// // delegate.cs: Delegate Handler // // Author: Ravi Pratap (ravi@ximian.com) // // Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL // // (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) // // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Text; namespace Mono.CSharp { /// /// Holds Delegates /// public class Delegate : MemberCore { public readonly string ReturnType; public Parameters Parameters; public Attributes OptAttributes; public TypeBuilder TypeBuilder; public ConstructorBuilder ConstructorBuilder; public MethodBuilder InvokeBuilder; public MethodBuilder BeginInvokeBuilder; public MethodBuilder EndInvokeBuilder; Type [] param_types; Type ret_type; Expression instance_expr; MethodBase delegate_method; const int AllowedModifiers = Modifiers.NEW | Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.PROTECTED | Modifiers.INTERNAL | Modifiers.PRIVATE; public Delegate (string type, int mod_flags, string name, Parameters param_list, Attributes attrs, Location l) : base (name, l) { this.ReturnType = type; ModFlags = Modifiers.Check (AllowedModifiers, mod_flags, Modifiers.PUBLIC); Parameters = param_list; OptAttributes = attrs; } public void DefineDelegate (object parent_builder) { TypeAttributes attr; string name = Name.Substring (1 + Name.LastIndexOf ('.')); if (parent_builder is ModuleBuilder) { ModuleBuilder builder = (ModuleBuilder) parent_builder; attr = TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Class | TypeAttributes.Sealed; TypeBuilder = builder.DefineType ( name, attr, TypeManager.multicast_delegate_type); } else { // FIXME: We could just use TypeBuilder here. TypeBuilder builder = (System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder) parent_builder; attr = TypeAttributes.NestedPublic | TypeAttributes.Class | TypeAttributes.Sealed; TypeBuilder = builder.DefineNestedType ( name, attr, TypeManager.multicast_delegate_type); } RootContext.TypeManager.AddDelegateType (Name, TypeBuilder, this); } public override bool Define (TypeContainer parent) { MethodAttributes mattr; int i; // FIXME: POSSIBLY make this static, as it is always constant // Type [] const_arg_types = new Type [2]; const_arg_types [0] = TypeManager.object_type; const_arg_types [1] = TypeManager.intptr_type; mattr = MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName | MethodAttributes.SpecialName | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.Public; ConstructorBuilder = TypeBuilder.DefineConstructor (mattr, CallingConventions.Standard, const_arg_types); // // HACK because System.Reflection.Emit is lame // // // FIXME: POSSIBLY make these static, as they are always the same Parameter [] fixed_pars = new Parameter [2]; fixed_pars [0] = new Parameter (null, null, Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null); fixed_pars [1] = new Parameter (null, null, Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null); Parameters const_parameters = new Parameters (fixed_pars, null, Location); TypeManager.RegisterMethod ( ConstructorBuilder, new InternalParameters (const_arg_types, const_parameters), const_arg_types); ConstructorBuilder.SetImplementationFlags (MethodImplAttributes.Runtime); // Here the various methods like Invoke, BeginInvoke etc are defined // // Invoke method // param_types = Parameters.GetParameterInfo (parent); if (param_types == null) return false; // Check accessibility foreach (Type partype in param_types) if (!TypeContainer.AsAccessible (partype, ModFlags)) return false; ret_type = RootContext.LookupType (parent, ReturnType, false, Location); if (ret_type == null) return false; if (!TypeContainer.AsAccessible (ret_type, ModFlags)) return false; // // We don't have to check any others because they are all // guaranteed to be accessible - they are standard types. // CallingConventions cc = Parameters.GetCallingConvention (); mattr = MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.Virtual; InvokeBuilder = TypeBuilder.DefineMethod ("Invoke", mattr, cc, ret_type, param_types); for (i = 0 ; i < param_types.Length; i++) { Parameter p = Parameters.FixedParameters [i]; string