuilder.AddDeclarativeSecurity (de.Key, de.Value); #endif } } block = null; } protected override MemberSpec FindBaseMember (out MemberSpec bestCandidate, ref bool overrides) { // Is never override bestCandidate = null; return null; } public override string GetCallerMemberName () { return IsStatic ? TypeConstructorName : ConstructorName; } public override string GetSignatureForDocumentation () { return Parent.GetSignatureForDocumentation () + ".#ctor" + parameters.GetSignatureForDocumentation (); } public override string GetSignatureForError() { return base.GetSignatureForError () + parameters.GetSignatureForError (); } public override string[] ValidAttributeTargets { get { return attribute_targets; } } protected override bool VerifyClsCompliance () { if (!base.VerifyClsCompliance () || !IsExposedFromAssembly ()) { return false; } if (!parameters.IsEmpty && Parent.Definition.IsAttribute) { foreach (TypeSpec param in parameters.Types) { if (param.IsArray) { return true; } } } has_compliant_args = true; return true; } public override void WriteDebugSymbol (MonoSymbolFile file) { if (debug_builder == null) return; var token = ConstructorBuilder.GetToken (); int t = token.Token; #if STATIC if (ModuleBuilder.IsPseudoToken (t)) t = Module.Builder.ResolvePseudoToken (t); #endif debug_builder.DefineMethod (file, t); } #region IMethodData Members public MemberName MethodName { get { return MemberName; } } public TypeSpec ReturnType { get { return MemberType; } } EmitContext IMethodData.CreateEmitContext (ILGenerator ig, SourceMethodBuilder sourceMethod) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } #endregion } /// /// Interface for MethodData class. Holds links to parent members to avoid member duplication. /// public interface IMethodData : IMemberContext { CallingConventions CallingConventions { get; } Location Location { get; } MemberName MethodName { get; } TypeSpec ReturnType { get; } ParametersCompiled ParameterInfo { get; } MethodSpec Spec { get; } bool IsAccessor { get; } Attributes OptAttributes { get; } ToplevelBlock Block { get; set; } EmitContext CreateEmitContext (ILGenerator ig, SourceMethodBuilder sourceMethod); } // // Encapsulates most of the Method's state // public class MethodData { public readonly IMethodData method; // // Are we implementing an interface ? // public MethodSpec implementing; // // Protected data. // protected InterfaceMemberBase member; protected Modifiers modifiers; protected MethodAttributes flags; protected TypeSpec declaring_type; protected MethodSpec parent_method; SourceMethodBuilder debug_builder; string full_name; MethodBuilder builder; public MethodBuilder MethodBuilder { get { return builder; } } public TypeSpec DeclaringType { get { return declaring_type; } } public string MetadataName { get { return full_name; } } public MethodData (InterfaceMemberBase member, Modifiers modifiers, MethodAttributes flags, IMethodData method) { this.member = member; this.modifiers = modifiers; this.flags = flags; this.method = method; } public MethodData (InterfaceMemberBase member, Modifiers modifiers, MethodAttributes flags, IMethodData method, MethodSpec parent_method) : this (member, modifiers, flags, method) { this.parent_method = parent_method; } public bool Define (TypeDefinition container, string method_full_name) { PendingImplementation pending = container.PendingImplementations; MethodSpec ambig_iface_method; bool optional = false; if (pending != null) { implementing = pending.IsInterfaceMethod (method.MethodName, member.InterfaceType, this, out ambig_iface_method, ref optional); if (member.InterfaceType != null) { if (implementing == null) { if (member is PropertyBase) { container.Compiler.Report.Error (550, method.Location, "`{0}' is an accessor not found in interface member `{1}{2}'", method.GetSignatureForError (), member.InterfaceType.GetSignatureForError (), member.GetSignatureForError ().Substring (member.GetSignatureForError ().LastIndexOf ('.'))); } else { container.Compiler.Report.Error (539, method.Location, "`{0}.{1}' in explicit interface declaration is not a member of interface", member.InterfaceType.GetSignatureForError (), member.ShortName); } return false; } if (implementing.IsAccessor && !method.IsAccessor) { container.