// // delegate.cs: Delegate Handler // // Authors: // Ravi Pratap (ravi@ximian.com) // Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com) // Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com) // // Dual licensed under the terms of the MIT X11 or GNU GPL // // Copyright 2001 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) // Copyright 2003-2009 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; namespace Mono.CSharp { // // Delegate container implementation // public class Delegate : TypeContainer { FullNamedExpression ReturnType; public readonly AParametersCollection Parameters; // TODO: Maybe I can keep member cache only and not the builders Constructor Constructor; Method InvokeBuilder; Method BeginInvokeBuilder; Method EndInvokeBuilder; static readonly string[] attribute_targets = new string [] { "type", "return" }; public static readonly string InvokeMethodName = "Invoke"; Expression instance_expr; ReturnParameter return_attributes; const Modifiers MethodModifiers = Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.VIRTUAL; const Modifiers AllowedModifiers = Modifiers.NEW | Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.PROTECTED | Modifiers.INTERNAL | Modifiers.UNSAFE | Modifiers.PRIVATE; public Delegate (NamespaceEntry ns, DeclSpace parent, FullNamedExpression type, Modifiers mod_flags, MemberName name, ParametersCompiled param_list, Attributes attrs) : base (ns, parent, name, attrs, Kind.Delegate) { this.ReturnType = type; ModFlags = ModifiersExtensions.Check (AllowedModifiers, mod_flags, IsTopLevel ? Modifiers.INTERNAL : Modifiers.PRIVATE, name.Location, Report); Parameters = param_list; } public override void ApplyAttributeBuilder (Attribute a, CustomAttributeBuilder cb, PredefinedAttributes pa) { if (a.Target == AttributeTargets.ReturnValue) { if (return_attributes == null) return_attributes = new ReturnParameter (this, InvokeBuilder.MethodBuilder, Location); return_attributes.ApplyAttributeBuilder (a, cb, pa); return; } base.ApplyAttributeBuilder (a, cb, pa); } public override AttributeTargets AttributeTargets { get { return AttributeTargets.Delegate; } } protected override Type BaseType { get { return TypeManager.multicast_delegate_type; } } protected override bool DoDefineMembers () { if (IsGeneric) { foreach (TypeParameter type_param in TypeParameters) { if (!type_param.Resolve (this)) return false; } foreach (TypeParameter type_param in TypeParameters) { if (!type_param.DefineType (this)) return false; } } member_cache = new MemberCache (BaseType, this); var ctor_parameters = ParametersCompiled.CreateFullyResolved ( new [] { new Parameter (new TypeExpression (TypeManager.object_type, Location), "object", Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null, Location), new Parameter (new TypeExpression (TypeManager.intptr_type, Location), "method", Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null, Location) }, new [] { TypeManager.object_type, TypeManager.intptr_type } ); Constructor = new Constructor (this, System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo.ConstructorName, Modifiers.PUBLIC, null, ctor_parameters, null, Location); Constructor.Define (); // // Here the various methods like Invoke, BeginInvoke etc are defined // // First, call the `out of band' special method for // defining recursively any types we need: // var p = Parameters.AsCompiled; if (!p.Resolve (this)) return false; // // Invoke method // // Check accessibility foreach (var partype in p.Types) { if (!IsAccessibleAs (partype)) { Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (partype); Report.Error (59, Location, "Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type `{0}' is less accessible than delegate `{1}'", TypeManager.CSharpName (partype), GetSignatureForError ()); } } ReturnType = ReturnType.ResolveAsTypeTerminal (this, false); if (ReturnType == null) return false; var ret_type = ReturnType.Type; // // We don't have to check any others because they are all // guaranteed to be accessible - they are standard types. // if (!IsAccessibleAs (ret_type)) { Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (ret_type); Report.Error (58, Location, "Inconsistent accessibility: return type `" + TypeManager.CSharpName (ret_type) + "' is less " + "accessible than delegate `" + GetSignatureForError () + "'"); return false; } CheckProtectedModifier (); if (RootContext.StdLib && TypeManager.IsSpecialType (ret_type)) { Method.Error1599 (Location, ret_type, Report); return false; } TypeManager.CheckTypeVariance (ret_type, Variance.Covariant, this); InvokeBuilder = new Method (this, null, ReturnType, MethodModifiers, new MemberName (InvokeMethodName), p, null); InvokeBuilder.Define (); // // Don't emit async method for compiler generated delegates (e.g. dynamic site containers) // if (TypeManager.iasyncresult_type != null && TypeManager.asynccallback_type != null && !IsCompilerGenerated) { DefineAsyncMethods (Parameters.CallingConvention); } return true; } void DefineAsyncMethods (CallingConventions cc) { // // BeginInvoke // Parameter[] compiled = new Parameter[Parameters.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < compiled.Length; ++i) compiled[i] = new Parameter (new TypeExpression (Parameters.Types[i], Location), Parameters.FixedParameters[i].Name, Parameters.FixedParameters[i].ModFlags & (Parameter.Modifier.REF | Parameter.Modifier.OUT), null, Location); ParametersCompiled async_parameters = new ParametersCompiled (Compiler, compiled); async_parameters = ParametersCompiled.MergeGenerated (Compiler, async_parameters, false, new Parameter[] { new Parameter (new TypeExpression (TypeManager.asynccallback_type, Location), "callback", Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null, Location), new Parameter (new TypeExpression (TypeManager.object_type, Location), "object", Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null, Location) }, new [] { TypeManager.asynccallback_type, TypeManager.object_type } ); BeginInvokeBuilder = new Method (this, null, new TypeExpression (TypeManager.iasyncresult_type, Location), MethodModifiers, new MemberName ("BeginInvoke"), async_parameters, null); BeginInvokeBuilder.Define (); // // EndInvoke is a bit more interesting, all the parameters labeled as // out or ref have to be duplicated here. // // // Define parameters, and count out/ref parameters // ParametersCompiled end_parameters; int out_params = 0; foreach (Parameter p in Parameters.FixedParameters) { if ((p.ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.ISBYREF) != 0) ++out_params; } if (out_params > 0) { var end_param_types = new Type [out_params]; Parameter[] end_params = new Parameter[out_params]; int param = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Parameters.FixedParameters.Length; ++i) { Parameter p = Parameters.AsCompiled [i]; if ((p.ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.ISBYREF) == 0) continue; end_param_types[param] = Parameters.Types[i]; end_params[param] = p; ++param; } end_parameters = ParametersCompiled.CreateFullyResolved (end_params, end_param_types); } else { end_parameters = ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters; } end_parameters = ParametersCompiled.MergeGenerated (Compiler, end_parameters, false, new Parameter ( new TypeExpression (TypeManager.iasyncresult_type, Location), "result", Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null, Location), TypeManager.iasyncresult_type); // // Create method, define parameters, register parameters with type system // EndInvokeBuilder = new Method (this, null, ReturnType, MethodModifiers, new MemberName ("EndInvoke"), end_parameters, null); EndInvokeBuilder.Define (); } public override void Emit () { if (TypeManager.IsDynamicType (ReturnType.Type)) { return_attributes = new ReturnParameter (this, InvokeBuilder.MethodBuilder, Location); PredefinedAttributes.Get.Dynamic.EmitAttribute (return_attributes.Builder); } else { var trans_flags = TypeManager.HasDynamicTypeUsed (ReturnType.Type); if (trans_flags != null) { var pa = PredefinedAttributes.Get.DynamicTransform; if (pa.Constructor != null || pa.ResolveConstructor (Location, TypeManager.bool_type.MakeArrayType ())) { return_attributes = new ReturnParameter (this, InvokeBuilder.MethodBuilder, Location); return_attributes.Builder.SetCustomAttribute ( new