name = p.Name; ParameterBuilder pb = InvokeBuilder.DefineParameter (i+1, p.Attributes, name); } InvokeBuilder.SetImplementationFlags (MethodImplAttributes.Runtime); TypeManager.RegisterMethod (InvokeBuilder, new InternalParameters (parent, Parameters), param_types); // // BeginInvoke // int params_num = param_types.Length; Type [] async_param_types = new Type [params_num + 2]; param_types.CopyTo (async_param_types, 0); async_param_types [params_num] = TypeManager.asynccallback_type; async_param_types [params_num + 1] = TypeManager.object_type; mattr = MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.NewSlot; BeginInvokeBuilder = TypeBuilder.DefineMethod ("BeginInvoke", mattr, cc, TypeManager.iasyncresult_type, async_param_types); for (i = 0 ; i < param_types.Length; i++) { Parameter p = Parameters.FixedParameters [i]; string name = p.Name; BeginInvokeBuilder.DefineParameter (i + 1, p.Attributes, name); } BeginInvokeBuilder.DefineParameter (i + 1, ParameterAttributes.None, "callback"); BeginInvokeBuilder.DefineParameter (i + 2, ParameterAttributes.None, "object"); BeginInvokeBuilder.SetImplementationFlags (MethodImplAttributes.Runtime); Parameter [] async_params = new Parameter [params_num + 2]; if (params_num > 0) Parameters.FixedParameters.CopyTo (async_params, 0); async_params [params_num] = new Parameter ("System.AsyncCallback", "callback", Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null); async_params [params_num + 1] = new Parameter ("System.IAsyncResult", "object", Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null); TypeManager.RegisterMethod (BeginInvokeBuilder, new InternalParameters ( parent, new Parameters (async_params, null, Location)), async_param_types); // // EndInvoke // Type [] end_param_types = new Type [1]; end_param_types [0] = TypeManager.iasyncresult_type; EndInvokeBuilder = TypeBuilder.DefineMethod ("EndInvoke", mattr, cc, ret_type, end_param_types); EndInvokeBuilder.DefineParameter (1, ParameterAttributes.None, "result"); EndInvokeBuilder.SetImplementationFlags (MethodImplAttributes.Runtime); Parameter [] end_params = new Parameter [1]; end_params [0] = new Parameter ("System.IAsyncResult", "result", Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null); TypeManager.RegisterMethod (EndInvokeBuilder, new InternalParameters ( parent, new Parameters (end_params, null, Location)), end_param_types); return true; } /// /// Verifies whether the method in question is compatible with the delegate /// Returns the method itself if okay and null if not. /// public static MethodBase VerifyMethod (EmitContext ec, Type delegate_type, MethodBase mb, Location loc) { ParameterData pd = Invocation.GetParameterData (mb); Expression ml = Expression.MemberLookup (ec, delegate_type, "Invoke", false, loc); if (!(ml is MethodGroupExpr)) { Report.Error (-100, loc, "Internal error : could not find Invoke method!"); return null; } MethodBase invoke_mb = ((MethodGroupExpr) ml).Methods [0]; ParameterData invoke_pd = Invocation.GetParameterData (invoke_mb); bool mismatch = false; for (int i = pd.Count; i > 0; ) { i--; if (invoke_pd.ParameterType (i) == pd.ParameterType (i)) continue; else { mismatch = true; break; } } if (mismatch) { Report.Error ( 123, loc, "Method '" + Invocation.FullMethodDesc (mb) + "' does not match delegate '" + FullDelegateDesc (delegate_type, invoke_mb, invoke_pd) + "'"); return null; } if (((MethodInfo) invoke_mb).ReturnType == ((MethodInfo) mb).ReturnType) return mb; else mismatch = true; if (mismatch) { Report.Error (123, loc, "Method '" + Invocation.FullMethodDesc (mb) + "' does not match delegate '" + FullDelegateDesc (delegate_type, invoke_mb, invoke_pd) + "'"); return null; } return null; } // // Verifies whether the invocation arguments are compatible with the // delegate's target method // public static bool VerifyApplicability (EmitContext ec, Type delegate_type, ArrayList args, Location loc) { int arg_count; if (args == null) arg_count = 0; else arg_count = args.Count; Expression ml = Expression.MemberLookup (ec, delegate_type, "Invoke", false, loc); if (!