// // flowanalyis.cs: The control flow analysis code // // Author: // Martin Baulig (martin@ximian.com) // // (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Ximian, Inc. // using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Diagnostics; namespace Mono.CSharp { // // A new instance of this class is created every time a new block is resolved // and if there's branching in the block's control flow. // public abstract class FlowBranching { // // The type of a FlowBranching. // public enum BranchingType { // Normal (conditional or toplevel) block. Block, // A loop block. LoopBlock, // Try/Catch block. Exception, // Switch block. Switch, // Switch section. SwitchSection } // // The type of one sibling of a branching. // public enum SiblingType { Conditional, SwitchSection, Try, Catch, Finally } // // This is used in the control flow analysis code to specify whether the // current code block may return to its enclosing block before reaching // its end. // public enum FlowReturns { Undefined = 0, // It can never return. Never, // This means that the block contains a conditional return statement // somewhere. Sometimes, // The code always returns, ie. there's an unconditional return / break // statement in it. Always, // The code always throws an exception. Exception, // The current code block is unreachable. This happens if it's immediately // following a FlowReturns.Always block. Unreachable } public sealed class Reachability { public readonly FlowReturns Returns; public readonly FlowReturns Breaks; public readonly FlowReturns Reachable; public Reachability (FlowReturns returns, FlowReturns breaks, FlowReturns reachable) { this.Returns = returns; this.Breaks = breaks; this.Reachable = reachable; } public override string ToString () { return String.Format ("Reachability({0}:{1}:{2})", Returns, Breaks, Reachable); } } public static FlowBranching CreateBranching (FlowBranching parent, BranchingType type, Block block, Location loc) { switch (type) { case BranchingType.Exception: return new FlowBranchingException (parent, type, block, loc); case BranchingType.Switch: return new FlowBranchingBlock (parent, type, SiblingType.SwitchSection, block, loc); default: return new FlowBranchingBlock (parent, type, SiblingType.Conditional, block, loc); } } // // The type of this flow branching. // public readonly BranchingType Type; // // The block this branching is contained in. This may be null if it's not // a top-level block and it doesn't declare any local variables. // public readonly Block Block; // // The parent of this branching or null if this is the top-block. // public readonly FlowBranching Parent; // // Start-Location of this flow branching. // public readonly Location Location; // // If this is an infinite loop. // public bool Infinite; // // If we may leave the current loop. // public bool MayLeaveLoop; // // Private // VariableMap param_map, local_map; static int next_id = 0; int id; // // Performs an `And' operation on the FlowReturns status // (for instance, a block only returns Always if all its siblings // always return). // public static FlowReturns AndFlowReturns (FlowReturns a, FlowReturns b) { if (a == FlowReturns.Undefined) return b; if (b == FlowReturns.Unreachable) return a; switch (a) { case FlowReturns.Never: if (b == FlowReturns.Never) return FlowReturns.Never; else return FlowReturns.Sometimes; case FlowReturns.Sometimes: return FlowReturns.Sometimes; case FlowReturns.Always: if ((b == FlowReturns.Always) || (b == FlowReturns.Exception)) return FlowReturns.Always; else return FlowReturns.Sometimes; case FlowReturns.Exception: if (b == FlowReturns.Exception) return FlowReturns.Exception; else if (b == FlowReturns.Always) return FlowReturns.Always; else return FlowReturns.Sometimes; } return b; } // // The vector contains a BitArray with information about which local variables // and parameters are already initialized at the current code position. // public class UsageVector { // // The type of this branching. // public readonly SiblingType Type; // // Start location of this branching. // public readonly Location Location; // // If this is true, then the usage vector has been modified and must be // merged when we're done with this branching. // public bool IsDirty; // // The number of parameters in this block. // public readonly int CountParameters; // // The number of locals in this block. // public readonly int CountLocals; // // If not null, then we inherit our state from this vector and do a // copy-on-write. If null, then we're the first sibling in a top-level // block and inherit from the empty vector. // public readonly UsageVector InheritsFrom; // // Private. // MyBitVector locals, parameters; FlowReturns RealReturns, RealBreaks, RealReachable; bool is_finally; static int next_id = 0; int id; // // Normally, you should not use any of these constructors. // public UsageVector (SiblingType type, UsageVector parent, Location loc, int num_params, int num_locals) { this.Type = type; this.Location = loc; this.InheritsFrom = parent; this.CountParameters = num_params; this.CountLocals = num_locals; this.RealReturns = FlowReturns.Never; this.RealBreaks = FlowReturns.Never; this.RealReachable = FlowReturns.Always; if (parent != null) { locals = new MyBitVector (parent.locals, CountLocals); if (num_params > 0) parameters = new MyBitVector (parent.parameters, num_params); RealReturns = parent.Returns; RealBreaks = parent.Breaks; } else { locals = new MyBitVector (null, CountLocals); if (num_params > 0) parameters = new MyBitVector (null, num_params); } id = ++next_id; } public UsageVector (SiblingType type, UsageVector parent, Location loc) : this (type, parent, loc, parent.CountParameters, parent.CountLocals) { } // // This does a deep copy of the usage vector. // public UsageVector Clone () { UsageVector retval = new UsageVector (Type, null, Location, CountParameters, CountLocals); retval.locals = locals.Clone (); if (parameters != null) retval.parameters = parameters.Clone (); retval.RealReturns = RealReturns; retval.RealBreaks = RealBreaks; retval.RealReachable = RealReachable; return retval; } public bool IsAssigned (VariableInfo var) { if (!var.IsParameter && AlwaysBreaks) return true; return var.IsAssigned (var.IsParameter ? parameters : locals); } public void SetAssigned (VariableInfo var) { if (!var.IsParameter && AlwaysBreaks) return; var.SetAssigned (var.IsParameter ? parameters : locals); } public bool IsFieldAssigned (VariableInfo var, string name) { if (!var.IsParameter && AlwaysBreaks) return true; return var.IsFieldAssigned (var.IsParameter ? parameters : locals, name); } public void SetFieldAssigned (VariableInfo var, string name) { if (!var.IsParameter && AlwaysBreaks) return; var.SetFieldAssigned (var.IsParameter ? parameters : locals, name); } // // Specifies when the current block returns. // If this is FlowReturns.Unreachable, then control can never reach the // end of the method (so that we don't need to emit a return statement). // The same applies for FlowReturns.Exception, but in this case the return // value will never be used. // public FlowReturns Returns { get { return RealReturns; } } // // Specifies whether control may return to our containing block // before reaching the end of this block. This happens if there // is a break/continue/goto/return in it. // This can also be used to find out whether the statement immediately // following the current block may be reached or not. // public FlowReturns Breaks { get { return RealBreaks; } } public FlowReturns Reachable { get { return RealReachable; } } public bool AlwaysBreaks { get { return (Breaks == FlowReturns.Always) || (Breaks == FlowReturns.Exception) || (Breaks == FlowReturns.Unreachable); } } public bool MayBreak { get { return Breaks != FlowReturns.Never; } } public bool AlwaysReturns { get { return (Returns == FlowReturns.Always) || (Returns == FlowReturns.Exception); } } public bool MayReturn { get { return (Returns == FlowReturns.Sometimes) || (Returns == FlowReturns.Always); } } public void Break () { RealBreaks = FlowReturns.Always; } public void Return () { RealReturns = FlowReturns.Always; } public bool IsUnreachable { get { return (Reachable == FlowReturns.Exception) || (Reachable == FlowReturns.Unreachable); } } public void Goto () { // If we're already unreachable, don't modify the reason why. if (!IsUnreachable) RealReachable = FlowReturns.Unreachable; } public void NeverReachable () { // If we're already unreachable, don't modify the reason why. if (!IsUnreachable) RealReachable = FlowReturns.Never; } public void Throw () { // If we're already unreachable, don't modify the reason why. if (!IsUnreachable) RealReachable = FlowReturns.Exception; } // // Merges a child branching. // public void MergeChild (MyBitVector new_params, MyBitVector new_locals, Reachability new_reachability) { Report.Debug (2, "MERGING CHILD", this, new_params, new_locals, new_reachability); RealReturns = new_reachability.Returns; RealBreaks = new_reachability.Breaks; RealReachable = new_reachability.Reachable; // // We've now either reached the point after the branching or we will // never get there since we always return or always throw an exception. // // If we can reach the point after the branching, mark all locals and // parameters as initialized which have been initialized in all branches // we need to look at (see above). // if ((Reachable == FlowReturns.Always) || (Reachable == FlowReturns.Sometimes) || (Reachable == FlowReturns.Never)) { if ((Returns == FlowReturns.Always) || (Breaks == FlowReturns.Always)) RealReachable = FlowReturns.Never; if ((Type == SiblingType.SwitchSection) && (Reachable != FlowReturns.Never)) { Report.Error (163, Location, "Control cannot fall through from one " + "case label to another"); } if (new_locals != null) locals.Or (new_locals); if (new_params != null) parameters.Or (new_params); } Report.Debug (2, "MERGING CHILD DONE", this); } // // Tells control flow analysis that the current code position may be reached with // a forward jump from any of the origins listed in `origin_vectors' which is a // list of UsageVectors. // // This is used when resolving forward gotos - in the following example, the // variable `a' is uninitialized in line 8 becase this line may be reached via // the goto in line 4: // // 1 int a; // // 3 if (something) // 4 goto World; // // 6 a = 5; // // 7 World: // 