// // expression.cs: Expression representation for the IL tree. // // Author: // Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com) // Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com) // // Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Ximian, Inc. // Copyright 2003-2008 Novell, Inc. // Copyright 2011 Xamarin Inc. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using SLE = System.Linq.Expressions; #if STATIC using MetaType = IKVM.Reflection.Type; using IKVM.Reflection; using IKVM.Reflection.Emit; #else using MetaType = System.Type; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; #endif namespace Mono.CSharp { // // This is an user operator expression, automatically created during // resolve phase // public class UserOperatorCall : Expression { protected readonly Arguments arguments; protected readonly MethodSpec oper; readonly Func expr_tree; public UserOperatorCall (MethodSpec oper, Arguments args, Func expr_tree, Location loc) { this.oper = oper; this.arguments = args; this.expr_tree = expr_tree; type = oper.ReturnType; eclass = ExprClass.Value; this.loc = loc; } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return arguments.ContainsEmitWithAwait (); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { if (expr_tree != null) return expr_tree (ec, new TypeOfMethod (oper, loc)); Arguments args = Arguments.CreateForExpressionTree (ec, arguments, new NullLiteral (loc), new TypeOfMethod (oper, loc)); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Call", args); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext context, Expression target) { // Nothing to clone } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { // // We are born fully resolved // return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { var call = new CallEmitter (); call.EmitPredefined (ec, oper, arguments); } public override SLE.Expression MakeExpression (BuilderContext ctx) { #if STATIC return base.MakeExpression (ctx); #else return SLE.Expression.Call ((MethodInfo) oper.GetMetaInfo (), Arguments.MakeExpression (arguments, ctx)); #endif } } public class ParenthesizedExpression : ShimExpression { public ParenthesizedExpression (Expression expr) : base (expr) { loc = expr.Location; } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { return expr.Resolve (ec); } public override Expression DoResolveLValue (ResolveContext ec, Expression right_side) { return expr.DoResolveLValue (ec, right_side); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } // // Unary implements unary expressions. // public class Unary : Expression { public enum Operator : byte { UnaryPlus, UnaryNegation, LogicalNot, OnesComplement, AddressOf, TOP } public readonly Operator Oper; public Expression Expr; Expression enum_conversion; public Unary (Operator op, Expression expr, Location loc) { Oper = op; Expr = expr; this.loc = loc; } // // This routine will attempt to simplify the unary expression when the // argument is a constant. // Constant TryReduceConstant (ResolveContext ec, Constant e) { if (e is EmptyConstantCast) return TryReduceConstant (ec, ((EmptyConstantCast) e).child); if (e is SideEffectConstant) { Constant r = TryReduceConstant (ec, ((SideEffectConstant) e).value); return r == null ? null : new SideEffectConstant (r, e, r.Location); } TypeSpec expr_type = e.Type; switch (Oper){ case Operator.UnaryPlus: // Unary numeric promotions switch (expr_type.BuiltinType) { case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte: return new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, ((ByteConstant) e).Value, e.Location); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte: return new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, ((SByteConstant) e).Value, e.Location); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short: return new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, ((ShortConstant) e).Value, e.Location); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort: return new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, ((UShortConstant) e).Value, e.Location); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char: return new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, ((CharConstant) e).Value, e.Location); // Predefined operators case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal: return e; } return null; case Operator.UnaryNegation: // Unary numeric promotions switch (expr_type.BuiltinType) { case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte: return new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, -((ByteConstant) e).Value, e.Location); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte: return new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, -((SByteConstant) e).Value, e.Location); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short: return new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, -((ShortConstant) e).Value, e.Location); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort: return new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, -((UShortConstant) e).Value, e.Location); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char: return new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, -((CharConstant) e).Value, e.Location); // Predefined operators case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int: int ivalue = ((IntConstant) e).Value; if (ivalue == int.MinValue) { if (ec.ConstantCheckState) { ConstantFold.Error_CompileTimeOverflow (ec, loc); return null; } return e; } return new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, -ivalue, e.Location); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long: long lvalue = ((LongConstant) e).Value; if (lvalue == long.MinValue) { if (ec.ConstantCheckState) { ConstantFold.Error_CompileTimeOverflow (ec, loc); return null; } return e; } return new LongConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, -lvalue, e.Location); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt: UIntLiteral uil = e as UIntLiteral; if (uil != null) { if (uil.Value == int.MaxValue + (uint) 1) return new IntLiteral (ec.BuiltinTypes, int.MinValue, e.Location); return new LongLiteral (ec.BuiltinTypes, -uil.Value, e.Location); } return new LongConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, -((UIntConstant) e).Value, e.Location); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong: ULongLiteral ull = e as ULongLiteral; if (ull != null && ull.Value == 9223372036854775808) return new LongLiteral (ec.BuiltinTypes, long.MinValue, e.Location); return null; case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float: FloatLiteral fl = e as FloatLiteral; // For better error reporting if (fl != null) return new FloatLiteral (ec.BuiltinTypes, -fl.Value, e.Location); return new FloatConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, -((FloatConstant) e).Value, e.Location); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double: DoubleLiteral dl = e as DoubleLiteral; // For better error reporting if (dl != null) return new DoubleLiteral (ec.BuiltinTypes, -dl.Value, e.Location); return new DoubleConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, -((DoubleConstant) e).Value, e.Location); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal: return new DecimalConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, -((DecimalConstant) e).Value, e.Location); } return null; case Operator.LogicalNot: if (expr_type.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Bool) return null; bool b = (bool)e.GetValue (); return new BoolConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, !b, e.Location); case Operator.OnesComplement: // Unary numeric promotions switch (expr_type.BuiltinType) { case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte: return new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, ~((ByteConstant) e).Value, e.Location); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte: return new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, ~((SByteConstant) e).Value, e.Location); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short: return new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, ~((ShortConstant) e).Value, e.Location); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort: return new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, ~((UShortConstant) e).Value, e.Location); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char: return new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, ~((CharConstant) e).Value, e.Location); // Predefined operators case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int: return new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, ~((IntConstant)e).Value, e.Location); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt: return new UIntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, ~((UIntConstant) e).Value, e.Location); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long: return new LongConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, ~((LongConstant) e).Value, e.Location); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong: return new ULongConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, ~((ULongConstant) e).Value, e.Location); } if (e is EnumConstant) { e = TryReduceConstant (ec, ((EnumConstant)e).Child); if (e != null) e = new EnumConstant (e, expr_type); return e; } return null; } throw new Exception ("Can not constant fold: " + Oper.ToString()); } protected virtual Expression ResolveOperator (ResolveContext ec, Expression expr) { eclass = ExprClass.Value; TypeSpec expr_type = expr.Type; Expression best_expr; TypeSpec[] predefined = ec.BuiltinTypes.OperatorsUnary [(int) Oper]; // // Primitive types first // if (BuiltinTypeSpec.IsPrimitiveType (expr_type)) { best_expr = ResolvePrimitivePredefinedType (ec, expr, predefined); if (best_expr == null) return null; type = best_expr.Type; Expr = best_expr; return this; } // // E operator ~(E x); // if (Oper == Operator.OnesComplement && expr_type.IsEnum) return ResolveEnumOperator (ec, expr, predefined); return ResolveUserType (ec, expr, predefined); } protected virtual Expression ResolveEnumOperator (ResolveContext ec, Expression expr, TypeSpec[] predefined) { TypeSpec underlying_type = EnumSpec.GetUnderlyingType (expr.Type); Expression best_expr = ResolvePrimitivePredefinedType (ec, EmptyCast.Create (expr, underlying_type), predefined); if (best_expr == null) return null; Expr = best_expr; enum_conversion = Convert.ExplicitNumericConversion (ec, new EmptyExpression (best_expr.Type), underlying_type); type = expr.Type; return EmptyCast.Create (this, type); } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return Expr.ContainsEmitWithAwait (); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { return CreateExpressionTree (ec, null); } Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec, Expression user_op) { string method_name; switch (Oper) { case Operator.AddressOf: Error_PointerInsideExpressionTree (ec); return null; case Operator.UnaryNegation: if (ec.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.CheckedScope) && user_op == null && !IsFloat (type)) method_name = "NegateChecked"; else method_name = "Negate"; break; case Operator.OnesComplement: case Operator.LogicalNot: method_name = "Not"; break; case Operator.UnaryPlus: method_name = "UnaryPlus"; break; default: throw new InternalErrorException ("Unknown unary operator " + Oper.ToString ()); } Arguments args = new Arguments (2); args.Add (new Argument (Expr.CreateExpressionTree (ec))); if (user_op != null) args.Add (new Argument (user_op)); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, method_name, args); } public static TypeSpec[][] CreatePredefinedOperatorsTable (BuiltinTypes types) { var predefined_operators = new TypeSpec[(int) Operator.TOP][]; // // 7.6.1 Unary plus operator // predefined_operators [(int) Operator.UnaryPlus] = new TypeSpec [] { types.Int, types.UInt, types.Long, types.ULong, types.Float, types.Double, types.Decimal }; // // 7.6.2 Unary minus operator // predefined_operators [(int) Operator.UnaryNegation] = new TypeSpec [] { types.Int, types.Long, types.Float, types.Double, types.Decimal }; // // 7.6.3 Logical negation operator // predefined_operators [(int) Operator.LogicalNot] = new TypeSpec [] { types.Bool }; // // 7.6.4 Bitwise complement operator // predefined_operators [(int) Operator.OnesComplement] = new TypeSpec [] { types.Int, types.UInt, types.Long, types.ULong }; return predefined_operators; } // // Unary numeric promotions // static Expression DoNumericPromotion (ResolveContext rc, Operator op, Expression expr) { TypeSpec expr_type = expr.Type; if (op == Operator.UnaryPlus || op == Operator.UnaryNegation || op == Operator.OnesComplement) { switch (expr_type.BuiltinType) { case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char: return Convert.ImplicitNumericConversion (expr, rc.BuiltinTypes.Int); } } if (op == Operator.UnaryNegation && expr_type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt) return Convert.ImplicitNumericConversion (expr, rc.BuiltinTypes.Long); return expr; } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { if (Oper == Operator.AddressOf) { return ResolveAddressOf (ec); } Expr = Expr.Resolve (ec); if (Expr == null) return null; if (Expr.Type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) { Arguments args = new Arguments (1); args.Add (new Argument (Expr)); return new DynamicUnaryConversion (GetOperatorExpressionTypeName (), args, loc).Resolve (ec); } if (Expr.Type.IsNullableType) return new Nullable.LiftedUnaryOperator (Oper, Expr, loc).Resolve (ec); // // Attempt to use a constant folding operation. // Constant cexpr = Expr as Constant; if (cexpr != null) { cexpr = TryReduceConstant (ec, cexpr); if (cexpr != null) return cexpr; } Expression expr = ResolveOperator (ec, Expr); if (expr == null) Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (ec, loc, OperName (Oper), Expr.Type); // // Reduce unary operator on predefined types // if (expr == this && Oper == Operator.UnaryPlus) return Expr; return expr; } public override Expression DoResolveLValue (ResolveContext ec, Expression right) { return null; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { EmitOperator (ec, type); } protected void EmitOperator (EmitContext ec, TypeSpec type) { switch (Oper) { case Operator.UnaryPlus: Expr.Emit (ec); break; case Operator.UnaryNegation: if (ec.HasSet (EmitContext.Options.CheckedScope) && !IsFloat (type)) { if (ec.HasSet (BuilderContext.Options.AsyncBody) && Expr.ContainsEmitWithAwait ()) Expr = Expr.EmitToField (ec); ec.EmitInt (0); if (type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Conv_U8); Expr.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Sub_Ovf); } else { Expr.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Neg); } break; case Operator.LogicalNot: Expr.Emit (ec); ec.EmitInt (0); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ceq); break; case Operator.OnesComplement: Expr.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Not); break; case Operator.AddressOf: ((IMemoryLocation)Expr).AddressOf (ec, AddressOp.LoadStore); break; default: throw new Exception ("This should not happen: Operator = " + Oper.ToString ()); } // // Same trick as in Binary expression // if (enum_conversion != null) enum_conversion.Emit (ec); } public override void EmitBranchable (EmitContext ec, Label target, bool on_true) { if (Oper == Operator.LogicalNot) Expr.EmitBranchable (ec, target, !on_true); else base.EmitBranchable (ec, target, on_true); } public override void EmitSideEffect (EmitContext ec) { Expr.EmitSideEffect (ec); } // // Converts operator to System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType enum name // string GetOperatorExpressionTypeName () { switch (Oper) { case Operator.OnesComplement: return "OnesComplement"; case Operator.LogicalNot: return "Not"; case Operator.UnaryNegation: return "Negate"; case Operator.UnaryPlus: return "UnaryPlus"; default: throw new NotImplementedException ("Unknown express type operator " + Oper.ToString ()); } } static bool IsFloat (TypeSpec t) { return t.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double || t.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float; } // // Returns a stringified representation of the Operator // public static string OperName (Operator oper) { switch (oper) { case Operator.UnaryPlus: return "+"; case Operator.UnaryNegation: return "-"; case Operator.LogicalNot: return "!"; case Operator.OnesComplement: return "~"; case Operator.AddressOf: return "&"; } throw new NotImplementedException (oper.ToString ()); } public override SLE.Expression MakeExpression (BuilderContext ctx) { var expr = Expr.MakeExpression (ctx); bool is_checked = ctx.HasSet (BuilderContext.Options.CheckedScope); switch (Oper) { case Operator.UnaryNegation: return is_checked ? SLE.Expression.NegateChecked (expr) : SLE.Expression.Negate (expr); case Operator.LogicalNot: return SLE.Expression.Not (expr); #if NET_4_0 case Operator.OnesComplement: return SLE.Expression.OnesComplement (expr); #endif default: throw new NotImplementedException (Oper.ToString ()); } } Expression ResolveAddressOf (ResolveContext ec) { if (!ec.IsUnsafe) UnsafeError (ec, loc); Expr = Expr.DoResolveLValue (ec, EmptyExpression.UnaryAddress); if (Expr == null || Expr.eclass != ExprClass.Variable) { ec.Report.Error (211, loc, "Cannot take the address of the given expression"); return null; } if (!TypeManager.VerifyUnmanaged (ec.Module, Expr.Type, loc)) { return null; } IVariableReference vr = Expr as IVariableReference; bool is_fixed; if (vr != null) { is_fixed = vr.IsFixed; vr.SetHasAddressTaken (); if (vr.IsHoisted) { AnonymousMethodExpression.Error_AddressOfCapturedVar (ec, vr, loc); } } else { IFixedExpression fe = Expr as IFixedExpression; is_fixed = fe != null && fe.IsFixed; } if (!is_fixed && !ec.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.FixedInitializerScope)) { ec.Report.Error (212, loc, "You can only take the address of unfixed expression inside of a fixed statement initializer"); } type = PointerContainer.MakeType (ec.Module, Expr.Type); eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } Expression ResolvePrimitivePredefinedType (ResolveContext rc, Expression expr, TypeSpec[] predefined) { expr = DoNumericPromotion (rc, Oper, expr); TypeSpec expr_type = expr.Type; foreach (TypeSpec t in predefined) { if (t == expr_type) return expr; } return null; } // // Perform user-operator overload resolution // protected virtual Expression ResolveUserOperator (ResolveContext ec, Expression expr) { CSharp.Operator.OpType op_type; switch (Oper) { case Operator.LogicalNot: op_type = CSharp.Operator.OpType.LogicalNot; break; case Operator.OnesComplement: op_type = CSharp.Operator.OpType.OnesComplement; break; case Operator.UnaryNegation: op_type = CSharp.Operator.OpType.UnaryNegation; break; case Operator.UnaryPlus: op_type = CSharp.Operator.OpType.UnaryPlus; break; default: throw new InternalErrorException (Oper.ToString ()); } var methods = MemberCache.GetUserOperator (expr.Type, op_type, false); if (methods == null) return null; Arguments args = new Arguments (1); args.Add (new Argument (expr)); var res = new OverloadResolver (methods, OverloadResolver.Restrictions.BaseMembersIncluded | OverloadResolver.Restrictions.NoBaseMembers, loc); var oper = res.ResolveOperator (ec, ref args); if (oper == null) return null; Expr = args [0].Expr; return new UserOperatorCall (oper, args, CreateExpressionTree, expr.Location); } // // Unary user type overload resolution // Expression ResolveUserType (ResolveContext ec, Expression expr, TypeSpec[] predefined) { Expression best_expr = ResolveUserOperator (ec, expr); if (best_expr != null) return best_expr; foreach (TypeSpec t in predefined) { Expression oper_expr = Convert.ImplicitUserConversion (ec, expr, t, expr.Location); if (oper_expr == null) continue; if (oper_expr == ErrorExpression.Instance) return oper_expr; // // decimal type is predefined but has user-operators // if (oper_expr.Type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal) oper_expr = ResolveUserType (ec, oper_expr, predefined); else oper_expr = ResolvePrimitivePredefinedType (ec, oper_expr, predefined); if (oper_expr == null) continue; if (best_expr == null) { best_expr = oper_expr; continue; } int result = OverloadResolver.BetterTypeConversion (ec, best_expr.Type, t); if (result == 0) { if ((oper_expr is UserOperatorCall || oper_expr is UserCast) && (best_expr is UserOperatorCall || best_expr is UserCast)) { ec.Report.Error (35, loc, "Operator `{0}' is ambiguous on an operand of type `{1}'", OperName (Oper), expr.Type.GetSignatureForError ()); } else { Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (ec, loc, OperName (Oper), expr.Type); } break; } if (result == 2) best_expr = oper_expr; } if (best_expr == null) return null; // // HACK: Decimal user-operator is included in standard operators // if (best_expr.Type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal) return best_expr; Expr = best_expr; type = best_expr.Type; return this; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { Unary target = (Unary) t; target.Expr = Expr.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } // // Unary operators are turned into Indirection expressions // after semantic analysis (this is so we can take the address // of an indirection). // public class Indirection : Expression, IMemoryLocation, IAssignMethod, IFixedExpression { Expression expr; LocalTemporary temporary; bool prepared; public Indirection (Expression expr, Location l) { this.expr = expr; loc = l; } public Expression Expr { get { return expr; } } public bool IsFixed { get { return true; } } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { Indirection target = (Indirection) t; target.expr = expr.Clone (clonectx); } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Error_PointerInsideExpressionTree (ec); return null; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { if (!prepared) expr.Emit (ec); ec.EmitLoadFromPtr (Type); } public void Emit (EmitContext ec, bool leave_copy) { Emit (ec); if (leave_copy) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Dup); temporary = new LocalTemporary (expr.Type); temporary.Store (ec); } } public void EmitAssign (EmitContext ec, Expression source, bool leave_copy, bool isCompound) { prepared = isCompound; expr.Emit (ec); if (isCompound) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Dup); source.Emit (ec); if (leave_copy) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Dup); temporary = new LocalTemporary (source.Type); temporary.Store (ec); } ec.EmitStoreFromPtr (type); if (temporary != null) { temporary.Emit (ec); temporary.Release (ec); } } public void AddressOf (EmitContext ec, AddressOp Mode) { expr.Emit (ec); } public override Expression DoResolveLValue (ResolveContext ec, Expression right_side) { return DoResolve (ec); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { expr = expr.Resolve (ec); if (expr == null) return null; if (!ec.IsUnsafe) UnsafeError (ec, loc); var pc = expr.Type as PointerContainer; if (pc == null) { ec.Report.Error (193, loc, "The * or -> operator must be applied to a pointer"); return null; } type = pc.Element; if (type.Kind == MemberKind.Void) { Error_VoidPointerOperation (ec); return null; } eclass = ExprClass.Variable; return this; } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } /// /// Unary Mutator expressions (pre and post ++ and --) /// /// /// /// UnaryMutator implements ++ and -- expressions. It derives from /// ExpressionStatement becuase the pre/post increment/decrement /// operators can be used in a statement context. /// /// FIXME: Idea, we could split this up in two classes, one simpler /// for the common case, and one with the extra fields for more complex /// classes (indexers require temporary access; overloaded require method) /// /// public class UnaryMutator : ExpressionStatement { class DynamicPostMutator : Expression, IAssignMethod { LocalTemporary temp; Expression expr; public DynamicPostMutator (Expression expr) { this.expr = expr; this.type = expr.Type; this.loc = expr.Location; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { throw new NotImplementedException ("ET"); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext rc) { eclass = expr.eclass; return this; } public override Expression DoResolveLValue (ResolveContext ec, Expression right_side) { expr.DoResolveLValue (ec, right_side); return DoResolve (ec); } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { temp.Emit (ec); } public void Emit (EmitContext ec, bool leave_copy) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } // // Emits target assignment using unmodified source value // public void EmitAssign (EmitContext ec, Expression source, bool leave_copy, bool isCompound) { // // Allocate temporary variable to keep original value before it's modified // temp = new LocalTemporary (type); expr.Emit (ec); temp.Store (ec); ((IAssignMethod) expr).EmitAssign (ec, source, false, isCompound); if (leave_copy) Emit (ec); temp.Release (ec); temp = null; } } [Flags] public enum Mode : byte { IsIncrement = 0, IsDecrement = 1, IsPre = 0, IsPost = 2, PreIncrement = 0, PreDecrement = IsDecrement, PostIncrement = IsPost, PostDecrement = IsPost | IsDecrement } Mode mode; bool is_expr, recurse; protected Expression expr; // Holds the real operation Expression operation; public UnaryMutator (Mode m, Expression e, Location loc) { mode = m; this.loc = loc; expr = e; } public Mode UnaryMutatorMode { get { return mode; } } public Expression Expr { get { return expr; } } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return expr.ContainsEmitWithAwait (); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { return new SimpleAssign (this, this).CreateExpressionTree (ec); } public static TypeSpec[] CreatePredefinedOperatorsTable (BuiltinTypes types) { // // Predefined ++ and -- operators exist for the following types: // sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char, float, double, decimal // return new TypeSpec[] { types.Int, types.Long, types.SByte, types.Byte, types.Short, types.UInt, types.ULong, types.Char, types.Float, types.Double, types.Decimal }; } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { expr = expr.Resolve (ec); if (expr == null) return null; if (expr.Type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) { // // Handle postfix unary operators using local // temporary variable // if ((mode & Mode.IsPost) != 0) expr = new DynamicPostMutator (expr); Arguments args = new Arguments (1); args.Add (new Argument (expr)); return new SimpleAssign (expr, new DynamicUnaryConversion (GetOperatorExpressionTypeName (), args, loc)).Resolve (ec); } if (expr.Type.IsNullableType) return new Nullable.LiftedUnaryMutator (mode, expr, loc).Resolve (ec); return DoResolveOperation (ec); } protected Expression DoResolveOperation (ResolveContext ec) { eclass = ExprClass.Value; type = expr.Type; if (expr is RuntimeValueExpression) { operation = expr; } else { // Use itself at the top of the stack operation = new EmptyExpression (type); } // // The operand of the prefix/postfix increment decrement operators // should be an expression that is classified as a variable, // a property access or an indexer access // // TODO: Move to parser, expr is ATypeNameExpression if (expr.eclass == ExprClass.Variable || expr.eclass == ExprClass.IndexerAccess || expr.eclass == ExprClass.PropertyAccess) { expr = expr.ResolveLValue (ec, expr); } else { ec.Report.Error (1059, loc, "The operand of an increment or decrement operator must be a variable, property or indexer"); } // // Step 1: Try to find a user operator, it has priority over predefined ones // var user_op = IsDecrement ? Operator.OpType.Decrement : Operator.OpType.Increment; var methods = MemberCache.GetUserOperator (type, user_op, false); if (methods != null) { Arguments args = new Arguments (1); args.Add (new Argument (expr)); var res = new OverloadResolver (methods, OverloadResolver.Restrictions.BaseMembersIncluded | OverloadResolver.Restrictions.NoBaseMembers, loc); var method = res.ResolveOperator (ec, ref args); if (method == null) return null; args[0].Expr = operation; operation = new UserOperatorCall (method, args, null, loc); operation = Convert.ImplicitConversionRequired (ec, operation, type, loc); return this; } // // Step 2: Try predefined types // Expression source = null; bool primitive_type; // // Predefined without user conversion first for speed-up // // Predefined ++ and -- operators exist for the following types: // sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char, float, double, decimal // switch (type.BuiltinType) { case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal: source = operation; primitive_type = true; break; default: primitive_type = false; // ++/-- on pointer variables of all types except void* if (type.IsPointer) { if (((PointerContainer) type).Element.Kind == MemberKind.Void) { Error_VoidPointerOperation (ec); return null; } source = operation; } else { foreach (var t in ec.BuiltinTypes.OperatorsUnaryMutator) { source = Convert.ImplicitUserConversion (ec, operation, t, loc); // LAMESPEC: It should error on ambiguous operators but that would make us incompatible if (source != null) { break; } } } // ++/-- on enum types if (source == null && type.IsEnum) source = operation; if (source == null) { expr.Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (ec, loc, Operator.GetName (user_op), type); return null; } break; } var one = new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, 1, loc); var op = IsDecrement ? Binary.Operator.Subtraction : Binary.Operator.Addition; operation = new Binary (op, source, one, loc); operation = operation.Resolve (ec); if (operation == null) throw new NotImplementedException ("should not be reached"); if (operation.Type != type) { if (primitive_type) operation = Convert.ExplicitNumericConversion (ec, operation, type); else operation = Convert.ImplicitConversionRequired (ec, operation, type, loc); } return this; } void EmitCode (EmitContext ec, bool is_expr) { recurse = true; this.is_expr = is_expr; ((IAssignMethod) expr).EmitAssign (ec, this, is_expr && (mode == Mode.PreIncrement || mode == Mode.PreDecrement), true); } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { // // We use recurse to allow ourselfs to be the source // of an assignment. This little hack prevents us from // having to allocate another expression // if (recurse) { ((IAssignMethod) expr).Emit (ec, is_expr && (mode == Mode.PostIncrement || mode == Mode.PostDecrement)); EmitOperation (ec); recurse = false; return; } EmitCode (ec, true); } protected virtual void EmitOperation (EmitContext ec) { operation.Emit (ec); } public override void EmitStatement (EmitContext ec) { EmitCode (ec, false); } // // Converts operator to System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType enum name // string GetOperatorExpressionTypeName () { return IsDecrement ? "Decrement" : "Increment"; } bool IsDecrement { get { return (mode & Mode.IsDecrement) != 0; } } #if NET_4_0 public override SLE.Expression MakeExpression (BuilderContext ctx) { var target = ((RuntimeValueExpression) expr).MetaObject.Expression; var source = SLE.Expression.Convert (operation.MakeExpression (ctx), target.Type); return SLE.Expression.Assign (target, source); } #endif protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { UnaryMutator target = (UnaryMutator) t; target.expr = expr.