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (implementing); container.Compiler.Report.Error (683, method.Location, "`{0}' explicit method implementation cannot implement `{1}' because it is an accessor", member.GetSignatureForError (), implementing.GetSignatureForError ()); return false; } } else { if (implementing != null && !optional) { if (!method.IsAccessor) { if (implementing.IsAccessor) { container.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (implementing); container.Compiler.Report.Error (470, method.Location, "Method `{0}' cannot implement interface accessor `{1}'", method.GetSignatureForError (), TypeManager.CSharpSignature (implementing)); } } else if (implementing.DeclaringType.IsInterface) { if (!implementing.IsAccessor) { container.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (implementing); container.Compiler.Report.Error (686, method.Location, "Accessor `{0}' cannot implement interface member `{1}' for type `{2}'. Use an explicit interface implementation", method.GetSignatureForError (), TypeManager.CSharpSignature (implementing), container.GetSignatureForError ()); } else { PropertyBase.PropertyMethod pm = method as PropertyBase.PropertyMethod; if (pm != null && pm.HasCustomAccessModifier && (pm.ModFlags & Modifiers.PUBLIC) == 0) { container.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (implementing); container.Compiler.Report.Error (277, method.Location, "Accessor `{0}' must be declared public to implement interface member `{1}'", method.GetSignatureForError (), implementing.GetSignatureForError ()); } } } } } } else { ambig_iface_method = null; } // // For implicit implementations, make sure we are public, for // explicit implementations, make sure we are private. // if (implementing != null){ if (member.IsExplicitImpl) { if (method.ParameterInfo.HasParams && !implementing.Parameters.HasParams) { container.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (implementing); container.Compiler.Report.Error (466, method.Location, "`{0}': the explicit interface implementation cannot introduce the params modifier", method.GetSignatureForError ()); } if (ambig_iface_method != null) { container.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (ambig_iface_method); container.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (implementing); container.Compiler.Report.Warning (473, 2, method.Location, "Explicit interface implementation `{0}' matches more than one interface member. Consider using a non-explicit implementation instead", method.GetSignatureForError ()); } } else { // // Setting implementin to null inside this block will trigger a more // verbose error reporting for missing interface implementations // if (implementing.DeclaringType.IsInterface) { // // If this is an interface method implementation, // check for public accessibility // if ((flags & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) != MethodAttributes.Public) { implementing = null; } else if (optional && (container.Interfaces == null || !container.Definition.Interfaces.Contains (implementing.DeclaringType))) { // // We are not implementing interface when base class already implemented it // implementing = null; } } else if ((flags & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) == MethodAttributes.Private) { // We may never be private. implementing = null; } else if ((modifiers & Modifiers.OVERRIDE) == 0) { // // We may be protected if we're overriding something. // implementing = null; } } // // Static is not allowed // if ((modifiers & Modifiers.STATIC) != 0){ implementing = null; } } // // If implementing is still valid, set flags // if (implementing != null){ // // When implementing interface methods, set NewSlot // unless, we are overwriting a method. // if ((modifiers & Modifiers.OVERRIDE) == 0 && implementing.DeclaringType.IsInterface) { flags |= MethodAttributes.NewSlot; } flags |= MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.HideBySig; // Set Final unless we're virtual, abstract or already overriding a method. if ((modifiers & (Modifiers.VIRTUAL | Modifiers.ABSTRACT | Modifiers.OVERRIDE)) == 0) flags |= MethodAttributes.Final; // // clear the pending implementation flag (requires explicit methods to be defined first) // pending.ImplementMethod (method.MethodName, member.InterfaceType, this, member.IsExplicitImpl, out ambig_iface_method, ref optional); // // Update indexer accessor name to match implementing abstract accessor // if (!implementing.DeclaringType.IsInterface && !member.IsExplicitImpl && implementing.IsAccessor) method_full_name = implementing.MemberDefinition.Name; } full_name = method_full_name; declaring_type = container.Definition; return true; } void DefineOverride (TypeDefinition container) { if (implementing == null) return; if (!member.IsExplicitImpl) return; container.TypeBuilder.DefineMethodOverride (builder, (MethodInfo) implementing.GetMetaInfo ()); } // // Creates partial MethodBuilder for the method when has generic parameters used // as arguments or return type // public MethodBuilder DefineMethodBuilder (TypeDefinition container) { if (builder != null) throw new InternalErrorException (); builder = container.TypeBuilder.DefineMethod (full_name, flags, method.CallingConventions); return builder; } // // Creates full MethodBuilder for the method // public MethodBuilder DefineMethodBuilder (TypeDefinition container, ParametersCompiled param) { DefineMethodBuilder (container); builder.SetReturnType (method.ReturnType.GetMetaInfo ()); builder.SetParameters (param.GetMetaInfo ()); return builder; } // // Emits the code // public void Emit (TypeDefinition parent) { DefineOverride (parent); method.ParameterInfo.ApplyAttributes (method, MethodBuilder); ToplevelBlock block = method.Block; if (block != null) { BlockContext bc = new BlockContext (method, block, method.ReturnType); if (block.Resolve (bc, method)) { debug_builder = member.Parent.CreateMethodSymbolEntry (); EmitContext ec = method.CreateEmitContext (MethodBuilder.GetILGenerator (), debug_builder); block.Emit (ec); } } } public void WriteDebugSymbol (MonoSymbolFile file) { if (debug_builder == null) return; var token = builder.GetToken (); int t = token.Token; #if STATIC if (ModuleBuilder.IsPseudoToken (t)) t = member.Module.Builder.ResolvePseudoToken (t); #endif debug_builder.DefineMethod (file, t); } } public class Destructor : MethodOrOperator { const Modifiers AllowedModifiers = Modifiers.UNSAFE | Modifiers.EXTERN; static readonly string[] attribute_targets = new string [] { "method" }; public static readonly string MetadataName = "Finalize"; public Destructor (TypeDefinition parent, Modifiers mod, ParametersCompiled parameters, Attributes attrs, Location l) : base (parent, null, mod, AllowedModifiers, new MemberName (MetadataName, l), attrs, parameters) { ModFlags &= ~Modifiers.PRIVATE; ModFlags |= Modifiers.PROTECTED | Modifiers.OVERRIDE; } public override void Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { visitor.Visit (this); } public override void ApplyAttributeBuilder (Attribute a, MethodSpec ctor, byte[] cdata, PredefinedAttributes pa) { if (a.Type == pa.Conditional) { Error_ConditionalAttributeIsNotValid (); return; } base.ApplyAttributeBuilder (a, ctor, cdata, pa); } protected override bool CheckBase () { // Don't check base, destructors have special syntax return true; } public override bool Define () { base.Define (); if (Compiler.Settings.WriteMetadataOnly) block = null; return true; } public override void Emit() { var base_type = Parent.PartialContainer.BaseType; if (base_type != null && Block != null) { var base_dtor = MemberCache.FindMember (base_type, new MemberFilter (MetadataName, 0, MemberKind.Destructor, null, null), BindingRestriction.InstanceOnly) as MethodSpec; if (base_dtor == null) throw new NotImplementedException (); MethodGroupExpr method_expr = MethodGroupExpr.CreatePredefined (base_dtor, base_type, Location); method_expr.InstanceExpression = new BaseThis (base_type, Location); var try_block = new ExplicitBlock (block, block.StartLocation, block.EndLocation) { IsCompilerGenerated = true }; var finaly_block = new ExplicitBlock (block, Location, Location) { IsCompilerGenerated = true }; // // 0-size arguments to avoid CS0250 error // TODO: Should use AddScopeStatement or something else which emits correct // debugger scope // finaly_block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (new Invocation (method_expr, new Arguments (0)), Location.Null)); var tf = new TryFinally (try_block, finaly_block, Location); block.WrapIntoDestructor (tf, try_block); } base.Emit (); } public override string GetSignatureForError () { return Parent.GetSignatureForError () + ".