// // doc.cs: Support for XML documentation comment. // // Authors: // Atsushi Enomoto // Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com> // // Dual licensed under the terms of the MIT X11 or GNU GPL // // Copyright 2004 Novell, Inc. // // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Linq; namespace Mono.CSharp { // // Implements XML documentation generation. // class DocumentationBuilder { // // Used to create element which helps well-formedness checking. // readonly XmlDocument XmlDocumentation; readonly ModuleContainer module; // // The output for XML documentation. // XmlWriter XmlCommentOutput; static readonly string line_head = Environment.NewLine + " "; // // Stores XmlDocuments that are included in XML documentation. // Keys are included filenames, values are XmlDocuments. // Dictionary StoredDocuments = new Dictionary (); public DocumentationBuilder (ModuleContainer module) { this.module = module; XmlDocumentation = new XmlDocument (); XmlDocumentation.PreserveWhitespace = false; } Report Report { get { return module.Compiler.Report; } } public MemberName ParsedName { get; set; } public List ParsedParameters { get; set; } public TypeExpression ParsedBuiltinType { get; set; } public Operator.OpType? ParsedOperator { get; set; } XmlNode GetDocCommentNode (MemberCore mc, string name) { // FIXME: It could be even optimizable as not // to use XmlDocument. But anyways the nodes // are not kept in memory. XmlDocument doc = XmlDocumentation; try { XmlElement el = doc.CreateElement ("member"); el.SetAttribute ("name", name); string normalized = mc.DocComment; el.InnerXml = normalized; // csc keeps lines as written in the sources // and inserts formatting indentation (which // is different from XmlTextWriter.Formatting // one), but when a start tag contains an // endline, it joins the next line. We don't // have to follow such a hacky behavior. string [] split = normalized.Split ('\n'); int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++) { string s = split [i].TrimEnd (); if (s.Length > 0) split [j++] = s; } el.InnerXml = line_head + String.Join ( line_head, split, 0, j); return el; } catch (Exception ex) { Report.Warning (1570, 1, mc.Location, "XML documentation comment on `{0}' is not well-formed XML markup ({1})", mc.GetSignatureForError (), ex.Message); return doc.CreateComment (String.Format ("FIXME: Invalid documentation markup was found for member {0}", name)); } } // // Generates xml doc comments (if any), and if required, // handle warning report. // internal void GenerateDocumentationForMember (MemberCore mc) { string name = mc.DocCommentHeader + mc.GetSignatureForDocumentation (); XmlNode n = GetDocCommentNode (mc, name); XmlElement el = n as XmlElement; if (el != null) { var pm = mc as IParametersMember; if (pm != null) { CheckParametersComments (mc, pm, el); } // FIXME: it could be done with XmlReader XmlNodeList nl = n.SelectNodes (".//include"); if (nl.Count > 0) { // It could result in current node removal, so prepare another list to iterate. var al = new List (nl.Count); foreach (XmlNode inc in nl) al.Add (inc); foreach (XmlElement inc in al) if (!HandleInclude (mc, inc)) inc.ParentNode.RemoveChild (inc); } // FIXME: it could be done with XmlReader DeclSpace ds_target = mc as DeclSpace; if (ds_target == null) ds_target = mc.Parent; foreach (XmlElement see in n.SelectNodes (".//see")) HandleSee (mc, ds_target, see); foreach (XmlElement seealso in n.SelectNodes (".//seealso")) HandleSeeAlso (mc, ds_target, seealso); foreach (XmlElement see in n.SelectNodes (".//exception")) HandleException (mc, ds_target, see); foreach (XmlElement node in n.SelectNodes (".//typeparam")) HandleTypeParam (mc, node); foreach (XmlElement node in n.SelectNodes (".