// // doc.cs: Support for XML documentation comment. // // Author: // Atsushi Enomoto // // Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL // // (C) 2004 Novell, Inc. // // #if ! BOOTSTRAP_WITH_OLDLIB using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter; namespace Mono.CSharp { // // Support class for XML documentation. // #if NET_2_0 static #else abstract #endif public class DocUtil { #if !NET_2_0 private DocUtil () {} #endif // TypeContainer // // Generates xml doc comments (if any), and if required, // handle warning report. // internal static void GenerateTypeDocComment (TypeContainer t, DeclSpace ds) { GenerateDocComment (t, ds); if (t.DefaultStaticConstructor != null) t.DefaultStaticConstructor.GenerateDocComment (t); if (t.InstanceConstructors != null) foreach (Constructor c in t.InstanceConstructors) c.GenerateDocComment (t); if (t.Types != null) foreach (TypeContainer tc in t.Types) tc.GenerateDocComment (t); if (t.Delegates != null) foreach (Delegate de in t.Delegates) de.GenerateDocComment (t); if (t.Constants != null) foreach (Const c in t.Constants) c.GenerateDocComment (t); if (t.Fields != null) foreach (FieldBase f in t.Fields) f.GenerateDocComment (t); if (t.Events != null) foreach (Event e in t.Events) e.GenerateDocComment (t); if (t.Indexers != null) foreach (Indexer ix in t.Indexers) ix.GenerateDocComment (t); if (t.Properties != null) foreach (Property p in t.Properties) p.GenerateDocComment (t); if (t.Methods != null) foreach (Method m in t.Methods) m.GenerateDocComment (t); if (t.Operators != null) foreach (Operator o in t.Operators) o.GenerateDocComment (t); } // MemberCore private static readonly string line_head = Environment.NewLine + " "; private static XmlNode GetDocCommentNode (MemberCore mc, string name) { // FIXME: It could be even optimizable as not // to use XmlDocument. But anyways the nodes // are not kept in memory. XmlDocument doc = RootContext.Documentation.XmlDocumentation; try { XmlElement el = doc.CreateElement ("member"); el.SetAttribute ("name", name); string normalized = mc.DocComment; el.InnerXml = normalized; // csc keeps lines as written in the sources // and inserts formatting indentation (which // is different from XmlTextWriter.Formatting // one), but when a start tag contains an // endline, it joins the next line. We don't // have to follow such a hacky behavior. string [] split = normalized.Split ('\n'); int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++) { string s = split [i].TrimEnd (); if (s.Length > 0) split [j++] = s; } el.InnerXml = line_head + String.Join ( line_head, split, 0, j); return el; } catch (Exception ex) { Report.Warning (1570, 1, mc.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has non-well-formed XML ({1})", name, ex.Message); XmlComment com = doc.CreateComment (String.Format ("FIXME: Invalid documentation markup was found for member {0}", name)); return com; } } // // Generates xml doc comments (if any), and if required, // handle warning report. // internal static void GenerateDocComment (MemberCore mc, DeclSpace ds) { if (mc.DocComment != null) { string name = mc.GetDocCommentName (ds); XmlNode n = GetDocCommentNode (mc, name); XmlElement el = n as XmlElement; if (el != null) { mc.OnGenerateDocComment (el); // FIXME: it could be done with XmlReader XmlNodeList nl = n.SelectNodes (".//include"); if (nl.Count > 0) { // It could result in current node removal, so prepare another list to iterate. ArrayList al = new ArrayList (nl.Count); foreach (XmlNode inc in nl) al.Add (inc); foreach (XmlElement inc in al) if (!HandleInclude (mc, inc)) inc.ParentNode.RemoveChild (inc); } // FIXME: it could be done with XmlReader DeclSpace ds_target = mc as DeclSpace; if (ds_target == null) ds_target = ds; foreach (XmlElement see in n.SelectNodes (".//see")) HandleSee (mc, ds_target, see); foreach (XmlElement seealso in n.SelectNodes (".//seealso")) HandleSeeAlso (mc, ds_target, seealso); foreach (XmlElement see in n.SelectNodes (".