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } // // Base class for the `is' and `as' operators // public abstract class Probe : Expression { public Expression ProbeType; protected Expression expr; protected TypeSpec probe_type_expr; public Probe (Expression expr, Expression probe_type, Location l) { ProbeType = probe_type; loc = l; this.expr = expr; } public Expression Expr { get { return expr; } } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return expr.ContainsEmitWithAwait (); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { probe_type_expr = ProbeType.ResolveAsType (ec); if (probe_type_expr == null) return null; expr = expr.Resolve (ec); if (expr == null) return null; if (probe_type_expr.IsStatic) { ec.Report.Error (-244, loc, "The `{0}' operator cannot be applied to an operand of a static type", OperatorName); } if (expr.Type.IsPointer || probe_type_expr.IsPointer) { ec.Report.Error (244, loc, "The `{0}' operator cannot be applied to an operand of pointer type", OperatorName); return null; } if (expr.Type == InternalType.AnonymousMethod) { ec.Report.Error (837, loc, "The `{0}' operator cannot be applied to a lambda expression or anonymous method", OperatorName); return null; } return this; } protected abstract string OperatorName { get; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { Probe target = (Probe) t; target.expr = expr.Clone (clonectx); target.ProbeType = ProbeType.Clone (clonectx); } } /// /// Implementation of the `is' operator. /// public class Is : Probe { Nullable.Unwrap expr_unwrap; public Is (Expression expr, Expression probe_type, Location l) : base (expr, probe_type, l) { } protected override string OperatorName { get { return "is"; } } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Arguments args = Arguments.CreateForExpressionTree (ec, null, expr.CreateExpressionTree (ec), new TypeOf (probe_type_expr, loc)); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "TypeIs", args); } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { if (expr_unwrap != null) { expr_unwrap.EmitCheck (ec); return; } expr.Emit (ec); // Only to make verifier happy if (probe_type_expr.IsGenericParameter && TypeSpec.IsValueType (expr.Type)) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Box, expr.Type); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Isinst, probe_type_expr); ec.EmitNull (); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Cgt_Un); } public override void EmitBranchable (EmitContext ec, Label target, bool on_true) { if (expr_unwrap != null) { expr_unwrap.EmitCheck (ec); } else { expr.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Isinst, probe_type_expr); } ec.Emit (on_true ? OpCodes.Brtrue : OpCodes.Brfalse, target); } Expression CreateConstantResult (ResolveContext ec, bool result) { if (result) ec.Report.Warning (183, 1, loc, "The given expression is always of the provided (`{0}') type", TypeManager.CSharpName (probe_type_expr)); else ec.Report.Warning (184, 1, loc, "The given expression is never of the provided (`{0}') type", TypeManager.CSharpName (probe_type_expr)); return ReducedExpression.Create (new BoolConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, result, loc), this); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { if (base.DoResolve (ec) == null) return null; TypeSpec d = expr.Type; bool d_is_nullable = false; // // If E is a method group or the null literal, or if the type of E is a reference // type or a nullable type and the value of E is null, the result is false // if (expr.IsNull || expr.eclass == ExprClass.MethodGroup) return CreateConstantResult (ec, false); if (d.IsNullableType) { var ut = Nullable.NullableInfo.GetUnderlyingType (d); if (!ut.IsGenericParameter) { d = ut; d_is_nullable = true; } } type = ec.BuiltinTypes.Bool; eclass = ExprClass.Value; TypeSpec t = probe_type_expr; bool t_is_nullable = false; if (t.IsNullableType) { var ut = Nullable.NullableInfo.GetUnderlyingType (t); if (!ut.IsGenericParameter) { t = ut; t_is_nullable = true; } } if (t.IsStruct) { if (d == t) { // // D and T are the same value types but D can be null // if (d_is_nullable && !t_is_nullable) { expr_unwrap = Nullable.Unwrap.Create (expr, false); return this; } // // The result is true if D and T are the same value types // return CreateConstantResult (ec, true); } var tp = d as TypeParameterSpec; if (tp != null) return ResolveGenericParameter (ec, t, tp); // // An unboxing conversion exists // if (Convert.ExplicitReferenceConversionExists (d, t)) return this; } else { if (TypeManager.IsGenericParameter (t)) return ResolveGenericParameter (ec, d, (TypeParameterSpec) t); if (t.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) { ec.Report.Warning (1981, 3, loc, "Using `{0}' to test compatibility with `{1}' is identical to testing compatibility with `object'", OperatorName, t.GetSignatureForError ()); } if (TypeManager.IsGenericParameter (d)) return ResolveGenericParameter (ec, t, (TypeParameterSpec) d); if (TypeSpec.IsValueType (d)) { if (Convert.ImplicitBoxingConversion (null, d, t) != null) { if (d_is_nullable && !t_is_nullable) { expr_unwrap = Nullable.Unwrap.Create (expr, false); return this; } return CreateConstantResult (ec, true); } } else { if (Convert.ImplicitReferenceConversionExists (d, t)) { // // Do not optimize for imported type // if (d.MemberDefinition.IsImported && d.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.None) return this; // // Turn is check into simple null check for implicitly convertible reference types // return ReducedExpression.Create ( new Binary (Binary.Operator.Inequality, expr, new NullLiteral (loc), loc).Resolve (ec), this).Resolve (ec); } if (Convert.ExplicitReferenceConversionExists (d, t)) { return this; } } } return CreateConstantResult (ec, false); } Expression ResolveGenericParameter (ResolveContext ec, TypeSpec d, TypeParameterSpec t) { if (t.IsReferenceType) { if (d.IsStruct) return CreateConstantResult (ec, false); } if (TypeManager.IsGenericParameter (expr.Type)) { if (expr.Type == d && TypeSpec.IsValueType (t)) return CreateConstantResult (ec, true); expr = new BoxedCast (expr, d); } return this; } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } /// /// Implementation of the `as' operator. /// public class As : Probe { Expression resolved_type; public As (Expression expr, Expression probe_type, Location l) : base (expr, probe_type, l) { } protected override string OperatorName { get { return "as"; } } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Arguments args = Arguments.CreateForExpressionTree (ec, null, expr.CreateExpressionTree (ec), new TypeOf (probe_type_expr, loc)); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "TypeAs", args); } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { expr.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Isinst, type); if (TypeManager.IsGenericParameter (type) || type.IsNullableType) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Unbox_Any, type); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { if (resolved_type == null) { resolved_type = base.DoResolve (ec); if (resolved_type == null) return null; } type = probe_type_expr; eclass = ExprClass.Value; TypeSpec etype = expr.Type; if (!TypeSpec.IsReferenceType (type) && !type.IsNullableType) { if (TypeManager.IsGenericParameter (type)) { ec.Report.Error (413, loc, "The `as' operator cannot be used with a non-reference type parameter `{0}'. Consider adding `class' or a reference type constraint", probe_type_expr.GetSignatureForError ()); } else { ec.Report.Error (77, loc, "The `as' operator cannot be used with a non-nullable value type `{0}'", TypeManager.CSharpName (type)); } return null; } if (expr.IsNull && type.IsNullableType) { return Nullable.LiftedNull.CreateFromExpression (ec, this); } // If the compile-time type of E is dynamic, unlike the cast operator the as operator is not dynamically bound if (etype.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) { return this; } Expression e = Convert.ImplicitConversionStandard (ec, expr, type, loc); if (e != null) { e = EmptyCast.Create (e, type); return ReducedExpression.Create (e, this).Resolve (ec); } if (Convert.ExplicitReferenceConversionExists (etype, type)){ if (TypeManager.IsGenericParameter (etype)) expr = new BoxedCast (expr, etype); return this; } if (InflatedTypeSpec.ContainsTypeParameter (etype) || InflatedTypeSpec.ContainsTypeParameter (type)) { expr = new BoxedCast (expr, etype); return this; } ec.Report.Error (39, loc, "Cannot convert type `{0}' to `{1}' via a built-in conversion", TypeManager.CSharpName (etype), TypeManager.CSharpName (type)); return null; } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } // // This represents a typecast in the source language. // public class Cast : ShimExpression { Expression target_type; public Cast (Expression cast_type, Expression expr, Location loc) : base (expr) { this.target_type = cast_type; this.loc = loc; } public Expression TargetType { get { return target_type; } } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { expr = expr.Resolve (ec); if (expr == null) return null; type = target_type.ResolveAsType (ec); if (type == null) return null; if (type.IsStatic) { ec.Report.Error (716, loc, "Cannot convert to static type `{0}'", TypeManager.CSharpName (type)); return null; } eclass = ExprClass.Value; Constant c = expr as Constant; if (c != null) { c = c.TryReduce (ec, type, loc); if (c != null) return c; } if (type.IsPointer && !ec.IsUnsafe) { UnsafeError (ec, loc); } var res = Convert.ExplicitConversion (ec, expr, type, loc); if (res == expr) return EmptyCast.Create (res, type); return res; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { Cast target = (Cast) t; target.target_type = target_type.Clone (clonectx); target.expr = expr.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class ImplicitCast : ShimExpression { bool arrayAccess; public ImplicitCast (Expression expr, TypeSpec target, bool arrayAccess) : base (expr) { this.loc = expr.Location; this.type = target; this.arrayAccess = arrayAccess; } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { expr = expr.Resolve (ec); if (expr == null) return null; if (arrayAccess) expr = ConvertExpressionToArrayIndex (ec, expr); else expr = Convert.ImplicitConversionRequired (ec, expr, type, loc); return expr; } } // // C# 2.0 Default value expression // public class DefaultValueExpression : Expression { Expression expr; public DefaultValueExpression (Expression expr, Location loc) { this.expr = expr; this.loc = loc; } public Expression Expr { get { return this.expr; } } public override bool IsSideEffectFree { get { return true; } } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return false; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Arguments args = new Arguments (2); args.Add (new Argument (this)); args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (type, loc))); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Constant", args); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { type = expr.ResolveAsType (ec); if (type == null) return null; if (type.IsStatic) { ec.Report.Error (-244, loc, "The `default value' operator cannot be applied to an operand of a static type"); } if (type.IsPointer) return new NullLiteral (Location).ConvertImplicitly (type); if (TypeSpec.IsReferenceType (type)) return new NullConstant (type, loc); Constant c = New.Constantify (type, expr.Location); if (c != null) return c; eclass = ExprClass.Variable; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { LocalTemporary temp_storage = new LocalTemporary(type); temp_storage.AddressOf(ec, AddressOp.LoadStore); ec.Emit(OpCodes.Initobj, type); temp_storage.Emit(ec); temp_storage.Release (ec); } #if NET_4_0 && !STATIC public override SLE.Expression MakeExpression (BuilderContext ctx) { return SLE.Expression.Default (type.GetMetaInfo ()); } #endif protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { DefaultValueExpression target = (DefaultValueExpression) t; target.expr = expr.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } /// /// Binary operators /// public class Binary : Expression, IDynamicBinder { public class PredefinedOperator { protected readonly TypeSpec left; protected readonly TypeSpec right; public readonly Operator OperatorsMask; public TypeSpec ReturnType; public PredefinedOperator (TypeSpec ltype, TypeSpec rtype, Operator op_mask) : this (ltype, rtype, op_mask, ltype) { } public PredefinedOperator (TypeSpec type, Operator op_mask, TypeSpec return_type) : this (type, type, op_mask, return_type) { } public PredefinedOperator (TypeSpec type, Operator op_mask) : this (type, type, op_mask, type) { } public PredefinedOperator (TypeSpec ltype, TypeSpec rtype, Operator op_mask, TypeSpec return_type) { if ((op_mask & Operator.ValuesOnlyMask) != 0) throw new InternalErrorException ("Only masked values can be used"); this.left = ltype; this.right = rtype; this.OperatorsMask = op_mask; this.ReturnType = return_type; } public virtual Expression ConvertResult (ResolveContext ec, Binary b) { b.type = ReturnType; b.left = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, b.left, left, b.left.Location); b.right = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, b.right, right, b.right.Location); // // A user operators does not support multiple user conversions, but decimal type // is considered to be predefined type therefore we apply predefined operators rules // and then look for decimal user-operator implementation // if (left.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal) return b.ResolveUserOperator (ec, b.left, b.right); var c = b.right as Constant; if (c != null) { if (c.IsDefaultValue && (b.oper == Operator.Addition || b.oper == Operator.Subtraction || (b.oper == Operator.BitwiseOr && !(b is Nullable.LiftedBinaryOperator)))) return ReducedExpression.Create (b.left, b).Resolve (ec); if ((b.oper == Operator.Multiply || b.oper == Operator.Division) && c.IsOneInteger) return ReducedExpression.Create (b.left, b).Resolve (ec); return b; } c = b.left as Constant; if (c != null) { if (c.IsDefaultValue && (b.oper == Operator.Addition || (b.oper == Operator.BitwiseOr && !(b is Nullable.LiftedBinaryOperator)))) return ReducedExpression.Create (b.right, b).Resolve (ec); if (b.oper == Operator.Multiply && c.IsOneInteger) return ReducedExpression.Create (b.right, b).Resolve (ec); return b; } return b; } public bool IsPrimitiveApplicable (TypeSpec ltype, TypeSpec rtype) { // // We are dealing with primitive types only // return left == ltype && ltype == rtype; } public virtual bool IsApplicable (ResolveContext ec, Expression lexpr, Expression rexpr) { // Quick path if (left == lexpr.Type && right == rexpr.Type) return true; return Convert.ImplicitConversionExists (ec, lexpr, left) && Convert.ImplicitConversionExists (ec, rexpr, right); } public PredefinedOperator ResolveBetterOperator (ResolveContext ec, PredefinedOperator best_operator) { int result = 0; if (left != null && best_operator.left != null) { result = OverloadResolver.BetterTypeConversion (ec, best_operator.left, left); } // // When second argument is same as the first one, the result is same // if (right != null && (left != right || best_operator.left != best_operator.right)) { result |= OverloadResolver.BetterTypeConversion (ec, best_operator.right, right); } if (result == 0 || result > 2) return null; return result == 1 ? best_operator : this; } } sealed class PredefinedStringOperator : PredefinedOperator { public PredefinedStringOperator (TypeSpec type, Operator op_mask, TypeSpec retType) : base (type, type, op_mask, retType) { } public PredefinedStringOperator (TypeSpec ltype, TypeSpec rtype, Operator op_mask, TypeSpec retType) : base (ltype, rtype, op_mask, retType) { } public override Expression ConvertResult (ResolveContext ec, Binary b) { // // Use original expression for nullable arguments // Nullable.Unwrap unwrap = b.left as Nullable.Unwrap; if (unwrap != null) b.left = unwrap.Original; unwrap = b.right as Nullable.Unwrap; if (unwrap != null) b.right = unwrap.Original; b.left = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, b.left, left, b.left.Location); b.right = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, b.right, right, b.right.Location); // // Start a new concat expression using converted expression // return StringConcat.Create (ec, b.left, b.right, b.loc); } } sealed class PredefinedShiftOperator : PredefinedOperator { public PredefinedShiftOperator (TypeSpec ltype, TypeSpec rtype, Operator op_mask) : base (ltype, rtype, op_mask) { } public override Expression ConvertResult (ResolveContext ec, Binary b) { b.left = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, b.left, left, b.left.Location); Expression expr_tree_expr = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, b.right, right, b.right.Location); int right_mask = left.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int || left.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt ? 0x1f : 0x3f; // // b = b.left >> b.right & (0x1f|0x3f) // b.right = new Binary (Operator.BitwiseAnd, b.right, new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, right_mask, b.right.Location), b.loc).Resolve (ec); // // Expression tree representation does not use & mask // b.right = ReducedExpression.Create (b.right, expr_tree_expr).Resolve (ec); b.type = ReturnType; // // Optimize shift by 0 // var c = b.right as Constant; if (c != null && c.IsDefaultValue) return ReducedExpression.Create (b.left, b).Resolve (ec); return b; } } sealed class PredefinedEqualityOperator : PredefinedOperator { MethodSpec equal_method, inequal_method; public PredefinedEqualityOperator (TypeSpec arg, TypeSpec retType) : base (arg, arg, Operator.EqualityMask, retType) { } public override Expression ConvertResult (ResolveContext ec, Binary b) { b.type = ReturnType; b.left = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, b.left, left, b.left.Location); b.right = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, b.right, right, b.right.Location); Arguments args = new Arguments (2); args.Add (new Argument (b.left)); args.Add (new Argument (b.right)); MethodSpec method; if (b.oper == Operator.Equality) { if (equal_method == null) { if (left.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.String) equal_method = ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.StringEqual.Resolve (b.loc); else if (left.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Delegate) equal_method = ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.DelegateEqual.Resolve (b.loc); else throw new NotImplementedException (left.GetSignatureForError ()); } method = equal_method; } else { if (inequal_method == null) { if (left.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.String) inequal_method = ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.StringInequal.Resolve (b.loc); else if (left.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Delegate) inequal_method = ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.DelegateInequal.Resolve (b.loc); else throw new NotImplementedException (left.GetSignatureForError ()); } method = inequal_method; } return new UserOperatorCall (method, args, b.CreateExpressionTree, b.loc); } } class PredefinedPointerOperator : PredefinedOperator { public PredefinedPointerOperator (TypeSpec ltype, TypeSpec rtype, Operator op_mask) : base (ltype, rtype, op_mask) { } public PredefinedPointerOperator (TypeSpec ltype, TypeSpec rtype, Operator op_mask, TypeSpec retType) : base (ltype, rtype, op_mask, retType) { } public PredefinedPointerOperator (TypeSpec type, Operator op_mask, TypeSpec return_type) : base (type, op_mask, return_type) { } public override bool IsApplicable (ResolveContext ec, Expression lexpr, Expression rexpr) { if (left == null) { if (!lexpr.Type.IsPointer) return false; } else { if (!Convert.ImplicitConversionExists (ec, lexpr, left)) return false; } if (right == null) { if (!rexpr.Type.IsPointer) return false; } else { if (!Convert.ImplicitConversionExists (ec, rexpr, right)) return false; } return true; } public override Expression ConvertResult (ResolveContext ec, Binary b) { if (left != null) { b.left = EmptyCast.Create (b.left, left); } else if (right != null) { b.right = EmptyCast.Create (b.right, right); } TypeSpec r_type = ReturnType; Expression left_arg, right_arg; if (r_type == null) { if (left == null) { left_arg = b.left; right_arg = b.right; r_type = b.left.Type; } else { left_arg = b.right; right_arg = b.left; r_type = b.right.Type; } } else { left_arg = b.left; right_arg = b.right; } return new PointerArithmetic (b.oper, left_arg, right_arg, r_type, b.loc).Resolve (ec); } } [Flags] public enum Operator { Multiply = 0 | ArithmeticMask, Division = 1 | ArithmeticMask, Modulus = 2 | ArithmeticMask, Addition = 3 | ArithmeticMask | AdditionMask, Subtraction = 4 | ArithmeticMask | SubtractionMask, LeftShift = 5 | ShiftMask, RightShift = 6 | ShiftMask, LessThan = 7 | ComparisonMask | RelationalMask, GreaterThan = 8 | ComparisonMask | RelationalMask, LessThanOrEqual = 9 | ComparisonMask | RelationalMask, GreaterThanOrEqual = 10 | ComparisonMask | RelationalMask, Equality = 11 | ComparisonMask | EqualityMask, Inequality = 12 | ComparisonMask | EqualityMask, BitwiseAnd = 13 | BitwiseMask, ExclusiveOr = 14 | BitwiseMask, BitwiseOr = 15 | BitwiseMask, LogicalAnd = 16 | LogicalMask, LogicalOr = 17 | LogicalMask, // // Operator masks // ValuesOnlyMask = ArithmeticMask - 1, ArithmeticMask = 1 << 5, ShiftMask = 1 << 6, ComparisonMask = 1 << 7, EqualityMask = 1 << 8, BitwiseMask = 1 << 9, LogicalMask = 1 << 10, AdditionMask = 1 << 11, SubtractionMask = 1 << 12, RelationalMask = 1 << 13 } protected enum State { None = 0, Compound = 1 << 1, LeftNullLifted = 1 << 2, RightNullLifted = 1 << 3 } readonly Operator oper; protected Expression left, right; protected State state; Expression enum_conversion; public Binary (Operator oper, Expression left, Expression right, bool isCompound, Location loc) : this (oper, left, right, loc) { if (isCompound) state |= State.Compound; } public Binary (Operator oper, Expression left, Expression right, Location loc) { this.oper = oper; this.left = left; this.right = right; this.loc = loc; } #region Properties public bool IsCompound { get { return (state & State.Compound) != 0; } } public Operator Oper { get { return oper; } } public Expression Left { get { return this.left; } } public Expression Right { get { return this.right; } } #endregion /// /// Returns a stringified representation of the Operator /// string OperName (Operator oper) { string s; switch (oper){ case Operator.Multiply: s = "*"; break; case Operator.Division: s = "/"; break; case Operator.Modulus: s = "%"; break; case Operator.Addition: s = "+"; break; case Operator.Subtraction: s = "-"; break; case Operator.LeftShift: s = "<<"; break; case Operator.RightShift: s = ">>"; break; case Operator.LessThan: s = "<"; break; case Operator.GreaterThan: s = ">"; break; case Operator.LessThanOrEqual: s = "<="; break; case Operator.GreaterThanOrEqual: s = ">="; break; case Operator.Equality: s = "=="; break; case Operator.Inequality: s = "!="; break; case Operator.BitwiseAnd: s = "&"; break; case Operator.BitwiseOr: s = "|"; break; case Operator.ExclusiveOr: s = "^"; break; case Operator.LogicalOr: s = "||"; break; case Operator.LogicalAnd: s = "&&"; break; default: s = oper.ToString (); break; } if (IsCompound) return s + "="; return s; } public static void Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (ResolveContext ec, Expression left, Expression right, Operator oper, Location loc) { new Binary (oper, left, right, loc).Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (ec, left, right); } public static void Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (ResolveContext ec, Expression left, Expression right, string oper, Location loc) { if (left.Type == InternalType.ErrorType || right.Type == InternalType.ErrorType) return; string l, r; l = TypeManager.CSharpName (left.Type); r = TypeManager.CSharpName (right.Type); ec.Report.Error (19, loc, "Operator `{0}' cannot be applied to operands of type `{1}' and `{2}'", oper, l, r); } protected void Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (ResolveContext ec, Expression left, Expression right) { Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (ec, left, right, OperName (oper), loc); } // // Converts operator to System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType enum name // string GetOperatorExpressionTypeName () { switch (oper) { case Operator.Addition: return IsCompound ? "AddAssign" : "Add"; case Operator.BitwiseAnd: return IsCompound ? "AndAssign" : "And"; case Operator.BitwiseOr: return IsCompound ? "OrAssign" : "Or"; case Operator.Division: return IsCompound ? "DivideAssign" : "Divide"; case Operator.ExclusiveOr: return IsCompound ? "ExclusiveOrAssign" : "ExclusiveOr"; case Operator.Equality: return "Equal"; case Operator.GreaterThan: return "GreaterThan"; case Operator.GreaterThanOrEqual: return "GreaterThanOrEqual"; case Operator.Inequality: return "NotEqual"; case Operator.LeftShift: return IsCompound ? "LeftShiftAssign" : "LeftShift"; case Operator.LessThan: return "LessThan"; case Operator.LessThanOrEqual: return "LessThanOrEqual"; case Operator.LogicalAnd: return "And"; case Operator.LogicalOr: return "Or"; case Operator.Modulus: return IsCompound ? "ModuloAssign" : "Modulo"; case Operator.Multiply: return IsCompound ? "MultiplyAssign" : "Multiply"; case Operator.RightShift: return IsCompound ? "RightShiftAssign" : "RightShift"; case Operator.Subtraction: return IsCompound ? "SubtractAssign" : "Subtract"; default: throw new NotImplementedException ("Unknown expression type operator " + oper.ToString ()); } } static CSharp.Operator.OpType ConvertBinaryToUserOperator (Operator op) { switch (op) { case Operator.Addition: return CSharp.Operator.OpType.Addition; case Operator.BitwiseAnd: case Operator.LogicalAnd: return CSharp.Operator.OpType.BitwiseAnd; case Operator.BitwiseOr: case Operator.LogicalOr: return CSharp.Operator.OpType.BitwiseOr; case Operator.Division: return CSharp.Operator.OpType.Division; case Operator.Equality: return CSharp.Operator.OpType.Equality; case Operator.ExclusiveOr: return CSharp.Operator.OpType.ExclusiveOr; case Operator.GreaterThan: return CSharp.Operator.OpType.GreaterThan; case Operator.GreaterThanOrEqual: return CSharp.Operator.OpType.GreaterThanOrEqual; case Operator.Inequality: return CSharp.Operator.OpType.Inequality; case Operator.LeftShift: return CSharp.Operator.OpType.LeftShift; case Operator.LessThan: return CSharp.Operator.OpType.LessThan; case Operator.LessThanOrEqual: return CSharp.Operator.OpType.LessThanOrEqual; case Operator.Modulus: return CSharp.Operator.OpType.Modulus; case Operator.Multiply: return CSharp.Operator.OpType.Multiply; case Operator.RightShift: return CSharp.Operator.OpType.RightShift; case Operator.Subtraction: return CSharp.Operator.OpType.Subtraction; default: throw new InternalErrorException (op.ToString ()); } } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return left.ContainsEmitWithAwait () || right.ContainsEmitWithAwait (); } public static void EmitOperatorOpcode (EmitContext ec, Operator oper, TypeSpec l) { OpCode opcode; switch (oper){ case Operator.Multiply: if (ec.HasSet (EmitContext.Options.CheckedScope)) { if (l.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int || l.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long) opcode = OpCodes.Mul_Ovf; else if (!IsFloat (l)) opcode = OpCodes.Mul_Ovf_Un; else opcode = OpCodes.Mul; } else opcode = OpCodes.Mul; break; case Operator.Division: if (IsUnsigned (l)) opcode = OpCodes.Div_Un; else opcode = OpCodes.Div; break; case Operator.Modulus: if (IsUnsigned (l)) opcode = OpCodes.Rem_Un; else opcode = OpCodes.Rem; break; case Operator.Addition: if (ec.HasSet (EmitContext.Options.CheckedScope)) { if (l.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int || l.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long) opcode = OpCodes.Add_Ovf; else if (!IsFloat (l)) opcode = OpCodes.Add_Ovf_Un; else opcode = OpCodes.Add; } else opcode = OpCodes.Add; break; case Operator.Subtraction: if (ec.HasSet (EmitContext.Options.CheckedScope)) { if (l.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int || l.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long) opcode = OpCodes.Sub_Ovf; else if (!IsFloat (l)) opcode = OpCodes.Sub_Ovf_Un; else opcode = OpCodes.Sub; } else opcode = OpCodes.Sub; break; case Operator.RightShift: if (IsUnsigned (l)) opcode = OpCodes.Shr_Un; else opcode = OpCodes.Shr; break; case Operator.LeftShift: opcode = OpCodes.Shl; break; case Operator.Equality: opcode = OpCodes.Ceq; break; case Operator.Inequality: ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ceq); ec.EmitInt (0); opcode = OpCodes.Ceq; break; case Operator.LessThan: if (IsUnsigned (l)) opcode = OpCodes.Clt_Un; else opcode = OpCodes.Clt; break; case Operator.GreaterThan: if (IsUnsigned (l)) opcode = OpCodes.Cgt_Un; else opcode = OpCodes.Cgt; break; case Operator.LessThanOrEqual: if (IsUnsigned (l) || IsFloat (l)) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Cgt_Un); else ec.Emit (OpCodes.Cgt); ec.EmitInt (0); opcode = OpCodes.Ceq; break; case Operator.GreaterThanOrEqual: if (IsUnsigned (l) || IsFloat (l)) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Clt_Un); else ec.Emit (OpCodes.Clt); ec.EmitInt (0); opcode = OpCodes.Ceq; break; case Operator.BitwiseOr: opcode = OpCodes.Or; break; case Operator.BitwiseAnd: opcode = OpCodes.And; break; case Operator.ExclusiveOr: opcode = OpCodes.Xor; break; default: throw new InternalErrorException (oper.ToString ()); } ec.Emit (opcode); } static bool IsUnsigned (TypeSpec t) { switch (t.BuiltinType) { case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte: return true; } return t.IsPointer; } static bool IsFloat (TypeSpec t) { return t.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float || t.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double; } Expression ResolveOperator (ResolveContext ec) { TypeSpec l = left.Type; TypeSpec r = right.Type; Expression expr; bool primitives_only = false; // // Handles predefined primitive types // if (BuiltinTypeSpec.IsPrimitiveType (l) && BuiltinTypeSpec.IsPrimitiveType (r)) { if ((oper & Operator.ShiftMask) == 0) { if (l.