CustomAttributeBuilder (pa.Constructor, new object [] { trans_flags })); } } } Parameters.AsCompiled.ApplyAttributes (InvokeBuilder.MethodBuilder); Constructor.ConstructorBuilder.SetImplementationFlags (MethodImplAttributes.Runtime); InvokeBuilder.MethodBuilder.SetImplementationFlags (MethodImplAttributes.Runtime); if (BeginInvokeBuilder != null) { BeginInvokeBuilder.Parameters.ApplyAttributes (BeginInvokeBuilder.MethodBuilder); BeginInvokeBuilder.MethodBuilder.SetImplementationFlags (MethodImplAttributes.Runtime); EndInvokeBuilder.MethodBuilder.SetImplementationFlags (MethodImplAttributes.Runtime); } if (OptAttributes != null) { OptAttributes.Emit (); } base.Emit (); } protected override TypeAttributes TypeAttr { get { return ModifiersExtensions.TypeAttr (ModFlags, IsTopLevel) | TypeAttributes.Class | TypeAttributes.Sealed | base.TypeAttr; } } public override string[] ValidAttributeTargets { get { return attribute_targets; } } //TODO: duplicate protected override bool VerifyClsCompliance () { if (!base.VerifyClsCompliance ()) { return false; } Parameters.AsCompiled.VerifyClsCompliance (this); if (!AttributeTester.IsClsCompliant (ReturnType.Type)) { Report.Warning (3002, 1, Location, "Return type of `{0}' is not CLS-compliant", GetSignatureForError ()); } return true; } public static ConstructorInfo GetConstructor (CompilerContext ctx, Type container_type, Type delegate_type) { Type dt = delegate_type; Type[] g_args = null; if (TypeManager.IsGenericType (delegate_type)) { g_args = TypeManager.GetTypeArguments (delegate_type); delegate_type = TypeManager.DropGenericTypeArguments (delegate_type); } Delegate d = TypeManager.LookupDelegate (delegate_type); if (d != null) { if (g_args != null) return TypeBuilder.GetConstructor (dt, d.Constructor.ConstructorBuilder); return d.Constructor.ConstructorBuilder; } Expression ml = Expression.MemberLookup (ctx, container_type, null, dt, ConstructorInfo.ConstructorName, MemberTypes.Constructor, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly, Location.Null); MethodGroupExpr mg = ml as MethodGroupExpr; if (mg == null) { ctx.Report.Error (-100, Location.Null, "Internal error: could not find delegate constructor!"); // FIXME: null will cause a crash later return null; } return (ConstructorInfo) mg.Methods[0]; } // // Returns the MethodBase for "Invoke" from a delegate type, this is used // to extract the signature of a delegate. // public static MethodInfo GetInvokeMethod (CompilerContext ctx, Type container_type, Type delegate_type) { Type dt = delegate_type; Type[] g_args = null; if (TypeManager.IsGenericType (delegate_type)) { g_args = TypeManager.GetTypeArguments (delegate_type); delegate_type = TypeManager.DropGenericTypeArguments (delegate_type); } Delegate d = TypeManager.LookupDelegate (delegate_type); MethodInfo invoke; if (d != null) { if (g_args != null) { invoke = TypeBuilder.GetMethod (dt, d.InvokeBuilder.MethodBuilder); #if MS_COMPATIBLE ParametersCompiled p = (ParametersCompiled) d.Parameters.InflateTypes (g_args, g_args); TypeManager.RegisterMethod (invoke, p); #endif return invoke; } return d.InvokeBuilder.MethodBuilder; } Expression ml = Expression.MemberLookup (ctx, container_type, null, dt, "Invoke", Location.Null); MethodGroupExpr mg = ml as MethodGroupExpr; if (mg == null) { ctx.Report.Error (-100, Location.Null, "Internal error: could not find Invoke method!"); // FIXME: null will cause a crash later return null; } invoke = (MethodInfo) mg.Methods[0]; #if MS_COMPATIBLE if (g_args != null) { AParametersCollection p = TypeManager.GetParameterData (invoke); p = p.InflateTypes (g_args, g_args); TypeManager.RegisterMethod (invoke, p); return invoke; } #endif return invoke; } // // 15.2 Delegate compatibility // public static bool IsTypeCovariant (Expression a, Type b) { // // For each value parameter (a parameter with no ref or out modifier), an // identity conversion or implicit reference conversion exists from the // parameter type in D to the corresponding parameter type in M // if (a.Type == b) return true; if (RootContext.Version == LanguageVersion.ISO_1) return false; return Convert.ImplicitReferenceConversionExists (a, b); } public static