//exception")) HandleException (mc, ds_target, see); } n.WriteTo (RootContext.Documentation.XmlCommentOutput); } else if (mc.IsExposedFromAssembly ()) { Constructor c = mc as Constructor; if (c == null || !c.IsDefault ()) Report.Warning (1591, 4, mc.Location, "Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member `{0}'", mc.GetSignatureForError ()); } } // // Processes "include" element. Check included file and // embed the document content inside this documentation node. // private static bool HandleInclude (MemberCore mc, XmlElement el) { bool keep_include_node = false; string file = el.GetAttribute ("file"); string path = el.GetAttribute ("path"); if (file == "") { Report.Warning (1590, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid XML `include' element. Missing `file' attribute"); el.ParentNode.InsertBefore (el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment (" Include tag is invalid "), el); keep_include_node = true; } else if (path.Length == 0) { Report.Warning (1590, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid XML `include' element. Missing `path' attribute"); el.ParentNode.InsertBefore (el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment (" Include tag is invalid "), el); keep_include_node = true; } else { XmlDocument doc = RootContext.Documentation.StoredDocuments [file] as XmlDocument; if (doc == null) { try { doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.Load (file); RootContext.Documentation.StoredDocuments.Add (file, doc); } catch (Exception) { el.ParentNode.InsertBefore (el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment (String.Format (" Badly formed XML in at comment file `{0}': cannot be included ", file)), el); Report.Warning (1592, 1, mc.Location, "Badly formed XML in included comments file -- `{0}'", file); } } if (doc != null) { try { XmlNodeList nl = doc.SelectNodes (path); if (nl.Count == 0) { el.ParentNode.InsertBefore (el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment (" No matching elements were found for the include tag embedded here. "), el); keep_include_node = true; } foreach (XmlNode n in nl) el.ParentNode.InsertBefore (el.OwnerDocument.ImportNode (n, true), el); } catch (Exception ex) { el.ParentNode.InsertBefore (el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment (" Failed to insert some or all of included XML "), el); Report.Warning (1589, 1, mc.Location, "Unable to include XML fragment `{0}' of file `{1}' ({2})", path, file, ex.Message); } } } return keep_include_node; } // // Handles elements. // private static void HandleSee (MemberCore mc, DeclSpace ds, XmlElement see) { HandleXrefCommon (mc, ds, see); } // // Handles elements. // private static void HandleSeeAlso (MemberCore mc, DeclSpace ds, XmlElement seealso) { HandleXrefCommon (mc, ds, seealso); } // // Handles elements. // private static void HandleException (MemberCore mc, DeclSpace ds, XmlElement seealso) { HandleXrefCommon (mc, ds, seealso); } static readonly char [] wsChars = new char [] {' ', '\t', '\n', '\r'}; // // returns a full runtime type name from a name which might // be C# specific type name. // private static Type FindDocumentedType (MemberCore mc, string name, DeclSpace ds, string cref) { bool is_array = false; string identifier = name; if (name [name.Length - 1] == ']') { string tmp = name.Substring (0, name.Length - 1).Trim (wsChars); if (tmp [tmp.Length - 1] == '[') { identifier = tmp.Substring (0, tmp.Length - 1).Trim (wsChars); is_array = true; } } Type t = FindDocumentedTypeNonArray (mc, identifier, ds, cref); if (t != null && is_array) t = Array.CreateInstance (t, 0).GetType (); return t; } private static Type FindDocumentedTypeNonArray (MemberCore mc, string identifier, DeclSpace ds, string cref) { switch (identifier) { case "int": return typeof (int); case "uint": return typeof (uint); case "short": return typeof (short); case "ushort": return typeof (ushort); case "long": return typeof (long); case "ulong": return typeof (ulong); case "float": return typeof (float); case "double": return typeof (double); case "char": return typeof (char); case "decimal": return typeof (decimal); case "byte": return typeof (byte); case "sbyte": return typeof (sbyte); case "object": return typeof (object); case "bool": return typeof (bool); case "string": return typeof (string); case "void": return typeof (void); } FullNamedExpression e = ds.LookupNamespaceOrType (identifier, mc.Location, false); if (e != null) { if (!