~" + Parent.MemberName.Name + "()"; } protected override bool ResolveMemberType () { member_type = Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Void; return true; } public override string[] ValidAttributeTargets { get { return attribute_targets; } } } // Ooouh Martin, templates are missing here. // When it will be possible move here a lot of child code and template method type. public abstract class AbstractPropertyEventMethod : MemberCore, IMethodData, IMethodDefinition { protected MethodData method_data; protected ToplevelBlock block; protected SecurityType declarative_security; protected readonly string prefix; ReturnParameter return_attributes; protected AbstractPropertyEventMethod (InterfaceMemberBase member, string prefix, Attributes attrs, Location loc) : base (member.Parent, SetupName (prefix, member, loc), attrs) { this.prefix = prefix; } static MemberName SetupName (string prefix, InterfaceMemberBase member, Location loc) { return new MemberName (member.MemberName.Left, prefix + member.ShortName, member.MemberName.ExplicitInterface, loc); } public void UpdateName (InterfaceMemberBase member) { SetMemberName (SetupName (prefix, member, Location)); } #region IMethodData Members public ToplevelBlock Block { get { return block; } set { block = value; } } public CallingConventions CallingConventions { get { return CallingConventions.Standard; } } public EmitContext CreateEmitContext (ILGenerator ig, SourceMethodBuilder sourceMethod) { return new EmitContext (this, ig, ReturnType, sourceMethod); } public bool IsAccessor { get { return true; } } public MemberName MethodName { get { return MemberName; } } public TypeSpec[] ParameterTypes { get { return ParameterInfo.Types; } } MethodBase IMethodDefinition.Metadata { get { return method_data.MethodBuilder; } } public abstract ParametersCompiled ParameterInfo { get ; } public abstract TypeSpec ReturnType { get; } #endregion public override void ApplyAttributeBuilder (Attribute a, MethodSpec ctor, byte[] cdata, PredefinedAttributes pa) { if (a.Type == pa.CLSCompliant || a.Type == pa.Obsolete || a.Type == pa.Conditional) { Report.Error (1667, a.Location, "Attribute `{0}' is not valid on property or event accessors. It is valid on `{1}' declarations only", a.Type.GetSignatureForError (), a.GetValidTargets ()); return; } if (a.IsValidSecurityAttribute ()) { a.ExtractSecurityPermissionSet (ctor, ref declarative_security); return; } if (a.Target == AttributeTargets.Method) { method_data.MethodBuilder.SetCustomAttribute ((ConstructorInfo) ctor.GetMetaInfo (), cdata); return; } if (a.Target == AttributeTargets.ReturnValue) { if (return_attributes == null) return_attributes = new ReturnParameter (this, method_data.MethodBuilder, Location); return_attributes.ApplyAttributeBuilder (a, ctor, cdata, pa); return; } ApplyToExtraTarget (a, ctor, cdata, pa); } protected virtual void ApplyToExtraTarget (Attribute a, MethodSpec ctor, byte[] cdata, PredefinedAttributes pa) { throw new NotSupportedException ("You forgot to define special attribute target handling"); } // It is not supported for the accessors public sealed override bool Define() { throw new NotSupportedException (); } public virtual void Emit (TypeDefinition parent) { method_data.Emit (parent); if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED) != 0 && !Parent.IsCompilerGenerated) Module.PredefinedAttributes.CompilerGenerated.EmitAttribute (method_data.MethodBuilder); if (((ModFlags & Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN) != 0)) Module.PredefinedAttributes.DebuggerHidden.EmitAttribute (method_data.MethodBuilder); if (ReturnType.