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Bool && !DoBinaryOperatorPromotion (ec)) return null; primitives_only = true; } } else { // Pointers if (l.IsPointer || r.IsPointer) return ResolveOperatorPointer (ec, l, r); // Enums bool lenum = l.IsEnum; bool renum = r.IsEnum; if (lenum || renum) { expr = ResolveOperatorEnum (ec, lenum, renum, l, r); if (expr != null) return expr; } // Delegates if ((oper == Operator.Addition || oper == Operator.Subtraction) && (l.IsDelegate || r.IsDelegate)) { expr = ResolveOperatorDelegate (ec, l, r); // TODO: Can this be ambiguous if (expr != null) return expr; } // User operators expr = ResolveUserOperator (ec, left, right); if (expr != null) return expr; // Predefined reference types equality if ((oper & Operator.EqualityMask) != 0) { expr = ResolveOperatorEquality (ec, l, r); if (expr != null) return expr; } } return ResolveOperatorPredefined (ec, ec.BuiltinTypes.OperatorsBinaryStandard, primitives_only, null); } // at least one of 'left' or 'right' is an enumeration constant (EnumConstant or SideEffectConstant or ...) // if 'left' is not an enumeration constant, create one from the type of 'right' Constant EnumLiftUp (ResolveContext ec, Constant left, Constant right, Location loc) { switch (oper) { case Operator.BitwiseOr: case Operator.BitwiseAnd: case Operator.ExclusiveOr: case Operator.Equality: case Operator.Inequality: case Operator.LessThan: case Operator.LessThanOrEqual: case Operator.GreaterThan: case Operator.GreaterThanOrEqual: if (left.Type.IsEnum) return left; if (left.IsZeroInteger) return left.TryReduce (ec, right.Type, loc); break; case Operator.Addition: case Operator.Subtraction: return left; case Operator.Multiply: case Operator.Division: case Operator.Modulus: case Operator.LeftShift: case Operator.RightShift: if (right.Type.IsEnum || left.Type.IsEnum) break; return left; } return null; } // // The `|' operator used on types which were extended is dangerous // void CheckBitwiseOrOnSignExtended (ResolveContext ec) { OpcodeCast lcast = left as OpcodeCast; if (lcast != null) { if (IsUnsigned (lcast.UnderlyingType)) lcast = null; } OpcodeCast rcast = right as OpcodeCast; if (rcast != null) { if (IsUnsigned (rcast.UnderlyingType)) rcast = null; } if (lcast == null && rcast == null) return; // FIXME: consider constants ec.Report.Warning (675, 3, loc, "The operator `|' used on the sign-extended type `{0}'. Consider casting to a smaller unsigned type first", TypeManager.CSharpName (lcast != null ? lcast.UnderlyingType : rcast.UnderlyingType)); } public static PredefinedOperator[] CreatePointerOperatorsTable (BuiltinTypes types) { return new PredefinedOperator[] { // // Pointer arithmetic: // // T* operator + (T* x, int y); T* operator - (T* x, int y); // T* operator + (T* x, uint y); T* operator - (T* x, uint y); // T* operator + (T* x, long y); T* operator - (T* x, long y); // T* operator + (T* x, ulong y); T* operator - (T* x, ulong y); // new PredefinedPointerOperator (null, types.Int, Operator.AdditionMask | Operator.SubtractionMask), new PredefinedPointerOperator (null, types.UInt, Operator.AdditionMask | Operator.SubtractionMask), new PredefinedPointerOperator (null, types.Long, Operator.AdditionMask | Operator.SubtractionMask), new PredefinedPointerOperator (null, types.ULong, Operator.AdditionMask | Operator.SubtractionMask), // // T* operator + (int y, T* x); // T* operator + (uint y, T *x); // T* operator + (long y, T *x); // T* operator + (ulong y, T *x); // new PredefinedPointerOperator (types.Int, null, Operator.AdditionMask, null), new PredefinedPointerOperator (types.UInt, null, Operator.AdditionMask, null), new PredefinedPointerOperator (types.Long, null, Operator.AdditionMask, null), new PredefinedPointerOperator (types.ULong, null, Operator.AdditionMask, null), // // long operator - (T* x, T *y) // new PredefinedPointerOperator (null, Operator.SubtractionMask, types.Long) }; } public static PredefinedOperator[] CreateStandardOperatorsTable (BuiltinTypes types) { TypeSpec bool_type = types.Bool; return new PredefinedOperator[] { new PredefinedOperator (types.Int, Operator.ArithmeticMask | Operator.BitwiseMask), new PredefinedOperator (types.UInt, Operator.ArithmeticMask | Operator.BitwiseMask), new PredefinedOperator (types.Long, Operator.ArithmeticMask | Operator.BitwiseMask), new PredefinedOperator (types.ULong, Operator.ArithmeticMask | Operator.BitwiseMask), new PredefinedOperator (types.Float, Operator.ArithmeticMask), new PredefinedOperator (types.Double, Operator.ArithmeticMask), new PredefinedOperator (types.Decimal, Operator.ArithmeticMask), new PredefinedOperator (types.Int, Operator.ComparisonMask, bool_type), new PredefinedOperator (types.UInt, Operator.ComparisonMask, bool_type), new PredefinedOperator (types.Long, Operator.ComparisonMask, bool_type), new PredefinedOperator (types.ULong, Operator.ComparisonMask, bool_type), new PredefinedOperator (types.Float, Operator.ComparisonMask, bool_type), new PredefinedOperator (types.Double, Operator.ComparisonMask, bool_type), new PredefinedOperator (types.Decimal, Operator.ComparisonMask, bool_type), new PredefinedStringOperator (types.String, Operator.AdditionMask, types.String), new PredefinedStringOperator (types.String, types.Object, Operator.AdditionMask, types.String), new PredefinedStringOperator (types.Object, types.String, Operator.AdditionMask, types.String), new PredefinedOperator (bool_type, Operator.BitwiseMask | Operator.LogicalMask | Operator.EqualityMask, bool_type), new PredefinedShiftOperator (types.Int, types.Int, Operator.ShiftMask), new PredefinedShiftOperator (types.UInt, types.Int, Operator.ShiftMask), new PredefinedShiftOperator (types.Long, types.Int, Operator.ShiftMask), new PredefinedShiftOperator (types.ULong, types.Int, Operator.ShiftMask) }; } public static PredefinedOperator[] CreateEqualityOperatorsTable (BuiltinTypes types) { TypeSpec bool_type = types.Bool; return new PredefinedOperator[] { new PredefinedEqualityOperator (types.String, bool_type), new PredefinedEqualityOperator (types.Delegate, bool_type), new PredefinedOperator (bool_type, Operator.EqualityMask, bool_type) }; } // // Rules used during binary numeric promotion // static bool DoNumericPromotion (ResolveContext rc, ref Expression prim_expr, ref Expression second_expr, TypeSpec type) { Expression temp; Constant c = prim_expr as Constant; if (c != null) { temp = c.ConvertImplicitly (type); if (temp != null) { prim_expr = temp; return true; } } if (type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt) { switch (prim_expr.Type.BuiltinType) { case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long: type = rc.BuiltinTypes.Long; if (type != second_expr.Type) { c = second_expr as Constant; if (c != null) temp = c.ConvertImplicitly (type); else temp = Convert.ImplicitNumericConversion (second_expr, type); if (temp == null) return false; second_expr = temp; } break; } } else if (type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong) { // // A compile-time error occurs if the other operand is of type sbyte, short, int, or long // switch (type.BuiltinType) { case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte: return false; } } temp = Convert.ImplicitNumericConversion (prim_expr, type); if (temp == null) return false; prim_expr = temp; return true; } // // Binary numeric promotions // public bool DoBinaryOperatorPromotion (ResolveContext ec) { TypeSpec ltype = left.Type; TypeSpec rtype = right.Type; Expression temp; foreach (TypeSpec t in ec.BuiltinTypes.BinaryPromotionsTypes) { if (t == ltype) return t == rtype || DoNumericPromotion (ec, ref right, ref left, t); if (t == rtype) return t == ltype || DoNumericPromotion (ec, ref left, ref right, t); } TypeSpec int32 = ec.BuiltinTypes.Int; if (ltype != int32) { Constant c = left as Constant; if (c != null) temp = c.ConvertImplicitly (int32); else temp = Convert.ImplicitNumericConversion (left, int32); if (temp == null) return false; left = temp; } if (rtype != int32) { Constant c = right as Constant; if (c != null) temp = c.ConvertImplicitly (int32); else temp = Convert.ImplicitNumericConversion (right, int32); if (temp == null) return false; right = temp; } return true; } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { if (left == null) return null; if ((oper == Operator.Subtraction) && (left is ParenthesizedExpression)) { left = ((ParenthesizedExpression) left).Expr; left = left.Resolve (ec, ResolveFlags.VariableOrValue | ResolveFlags.Type); if (left == null) return null; if (left.eclass == ExprClass.Type) { ec.Report.Error (75, loc, "To cast a negative value, you must enclose the value in parentheses"); return null; } } else left = left.Resolve (ec); if (left == null) return null; Constant lc = left as Constant; if (lc != null && lc.Type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Bool && ((oper == Operator.LogicalAnd && lc.IsDefaultValue) || (oper == Operator.LogicalOr && !lc.IsDefaultValue))) { // FIXME: resolve right expression as unreachable // right.Resolve (ec); ec.Report.Warning (429, 4, loc, "Unreachable expression code detected"); return left; } right = right.Resolve (ec); if (right == null) return null; eclass = ExprClass.Value; Constant rc = right as Constant; // The conversion rules are ignored in enum context but why if (!ec.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.EnumScope) && lc != null && rc != null && (left.Type.IsEnum || right.Type.IsEnum)) { lc = EnumLiftUp (ec, lc, rc, loc); if (lc != null) rc = EnumLiftUp (ec, rc, lc, loc); } if (rc != null && lc != null) { int prev_e = ec.Report.Errors; Expression e = ConstantFold.BinaryFold (ec, oper, lc, rc, loc); if (e != null || ec.Report.Errors != prev_e) return e; } // Comparison warnings if ((oper & Operator.ComparisonMask) != 0) { if (left.Equals (right)) { ec.Report.Warning (1718, 3, loc, "A comparison made to same variable. Did you mean to compare something else?"); } CheckOutOfRangeComparison (ec, lc, right.Type); CheckOutOfRangeComparison (ec, rc, left.Type); } if (left.Type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic || right.Type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) { var lt = left.Type; var rt = right.Type; if (lt.Kind == MemberKind.Void || lt == InternalType.MethodGroup || lt == InternalType.AnonymousMethod || rt.Kind == MemberKind.Void || rt == InternalType.MethodGroup || rt == InternalType.AnonymousMethod) { Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (ec, left, right); return null; } Arguments args; // // Special handling for logical boolean operators which require rhs not to be // evaluated based on lhs value // if ((oper & Operator.LogicalMask) != 0) { Expression cond_left, cond_right, expr; args = new Arguments (2); if (lt.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) { LocalVariable temp = LocalVariable.CreateCompilerGenerated (lt, ec.CurrentBlock, loc); var cond_args = new Arguments (1); cond_args.Add (new Argument (new SimpleAssign (temp.CreateReferenceExpression (ec, loc), left).Resolve (ec))); // // dynamic && bool => IsFalse (temp = left) ? temp : temp && right; // dynamic || bool => IsTrue (temp = left) ? temp : temp || right; // left = temp.CreateReferenceExpression (ec, loc); if (oper == Operator.LogicalAnd) { expr = DynamicUnaryConversion.CreateIsFalse (ec, cond_args, loc); cond_left = left; } else { expr = DynamicUnaryConversion.CreateIsTrue (ec, cond_args, loc); cond_left = left; } args.Add (new Argument (left)); args.Add (new Argument (right)); cond_right = new DynamicExpressionStatement (this, args, loc); } else { LocalVariable temp = LocalVariable.CreateCompilerGenerated (ec.BuiltinTypes.Bool, ec.CurrentBlock, loc); args.Add (new Argument (temp.CreateReferenceExpression (ec, loc).Resolve (ec))); args.Add (new Argument (right)); right = new DynamicExpressionStatement (this, args, loc); // // bool && dynamic => (temp = left) ? temp && right : temp; // bool || dynamic => (temp = left) ? temp : temp || right; // if (oper == Operator.LogicalAnd) { cond_left = right; cond_right = temp.CreateReferenceExpression (ec, loc); } else { cond_left = temp.CreateReferenceExpression (ec, loc); cond_right = right; } expr = new BooleanExpression (new SimpleAssign (temp.CreateReferenceExpression (ec, loc), left)); } return new Conditional (expr, cond_left, cond_right, loc).Resolve (ec); } args = new Arguments (2); args.Add (new Argument (left)); args.Add (new Argument (right)); return new DynamicExpressionStatement (this, args, loc).Resolve (ec); } if (ec.Module.Compiler.Settings.Version >= LanguageVersion.ISO_2 && ((left.Type.IsNullableType && (right is NullLiteral || right.Type.IsNullableType || TypeSpec.IsValueType (right.Type))) || (TypeSpec.IsValueType (left.Type) && right is NullLiteral) || (right.Type.IsNullableType && (left is NullLiteral || left.Type.IsNullableType || TypeSpec.IsValueType (left.Type))) || (TypeSpec.IsValueType (right.Type) && left is NullLiteral))) { var lifted = new Nullable.LiftedBinaryOperator (oper, left, right, loc); lifted.state = state; return lifted.Resolve (ec); } return DoResolveCore (ec, left, right); } protected Expression DoResolveCore (ResolveContext ec, Expression left_orig, Expression right_orig) { Expression expr = ResolveOperator (ec); if (expr == null) Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (ec, left_orig, right_orig); if (left == null || right == null) throw new InternalErrorException ("Invalid conversion"); if (oper == Operator.BitwiseOr) CheckBitwiseOrOnSignExtended (ec); return expr; } public override SLE.Expression MakeExpression (BuilderContext ctx) { var le = left.MakeExpression (ctx); var re = right.MakeExpression (ctx); bool is_checked = ctx.HasSet (BuilderContext.Options.CheckedScope); switch (oper) { case Operator.Addition: return is_checked ? SLE.Expression.AddChecked (le, re) : SLE.Expression.Add (le, re); case Operator.BitwiseAnd: return SLE.Expression.And (le, re); case Operator.BitwiseOr: return SLE.Expression.Or (le, re); case Operator.Division: return SLE.Expression.Divide (le, re); case Operator.Equality: return SLE.Expression.Equal (le, re); case Operator.ExclusiveOr: return SLE.Expression.ExclusiveOr (le, re); case Operator.GreaterThan: return SLE.Expression.GreaterThan (le, re); case Operator.GreaterThanOrEqual: return SLE.Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual (le, re); case Operator.Inequality: return SLE.Expression.NotEqual (le, re); case Operator.LeftShift: return SLE.Expression.LeftShift (le, re); case Operator.LessThan: return SLE.Expression.LessThan (le, re); case Operator.LessThanOrEqual: return SLE.Expression.LessThanOrEqual (le, re); case Operator.LogicalAnd: return SLE.Expression.AndAlso (le, re); case Operator.LogicalOr: return SLE.Expression.OrElse (le, re); case Operator.Modulus: return SLE.Expression.Modulo (le, re); case Operator.Multiply: return is_checked ? SLE.Expression.MultiplyChecked (le, re) : SLE.Expression.Multiply (le, re); case Operator.RightShift: return SLE.Expression.RightShift (le, re); case Operator.Subtraction: return is_checked ? SLE.Expression.SubtractChecked (le, re) : SLE.Expression.Subtract (le, re); default: throw new NotImplementedException (oper.ToString ()); } } // // D operator + (D x, D y) // D operator - (D x, D y) // Expression ResolveOperatorDelegate (ResolveContext ec, TypeSpec l, TypeSpec r) { if (l != r && !TypeSpecComparer.Variant.IsEqual (r, l)) { Expression tmp; if (right.eclass == ExprClass.MethodGroup || r == InternalType.AnonymousMethod || r == InternalType.NullLiteral) { tmp = Convert.ImplicitConversionRequired (ec, right, l, loc); if (tmp == null) return null; right = tmp; r = right.Type; } else if (left.eclass == ExprClass.MethodGroup || (l == InternalType.AnonymousMethod || l == InternalType.NullLiteral)) { tmp = Convert.ImplicitConversionRequired (ec, left, r, loc); if (tmp == null) return null; left = tmp; l = left.Type; } else { return null; } } MethodSpec method = null; Arguments args = new Arguments (2); args.Add (new Argument (left)); args.Add (new Argument (right)); if (oper == Operator.Addition) { method = ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.DelegateCombine.Resolve (loc); } else if (oper == Operator.Subtraction) { method = ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.DelegateRemove.Resolve (loc); } if (method == null) return new EmptyExpression (ec.BuiltinTypes.Decimal); MethodGroupExpr mg = MethodGroupExpr.CreatePredefined (method, ec.BuiltinTypes.Delegate, loc); Expression expr = new UserOperatorCall (mg.BestCandidate, args, CreateExpressionTree, loc); return new ClassCast (expr, l); } // // Enumeration operators // Expression ResolveOperatorEnum (ResolveContext ec, bool lenum, bool renum, TypeSpec ltype, TypeSpec rtype) { // // bool operator == (E x, E y); // bool operator != (E x, E y); // bool operator < (E x, E y); // bool operator > (E x, E y); // bool operator <= (E x, E y); // bool operator >= (E x, E y); // // E operator & (E x, E y); // E operator | (E x, E y); // E operator ^ (E x, E y); // // U operator - (E e, E f) // E operator - (E e, U x) // E operator - (U x, E e) // LAMESPEC: Not covered by the specification // // E operator + (E e, U x) // E operator + (U x, E e) // Expression ltemp = left; Expression rtemp = right; TypeSpec underlying_type; TypeSpec underlying_type_result; TypeSpec res_type; Expression expr; // // LAMESPEC: There is never ambiguous conversion between enum operators // the one which contains more enum parameters always wins even if there // is an implicit conversion involved // if ((oper & (Operator.ComparisonMask | Operator.BitwiseMask)) != 0) { if (renum) { underlying_type = EnumSpec.GetUnderlyingType (rtype); expr = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, left, rtype, loc); if (expr == null) return null; left = expr; ltype = expr.Type; } else if (lenum) { underlying_type = EnumSpec.GetUnderlyingType (ltype); expr = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, right, ltype, loc); if (expr == null) return null; right = expr; rtype = expr.Type; } else { return null; } if ((oper & Operator.BitwiseMask) != 0) { res_type = ltype; underlying_type_result = underlying_type; } else { res_type = null; underlying_type_result = null; } } else if (oper == Operator.Subtraction) { if (renum) { underlying_type = EnumSpec.GetUnderlyingType (rtype); if (ltype != rtype) { expr = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, left, rtype, left.Location); if (expr == null) { expr = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, left, underlying_type, left.Location); if (expr == null) return null; res_type = rtype; } else { res_type = underlying_type; } left = expr; } else { res_type = underlying_type; } underlying_type_result = underlying_type; } else if (lenum) { underlying_type = EnumSpec.GetUnderlyingType (ltype); expr = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, right, ltype, right.Location); if (expr == null || expr is EnumConstant) { expr = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, right, underlying_type, right.Location); if (expr == null) return null; res_type = ltype; } else { res_type = underlying_type; } right = expr; underlying_type_result = underlying_type; } else { return null; } } else if (oper == Operator.Addition) { if (lenum) { underlying_type = EnumSpec.GetUnderlyingType (ltype); res_type = ltype; if (rtype != underlying_type && (state & (State.RightNullLifted | State.LeftNullLifted)) == 0) { expr = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, right, underlying_type, right.Location); if (expr == null) return null; right = expr; } } else { underlying_type = EnumSpec.GetUnderlyingType (rtype); res_type = rtype; if (ltype != underlying_type) { expr = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, left, underlying_type, left.Location); if (expr == null) return null; left = expr; } } underlying_type_result = underlying_type; } else { return null; } // Unwrap the constant correctly, so DoBinaryOperatorPromotion can do the magic // with constants and expressions if (left.Type != underlying_type) { if (left is Constant) left = ((Constant) left).ConvertExplicitly (false, underlying_type); else left = EmptyCast.Create (left, underlying_type); } if (right.Type != underlying_type) { if (right is Constant) right = ((Constant) right).ConvertExplicitly (false, underlying_type); else right = EmptyCast.Create (right, underlying_type); } // // C# specification uses explicit cast syntax which means binary promotion // should happen, however it seems that csc does not do that // if (!DoBinaryOperatorPromotion (ec)) { left = ltemp; right = rtemp; return null; } if (underlying_type_result != null && left.Type != underlying_type_result) { enum_conversion = Convert.ExplicitNumericConversion (ec, new EmptyExpression (left.Type), underlying_type_result); } expr = ResolveOperatorPredefined (ec, ec.BuiltinTypes.OperatorsBinaryStandard, true, res_type); if (expr == null) return null; if (!IsCompound) return expr; // // Section: 7.16.2 // // // If the return type of the selected operator is implicitly convertible to the type of x // if (Convert.ImplicitConversionExists (ec, expr, ltype)) return expr; // // Otherwise, if the selected operator is a predefined operator, if the return type of the // selected operator is explicitly convertible to the type of x, and if y is implicitly // convertible to the type of x or the operator is a shift operator, then the operation // is evaluated as x = (T)(x op y), where T is the type of x // expr = Convert.ExplicitConversion (ec, expr, ltype, loc); if (expr == null) return null; if (Convert.ImplicitConversionExists (ec, ltemp, ltype)) return expr; return null; } // // 7.9.6 Reference type equality operators // Expression ResolveOperatorEquality (ResolveContext ec, TypeSpec l, TypeSpec r) { Expression result; type = ec.BuiltinTypes.Bool; // // a, Both operands are reference-type values or the value null // b, One operand is a value of type T where T is a type-parameter and // the other operand is the value null. Furthermore T does not have the // value type constraint // // LAMESPEC: Very confusing details in the specification, basically any // reference like type-parameter is allowed // var tparam_l = l as TypeParameterSpec; var tparam_r = r as TypeParameterSpec; if (tparam_l != null) { if (right is NullLiteral && !tparam_l.HasSpecialStruct) { left = new BoxedCast (left, ec.BuiltinTypes.Object); return this; } if (!tparam_l.IsReferenceType) return null; l = tparam_l.GetEffectiveBase (); left = new BoxedCast (left, l); } else if (left is NullLiteral && tparam_r == null) { if (!TypeSpec.IsReferenceType (r) || r.Kind == MemberKind.InternalCompilerType) return null; return this; } if (tparam_r != null) { if (left is NullLiteral && !tparam_r.HasSpecialStruct) { right = new BoxedCast (right, ec.BuiltinTypes.Object); return this; } if (!tparam_r.IsReferenceType) return null; r = tparam_r.GetEffectiveBase (); right = new BoxedCast (right, r); } else if (right is NullLiteral) { if (!TypeSpec.IsReferenceType (l) || l.Kind == MemberKind.InternalCompilerType) return null; return this; } bool no_arg_conv = false; // // LAMESPEC: method groups can be compared when they convert to other side delegate // if (l.IsDelegate) { if (right.eclass == ExprClass.MethodGroup) { result = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, right, l, loc); if (result == null) return null; right = result; r = l; } else if (r.IsDelegate && l != r) { return null; } } else if (left.eclass == ExprClass.MethodGroup && r.IsDelegate) { result = Convert.ImplicitConversionRequired (ec, left, r, loc); if (result == null) return null; left = result; l = r; } else { no_arg_conv = l == r && !l.IsStruct; } // // bool operator != (string a, string b) // bool operator == (string a, string b) // // bool operator != (Delegate a, Delegate b) // bool operator == (Delegate a, Delegate b) // // bool operator != (bool a, bool b) // bool operator == (bool a, bool b) // // LAMESPEC: Reference equality comparison can apply to value/reference types when // they implement an implicit conversion to any of types above. This does // not apply when both operands are of same reference type // if (r.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Object && l.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Object) { result = ResolveOperatorPredefined (ec, ec.BuiltinTypes.OperatorsBinaryEquality, no_arg_conv, null); if (result != null) return result; } // // bool operator != (object a, object b) // bool operator == (object a, object b) // // An explicit reference conversion exists from the // type of either operand to the type of the other operand. // // Optimize common path if (l == r) { return l.Kind == MemberKind.InternalCompilerType || l.Kind == MemberKind.Struct ? null : this; } if (!Convert.ExplicitReferenceConversionExists (l, r) && !Convert.ExplicitReferenceConversionExists (r, l)) return null; // Reject allowed explicit conversions like int->object if (!TypeSpec.IsReferenceType (l) || !TypeSpec.IsReferenceType (r)) return null; if (l.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.String || l.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Delegate || MemberCache.GetUserOperator (l, CSharp.Operator.OpType.Equality, false) != null) ec.Report.Warning (253, 2, loc, "Possible unintended reference comparison. Consider casting the right side expression to type `{0}' to get value comparison", l.GetSignatureForError ()); if (r.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.String || r.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Delegate || MemberCache.GetUserOperator (r, CSharp.Operator.OpType.Equality, false) != null) ec.Report.Warning (252, 2, loc, "Possible unintended reference comparison. Consider casting the left side expression to type `{0}' to get value comparison", r.GetSignatureForError ()); return this; } Expression ResolveOperatorPointer (ResolveContext ec, TypeSpec l, TypeSpec r) { // // bool operator == (void* x, void* y); // bool operator != (void* x, void* y); // bool operator < (void* x, void* y); // bool operator > (void* x, void* y); // bool operator <= (void* x, void* y); // bool operator >= (void* x, void* y); // if ((oper & Operator.ComparisonMask) != 0) { Expression temp; if (!l.IsPointer) { temp = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, left, r, left.Location); if (temp == null) return null; left = temp; } if (!r.IsPointer) { temp = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, right, l, right.Location); if (temp == null) return null; right = temp; } type = ec.BuiltinTypes.Bool; return this; } return ResolveOperatorPredefined (ec, ec.BuiltinTypes.OperatorsBinaryUnsafe, false, null); } // // Build-in operators method overloading // protected virtual Expression ResolveOperatorPredefined (ResolveContext ec, PredefinedOperator [] operators, bool primitives_only, TypeSpec enum_type) { PredefinedOperator best_operator = null; TypeSpec l = left.Type; TypeSpec r = right.Type; Operator oper_mask = oper & ~Operator.ValuesOnlyMask; foreach (PredefinedOperator po in operators) { if ((po.OperatorsMask & oper_mask) == 0) continue; if (primitives_only) { if (!po.IsPrimitiveApplicable (l, r)) continue; } else { if (!po.IsApplicable (ec, left, right)) continue; } if (best_operator == null) { best_operator = po; if (primitives_only) break; continue; } best_operator = po.ResolveBetterOperator (ec, best_operator); if (best_operator == null) { ec.Report.Error (34, loc, "Operator `{0}' is ambiguous on operands of type `{1}' and `{2}'", OperName (oper), TypeManager.CSharpName (l), TypeManager.CSharpName (r)); best_operator = po; break; } } if (best_operator == null) return null; Expression expr = best_operator.ConvertResult (ec, this); // // Optimize &/&& constant expressions with 0 value // if (oper == Operator.BitwiseAnd || oper == Operator.LogicalAnd) { Constant rc = right as Constant; Constant lc = left as Constant; if (((lc != null && lc.IsDefaultValue) || (rc != null && rc.IsDefaultValue)) && !(this is Nullable.LiftedBinaryOperator)) { // // The result is a constant with side-effect // Constant side_effect = rc == null ? new SideEffectConstant (lc, right, loc) : new SideEffectConstant (rc, left, loc); return ReducedExpression.Create (side_effect, expr); } } if (enum_type == null) return expr; // // HACK: required by enum_conversion // expr.Type = enum_type; return EmptyCast.Create (expr, enum_type); } // // Performs user-operator overloading // protected virtual Expression ResolveUserOperator (ResolveContext ec, Expression left, Expression right) { var op = ConvertBinaryToUserOperator (oper); var l = left.Type; if (l.IsNullableType) l = Nullable.NullableInfo.GetUnderlyingType (l); var r = right.Type; if (r.IsNullableType) r = Nullable.NullableInfo.GetUnderlyingType (r); IList left_operators = MemberCache.GetUserOperator (l, op, false); IList right_operators = null; if (l != r) { right_operators = MemberCache.GetUserOperator (r, op, false); if (right_operators == null && left_operators == null) return null; } else if (left_operators == null) { return null; } Arguments args = new Arguments (2); Argument larg = new Argument (left); args.Add (larg); Argument rarg = new Argument (right); args.Add (rarg); // // User-defined operator implementations always take precedence // over predefined operator implementations // if (left_operators != null && right_operators != null) { left_operators = CombineUserOperators (left_operators, right_operators); } else if (right_operators != null) { left_operators = right_operators; } var res = new OverloadResolver (left_operators, OverloadResolver.Restrictions.ProbingOnly | OverloadResolver.Restrictions.NoBaseMembers | OverloadResolver.Restrictions.BaseMembersIncluded, loc); var oper_method = res.ResolveOperator (ec, ref args); if (oper_method == null) return null; var llifted = (state & State.LeftNullLifted) != 0; var rlifted = (state & State.RightNullLifted) != 0; if ((Oper & Operator.EqualityMask) != 0) { var parameters = oper_method.Parameters; // LAMESPEC: No idea why this is not allowed if ((left is Nullable.Unwrap || right is Nullable.Unwrap) && parameters.Types [0] != parameters.Types [1]) return null; // Binary operation was lifted but we have found a user operator // which requires value-type argument, we downgrade ourself back to // binary operation // LAMESPEC: The user operator is not called (it cannot be we are passing null to struct) // but compilation succeeds if ((llifted && !parameters.Types[0].IsStruct) || (rlifted && !parameters.Types[1].IsStruct)) { state &= ~(State.LeftNullLifted | State.RightNullLifted); } } Expression oper_expr; // TODO: CreateExpressionTree is allocated every time if ((oper & Operator.LogicalMask) != 0) { oper_expr = new ConditionalLogicalOperator (oper_method, args, CreateExpressionTree, oper == Operator.LogicalAnd, loc).Resolve (ec); } else { oper_expr = new UserOperatorCall (oper_method, args, CreateExpressionTree, loc); } if (!llifted) this.left = larg.Expr; if (!rlifted) this.right = rarg.Expr; return oper_expr; } // // Merge two sets of user operators into one, they are mostly distinguish // expect when they share base type and it contains an operator // static IList CombineUserOperators (IList left, IList right) { var combined = new List (left.Count + right.Count); combined.AddRange (left); foreach (var r in right) { bool same = false; foreach (var l in left) { if (l.DeclaringType == r.DeclaringType) { same = true; break; } } if (!same) combined.Add (r); } return combined; } void CheckOutOfRangeComparison (ResolveContext ec, Constant c, TypeSpec type) { if (c is IntegralConstant || c is CharConstant) { try { c.ConvertExplicitly (true, type); } catch (OverflowException) { ec.Report.Warning (652, 2, loc, "A comparison between a constant and a variable is useless. The constant is out of the range of the variable type `{0}'", TypeManager.CSharpName (type)); } } } /// /// EmitBranchable is called from Statement.EmitBoolExpression in the /// context of a conditional bool expression. This function will return /// false if it is was possible to use EmitBranchable, or true if it was. /// /// The expression's code is generated, and we will generate a branch to `target' /// if the resulting expression value is equal to isTrue /// public override void EmitBranchable (EmitContext ec, Label target, bool on_true) { // // This is more complicated than it looks, but its just to avoid // duplicated tests: basically, we allow ==, !