// // linq.cs: support for query expressions // // Authors: Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com) // // Dual licensed under the terms of the MIT X11 or GNU GPL // // Copyright 2007-2008 Novell, Inc // using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections; namespace Mono.CSharp.Linq { // NOTES: // Expression should be IExpression to save some memory and make a few things // easier to read // // class QueryExpression : AQueryClause { public QueryExpression (Block block, AQueryClause query) : base (null, null, query.Location) { this.next = query; } public override Expression BuildQueryClause (EmitContext ec, Expression lSide) { return next.BuildQueryClause (ec, lSide); } public override Expression DoResolve (EmitContext ec) { int counter = QueryBlock.TransparentParameter.Counter; Expression e = BuildQueryClause (ec, null); e = e.Resolve (ec); // // Reset counter in probing mode to ensure that all transparent // identifier anonymous types are created only once // if (ec.IsInProbingMode) QueryBlock.TransparentParameter.Counter = counter; return e; } protected override string MethodName { get { throw new NotSupportedException (); } } } abstract class AQueryClause : Expression { class QueryExpressionAccess : MemberAccess { public QueryExpressionAccess (Expression expr, string methodName, Location loc) : base (expr, methodName, loc) { } public QueryExpressionAccess (Expression expr, string methodName, TypeArguments typeArguments, Location loc) : base (expr, methodName, typeArguments, loc) { } protected override Expression Error_MemberLookupFailed (Type container_type, Type qualifier_type, Type queried_type, string name, string class_name, MemberTypes mt, BindingFlags bf) { Report.Error (1935, loc, "An implementation of `{0}' query expression pattern could not be found. " + "Are you missing `System.Linq' using directive or `System.Core.dll' assembly reference?", name); return null; } } class QueryExpressionInvocation : Invocation, MethodGroupExpr.IErrorHandler { public QueryExpressionInvocation (QueryExpressionAccess expr, Arguments arguments) : base (expr, arguments) { } protected override MethodGroupExpr DoResolveOverload (EmitContext ec) { mg.CustomErrorHandler = this; MethodGroupExpr rmg = mg.OverloadResolve (ec, ref arguments, false, loc); return rmg; } public bool AmbiguousCall (MethodBase ambiguous) { Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError ((MethodInfo) mg); Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (ambiguous); Report.Error (1940, loc, "Ambiguous implementation of the query pattern `{0}' for source type `{1}'", mg.Name, mg.InstanceExpression.GetSignatureForError ()); return true; } public bool NoExactMatch (EmitContext ec, MethodBase method) { AParametersCollection pd = TypeManager.GetParameterData (method); Type source_type = pd.ExtensionMethodType; if (source_type != null) { Argument a = arguments [0]; if (TypeManager.IsGenericType (source_type) && TypeManager.ContainsGenericParameters (source_type)) { #if GMCS_SOURCE TypeInferenceContext tic = new TypeInferenceContext (TypeManager.GetTypeArguments (source_type)); tic.OutputTypeInference (ec, a.Expr, source_type); if (tic.FixAllTypes ()) { source_type = TypeManager.DropGenericTypeArguments (source_type).MakeGenericType (tic.InferredTypeArguments); } #else throw new NotSupportedException (); #endif } if (!Convert.ImplicitConversionExists (ec, a.Expr, source_type)) { Report.Error (1936, loc, "An implementation of `{0}' query expression pattern for source type `{1}' could not be found", mg.Name, TypeManager.CSharpName (a.Type)); return true; } } if (!TypeManager.IsGenericMethod (method)) return false; if (mg.Name == "SelectMany") { Report.Error (1943, loc, "An expression type is incorrect in a subsequent `from' clause in a query expression with source type `{0}'", arguments [0].GetSignatureForError ()); } else { Report.Error (1942, loc, "An expression type in `{0}' clause is incorrect. Type inference failed in the call to `{1}'", mg.Name.ToLower (), mg.Name); } return true; } } // TODO: protected public AQueryClause next; public Expression expr; protected ToplevelBlock block; protected AQueryClause (ToplevelBlock block, Expression expr, Location loc) { this.block = block; this.expr = expr; this.loc = loc; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression target) { AQueryClause t = (AQueryClause) target; if (expr != null) t.expr = expr.Clone (clonectx); if (block != null) t.block = (ToplevelBlock) block.Clone (clonectx); if (next != null) t.next = (AQueryClause) next.Clone (clonectx); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (EmitContext ec) { // Should not be reached throw new NotSupportedException ("ET"); } public override Expression DoResolve (EmitContext ec) { return expr.DoResolve (ec); } public virtual Expression BuildQueryClause (EmitContext ec, Expression lSide) { Arguments args; CreateArguments (ec, out args); lSide = CreateQueryExpression (lSide, args); if (next != null) { Select s = next as Select; if (s == null || s.IsRequired) return next.BuildQueryClause (ec, lSide); // Skip transparent select clause if any clause follows if (next.next != null) return next.next.BuildQueryClause (ec, lSide); } return lSide; } protected virtual void CreateArguments (EmitContext ec, out Arguments args) { args = new Arguments (2); LambdaExpression selector = new LambdaExpression (loc); selector.Block = block; selector.Block.AddStatement (new ContextualReturn (expr)); args.Add (new Argument (selector)); } protected Invocation CreateQueryExpression (Expression lSide, Arguments arguments) { return new QueryExpressionInvocation ( new QueryExpressionAccess (lSide, MethodName, loc), arguments); } protected Invocation CreateQueryExpression (Expression lSide, TypeArguments typeArguments, Arguments arguments) { return new QueryExpressionInvocation ( new QueryExpressionAccess (lSide, MethodName, typeArguments, loc), arguments); } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { throw new NotSupportedException (); } protected abstract string MethodName { get; } public override void MutateHoistedGenericType (AnonymousMethodStorey storey) { // Nothing to mutate } public virtual AQueryClause Next { set { next = value; } } public AQueryClause Tail { get { return next == null ? this : next.Tail; } } } // // A query clause with an identifier (range variable) // abstract class ARangeVariableQueryClause : AQueryClause { sealed class RangeAnonymousTypeParameter : AnonymousTypeParameter { public RangeAnonymousTypeParameter (Expression initializer, LocatedToken parameter) : base (initializer, parameter.Value, parameter.Location) { } protected override void Error_InvalidInitializer (string initializer) { Report.Error (1932, loc, "A range variable `{0}' cannot be initialized with `{1}'", Name, initializer); } } protected ARangeVariableQueryClause (ToplevelBlock block, Expression expr) : base (block, expr, expr.Location) { } protected static Expression CreateRangeVariableType (ToplevelBlock block, TypeContainer container, LocatedToken name, Expression init) { ArrayList args = new ArrayList (2); args.Add (new AnonymousTypeParameter (block.Parameters [0])); args.Add (new RangeAnonymousTypeParameter (init, name)); return new AnonymousTypeDeclaration (args, container, name.Location); } } class QueryStartClause : AQueryClause { public QueryStartClause (Expression expr) : base (null, expr, expr.Location) { } public override Expression BuildQueryClause (EmitContext ec, Expression lSide) { return next.BuildQueryClause (ec, expr); } public override Expression DoResolve (EmitContext ec) { Expression e = BuildQueryClause (ec, null); return e.Resolve (ec); } protected override string MethodName { get { throw new NotSupportedException (); } } } class Cast : QueryStartClause { // We don't have to clone cast type readonly FullNamedExpression type_expr; public Cast (FullNamedExpression type, Expression expr) : base (expr) { this.type_expr = type; } public override Expression BuildQueryClause (EmitContext ec, Expression lSide) { lSide = CreateQueryExpression (expr, new TypeArguments (type_expr), null); if (next != null) return next.BuildQueryClause (ec, lSide); return lSide; } protected override string MethodName { get { return "Cast"; } } } class GroupBy : AQueryClause { Expression element_selector; ToplevelBlock element_block; public GroupBy (ToplevelBlock block, Expression elementSelector, ToplevelBlock elementBlock, Expression keySelector, Location loc) : base (block, keySelector, loc) { // // Optimizes clauses like `group A by A' // if (!elementSelector.Equals (keySelector)) { this.element_selector = elementSelector; this.element_block = elementBlock; } } protected override void CreateArguments (EmitContext ec, out Arguments args) { base.CreateArguments (ec, out args); if (element_selector != null) { LambdaExpression lambda = new LambdaExpression (element_selector.Location); lambda.Block = element_block; lambda.Block.AddStatement (new ContextualReturn (element_selector)); args.Add (new Argument (lambda)); } } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression target) { GroupBy t = (GroupBy) target; if (element_selector != null) { t.element_selector = element_selector.Clone (clonectx); t.element_block = (ToplevelBlock) element_block.Clone (clonectx); } base.CloneTo (clonectx, t); } protected override string MethodName { get { return "GroupBy"; } } } class Join : ARangeVariableQueryClause { readonly LocatedToken lt; ToplevelBlock inner_selector, outer_selector; public Join (ToplevelBlock block, LocatedToken lt, Expression inner, ToplevelBlock outerSelector, ToplevelBlock innerSelector, Location loc) : base (block, inner) { this.lt = lt; this.outer_selector = outerSelector; this.inner_selector = innerSelector; } protected override void CreateArguments (EmitContext ec, out Arguments args) { args = new Arguments (4); args.Add (new Argument (expr)); LambdaExpression lambda = new LambdaExpression (outer_selector.StartLocation); lambda.Block = outer_selector; args.Add (new Argument (lambda)); lambda = new LambdaExpression (inner_selector.StartLocation); lambda.Block = inner_selector; args.Add (new Argument (lambda)); Expression result_selector_expr; LocatedToken into_variable = GetIntoVariable (); // // When select follows use is as result selector // if (next is Select) { result_selector_expr = next.expr; next = next.next; } else { result_selector_expr = CreateRangeVariableType (block, (TypeContainer) ec.TypeContainer, into_variable, new SimpleName (into_variable.Value, into_variable.Location)); } LambdaExpression result_selector = new LambdaExpression (lt.Location); result_selector.Block = new QueryBlock (block.Parent, block.Parameters, into_variable, block.StartLocation); result_selector.Block.AddStatement (new ContextualReturn (result_selector_expr)); args.Add (new Argument (result_selector)); } protected virtual LocatedToken GetIntoVariable () { return lt; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression target) { Join t = (Join) target; t.inner_selector = (ToplevelBlock) inner_selector.Clone (clonectx); t.outer_selector = (ToplevelBlock) outer_selector.Clone (clonectx); base.CloneTo (clonectx, t); } protected override string MethodName { get { return "Join"; } } } class GroupJoin : Join { readonly LocatedToken into; public GroupJoin (ToplevelBlock block, LocatedToken lt, Expression inner, ToplevelBlock outerSelector, ToplevelBlock innerSelector, LocatedToken into, Location loc) : base (block, lt, inner, outerSelector, innerSelector, loc) { this.into = into; } protected override LocatedToken GetIntoVariable () { return into; } protected override string MethodName { get { return "GroupJoin"; } } } class Let : ARangeVariableQueryClause { public Let (ToplevelBlock block, TypeContainer container, LocatedToken identifier, Expression expr) : base (block, CreateRangeVariableType (block, container, identifier, expr)) { } protected override string MethodName { get { return "Select"; } } } class Select : AQueryClause { public Select (ToplevelBlock block, Expression expr, Location loc) : base (block, expr, loc) { } // // For queries like `from a orderby a select a' // the projection is transparent and select clause can be safely removed // public bool IsRequired { get { SimpleName sn = expr as SimpleName; if (sn == null) return true; return sn.Name != block.Parameters.FixedParameters [0].Name; } } protected override string MethodName { get { return "Select"; } } } class SelectMany : ARangeVariableQueryClause { LocatedToken lt; public SelectMany (ToplevelBlock block, LocatedToken lt, Expression expr) : base (block, expr) { this.lt = lt; } protected override void CreateArguments (EmitContext ec, out Arguments args) { base.CreateArguments (ec, out args); Expression result_selector_expr; // // When select follow use is as result selector // if (next is Select) { result_selector_expr = next.expr; next = next.next; } else { result_selector_expr = CreateRangeVariableType (block, (TypeContainer)ec.TypeContainer, lt, new SimpleName (lt.Value, lt.Location)); } LambdaExpression result_selector = new LambdaExpression (lt.Location); result_selector.Block = new QueryBlock (block.Parent, block.Parameters, lt, block.StartLocation); result_selector.Block.AddStatement (new ContextualReturn (result_selector_expr)); args.Add (new Argument (result_selector)); } protected override string MethodName { get { return "SelectMany"; } } } class Where : AQueryClause { public Where (ToplevelBlock block, Expression expr, Location loc) : base (block, expr, loc) { } protected override string MethodName { get { return "Where"; } } } class OrderByAscending : AQueryClause { public OrderByAscending (ToplevelBlock block,Expression expr) : base (block, expr, expr.Location) { } protected override string MethodName { get { return "OrderBy"; } } } class OrderByDescending : AQueryClause { public OrderByDescending (ToplevelBlock block, Expression expr) : base (block, expr, expr.Location) { } protected override string MethodName { get { return "OrderByDescending"; } } } class ThenByAscending : OrderByAscending { public ThenByAscending (ToplevelBlock block, Expression expr) : base (block, expr) { } protected override string MethodName { get { return "ThenBy"; } } } class ThenByDescending : OrderByDescending { public ThenByDescending (ToplevelBlock block, Expression expr) : base (block, expr) { } protected override string MethodName { get { return "ThenByDescending"; } } } // // Implicit query block // class QueryBlock : ToplevelBlock { // // Transparent parameters are used to package up the intermediate results // and pass them onto next clause // public sealed class TransparentParameter : ImplicitLambdaParameter { public static int Counter; const string ParameterNamePrefix = "<>__TranspIdent"; public readonly ParametersCompiled Parent; public readonly string Identifier; public TransparentParameter (ParametersCompiled parent, LocatedToken identifier) : base (ParameterNamePrefix + Counter++, identifier.Location) { Parent = parent; Identifier = identifier.Value; } public static void Reset () { Counter = 0; } } public sealed class ImplicitQueryParameter : ImplicitLambdaParameter { public ImplicitQueryParameter (string name, Location loc) : base (name, loc) { } } public QueryBlock (Block parent, LocatedToken lt, Location start) : base (parent, new ParametersCompiled (new ImplicitQueryParameter (lt.Value, lt.Location)), start) { if (parent != null) base.CheckParentConflictName (parent.Toplevel, lt.Value, lt.Location); } public QueryBlock (Block parent, ParametersCompiled parameters, LocatedToken lt, Location start) : base (parent, new ParametersCompiled (parameters [0].Clone (), new ImplicitQueryParameter (lt.Value, lt.Location)), start) { } public QueryBlock (Block parent, Location start) : base (parent, parent.Toplevel.Parameters.Clone (), start) { } public void AddTransparentParameter (LocatedToken name) { base.CheckParentConflictName (this, name.Value, name.Location); parameters = new ParametersCompiled (new TransparentParameter (parameters, name)); } protected override bool CheckParentConflictName (ToplevelBlock block, string name, Location l) { return true; } // // Query parameter reference can include transparent parameters // protected override Expression GetParameterReferenceExpression (string name, Location loc) { Expression expr = base.GetParameterReferenceExpression (name, loc); if (expr != null) return expr; TransparentParameter tp = parameters [0] as TransparentParameter; while (tp != null) { if (tp.Identifier == name) break; TransparentParameter tp_next = tp.Parent [0] as TransparentParameter; if (tp_next == null) { if (tp.Parent.GetParameterIndexByName (name) >= 0) break; } tp = tp_next; } if (tp != null) { expr = new SimpleName (parameters[0].Name, loc); TransparentParameter tp_cursor = (TransparentParameter) parameters[0]; while (tp_cursor != tp) { tp_cursor = (TransparentParameter) tp_cursor.Parent[0]; expr = new MemberAccess (expr, tp_cursor.Name); } return new MemberAccess (expr, name); } return null; } protected override void Error_AlreadyDeclared (Location loc, string var, string reason) { Report.Error (1931, loc, "A range variable `{0}' conflicts with a previous declaration of `{0}'", var); } protected override void Error_AlreadyDeclared (Location loc, string var) { Report.Error (1930, loc, "A range variable `{0}' has already been declared in this scope", var); } public override void Error_AlreadyDeclaredTypeParameter (Location loc, string name, string conflict) { Report.Error (1948, loc, "A range variable `{0}' conflicts with a method type parameter", name); } } }