8 Console.WriteLine (a); // // public void MergeJumpOrigins (ICollection origin_vectors) { Report.Debug (1, "MERGING JUMP ORIGIN", this); RealBreaks = FlowReturns.Never; RealReturns = FlowReturns.Never; if (Reachable != FlowReturns.Always) RealReachable = FlowReturns.Always; if (origin_vectors == null) return; foreach (UsageVector vector in origin_vectors) { Report.Debug (1, " MERGING JUMP ORIGIN", vector); locals.And (vector.locals); if (parameters != null) parameters.And (vector.parameters); RealBreaks = AndFlowReturns (RealBreaks, vector.Breaks); RealReturns = AndFlowReturns (RealReturns, vector.Returns); RealReachable = AndFlowReturns (RealReachable, vector.Reachable); } Report.Debug (1, "MERGING JUMP ORIGIN DONE", this); } // // This is used at the beginning of a finally block if there were // any return statements in the try block or one of the catch blocks. // public void MergeFinallyOrigins (ICollection finally_vectors) { Report.Debug (1, "MERGING FINALLY ORIGIN", this); RealBreaks = FlowReturns.Never; foreach (UsageVector vector in finally_vectors) { Report.Debug (1, " MERGING FINALLY ORIGIN", vector); if (parameters != null) parameters.And (vector.parameters); RealBreaks = AndFlowReturns (Breaks, vector.Breaks); } is_finally = true; Report.Debug (1, "MERGING FINALLY ORIGIN DONE", this); } public void CheckOutParameters (FlowBranching branching) { if (parameters != null) branching.CheckOutParameters (parameters, branching.Location); } // // Performs an `or' operation on the locals and the parameters. // public void Or (UsageVector new_vector) { locals.Or (new_vector.locals); if (parameters != null) parameters.Or (new_vector.parameters); } // // Performs an `and' operation on the locals. // public void AndLocals (UsageVector new_vector) { locals.And (new_vector.locals); } public bool HasParameters { get { return parameters != null; } } public bool HasLocals { get { return locals != null; } } // // Returns a deep copy of the parameters. // public MyBitVector Parameters { get { if (parameters != null) return parameters.Clone (); else return null; } } // // Returns a deep copy of the locals. // public MyBitVector Locals { get { return locals.Clone (); } } public MyBitVector ParameterVector { get { return parameters; } } public MyBitVector LocalVector { get { return locals; } } // // Debugging stuff. // public override string ToString () { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.Append ("Vector ("); sb.Append (id); sb.Append (","); sb.Append (Returns); sb.Append (","); sb.Append (Breaks); sb.Append (","); sb.Append (Reachable); if (parameters != null) { sb.Append (" - "); sb.Append (parameters); } sb.Append (" - "); sb.Append (locals); sb.Append (")"); return sb.ToString (); } } // // Creates a new flow branching which is contained in `parent'. // You should only pass non-null for the `block' argument if this block // introduces any new variables - in this case, we need to create a new // usage vector with a different size than our parent's one. // protected FlowBranching (FlowBranching parent, BranchingType type, SiblingType stype, Block block, Location loc) { Parent = parent; Block = block; Location = loc; Type = type; id = ++next_id; UsageVector vector; if (Block != null) { param_map = Block.ParameterMap; local_map = Block.LocalMap; UsageVector parent_vector = parent != null ? parent.CurrentUsageVector : null; vector = new UsageVector (stype, parent_vector, loc, param_map.Length, local_map.Length); } else { param_map = Parent.param_map; local_map = Parent.local_map; vector = new UsageVector (stype, Parent.CurrentUsageVector, loc); } AddSibling (vector); } public abstract UsageVector CurrentUsageVector { get; } // // Creates a sibling of the current usage vector. // public virtual void CreateSibling (SiblingType type) { AddSibling (new UsageVector (type, Parent.CurrentUsageVector, Location)); Report.Debug (1, "CREATED SIBLING", CurrentUsageVector); } protected abstract void AddSibling (UsageVector uv); public abstract void Break (); public abstract void Label (ArrayList origin_vectors); // // Check whether all `out' parameters have been assigned. // public void CheckOutParameters (MyBitVector parameters, Location loc) { for (int i = 0; i < param_map.Count; i++) { VariableInfo var = param_map [i]; if (var == null) continue; if (var.IsAssigned (parameters)) continue; Report.Error (177, loc, "The out parameter `" + param_map.VariableNames [i] + "' must be " + "assigned before control leave the current method."); } } protected class MergeResult { public MyBitVector Parameters; public MyBitVector Locals; public Reachability Reachability; public bool MayLeaveLoop; public MergeResult (MyBitVector parameters, MyBitVector locals, Reachability reachability, bool may_leave_loop) { this.Parameters = parameters; this.Locals = locals; this.Reachability = reachability; this.MayLeaveLoop = may_leave_loop; } } protected MergeResult Merge (ArrayList children) { MyBitVector locals = null; MyBitVector parameters = null; FlowReturns returns = FlowReturns.Undefined; FlowReturns breaks = FlowReturns.Undefined; FlowReturns reachable = FlowReturns.Undefined; Report.Debug (2, "MERGING CHILDREN", this, Type, children.Count); int