=, >, <, >= and <= // but on top of that we want for == and != to use a special path // if we are comparing against null // if ((oper & Operator.EqualityMask) != 0 && (left is Constant || right is Constant)) { bool my_on_true = oper == Operator.Inequality ? on_true : !on_true; // // put the constant on the rhs, for simplicity // if (left is Constant) { Expression swap = right; right = left; left = swap; } // // brtrue/brfalse works with native int only // if (((Constant) right).IsZeroInteger && right.Type.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long && right.Type.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong) { left.EmitBranchable (ec, target, my_on_true); return; } if (right.Type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Bool) { // right is a boolean, and it's not 'false' => it is 'true' left.EmitBranchable (ec, target, !my_on_true); return; } } else if (oper == Operator.LogicalAnd) { if (on_true) { Label tests_end = ec.DefineLabel (); left.EmitBranchable (ec, tests_end, false); right.EmitBranchable (ec, target, true); ec.MarkLabel (tests_end); } else { // // This optimizes code like this // if (true && i > 4) // if (!(left is Constant)) left.EmitBranchable (ec, target, false); if (!(right is Constant)) right.EmitBranchable (ec, target, false); } return; } else if (oper == Operator.LogicalOr){ if (on_true) { left.EmitBranchable (ec, target, true); right.EmitBranchable (ec, target, true); } else { Label tests_end = ec.DefineLabel (); left.EmitBranchable (ec, tests_end, true); right.EmitBranchable (ec, target, false); ec.MarkLabel (tests_end); } return; } else if ((oper & Operator.ComparisonMask) == 0) { base.EmitBranchable (ec, target, on_true); return; } left.Emit (ec); right.Emit (ec); TypeSpec t = left.Type; bool is_float = IsFloat (t); bool is_unsigned = is_float || IsUnsigned (t); switch (oper){ case Operator.Equality: if (on_true) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Beq, target); else ec.Emit (OpCodes.Bne_Un, target); break; case Operator.Inequality: if (on_true) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Bne_Un, target); else ec.Emit (OpCodes.Beq, target); break; case Operator.LessThan: if (on_true) if (is_unsigned && !is_float) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Blt_Un, target); else ec.Emit (OpCodes.Blt, target); else if (is_unsigned) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Bge_Un, target); else ec.Emit (OpCodes.Bge, target); break; case Operator.GreaterThan: if (on_true) if (is_unsigned && !is_float) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Bgt_Un, target); else ec.Emit (OpCodes.Bgt, target); else if (is_unsigned) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ble_Un, target); else ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ble, target); break; case Operator.LessThanOrEqual: if (on_true) if (is_unsigned && !is_float) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ble_Un, target); else ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ble, target); else if (is_unsigned) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Bgt_Un, target); else ec.Emit (OpCodes.Bgt, target); break; case Operator.GreaterThanOrEqual: if (on_true) if (is_unsigned && !is_float) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Bge_Un, target); else ec.Emit (OpCodes.Bge, target); else if (is_unsigned) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Blt_Un, target); else ec.Emit (OpCodes.Blt, target); break; default: throw new InternalErrorException (oper.ToString ()); } } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { EmitOperator (ec, left.Type); } protected virtual void EmitOperator (EmitContext ec, TypeSpec l) { if (ec.HasSet (BuilderContext.Options.AsyncBody) && right.ContainsEmitWithAwait ()) { left = left.EmitToField (ec); if ((oper & Operator.LogicalMask) == 0) { right = right.EmitToField (ec); } } // // Handle short-circuit operators differently // than the rest // if ((oper & Operator.LogicalMask) != 0) { Label load_result = ec.DefineLabel (); Label end = ec.DefineLabel (); bool is_or = oper == Operator.LogicalOr; left.EmitBranchable (ec, load_result, is_or); right.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Br_S, end); ec.MarkLabel (load_result); ec.EmitInt (is_or ? 1 : 0); ec.MarkLabel (end); return; } // // Optimize zero-based operations which cannot be optimized at expression level // if (oper == Operator.Subtraction) { var lc = left as IntegralConstant; if (lc != null && lc.IsDefaultValue) { right.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Neg); return; } } left.Emit (ec); right.Emit (ec); EmitOperatorOpcode (ec, oper, l); // // Nullable enum could require underlying type cast and we cannot simply wrap binary // expression because that would wrap lifted binary operation // if (enum_conversion != null) enum_conversion.Emit (ec); } public override void EmitSideEffect (EmitContext ec) { if ((oper & Operator.LogicalMask) != 0 || (ec.HasSet (EmitContext.Options.CheckedScope) && (oper == Operator.Multiply || oper == Operator.Addition || oper == Operator.Subtraction))) { base.EmitSideEffect (ec); } else { left.EmitSideEffect (ec); right.EmitSideEffect (ec); } } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { Binary target = (Binary) t; target.left = left.Clone (clonectx); target.right = right.Clone (clonectx); } public Expression CreateCallSiteBinder (ResolveContext ec, Arguments args) { Arguments binder_args = new Arguments (4); MemberAccess sle = new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess ( new QualifiedAliasMember (QualifiedAliasMember.GlobalAlias, "System", loc), "Linq", loc), "Expressions", loc); CSharpBinderFlags flags = 0; if (ec.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.CheckedScope)) flags = CSharpBinderFlags.CheckedContext; if ((oper & Operator.LogicalMask) != 0) flags |= CSharpBinderFlags.BinaryOperationLogical; binder_args.Add (new Argument (new EnumConstant (new IntLiteral (ec.BuiltinTypes, (int) flags, loc), ec.Module.PredefinedTypes.BinderFlags.Resolve ()))); binder_args.Add (new Argument (new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (sle, "ExpressionType", loc), GetOperatorExpressionTypeName (), loc))); binder_args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (ec.CurrentType, loc))); binder_args.Add (new Argument (new ImplicitlyTypedArrayCreation (args.CreateDynamicBinderArguments (ec), loc))); return new Invocation (new MemberAccess (new TypeExpression (ec.Module.PredefinedTypes.Binder.TypeSpec, loc), "BinaryOperation", loc), binder_args); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { return CreateExpressionTree (ec, null); } Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec, Expression method) { string method_name; bool lift_arg = false; switch (oper) { case Operator.Addition: if (method == null && ec.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.CheckedScope) && !IsFloat (type)) method_name = "AddChecked"; else method_name = "Add"; break; case Operator.BitwiseAnd: method_name = "And"; break; case Operator.BitwiseOr: method_name = "Or"; break; case Operator.Division: method_name = "Divide"; break; case Operator.Equality: method_name = "Equal"; lift_arg = true; break; case Operator.ExclusiveOr: method_name = "ExclusiveOr"; break; case Operator.GreaterThan: method_name = "GreaterThan"; lift_arg = true; break; case Operator.GreaterThanOrEqual: method_name = "GreaterThanOrEqual"; lift_arg = true; break; case Operator.Inequality: method_name = "NotEqual"; lift_arg = true; break; case Operator.LeftShift: method_name = "LeftShift"; break; case Operator.LessThan: method_name = "LessThan"; lift_arg = true; break; case Operator.LessThanOrEqual: method_name = "LessThanOrEqual"; lift_arg = true; break; case Operator.LogicalAnd: method_name = "AndAlso"; break; case Operator.LogicalOr: method_name = "OrElse"; break; case Operator.Modulus: method_name = "Modulo"; break; case Operator.Multiply: if (method == null && ec.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.CheckedScope) && !IsFloat (type)) method_name = "MultiplyChecked"; else method_name = "Multiply"; break; case Operator.RightShift: method_name = "RightShift"; break; case Operator.Subtraction: if (method == null && ec.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.CheckedScope) && !IsFloat (type)) method_name = "SubtractChecked"; else method_name = "Subtract"; break; default: throw new InternalErrorException ("Unknown expression tree binary operator " + oper); } Arguments args = new Arguments (2); args.Add (new Argument (left.CreateExpressionTree (ec))); args.Add (new Argument (right.CreateExpressionTree (ec))); if (method != null) { if (lift_arg) args.Add (new Argument (new BoolLiteral (ec.BuiltinTypes, false, loc))); args.Add (new Argument (method)); } return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, method_name, args); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } // // Represents the operation a + b [+ c [+ d [+ ...]]], where a is a string // b, c, d... may be strings or objects. // public class StringConcat : Expression { Arguments arguments; StringConcat (Location loc) { this.loc = loc; arguments = new Arguments (2); } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return arguments.ContainsEmitWithAwait (); } public static StringConcat Create (ResolveContext rc, Expression left, Expression right, Location loc) { if (left.eclass == ExprClass.Unresolved || right.eclass == ExprClass.Unresolved) throw new ArgumentException (); var s = new StringConcat (loc); s.type = rc.BuiltinTypes.String; s.eclass = ExprClass.Value; s.Append (rc, left); s.Append (rc, right); return s; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Argument arg = arguments [0]; return CreateExpressionAddCall (ec, arg, arg.CreateExpressionTree (ec), 1); } // // Creates nested calls tree from an array of arguments used for IL emit // Expression CreateExpressionAddCall (ResolveContext ec, Argument left, Expression left_etree, int pos) { Arguments concat_args = new Arguments (2); Arguments add_args = new Arguments (3); concat_args.Add (left); add_args.Add (new Argument (left_etree)); concat_args.Add (arguments [pos]); add_args.Add (new Argument (arguments [pos].CreateExpressionTree (ec))); var methods = GetConcatMethodCandidates (); if (methods == null) return null; var res = new OverloadResolver (methods, OverloadResolver.Restrictions.NoBaseMembers, loc); var method = res.ResolveMember (ec, ref concat_args); if (method == null) return null; add_args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOfMethod (method, loc))); Expression expr = CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Add", add_args); if (++pos == arguments.Count) return expr; left = new Argument (new EmptyExpression (method.ReturnType)); return CreateExpressionAddCall (ec, left, expr, pos); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { return this; } void Append (ResolveContext rc, Expression operand) { // // Constant folding // StringConstant sc = operand as StringConstant; if (sc != null) { if (arguments.Count != 0) { Argument last_argument = arguments [arguments.Count - 1]; StringConstant last_expr_constant = last_argument.Expr as StringConstant; if (last_expr_constant != null) { last_argument.Expr = new StringConstant (rc.BuiltinTypes, last_expr_constant.Value + sc.Value, sc.Location); return; } } } else { // // Multiple (3+) concatenation are resolved as multiple StringConcat instances // StringConcat concat_oper = operand as StringConcat; if (concat_oper != null) { arguments.AddRange (concat_oper.arguments); return; } } arguments.Add (new Argument (operand)); } IList GetConcatMethodCandidates () { return MemberCache.FindMembers (type, "Concat", true); } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { var members = GetConcatMethodCandidates (); var res = new OverloadResolver (members, OverloadResolver.Restrictions.NoBaseMembers, loc); var method = res.ResolveMember (new ResolveContext (ec.MemberContext), ref arguments); if (method != null) { var call = new CallEmitter (); call.EmitPredefined (ec, method, arguments); } } public override SLE.Expression MakeExpression (BuilderContext ctx) { if (arguments.Count != 2) throw new NotImplementedException ("arguments.Count != 2"); var concat = typeof (string).GetMethod ("Concat", new[] { typeof (object), typeof (object) }); return SLE.Expression.Add (arguments[0].Expr.MakeExpression (ctx), arguments[1].Expr.MakeExpression (ctx), concat); } } // // User-defined conditional logical operator // public class ConditionalLogicalOperator : UserOperatorCall { readonly bool is_and; Expression oper_expr; public ConditionalLogicalOperator (MethodSpec oper, Arguments arguments, Func expr_tree, bool is_and, Location loc) : base (oper, arguments, expr_tree, loc) { this.is_and = is_and; eclass = ExprClass.Unresolved; } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { AParametersCollection pd = oper.Parameters; if (!TypeSpecComparer.IsEqual (type, pd.Types[0]) || !TypeSpecComparer.IsEqual (type, pd.Types[1])) { ec.Report.Error (217, loc, "A user-defined operator `{0}' must have parameters and return values of the same type in order to be applicable as a short circuit operator", oper.GetSignatureForError ()); return null; } Expression left_dup = new EmptyExpression (type); Expression op_true = GetOperatorTrue (ec, left_dup, loc); Expression op_false = GetOperatorFalse (ec, left_dup, loc); if (op_true == null || op_false == null) { ec.Report.Error (218, loc, "The type `{0}' must have operator `true' and operator `false' defined when `{1}' is used as a short circuit operator", TypeManager.CSharpName (type), oper.GetSignatureForError ()); return null; } oper_expr = is_and ? op_false : op_true; eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { Label end_target = ec.DefineLabel (); // // Emit and duplicate left argument // bool right_contains_await = ec.HasSet (BuilderContext.Options.AsyncBody) && arguments[1].Expr.ContainsEmitWithAwait (); if (right_contains_await) { arguments[0] = arguments[0].EmitToField (ec); arguments[0].Expr.Emit (ec); } else { arguments[0].Expr.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Dup); arguments.RemoveAt (0); } oper_expr.EmitBranchable (ec, end_target, true); base.Emit (ec); if (right_contains_await) { // // Special handling when right expression contains await and left argument // could not be left on stack before logical branch // Label skip_left_load = ec.DefineLabel (); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Br_S, skip_left_load); ec.MarkLabel (end_target); arguments[0].Expr.Emit (ec); ec.MarkLabel (skip_left_load); } else { ec.MarkLabel (end_target); } } } public class PointerArithmetic : Expression { Expression left, right; Binary.Operator op; // // We assume that `l' is always a pointer // public PointerArithmetic (Binary.Operator op, Expression l, Expression r, TypeSpec t, Location loc) { type = t; this.loc = loc; left = l; right = r; this.op = op; } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Error_PointerInsideExpressionTree (ec); return null; } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { eclass = ExprClass.Variable; var pc = left.Type as PointerContainer; if (pc != null && pc.Element.Kind == MemberKind.Void) { Error_VoidPointerOperation (ec); return null; } return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { TypeSpec op_type = left.Type; // It must be either array or fixed buffer TypeSpec element; if (TypeManager.HasElementType (op_type)) { element = TypeManager.GetElementType (op_type); } else { FieldExpr fe = left as FieldExpr; if (fe != null) element = ((FixedFieldSpec) (fe.Spec)).ElementType; else element = op_type; } int size = BuiltinTypeSpec.GetSize(element); TypeSpec rtype = right.Type; if ((op & Binary.Operator.SubtractionMask) != 0 && rtype.IsPointer){ // // handle (pointer - pointer) // left.Emit (ec); right.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Sub); if (size != 1){ if (size == 0) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Sizeof, element); else ec.EmitInt (size); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Div); } ec.Emit (OpCodes.Conv_I8); } else { // // handle + and - on (pointer op int) // Constant left_const = left as Constant; if (left_const != null) { // // Optimize ((T*)null) pointer operations // if (left_const.IsDefaultValue) { left = EmptyExpression.Null; } else { left_const = null; } } left.Emit (ec); var right_const = right as Constant; if (right_const != null) { // // Optimize 0-based arithmetic // if (right_const.IsDefaultValue) return; if (size != 0) right = new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, size, right.Location); else right = new SizeOf (new TypeExpression (element, right.Location), right.Location); // TODO: Should be the checks resolve context sensitive? ResolveContext rc = new ResolveContext (ec.MemberContext, ResolveContext.Options.UnsafeScope); right = new Binary (Binary.Operator.Multiply, right, right_const, loc).Resolve (rc); if (right == null) return; } right.Emit (ec); switch (rtype.BuiltinType) { case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort: ec.Emit (OpCodes.Conv_I); break; case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt: ec.Emit (OpCodes.Conv_U); break; } if (right_const == null && size != 1){ if (size == 0) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Sizeof, element); else ec.EmitInt (size); if (rtype.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long || rtype.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Conv_I8); Binary.EmitOperatorOpcode (ec, Binary.Operator.Multiply, rtype); } if (left_const == null) { if (rtype.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Conv_I); else if (rtype.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Conv_U); Binary.EmitOperatorOpcode (ec, op, op_type); } } } } // // A boolean-expression is an expression that yields a result // of type bool // public class BooleanExpression : ShimExpression { public BooleanExpression (Expression expr) : base (expr) { this.loc = expr.Location; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { // TODO: We should emit IsTrue (v4) instead of direct user operator // call but that would break csc compatibility return base.CreateExpressionTree (ec); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { // A boolean-expression is required to be of a type // that can be implicitly converted to bool or of // a type that implements operator true expr = expr.Resolve (ec); if (expr == null) return null; Assign ass = expr as Assign; if (ass != null && ass.Source is Constant) { ec.Report.Warning (665, 3, loc, "Assignment in conditional expression is always constant. Did you mean to use `==' instead ?"); } if (expr.Type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Bool) return expr; if (expr.Type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) { Arguments args = new Arguments (1); args.Add (new Argument (expr)); return DynamicUnaryConversion.CreateIsTrue (ec, args, loc).Resolve (ec); } type = ec.BuiltinTypes.Bool; Expression converted = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, expr, type, loc); if (converted != null) return converted; // // If no implicit conversion to bool exists, try using `operator true' // converted = GetOperatorTrue (ec, expr, loc); if (converted == null) { expr.Error_ValueCannotBeConverted (ec, loc, type, false); return null; } return converted; } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class BooleanExpressionFalse : Unary { public BooleanExpressionFalse (Expression expr) : base (Operator.LogicalNot, expr, expr.Location) { } protected override Expression ResolveOperator (ResolveContext ec, Expression expr) { return GetOperatorFalse (ec, expr, loc) ?? base.ResolveOperator (ec, expr); } } /// /// Implements the ternary conditional operator (?:) /// public class Conditional : Expression { Expression expr, true_expr, false_expr; public Conditional (Expression expr, Expression true_expr, Expression false_expr, Location loc) { this.expr = expr; this.true_expr = true_expr; this.false_expr = false_expr; this.loc = loc; } #region Properties public Expression Expr { get { return expr; } } public Expression TrueExpr { get { return true_expr; } } public Expression FalseExpr { get { return false_expr; } } #endregion public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return Expr.ContainsEmitWithAwait () || true_expr.ContainsEmitWithAwait () || false_expr.ContainsEmitWithAwait (); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Arguments args = new Arguments (3); args.Add (new Argument (expr.CreateExpressionTree (ec))); args.Add (new Argument (true_expr.CreateExpressionTree (ec))); args.Add (new Argument (false_expr.CreateExpressionTree (ec))); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Condition", args); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { expr = expr.Resolve (ec); // // Unreachable code needs different resolve path. For instance for await // expression to not generate unreachable resumable statement // Constant c = expr as Constant; if (c != null && ec.CurrentBranching != null) { bool unreachable = ec.CurrentBranching.CurrentUsageVector.IsUnreachable; if (c.IsDefaultValue) { ec.CurrentBranching.CurrentUsageVector.IsUnreachable = true; true_expr = true_expr.Resolve (ec); ec.CurrentBranching.CurrentUsageVector.IsUnreachable = unreachable; false_expr = false_expr.Resolve (ec); } else { true_expr = true_expr.Resolve (ec); ec.CurrentBranching.CurrentUsageVector.IsUnreachable = true; false_expr = false_expr.Resolve (ec); ec.CurrentBranching.CurrentUsageVector.IsUnreachable = unreachable; } } else { true_expr = true_expr.Resolve (ec); false_expr = false_expr.Resolve (ec); } if (true_expr == null || false_expr == null || expr == null) return null; eclass = ExprClass.Value; TypeSpec true_type = true_expr.Type; TypeSpec false_type = false_expr.Type; type = true_type; // // First, if an implicit conversion exists from true_expr // to false_expr, then the result type is of type false_expr.Type // if (!TypeSpecComparer.IsEqual (true_type, false_type)) { Expression conv = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, true_expr, false_type, loc); if (conv != null && true_type.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) { // // Check if both can convert implicitly to each other's type // type = false_type; if (false_type.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic && Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, false_expr, true_type, loc) != null) { ec.Report.Error (172, true_expr.Location, "Type of conditional expression cannot be determined as `{0}' and `{1}' convert implicitly to each other", true_type.GetSignatureForError (), false_type.GetSignatureForError ()); return null; } true_expr = conv; } else if ((conv = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, false_expr, true_type, loc)) != null) { false_expr = conv; } else { ec.Report.Error (173, true_expr.Location, "Type of conditional expression cannot be determined because there is no implicit conversion between `{0}' and `{1}'", TypeManager.CSharpName (true_type), TypeManager.CSharpName (false_type)); return null; } } if (c != null) { bool is_false = c.IsDefaultValue; // // Don't issue the warning for constant expressions // if (!(is_false ? true_expr is Constant : false_expr is Constant)) { ec.Report.Warning (429, 4, is_false ? true_expr.Location : false_expr.Location, "Unreachable expression code detected"); } return ReducedExpression.Create ( is_false ? false_expr : true_expr, this, false_expr is Constant && true_expr is Constant).Resolve (ec); } return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { Label false_target = ec.DefineLabel (); Label end_target = ec.DefineLabel (); expr.EmitBranchable (ec, false_target, false); true_expr.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Br, end_target); ec.MarkLabel (false_target); false_expr.Emit (ec); ec.MarkLabel (end_target); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { Conditional target = (Conditional) t; target.expr = expr.Clone (clonectx); target.true_expr = true_expr.Clone (clonectx); target.false_expr = false_expr.Clone (clonectx); } } public abstract class VariableReference : Expression, IAssignMethod, IMemoryLocation, IVariableReference { LocalTemporary temp; #region Abstract public abstract HoistedVariable GetHoistedVariable (AnonymousExpression ae); public abstract void SetHasAddressTaken (); public abstract void VerifyAssigned (ResolveContext rc); public abstract bool IsLockedByStatement { get; set; } public abstract bool IsFixed { get; } public abstract bool IsRef { get; } public abstract string Name { get; } // // Variable IL data, it has to be protected to encapsulate hoisted variables // protected abstract ILocalVariable Variable { get; } // // Variable flow-analysis data // public abstract VariableInfo VariableInfo { get; } #endregion public virtual void AddressOf (EmitContext ec, AddressOp mode) { HoistedVariable hv = GetHoistedVariable (ec); if (hv != null) { hv.AddressOf (ec, mode); return; } Variable.EmitAddressOf (ec); } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return false; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { HoistedVariable hv = GetHoistedVariable (ec); if (hv != null) return hv.CreateExpressionTree (); Arguments arg = new Arguments (1); arg.Add (new Argument (this)); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Constant", arg); } public override Expression DoResolveLValue (ResolveContext rc, Expression right_side) { if (IsLockedByStatement) { rc.Report.Warning (728, 2, loc, "Possibly incorrect assignment to `{0}' which is the argument to a using or lock statement", Name); } return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { Emit (ec, false); } public override void EmitSideEffect (EmitContext ec) { // do nothing } // // This method is used by parameters that are references, that are // being passed as references: we only want to pass the pointer (that // is already stored in the parameter, not the address of the pointer, // and not the value of the variable). // public void EmitLoad (EmitContext ec) { Variable.Emit (ec); } public void Emit (EmitContext ec, bool leave_copy) { HoistedVariable hv = GetHoistedVariable (ec); if (hv != null) { hv.Emit (ec, leave_copy); return; } EmitLoad (ec); if (IsRef) { // // If we are a reference, we loaded on the stack a pointer // Now lets load the real value // ec.EmitLoadFromPtr (type); } if (leave_copy) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Dup); if (IsRef) { temp = new LocalTemporary (Type); temp.Store (ec); } } } public void EmitAssign (EmitContext ec, Expression source, bool leave_copy, bool prepare_for_load) { HoistedVariable hv = GetHoistedVariable (ec); if (hv != null) { hv.EmitAssign (ec, source, leave_copy, prepare_for_load); return; } New n_source = source as New; if (n_source != null) { if (!n_source.Emit (ec, this)) { if (leave_copy) { EmitLoad (ec); if (IsRef) ec.EmitLoadFromPtr (type); } return; } } else { if (IsRef) EmitLoad (ec); source.Emit (ec); } if (leave_copy) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Dup); if (IsRef) { temp = new LocalTemporary (Type); temp.Store (ec); } } if (IsRef) ec.EmitStoreFromPtr (type); else Variable.EmitAssign (ec); if (temp != null) { temp.Emit (ec); temp.Release (ec); } } public override Expression EmitToField (EmitContext ec) { HoistedVariable hv = GetHoistedVariable (ec); if (hv != null) { return hv.EmitToField (ec); } return base.EmitToField (ec); } public HoistedVariable GetHoistedVariable (ResolveContext rc) { return GetHoistedVariable (rc.CurrentAnonymousMethod); } public HoistedVariable GetHoistedVariable (EmitContext ec) { return GetHoistedVariable (ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod); } public override string GetSignatureForError () { return Name; } public bool IsHoisted { get { return GetHoistedVariable ((AnonymousExpression) null) != null; } } } // // Resolved reference to a local variable // public class LocalVariableReference : VariableReference { public LocalVariable local_info; public LocalVariableReference (LocalVariable li, Location l) { this.local_info = li; loc = l; } public override VariableInfo VariableInfo { get { return local_info.VariableInfo; } } public override HoistedVariable GetHoistedVariable (AnonymousExpression ae) { return local_info.HoistedVariant; } #region Properties // // A local variable is always fixed // public override bool IsFixed { get { return true; } } public override bool IsLockedByStatement { get { return local_info.IsLocked; } set { local_info.IsLocked = value; } } public override bool IsRef { get { return false; } } public override string Name { get { return local_info.Name; } } #endregion public override void VerifyAssigned (ResolveContext rc) { VariableInfo variable_info = local_info.VariableInfo; if (variable_info == null) return; if (variable_info.IsAssigned (rc)) return; rc.Report.Error (165, loc, "Use of unassigned local variable `{0}'", Name); variable_info.SetAssigned (rc); } public override void SetHasAddressTaken () { local_info.SetHasAddressTaken (); } void DoResolveBase (ResolveContext ec) { // // If we are referencing a variable from the external block // flag it for capturing // if (ec.MustCaptureVariable (local_info)) { if (local_info.AddressTaken) { AnonymousMethodExpression.Error_AddressOfCapturedVar (ec, this, loc); } else if (local_info.IsFixed) { ec.Report.Error (1764, loc, "Cannot use fixed local `{0}' inside an anonymous method, lambda expression or query expression", GetSignatureForError ()); } if (ec.IsVariableCapturingRequired) { AnonymousMethodStorey storey = local_info.Block.Explicit.CreateAnonymousMethodStorey (ec); storey.CaptureLocalVariable (ec, local_info); } } eclass = ExprClass.Variable; type = local_info.Type; } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { local_info.SetIsUsed (); VerifyAssigned (ec); DoResolveBase (ec); return this; } public override Expression DoResolveLValue (ResolveContext ec, Expression right_side) { // is out param if (right_side == EmptyExpression.OutAccess) local_info.SetIsUsed (); if (local_info.IsReadonly && !ec.HasAny (ResolveContext.Options.FieldInitializerScope | ResolveContext.Options.UsingInitializerScope)) { int code; string msg; if (right_side == EmptyExpression.OutAccess) { code = 1657; msg = "Cannot pass `{0}' as a ref or out argument because it is a `{1}'"; } else if (right_side == EmptyExpression.LValueMemberAccess) { code = 1654; msg = "Cannot assign to members of `{0}' because it is a `{1}'"; } else if (right_side == EmptyExpression.LValueMemberOutAccess) { code = 1655; msg = "Cannot pass members of `{0}' as ref or out arguments because it is a `{1}'"; } else if (right_side == EmptyExpression.UnaryAddress) { code = 459; msg = "Cannot take the address of {1} `{0}'"; } else { code = 1656; msg = "Cannot assign to `{0}' because it is a `{1}'"; } ec.Report.Error (code, loc, msg, Name, local_info.GetReadOnlyContext ()); } else if (VariableInfo != null) { VariableInfo.SetAssigned (ec); } if (eclass == ExprClass.Unresolved) DoResolveBase (ec); return base.DoResolveLValue (ec, right_side); } public override int GetHashCode () { return local_info.GetHashCode (); } public override bool Equals (object obj) { LocalVariableReference lvr = obj as LocalVariableReference; if (lvr == null) return false; return local_info == lvr.local_info; } protected override ILocalVariable Variable { get { return local_info; } } public override string ToString () { return String.Format ("{0} ({1}:{2})", GetType (), Name, loc); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { // Nothing } } /// /// This represents a reference to a parameter in the intermediate /// representation. /// public class ParameterReference : VariableReference { protected ParametersBlock.ParameterInfo pi; public ParameterReference (ParametersBlock.ParameterInfo pi, Location loc) { this.pi = pi; this.loc = loc; } #region Properties public override bool IsLockedByStatement { get { return pi.IsLocked; } set { pi.IsLocked = value; } } public override bool IsRef { get { return (pi.Parameter.ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.ISBYREF) != 0; } } bool HasOutModifier { get { return pi.Parameter.ModFlags == Parameter.Modifier.OUT; } } public override HoistedVariable GetHoistedVariable (AnonymousExpression ae) { return pi.Parameter.HoistedVariant; } // // A ref or out parameter is classified as a moveable variable, even // if the argument given for the parameter is a fixed variable // public override bool IsFixed { get { return !IsRef; } } public override string Name { get { return Parameter.Name; } } public Parameter Parameter { get { return pi.Parameter; } } public override VariableInfo VariableInfo { get { return pi.VariableInfo; } } protected override ILocalVariable Variable { get { return Parameter; } } #endregion public override void AddressOf (EmitContext ec, AddressOp mode) { // // ParameterReferences might already be a reference // if (IsRef) { EmitLoad (ec); return; } base.AddressOf (ec, mode); } public override void SetHasAddressTaken () { Parameter.HasAddressTaken = true; } void SetAssigned (ResolveContext ec) { if (HasOutModifier && ec.DoFlowAnalysis) ec.CurrentBranching.SetAssigned (VariableInfo); } bool DoResolveBase (ResolveContext ec) { if (eclass != ExprClass.Unresolved) return true; type = pi.ParameterType; eclass = ExprClass.Variable; // // If we are referencing a parameter from the external block // flag it for capturing // if (ec.MustCaptureVariable (pi)) { if (Parameter.HasAddressTaken) AnonymousMethodExpression.Error_AddressOfCapturedVar (ec, this, loc); if (IsRef) { ec.Report.Error (1628, loc, "Parameter `{0}' cannot be used inside `{1}' when using `ref' or `out' modifier", Name, ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod.ContainerType); } if (ec.IsVariableCapturingRequired && !pi.Block.ParametersBlock.IsExpressionTree) { AnonymousMethodStorey storey = pi.Block.Explicit.CreateAnonymousMethodStorey (ec); storey.CaptureParameter (ec, this); } } return true; } public override int GetHashCode () { return Name.GetHashCode (); } public override bool Equals (object obj) { ParameterReference pr = obj as ParameterReference; if (pr == null) return false; return Name == pr.Name; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression target) { // Nothing to clone return; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { HoistedVariable hv = GetHoistedVariable (ec); if (hv != null) return hv.CreateExpressionTree (); return Parameter.ExpressionTreeVariableReference (); } // // Notice that for ref/out parameters, the type exposed is not the // same type exposed externally. // // for "ref int a": // externally we expose "int&" // here we expose "int". // // We record this in "is_ref". This means that the type system can treat // the type as it is expected, but when we generate the code, we generate // the alternate kind of code. // protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { if (!DoResolveBase (ec)) return null; VerifyAssigned (ec); return this; } public override Expression DoResolveLValue (ResolveContext ec, Expression right_side) { if (!DoResolveBase (ec)) return null; SetAssigned (ec); return base.DoResolveLValue (ec, right_side); } public override void VerifyAssigned (ResolveContext rc) { // HACK: Variables are not captured in probing mode if (rc.IsInProbingMode) return; if (HasOutModifier && !VariableInfo.IsAssigned (rc)) { rc.Report.Error (269, loc, "Use of unassigned out parameter `{0}'", Name); } } } /// /// Invocation of methods or delegates. /// public class Invocation : ExpressionStatement { protected Arguments arguments; protected Expression expr; protected MethodGroupExpr mg; public Invocation (Expression expr, Arguments arguments) { this.expr = expr; this.arguments = arguments; if (expr != null) loc = expr.Location; } #region Properties public Arguments Arguments { get { return arguments; } } public Expression Exp { get { return expr; } } #endregion protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { Invocation target = (Invocation) t; if (arguments != null) target.arguments = arguments.Clone (clonectx); target.expr = expr.Clone (clonectx); } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { if (arguments != null && arguments.ContainsEmitWithAwait ()) return true; return mg.ContainsEmitWithAwait (); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Expression instance = mg.IsInstance ? mg.InstanceExpression.CreateExpressionTree (ec) : new NullLiteral (loc); var args = Arguments.CreateForExpressionTree (ec, arguments, instance, mg.CreateExpressionTree (ec)); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Call", args); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { Expression member_expr; var atn = expr as ATypeNameExpression; if (atn != null) { member_expr = atn.LookupNameExpression (ec, MemberLookupRestrictions.InvocableOnly | MemberLookupRestrictions.ReadAccess); if (member_expr != null) member_expr = member_expr.Resolve (ec); } else { member_expr = expr.Resolve (ec, ResolveFlags.VariableOrValue | ResolveFlags.MethodGroup); } if (member_expr == null) return null; // // Next, evaluate all the expressions in the argument list // bool dynamic_arg = false; if (arguments != null) arguments.Resolve (ec, out dynamic_arg); TypeSpec expr_type = member_expr.Type; if (expr_type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) return DoResolveDynamic (ec, member_expr); mg = member_expr as MethodGroupExpr; Expression invoke = null; if (mg == null) { if (expr_type != null && expr_type.IsDelegate) { invoke = new DelegateInvocation (member_expr, arguments, loc); invoke = invoke.Resolve (ec); if (invoke == null || !dynamic_arg) return invoke; } else { if (member_expr is RuntimeValueExpression) { ec.Report.Error (Report.RuntimeErrorId, loc, "Cannot invoke a non-delegate type `{0}'", member_expr.Type.GetSignatureForError ()); ; return null; } MemberExpr me = member_expr as MemberExpr; if (me == null) { member_expr.Error_UnexpectedKind (ec, ResolveFlags.MethodGroup, loc); return null; } ec.Report.Error (1955, loc, "The member `{0}' cannot be used as method or delegate", member_expr.GetSignatureForError ()); return null; } } if (invoke == null) { mg = DoResolveOverload (ec); if (mg == null) return null; } if (dynamic_arg) return DoResolveDynamic (ec, member_expr); var method = mg.BestCandidate; type = mg.BestCandidateReturnType; if (arguments == null && method.DeclaringType.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Object && method.Name == Destructor.MetadataName) { if (mg.IsBase) ec.Report.Error (250, loc, "Do not directly call your base class Finalize method. It is called automatically from your destructor"); else ec.Report.Error (245, loc, "Destructors and object.Finalize cannot be called directly. Consider calling IDisposable.Dispose if available"); return null; } IsSpecialMethodInvocation (ec, method, loc); eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } protected virtual Expression DoResolveDynamic (ResolveContext ec, Expression memberExpr) { Arguments args; DynamicMemberBinder dmb = memberExpr as DynamicMemberBinder; if (dmb != null) { args = dmb.Arguments; if (arguments != null) args.AddRange (arguments); } else if (mg == null) { if (arguments == null) args = new Arguments (1); else args = arguments; args.Insert (0, new Argument (memberExpr)); this.expr = null; } else { if (mg.IsBase) { ec.Report.Error (1971, loc, "The base call to method `{0}' cannot be dynamically dispatched. Consider casting the dynamic arguments or eliminating the base access", mg.Name); return null; } if (arguments == null) args = new Arguments (1); else args = arguments; MemberAccess ma = expr as MemberAccess; if (ma != null) { var left_type = ma.LeftExpression as TypeExpr; if (left_type != null) { args.Insert (0, new Argument (new TypeOf (left_type.Type, loc).Resolve (ec), Argument.AType.DynamicTypeName)); } else { // // Any value type has to be pass as by-ref to get back the same // instance on which the member was called // var mod = TypeSpec.IsValueType (ma.LeftExpression.Type) ? Argument.AType.Ref : Argument.AType.None; args.Insert (0, new Argument (ma.LeftExpression.Resolve (ec), mod)); } } else { // is SimpleName if (ec.IsStatic) { args.Insert (0, new Argument (new TypeOf (ec.CurrentType, loc).Resolve (ec), Argument.AType.DynamicTypeName)); } else { args.Insert (0, new Argument (new This (loc).Resolve (ec))); } } } return new DynamicInvocation (expr as ATypeNameExpression, args, loc).Resolve (ec); } protected virtual MethodGroupExpr DoResolveOverload (ResolveContext ec) { return mg.OverloadResolve (ec, ref arguments, null, OverloadResolver.Restrictions.None); } static MetaType[] GetVarargsTypes (MethodSpec mb, Arguments arguments) { AParametersCollection pd = mb.Parameters; Argument a = arguments[pd.Count - 1]; Arglist list = (Arglist) a.Expr; return list.ArgumentTypes; } public override string GetSignatureForError () { return mg.GetSignatureForError (); } // // If a member is a method or event, or if it is a constant, field or property of either a delegate type // or the type dynamic, then the member is invocable // public static bool IsMemberInvocable (MemberSpec member) { switch (member.Kind) { case MemberKind.Event: return true; case MemberKind.Field: case MemberKind.Property: var m = member as IInterfaceMemberSpec; return m.MemberType.IsDelegate || m.MemberType.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic; default: return false; } } public static bool IsSpecialMethodInvocation (ResolveContext ec, MethodSpec method, Location loc) { if (!method.IsReservedMethod) return false; if (ec.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.InvokeSpecialName) || ec.CurrentMemberDefinition.IsCompilerGenerated) return false; ec.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (method); ec.Report.Error (571, loc, "`{0}': cannot explicitly call operator or accessor", method.GetSignatureForError ()); return true; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { mg.EmitCall (ec, arguments); } public override void EmitStatement (EmitContext ec) { Emit (ec); // // Pop the return value if there is one // if (type.Kind != MemberKind.Void) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Pop); } public override SLE.Expression MakeExpression (BuilderContext ctx) { return MakeExpression (ctx, mg.InstanceExpression, mg.BestCandidate, arguments); } public static SLE.Expression MakeExpression (BuilderContext ctx, Expression instance, MethodSpec mi, Arguments args) { #if STATIC throw new NotSupportedException (); #else var instance_expr = instance == null ? null : instance.MakeExpression (ctx); return SLE.Expression.Call (instance_expr, (MethodInfo) mi.GetMetaInfo (), Arguments.MakeExpression (args, ctx)); #endif } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } // // Implements simple new expression // public class New : ExpressionStatement, IMemoryLocation { protected Arguments arguments; // // During bootstrap, it contains the RequestedType, // but if `type' is not null, it *might* contain a NewDelegate // (because of field multi-initialization) // protected Expression RequestedType; protected MethodSpec method; public New (Expression requested_type, Arguments arguments, Location l) { RequestedType = requested_type; this.arguments = arguments; loc = l; } #region Properties public Arguments Arguments { get { return arguments; } } // // Returns true for resolved `new S()' // public bool IsDefaultStruct { get { return arguments == null && type.IsStruct && GetType () == typeof (New); } } public Expression TypeExpression { get { return RequestedType; } } #endregion /// /// Converts complex core type syntax like 'new int ()' to simple constant /// public static Constant Constantify (TypeSpec t, Location loc) { switch (t.BuiltinType) { case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int: return new IntConstant (t, 0, loc); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt: return new UIntConstant (t, 0, loc); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long: return new LongConstant (t, 0, loc); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong: return new ULongConstant (t, 0, loc); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float: return new FloatConstant (t, 0, loc); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double: return new DoubleConstant (t, 0, loc); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short: return new ShortConstant (t, 0, loc); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort: return new UShortConstant (t, 0, loc); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte: return new SByteConstant (t, 0, loc); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte: return new ByteConstant (t, 0, loc); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char: return new CharConstant (t, '\0', loc); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Bool: return new BoolConstant (t, false, loc); case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal: return new DecimalConstant (t, 0, loc); } if (t.IsEnum) return new EnumConstant (Constantify (EnumSpec.GetUnderlyingType (t), loc), t); if (t.IsNullableType) return Nullable.LiftedNull.Create (t, loc); return null; } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return arguments != null && arguments.ContainsEmitWithAwait (); } // // Checks whether the type is an interface that has the // [ComImport, CoClass] attributes and must be treated // specially // public Expression CheckComImport (ResolveContext ec) { if (!type.IsInterface) return null; // // Turn the call into: // (the-interface-stated) (new class-referenced-in-coclassattribute ()) // var real_class = type.MemberDefinition.GetAttributeCoClass (); if (real_class == null) return null; New proxy = new New (new TypeExpression (real_class, loc), arguments, loc); Cast cast = new Cast (new TypeExpression (type, loc), proxy, loc); return cast.Resolve (ec); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Arguments args; if (method == null) { args = new Arguments (1); args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (type, loc))); } else { args = Arguments.CreateForExpressionTree (ec, arguments, new TypeOfMethod (method, loc)); } return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "New", args); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { type = RequestedType.ResolveAsType (ec); if (type == null) return null; eclass = ExprClass.Value; if (type.IsPointer) { ec.Report.Error (1919, loc, "Unsafe type `{0}' cannot be used in an object creation expression", TypeManager.CSharpName (type)); return null; } if (arguments == null) { Constant c = Constantify (type, RequestedType.Location); if (c != null) return ReducedExpression.Create (c, this); } if (type.IsDelegate) { return (new NewDelegate (type, arguments, loc)).Resolve (ec); } var tparam = type as TypeParameterSpec; if (tparam != null) { // // Check whether the type of type parameter can be constructed. BaseType can be a struct for method overrides // where type parameter constraint is inflated to struct // if ((tparam.SpecialConstraint & (SpecialConstraint.Struct | SpecialConstraint.Constructor)) == 0 && !TypeSpec.IsValueType (tparam)) { ec.Report.Error (304, loc, "Cannot create an instance of the variable type `{0}' because it does not have the new() constraint", TypeManager.CSharpName (type)); } if ((arguments != null) && (arguments.Count != 0)) { ec.Report.Error (417, loc, "`{0}': cannot provide arguments when creating an instance of a variable type", TypeManager.CSharpName (type)); } return this; } if (type.IsStatic) { ec.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (type); ec.Report.Error (712, loc, "Cannot create an instance of the static class `{0}'", TypeManager.CSharpName (type)); return null; } if (type.IsInterface || type.IsAbstract){ if (!TypeManager.IsGenericType (type)) { RequestedType = CheckComImport (ec); if (RequestedType != null) return RequestedType; } ec.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (type); ec.Report.Error (144, loc, "Cannot create an instance of the abstract class or interface `{0}'", TypeManager.CSharpName (type)); return null; } // // Any struct always defines parameterless constructor // if (type.IsStruct && arguments == null) return this; bool dynamic; if (arguments != null) { arguments.Resolve (ec, out dynamic); } else { dynamic = false; } method = ConstructorLookup (ec, type, ref arguments, loc); if (dynamic) { arguments.Insert (0, new Argument (new TypeOf (type, loc).Resolve (ec), Argument.AType.DynamicTypeName)); return new DynamicConstructorBinder (type, arguments, loc).Resolve (ec); } return this; } bool DoEmitTypeParameter (EmitContext ec) { var m = ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.ActivatorCreateInstance.Resolve (loc); if (m == null) return true; var ctor_factory = m.MakeGenericMethod (ec.MemberContext, type); var tparam = (TypeParameterSpec) type; if (tparam.IsReferenceType) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Call, ctor_factory); return true; } // Allow DoEmit() to be called multiple times. // We need to create a new LocalTemporary each time since // you can't share LocalBuilders among ILGeneators. LocalTemporary temp = new LocalTemporary (type); Label label_activator = ec.DefineLabel (); Label label_end = ec.DefineLabel (); temp.AddressOf (ec, AddressOp.Store); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Initobj, type); temp.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Box, type); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Brfalse, label_activator); temp.AddressOf (ec, AddressOp.Store); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Initobj, type); temp.Emit (ec); temp.Release (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Br_S, label_end); ec.MarkLabel (label_activator); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Call, ctor_factory); ec.MarkLabel (label_end); return true; } // // This Emit can be invoked in two contexts: // * As a mechanism that will leave a value on the stack (new object) // * As one that wont (init struct) // // If we are dealing with a ValueType, we have a few // situations to deal with: // // * The target is a ValueType, and we have been provided // the instance (this is easy, we are being assigned). // // * The target of New is being passed as an argument, // to a boxing operation or a function that takes a // ValueType. // // In this case, we need to create a temporary variable // that is the argument of New. // // Returns whether a value is left on the stack // // *** Implementation note *** // // To benefit from this optimization, each assignable expression // has to manually cast to New and call this Emit. // // TODO: It's worth to implement it for arrays and fields // public virtual bool Emit (EmitContext ec, IMemoryLocation target) { bool is_value_type = TypeSpec.IsValueType (type); VariableReference vr = target as VariableReference; if (target != null && is_value_type && (vr != null || method == null)) { target.AddressOf (ec, AddressOp.Store); } else if (vr != null && vr.IsRef) { vr.EmitLoad (ec); } if (arguments != null) { if (ec.HasSet (BuilderContext.Options.AsyncBody) && (arguments.Count > (this is NewInitialize ? 0 : 1)) && arguments.ContainsEmitWithAwait ()) arguments = arguments.Emit (ec, false, true); arguments.Emit (ec); } if (is_value_type) { if (method == null) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Initobj, type); return false; } if (vr != null) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Call, method); return false; } } if (type is TypeParameterSpec) return DoEmitTypeParameter (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, method); return true; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { LocalTemporary v = null; if (method == null && TypeSpec.IsValueType (type)) { // TODO: Use temporary variable from pool v = new LocalTemporary (type); } if (!Emit (ec, v)) v.Emit (ec); } public override void EmitStatement (EmitContext ec) { LocalTemporary v = null; if (method == null && TypeSpec.IsValueType (type)) { // TODO: Use temporary variable from pool v = new LocalTemporary (type); } if (Emit (ec, v)) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Pop); } public void AddressOf (EmitContext ec, AddressOp mode) { EmitAddressOf (ec, mode); } protected virtual IMemoryLocation EmitAddressOf (EmitContext ec, AddressOp mode) { LocalTemporary value_target = new LocalTemporary (type); if (type is TypeParameterSpec) { DoEmitTypeParameter (ec); value_target.Store (ec); value_target.AddressOf (ec, mode); return value_target; } value_target.AddressOf (ec, AddressOp.Store); if (method == null) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Initobj, type); } else { if (arguments != null) arguments.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Call, method); } value_target.AddressOf (ec, mode); return value_target; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { New target = (New) t; target.RequestedType = RequestedType.Clone (clonectx); if (arguments != null){ target.arguments = arguments.Clone (clonectx); } } public override SLE.Expression MakeExpression (BuilderContext ctx) { #if STATIC return base.MakeExpression (ctx); #else return SLE.Expression.New ((ConstructorInfo) method.GetMetaInfo (), Arguments.MakeExpression (arguments, ctx)); #endif } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } // // Array initializer expression, the expression is allowed in // variable or field initialization only which makes it tricky as // the type has to be infered based on the context either from field // type or variable type (think of multiple declarators) // public class ArrayInitializer : Expression { List elements; BlockVariableDeclaration variable; public ArrayInitializer (List init, Location loc) { elements = init; this.loc = loc; } public ArrayInitializer (int count, Location loc) : this (new List (count), loc) { } public ArrayInitializer (Location loc) : this (4, loc) { } #region Properties public int Count { get { return elements.Count; } } public List Elements { get { return elements; } } public Expression this [int index] { get { return elements [index]; } } public BlockVariableDeclaration VariableDeclaration { get { return variable; } set { variable = value; } } #endregion public void Add (Expression expr) { elements.Add (expr); } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { throw new NotSupportedException (); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { throw new NotSupportedException ("ET"); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { var target = (ArrayInitializer) t; target.elements = new List (elements.Count); foreach (var element in elements) target.elements.Add (element.Clone (clonectx)); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext rc) { var current_field = rc.CurrentMemberDefinition as FieldBase; TypeExpression type; if (current_field != null && rc.CurrentAnonymousMethod == null) { type = new TypeExpression (current_field.MemberType, current_field.Location); } else if (variable != null) { if (variable.TypeExpression is VarExpr) { rc.Report.Error (820, loc, "An implicitly typed local variable declarator cannot use an array initializer"); return EmptyExpression.Null; } type = new TypeExpression (variable.Variable.Type, variable.Variable.Location); } else { throw new NotImplementedException ("Unexpected array initializer context"); } return new ArrayCreation (type, this).Resolve (rc); } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { throw new InternalErrorException ("Missing Resolve call"); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } /// /// Represents an array creation expression. /// /// /// /// There are two possible scenarios here: one is an array creation /// expression that specifies the dimensions and optionally the /// initialization data and the other which does not need dimensions /// specified but where initialization data is mandatory. /// public class ArrayCreation : Expression { FullNamedExpression requested_base_type; ArrayInitializer initializers; // // The list of Argument types. // This is used to construct the `newarray' or constructor signature // protected List arguments; protected TypeSpec array_element_type; int num_arguments = 0; protected int dimensions; protected readonly ComposedTypeSpecifier rank; Expression first_emit; LocalTemporary first_emit_temp; protected List array_data; Dictionary bounds; // The number of constants in array initializers int const_initializers_count; bool only_constant_initializers; public ArrayCreation (FullNamedExpression requested_base_type, List exprs, ComposedTypeSpecifier rank, ArrayInitializer initializers, Location l) : this (requested_base_type, rank, initializers, l) { arguments = new List (exprs); num_arguments = arguments.Count; } // // For expressions like int[] foo = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }; // public ArrayCreation (FullNamedExpression requested_base_type, ComposedTypeSpecifier rank, ArrayInitializer initializers, Location loc) { this.requested_base_type = requested_base_type; this.rank = rank; this.initializers = initializers; this.loc = loc; if (rank != null) num_arguments = rank.Dimension; } // // For compiler generated single dimensional arrays only // public ArrayCreation (FullNamedExpression requested_base_type, ArrayInitializer initializers, Location loc) : this (requested_base_type, ComposedTypeSpecifier.SingleDimension, initializers, loc) { } // // For expressions like int[] foo = { 1, 2, 3 }; // public ArrayCreation (FullNamedExpression requested_base_type, ArrayInitializer initializers) : this (requested_base_type, null, initializers, initializers.Location) { } public ComposedTypeSpecifier Rank { get { return this.rank; } } public FullNamedExpression TypeExpression { get { return this.requested_base_type; } } public ArrayInitializer Initializers { get { return this.initializers; } } bool CheckIndices (ResolveContext ec, ArrayInitializer probe, int idx, bool specified_dims, int child_bounds) { if (initializers != null && bounds == null) { // // We use this to store all the date values in the order in which we // will need to store them in the byte blob later // array_data = new List (); bounds = new Dictionary (); } if (specified_dims) { Expression a = arguments [idx]; a = a.Resolve (ec); if (a == null) return false; a = ConvertExpressionToArrayIndex (ec, a); if (a == null) return false; arguments[idx] = a; if (initializers != null) { Constant c = a as Constant; if (c == null && a is ArrayIndexCast) c = ((ArrayIndexCast) a).Child as Constant; if (c == null) { ec.Report.Error (150, a.Location, "A constant value is expected"); return false; } int value; try { value = System.Convert.ToInt32 (c.GetValue ()); } catch { ec.Report.Error (150, a.Location, "A constant value is expected"); return false; } // TODO: probe.Count does not fit ulong in if (value != probe.Count) { ec.Report.Error (847, loc, "An array initializer of length `{0}' was expected", value.ToString ()); return false; } bounds[idx] = value; } } if (initializers == null) return true; for (int i = 0; i < probe.Count; ++i) { var o = probe [i]; if (o is ArrayInitializer) { var sub_probe = o as ArrayInitializer; if (idx + 1 >= dimensions){ ec.Report.Error (623, loc, "Array initializers can only be used in a variable or field initializer. Try using a new expression instead"); return false; } bool ret = CheckIndices (ec, sub_probe, idx + 1, specified_dims, child_bounds - 1); if (!ret) return false; } else if (child_bounds > 1) { ec.Report.Error (846, o.Location, "A nested array initializer was expected"); } else { Expression element = ResolveArrayElement (ec, o); if (element == null) continue; // Initializers with the default values can be ignored Constant c = element as Constant; if (c != null) { if (!c.IsDefaultInitializer (array_element_type)) { ++const_initializers_count; } } else { only_constant_initializers = false; } array_data.Add (element); } } return true; } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { foreach (var arg in arguments) { if (arg.ContainsEmitWithAwait ()) return true; } return InitializersContainAwait (); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Arguments args; if (array_data == null) { args = new Arguments (arguments.Count + 1); args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (array_element_type, loc))); foreach (Expression a in arguments) args.Add (new Argument (a.CreateExpressionTree (ec))); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "NewArrayBounds", args); } if (dimensions > 1) { ec.Report.Error (838, loc, "An expression tree cannot contain a multidimensional array initializer"); return null; } args = new Arguments (array_data == null ? 