// // expression.cs: Expression representation for the IL tree. // // Author: // Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com) // // (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc. // namespace CIR { using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; // // The ExprClass class contains the is used to pass the // classification of an expression (value, variable, namespace, // type, method group, property access, event access, indexer access, // nothing). // public enum ExprClass { Invalid, Value, Variable, Namespace, Type, MethodGroup, PropertyAccess, EventAccess, IndexerAccess, Nothing, } // // Base class for expressions // public abstract class Expression { protected ExprClass eclass; protected Type type; public Type Type { get { return type; } set { type = value; } } public ExprClass ExprClass { get { return eclass; } set { eclass = value; } } public abstract Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc); public abstract void Emit (EmitContext ec); // // Protected constructor. Only derivate types should // be able to be created // protected Expression () { eclass = ExprClass.Invalid; type = null; } // // Returns a fully formed expression after a MemberLookup // static Expression ExprClassFromMemberInfo (MemberInfo mi) { if (mi is EventInfo){ // FIXME: Implement return null; } else if (mi is FieldInfo){ return new FieldExpr ((FieldInfo) mi); } else if (mi is PropertyInfo){ return new PropertyExpr ((PropertyInfo) mi); } else if (mi is Type) return new TypeExpr ((Type) mi); return null; } // // FIXME: Probably implement a cache for (t,name,current_access_set)? // // FIXME: We need to cope with access permissions here, or this wont // work! // // This code could use some optimizations, but we need to do some // measurements. For example, we could use a delegate to `flag' when // something can not any longer be a method-group (because it is something // else). // // Return values: // If the return value is an Array, then it is an array of // MethodInfos // // If the return value is an MemberInfo, it is anything, but a Method // // null on error. // // FIXME: When calling MemberLookup inside an `Invocation', we should pass // the arguments here and have MemberLookup return only the methods that // match the argument count/type, unlike we are doing now (we delay this // decision). // // This is so we can catch correctly attempts to invoke instance methods // from a static body (scan for error 120 in ResolveSimpleName). // protected static Expression MemberLookup (Report r, Type t, string name, bool same_type) { MemberTypes mt = // MemberTypes.Constructor | MemberTypes.Event | MemberTypes.Field | MemberTypes.Method | MemberTypes.NestedType | MemberTypes.Property; BindingFlags bf = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance; if (same_type) bf |= BindingFlags.NonPublic; MemberInfo [] mi = t.FindMembers (mt, bf, Type.FilterName, name); if (mi.Length == 1 && !(mi [0] is MethodInfo)) return Expression.ExprClassFromMemberInfo (mi [0]); for (int i = 0; i < mi.Length; i++) if (!(mi [i] is MethodInfo)){ r.Error (-5, "Do not know how to reproduce this case: Methods and non-Method with the same name, report this please"); } return new MethodGroupExpr (mi); } // // Resolves the E in `E.I' side for a member_access // // This is suboptimal and should be merged with ResolveMemberAccess static Expression ResolvePrimary (TypeContainer tc, string name) { int dot_pos = name.LastIndexOf ("."); if (tc.RootContext.IsNamespace (name)) return new NamespaceExpr (name); if (dot_pos != -1){ } else { Type t = tc.LookupType (name, false); if (t != null) return new TypeExpr (t); } return null; } static public Expression ResolveMemberAccess (TypeContainer tc, string name) { Expression left_e; int dot_pos = name.LastIndexOf ("."); string left = name.Substring (0, dot_pos); string right = name.Substring (dot_pos + 1); left_e = ResolvePrimary (tc, left); if (left_e == null) return null; switch (left_e.ExprClass){ case ExprClass.Type: return MemberLookup (tc.RootContext.Report, left_e.Type, right, left_e.Type == tc.TypeBuilder); case ExprClass.Namespace: case ExprClass.PropertyAccess: case ExprClass.IndexerAccess: case ExprClass.Variable: case ExprClass.Value: case ExprClass.Nothing: case ExprClass.EventAccess: case ExprClass.MethodGroup: case ExprClass.Invalid: tc.RootContext.Report.Error (-1000, "Internal compiler error, should have " + "got these handled before"); break; } return null; } } public class Unary : Expression { public enum Operator { Plus, Minus, Negate, BitComplement, Indirection, AddressOf, PreIncrement, PreDecrement, PostIncrement, PostDecrement } Operator oper; Expression expr; public Unary (Operator op, Expression expr) { this.oper = op; this.expr = expr; } public Expression Expr { get { return expr; } set { expr = value; } } public Operator Oper { get { return oper; } set { oper = value; } } public override Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { // FIXME: Implement; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { } } public class Probe : Expression { string probe_type; Expression expr; Operator oper; public enum Operator { Is, As } public Probe (Operator oper, Expression expr, string probe_type) { this.oper = oper; this.probe_type = probe_type; this.expr = expr; } public Operator Oper { get { return oper; } } public Expression Expr { get { return expr; } } public string ProbeType { get { return probe_type; } } public override Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { // FIXME: Implement; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { } } public class Cast : Expression { string target_type; Expression expr; public Cast (string cast_type, Expression expr) { this.target_type = target_type; this.expr = expr; } public string TargetType { get { return target_type; } } public Expression Expr { get { return expr; } set { expr = value; } } public override Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { // FIXME: Implement; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { } } public class Binary : Expression { public enum Operator { Multiply, Divide, Modulo, Add, Substract, ShiftLeft, ShiftRight, LessThan, GreatherThan, LessOrEqual, GreatherOrEqual, Equal, NotEqual, BitwiseAnd, ExclusiveOr, BitwiseOr, LogicalAnd, LogicalOr } Operator oper; Expression left, right; public Binary (Operator oper, Expression left, Expression right) { this.oper = oper; this.left = left; this.right = right; } public Operator Oper { get { return oper; } set { oper = value; } } public Expression Left { get { return left; } set { left = value; } } public Expression Right { get { return right; } set { right = value; } } public override Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { // FIXME: implement me return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { } } public class Conditional : Expression { Expression expr, trueExpr, falseExpr; public Conditional (Expression expr, Expression trueExpr, Expression falseExpr) { this.expr = expr; this.trueExpr = trueExpr; this.falseExpr = falseExpr; } public Expression Expr { get { return expr; } } public Expression TrueExpr { get { return trueExpr; } } public Expression FalseExpr { get { return falseExpr; } } public override Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { // FIXME: Implement; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { } } public class SimpleName : Expression { string name; public SimpleName (string name) { this.name = name; } public string Name { get { return name; } } // // Checks whether we are trying to access an instance // property, method or field from a static body. // Expression MemberStaticCheck (Report r, Expression e) { if (e is FieldExpr){ FieldInfo fi = ((FieldExpr) e).FieldInfo; if (!fi.IsStatic){ r.Error (120, "An object reference is required " + "for the non-static field `"+name+"'"); return null; } } else if (e is MethodGroupExpr){ // FIXME: Pending reorganization of MemberLookup // Basically at this point we should have the // best match already selected for us, and // we should only have to check a *single* // Method for its static on/off bit. return e; } else if (e is PropertyExpr){ if (!((PropertyExpr) e).IsStatic){ r.Error (120, "An object reference is required " + "for the non-static property access `"+ name+"'"); return null; } } return e; } // // 7.5.2: Simple Names. // // Local Variables and Parameters are handled at // parse time, so they never occur as SimpleNames. // Expression ResolveSimpleName (TypeContainer tc) { Expression e; Report r = tc.RootContext.Report; e = MemberLookup (tc.RootContext.Report, tc.TypeBuilder, name, true); if (e != null){ if (e is TypeExpr) return e; if ((tc.ModFlags & Modifiers.STATIC) != 0) return MemberStaticCheck (r, e); else return e; } // // Do step 3 of the Simple Name resolution. // // FIXME: implement me. return this; } // // SimpleName needs to handle a multitude of cases: // // simple_names and qualified_identifiers are placed on // the tree equally. // public override Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { if (name.IndexOf (".") != -1) return ResolveMemberAccess (tc, name); else return ResolveSimpleName (tc); } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { } } public class LocalVariableReference : Expression { public readonly string Name; public readonly Block Block; public LocalVariableReference (Block block, string name) { Block = block; Name = name; eclass = ExprClass.Variable; } public VariableInfo VariableInfo { get { return (VariableInfo) Block.GetVariableInfo (Name); } } public override Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { Console.WriteLine ("Internal compiler error, LocalVariableReference should not be emitted"); } } public class ParameterReference : Expression { public readonly Parameters Pars; public readonly String Name; public readonly int Idx; public ParameterReference (Parameters pars, int idx, string name) { Pars = pars; Idx = idx; Name = name; } public override Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { // FIXME: Implement; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { } } // // Used for arguments to New(), Invocation() // public class Argument { public enum AType { Expression, Ref, Out }; public readonly AType Type; Expression expr; public Argument (Expression expr, AType type) { this.expr = expr; this.Type = type; } public Expression Expr { get { return expr; } } public bool Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { expr = expr.Resolve (tc); return expr != null; } public void Emit (EmitContext ec) { expr.Emit (ec); } } // // Invocation of methods or delegates. // public class Invocation : Expression { public readonly ArrayList Arguments; Expression expr; MethodInfo method = null; // // arguments is an ArrayList, but we do not want to typecast, // as it might be null. // // FIXME: only allow expr to be a method invocation or a // delegate invocation (7.5.5) // public Invocation (Expression expr, ArrayList arguments) { this.expr = expr; Arguments = arguments; } public Expression Expr { get { return expr; } } /// /// Computes whether Argument `a' and the ParameterInfo `pi' are /// compatible, and if so, how good is the match (in terms of /// "better conversions" ( /// /// 0 is the best possible match. /// -1 represents a type mismatch. /// -2 represents a ref/out mismatch. /// static int Badness (Argument a, ParameterInfo pi) { if (pi.ParameterType == a.Expr.Type) return 0; // FIXME: Implement implicit conversions here. // FIXME: Implement better conversion here. return -1; } public override Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { // // First, resolve the expression that is used to // trigger the invocation // this.expr = expr.Resolve (tc); if (this.expr == null) return null; if (!