children_count = children.Count; for (int ix = 0; ix < children_count; ix++){ UsageVector child = (UsageVector) children [ix]; Report.Debug (2, " MERGING CHILD", child, child.AlwaysBreaks, child.AlwaysReturns, child.IsUnreachable, child.Locals, child.Parameters, child.Returns, child.Breaks, child.Reachable); reachable = AndFlowReturns (reachable, child.Reachable); // Ignore unreachable children. if (child.IsUnreachable) continue; returns = AndFlowReturns (returns, child.Returns); breaks = AndFlowReturns (breaks, child.Breaks); // A local variable is initialized after a flow branching if it // has been initialized in all its branches which do neither // always return or always throw an exception. // // If a branch may return, but does not always return, then we // can treat it like a never-returning branch here: control will // only reach the code position after the branching if we did not // return here. // // It's important to distinguish between always and sometimes // returning branches here: // // 1 int a; // 2 if (something) { // 3 return; // 4 a = 5; // 5 } // 6 Console.WriteLine (a); // // The if block in lines 3-4 always returns, so we must not look // at the initialization of `a' in line 4 - thus it'll still be // uninitialized in line 6. // // On the other hand, the following is allowed: // // 1 int a; // 2 if (something) // 3 a = 5; // 4 else // 5 return; // 6 Console.WriteLine (a); // // Here, `a' is initialized in line 3 and we must not look at // line 5 since it always returns. // if (!child.AlwaysReturns && !child.AlwaysBreaks) MyBitVector.And (ref locals, child.LocalVector); // An `out' parameter must be assigned in all branches which do // not always throw an exception. if ((child.Type != SiblingType.Catch) && (child.ParameterVector != null) && (child.Breaks != FlowReturns.Exception)) MyBitVector.And (ref parameters, child.ParameterVector); } Report.Debug (2, "MERGING CHILDREN DONE", Type, parameters, locals, returns, breaks, reachable, Infinite, MayLeaveLoop, this); if (Infinite && !MayLeaveLoop) { Report.Debug (1, "INFINITE", returns, breaks, this); if (returns == FlowReturns.Never) { // We're actually infinite. breaks = FlowReturns.Unreachable; returns = FlowReturns.Unreachable; } else if ((returns == FlowReturns.Sometimes) || (returns == FlowReturns.Always)) { // If we're an infinite loop and do not break, the code after // the loop can never be reached. However, if we may return // from the loop, then we do always return (or stay in the loop // forever). returns = FlowReturns.Always; } } if (returns == FlowReturns.Undefined) returns = FlowReturns.Never; if (breaks == FlowReturns.Undefined) breaks = FlowReturns.Never; Reachability reachability = new Reachability (returns, breaks, reachable); return new MergeResult (parameters, locals, reachability, MayLeaveLoop); } protected abstract MergeResult Merge (); // // Merge a child branching. // public Reachability MergeChild (FlowBranching child) { MergeResult result = child.Merge (); CurrentUsageVector.MergeChild ( result.Parameters, result.Locals, result.Reachability); if ((child.Type != BranchingType.LoopBlock) && (child.Type != BranchingType.SwitchSection)) MayLeaveLoop |= child.MayLeaveLoop; if (result.Reachability.Reachable == FlowReturns.Exception) return new Reachability ( FlowReturns.Exception, result.Reachability.Breaks, result.Reachability.Reachable); else return result.Reachability; } // // Does the toplevel merging. // public Reachability MergeTopBlock () { if ((Type != BranchingType.Block) || (Block == null)) throw new NotSupportedException (); UsageVector vector = new UsageVector ( SiblingType.Conditional, null, Location, param_map.Length, local_map.Length); MergeResult result = Merge (); vector.MergeChild (result.Parameters, result.Locals, result.Reachability); if (vector.Reachable != FlowReturns.Exception) CheckOutParameters (vector.Parameters, Location); else return new Reachability ( FlowReturns.Exception, result.Reachability.Breaks, result.Reachability.Reachable); return result.Reachability; } public virtual bool InTryBlock () { if (Parent != null) return Parent.InTryBlock (); else return false; } public virtual void AddFinallyVector (UsageVector vector) { if (Parent != null) Parent.AddFinallyVector (vector); else throw new NotSupportedException (); } public bool IsAssigned (VariableInfo vi) { return CurrentUsageVector.IsAssigned (vi); } public bool IsFieldAssigned (VariableInfo vi, string field_name) { if (CurrentUsageVector.IsAssigned (vi)) return true; return CurrentUsageVector.IsFieldAssigned (vi, field_name); } public void SetAssigned (VariableInfo vi) { CurrentUsageVector.SetAssigned (vi); } public void SetFieldAssigned (VariableInfo vi, string name) { CurrentUsageVector.SetFieldAssigned (vi, name); } public override string ToString () { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.Append (GetType ()); sb.Append (" ("); sb.Append (id); sb.Append (","); sb.Append (Type); if (Block != null) { sb.Append (" - "); sb.Append (Block.ID); sb.Append (" - "); sb.Append (Block.StartLocation); } sb.Append (" - "); // sb.Append (Siblings.Length); // sb.Append (" - "); sb.Append (CurrentUsageVector); sb.Append (")"); return sb.ToString (); } } public class FlowBranchingBlock : FlowBranching { UsageVector current_vector; ArrayList siblings = new ArrayList (); public FlowBranchingBlock (FlowBranching parent, BranchingType type, SiblingType stype, Block block, Location loc) : base (parent, type, stype, block, loc) { } public override UsageVector CurrentUsageVector { get { return current_vector; } } protected override void AddSibling (UsageVector sibling) { siblings.Add (sibling); current_vector = sibling; } public override void Break () { if (Type == BranchingType.SwitchSection) CurrentUsageVector.NeverReachable (); else { if (Type == BranchingType.LoopBlock) MayLeaveLoop = true; CurrentUsageVector.Break (); } } public override void Label (ArrayList origin_vectors) { CurrentUsageVector.MergeJumpOrigins (origin_vectors); } protected override MergeResult Merge () { MergeResult result = Merge (siblings); if (Type == BranchingType.LoopBlock) result.MayLeaveLoop = false; return result; } } public class FlowBranchingException : FlowBranching { ArrayList finally_vectors; bool has_params; UsageVector current_vector; UsageVector try_vector; ArrayList catch_vectors = new ArrayList (); UsageVector finally_vector; public FlowBranchingException (FlowBranching parent, BranchingType type, Block block, Location loc) : base (parent, type, SiblingType.Try, block, loc) { finally_vectors = new ArrayList (); has_params = current_vector.HasParameters; } protected override void AddSibling (UsageVector sibling) { if (sibling.Type == SiblingType.Try) { try_vector = sibling; catch_vectors.Add (sibling); } else if (sibling.Type == SiblingType.Catch) catch_vectors.Add (sibling); else if (sibling.Type == SiblingType.Finally) { // sibling.MergeFinallyOrigins (finally_vectors); finally_vector = sibling; } else throw new InvalidOperationException (); current_vector = sibling; } public override UsageVector CurrentUsageVector { get { return current_vector; } } public override bool InTryBlock () { return true; } public override void AddFinallyVector (UsageVector vector) { finally_vectors.Add (vector.Clone ()); } public override void Break () { CurrentUsageVector.Break (); } public override void Label (ArrayList origin_vectors) { CurrentUsageVector.MergeJumpOrigins (origin_vectors); } protected void MergeFinally (MyBitVector f_params, ref MergeResult result) { foreach (UsageVector vector in finally_vectors) { MyBitVector temp_params = f_params.Clone (); temp_params.Or (vector.Parameters); CheckOutParameters (temp_params, Location); } } protected override MergeResult Merge () { MergeResult result = Merge (catch_vectors); if (has_params) { if (finally_vector != null) { MergeFinally (finally_vector.Parameters, ref result); MyBitVector.Or (ref result.Parameters, finally_vector.ParameterVector); } else MergeFinally (result.Parameters, ref result); } if (finally_vector != null) MyBitVector.Or (ref result.Locals, finally_vector.LocalVector); return result; } } // // This is used by the flow analysis code to keep track of the type of local variables // and variables. // // The flow code uses a BitVector to keep track of whether a variable has been assigned // or not. This is easy for fundamental types (int, char etc.) or reference types since // you can only assign the whole variable as such. // // For structs, we also need to keep track of all its fields. To do this, we allocate one // bit for the struct itself (it's used if you assign/access the whole struct) followed by // one bit for each of its fields. // // This class computes this `layout' for each type. // public class TypeInfo { public readonly Type Type; // // Total number of bits a variable of this type consumes in the flow vector. // public readonly int TotalLength; // // Number of bits the simple fields of a variable of this type consume // in the flow vector. // public readonly int Length; // // This is only used by sub-structs. // public readonly int Offset; // // If this is a struct. // public readonly bool IsStruct; // // If this is a struct, all fields which are structs theirselves. // public TypeInfo[] SubStructInfo; protected readonly StructInfo struct_info; private static Hashtable type_hash = new Hashtable (); public static TypeInfo GetTypeInfo (Type type) { TypeInfo info = (TypeInfo) type_hash [type]; if (info != null) return info; info = new TypeInfo (type); type_hash.Add (type, info); return info; } public static TypeInfo GetTypeInfo (TypeContainer tc) { TypeInfo info = (TypeInfo) type_hash [tc.TypeBuilder]; if (info != null) return info; info = new TypeInfo (tc); type_hash.Add (tc.TypeBuilder, info); return info; } private TypeInfo (Type type) { this.Type = type; struct_info = StructInfo.GetStructInfo (type); if (struct_info != null) { Length = struct_info.Length; TotalLength = struct_info.TotalLength; SubStructInfo = struct_info.StructFields; IsStruct = true; } else { Length = 0; TotalLength = 1; IsStruct = false; } } private TypeInfo (TypeContainer tc) { this.Type = tc.TypeBuilder; struct_info = StructInfo.GetStructInfo (tc); if (struct_info != null) { Length = struct_info.Length; TotalLength = struct_info.TotalLength; SubStructInfo = struct_info.StructFields; IsStruct = true; } else { Length = 0; TotalLength = 1; IsStruct = false; } } protected TypeInfo (StructInfo struct_info, int offset) { this.struct_info = struct_info; this.Offset = offset; this.Length = struct_info.Length; this.TotalLength = struct_info.TotalLength; this.SubStructInfo = struct_info.StructFields; this.Type = struct_info.Type; this.IsStruct = true; } public int GetFieldIndex (string name) { if (struct_info == null) return 0; return struct_info [name]; } public TypeInfo GetSubStruct (string name) { if (struct_info == null) return null; return struct_info.GetStructField (name); } // // A struct's constructor must always assign all fields. // This method checks whether it actually does so. // public bool IsFullyInitialized (FlowBranching branching, VariableInfo vi, Location loc) { if (struct_info == null) return true; bool ok = true; for (int i = 0; i < struct_info.Count; i++) { FieldInfo field = struct_info.Fields [i]; if (!branching.IsFieldAssigned (vi, field.Name)) { Report.Error (171, loc, "Field `" + TypeManager.CSharpName (Type) + "." + field.Name + "' must be fully initialized " + "before control leaves the constructor"); ok = false; } } return ok; } public override string ToString () { return String.Format ("TypeInfo ({0}:{1}:{2}:{3})", Type, Offset, Length, TotalLength); } protected class StructInfo { public readonly Type Type; public readonly FieldInfo[] Fields; public readonly TypeInfo[] StructFields; public readonly int Count; public readonly int CountPublic; public readonly int CountNonPublic; public readonly int Length; public readonly int TotalLength; public readonly bool HasStructFields; private static Hashtable field_type_hash = new Hashtable (); private Hashtable struct_field_hash; private Hashtable field_hash; protected bool InTransit = false; // Private constructor. To save memory usage, we only need to create one instance // of this class per struct type. private StructInfo (Type type) { this.Type = type; field_type_hash.Add (type, this); if (type is TypeBuilder) { TypeContainer tc = TypeManager.LookupTypeContainer (type); ArrayList fields = tc.Fields; ArrayList public_fields = new ArrayList (); ArrayList non_public_fields = new ArrayList (); if (fields != null) { foreach (Field field in fields) { if ((field.ModFlags & Modifiers.STATIC) != 0) continue; if ((field.ModFlags & Modifiers.PUBLIC) != 0) public_fields.Add (field.FieldBuilder); else non_public_fields.Add (field.FieldBuilder); } } CountPublic = public_fields.Count; CountNonPublic = non_public_fields.Count; Count = CountPublic + CountNonPublic; Fields = new FieldInfo [Count]; public_fields.CopyTo (Fields, 0); non_public_fields.CopyTo (Fields, CountPublic); } else { FieldInfo[] public_fields = type.GetFields ( BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.Public); FieldInfo[] non_public_fields = type.GetFields ( BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.NonPublic); CountPublic = public_fields.Length; CountNonPublic = non_public_fields.Length; Count = CountPublic + CountNonPublic; Fields = new FieldInfo [Count]; public_fields.CopyTo (Fields, 0); non_public_fields.CopyTo (Fields, CountPublic); } struct_field_hash = new Hashtable (); field_hash = new Hashtable (); Length = 0; StructFields = new TypeInfo [Count]; StructInfo[] sinfo = new StructInfo [Count]; InTransit = true; for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { FieldInfo field = (FieldInfo) Fields [i]; sinfo [i] = GetStructInfo (field.FieldType); if (sinfo [i] == null) field_hash.Add (field.Name, ++Length); else if (sinfo [i].InTransit) { Report.Error (523, String.Format ( "Struct member '{0}.{1}' of type '{2}' causes " + "a cycle in the structure layout", type, field.Name, sinfo [i].Type)); sinfo [i] = null; return; } } InTransit = false; TotalLength = Length + 1; for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { FieldInfo field = (FieldInfo) Fields [i]; if (sinfo [i] == null) continue; field_hash.Add (field.Name, TotalLength); HasStructFields = true; StructFields [i] = new TypeInfo (sinfo [i], TotalLength); struct_field_hash.Add (field.Name, StructFields [i]); TotalLength += sinfo [i].TotalLength; } } public int this [string name] { get { if (field_hash.Contains (name)) return (int) field_hash [name]; else return 0; } } public TypeInfo GetStructField (string name) { return (TypeInfo) struct_field_hash [name]; } public static StructInfo GetStructInfo (Type type) { if (!TypeManager.IsValueType (type) || TypeManager.IsEnumType (type) || TypeManager.IsBuiltinType (type)) return null; StructInfo info = (StructInfo) field_type_hash [type]; if (info != null) return info; return new StructInfo (type); } public static StructInfo GetStructInfo (TypeContainer tc) { StructInfo info = (StructInfo) field_type_hash [tc.TypeBuilder]; if (info != null) return info; return new StructInfo (tc.TypeBuilder); } } } // // This is used by the flow analysis code to store information about a single local variable // or parameter. Depending on the variable's type, we need to allocate one or more elements // in the BitVector - if it's a fundamental or reference type, we just need to know whether // it has been assigned or not, but for structs, we need this information