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) { return_attributes = new ReturnParameter (this, method_data.MethodBuilder, Location); Module.PredefinedAttributes.Dynamic.EmitAttribute (return_attributes.Builder); } else if (ReturnType.HasDynamicElement) { return_attributes = new ReturnParameter (this, method_data.MethodBuilder, Location); Module.PredefinedAttributes.Dynamic.EmitAttribute (return_attributes.Builder, ReturnType, Location); } if (OptAttributes != null) OptAttributes.Emit (); if (declarative_security != null) { foreach (var de in declarative_security) { #if STATIC method_data.MethodBuilder.__AddDeclarativeSecurity (de); #else method_data.MethodBuilder.AddDeclarativeSecurity (de.Key, de.Value); #endif } } block = null; } public override bool EnableOverloadChecks (MemberCore overload) { if (overload is MethodCore) { caching_flags |= Flags.MethodOverloadsExist; return true; } // This can only happen with indexers and it will // be catched as indexer difference if (overload is AbstractPropertyEventMethod) return true; return false; } public override string GetCallerMemberName () { return base.GetCallerMemberName ().Substring (prefix.Length); } public override string GetSignatureForDocumentation () { // should not be called throw new NotSupportedException (); } public override bool IsClsComplianceRequired() { return false; } public void PrepareEmit () { method_data.DefineMethodBuilder (Parent.PartialContainer, ParameterInfo); } public override void WriteDebugSymbol (MonoSymbolFile file) { if (method_data != null) method_data.WriteDebugSymbol (file); } public MethodSpec Spec { get; protected set; } // // Represents header string for documentation comment. // public override string DocCommentHeader { get { throw new InvalidOperationException ("Unexpected attempt to get doc comment from " + this.GetType () + "."); } } } public class Operator : MethodOrOperator { const Modifiers AllowedModifiers = Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.UNSAFE | Modifiers.EXTERN | Modifiers.STATIC; public enum OpType : byte { // Unary operators LogicalNot, OnesComplement, Increment, Decrement, True, False, // Unary and Binary operators Addition, Subtraction, UnaryPlus, UnaryNegation, // Binary operators Multiply, Division, Modulus, BitwiseAnd, BitwiseOr, ExclusiveOr, LeftShift, RightShift, Equality, Inequality, GreaterThan, LessThan, GreaterThanOrEqual, LessThanOrEqual, // Implicit and Explicit Implicit, Explicit, // Just because of enum TOP }; public readonly OpType OperatorType; static readonly string [] [] names; static Operator () { names = new string[(int)OpType.TOP][]; names [(int) OpType.LogicalNot] = new string [] { "!", "op_LogicalNot" }; names [(int) OpType.OnesComplement] = new string [] { "~", "op_OnesComplement" }; names [(int) OpType.Increment] = new string [] { "++", "op_Increment" }; names [(int) OpType.Decrement] = new string [] { "--", "op_Decrement" }; names [(int) OpType.True] = new string [] { "true", "op_True" }; names [(int) OpType.False] = new string [] { "false", "op_False" }; names [(int) OpType.Addition] = new string [] { "+", "op_Addition" }; names [(int) OpType.Subtraction] = new string [] { "-", "op_Subtraction" }; names [(int) OpType.UnaryPlus] = new string [] { "+", "op_UnaryPlus" }; names [(int) OpType.UnaryNegation] = new string [] { "-", "op_UnaryNegation" }; names [(int) OpType.Multiply] = new string [] { "*", "op_Multiply" }; names [(int) OpType.Division] = new string [] { "/", "op_Division" }; names [(int) OpType.Modulus] = new string [] { "%", "op_Modulus" }; names [(int) OpType.BitwiseAnd] = new string [] { "&", "op_BitwiseAnd" }; names [(int) OpType.BitwiseOr] = new string [] { "|", "op_BitwiseOr" }; names [(int) OpType.ExclusiveOr] = new string [] { "^", "op_ExclusiveOr" }; names [(int) OpType.LeftShift] = new string [] { "<<", "op_LeftShift" }; names [(int) OpType.RightShift] = new string [] { ">>", "op_RightShift" }; names [(int) OpType.Equality] = new string [] { "==", "op_Equality" }; names [(int) OpType.Inequality] = new string [] { "!