(ml is MethodGroupExpr)) { Report.Error (-100, loc, "Internal error : could not find Invoke method!"); return false; } MethodBase mb = ((MethodGroupExpr) ml).Methods [0]; ParameterData pd = Invocation.GetParameterData (mb); if (pd.Count != arg_count) { Report.Error (1593, loc, "Delegate '" + delegate_type.ToString () + "' does not take '" + arg_count + "' arguments"); return false; } for (int i = arg_count; i > 0;) { i--; Expression conv; Argument a = (Argument) args [i]; Expression a_expr = a.Expr; if (pd.ParameterType (i) != a_expr.Type) { conv = Expression.ConvertImplicitStandard (ec, a_expr, pd.ParameterType (i), loc); if (conv == null) { Report.Error (1594, loc, "Delegate '" + delegate_type.ToString () + "' has some invalid arguments."); Report.Error (1503, loc, "Argument " + (i+1) + ": Cannot convert from '" + TypeManager.CSharpName (a_expr.Type) + "' to '" + TypeManager.CSharpName (pd.ParameterType (i)) + "'"); return false; } if (a_expr != conv) a.Expr = conv; } } return true; } /// /// Verifies whether the delegate in question is compatible with this one in /// order to determine if instantiation from the same is possible. /// public static bool VerifyDelegate (EmitContext ec, Type delegate_type, Type probe_type, Location loc) { Expression ml = Expression.MemberLookup (ec, delegate_type, "Invoke", false, loc); if (!(ml is MethodGroupExpr)) { Report.Error (-100, loc, "Internal error : could not find Invoke method!"); return false; } MethodBase mb = ((MethodGroupExpr) ml).Methods [0]; ParameterData pd = Invocation.GetParameterData (mb); Expression probe_ml = Expression.MemberLookup (ec, delegate_type, "Invoke", false, loc); if (!(probe_ml is MethodGroupExpr)) { Report.Error (-100, loc, "Internal error : could not find Invoke method!"); return false; } MethodBase probe_mb = ((MethodGroupExpr) probe_ml).Methods [0]; ParameterData probe_pd = Invocation.GetParameterData (probe_mb); if (((MethodInfo) mb).ReturnType != ((MethodInfo) probe_mb).ReturnType) return false; if (pd.Count != probe_pd.Count) return false; for (int i = pd.Count; i > 0; ) { i--; if (pd.ParameterType (i) != probe_pd.ParameterType (i) || pd.ParameterModifier (i) != probe_pd.ParameterModifier (i)) return false; } return true; } public static string FullDelegateDesc (Type del_type, MethodBase mb, ParameterData pd) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (TypeManager.CSharpName (((MethodInfo) mb).ReturnType)); sb.Append (" " + del_type.ToString ()); sb.Append (" ("); int length = pd.Count; for (int i = length; i > 0; ) { i--; sb.Append (TypeManager.CSharpName (pd.ParameterType (length - i - 1))); if (i != 0) sb.Append (", "); } sb.Append (")"); return sb.ToString (); } // Hack around System.Reflection as found everywhere else public MemberInfo [] FindMembers (MemberTypes mt, BindingFlags bf, MemberFilter filter, object criteria) { ArrayList members = new ArrayList (); if ((mt & MemberTypes.Method) != 0) { if (filter (ConstructorBuilder, criteria)) members.Add (ConstructorBuilder); if (filter (InvokeBuilder, criteria)) members.Add (InvokeBuilder); if (filter (BeginInvokeBuilder, criteria)) members.Add (BeginInvokeBuilder); if (filter (EndInvokeBuilder, criteria)) members.Add (EndInvokeBuilder); } int count = members.Count; if (count > 0) { MemberInfo [] mi = new MemberInfo [count]; members.CopyTo (mi, 0); return mi; } return null; } public void CloseDelegate () { TypeBuilder.CreateType (); } public Expression InstanceExpression { get { return instance_expr; } set { instance_expr = value; } } public MethodBase TargetMethod { get { return delegate_method; } set { delegate_method = value; } } public Type TargetReturnType { get { return ret_type; } } public Type [] ParameterTypes { get { return param_types; } } } public class NewDelegate : Expression { public ArrayList Arguments; MethodBase constructor_method; MethodBase delegate_method; Expression delegate_instance_expr; Location Location; public NewDelegate (Type type, ArrayList Arguments, Location loc) { this.type = type; this.Arguments = Arguments; this.Location = loc; } public override Expression DoResolve (EmitContext ec) { if (Arguments == null) { Report.Error (-11, Location, "Delegate creation expression takes only one argument"); return null; } if (Arguments.Count != 1) { Report.Error (-11, Location, "Delegate creation expression takes only one argument"); return null; } Expression ml = Expression.MemberLookup (ec, type, ".ctor", false, Location); if (!