1 : array_data.Count + 1); args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (array_element_type, loc))); if (array_data != null) { for (int i = 0; i < array_data.Count; ++i) { Expression e = array_data [i]; args.Add (new Argument (e.CreateExpressionTree (ec))); } } return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "NewArrayInit", args); } void UpdateIndices (ResolveContext rc) { int i = 0; for (var probe = initializers; probe != null;) { Expression e = new IntConstant (rc.BuiltinTypes, probe.Count, Location.Null); arguments.Add (e); bounds[i++] = probe.Count; if (probe.Count > 0 && probe [0] is ArrayInitializer) { probe = (ArrayInitializer) probe[0]; } else if (dimensions > i) { continue; } else { return; } } } protected override void Error_NegativeArrayIndex (ResolveContext ec, Location loc) { ec.Report.Error (248, loc, "Cannot create an array with a negative size"); } bool InitializersContainAwait () { if (array_data == null) return false; foreach (var expr in array_data) { if (expr.ContainsEmitWithAwait ()) return true; } return false; } protected virtual Expression ResolveArrayElement (ResolveContext ec, Expression element) { element = element.Resolve (ec); if (element == null) return null; if (element is CompoundAssign.TargetExpression) { if (first_emit != null) throw new InternalErrorException ("Can only handle one mutator at a time"); first_emit = element; element = first_emit_temp = new LocalTemporary (element.Type); } return Convert.ImplicitConversionRequired ( ec, element, array_element_type, loc); } protected bool ResolveInitializers (ResolveContext ec) { only_constant_initializers = true; if (arguments != null) { bool res = true; for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Count; ++i) { res &= CheckIndices (ec, initializers, i, true, dimensions); if (initializers != null) break; } return res; } arguments = new List (); if (!CheckIndices (ec, initializers, 0, false, dimensions)) return false; UpdateIndices (ec); return true; } // // Resolved the type of the array // bool ResolveArrayType (ResolveContext ec) { // // Lookup the type // FullNamedExpression array_type_expr; if (num_arguments > 0) { array_type_expr = new ComposedCast (requested_base_type, rank); } else { array_type_expr = requested_base_type; } type = array_type_expr.ResolveAsType (ec); if (array_type_expr == null) return false; var ac = type as ArrayContainer; if (ac == null) { ec.Report.Error (622, loc, "Can only use array initializer expressions to assign to array types. Try using a new expression instead"); return false; } array_element_type = ac.Element; dimensions = ac.Rank; return true; } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { if (type != null) return this; if (!ResolveArrayType (ec)) return null; // // validate the initializers and fill in any missing bits // if (!ResolveInitializers (ec)) return null; eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } byte [] MakeByteBlob () { int factor; byte [] data; byte [] element; int count = array_data.Count; TypeSpec element_type = array_element_type; if (element_type.IsEnum) element_type = EnumSpec.GetUnderlyingType (element_type); factor = BuiltinTypeSpec.GetSize (element_type); if (factor == 0) throw new Exception ("unrecognized type in MakeByteBlob: " + element_type); data = new byte [(count * factor + 3) & ~3]; int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var c = array_data[i] as Constant; if (c == null) { idx += factor; continue; } object v = c.GetValue (); switch (element_type.BuiltinType) { case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long: long lval = (long) v; for (int j = 0; j < factor; ++j) { data[idx + j] = (byte) (lval & 0xFF); lval = (lval >> 8); } break; case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong: ulong ulval = (ulong) v; for (int j = 0; j < factor; ++j) { data[idx + j] = (byte) (ulval & 0xFF); ulval = (ulval >> 8); } break; case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float: element = BitConverter.GetBytes ((float) v); for (int j = 0; j < factor; ++j) data[idx + j] = element[j]; if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) System.Array.Reverse (data, idx, 4); break; case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double: element = BitConverter.GetBytes ((double) v); for (int j = 0; j < factor; ++j) data[idx + j] = element[j]; // FIXME: Handle the ARM float format. if (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) System.Array.Reverse (data, idx, 8); break; case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char: int chval = (int) ((char) v); data[idx] = (byte) (chval & 0xff); data[idx + 1] = (byte) (chval >> 8); break; case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short: int sval = (int) ((short) v); data[idx] = (byte) (sval & 0xff); data[idx + 1] = (byte) (sval >> 8); break; case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort: int usval = (int) ((ushort) v); data[idx] = (byte) (usval & 0xff); data[idx + 1] = (byte) (usval >> 8); break; case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int: int val = (int) v; data[idx] = (byte) (val & 0xff); data[idx + 1] = (byte) ((val >> 8) & 0xff); data[idx + 2] = (byte) ((val >> 16) & 0xff); data[idx + 3] = (byte) (val >> 24); break; case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt: uint uval = (uint) v; data[idx] = (byte) (uval & 0xff); data[idx + 1] = (byte) ((uval >> 8) & 0xff); data[idx + 2] = (byte) ((uval >> 16) & 0xff); data[idx + 3] = (byte) (uval >> 24); break; case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte: data[idx] = (byte) (sbyte) v; break; case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte: data[idx] = (byte) v; break; case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Bool: data[idx] = (byte) ((bool) v ? 1 : 0); break; case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Decimal: int[] bits = Decimal.GetBits ((decimal) v); int p = idx; // FIXME: For some reason, this doesn't work on the MS runtime. int[] nbits = new int[4]; nbits[0] = bits[3]; nbits[1] = bits[2]; nbits[2] = bits[0]; nbits[3] = bits[1]; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { data[p++] = (byte) (nbits[j] & 0xff); data[p++] = (byte) ((nbits[j] >> 8) & 0xff); data[p++] = (byte) ((nbits[j] >> 16) & 0xff); data[p++] = (byte) (nbits[j] >> 24); } break; default: throw new Exception ("Unrecognized type in MakeByteBlob: " + element_type); } idx += factor; } return data; } #if NET_4_0 public override SLE.Expression MakeExpression (BuilderContext ctx) { #if STATIC return base.MakeExpression (ctx); #else var initializers = new SLE.Expression [array_data.Count]; for (var i = 0; i < initializers.Length; i++) { if (array_data [i] == null) initializers [i] = SLE.Expression.Default (array_element_type.GetMetaInfo ()); else initializers [i] = array_data [i].MakeExpression (ctx); } return SLE.Expression.NewArrayInit (array_element_type.GetMetaInfo (), initializers); #endif } #endif #if STATIC // // Emits the initializers for the array // void EmitStaticInitializers (EmitContext ec, FieldExpr stackArray) { var m = ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.RuntimeHelpersInitializeArray.Resolve (loc); if (m == null) return; // // First, the static data // byte [] data = MakeByteBlob (); var fb = ec.CurrentTypeDefinition.Module.MakeStaticData (data, loc); if (stackArray == null) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Dup); } else { stackArray.Emit (ec); } ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldtoken, fb); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Call, m); } #endif // // Emits pieces of the array that can not be computed at compile // time (variables and string locations). // // This always expect the top value on the stack to be the array // void EmitDynamicInitializers (EmitContext ec, bool emitConstants, FieldExpr stackArray) { int dims = bounds.Count; var current_pos = new int [dims]; for (int i = 0; i < array_data.Count; i++){ Expression e = array_data [i]; var c = e as Constant; // Constant can be initialized via StaticInitializer if (c == null || (c != null && emitConstants && !c.IsDefaultInitializer (array_element_type))) { var etype = e.Type; if (stackArray != null) { if (e.ContainsEmitWithAwait ()) { e = e.EmitToField (ec); } stackArray.Emit (ec); } else { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Dup); } for (int idx = 0; idx < dims; idx++) ec.EmitInt (current_pos [idx]); // // If we are dealing with a struct, get the // address of it, so we can store it. // if (dims == 1 && etype.IsStruct) { switch (etype.BuiltinType) { case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Byte: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.SByte: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Bool: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Short: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UShort: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Char: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Int: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Float: case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Double: break; default: ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldelema, etype); break; } } e.Emit (ec); ec.EmitArrayStore ((ArrayContainer) type); } // // Advance counter // for (int j = dims - 1; j >= 0; j--){ current_pos [j]++; if (current_pos [j] < bounds [j]) break; current_pos [j] = 0; } } } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { if (first_emit != null) { first_emit.Emit (ec); first_emit_temp.Store (ec); } FieldExpr await_stack_field; if (ec.HasSet (BuilderContext.Options.AsyncBody) && InitializersContainAwait ()) { await_stack_field = ec.GetTemporaryField (type); ec.EmitThis (); } else { await_stack_field = null; } EmitExpressionsList (ec, arguments); ec.EmitArrayNew ((ArrayContainer) type); if (initializers == null) return; if (await_stack_field != null) await_stack_field.EmitAssignFromStack (ec); #if STATIC // // Emit static initializer for arrays which contain more than 2 items and // the static initializer will initialize at least 25% of array values or there // is more than 10 items to be initialized // // NOTE: const_initializers_count does not contain default constant values. // if (const_initializers_count > 2 && (array_data.Count > 10 || const_initializers_count * 4 > (array_data.Count)) && (BuiltinTypeSpec.IsPrimitiveType (array_element_type) || array_element_type.IsEnum)) { EmitStaticInitializers (ec, await_stack_field); if (!only_constant_initializers) EmitDynamicInitializers (ec, false, await_stack_field); } else #endif { EmitDynamicInitializers (ec, true, await_stack_field); } if (await_stack_field != null) await_stack_field.Emit (ec); if (first_emit_temp != null) first_emit_temp.Release (ec); } public override void EncodeAttributeValue (IMemberContext rc, AttributeEncoder enc, TypeSpec targetType) { // no multi dimensional or jagged arrays if (arguments.Count != 1 || array_element_type.IsArray) { base.EncodeAttributeValue (rc, enc, targetType); return; } // No array covariance, except for array -> object if (type != targetType) { if (targetType.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Object) { base.EncodeAttributeValue (rc, enc, targetType); return; } if (enc.Encode (type) == AttributeEncoder.EncodedTypeProperties.DynamicType) { Attribute.Error_AttributeArgumentIsDynamic (rc, loc); return; } } // Single dimensional array of 0 size if (array_data == null) { IntConstant ic = arguments[0] as IntConstant; if (ic == null || !ic.IsDefaultValue) { base.EncodeAttributeValue (rc, enc, targetType); } else { enc.Encode (0); } return; } enc.Encode (array_data.Count); foreach (var element in array_data) { element.EncodeAttributeValue (rc, enc, array_element_type); } } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { ArrayCreation target = (ArrayCreation) t; if (requested_base_type != null) target.requested_base_type = (FullNamedExpression)requested_base_type.Clone (clonectx); if (arguments != null){ target.arguments = new List (arguments.Count); foreach (Expression e in arguments) target.arguments.Add (e.Clone (clonectx)); } if (initializers != null) target.initializers = (ArrayInitializer) initializers.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } // // Represents an implicitly typed array epxression // class ImplicitlyTypedArrayCreation : ArrayCreation { sealed class InferenceContext : TypeInferenceContext { class ExpressionBoundInfo : BoundInfo { readonly Expression expr; public ExpressionBoundInfo (Expression expr) : base (expr.Type, BoundKind.Lower) { this.expr = expr; } public override bool Equals (BoundInfo other) { // We are using expression not type for conversion check // no optimization based on types is possible return false; } public override Expression GetTypeExpression () { return expr; } } public void AddExpression (Expression expr) { AddToBounds (new ExpressionBoundInfo (expr), 0); } } InferenceContext best_type_inference; public ImplicitlyTypedArrayCreation (ComposedTypeSpecifier rank, ArrayInitializer initializers, Location loc) : base (null, rank, initializers, loc) { } public ImplicitlyTypedArrayCreation (ArrayInitializer initializers, Location loc) : base (null, initializers, loc) { } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { if (type != null) return this; dimensions = rank.Dimension; best_type_inference = new InferenceContext (); if (!ResolveInitializers (ec)) return null; best_type_inference.FixAllTypes (ec); array_element_type = best_type_inference.InferredTypeArguments[0]; best_type_inference = null; if (array_element_type == null || array_element_type == InternalType.NullLiteral || array_element_type == InternalType.MethodGroup || array_element_type == InternalType.AnonymousMethod || arguments.Count != rank.Dimension) { ec.Report.Error (826, loc, "The type of an implicitly typed array cannot be inferred from the initializer. Try specifying array type explicitly"); return null; } // // At this point we found common base type for all initializer elements // but we have to be sure that all static initializer elements are of // same type // UnifyInitializerElement (ec); type = ArrayContainer.MakeType (ec.Module, array_element_type, dimensions); eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } // // Converts static initializer only // void UnifyInitializerElement (ResolveContext ec) { for (int i = 0; i < array_data.Count; ++i) { Expression e = array_data[i]; if (e != null) array_data [i] = Convert.ImplicitConversion (ec, e, array_element_type, Location.Null); } } protected override Expression ResolveArrayElement (ResolveContext ec, Expression element) { element = element.Resolve (ec); if (element != null) best_type_inference.AddExpression (element); return element; } } sealed class CompilerGeneratedThis : This { public CompilerGeneratedThis (TypeSpec type, Location loc) : base (loc) { this.type = type; eclass = ExprClass.Variable; } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { return this; } public override HoistedVariable GetHoistedVariable (AnonymousExpression ae) { return null; } } /// /// Represents the `this' construct /// public class This : VariableReference { sealed class ThisVariable : ILocalVariable { public static readonly ILocalVariable Instance = new ThisVariable (); public void Emit (EmitContext ec) { ec.EmitThis (); } public void EmitAssign (EmitContext ec) { throw new InvalidOperationException (); } public void EmitAddressOf (EmitContext ec) { ec.EmitThis (); } } VariableInfo variable_info; public This (Location loc) { this.loc = loc; } #region Properties public override string Name { get { return "this"; } } public override bool IsLockedByStatement { get { return false; } set { } } public override bool IsRef { get { return type.IsStruct; } } public override bool IsSideEffectFree { get { return true; } } protected override ILocalVariable Variable { get { return ThisVariable.Instance; } } public override VariableInfo VariableInfo { get { return variable_info; } } public override bool IsFixed { get { return false; } } #endregion public void CheckStructThisDefiniteAssignment (ResolveContext rc) { // // It's null for all cases when we don't need to check `this' // definitive assignment // if (variable_info == null) return; if (rc.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.OmitStructFlowAnalysis)) return; if (!variable_info.IsAssigned (rc)) { rc.Report.Error (188, loc, "The `this' object cannot be used before all of its fields are assigned to"); } } protected virtual void Error_ThisNotAvailable (ResolveContext ec) { if (ec.IsStatic && !ec.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.ConstantScope)) { ec.Report.Error (26, loc, "Keyword `this' is not valid in a static property, static method, or static field initializer"); } else if (ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod != null) { ec.Report.Error (1673, loc, "Anonymous methods inside structs cannot access instance members of `this'. " + "Consider copying `this' to a local variable outside the anonymous method and using the local instead"); } else { ec.Report.Error (27, loc, "Keyword `this' is not available in the current context"); } } public override HoistedVariable GetHoistedVariable (AnonymousExpression ae) { if (ae == null) return null; AnonymousMethodStorey storey = ae.Storey; while (storey != null) { AnonymousMethodStorey temp = storey.Parent as AnonymousMethodStorey; if (temp == null) return storey.HoistedThis; storey = temp; } return null; } public static bool IsThisAvailable (ResolveContext ec, bool ignoreAnonymous) { if (ec.IsStatic || ec.HasAny (ResolveContext.Options.FieldInitializerScope | ResolveContext.Options.BaseInitializer | ResolveContext.Options.ConstantScope)) return false; if (ignoreAnonymous || ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod == null) return true; if (ec.CurrentType.IsStruct && !(ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod is StateMachineInitializer)) return false; return true; } public virtual void ResolveBase (ResolveContext ec) { eclass = ExprClass.Variable; type = ec.CurrentType; if (!IsThisAvailable (ec, false)) { Error_ThisNotAvailable (ec); return; } var block = ec.CurrentBlock; if (block != null) { if (block.ParametersBlock.TopBlock.ThisVariable != null) variable_info = block.ParametersBlock.TopBlock.ThisVariable.VariableInfo; AnonymousExpression am = ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod; if (am != null && ec.IsVariableCapturingRequired) { am.SetHasThisAccess (); } } } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { ResolveBase (ec); CheckStructThisDefiniteAssignment (ec); return this; } public override Expression DoResolveLValue (ResolveContext ec, Expression right_side) { if (eclass == ExprClass.Unresolved) ResolveBase (ec); if (variable_info != null) variable_info.SetAssigned (ec); if (type.IsClass){ if (right_side == EmptyExpression.UnaryAddress) ec.Report.Error (459, loc, "Cannot take the address of `this' because it is read-only"); else if (right_side == EmptyExpression.OutAccess) ec.Report.Error (1605, loc, "Cannot pass `this' as a ref or out argument because it is read-only"); else ec.Report.Error (1604, loc, "Cannot assign to `this' because it is read-only"); } return this; } public override int GetHashCode() { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public override bool Equals (object obj) { This t = obj as This; if (t == null) return false; return true; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { // Nothing } public override void SetHasAddressTaken () { // Nothing } public override void VerifyAssigned (ResolveContext rc) { } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } /// /// Represents the `__arglist' construct /// public class ArglistAccess : Expression { public ArglistAccess (Location loc) { this.loc = loc; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression target) { // nothing. } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return false; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { throw new NotSupportedException ("ET"); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { eclass = ExprClass.Variable; type = ec.Module.PredefinedTypes.RuntimeArgumentHandle.Resolve (); if (ec.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.FieldInitializerScope) || !ec.CurrentBlock.ParametersBlock.Parameters.HasArglist) { ec.Report.Error (190, loc, "The __arglist construct is valid only within a variable argument method"); } return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Arglist); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } /// /// Represents the `__arglist (....)' construct /// public class Arglist : Expression { Arguments arguments; public Arglist (Location loc) : this (null, loc) { } public Arglist (Arguments args, Location l) { arguments = args; loc = l; } public Arguments Arguments { get { return arguments; } } public MetaType[] ArgumentTypes { get { if (arguments == null) return MetaType.EmptyTypes; var retval = new MetaType[arguments.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < retval.Length; i++) retval[i] = arguments[i].Expr.Type.GetMetaInfo (); return retval; } } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { ec.Report.Error (1952, loc, "An expression tree cannot contain a method with variable arguments"); return null; } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { eclass = ExprClass.Variable; type = InternalType.Arglist; if (arguments != null) { bool dynamic; // Can be ignored as there is always only 1 overload arguments.Resolve (ec, out dynamic); } return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { if (arguments != null) arguments.Emit (ec); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { Arglist target = (Arglist) t; if (arguments != null) target.arguments = arguments.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class RefValueExpr : ShimExpression { FullNamedExpression texpr; public RefValueExpr (Expression expr, FullNamedExpression texpr, Location loc) : base (expr) { this.texpr = texpr; this.loc = loc; } public FullNamedExpression TypeExpression { get { return texpr; } } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return false; } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext rc) { expr = expr.Resolve (rc); type = texpr.ResolveAsType (rc); if (expr == null || type == null) return null; expr = Convert.ImplicitConversionRequired (rc, expr, rc.Module.PredefinedTypes.TypedReference.Resolve (), loc); eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { expr.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Refanyval, type); ec.EmitLoadFromPtr (type); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class RefTypeExpr : ShimExpression { public RefTypeExpr (Expression expr, Location loc) : base (expr) { this.loc = loc; } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext rc) { expr = expr.Resolve (rc); if (expr == null) return null; expr = Convert.ImplicitConversionRequired (rc, expr, rc.Module.PredefinedTypes.TypedReference.Resolve (), loc); if (expr == null) return null; type = rc.BuiltinTypes.Type; eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { expr.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Refanytype); var m = ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.TypeGetTypeFromHandle.Resolve (loc); if (m != null) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Call, m); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class MakeRefExpr : ShimExpression { public MakeRefExpr (Expression expr, Location loc) : base (expr) { this.loc = loc; } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { throw new NotImplementedException (); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext rc) { expr = expr.ResolveLValue (rc, EmptyExpression.LValueMemberAccess); type = rc.Module.PredefinedTypes.TypedReference.Resolve (); eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { ((IMemoryLocation) expr).AddressOf (ec, AddressOp.Load); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Mkrefany, expr.Type); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } /// /// Implements the typeof operator /// public class TypeOf : Expression { FullNamedExpression QueriedType; TypeSpec typearg; public TypeOf (FullNamedExpression queried_type, Location l) { QueriedType = queried_type; loc = l; } // // Use this constructor for any compiler generated typeof expression // public TypeOf (TypeSpec type, Location loc) { this.typearg = type; this.loc = loc; } #region Properties public override bool IsSideEffectFree { get { return true; } } public TypeSpec TypeArgument { get { return typearg; } } public FullNamedExpression TypeExpression { get { return QueriedType; } } #endregion protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { TypeOf target = (TypeOf) t; if (QueriedType != null) target.QueriedType = (FullNamedExpression) QueriedType.Clone (clonectx); } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return false; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Arguments args = new Arguments (2); args.Add (new Argument (this)); args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (new TypeExpression (type, loc), loc))); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Constant", args); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { if (eclass != ExprClass.Unresolved) return this; if (typearg == null) { // // Pointer types are allowed without explicit unsafe, they are just tokens // using (ec.Set (ResolveContext.Options.UnsafeScope)) { typearg = QueriedType.ResolveAsType (ec); } if (typearg == null) return null; if (typearg.Kind == MemberKind.Void && !(QueriedType is TypeExpression)) { ec.Report.Error (673, loc, "System.Void cannot be used from C#. Use typeof (void) to get the void type object"); } else if (typearg.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) { ec.Report.Error (1962, QueriedType.Location, "The typeof operator cannot be used on the dynamic type"); } } type = ec.BuiltinTypes.Type; // Even though what is returned is a type object, it's treated as a value by the compiler. // In particular, 'typeof (Foo).X' is something totally different from 'Foo.X'. eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } static bool ContainsDynamicType (TypeSpec type) { if (type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) return true; var element_container = type as ElementTypeSpec; if (element_container != null) return ContainsDynamicType (element_container.Element); foreach (var t in type.TypeArguments) { if (ContainsDynamicType (t)) { return true; } } return false; } public override void EncodeAttributeValue (IMemberContext rc, AttributeEncoder enc, TypeSpec targetType) { // Target type is not System.Type therefore must be object // and we need to use different encoding sequence if (targetType != type) enc.Encode (type); if (typearg is InflatedTypeSpec) { var gt = typearg; do { if (InflatedTypeSpec.ContainsTypeParameter (gt)) { rc.Module.Compiler.Report.Error (416, loc, "`{0}': an attribute argument cannot use type parameters", typearg.GetSignatureForError ()); return; } gt = gt.DeclaringType; } while (gt != null); } if (ContainsDynamicType (typearg)) { Attribute.Error_AttributeArgumentIsDynamic (rc, loc); return; } enc.EncodeTypeName (typearg); } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldtoken, typearg); var m = ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.TypeGetTypeFromHandle.Resolve (loc); if (m != null) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Call, m); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } sealed class TypeOfMethod : TypeOfMember { public TypeOfMethod (MethodSpec method, Location loc) : base (method, loc) { } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { if (member.IsConstructor) { type = ec.Module.PredefinedTypes.ConstructorInfo.Resolve (); } else { type = ec.Module.PredefinedTypes.MethodInfo.Resolve (); } if (type == null) return null; return base.DoResolve (ec); } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldtoken, member); base.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Castclass, type); } protected override PredefinedMember GetTypeFromHandle (EmitContext ec) { return ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.MethodInfoGetMethodFromHandle; } protected override PredefinedMember GetTypeFromHandleGeneric (EmitContext ec) { return ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.MethodInfoGetMethodFromHandle2; } } abstract class TypeOfMember : Expression where T : MemberSpec { protected readonly T member; protected TypeOfMember (T member, Location loc) { this.member = member; this.loc = loc; } public override bool IsSideEffectFree { get { return true; } } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return false; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Arguments args = new Arguments (2); args.Add (new Argument (this)); args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (type, loc))); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Constant", args); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { bool is_generic = member.DeclaringType.IsGenericOrParentIsGeneric; PredefinedMember p; if (is_generic) { p = GetTypeFromHandleGeneric (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldtoken, member.DeclaringType); } else { p = GetTypeFromHandle (ec); } var mi = p.Resolve (loc); if (mi != null) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Call, mi); } protected abstract PredefinedMember GetTypeFromHandle (EmitContext ec); protected abstract PredefinedMember GetTypeFromHandleGeneric (EmitContext ec); } sealed class TypeOfField : TypeOfMember { public TypeOfField (FieldSpec field, Location loc) : base (field, loc) { } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { type = ec.Module.PredefinedTypes.FieldInfo.Resolve (); if (type == null) return null; return base.DoResolve (ec); } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldtoken, member); base.Emit (ec); } protected override PredefinedMember GetTypeFromHandle (EmitContext ec) { return ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.FieldInfoGetFieldFromHandle; } protected override PredefinedMember GetTypeFromHandleGeneric (EmitContext ec) { return ec.Module.PredefinedMembers.FieldInfoGetFieldFromHandle2; } } /// /// Implements the sizeof expression /// public class SizeOf : Expression { readonly Expression texpr; TypeSpec type_queried; public SizeOf (Expression queried_type, Location l) { this.texpr = queried_type; loc = l; } public override bool IsSideEffectFree { get { return true; } } public Expression TypeExpression { get { return texpr; } } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return false; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Error_PointerInsideExpressionTree (ec); return null; } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { type_queried = texpr.ResolveAsType (ec); if (type_queried == null) return null; if (type_queried.IsEnum) type_queried = EnumSpec.GetUnderlyingType (type_queried); int size_of = BuiltinTypeSpec.GetSize (type_queried); if (size_of > 0) { return new IntConstant (ec.BuiltinTypes, size_of, loc); } if (!TypeManager.VerifyUnmanaged (ec.Module, type_queried, loc)){ return null; } if (!ec.IsUnsafe) { ec.Report.Error (233, loc, "`{0}' does not have a predefined size, therefore sizeof can only be used in an unsafe context (consider using System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf)", TypeManager.CSharpName (type_queried)); } type = ec.BuiltinTypes.Int; eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Sizeof, type_queried); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } /// /// Implements the qualified-alias-member (::) expression. /// public class QualifiedAliasMember : MemberAccess { readonly string alias; public static readonly string GlobalAlias = "global"; public QualifiedAliasMember (string alias, string identifier, Location l) : base (null, identifier, l) { this.alias = alias; } public QualifiedAliasMember (string alias, string identifier, TypeArguments targs, Location l) : base (null, identifier, targs, l) { this.alias = alias; } public QualifiedAliasMember (string alias, string identifier, int arity, Location l) : base (null, identifier, arity, l) { this.alias = alias; } public string Alias { get { return alias; } } public override FullNamedExpression ResolveAsTypeOrNamespace (IMemberContext ec) { if (alias == GlobalAlias) { expr = ec.Module.GlobalRootNamespace; return base.ResolveAsTypeOrNamespace (ec); } int errors = ec.Module.Compiler.Report.Errors; expr = ec.LookupNamespaceAlias (alias); if (expr == null) { if (errors == ec.Module.Compiler.Report.Errors) ec.Module.Compiler.Report.Error (432, loc, "Alias `{0}' not found", alias); return null; } return base.ResolveAsTypeOrNamespace (ec); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { return ResolveAsTypeOrNamespace (ec); } public override string GetSignatureForError () { string name = Name; if (targs != null) { name = Name + "<" + targs.GetSignatureForError () + ">"; } return alias + "::" + name; } public override Expression LookupNameExpression (ResolveContext rc, MemberLookupRestrictions restrictions) { if ((restrictions & MemberLookupRestrictions.InvocableOnly) != 0) { rc.Module.Compiler.Report.Error (687, loc, "The namespace alias qualifier `::' cannot be used to invoke a method. Consider using `.' instead", GetSignatureForError ()); return null; } return DoResolve (rc); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { // Nothing } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } /// /// Implements the member access expression /// public class MemberAccess : ATypeNameExpression { protected Expression expr; public MemberAccess (Expression expr, string id) : base (id, expr.Location) { this.expr = expr; } public MemberAccess (Expression expr, string identifier, Location loc) : base (identifier, loc) { this.expr = expr; } public MemberAccess (Expression expr, string identifier, TypeArguments args, Location loc) : base (identifier, args, loc) { this.expr = expr; } public MemberAccess (Expression expr, string identifier, int arity, Location loc) : base (identifier, arity, loc) { this.expr = expr; } public Expression LeftExpression { get { return expr; } } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext rc) { var e = DoResolveName (rc, null); if (!rc.OmitStructFlowAnalysis) { var fe = e as FieldExpr; if (fe != null) { fe.VerifyAssignedStructField (rc, null); } } return e; } public override Expression DoResolveLValue (ResolveContext rc, Expression rhs) { var e = DoResolveName (rc, rhs); if (!rc.OmitStructFlowAnalysis) { var fe = e as FieldExpr; if (fe != null && fe.InstanceExpression is FieldExpr) { fe = (FieldExpr) fe.InstanceExpression; fe.VerifyAssignedStructField (rc, rhs); } } return e; } Expression DoResolveName (ResolveContext rc, Expression right_side) { Expression e = LookupNameExpression (rc, right_side == null ? MemberLookupRestrictions.ReadAccess : MemberLookupRestrictions.None); if (e == null) return null; if (right_side != null) { if (e is TypeExpr) { e.Error_UnexpectedKind (rc, ResolveFlags.VariableOrValue, loc); return null; } e = e.ResolveLValue (rc, right_side); } else { e = e.Resolve (rc, ResolveFlags.VariableOrValue | ResolveFlags.Type); } return e; } protected virtual void Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (ResolveContext rc, TypeSpec type) { if (type == InternalType.NullLiteral && rc.IsRuntimeBinder) rc.Report.Error (Report.RuntimeErrorId, loc, "Cannot perform member binding on `null' value"); else expr.Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (rc, loc, ".", type); } public static bool IsValidDotExpression (TypeSpec type) { const MemberKind dot_kinds = MemberKind.Class | MemberKind.Struct | MemberKind.Delegate | MemberKind.Enum | MemberKind.Interface | MemberKind.TypeParameter | MemberKind.ArrayType; return (type.Kind & dot_kinds) != 0 || type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic; } public override Expression LookupNameExpression (ResolveContext rc, MemberLookupRestrictions restrictions) { var sn = expr as SimpleName; const ResolveFlags flags = ResolveFlags.VariableOrValue | ResolveFlags.Type; // // Resolve the expression with flow analysis turned off, we'll do the definite // assignment checks later. This is because we don't know yet what the expression // will resolve to - it may resolve to a FieldExpr and in this case we must do the // definite assignment check on the actual field and not on the whole struct. // using (rc.Set (ResolveContext.Options.OmitStructFlowAnalysis)) { if (sn != null) { expr = sn.LookupNameExpression (rc, MemberLookupRestrictions.ReadAccess | MemberLookupRestrictions.ExactArity); // // Resolve expression which does have type set as we need expression type // with disable flow analysis as we don't know whether left side expression // is used as variable or type // if (expr is VariableReference || expr is ConstantExpr || expr is Linq.TransparentMemberAccess) { using (rc.With (ResolveContext.Options.DoFlowAnalysis, false)) { expr = expr.Resolve (rc); } } else if (expr is TypeParameterExpr) { expr.Error_UnexpectedKind (rc, flags, sn.Location); expr = null; } } else { expr = expr.Resolve (rc, flags); } } if (expr == null) return null; Namespace ns = expr as Namespace; if (ns != null) { var retval = ns.LookupTypeOrNamespace (rc, Name, Arity, LookupMode.Normal, loc); if (retval == null) { ns.Error_NamespaceDoesNotExist (rc, Name, Arity, loc); return null; } if (HasTypeArguments) return new GenericTypeExpr (retval.Type, targs, loc); return retval; } MemberExpr me; TypeSpec expr_type = expr.Type; if (expr_type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) { me = expr as MemberExpr; if (me != null) me.ResolveInstanceExpression (rc, null); // // Run defined assigned checks on expressions resolved with // disabled flow-analysis // if (sn != null) { var vr = expr as VariableReference; if (vr != null) vr.VerifyAssigned (rc); } Arguments args = new Arguments (1); args.Add (new Argument (expr)); return new DynamicMemberBinder (Name, args, loc); } if (!IsValidDotExpression (expr_type)) { Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (rc, expr_type); return null; } var lookup_arity = Arity; bool errorMode = false; Expression member_lookup; while (true) { member_lookup = MemberLookup (rc, errorMode, expr_type, Name, lookup_arity, restrictions, loc); if (member_lookup == null) { // // Try to look for extension method when member lookup failed // if (MethodGroupExpr.IsExtensionMethodArgument (expr)) { var methods = rc.LookupExtensionMethod (expr_type, Name, lookup_arity); if (methods != null) { var emg = new ExtensionMethodGroupExpr (methods, expr, loc); if (HasTypeArguments) { if (!targs.Resolve (rc)) return null; emg.SetTypeArguments (rc, targs); } // // Run defined assigned checks on expressions resolved with // disabled flow-analysis // if (sn != null && !errorMode) { var vr = expr as VariableReference; if (vr != null) vr.VerifyAssigned (rc); } // TODO: it should really skip the checks bellow return emg.Resolve (rc); } } } if (errorMode) { if (member_lookup == null) { var dep = expr_type.GetMissingDependencies (); if (dep != null) { ImportedTypeDefinition.Error_MissingDependency (rc, dep, loc); } else if (expr is TypeExpr) { base.Error_TypeDoesNotContainDefinition (rc, expr_type, Name); } else { Error_TypeDoesNotContainDefinition (rc, expr_type, Name); } return null; } if (member_lookup is MethodGroupExpr) { // Leave it to overload resolution to report correct error } else if (!(member_lookup is TypeExpr)) { // TODO: rc.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError ErrorIsInaccesible (rc, member_lookup.GetSignatureForError (), loc); } break; } if (member_lookup != null) break; lookup_arity = 0; restrictions &= ~MemberLookupRestrictions.InvocableOnly; errorMode = true; } TypeExpr texpr = member_lookup as TypeExpr; if (texpr != null) { if (!(expr is TypeExpr)) { me = expr as MemberExpr; if (me == null || me.ProbeIdenticalTypeName (rc, expr, sn) == expr) { rc.Report.Error (572, loc, "`{0}': cannot reference a type through an expression; try `{1}' instead", Name, member_lookup.GetSignatureForError ()); return null; } } if (!texpr.Type.IsAccessible (rc)) { rc.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (member_lookup.Type); ErrorIsInaccesible (rc, member_lookup.Type.GetSignatureForError (), loc); return null; } if (HasTypeArguments) { return new GenericTypeExpr (member_lookup.Type, targs, loc); } return member_lookup; } me = member_lookup as MemberExpr; if (sn != null && me.IsStatic && (expr = me.ProbeIdenticalTypeName (rc, expr, sn)) != expr) { sn = null; } me = me.ResolveMemberAccess (rc, expr, sn); if (Arity > 0) { if (!targs.Resolve (rc)) return null; me.SetTypeArguments (rc, targs); } // // Run defined assigned checks on expressions resolved with // disabled flow-analysis // if (sn != null && !(me is FieldExpr && TypeSpec.IsValueType (expr_type))) { var vr = expr as VariableReference; if (vr != null) vr.VerifyAssigned (rc); } return me; } public override FullNamedExpression ResolveAsTypeOrNamespace (IMemberContext rc) { FullNamedExpression fexpr = expr as FullNamedExpression; if (fexpr == null) { expr.ResolveAsType (rc); return null; } FullNamedExpression expr_resolved = fexpr.ResolveAsTypeOrNamespace (rc); if (expr_resolved == null) return null; Namespace ns = expr_resolved as Namespace; if (ns != null) { FullNamedExpression retval = ns.LookupTypeOrNamespace (rc, Name, Arity, LookupMode.Normal, loc); if (retval == null) { ns.Error_NamespaceDoesNotExist (rc, Name, Arity, loc); } else if (HasTypeArguments) { retval = new GenericTypeExpr (retval.Type, targs, loc); if (retval.ResolveAsType (rc) == null) return null; } return retval; } var tnew_expr = expr_resolved.ResolveAsType (rc); if (tnew_expr == null) return null; TypeSpec expr_type = tnew_expr; if (TypeManager.IsGenericParameter (expr_type)) { rc.Module.Compiler.Report.Error (704, loc, "A nested type cannot be specified through a type parameter `{0}'", tnew_expr.GetSignatureForError ()); return null; } var qam = this as QualifiedAliasMember; if (qam != null) { rc.Module.Compiler.Report.Error (431, loc, "Alias `{0}' cannot be used with `::' since it denotes a type. Consider replacing `::' with `.'", qam.Alias); } TypeSpec nested = null; while (expr_type != null) { nested = MemberCache.FindNestedType (expr_type, Name, Arity); if (nested == null) { if (expr_type == tnew_expr) { Error_IdentifierNotFound (rc, expr_type, Name); return null; } expr_type = tnew_expr; nested = MemberCache.FindNestedType (expr_type, Name, Arity); ErrorIsInaccesible (rc, nested.GetSignatureForError (), loc); break; } if (nested.IsAccessible (rc)) break; // // Keep looking after inaccessible candidate but only if // we are not in same context as the definition itself // if (expr_type.MemberDefinition == rc.CurrentMemberDefinition) break; expr_type = expr_type.BaseType; } TypeExpr texpr; if (Arity > 0) { if (HasTypeArguments) { texpr = new GenericTypeExpr (nested, targs, loc); } else { texpr = new GenericOpenTypeExpr (nested, loc); } } else { texpr = new TypeExpression (nested, loc); } if (texpr.ResolveAsType (rc) == null) return null; return texpr; } protected virtual void Error_IdentifierNotFound (IMemberContext rc, TypeSpec expr_type, string identifier) { var nested = MemberCache.FindNestedType (expr_type, Name, -System.Math.Max (1, Arity)); if (nested != null) { Error_TypeArgumentsCannotBeUsed (rc, nested, Arity, expr.Location); return; } var any_other_member = MemberLookup (rc, true, expr_type, Name, 0, MemberLookupRestrictions.None, loc); if (any_other_member != null) { any_other_member.Error_UnexpectedKind (rc.Module.Compiler.Report, null, "type", loc); return; } rc.Module.Compiler.Report.Error (426, loc, "The nested type `{0}' does not exist in the type `{1}'", Name, expr_type.GetSignatureForError ()); } protected override void Error_TypeDoesNotContainDefinition (ResolveContext ec, TypeSpec type, string name) { if (ec.Module.Compiler.Settings.Version > LanguageVersion.ISO_2 && !ec.IsRuntimeBinder && MethodGroupExpr.IsExtensionMethodArgument (expr)) { ec.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (type); ec.Report.Error (1061, loc, "Type `{0}' does not contain a definition for `{1}' and no extension method `{1}' of type `{0}' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)", type.GetSignatureForError (), name); return; } base.Error_TypeDoesNotContainDefinition (ec, type, name); } public override string GetSignatureForError () { return expr.GetSignatureForError () + "." + base.GetSignatureForError (); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { MemberAccess target = (MemberAccess) t; target.expr = expr.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } /// /// Implements checked expressions /// public class CheckedExpr : Expression { public Expression Expr; public CheckedExpr (Expression e, Location l) { Expr = e; loc = l; } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return Expr.ContainsEmitWithAwait (); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { using (ec.With (ResolveContext.Options.AllCheckStateFlags, true)) return Expr.CreateExpressionTree (ec); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { using (ec.With (ResolveContext.Options.AllCheckStateFlags, true)) Expr = Expr.Resolve (ec); if (Expr == null) return null; if (Expr is Constant || Expr is MethodGroupExpr || Expr is AnonymousMethodExpression || Expr is DefaultValueExpression) return Expr; eclass = Expr.eclass; type = Expr.Type; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { using (ec.With (EmitContext.Options.CheckedScope, true)) Expr.Emit (ec); } public override void EmitBranchable (EmitContext ec, Label target, bool on_true) { using (ec.With (EmitContext.Options.CheckedScope, true)) Expr.EmitBranchable (ec, target, on_true); } public override SLE.Expression MakeExpression (BuilderContext ctx) { using (ctx.With (BuilderContext.Options.CheckedScope, true)) { return Expr.MakeExpression (ctx); } } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { CheckedExpr target = (CheckedExpr) t; target.Expr = Expr.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } /// /// Implements the unchecked expression /// public class UnCheckedExpr : Expression { public Expression Expr; public UnCheckedExpr (Expression e, Location l) { Expr = e; loc = l; } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return Expr.ContainsEmitWithAwait (); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { using (ec.With (ResolveContext.Options.AllCheckStateFlags, false)) return Expr.CreateExpressionTree (ec); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { using (ec.With (ResolveContext.Options.AllCheckStateFlags, false)) Expr = Expr.Resolve (ec); if (Expr == null) return null; if (Expr is Constant || Expr is MethodGroupExpr || Expr is AnonymousMethodExpression || Expr is DefaultValueExpression) return Expr; eclass = Expr.eclass; type = Expr.Type; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { using (ec.With (EmitContext.Options.CheckedScope, false)) Expr.Emit (ec); } public override void EmitBranchable (EmitContext ec, Label target, bool on_true) { using (ec.With (EmitContext.Options.CheckedScope, false)) Expr.EmitBranchable (ec, target, on_true); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { UnCheckedExpr target = (UnCheckedExpr) t; target.Expr = Expr.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } /// /// An Element Access expression. /// /// During semantic analysis these are transformed into /// IndexerAccess, ArrayAccess or a PointerArithmetic. /// public class ElementAccess : Expression { public Arguments Arguments; public Expression Expr; public ElementAccess (Expression e, Arguments args, Location loc) { Expr = e; this.loc = loc; this.Arguments = args; } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return Expr.ContainsEmitWithAwait () || Arguments.ContainsEmitWithAwait (); } // // We perform some simple tests, and then to "split" the emit and store // code we create an instance of a different class, and return that. // Expression CreateAccessExpression (ResolveContext ec) { if (type.IsArray) return (new ArrayAccess (this, loc)); if (type.IsPointer) return MakePointerAccess (ec, type); FieldExpr fe = Expr as FieldExpr; if (fe != null) { var ff = fe.Spec as FixedFieldSpec; if (ff != null) { return MakePointerAccess (ec, ff.ElementType); } } var indexers = MemberCache.FindMembers (type, MemberCache.IndexerNameAlias, false); if (indexers != null || type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) { return new IndexerExpr (indexers, type, this); } ec.Report.Error (21, loc, "Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type `{0}'", type.GetSignatureForError ()); return null; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Arguments args = Arguments.CreateForExpressionTree (ec, Arguments, Expr.CreateExpressionTree (ec)); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "ArrayIndex", args); } Expression MakePointerAccess (ResolveContext ec, TypeSpec type) { if (Arguments.Count != 1){ ec.Report.Error (196, loc, "A pointer must be indexed by only one value"); return null; } if (Arguments [0] is NamedArgument) Error_NamedArgument ((NamedArgument) Arguments[0], ec.Report); Expression p = new PointerArithmetic (Binary.Operator.Addition, Expr, Arguments [0].Expr.Resolve (ec), type, loc); return new Indirection (p, loc); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { Expr = Expr.Resolve (ec); if (Expr == null) return null; type = Expr.Type; // TODO: Create 1 result for Resolve and ResolveLValue ? var res = CreateAccessExpression (ec); if (res == null) return null; return res.Resolve (ec); } public override Expression DoResolveLValue (ResolveContext ec, Expression rhs) { Expr = Expr.Resolve (ec); if (Expr == null) return null; type = Expr.Type; var res = CreateAccessExpression (ec); if (res == null) return null; bool lvalue_instance = rhs != null && type.IsStruct && (Expr is Invocation || Expr is PropertyExpr); if (lvalue_instance) { Expr.Error_ValueAssignment (ec, EmptyExpression.LValueMemberAccess); } return res.ResolveLValue (ec, rhs); } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { throw new Exception ("Should never be reached"); } public static void Error_NamedArgument (NamedArgument na, Report Report) { Report.Error (1742, na.Location, "An element access expression cannot use named argument"); } public override string GetSignatureForError () { return Expr.GetSignatureForError (); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { ElementAccess target = (ElementAccess) t; target.Expr = Expr.Clone (clonectx); if (Arguments != null) target.Arguments = Arguments.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } /// /// Implements array access /// public class ArrayAccess : Expression, IDynamicAssign, IMemoryLocation { // // Points to our "data" repository // ElementAccess ea; LocalTemporary temp; bool prepared; bool? has_await_args; public ArrayAccess (ElementAccess ea_data, Location l) { ea = ea_data; loc = l; } public void AddressOf (EmitContext ec, AddressOp mode) { var ac = (ArrayContainer) ea.Expr.Type; LoadInstanceAndArguments (ec, false, false); if (ac.Element.IsGenericParameter && mode == AddressOp.Load) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Readonly); ec.EmitArrayAddress (ac); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { return ea.CreateExpressionTree (ec); } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return ea.ContainsEmitWithAwait (); } public override Expression DoResolveLValue (ResolveContext ec, Expression right_side) { return DoResolve (ec); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { // dynamic is used per argument in ConvertExpressionToArrayIndex case bool dynamic; ea.Arguments.Resolve (ec, out dynamic); var ac = ea.Expr.Type as ArrayContainer; int rank = ea.Arguments.Count; if (ac.Rank != rank) { ec.Report.Error (22, ea.Location, "Wrong number of indexes `{0}' inside [], expected `{1}'", rank.ToString (), ac.Rank.ToString ()); return null; } type = ac.Element; if (type.IsPointer && !ec.IsUnsafe) { UnsafeError (ec, ea.Location); } foreach (Argument a in ea.Arguments) { if (a is NamedArgument) ElementAccess.Error_NamedArgument ((NamedArgument) a, ec.Report); a.Expr = ConvertExpressionToArrayIndex (ec, a.Expr); } eclass = ExprClass.Variable; return this; } protected override void Error_NegativeArrayIndex (ResolveContext ec, Location loc) { ec.Report.Warning (251, 2, loc, "Indexing an array with a negative index (array indices always start at zero)"); } // // Load the array arguments into the stack. // void LoadInstanceAndArguments (EmitContext ec, bool duplicateArguments, bool prepareAwait) { if (prepareAwait) { ea.Expr = ea.Expr.EmitToField (ec); } else if (duplicateArguments) { ea.Expr.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Dup); var copy = new LocalTemporary (ea.Expr.Type); copy.Store (ec); ea.Expr = copy; } else { ea.Expr.Emit (ec); } var dup_args = ea.Arguments.Emit (ec, duplicateArguments, prepareAwait); if (dup_args != null) ea.Arguments = dup_args; } public void Emit (EmitContext ec, bool leave_copy) { var ac = ea.Expr.Type as ArrayContainer; if (prepared) { ec.EmitLoadFromPtr (type); } else { if (!has_await_args.HasValue && ec.HasSet (BuilderContext.Options.AsyncBody) && ea.Arguments.ContainsEmitWithAwait ()) { LoadInstanceAndArguments (ec, false, true); } LoadInstanceAndArguments (ec, false, false); ec.EmitArrayLoad (ac); } if (leave_copy) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Dup); temp = new LocalTemporary (this.type); temp.Store (ec); } } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { Emit (ec, false); } public void EmitAssign (EmitContext ec, Expression source, bool leave_copy, bool isCompound) { var ac = (ArrayContainer) ea.Expr.Type; TypeSpec t = source.Type; has_await_args = ec.HasSet (BuilderContext.Options.AsyncBody) && (ea.Arguments.ContainsEmitWithAwait () || source.ContainsEmitWithAwait ()); // // When we are dealing with a struct, get the address of it to avoid value copy // Same cannot be done for reference type because array covariance and the // check in ldelema requires to specify the type of array element stored at the index // if (t.IsStruct && ((isCompound && !(source is DynamicExpressionStatement)) || !BuiltinTypeSpec.IsPrimitiveType (t))) { LoadInstanceAndArguments (ec, false, has_await_args.Value); if (has_await_args.Value) { if (source.ContainsEmitWithAwait ()) { source = source.EmitToField (ec); isCompound = false; prepared = true; } LoadInstanceAndArguments (ec, isCompound, false); } else { prepared = true; } ec.EmitArrayAddress (ac); if (isCompound) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Dup); prepared = true; } } else { LoadInstanceAndArguments (ec, isCompound, has_await_args.Value); if (has_await_args.Value) { if (source.ContainsEmitWithAwait ()) source = source.EmitToField (ec); LoadInstanceAndArguments (ec, false, false); } } source.Emit (ec); if (isCompound) { var lt = ea.Expr as LocalTemporary; if (lt != null) lt.Release (ec); } if (leave_copy) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Dup); temp = new LocalTemporary (this.type); temp.Store (ec); } if (prepared) { ec.EmitStoreFromPtr (t); } else { ec.EmitArrayStore (ac); } if (temp != null) { temp.Emit (ec); temp.Release (ec); } } public override Expression EmitToField (EmitContext ec) { // // Have to be specialized for arrays to get access to // underlying element. Instead of another result copy we // need direct access to element // // Consider: // // CallRef (ref a[await Task.Factory.StartNew (() => 1)]); // ea.Expr = ea.Expr.EmitToField (ec); return this; } public SLE.Expression MakeAssignExpression (BuilderContext ctx, Expression source) { #if NET_4_0 return SLE.Expression.ArrayAccess (ea.Expr.MakeExpression (ctx), MakeExpressionArguments (ctx)); #else throw new NotImplementedException (); #endif } public override SLE.Expression MakeExpression (BuilderContext ctx) { return SLE.Expression.ArrayIndex (ea.Expr.MakeExpression (ctx), MakeExpressionArguments (ctx)); } SLE.Expression[] MakeExpressionArguments (BuilderContext ctx) { using (ctx.With (BuilderContext.Options.CheckedScope, true)) { return Arguments.MakeExpression (ea.Arguments, ctx); } } } // // Indexer access expression // sealed class IndexerExpr : PropertyOrIndexerExpr, OverloadResolver.IBaseMembersProvider { IList indexers; Arguments arguments; TypeSpec queried_type; public IndexerExpr (IList indexers, TypeSpec queriedType, ElementAccess ea) : base (ea.Location) { this.indexers = indexers; this.queried_type = queriedType; this.InstanceExpression = ea.Expr; this.arguments = ea.Arguments; } #region Properties protected override Arguments Arguments { get { return arguments; } set { arguments = value; } } protected override TypeSpec DeclaringType { get { return best_candidate.DeclaringType; } } public override bool IsInstance { get { return true; } } public override bool IsStatic { get { return false; } } public override string Name { get { return "this"; } } #endregion public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return base.ContainsEmitWithAwait () || arguments.ContainsEmitWithAwait (); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Arguments args = Arguments.CreateForExpressionTree (ec, arguments, InstanceExpression.CreateExpressionTree (ec), new TypeOfMethod (Getter, loc)); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Call", args); } public override void EmitAssign (EmitContext ec, Expression source, bool leave_copy, bool isCompound) { LocalTemporary await_source_arg = null; if (isCompound) { emitting_compound_assignment = true; if (source is DynamicExpressionStatement) { Emit (ec, false); } else { source.Emit (ec); } emitting_compound_assignment = false; if (has_await_arguments) { await_source_arg = new LocalTemporary (Type); await_source_arg.Store (ec); arguments.Add (new Argument (await_source_arg)); if (leave_copy) { temp = await_source_arg; } has_await_arguments = false; } else { arguments = null; if (leave_copy) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Dup); temp = new LocalTemporary (Type); temp.Store (ec); } } } else { if (leave_copy) { if (ec.HasSet (BuilderContext.Options.AsyncBody) && (arguments.ContainsEmitWithAwait () || source.ContainsEmitWithAwait ())) { source = source.EmitToField (ec); } else { temp = new LocalTemporary (Type); source.Emit (ec); temp.Store (ec); source = temp; } } arguments.Add (new Argument (source)); } var call = new CallEmitter (); call.InstanceExpression = InstanceExpression; if (arguments == null) call.InstanceExpressionOnStack = true; call.Emit (ec, Setter, arguments, loc); if (temp != null) { temp.Emit (ec); temp.Release (ec); } else if (leave_copy) { source.Emit (ec); } if (await_source_arg != null) { await_source_arg.Release (ec); } } public override string GetSignatureForError () { return best_candidate.GetSignatureForError (); } public override SLE.Expression MakeAssignExpression (BuilderContext ctx, Expression source) { #if STATIC throw new NotSupportedException (); #else var value = new[] { source.MakeExpression (ctx) }; var args = Arguments.MakeExpression (arguments, ctx).Concat (value); #if NET_4_0 return SLE.Expression.Block ( SLE.Expression.Call (InstanceExpression.MakeExpression (ctx), (MethodInfo) Setter.GetMetaInfo (), args), value [0]); #else return args.First (); #endif #endif } public override SLE.Expression MakeExpression (BuilderContext ctx) { #if STATIC return base.MakeExpression (ctx); #else var args = Arguments.MakeExpression (arguments, ctx); return SLE.Expression.Call (InstanceExpression.MakeExpression (ctx), (MethodInfo) Getter.GetMetaInfo (), args); #endif } protected override Expression OverloadResolve (ResolveContext rc, Expression right_side) { if (best_candidate != null) return this; eclass = ExprClass.IndexerAccess; bool dynamic; arguments.Resolve (rc, out dynamic); if (indexers == null && InstanceExpression.Type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) { dynamic = true; } else { var res = new OverloadResolver (indexers, OverloadResolver.Restrictions.None, loc); res.BaseMembersProvider = this; res.InstanceQualifier = this; // TODO: Do I need 2 argument sets? best_candidate = res.ResolveMember (rc, ref arguments); if (best_candidate != null) type = res.BestCandidateReturnType; else if (!res.BestCandidateIsDynamic) return null; } // // It has dynamic arguments // if (dynamic) { Arguments args = new Arguments (arguments.Count + 1); if (IsBase) { rc.Report.Error (1972, loc, "The indexer base access cannot be dynamically dispatched. Consider casting the dynamic arguments or eliminating the base access"); } else { args.Add (new Argument (InstanceExpression)); } args.AddRange (arguments); best_candidate = null; return new DynamicIndexBinder (args, loc); } // // Try to avoid resolving left expression again // if (right_side != null) ResolveInstanceExpression (rc, right_side); return this; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { IndexerExpr target = (IndexerExpr) t; if (arguments != null) target.arguments = arguments.Clone (clonectx); } public override void SetTypeArguments (ResolveContext ec, TypeArguments ta) { Error_TypeArgumentsCannotBeUsed (ec, "indexer", GetSignatureForError (), loc); } #region IBaseMembersProvider Members IList OverloadResolver.IBaseMembersProvider.GetBaseMembers (TypeSpec baseType) { return baseType == null ? null : MemberCache.FindMembers (baseType, MemberCache.IndexerNameAlias, false); } IParametersMember OverloadResolver.IBaseMembersProvider.GetOverrideMemberParameters (MemberSpec member) { if (queried_type == member.DeclaringType) return null; var filter = new MemberFilter (MemberCache.IndexerNameAlias, 0, MemberKind.Indexer, ((IndexerSpec) member).Parameters, null); return MemberCache.FindMember (queried_type, filter, BindingRestriction.InstanceOnly | BindingRestriction.OverrideOnly) as IParametersMember; } MethodGroupExpr OverloadResolver.IBaseMembersProvider.LookupExtensionMethod (ResolveContext rc) { return null; } #endregion } // // A base access expression // public class BaseThis : This { public BaseThis (Location loc) : base (loc) { } public BaseThis (TypeSpec type, Location loc) : base (loc) { this.type = type; eclass = ExprClass.Variable; } #region Properties public override string Name { get { return "base"; } } #endregion public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { ec.Report.Error (831, loc, "An expression tree may not contain a base access"); return base.CreateExpressionTree (ec); } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { base.Emit (ec); var context_type = ec.CurrentType; if (context_type.IsStruct) { ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldobj, context_type); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Box, context_type); } } protected override void Error_ThisNotAvailable (ResolveContext ec) { if (ec.IsStatic) { ec.Report.Error (1511, loc, "Keyword `base' is not available in a static method"); } else { ec.Report.Error (1512, loc, "Keyword `base' is not available in the current context"); } } public override void ResolveBase (ResolveContext ec) { base.ResolveBase (ec); type = ec.CurrentType.BaseType; } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } /// /// This class exists solely to pass the Type around and to be a dummy /// that can be passed to the conversion functions (this is used by /// foreach implementation to typecast the object return value from /// get_Current into the proper type. All code has been generated and /// we only care about the side effect conversions to be performed /// /// This is also now used as a placeholder where a no-action expression /// is needed (the `New' class). /// public class EmptyExpression : Expression { sealed class OutAccessExpression : EmptyExpression { public OutAccessExpression (TypeSpec t) : base (t) { } public override Expression DoResolveLValue (ResolveContext rc, Expression right_side) { rc.Report.Error (206, right_side.Location, "A property, indexer or dynamic member access may not be passed as `ref' or `out' parameter"); return null; } } public static readonly EmptyExpression LValueMemberAccess = new EmptyExpression (InternalType.FakeInternalType); public static readonly EmptyExpression LValueMemberOutAccess = new EmptyExpression (InternalType.FakeInternalType); public static readonly EmptyExpression UnaryAddress = new EmptyExpression (InternalType.FakeInternalType); public static readonly EmptyExpression EventAddition = new EmptyExpression (InternalType.FakeInternalType); public static readonly EmptyExpression EventSubtraction = new EmptyExpression (InternalType.FakeInternalType); public static readonly EmptyExpression MissingValue = new EmptyExpression (InternalType.FakeInternalType); public static readonly Expression Null = new EmptyExpression (InternalType.FakeInternalType); public static readonly EmptyExpression OutAccess = new OutAccessExpression (InternalType.FakeInternalType); public EmptyExpression (TypeSpec t) { type = t; eclass = ExprClass.Value; loc = Location.Null; } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return false; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { throw new NotSupportedException ("ET"); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { // nothing, as we only exist to not do anything. } public override void EmitSideEffect (EmitContext ec) { } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } sealed class EmptyAwaitExpression : EmptyExpression { public EmptyAwaitExpression (TypeSpec type) : base (type) { } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return true; } } // // Empty statement expression // public sealed class EmptyExpressionStatement : ExpressionStatement { public static readonly EmptyExpressionStatement Instance = new EmptyExpressionStatement (); private EmptyExpressionStatement () { loc = Location.Null; } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return false; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { return null; } public override void EmitStatement (EmitContext ec) { // Do nothing } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { eclass = ExprClass.Value; type = ec.BuiltinTypes.Object; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { // Do nothing } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class ErrorExpression : EmptyExpression { public static readonly ErrorExpression Instance = new ErrorExpression (); private ErrorExpression () : base (InternalType.ErrorType) { } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { return this; } public override Expression DoResolveLValue (ResolveContext rc, Expression right_side) { return this; } public override void Error_UnexpectedKind (ResolveContext ec, ResolveFlags flags, Location loc) { } public override void Error_ValueCannotBeConverted (ResolveContext ec, Location loc, TypeSpec target, bool expl) { } public override void Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (ResolveContext rc, Location loc, string oper, TypeSpec t) { } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class UserCast : Expression { MethodSpec method; Expression source; public UserCast (MethodSpec method, Expression source, Location l) { this.method = method; this.source = source; type = method.ReturnType; loc = l; } public Expression Source { get { return source; } } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return source.ContainsEmitWithAwait (); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Arguments args = new Arguments (3); args.Add (new Argument (source.CreateExpressionTree (ec))); args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (type, loc))); args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOfMethod (method, loc))); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Convert", args); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { ObsoleteAttribute oa = method.GetAttributeObsolete (); if (oa != null) AttributeTester.Report_ObsoleteMessage (oa, GetSignatureForError (), loc, ec.Report); eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { source.Emit (ec); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Call, method); } public override string GetSignatureForError () { return TypeManager.CSharpSignature (method); } public override SLE.Expression MakeExpression (BuilderContext ctx) { #if STATIC return base.MakeExpression (ctx); #else return SLE.Expression.Convert (source.MakeExpression (ctx), type.GetMetaInfo (), (MethodInfo) method.GetMetaInfo ()); #endif } } // // Holds additional type specifiers like ?, *, [] // public class ComposedTypeSpecifier { public static readonly ComposedTypeSpecifier SingleDimension = new ComposedTypeSpecifier (1, Location.Null); public readonly int Dimension; public readonly Location Location; public ComposedTypeSpecifier (int specifier, Location loc) { this.Dimension = specifier; this.Location = loc; } #region Properties public bool IsNullable { get { return Dimension == -1; } } public bool IsPointer { get { return Dimension == -2; } } public ComposedTypeSpecifier Next { get; set; } #endregion public static ComposedTypeSpecifier CreateArrayDimension (int dimension, Location loc) { return new ComposedTypeSpecifier (dimension, loc); } public static ComposedTypeSpecifier CreateNullable (Location loc) { return new ComposedTypeSpecifier (-1, loc); } public static ComposedTypeSpecifier CreatePointer (Location loc) { return new ComposedTypeSpecifier (-2, loc); } public string GetSignatureForError () { string s = IsPointer ? "*" : IsNullable ? "?" : ArrayContainer.GetPostfixSignature (Dimension); return Next != null ? s + Next.GetSignatureForError () : s; } } // // This class is used to "construct" the type during a typecast // operation. Since the Type.GetType class in .NET can parse // the type specification, we just use this to construct the type // one bit at a time. // public class ComposedCast : TypeExpr { FullNamedExpression left; ComposedTypeSpecifier spec; public ComposedCast (FullNamedExpression left, ComposedTypeSpecifier spec) { if (spec == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("spec"); this.left = left; this.spec = spec; this.loc = spec.Location; } public override TypeSpec ResolveAsType (IMemberContext ec) { type = left.ResolveAsType (ec); if (type == null) return null; eclass = ExprClass.Type; var single_spec = spec; if (single_spec.IsNullable) { type = new Nullable.NullableType (type, loc).ResolveAsType (ec); if (type == null) return null; single_spec = single_spec.Next; } else if (single_spec.IsPointer) { if (!TypeManager.VerifyUnmanaged (ec.Module, type, loc)) return null; if (!ec.IsUnsafe) { UnsafeError (ec.Module.Compiler.Report, loc); } do { type = PointerContainer.MakeType (ec.Module, type); single_spec = single_spec.Next; } while (single_spec != null && single_spec.IsPointer); } if (single_spec != null && single_spec.Dimension > 0) { if (type.IsSpecialRuntimeType) { ec.Module.Compiler.Report.Error (611, loc, "Array elements cannot be of type `{0}'", type.GetSignatureForError ()); } else if (type.IsStatic) { ec.Module.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (type); ec.Module.Compiler.Report.Error (719, loc, "Array elements cannot be of static type `{0}'", type.GetSignatureForError ()); } else { MakeArray (ec.Module, single_spec); } } return type; } void MakeArray (ModuleContainer module, ComposedTypeSpecifier spec) { if (spec.Next != null) MakeArray (module, spec.Next); type = ArrayContainer.MakeType (module, type, spec.Dimension); } public override string GetSignatureForError () { return left.GetSignatureForError () + spec.GetSignatureForError (); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } class FixedBufferPtr : Expression { readonly Expression array; public FixedBufferPtr (Expression array, TypeSpec array_type, Location l) { this.type = array_type; this.array = array; this.loc = l; } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Error_PointerInsideExpressionTree (ec); return null; } public override void Emit(EmitContext ec) { array.Emit (ec); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { type = PointerContainer.MakeType (ec.Module, type); eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } } // // This class is used to represent the address of an array, used // only by the Fixed statement, this generates "&a [0]" construct // for fixed (char *pa = a) // class ArrayPtr : FixedBufferPtr { public ArrayPtr (Expression array, TypeSpec array_type, Location l): base (array, array_type, l) { } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { base.Emit (ec); ec.EmitInt (0); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldelema, ((PointerContainer) type).Element); } } // // Encapsulates a conversion rules required for array indexes // public class ArrayIndexCast : TypeCast { public ArrayIndexCast (Expression expr, TypeSpec returnType) : base (expr, returnType) { if (expr.Type == returnType) // int -> int throw new ArgumentException ("unnecessary array index conversion"); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { using (ec.Set (ResolveContext.Options.CheckedScope)) { return base.CreateExpressionTree (ec); } } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { child.Emit (ec); switch (child.Type.BuiltinType) { case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt: ec.Emit (OpCodes.Conv_U); break; case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Long: ec.Emit (OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I); break; case BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.ULong: ec.Emit (OpCodes.Conv_Ovf_I_Un); break; default: throw new InternalErrorException ("Cannot emit cast to unknown array element type", type); } } } // // Implements the `stackalloc' keyword // public class StackAlloc : Expression { TypeSpec otype; Expression t; Expression count; public StackAlloc (Expression type, Expression count, Location l) { t = type; this.count = count; loc = l; } public Expression TypeExpression { get { return this.t; } } public Expression CountExpression { get { return this.count; } } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return false; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { throw new NotSupportedException ("ET"); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { count = count.Resolve (ec); if (count == null) return null; if (count.Type.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.UInt){ count = Convert.ImplicitConversionRequired (ec, count, ec.BuiltinTypes.Int, loc); if (count == null) return null; } Constant c = count as Constant; if (c != null && c.IsNegative) { ec.Report.Error (247, loc, "Cannot use a negative size with stackalloc"); } if (ec.HasAny (ResolveContext.Options.CatchScope | ResolveContext.Options.FinallyScope)) { ec.Report.Error (255, loc, "Cannot use stackalloc in finally or catch"); } otype = t.ResolveAsType (ec); if (otype == null) return null; if (!TypeManager.VerifyUnmanaged (ec.Module, otype, loc)) return null; type = PointerContainer.MakeType (ec.Module, otype); eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { int size = BuiltinTypeSpec.GetSize (otype); count.Emit (ec); if (size == 0) ec.Emit (OpCodes.Sizeof, otype); else ec.EmitInt (size); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Mul_Ovf_Un); ec.Emit (OpCodes.Localloc); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { StackAlloc target = (StackAlloc) t; target.count = count.Clone (clonectx); target.t = t.Clone (clonectx); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } // // An object initializer expression // public class ElementInitializer : Assign { public readonly string Name; public ElementInitializer (string name, Expression initializer, Location loc) : base (null, initializer, loc) { this.Name = name; } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { ElementInitializer target = (ElementInitializer) t; target.source = source.Clone (clonectx); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Arguments args = new Arguments (2); FieldExpr fe = target as FieldExpr; if (fe != null) args.Add (new Argument (fe.CreateTypeOfExpression ())); else args.Add (new Argument (((PropertyExpr) target).CreateSetterTypeOfExpression (ec))); string mname; Expression arg_expr; var cinit = source as CollectionOrObjectInitializers; if (cinit == null) { mname = "Bind"; arg_expr = source.CreateExpressionTree (ec); } else { mname = cinit.IsEmpty || cinit.Initializers[0] is ElementInitializer ? "MemberBind" : "ListBind"; arg_expr = cinit.CreateExpressionTree (ec, !cinit.IsEmpty); } args.Add (new Argument (arg_expr)); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, mname, args); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { if (source == null) return EmptyExpressionStatement.Instance; var t = ec.CurrentInitializerVariable.Type; if (t.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) { Arguments args = new Arguments (1); args.Add (new Argument (ec.CurrentInitializerVariable)); target = new DynamicMemberBinder (Name, args, loc); } else { var member = MemberLookup (ec, false, t, Name, 0, MemberLookupRestrictions.ExactArity, loc); if (member == null) { member = Expression.MemberLookup (ec, true, t, Name, 0, MemberLookupRestrictions.ExactArity, loc); if (member != null) { // TODO: ec.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (member); ErrorIsInaccesible (ec, member.GetSignatureForError (), loc); return null; } } if (member == null) { Error_TypeDoesNotContainDefinition (ec, loc, t, Name); return null; } if (!(member is PropertyExpr || member is FieldExpr)) { ec.Report.Error (1913, loc, "Member `{0}' cannot be initialized. An object initializer may only be used for fields, or properties", member.GetSignatureForError ()); return null; } var me = member as MemberExpr; if (me.IsStatic) { ec.Report.Error (1914, loc, "Static field or property `{0}' cannot be assigned in an object initializer", me.GetSignatureForError ()); } target = me; me.InstanceExpression = ec.CurrentInitializerVariable; } if (source is CollectionOrObjectInitializers) { Expression previous = ec.CurrentInitializerVariable; ec.CurrentInitializerVariable = target; source = source.Resolve (ec); ec.CurrentInitializerVariable = previous; if (source == null) return null; eclass = source.eclass; type = source.Type; return this; } return base.DoResolve (ec); } public override void EmitStatement (EmitContext ec) { if (source is CollectionOrObjectInitializers) source.Emit (ec); else base.EmitStatement (ec); } } // // A collection initializer expression // class CollectionElementInitializer : Invocation { public class ElementInitializerArgument : Argument { public ElementInitializerArgument (Expression e) : base (e) { } } sealed class AddMemberAccess : MemberAccess { public AddMemberAccess (Expression expr, Location loc) : base (expr, "Add", loc) { } protected override void Error_TypeDoesNotContainDefinition (ResolveContext ec, TypeSpec type, string name) { if (TypeManager.HasElementType (type)) return; base.Error_TypeDoesNotContainDefinition (ec, type, name); } } public CollectionElementInitializer (Expression argument) : base (null, new Arguments (1)) { base.arguments.Add (new ElementInitializerArgument (argument)); this.loc = argument.Location; } public CollectionElementInitializer (List arguments, Location loc) : base (null, new Arguments (arguments.Count)) { foreach (Expression e in arguments) base.arguments.Add (new ElementInitializerArgument (e)); this.loc = loc; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Arguments args = new Arguments (2); args.Add (new Argument (mg.CreateExpressionTree (ec))); var expr_initializers = new ArrayInitializer (arguments.Count, loc); foreach (Argument a in arguments) expr_initializers.Add (a.CreateExpressionTree (ec)); args.Add (new Argument (new ArrayCreation ( CreateExpressionTypeExpression (ec, loc), expr_initializers, loc))); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "ElementInit", args); } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { CollectionElementInitializer target = (CollectionElementInitializer) t; if (arguments != null) target.arguments = arguments.Clone (clonectx); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { base.expr = new AddMemberAccess (ec.CurrentInitializerVariable, loc); return base.DoResolve (ec); } } // // A block of object or collection initializers // public class CollectionOrObjectInitializers : ExpressionStatement { IList initializers; bool is_collection_initialization; public static readonly CollectionOrObjectInitializers Empty = new CollectionOrObjectInitializers (Array.AsReadOnly (new Expression [0]), Location.Null); public CollectionOrObjectInitializers (IList initializers, Location loc) { this.initializers = initializers; this.loc = loc; } public IList Initializers { get { return initializers; } } public bool IsEmpty { get { return initializers.Count == 0; } } public bool IsCollectionInitializer { get { return is_collection_initialization; } } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression target) { CollectionOrObjectInitializers t = (CollectionOrObjectInitializers) target; t.initializers = new List (initializers.Count); foreach (var e in initializers) t.initializers.Add (e.Clone (clonectx)); } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { foreach (var e in initializers) { if (e.ContainsEmitWithAwait ()) return true; } return false; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { return CreateExpressionTree (ec, false); } public Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec, bool inferType) { var expr_initializers = new ArrayInitializer (initializers.Count, loc); foreach (Expression e in initializers) { Expression expr = e.CreateExpressionTree (ec); if (expr != null) expr_initializers.Add (expr); } if (inferType) return new ImplicitlyTypedArrayCreation (expr_initializers, loc); return new ArrayCreation (new TypeExpression (ec.Module.PredefinedTypes.MemberBinding.Resolve (), loc), expr_initializers, loc); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { List element_names = null; for (int i = 0; i < initializers.Count; ++i) { Expression initializer = initializers [i]; ElementInitializer element_initializer = initializer as ElementInitializer; if (i == 0) { if (element_initializer != null) { element_names = new List (initializers.Count); element_names.Add (element_initializer.Name); } else if (initializer is CompletingExpression){ initializer.Resolve (ec); throw new InternalErrorException ("This line should never be reached"); } else { var t = ec.CurrentInitializerVariable.Type; // LAMESPEC: The collection must implement IEnumerable only, no dynamic support if (!t.ImplementsInterface (ec.BuiltinTypes.IEnumerable, false) && t.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) { ec.Report.Error (1922, loc, "A field or property `{0}' cannot be initialized with a collection " + "object initializer because type `{1}' does not implement `{2}' interface", ec.CurrentInitializerVariable.GetSignatureForError (), TypeManager.CSharpName (ec.CurrentInitializerVariable.Type), TypeManager.CSharpName (ec.BuiltinTypes.IEnumerable)); return null; } is_collection_initialization = true; } } else { if (is_collection_initialization != (element_initializer == null)) { ec.Report.Error (747, initializer.Location, "Inconsistent `{0}' member declaration", is_collection_initialization ? "collection initializer" : "object initializer"); continue; } if (!is_collection_initialization) { if (element_names.Contains (element_initializer.Name)) { ec.Report.Error (1912, element_initializer.Location, "An object initializer includes more than one member `{0}' initialization", element_initializer.Name); } else { element_names.Add (element_initializer.Name); } } } Expression e = initializer.Resolve (ec); if (e == EmptyExpressionStatement.Instance) initializers.RemoveAt (i--); else initializers [i] = e; } type = ec.CurrentInitializerVariable.Type; if (is_collection_initialization) { if (TypeManager.HasElementType (type)) { ec.Report.Error (1925, loc, "Cannot initialize object of type `{0}' with a collection initializer", TypeManager.CSharpName (type)); } } eclass = ExprClass.Variable; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { EmitStatement (ec); } public override void EmitStatement (EmitContext ec) { foreach (ExpressionStatement e in initializers) e.EmitStatement (ec); } } // // New expression with element/object initializers // public class NewInitialize : New { // // This class serves as a proxy for variable initializer target instances. // A real variable is assigned later when we resolve left side of an // assignment // sealed class InitializerTargetExpression : Expression, IMemoryLocation { NewInitialize new_instance; public InitializerTargetExpression (NewInitialize newInstance) { this.type = newInstance.type; this.loc = newInstance.loc; this.eclass = newInstance.eclass; this.new_instance = newInstance; } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return false; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { // Should not be reached throw new NotSupportedException ("ET"); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { return this; } public override Expression DoResolveLValue (ResolveContext ec, Expression right_side) { return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { Expression e = (Expression) new_instance.instance; e.Emit (ec); } public override Expression EmitToField (EmitContext ec) { return (Expression) new_instance.instance; } #region IMemoryLocation Members public void AddressOf (EmitContext ec, AddressOp mode) { new_instance.instance.AddressOf (ec, mode); } #endregion } CollectionOrObjectInitializers initializers; IMemoryLocation instance; public NewInitialize (FullNamedExpression requested_type, Arguments arguments, CollectionOrObjectInitializers initializers, Location l) : base (requested_type, arguments, l) { this.initializers = initializers; } public CollectionOrObjectInitializers Initializers { get { return initializers; } } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression t) { base.CloneTo (clonectx, t); NewInitialize target = (NewInitialize) t; target.initializers = (CollectionOrObjectInitializers) initializers.Clone (clonectx); } public override bool ContainsEmitWithAwait () { return base.ContainsEmitWithAwait () || initializers.ContainsEmitWithAwait (); } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Arguments args = new Arguments (2); args.Add (new Argument (base.CreateExpressionTree (ec))); if (!initializers.IsEmpty) args.Add (new Argument (initializers.CreateExpressionTree (ec, initializers.IsCollectionInitializer))); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, initializers.IsCollectionInitializer ? "ListInit" : "MemberInit", args); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { Expression e = base.DoResolve (ec); if (type == null) return null; Expression previous = ec.CurrentInitializerVariable; ec.CurrentInitializerVariable = new InitializerTargetExpression (this); initializers.Resolve (ec); ec.CurrentInitializerVariable = previous; return e; } public override bool Emit (EmitContext ec, IMemoryLocation target) { bool left_on_stack = base.Emit (ec, target); if (initializers.IsEmpty) return left_on_stack; LocalTemporary temp = null; instance = target as LocalTemporary; if (instance == null) { if (!left_on_stack) { VariableReference vr = target as VariableReference; // FIXME: This still does not work correctly for pre-set variables if (vr != null && vr.IsRef) target.AddressOf (ec, AddressOp.Load); ((Expression) target).Emit (ec); left_on_stack = true; } if (ec.HasSet (BuilderContext.Options.AsyncBody) && initializers.ContainsEmitWithAwait ()) { instance = new EmptyAwaitExpression (Type).EmitToField (ec) as IMemoryLocation; } else { temp = new LocalTemporary (type); instance = temp; } } if (left_on_stack && temp != null) temp.Store (ec); initializers.Emit (ec); if (left_on_stack) { if (temp != null) { temp.Emit (ec); temp.Release (ec); } else { ((Expression) instance).Emit (ec); } } return left_on_stack; } protected override IMemoryLocation EmitAddressOf (EmitContext ec, AddressOp Mode) { instance = base.EmitAddressOf (ec, Mode); if (!initializers.IsEmpty) initializers.Emit (ec); return instance; } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class NewAnonymousType : New { static readonly AnonymousTypeParameter[] EmptyParameters = new AnonymousTypeParameter[0]; List parameters; readonly TypeContainer parent; AnonymousTypeClass anonymous_type; public NewAnonymousType (List parameters, TypeContainer parent, Location loc) : base (null, null, loc) { this.parameters = parameters; this.parent = parent; } public List Parameters { get { return this.parameters; } } protected override void CloneTo (CloneContext clonectx, Expression target) { if (parameters == null) return; NewAnonymousType t = (NewAnonymousType) target; t.parameters = new List (parameters.Count); foreach (AnonymousTypeParameter atp in parameters) t.parameters.Add ((AnonymousTypeParameter) atp.Clone (clonectx)); } AnonymousTypeClass CreateAnonymousType (ResolveContext ec, IList parameters) { AnonymousTypeClass type = parent.Module.GetAnonymousType (parameters); if (type != null) return type; type = AnonymousTypeClass.Create (parent, parameters, loc); if (type == null) return null; int errors = ec.Report.Errors; type.CreateType (); type.DefineType (); type.ResolveTypeParameters (); type.Define (); if ((ec.Report.Errors - errors) == 0) { parent.Module.AddAnonymousType (type); } return type; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { if (parameters == null) return base.CreateExpressionTree (ec); var init = new ArrayInitializer (parameters.Count, loc); foreach (Property p in anonymous_type.Properties) init.Add (new TypeOfMethod (MemberCache.GetMember (type, p.Get.Spec), loc)); var ctor_args = new ArrayInitializer (arguments.Count, loc); foreach (Argument a in arguments) ctor_args.Add (a.CreateExpressionTree (ec)); Arguments args = new Arguments (3); args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOfMethod (method, loc))); args.Add (new Argument (new ArrayCreation (CreateExpressionTypeExpression (ec, loc), ctor_args, loc))); args.Add (new Argument (new ImplicitlyTypedArrayCreation (init, loc))); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "New", args); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { if (ec.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.ConstantScope)) { ec.Report.Error (836, loc, "Anonymous types cannot be used in this expression"); return null; } if (parameters == null) { anonymous_type = CreateAnonymousType (ec, EmptyParameters); RequestedType = new TypeExpression (anonymous_type.Definition, loc); return base.DoResolve (ec); } bool error = false; arguments = new Arguments (parameters.Count); TypeExpression [] t_args = new TypeExpression [parameters.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; ++i) { Expression e = parameters [i].Resolve (ec); if (e == null) { error = true; continue; } arguments.Add (new Argument (e)); t_args [i] = new TypeExpression (e.Type, e.Location); } if (error) return null; anonymous_type = CreateAnonymousType (ec, parameters); if (anonymous_type == null) return null; RequestedType = new GenericTypeExpr (anonymous_type.Definition, new TypeArguments (t_args), loc); return base.DoResolve (ec); } public override object Accept (StructuralVisitor visitor) { return visitor.Visit (this); } } public class AnonymousTypeParameter : ShimExpression { public readonly string Name; public AnonymousTypeParameter (Expression initializer, string name, Location loc) : base (initializer) { this.Name = name; this.loc = loc; } public AnonymousTypeParameter (Parameter parameter) : base (new SimpleName (parameter.Name, parameter.Location)) { this.Name = parameter.Name; this.loc = parameter.Location; } public override bool Equals (object o) { AnonymousTypeParameter other = o as AnonymousTypeParameter; return other != null && Name == other.Name; } public override int GetHashCode () { return Name.GetHashCode (); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { Expression e = expr.Resolve (ec); if (e == null) return null; if (e.eclass == ExprClass.MethodGroup) { Error_InvalidInitializer (ec, e.ExprClassName); return null; } type = e.Type; if (type.Kind == MemberKind.Void || type == InternalType.NullLiteral || type == InternalType.AnonymousMethod || type.IsPointer) { Error_InvalidInitializer (ec, type.GetSignatureForError ()); return null; } return e; } protected virtual void Error_InvalidInitializer (ResolveContext ec, string initializer) { ec.Report.Error (828, loc, "An anonymous type property `{0}' cannot be initialized with `{1}'", Name, initializer); } } }