=", "op_Inequality" }; names [(int) OpType.GreaterThan] = new string [] { ">", "op_GreaterThan" }; names [(int) OpType.LessThan] = new string [] { "<", "op_LessThan" }; names [(int) OpType.GreaterThanOrEqual] = new string [] { ">=", "op_GreaterThanOrEqual" }; names [(int) OpType.LessThanOrEqual] = new string [] { "<=", "op_LessThanOrEqual" }; names [(int) OpType.Implicit] = new string [] { "implicit", "op_Implicit" }; names [(int) OpType.Explicit] = new string [] { "explicit", "op_Explicit" }; } public Operator (TypeDefinition parent, OpType type, FullNamedExpression ret_type, Modifiers mod_flags, ParametersCompiled parameters, ToplevelBlock block, Attributes attrs, Location loc) : base (parent, ret_type, mod_flags, AllowedModifiers, new MemberName (GetMetadataName (type), loc), attrs, parameters) { OperatorType = type; Block = block; } public override void Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { visitor.Visit (this); } public override void ApplyAttributeBuilder (Attribute a, MethodSpec ctor, byte[] cdata, PredefinedAttributes pa) { if (a.Type == pa.Conditional) { Error_ConditionalAttributeIsNotValid (); return; } base.ApplyAttributeBuilder (a, ctor, cdata, pa); } public override bool Define () { const Modifiers RequiredModifiers = Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.STATIC; if ((ModFlags & RequiredModifiers) != RequiredModifiers){ Report.Error (558, Location, "User-defined operator `{0}' must be declared static and public", GetSignatureForError ()); } if (!base.Define ()) return false; if (block != null) { if (block.IsIterator) { // // Current method is turned into automatically generated // wrapper which creates an instance of iterator // Iterator.CreateIterator (this, Parent.PartialContainer, ModFlags); ModFlags |= Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN; } if (Compiler.Settings.WriteMetadataOnly) block = null; } // imlicit and explicit operator of same types are not allowed if (OperatorType == OpType.Explicit) Parent.MemberCache.CheckExistingMembersOverloads (this, GetMetadataName (OpType.Implicit), parameters); else if (OperatorType == OpType.Implicit) Parent.MemberCache.CheckExistingMembersOverloads (this, GetMetadataName (OpType.Explicit), parameters); TypeSpec declaring_type = Parent.CurrentType; TypeSpec return_type = MemberType; TypeSpec first_arg_type = ParameterTypes [0]; TypeSpec first_arg_type_unwrap = first_arg_type; if (first_arg_type.IsNullableType) first_arg_type_unwrap = Nullable.NullableInfo.GetUnderlyingType (first_arg_type); TypeSpec return_type_unwrap = return_type; if (return_type.IsNullableType) return_type_unwrap = Nullable.NullableInfo.GetUnderlyingType (return_type); // // Rules for conversion operators // if (OperatorType == OpType.Implicit || OperatorType == OpType.Explicit) { if (first_arg_type_unwrap == return_type_unwrap && first_arg_type_unwrap == declaring_type) { Report.Error (555, Location, "User-defined operator cannot take an object of the enclosing type and convert to an object of the enclosing type"); return false; } TypeSpec conv_type; if (declaring_type == return_type || declaring_type == return_type_unwrap) { conv_type = first_arg_type; } else if (declaring_type == first_arg_type || declaring_type == first_arg_type_unwrap) { conv_type = return_type; } else { Report.Error (556, Location, "User-defined conversion must convert to or from the enclosing type"); return false; } if (conv_type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) { Report.Error (1964, Location, "User-defined conversion `{0}' cannot convert to or from the dynamic type", GetSignatureForError ()); return false; } if (conv_type.IsInterface) { Report.Error (552, Location, "User-defined conversion `{0}' cannot convert to or from an interface type", GetSignatureForError ()); return false; } if (conv_type.IsClass) { if (TypeSpec.IsBaseClass (declaring_type, conv_type, true)) { Report.Error (553, Location, "User-defined conversion `{0}' cannot convert to or from a base class", GetSignatureForError ()); return false; } if (TypeSpec.IsBaseClass (conv_type, declaring_type, false)) { Report.Error (554, Location, "User-defined conversion `{0}' cannot convert to or from a derived class", GetSignatureForError ()); return