//typeparamref")) HandleTypeParamRef (mc, node); } n.WriteTo (XmlCommentOutput); } // // Processes "include" element. Check included file and // embed the document content inside this documentation node. // bool HandleInclude (MemberCore mc, XmlElement el) { bool keep_include_node = false; string file = el.GetAttribute ("file"); string path = el.GetAttribute ("path"); if (file == "") { Report.Warning (1590, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid XML `include' element. Missing `file' attribute"); el.ParentNode.InsertBefore (el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment (" Include tag is invalid "), el); keep_include_node = true; } else if (path.Length == 0) { Report.Warning (1590, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid XML `include' element. Missing `path' attribute"); el.ParentNode.InsertBefore (el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment (" Include tag is invalid "), el); keep_include_node = true; } else { XmlDocument doc; if (!StoredDocuments.TryGetValue (file, out doc)) { try { doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.Load (file); StoredDocuments.Add (file, doc); } catch (Exception) { el.ParentNode.InsertBefore (el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment (String.Format (" Badly formed XML in at comment file `{0}': cannot be included ", file)), el); Report.Warning (1592, 1, mc.Location, "Badly formed XML in included comments file -- `{0}'", file); } } if (doc != null) { try { XmlNodeList nl = doc.SelectNodes (path); if (nl.Count == 0) { el.ParentNode.InsertBefore (el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment (" No matching elements were found for the include tag embedded here. "), el); keep_include_node = true; } foreach (XmlNode n in nl) el.ParentNode.InsertBefore (el.OwnerDocument.ImportNode (n, true), el); } catch (Exception ex) { el.ParentNode.InsertBefore (el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment (" Failed to insert some or all of included XML "), el); Report.Warning (1589, 1, mc.Location, "Unable to include XML fragment `{0}' of file `{1}' ({2})", path, file, ex.Message); } } } return keep_include_node; } // // Handles elements. // void HandleSee (MemberCore mc, DeclSpace ds, XmlElement see) { HandleXrefCommon (mc, ds, see); } // // Handles elements. // void HandleSeeAlso (MemberCore mc, DeclSpace ds, XmlElement seealso) { HandleXrefCommon (mc, ds, seealso); } // // Handles elements. // void HandleException (MemberCore mc, DeclSpace ds, XmlElement seealso) { HandleXrefCommon (mc, ds, seealso); } // // Handles node // void HandleTypeParam (MemberCore mc, XmlElement node) { if (!node.HasAttribute ("name")) return; string tp_name = node.GetAttribute ("name"); if (mc.CurrentTypeParameters != null) { foreach (var tp in mc.CurrentTypeParameters) { if (tp.Name == tp_name) return; } } // TODO: CS1710, CS1712 mc.Compiler.Report.Warning (1711, 2, mc.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has a typeparam name `{1}' but there is no type parameter by that name", mc.GetSignatureForError (), tp_name); } // // Handles node // void HandleTypeParamRef (MemberCore mc, XmlElement node) { if (!node.HasAttribute ("name")) return; string tp_name = node.GetAttribute ("name"); var member = mc; do { if (member.CurrentTypeParameters != null) { foreach (var tp in member.CurrentTypeParameters) { if (tp.Name == tp_name) return; } } member = member.Parent; } while (member != null); mc.Compiler.Report.Warning (1735, 2, mc.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has a typeparamref name `{1}' that could not be resolved", mc.GetSignatureForError (), tp_name); } FullNamedExpression ResolveMemberName (IMemberContext context, MemberName mn) { if (mn.Left == null) return context.LookupNamespaceOrType (mn.Name, mn.Arity, LookupMode.Probing, Location.Null); var left = ResolveMemberName (context, mn.Left); var ns = left as Namespace; if (ns != null) return ns.LookupTypeOrNamespace (context, mn.Name, mn.Arity, LookupMode.Probing, Location.Null); TypeExpr texpr = left as TypeExpr; if (texpr != null) { var found = MemberCache.FindNestedType (texpr.Type, ParsedName.Name, ParsedName.Arity); if (found != null) return new TypeExpression (found, Location.Null); return null; } return left; } // // Processes "see" or "seealso" elements from cref attribute. // void HandleXrefCommon (MemberCore mc, DeclSpace ds, XmlElement xref) { string cref = xref.GetAttribute ("cref"); // when, XmlReader, "if (cref == null)" if (!xref.HasAttribute ("cref")) return; // Nothing to be resolved the reference is marked explicitly if (cref.Length > 2 && cref [1] == ':') return; // Additional symbols for < and > are allowed for easier XML typing cref = cref.Replace ('{', '<').Replace ('}', '>'); var encoding = module.Compiler.Settings.Encoding; var