string FullDelegateDesc (MethodBase invoke_method) { return TypeManager.GetFullNameSignature (invoke_method).Replace (".Invoke", ""); } public Expression InstanceExpression { get { return instance_expr; } set { instance_expr = value; } } } // // Base class for `NewDelegate' and `ImplicitDelegateCreation' // public abstract class DelegateCreation : Expression, MethodGroupExpr.IErrorHandler { protected ConstructorInfo constructor_method; protected MethodInfo delegate_method; // We keep this to handle IsBase only protected MethodGroupExpr method_group; protected Expression delegate_instance_expression; // TODO: Should either cache it or use interface to abstract it public static Arguments CreateDelegateMethodArguments (AParametersCollection pd, Location loc) { Arguments delegate_arguments = new Arguments (pd.Count); for (int i = 0; i < pd.Count; ++i) { Argument.AType atype_modifier; Type atype = pd.Types [i]; switch (pd.FixedParameters [i].ModFlags) { case Parameter.Modifier.REF: atype_modifier = Argument.AType.Ref; //atype = atype.GetElementType (); break; case Parameter.Modifier.OUT: atype_modifier = Argument.AType.Out; //atype = atype.GetElementType (); break; default: atype_modifier = 0; break; } delegate_arguments.Add (new Argument (new TypeExpression (atype, loc), atype_modifier)); } return delegate_arguments; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { MemberAccess ma = new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (new QualifiedAliasMember ("global", "System", loc), "Delegate", loc), "CreateDelegate", loc); Arguments args = new Arguments (3); args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (new TypeExpression (type, loc), loc))); args.Add (new Argument (new NullLiteral (loc))); args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOfMethod (delegate_method, loc))); Expression e = new Invocation (ma, args).Resolve (ec); if (e == null) return null; e = Convert.ExplicitConversion (ec, e, type, loc); if (e == null) return null; return e.CreateExpressionTree (ec); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { constructor_method = Delegate.GetConstructor (ec.Compiler, ec.CurrentType, type); MethodInfo invoke_method = Delegate.GetInvokeMethod (ec.Compiler, ec.CurrentType, type); method_group.DelegateType = type; method_group.CustomErrorHandler = this; Arguments arguments = CreateDelegateMethodArguments (TypeManager.GetParameterData (invoke_method), loc); method_group = method_group.OverloadResolve (ec, ref arguments, false, loc); if (method_group == null) return null; delegate_method = (MethodInfo) method_group; if (TypeManager.IsNullableType (delegate_method.DeclaringType)) { ec.Report.Error (1728, loc, "Cannot create delegate from method `{0}' because it is a member of System.Nullable type", TypeManager.GetFullNameSignature (delegate_method)); return null; } Invocation.IsSpecialMethodInvocation (ec, delegate_method, loc); ExtensionMethodGroupExpr emg = method_group as ExtensionMethodGroupExpr; if (emg != null) { delegate_instance_expression = emg.ExtensionExpression; Type e_type = delegate_instance_expression.Type; if (TypeManager.IsValueType (e_type)) { ec.Report.Error (1113, loc, "Extension method `{0}' of value type `{1}' cannot be used to create delegates", TypeManager.CSharpSignature (delegate_method), TypeManager.CSharpName (e_type)); } } Type rt = TypeManager.TypeToCoreType (delegate_method.ReturnType); Expression ret_expr = new TypeExpression (rt, loc); if (!Delegate.IsTypeCovariant (ret_expr, (TypeManager.TypeToCoreType (invoke_method.ReturnType)))) { Error_ConversionFailed (ec, delegate_method, ret_expr); } if (Invocation.IsMethodExcluded (delegate_method, loc)) { ec.