(ml is MethodGroupExpr)) { Report.Error (-100, Location, "Internal error : Could not find delegate constructor!"); return null; } constructor_method = ((MethodGroupExpr) ml).Methods [0]; Argument a = (Argument) Arguments [0]; if (!a.Resolve (ec, Location)) return null; Expression e = a.Expr; if (e is MethodGroupExpr) { MethodGroupExpr mg = (MethodGroupExpr) e; if (mg.Methods.Length > 1) { Report.Error (-14, Location, "Ambiguous method reference in delegate creation"); return null; } delegate_method = Delegate.VerifyMethod (ec, type, mg.Methods [0], Location); if (delegate_method == null) return null; if (mg.InstanceExpression != null) delegate_instance_expr = mg.InstanceExpression.Resolve (ec); else { if (!ec.IsStatic) delegate_instance_expr = ( new This (Mono.CSharp.Location.Null)).Resolve (ec); else delegate_instance_expr = null; } if (delegate_instance_expr != null) if (delegate_instance_expr.Type.IsValueType) delegate_instance_expr = new BoxedCast (delegate_instance_expr); DictionaryEntry de = new DictionaryEntry (delegate_method, delegate_instance_expr); TypeManager.RegisterDelegateData (type, de); eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } Type e_type = e.Type; if (!TypeManager.IsDelegateType (e_type)) { Report.Error (-12, Location, "Cannot create a delegate from something " + "not a delegate or a method."); return null; } // This is what MS' compiler reports. We could always choose // to be more verbose and actually give delegate-level specifics if (!Delegate.VerifyDelegate (ec, type, e_type, Location)) { Report.Error (29, Location, "Cannot implicitly convert type '" + e_type + "' " + "to type '" + type + "'"); return null; } DictionaryEntry d = TypeManager.GetDelegateData (e_type); delegate_instance_expr = (Expression) d.Value; delegate_method = (MethodBase) d.Key; eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { if (delegate_instance_expr == null) ec.ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldnull); else delegate_instance_expr.Emit (ec); ec.ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldftn, (MethodInfo) delegate_method); ec.ig.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, (ConstructorInfo) constructor_method); } } public class DelegateInvocation : ExpressionStatement { public Expression InstanceExpr; public ArrayList Arguments; public Location Location; MethodBase method; public DelegateInvocation (Expression instance_expr, ArrayList args, Location loc) { this.InstanceExpr = instance_expr; this.Arguments = args; this.Location = loc; } public override Expression DoResolve (EmitContext ec) { Type del_type = InstanceExpr.Type; if (del_type == null) return null; if (Arguments != null){ for (int i = Arguments.Count; i > 0;){ --i; Argument a = (Argument) Arguments [i]; if (!a.Resolve (ec, Location)) return null; } } if (!Delegate.VerifyApplicability (ec, del_type, Arguments, Location)) return null; Expression ml = Expression.MemberLookup (ec, del_type, "Invoke", false, Location); if (!(ml is MethodGroupExpr)) { Report.Error (-100, Location, "Internal error : could not find Invoke method!"); return null; } method = ((MethodGroupExpr) ml).Methods [0]; type = ((MethodInfo) method).ReturnType; eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { Delegate del = TypeManager.LookupDelegate (InstanceExpr.Type); // // Invocation on delegates call the virtual Invoke member // so we are always `instance' calls // Invocation.EmitCall (ec, false, InstanceExpr, method, Arguments); } public override void EmitStatement (EmitContext ec) { Emit (ec); // // Pop the return value if there is one // if (method is MethodInfo){ if (((MethodInfo) method).ReturnType != TypeManager.void_type) ec.ig.Emit (OpCodes.Pop); } } } }