s = new MemoryStream (encoding.GetBytes (cref)); SeekableStreamReader seekable = new SeekableStreamReader (s, encoding); var source_file = new CompilationSourceFile ("{documentation}", "", 1); var doc_module = new ModuleContainer (module.Compiler); doc_module.DocumentationBuilder = this; source_file.NamespaceContainer = new NamespaceContainer (null, doc_module, null, source_file); Report parse_report = new Report (new NullReportPrinter ()); var parser = new CSharpParser (seekable, source_file, parse_report); ParsedParameters = null; ParsedName = null; ParsedBuiltinType = null; ParsedOperator = null; parser.Lexer.putback_char = Tokenizer.DocumentationXref; parser.Lexer.parsing_generic_declaration_doc = true; parser.parse (); if (parse_report.Errors > 0) { Report.Warning (1584, 1, mc.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has syntactically incorrect cref attribute `{1}'", mc.GetSignatureForError (), cref); xref.SetAttribute ("cref", "!:" + cref); return; } MemberSpec member; string prefix = null; FullNamedExpression fne = null; // // Try built-in type first because we are using ParsedName as identifier of // member names on built-in types // if (ParsedBuiltinType != null && (ParsedParameters == null || ParsedName != null)) { member = ParsedBuiltinType.Type; } else { member = null; } if (ParsedName != null || ParsedOperator.HasValue) { TypeSpec type = null; string member_name = null; if (member == null) { if (ParsedOperator.HasValue) { type = mc.CurrentType; } else if (ParsedName.Left != null) { fne = ResolveMemberName (mc, ParsedName.Left); if (fne != null) { var ns = fne as Namespace; if (ns != null) { fne = ns.LookupTypeOrNamespace (mc, ParsedName.Name, ParsedName.Arity, LookupMode.Probing, Location.Null); if (fne != null) { member = fne.Type; } } else { type = fne.Type; } } } else { fne = ResolveMemberName (mc, ParsedName); if (fne == null) { type = mc.CurrentType; } else if (ParsedParameters == null) { member = fne.Type; } else if (fne.Type.MemberDefinition == mc.CurrentType.MemberDefinition) { member_name = Constructor.ConstructorName; type = fne.Type; } } } else { type = (TypeSpec) member; member = null; } if (ParsedParameters != null) { var old_printer = mc.Module.Compiler.Report.SetPrinter (new NullReportPrinter ()); foreach (var pp in ParsedParameters) { pp.Resolve (mc); } mc.Module.Compiler.Report.SetPrinter (old_printer); } if (type != null) { if (member_name == null) member_name = ParsedOperator.HasValue ? Operator.GetMetadataName (ParsedOperator.Value) : ParsedName.Name; int parsed_param_count; if (ParsedOperator == Operator.OpType.Explicit || ParsedOperator == Operator.OpType.Implicit) { parsed_param_count = ParsedParameters.Count - 1; } else if (ParsedParameters != null) { parsed_param_count = ParsedParameters.Count; } else { parsed_param_count = 0; } int parameters_match = -1; do { var members = MemberCache.FindMembers (type, member_name, true); if (members != null) { foreach (var m in members) { if (ParsedName != null && m.Arity != ParsedName.Arity) continue; if (ParsedParameters != null) { IParametersMember pm = m as IParametersMember; if (pm == null) continue; if (m.Kind == MemberKind.Operator && !ParsedOperator.HasValue) continue; int i; for (i = 0; i < parsed_param_count; ++i) { var pparam = ParsedParameters[i]; if (i >= pm.Parameters.Count || pparam == null || pparam.TypeSpec != pm.Parameters.Types[i] || (pparam.Modifier & Parameter.Modifier.SignatureMask) != (pm.Parameters.FixedParameters[i].ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.SignatureMask)) { if (i > parameters_match) { parameters_match = i; } i = -1; break; } } if (i < 0) continue; if (ParsedOperator == Operator.OpType.Explicit || ParsedOperator == Operator.OpType.Implicit) { if (pm.MemberType != ParsedParameters[parsed_param_count].TypeSpec) { parameters_match = parsed_param_count + 1; continue; } } else { if (parsed_param_count != pm.Parameters.Count) continue; } } if (member != null) { Report.Warning (419, 3, mc.Location, "Ambiguous reference in cref attribute `{0}'. Assuming `{1}' but other overloads including `{2}' have also matched", cref, member.GetSignatureForError (), m.GetSignatureForError ()); break; } member = m; } } // Continue with parent type for nested types if (member == null) { type = type.DeclaringType; } else { type = null; } } while (type != null); if (member == null && parameters_match >= 0) { for (int i = parameters_match; i < parsed_param_count; ++i) { Report.Warning (1580, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid type for parameter `{0}' in XML comment cref attribute `{1}'", (i + 1).ToString (), cref); } if (parameters_match == parsed_param_count + 1) { Report.Warning (1581, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid return type in XML comment cref attribute `{0}'", cref); } } } } if (member == null) { Report.Warning (1574, 1, mc.