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (delegate_method); MethodOrOperator m = TypeManager.GetMethod (delegate_method) as MethodOrOperator; if (m != null && m.IsPartialDefinition) { ec.Report.Error (762, loc, "Cannot create delegate from partial method declaration `{0}'", TypeManager.CSharpSignature (delegate_method)); } else { ec.Report.Error (1618, loc, "Cannot create delegate with `{0}' because it has a Conditional attribute", TypeManager.CSharpSignature (delegate_method)); } } DoResolveInstanceExpression (ec); eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } void DoResolveInstanceExpression (ResolveContext ec) { // // Argument is another delegate // if (delegate_instance_expression != null) return; if (method_group.IsStatic) { delegate_instance_expression = null; return; } Expression instance = method_group.InstanceExpression; if (instance != null && instance != EmptyExpression.Null) { delegate_instance_expression = instance; Type instance_type = delegate_instance_expression.Type; if (TypeManager.IsValueType (instance_type) || TypeManager.IsGenericParameter (instance_type)) { delegate_instance_expression = new BoxedCast ( delegate_instance_expression, TypeManager.object_type); } } else { delegate_instance_expression = ec.GetThis (loc); } } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { if (delegate_instance_expression == null) ec.ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldnull); else delegate_instance_expression.Emit (ec); if (!delegate_method.DeclaringType.IsSealed && delegate_method.IsVirtual && !method_group.IsBase) { ec.ig.Emit (OpCodes.Dup); ec.ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldvirtftn, delegate_method); } else { ec.ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldftn, delegate_method); } ec.ig.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, constructor_method); } void Error_ConversionFailed (ResolveContext ec, MethodBase method, Expression return_type) { MethodInfo invoke_method = Delegate.GetInvokeMethod (ec.Compiler, ec.CurrentType, type); string member_name = delegate_instance_expression != null ? Delegate.FullDelegateDesc (method) : TypeManager.GetFullNameSignature (method); ec.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (type); ec.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (method); if (RootContext.Version == LanguageVersion.ISO_1) { ec.Report.Error (410, loc, "A method or delegate `{0} {1}' parameters and return type must be same as delegate `{2} {3}' parameters and return type", TypeManager.CSharpName (((MethodInfo) method).ReturnType), member_name, TypeManager.CSharpName (invoke_method.ReturnType), Delegate.FullDelegateDesc (invoke_method)); return; } if (return_type == null) { ec.Report.Error (123, loc, "A method or delegate `{0}' parameters do not match delegate `{1}' parameters", member_name, Delegate.FullDelegateDesc (invoke_method)); return; } ec.Report.Error (407, loc, "A method or delegate `{0} {1}' return type does not match delegate `{2} {3}' return type", return_type.GetSignatureForError (), member_name, TypeManager.CSharpName (invoke_method.ReturnType), Delegate.FullDelegateDesc (invoke_method)); } public static bool ImplicitStandardConversionExists (ResolveContext ec, MethodGroupExpr mg, Type target_type) { if (target_type == TypeManager.delegate_type || target_type == TypeManager.multicast_delegate_type) return false; mg.DelegateType = target_type; MethodInfo invoke = Delegate.GetInvokeMethod (ec.Compiler, null, target_type); Arguments arguments = CreateDelegateMethodArguments (TypeManager.GetParameterData (invoke), mg.Location); return mg.OverloadResolve (ec, ref arguments, true, mg.Location) != null; } public override void MutateHoistedGenericType (AnonymousMethodStorey storey) { if (delegate_instance_expression != null) delegate_instance_expression.MutateHoistedGenericType (storey); delegate_method = storey.MutateGenericMethod (delegate_method); constructor_method = storey.MutateConstructor (constructor_method); } #region IErrorHandler Members public bool NoExactMatch (ResolveContext ec, MethodBase method) { if (TypeManager.IsGenericMethod (method)) return false; Error_ConversionFailed (ec, method, null); return true; } public bool AmbiguousCall (ResolveContext ec, MethodBase ambiguous) { return false; } #endregion } // // Created from the conversion code // public class ImplicitDelegateCreation : DelegateCreation { ImplicitDelegateCreation (Type t, MethodGroupExpr mg, Location l) { type = t; this.method_group = mg; loc = l; } static public Expression Create (ResolveContext ec, MethodGroupExpr mge, Type target_type, Location loc) { ImplicitDelegateCreation