(e is TypeExpr)) return null; return e.Type; } int index = identifier.LastIndexOf ('.'); if (index < 0) return null; int warn; Type parent = FindDocumentedType (mc, identifier.Substring (0, index), ds, cref); if (parent == null) return null; // no need to detect warning 419 here return FindDocumentedMember (mc, parent, identifier.Substring (index + 1), null, ds, out warn, cref, false, null).Member as Type; } private static MemberInfo [] empty_member_infos = new MemberInfo [0]; private static MemberInfo [] FindMethodBase (Type type, BindingFlags binding_flags, MethodSignature signature) { MemberList ml = TypeManager.FindMembers ( type, MemberTypes.Constructor | MemberTypes.Method | MemberTypes.Property | MemberTypes.Custom, binding_flags, MethodSignature.method_signature_filter, signature); if (ml == null) return empty_member_infos; return FilterOverridenMembersOut ((MemberInfo []) ml); } static bool IsOverride (PropertyInfo deriv_prop, PropertyInfo base_prop) { if (!MethodGroupExpr.IsAncestralType (base_prop.DeclaringType, deriv_prop.DeclaringType)) return false; Type [] deriv_pd = TypeManager.GetArgumentTypes (deriv_prop); Type [] base_pd = TypeManager.GetArgumentTypes (base_prop); if (deriv_pd.Length != base_pd.Length) return false; for (int j = 0; j < deriv_pd.Length; ++j) { if (deriv_pd [j] != base_pd [j]) return false; Type ct = TypeManager.TypeToCoreType (deriv_pd [j]); Type bt = TypeManager.TypeToCoreType (base_pd [j]); if (ct != bt) return false; } return true; } private static MemberInfo [] FilterOverridenMembersOut ( MemberInfo [] ml) { if (ml == null) return empty_member_infos; ArrayList al = new ArrayList (ml.Length); for (int i = 0; i < ml.Length; i++) { MethodBase mx = ml [i] as MethodBase; PropertyInfo px = ml [i] as PropertyInfo; if (mx != null || px != null) { bool overriden = false; for (int j = 0; j < ml.Length; j++) { if (j == i) continue; MethodBase my = ml [j] as MethodBase; if (mx != null && my != null && MethodGroupExpr.IsOverride (my, mx)) { overriden = true; break; } else if (mx != null) continue; PropertyInfo py = ml [j] as PropertyInfo; if (px != null && py != null && IsOverride (py, px)) { overriden = true; break; } } if (overriden) continue; } al.Add (ml [i]); } return al.ToArray (typeof (MemberInfo)) as MemberInfo []; } struct FoundMember { public static FoundMember Empty = new FoundMember (true); public bool IsEmpty; public readonly MemberInfo Member; public readonly Type Type; public FoundMember (bool regardless_of_this_value_its_empty) { IsEmpty = true; Member = null; Type = null; } public FoundMember (Type found_type, MemberInfo member) { IsEmpty = false; Type = found_type; Member = member; } } // // Returns a MemberInfo that is referenced in XML documentation // (by "see" or "seealso" elements). // private static FoundMember FindDocumentedMember (MemberCore mc, Type type, string member_name, Type [] param_list, DeclSpace ds, out int warning_type, string cref, bool warn419, string name_for_error) { for (; type != null; type = type.DeclaringType) { MemberInfo mi = FindDocumentedMemberNoNest ( mc, type, member_name, param_list, ds, out warning_type, cref, warn419, name_for_error); if (mi != null) return new FoundMember (type, mi); } warning_type = 0; return FoundMember.Empty; } private static MemberInfo FindDocumentedMemberNoNest ( MemberCore mc, Type type, string member_name, Type [] param_list, DeclSpace ds, out int warning_type, string cref, bool warn419, string name_for_error) { warning_type = 0; MemberInfo [] mis; if (param_list == null) { // search for fields/events etc. mis = TypeManager.MemberLookup (type, null, type, MemberTypes.All, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance, member_name, null); mis = FilterOverridenMembersOut (mis); if (mis == null || mis.Length == 0) return null; if (warn419 && IsAmbiguous (mis)) Report419 (mc, name_for_error, mis); return mis [0]; } MethodSignature msig = new MethodSignature (member_name, null, param_list); mis = FindMethodBase (type, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance, msig); if (warn419 && mis.Length > 0) { if (IsAmbiguous (mis)) Report419 (mc, name_for_error, mis); return mis [0]; } // search for operators (whose parameters exactly // matches with the list) and possibly report CS1581. string oper = null; string return_type_name = null; if (member_name.StartsWith ("implicit operator ")) { oper = "op_Implicit"; return_type_name = member_name.Substring (18).Trim (wsChars); } else if (member_name.StartsWith ("explicit operator ")) { oper = "op_Explicit"; return_type_name = member_name.Substring (18).Trim (wsChars); } else if (member_name.StartsWith ("operator ")) { oper = member_name.Substring (9).Trim (wsChars); switch (oper) { // either unary or binary case "+": oper = param_list.Length == 2 ? Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.Addition] : Unary.oper_names [(int) Unary.Operator.UnaryPlus]; break; case "-": oper = param_list.Length == 2 ? Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.Subtraction] : Unary.oper_names [(int) Unary.Operator.UnaryNegation]; break; // unary case "!": oper = Unary.oper_names [(int) Unary.Operator.LogicalNot]; break; case "~": oper = Unary.oper_names [(int) Unary.Operator.OnesComplement]; break; case "++": oper = "op_Increment"; break; case "--": oper = "op_Decrement"; break; case "true": oper = "op_True"; break; case "false": oper = "op_False"; break; // binary case "*": oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.Multiply]; break; case "/": oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.Division]; break; case "%": oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.Modulus]; break; case "&": oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.BitwiseAnd]; break; case "|": oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr]; break; case "^": oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.ExclusiveOr]; break; case "<<": oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.LeftShift]; break; case ">>": oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.RightShift]; break; case "==": oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.Equality]; break; case "!=": oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.Inequality]; break; case "<": oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.LessThan]; break; case ">": oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.GreaterThan]; break; case "<=": oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.LessThanOrEqual]; break; case ">=": oper = Binary.oper_names [(int) Binary.Operator.GreaterThanOrEqual]; break; default: warning_type = 1584; Report.Warning (1020, 1, mc.Location, "Overloadable {0} operator is expected", param_list.Length == 2 ? "binary" : "unary"); Report.Warning (1584, 1, mc.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has syntactically incorrect cref attribute `{1}'", mc.GetSignatureForError (), cref); return null; } } // here we still don't consider return type (to // detect CS1581 or CS1002+CS1584). msig = new MethodSignature (oper, null, param_list); mis = FindMethodBase (type, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance, msig); if (mis.Length == 0) return null; // CS1574 MemberInfo mi = mis [0]; Type expected = mi is MethodInfo ? ((MethodInfo) mi).ReturnType : mi is PropertyInfo ? ((PropertyInfo) mi).PropertyType : null; if (return_type_name != null) { Type returnType = FindDocumentedType (mc, return_type_name, ds, cref); if (returnType == null || returnType != expected) { warning_type = 1581; Report.Warning (1581, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid return type in XML comment cref attribute `{0}'", cref); return null; } } return mis [0]; } private static bool IsAmbiguous (MemberInfo [] members) { if (members.Length < 2) return false; if (members.Length > 2) return true; if (members [0] is EventInfo && members [1] is FieldInfo) return false; if (members [1] is EventInfo && members [0] is FieldInfo) return false; return true; } // // Processes "see" or "seealso" elements. // Checks cref attribute. // private static void HandleXrefCommon (MemberCore mc, DeclSpace ds, XmlElement xref) { string cref = xref.GetAttribute ("cref").Trim (wsChars); // when, XmlReader, "if (cref == null)" if (!xref.HasAttribute ("cref")) return; if (cref.Length == 0) Report.Warning (1001, 1, mc.Location, "Identifier expected"); // ... and continue until CS1584. string signature; // "x:" are stripped string name; // method invokation "(...)" are removed string parameters; // method parameter list // When it found '?:' ('T:' 'M:' 'F:' 'P:' 'E:' etc.), // MS ignores not only its member kind, but also // the entire syntax correctness. Nor it also does // type fullname resolution i.e. "T:List(int)" is kept // as T:List(int), not // T:System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Int32> if (cref.Length > 2 && cref [1] == ':') return; else signature = cref; // Also note that without "T:" any generic type // indication fails. int parens_pos = signature.IndexOf ('('); int brace_pos = parens_pos >= 0 ? -1 : signature.IndexOf ('['); if (parens_pos > 0 && signature [signature.Length - 1] == ')') { name = signature.Substring (0, parens_pos).Trim (wsChars); parameters = signature.Substring (parens_pos + 1, signature.Length - parens_pos - 2).Trim (wsChars); } else if (brace_pos > 0 && signature [signature.Length - 1] == ']') { name = signature.Substring (0, brace_pos).Trim (wsChars); parameters = signature.Substring (brace_pos + 1, signature.Length - brace_pos - 2).Trim (wsChars); } else { name = signature; parameters = null; } Normalize (mc, ref name); string identifier = GetBodyIdentifierFromName (name); // Check if identifier is valid. // This check is not necessary to mark as error, but // csc specially reports CS1584 for wrong identifiers. string [] name_elems = identifier.Split ('.'); for (int i = 0; i < name_elems.Length; i++) { string nameElem = GetBodyIdentifierFromName (name_elems [i]); if (i > 0) Normalize (mc, ref nameElem); if (!Tokenizer.IsValidIdentifier (nameElem) && nameElem.IndexOf ("operator") < 0) { Report.Warning (1584, 1, mc.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has syntactically incorrect cref attribute `{1}'", mc.GetSignatureForError (), cref); xref.SetAttribute ("cref", "!:" + signature); return; } } // check if parameters are valid Type [] parameter_types; if (parameters == null) parameter_types = null; else if (parameters.Length == 0) parameter_types = Type.EmptyTypes; else { string [] param_list = parameters.Split (','); ArrayList plist = new ArrayList (); for (int i = 0; i < param_list.Length; i++) { string param_type_name = param_list [i].Trim (wsChars); Normalize (mc, ref param_type_name); Type param_type = FindDocumentedType (mc, param_type_name, ds, cref); if (param_type == null) { Report.Warning (1580, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid type for parameter `{0}' in XML comment cref attribute `{1}'", (i + 1).ToString (), cref); return; } plist.Add (param_type); } parameter_types = plist.ToArray (typeof (Type)) as Type []; } Type type = FindDocumentedType (mc, name, ds, cref); if (type != null // delegate must not be referenced with args && (!type.IsSubclassOf (typeof (System.Delegate)) || parameter_types == null)) { string result = GetSignatureForDoc (type) + (brace_pos < 0 ? String.Empty : signature.Substring (brace_pos)); xref.SetAttribute ("cref", "T:" + result); return; // a type } int period = name.LastIndexOf ('.'); if (period > 0) { string typeName = name.Substring (0, period); string member_name = name.Substring (period + 1); Normalize (mc, ref member_name); type = FindDocumentedType (mc, typeName, ds, cref); int warn_result; if (type != null) { FoundMember fm = FindDocumentedMember (mc, type, member_name, parameter_types, ds, out warn_result, cref, true, name); if (warn_result > 0) return; if (!fm.IsEmpty) { MemberInfo mi = fm.Member; // we cannot use 'type' directly // to get its name, since mi // could be from DeclaringType // for nested types. xref.SetAttribute ("cref", GetMemberDocHead (mi.MemberType) + GetSignatureForDoc (fm.Type) + "." + member_name + GetParametersFormatted (mi)); return; // a member of a type } } } else { int warn_result; FoundMember fm = FindDocumentedMember (mc, ds.TypeBuilder, name, parameter_types, ds, out warn_result, cref, true, name); if (warn_result > 0) return; if (!fm.IsEmpty) { MemberInfo mi = fm.Member; // we cannot use 'type' directly // to get its name, since mi // could be from DeclaringType // for nested types. xref.SetAttribute ("cref", GetMemberDocHead (mi.MemberType) + GetSignatureForDoc (fm.Type) + "." + name + GetParametersFormatted (mi)); return; // local member name } } // It still might be part of namespace name. Namespace ns = ds.NamespaceEntry.NS.GetNamespace (name, false); if (ns != null) { xref.SetAttribute ("cref", "N:" + ns.FullName); return; // a namespace } if (RootNamespace.Global.IsNamespace (name)) { xref.SetAttribute ("cref", "N:" + name); return; // a namespace } Report.Warning (1574, 1, mc.