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has cref attribute `{1}' that could not be resolved", mc.GetSignatureForError (), cref); cref = "!:" + cref; } else if (member == InternalType.Namespace) { cref = "N:" + fne.GetSignatureForError (); } else { prefix = GetMemberDocHead (member); cref = prefix + member.GetSignatureForDocumentation (); } xref.SetAttribute ("cref", cref); } // // Get a prefix from member type for XML documentation (used // to formalize cref target name). // static string GetMemberDocHead (MemberSpec type) { if (type is FieldSpec) return "F:"; if (type is MethodSpec) return "M:"; if (type is EventSpec) return "E:"; if (type is PropertySpec) return "P:"; if (type is TypeSpec) return "T:"; throw new NotImplementedException (type.GetType ().ToString ()); } // // Raised (and passed an XmlElement that contains the comment) // when GenerateDocComment is writing documentation expectedly. // // FIXME: with a few effort, it could be done with XmlReader, // that means removal of DOM use. // void CheckParametersComments (MemberCore member, IParametersMember paramMember, XmlElement el) { HashSet found_tags = null; foreach (XmlElement pelem in el.SelectNodes ("param")) { string xname = pelem.GetAttribute ("name"); if (xname.Length == 0) continue; // really? but MS looks doing so if (found_tags == null) { found_tags = new HashSet (); } if (xname != "" && paramMember.Parameters.GetParameterIndexByName (xname) < 0) { Report.Warning (1572, 2, member.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has a param tag for `{1}', but there is no parameter by that name", member.GetSignatureForError (), xname); continue; } if (found_tags.Contains (xname)) { Report.Warning (1571, 2, member.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has a duplicate param tag for `{1}'", member.GetSignatureForError (), xname); continue; } found_tags.Add (xname); } if (found_tags != null) { foreach (Parameter p in paramMember.Parameters.FixedParameters) { if (!found_tags.Contains (p.Name) && !(p is ArglistParameter)) Report.Warning (1573, 4, member.Location, "Parameter `{0}' has no matching param tag in the XML comment for `{1}'", p.Name, member.GetSignatureForError ()); } } } // // Outputs XML documentation comment from tokenized comments. // public bool OutputDocComment (string asmfilename, string xmlFileName) { XmlTextWriter w = null; try { w = new XmlTextWriter (xmlFileName, null); w.Indentation = 4; w.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; w.WriteStartDocument (); w.WriteStartElement ("doc"); w.WriteStartElement ("assembly"); w.WriteStartElement ("name"); w.WriteString (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (asmfilename)); w.WriteEndElement (); // name w.WriteEndElement (); // assembly w.WriteStartElement ("members"); XmlCommentOutput = w; module.GenerateDocComment (this); w.WriteFullEndElement (); // members w.WriteEndElement (); w.WriteWhitespace (Environment.NewLine); w.WriteEndDocument (); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { Report.Error (1569, "Error generating XML documentation file `{0}' (`{1}')", xmlFileName, ex.Message); return false; } finally { if (w != null) w.Close (); } } } class DocumentationParameter { public readonly Parameter.Modifier Modifier; public FullNamedExpression Type; TypeSpec type; public DocumentationParameter (Parameter.Modifier modifier, FullNamedExpression type) : this (type) { this.Modifier = modifier; } public DocumentationParameter (FullNamedExpression type) { this.Type = type; } public TypeSpec TypeSpec { get { return type; } } public void Resolve (IMemberContext context) { type = Type.ResolveAsType (context); } } }