false; } } } else if (OperatorType == OpType.LeftShift || OperatorType == OpType.RightShift) { if (first_arg_type != declaring_type || parameters.Types[1].BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int) { Report.Error (564, Location, "Overloaded shift operator must have the type of the first operand be the containing type, and the type of the second operand must be int"); return false; } } else if (parameters.Count == 1) { // Checks for Unary operators if (OperatorType == OpType.Increment || OperatorType == OpType.Decrement) { if (return_type != declaring_type && !TypeSpec.IsBaseClass (return_type, declaring_type, false)) { Report.Error (448, Location, "The return type for ++ or -- operator must be the containing type or derived from the containing type"); return false; } if (first_arg_type != declaring_type) { Report.Error ( 559, Location, "The parameter type for ++ or -- operator must be the containing type"); return false; } } if (first_arg_type_unwrap != declaring_type) { Report.Error (562, Location, "The parameter type of a unary operator must be the containing type"); return false; } if (OperatorType == OpType.True || OperatorType == OpType.False) { if (return_type.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Bool) { Report.Error ( 215, Location, "The return type of operator True or False " + "must be bool"); return false; } } } else if (first_arg_type_unwrap != declaring_type) { // Checks for Binary operators var second_arg_type = ParameterTypes[1]; if (second_arg_type.IsNullableType) second_arg_type = Nullable.NullableInfo.GetUnderlyingType (second_arg_type); if (second_arg_type != declaring_type) { Report.Error (563, Location, "One of the parameters of a binary operator must be the containing type"); return false; } } return true; } protected override bool ResolveMemberType () { if (!base.ResolveMemberType ()) return false; flags |= MethodAttributes.SpecialName | MethodAttributes.HideBySig; return true; } protected override MemberSpec FindBaseMember (out MemberSpec bestCandidate, ref bool overrides) { // Operator cannot be override bestCandidate = null; return null; } public static string GetName (OpType ot) { return names [(int) ot] [0]; } public static string GetName (string metadata_name) { for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; ++i) { if (names [i] [1] == metadata_name) return names [i] [0]; } return null; } public static string GetMetadataName (OpType ot) { return names [(int) ot] [1]; } public static string GetMetadataName (string name) { for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; ++i) { if (names [i] [0] == name) return names [i] [1]; } return null; } public static OpType? GetType (string metadata_name) { for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; ++i) { if (names[i][1] == metadata_name) return (OpType) i; } return null; } public OpType GetMatchingOperator () { switch (OperatorType) { case OpType.Equality: return OpType.Inequality; case OpType.Inequality: return OpType.Equality; case OpType.True: return OpType.False; case OpType.False: return OpType.True; case OpType.GreaterThan: return OpType.LessThan; case OpType.LessThan: return OpType.GreaterThan; case OpType.GreaterThanOrEqual: return OpType.LessThanOrEqual; case OpType.LessThanOrEqual: return OpType.GreaterThanOrEqual; default: return OpType.TOP; } } public override string GetSignatureForDocumentation () { string s = base.GetSignatureForDocumentation (); if (OperatorType == OpType.Implicit || OperatorType == OpType.Explicit) { s = s + "~" + ReturnType.GetSignatureForDocumentation (); } return s; } public override string GetSignatureForError () { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); if (OperatorType == OpType.Implicit || OperatorType == OpType.Explicit) { sb.AppendFormat ("{0}.{1} operator {2}", Parent.GetSignatureForError (), GetName (OperatorType), member_type == null ? type_expr.GetSignatureForError () : member_type.GetSignatureForError ()); } else { sb.AppendFormat ("{0}.operator {1}", Parent.GetSignatureForError (), GetName (OperatorType)); } sb.Append (parameters.GetSignatureForError ()); return sb.ToString (); } } }