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has cref attribute `{1}' that could not be resolved", mc.GetSignatureForError (), cref); xref.SetAttribute ("cref", "!:" + name); } static string GetParametersFormatted (MemberInfo mi) { MethodBase mb = mi as MethodBase; bool is_setter = false; PropertyInfo pi = mi as PropertyInfo; if (pi != null) { mb = pi.GetGetMethod (); if (mb == null) { is_setter = true; mb = pi.GetSetMethod (); } } if (mb == null) return String.Empty; ParameterData parameters = TypeManager.GetParameterData (mb); if (parameters == null || parameters.Count == 0) return String.Empty; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.Append ('('); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++) { if (is_setter && i + 1 == parameters.Count) break; // skip "value". if (i > 0) sb.Append (','); Type t = parameters.ParameterType (i); sb.Append (GetSignatureForDoc (t)); } sb.Append (')'); return sb.ToString (); } static string GetBodyIdentifierFromName (string name) { string identifier = name; if (name.Length > 0 && name [name.Length - 1] == ']') { string tmp = name.Substring (0, name.Length - 1).Trim (wsChars); int last = tmp.LastIndexOf ('['); if (last > 0) identifier = tmp.Substring (0, last).Trim (wsChars); } return identifier; } static void Report419 (MemberCore mc, string member_name, MemberInfo [] mis) { Report.Warning (419, 3, mc.Location, "Ambiguous reference in cref attribute `{0}'. Assuming `{1}' but other overloads including `{2}' have also matched", member_name, TypeManager.GetFullNameSignature (mis [0]), TypeManager.GetFullNameSignature (mis [1])); } // // Get a prefix from member type for XML documentation (used // to formalize cref target name). // static string GetMemberDocHead (MemberTypes type) { switch (type) { case MemberTypes.Constructor: case MemberTypes.Method: return "M:"; case MemberTypes.Event: return "E:"; case MemberTypes.Field: return "F:"; case MemberTypes.NestedType: case MemberTypes.TypeInfo: return "T:"; case MemberTypes.Property: return "P:"; } return "!:"; } // MethodCore // // Returns a string that represents the signature for this // member which should be used in XML documentation. // public static string GetMethodDocCommentName (MemberCore mc, Parameters parameters, DeclSpace ds) { Parameter [] plist = parameters.FixedParameters; string paramSpec = String.Empty; if (plist != null) { StringBuilder psb = new StringBuilder (); foreach (Parameter p in plist) { psb.Append (psb.Length != 0 ? "," : "("); psb.Append (GetSignatureForDoc (p.ParameterType)); if ((p.ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.ISBYREF) != 0) psb.Append ('@'); } paramSpec = psb.ToString (); } if (paramSpec.Length > 0) paramSpec += ")"; string name = mc is Constructor ? "#ctor" : mc.Name; #if GMCS_SOURCE if (mc.MemberName.IsGeneric) name += "``" + mc.MemberName.CountTypeArguments; #endif string suffix = String.Empty; Operator op = mc as Operator; if (op != null) { switch (op.OperatorType) { case Operator.OpType.Implicit: case Operator.OpType.Explicit: suffix = "~" + GetSignatureForDoc (op.MethodBuilder.ReturnType); break; } } return String.Concat (mc.DocCommentHeader, ds.Name, ".", name, paramSpec, suffix); } static string GetSignatureForDoc (Type type) { #if GMCS_SOURCE if (TypeManager.IsGenericParameter (type)) return (type.DeclaringMethod != null ? "``" : "`") + TypeManager.GenericParameterPosition (type); if (TypeManager.IsGenericType (type)) { string g = type.Namespace; if (g != null && g.Length > 0) g += '.'; int idx = type.Name.LastIndexOf ('`'); g += (idx < 0 ? type.Name : type.Name.Substring (0, idx)) + '{'; int argpos = 0; foreach (Type t in type.GetGenericArguments ()) g += (argpos++ > 0 ? "," : String.Empty) + GetSignatureForDoc (t); g += '}'; return g; } #endif string name = type.FullName != null ? type.FullName : type.Name; return name.Replace ("+", ".").Replace ('&', '@'); } // // Raised (and passed an XmlElement that contains the comment) // when GenerateDocComment is writing documentation expectedly. // // FIXME: with a few effort, it could be done with XmlReader, // that means removal of DOM use. // internal static void OnMethodGenerateDocComment ( MethodCore mc, XmlElement el) { Hashtable paramTags = new Hashtable (); foreach (XmlElement pelem in el.SelectNodes ("param")) { int i; string xname = pelem.GetAttribute ("name"); if (xname.Length == 0) continue; // really? but MS looks doing so if (xname != "" && mc.Parameters.GetParameterByName (xname, out i) == null) Report.Warning (1572, 2, mc.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has a param tag for `{1}', but there is no parameter by that name", mc.GetSignatureForError (), xname); else if (paramTags [xname] != null) Report.Warning (1571, 2, mc.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has a duplicate param tag for `{1}'", mc.GetSignatureForError (), xname); paramTags [xname] = xname; } Parameter [] plist = mc.Parameters.FixedParameters; foreach (Parameter p in plist) { if (paramTags.Count > 0 && paramTags [p.Name] == null) Report.Warning (1573, 4, mc.Location, "Parameter `{0}' has no matching param tag in the XML comment for `{1}'", p.Name, mc.GetSignatureForError ()); } } private static void Normalize (MemberCore mc, ref string name) { if (name.Length > 0 && name [0] == '@') name = name.Substring (1); else if (name == "this") name = "Item"; else if (Tokenizer.IsKeyword (name) && !IsTypeName (name)) Report.Warning (1041, 1, mc.Location, "Identifier expected. `{0}' is a keyword", name); } private static bool IsTypeName (string name) { switch (name) { case "bool": case "byte": case "char": case "decimal": case "double": case "float": case "int": case "long": case "object": case "sbyte": case "short": case "string": case "uint": case "ulong": case "ushort": case "void": return true; } return false; } } // // Implements XML documentation generation. // public class Documentation { public Documentation (string xml_output_filename) { docfilename = xml_output_filename; XmlDocumentation = new XmlDocument (); XmlDocumentation.PreserveWhitespace = false; } private string docfilename; // // Used to create element which helps well-formedness checking. // public XmlDocument XmlDocumentation; // // The output for XML documentation. // public XmlWriter XmlCommentOutput; // // Stores XmlDocuments that are included in XML documentation. // Keys are included filenames, values are XmlDocuments. // public Hashtable StoredDocuments = new Hashtable (); // // Outputs XML documentation comment from tokenized comments. // public bool OutputDocComment (string asmfilename) { XmlTextWriter w = null; try { w = new XmlTextWriter (docfilename, null); w.Indentation = 4; w.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; w.WriteStartDocument (); w.WriteStartElement ("doc"); w.WriteStartElement ("assembly"); w.WriteStartElement ("name"); w.WriteString (Path.ChangeExtension (asmfilename, null)); w.WriteEndElement (); // name w.WriteEndElement (); // assembly w.WriteStartElement ("members"); XmlCommentOutput = w; GenerateDocComment (); w.WriteFullEndElement (); // members w.WriteEndElement (); w.WriteWhitespace (Environment.NewLine); w.WriteEndDocument (); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { Report.Error (1569, "Error generating XML documentation file `{0}' (`{1}')", docfilename, ex.Message); return false; } finally { if (w != null) w.Close (); } } // // Fixes full type name of each documented types/members up. // public void GenerateDocComment () { TypeContainer root = RootContext.ToplevelTypes; if (root.Types != null) foreach (TypeContainer tc in root.Types) DocUtil.GenerateTypeDocComment (tc, null); if (root.Delegates != null) foreach (Delegate d in root.Delegates) DocUtil.GenerateDocComment (d, null); } } } #endif