for each of its fields. // public class VariableInfo { public readonly string Name; public readonly TypeInfo TypeInfo; // // The bit offset of this variable in the flow vector. // public readonly int Offset; // // The number of bits this variable needs in the flow vector. // The first bit always specifies whether the variable as such has been assigned while // the remaining bits contain this information for each of a struct's fields. // public readonly int Length; // // If this is a parameter of local variable. // public readonly bool IsParameter; public readonly LocalInfo LocalInfo; public readonly int ParameterIndex; readonly VariableInfo Parent; VariableInfo[] sub_info; protected VariableInfo (string name, Type type, int offset) { this.Name = name; this.Offset = offset; this.TypeInfo = TypeInfo.GetTypeInfo (type); Length = TypeInfo.TotalLength; Initialize (); } protected VariableInfo (VariableInfo parent, TypeInfo type) { this.Name = parent.Name; this.TypeInfo = type; this.Offset = parent.Offset + type.Offset; this.Parent = parent; this.Length = type.TotalLength; this.IsParameter = parent.IsParameter; this.LocalInfo = parent.LocalInfo; this.ParameterIndex = parent.ParameterIndex; Initialize (); } protected void Initialize () { TypeInfo[] sub_fields = TypeInfo.SubStructInfo; if (sub_fields != null) { sub_info = new VariableInfo [sub_fields.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < sub_fields.Length; i++) { if (sub_fields [i] != null) sub_info [i] = new VariableInfo (this, sub_fields [i]); } } else sub_info = new VariableInfo [0]; } public VariableInfo (LocalInfo local_info, int offset) : this (local_info.Name, local_info.VariableType, offset) { this.LocalInfo = local_info; this.IsParameter = false; } public VariableInfo (string name, Type type, int param_idx, int offset) : this (name, type, offset) { this.ParameterIndex = param_idx; this.IsParameter = true; } public bool IsAssigned (EmitContext ec) { return !ec.DoFlowAnalysis || ec.CurrentBranching.IsAssigned (this); } public bool IsAssigned (EmitContext ec, Location loc) { if (IsAssigned (ec)) return true; Report.Error (165, loc, "Use of unassigned local variable `" + Name + "'"); ec.CurrentBranching.SetAssigned (this); return false; } public bool IsAssigned (MyBitVector vector) { if (vector [Offset]) return true; for (VariableInfo parent = Parent; parent != null; parent = parent.Parent) if (vector [parent.Offset]) return true; // Return unless this is a struct. if (!TypeInfo.IsStruct) return false; // Ok, so each field must be assigned. for (int i = 0; i < TypeInfo.Length; i++) { if (!vector [Offset + i + 1]) return false; } // Ok, now check all fields which are structs. for (int i = 0; i < sub_info.Length; i++) { VariableInfo sinfo = sub_info [i]; if (sinfo == null) continue; if (!sinfo.IsAssigned (vector)) return false; } vector [Offset] = true; return true; } public void SetAssigned (EmitContext ec) { if (ec.DoFlowAnalysis) ec.CurrentBranching.SetAssigned (this); } public void SetAssigned (MyBitVector vector) { vector [Offset] = true; } public bool IsFieldAssigned (EmitContext ec, string name, Location loc) { if (!ec.DoFlowAnalysis || ec.CurrentBranching.IsFieldAssigned (this, name)) return true; Report.Error (170, loc, "Use of possibly unassigned field `" + name + "'"); ec.CurrentBranching.SetFieldAssigned (this, name); return false; } public bool IsFieldAssigned (MyBitVector vector, string field_name) { int field_idx = TypeInfo.GetFieldIndex (field_name); if (field_idx == 0) return true; return vector [Offset + field_idx]; } public void SetFieldAssigned (EmitContext ec, string name) { if (ec.DoFlowAnalysis) ec.CurrentBranching.SetFieldAssigned (this, name); } public void SetFieldAssigned (MyBitVector vector, string field_name) { int field_idx = TypeInfo.GetFieldIndex (field_name); if (field_idx == 0) return; vector [Offset + field_idx] = true; } public VariableInfo GetSubStruct (string name) { TypeInfo type = TypeInfo.GetSubStruct (name); if (type == null) return null; return new VariableInfo (this, type); } public override string ToString () { return String.Format ("VariableInfo ({0}:{1}:{2}:{3}:{4})", Name, TypeInfo, Offset, Length, IsParameter); } } // // This is used by the flow code to hold the `layout' of the flow vector for // all locals and all parameters (ie. we create one instance of this class for the // locals and another one for the params). // public class VariableMap { // // The number of variables in the map. // public readonly int Count; // // Total length of the flow vector for this map. // public readonly int Length; // // Type and name of all the variables. // Note that this is null for variables for which we do not need to compute // assignment info. // public readonly Type[] VariableTypes; public readonly string[] VariableNames; VariableInfo[] map; public VariableMap (InternalParameters ip) { Count = ip != null ? ip.Count : 0; map = new VariableInfo [Count]; VariableNames = new string [Count]; VariableTypes = new Type [Count]; Length = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { Parameter.Modifier mod = ip.ParameterModifier (i); if ((mod & Parameter.Modifier.OUT) == 0) continue; VariableNames [i] = ip.ParameterName (i); VariableTypes [i] = TypeManager.GetElementType (ip.ParameterType (i)); map [i] = new VariableInfo (VariableNames [i], VariableTypes [i], i, Length); Length += map [i].Length; } } public VariableMap (LocalInfo[] locals) : this (null, locals) { } public VariableMap (VariableMap parent, LocalInfo[] locals) { int offset = 0, start = 0; if (parent != null) { offset = parent.Length; start = parent.Count; } Count = locals.Length + start; map = new VariableInfo [Count]; VariableNames = new string [Count]; VariableTypes = new Type [Count]; Length = offset; if (parent != null) { parent.map.CopyTo (map, 0); parent.VariableNames.CopyTo (VariableNames, 0); parent.VariableTypes.CopyTo (VariableTypes, 0); } for (int i = start; i < Count; i++) { LocalInfo li = locals [i-start]; if (li.VariableType == null) continue; VariableNames [i] = li.Name; VariableTypes [i] = li.VariableType; map [i] = li.VariableInfo = new VariableInfo (li, Length); Length += map [i].Length; } } // // Returns the VariableInfo for variable @index or null if we don't need to // compute assignment info for this variable. // public VariableInfo this [int index] { get { return map [index]; } } public override string ToString () { return String.Format ("VariableMap ({0}:{1})", Count, Length); } } // // This is a special bit vector which can inherit from another bit vector doing a // copy-on-write strategy. The inherited vector may have a smaller size than the // current one. // public class MyBitVector { public readonly int Count; public readonly MyBitVector InheritsFrom; bool is_dirty; BitArray vector; public MyBitVector (int Count) : this (null, Count) { } public MyBitVector (MyBitVector InheritsFrom, int Count) { this.InheritsFrom = InheritsFrom; this.Count = Count; } // // Checks whether this bit vector has been modified. After setting this to true, // we won't use the inherited vector anymore, but our own copy of it. // public bool IsDirty { get { return is_dirty; } set { if (!is_dirty) initialize_vector (); } } // // Get/set bit `index' in the bit vector. // public bool this [int index] { get { if (index > Count) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (); // We're doing a "copy-on-write" strategy here; as long // as nobody writes to the array, we can use our parent's // copy instead of duplicating the vector. if (vector != null) return vector [index]; else if (InheritsFrom != null) { BitArray inherited = InheritsFrom.Vector; if (index < inherited.Count) return inherited [index]; else return false; } else return false; } set { if (index > Count) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (); // Only copy the vector if we're actually modifying it. if (this [index] != value) { initialize_vector (); vector [index] = value; } } } // // If you explicitly convert the MyBitVector to a BitArray, you will get a deep // copy of the bit vector. // public static explicit operator BitArray (MyBitVector vector) { vector.initialize_vector (); return vector.Vector; } // // Performs an `or' operation on the bit vector. The `new_vector' may have a // different size than the current one. // public void Or (MyBitVector new_vector) { BitArray new_array = new_vector.Vector; initialize_vector (); int upper; if (vector.Count < new_array.Count) upper = vector.Count; else upper = new_array.Count; for (int i = 0; i < upper; i++) vector [i] = vector [i] | new_array [i]; } // // Perfonrms an `and' operation on the bit vector. The `new_vector' may have // a different size than the current one. // public void And (MyBitVector new_vector) { BitArray new_array = new_vector.Vector; initialize_vector (); int lower, upper; if (vector.Count < new_array.Count) lower = upper = vector.Count; else { lower = new_array.Count; upper = vector.Count; } for (int i = 0; i < lower; i++) vector [i] = vector [i] & new_array [i]; for (int i = lower; i < upper; i++) vector [i] = false; } public static void And (ref MyBitVector target, MyBitVector vector) { if (target != null) target.And (vector); else target = vector.Clone (); } public static void Or (ref MyBitVector target, MyBitVector vector) { if (target != null) target.Or (vector); else target = vector.Clone (); } // // This does a deep copy of the bit vector. // public MyBitVector Clone () { MyBitVector retval = new MyBitVector (Count); retval.Vector = Vector; return retval; } BitArray Vector { get { if (vector != null) return vector; else if (!is_dirty && (InheritsFrom != null)) return InheritsFrom.Vector; initialize_vector (); return vector; } set { initialize_vector (); for (int i = 0; i < System.Math.Min (vector.Count, value.Count); i++) vector [i] = value [i]; } } void initialize_vector () { if (vector != null) return; vector = new BitArray (Count, false); if (InheritsFrom != null) Vector = InheritsFrom.Vector; is_dirty = true; } public override string ToString () { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ("MyBitVector ("); BitArray vector = Vector; sb.Append (Count); sb.Append (","); if (!IsDirty) sb.Append ("INHERITED - "); for (int i = 0; i < vector.Count; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.Append (","); sb.Append (vector [i]); } sb.Append (")"); return sb.ToString (); } } }