d = new ImplicitDelegateCreation (target_type, mge, loc); return d.DoResolve (ec); } } // // A delegate-creation-expression, invoked from the `New' class // public class NewDelegate : DelegateCreation { public Arguments Arguments; // // This constructor is invoked from the `New' expression // public NewDelegate (Type type, Arguments Arguments, Location loc) { this.type = type; this.Arguments = Arguments; this.loc = loc; } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { if (Arguments == null || Arguments.Count != 1) { ec.Report.Error (149, loc, "Method name expected"); return null; } Argument a = Arguments [0]; if (!a.ResolveMethodGroup (ec)) return null; Expression e = a.Expr; AnonymousMethodExpression ame = e as AnonymousMethodExpression; if (ame != null && RootContext.Version != LanguageVersion.ISO_1) { e = ame.Compatible (ec, type); if (e == null) return null; return e.Resolve (ec); } method_group = e as MethodGroupExpr; if (method_group == null) { if (TypeManager.IsDynamicType (e.Type)) { e = Convert.ImplicitConversionRequired (ec, e, type, loc); } else if (!TypeManager.IsDelegateType (e.Type)) { e.Error_UnexpectedKind (ec, ResolveFlags.MethodGroup | ResolveFlags.Type, loc); return null; } // // An argument is not a method but another delegate // delegate_instance_expression = e; method_group = new MethodGroupExpr (new MemberInfo [] { Delegate.GetInvokeMethod (ec.Compiler, ec.CurrentType, e.Type) }, e.Type, loc); } return base.DoResolve (ec); } } // // Invocation converted to delegate Invoke call // class DelegateInvocation : ExpressionStatement { readonly Expression InstanceExpr; Arguments arguments; MethodInfo method; public DelegateInvocation (Expression instance_expr, Arguments args, Location loc) { this.InstanceExpr = instance_expr; this.arguments = args; this.loc = loc; } public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec) { Arguments args = Arguments.CreateForExpressionTree (ec, this.arguments, InstanceExpr.CreateExpressionTree (ec)); return CreateExpressionFactoryCall (ec, "Invoke", args); } protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec) { if (InstanceExpr is EventExpr) { ((EventExpr) InstanceExpr).Error_CannotAssign (ec); return null; } Type del_type = InstanceExpr.Type; if (del_type == null) return null; method = Delegate.GetInvokeMethod (ec.Compiler, ec.CurrentType, del_type); MethodBase mb = method; var me = new MethodGroupExpr (new [] { mb }, del_type, loc); me.InstanceExpression = InstanceExpr; AParametersCollection pd = TypeManager.GetParameterData (mb); int pd_count = pd.Count; int arg_count = arguments == null ? 0 : arguments.Count; bool params_method = pd.HasParams; bool is_params_applicable = false; bool is_applicable = me.IsApplicable (ec, ref arguments, arg_count, ref mb, ref is_params_applicable) == 0; if (arguments != null) arg_count = arguments.Count; if (!is_applicable && !params_method && arg_count != pd_count) { ec.Report.Error (1593, loc, "Delegate `{0}' does not take `{1}' arguments", TypeManager.CSharpName (del_type), arg_count.ToString ()); } else if (arguments == null || !arguments.HasDynamic) { me.VerifyArgumentsCompat (ec, ref arguments, arg_count, mb, is_params_applicable || (!is_applicable && params_method), false, loc); } type = TypeManager.TypeToCoreType (method.ReturnType); eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { // // Invocation on delegates call the virtual Invoke member // so we are always `instance' calls // Invocation.EmitCall (ec, false, InstanceExpr, method, arguments, loc); } public override void EmitStatement (EmitContext ec) { Emit (ec); // // Pop the return value if there is one // if (type != TypeManager.void_type) ec.ig.Emit (OpCodes.Pop); } public override System.Linq.Expressions.Expression MakeExpression (BuilderContext ctx) { return Invocation.MakeExpression (ctx, InstanceExpr, method, arguments); } public override void MutateHoistedGenericType (AnonymousMethodStorey storey) { method = storey.MutateGenericMethod (method); type = storey.MutateType (type); if (arguments != null) arguments.MutateHoistedGenericType (storey); InstanceExpr.MutateHoistedGenericType (storey); } } }