(this.expr is MethodGroupExpr)){ tc.RootContext.Report.Error (118, "Denotes an " + this.expr.ExprClass + " while a method was expected"); return null; } // // Next, evaluate all the expressions in the argument list // if (Arguments != null){ for (int i = Arguments.Count; i > 0;){ --i; Argument a = (Argument) Arguments [i]; if (!a.Resolve (tc)) return null; } } // // Find the Applicable Function Members ( // MethodGroupExpr me = (MethodGroupExpr) this.expr; ArrayList afm = new ArrayList (); int best_match = 10000; int best_match_idx = -1; for (int i = me.Methods.Length; i > 0; ){ i--; ParameterInfo [] pi = me.Methods [i].GetParameters (); // // Compute how good this is // if (pi.Length == Arguments.Count){ int badness = 0; for (int j = Arguments.Count; j > 0;){ int x; j--; Argument a = (Argument) Arguments [j]; x = Badness (a, pi [j]); if (x < 0){ // FIXME: report nice error. } else badness += x; } if (badness < best_match){ best_match = badness; method = me.Methods [i]; best_match_idx = i; } } } if (method == null){ tc.RootContext.Report.Error (-6, "Figure out error: Can not find a good function for this argument list"); return null; } Console.WriteLine ("Found a method! " + method); return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { int top = Arguments.Count; for (int i = 0; i < top; i++){ Argument a = (Argument) Arguments [i]; a.Emit (ec); } ec.ig.Emit (OpCodes.Call, (MethodInfo) method); } } public class New : Expression { public enum NType { Object, Array }; public readonly NType NewType; public readonly ArrayList Arguments; public readonly string RequestedType; // These are for the case when we have an array public readonly string Rank; public readonly ArrayList Indices; public readonly ArrayList Initializers; public New (string requested_type, ArrayList arguments) { RequestedType = requested_type; Arguments = arguments; NewType = NType.Object; } public New (string requested_type, ArrayList exprs, string rank, ArrayList initializers) { RequestedType = requested_type; Indices = exprs; Rank = rank; Initializers = initializers; NewType = NType.Array; } public override Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { // FIXME: Implement; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { } } public class This : Expression { public override Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { // FIXME: Implement; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { } } public class TypeOf : Expression { public readonly string QueriedType; public TypeOf (string queried_type) { QueriedType = queried_type; } public override Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { // FIXME: Implement; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { } } public class SizeOf : Expression { public readonly string QueriedType; public SizeOf (string queried_type) { this.QueriedType = queried_type; } public override Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { // FIXME: Implement; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { } } public class MemberAccess : Expression { public readonly string Identifier; Expression expr; public MemberAccess (Expression expr, string id) { this.expr = expr; Identifier = id; } public Expression Expr { get { return expr; } } public override Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { // FIXME: Implement; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { } } // // Nodes of type Namespace are created during the semantic // analysis to resolve member_access/qualified_identifier/simple_name // accesses. // // They are born `resolved'. // public class NamespaceExpr : Expression { public readonly string Name; public NamespaceExpr (string name) { Name = name; eclass = ExprClass.Namespace; } public override Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { } } // // Fully resolved expression that evaluates to a type // public class TypeExpr : Expression { public TypeExpr (Type t) { Type = t; eclass = ExprClass.Type; } override public Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { return this; } override public void Emit (EmitContext ec) { } } // // Fully resolved expression that evaluates to a Field // public class FieldExpr : Expression { public readonly FieldInfo FieldInfo; public FieldExpr (FieldInfo fi) { FieldInfo = fi; eclass = ExprClass.Variable; } override public Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { // We are born in resolved state. return this; } override public void Emit (EmitContext ec) { // FIXME: Assert that this should not be reached? } } // // Fully resolved expression that evaluates to a Property // public class PropertyExpr : Expression { public readonly PropertyInfo PropertyInfo; public readonly bool IsStatic; public PropertyExpr (PropertyInfo pi) { PropertyInfo = pi; eclass = ExprClass.PropertyAccess; IsStatic = false; MethodInfo [] acc = pi.GetAccessors (); for (int i = 0; i < acc.Length; i++) if (acc [i].IsStatic) IsStatic = true; } override public Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { // We are born in resolved state. return this; } override public void Emit (EmitContext ec) { // FIXME: Implement. } } // // Fully resolved expression that evaluates to a type // public class MethodGroupExpr : Expression { public readonly MethodInfo [] Methods; public MethodGroupExpr (MemberInfo [] mi) { Methods = new MethodInfo [mi.Length]; mi.CopyTo (Methods, 0); eclass = ExprClass.MethodGroup; } override public Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { return this; } override public void Emit (EmitContext ec) { } } public class BuiltinTypeAccess : Expression { public readonly string AccessBase; public readonly string Method; public BuiltinTypeAccess (string type, string method) { System.Console.WriteLine ("DUDE! This type should be fully resolved!"); AccessBase = type; Method = method; } public override Expression Resolve (TypeContainer tc) { // FIXME: Implement; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { } } }