// // decl.cs: Declaration base class for structs, classes, enums and interfaces. // // Author: Miguel de Icaza (miguel@gnu.org) // Marek Safar (marek.safar@seznam.cz) // // Dual licensed under the terms of the MIT X11 or GNU GPL // // Copyright 2001 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) // Copyright 2004-2008 Novell, Inc // // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; #if NET_2_1 using XmlElement = System.Object; #else using System.Xml; #endif #if STATIC using IKVM.Reflection; using IKVM.Reflection.Emit; #else using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; #endif namespace Mono.CSharp { // // Better name would be DottenName // [DebuggerDisplay ("{GetSignatureForError()}")] public class MemberName { public readonly string Name; public TypeArguments TypeArguments; public readonly MemberName Left; public readonly Location Location; public static readonly MemberName Null = new MemberName (""); bool is_double_colon; private MemberName (MemberName left, string name, bool is_double_colon, Location loc) { this.Name = name; this.Location = loc; this.is_double_colon = is_double_colon; this.Left = left; } private MemberName (MemberName left, string name, bool is_double_colon, TypeArguments args, Location loc) : this (left, name, is_double_colon, loc) { if (args != null && args.Count > 0) this.TypeArguments = args; } public MemberName (string name) : this (name, Location.Null) { } public MemberName (string name, Location loc) : this (null, name, false, loc) { } public MemberName (string name, TypeArguments args, Location loc) : this (null, name, false, args, loc) { } public MemberName (MemberName left, string name) : this (left, name, left != null ? left.Location : Location.Null) { } public MemberName (MemberName left, string name, Location loc) : this (left, name, false, loc) { } public MemberName (MemberName left, string name, TypeArguments args, Location loc) : this (left, name, false, args, loc) { } public MemberName (string alias, string name, TypeArguments args, Location loc) : this (new MemberName (alias, loc), name, true, args, loc) { } public MemberName (MemberName left, MemberName right) : this (left, right, right.Location) { } public MemberName (MemberName left, MemberName right, Location loc) : this (null, right.Name, false, right.TypeArguments, loc) { if (right.is_double_colon) throw new InternalErrorException ("Cannot append double_colon member name"); this.Left = (right.Left == null) ? left : new MemberName (left, right.Left); } // TODO: Remove public string GetName () { return GetName (false); } public int Arity { get { return TypeArguments == null ? 0 : TypeArguments.Count; } } public bool IsGeneric { get { if (TypeArguments != null) return true; else if (Left != null) return Left.IsGeneric; else return false; } } public string GetName (bool is_generic) { string name = is_generic ? Basename : Name; if (Left != null) return Left.GetName (is_generic) + (is_double_colon ? "::" : ".") + name; return name; } public ATypeNameExpression GetTypeExpression () { if (Left == null) { if (TypeArguments != null) return new SimpleName (Name, TypeArguments, Location); return new SimpleName (Name, Location); } if (is_double_colon) { if (Left.Left != null) throw new InternalErrorException ("The left side of a :: should be an identifier"); return new QualifiedAliasMember (Left.Name, Name, TypeArguments, Location); } Expression lexpr = Left.GetTypeExpression (); return new MemberAccess (lexpr, Name, TypeArguments, Location); } public MemberName Clone () { MemberName left_clone = Left == null ? null : Left.Clone (); return new MemberName (left_clone, Name, is_double_colon, TypeArguments, Location); } public string Basename { get { if (TypeArguments != null) return MakeName (Name, TypeArguments); return Name; } } public string GetSignatureForError () { string append = TypeArguments == null ? "" : "<" + TypeArguments.GetSignatureForError () + ">"; if (Left == null) return Name + append; string connect = is_double_colon ? "::" : "."; return Left.GetSignatureForError () + connect + Name + append; } public override bool Equals (object other) { return Equals (other as MemberName); } public bool Equals (MemberName other) { if (this == other) return true; if (other == null || Name != other.Name) return false; if (is_double_colon != other.is_double_colon) return false; if ((TypeArguments != null) && (other.TypeArguments == null || TypeArguments.Count != other.TypeArguments.Count)) return false; if ((TypeArguments == null) && (other.TypeArguments != null)) return false; if (Left == null) return other.Left == null; return Left.Equals (other.Left); } public override int GetHashCode () { int hash = Name.GetHashCode (); for (MemberName n = Left; n != null; n = n.Left) hash ^= n.Name.GetHashCode (); if (is_double_colon) hash ^= 0xbadc01d; if (TypeArguments != null) hash ^= TypeArguments.Count << 5; return hash & 0x7FFFFFFF; } public int CountTypeArguments { get { if (TypeArguments != null) return TypeArguments.Count; else if (Left != null) return Left.CountTypeArguments; else return 0; } } public static string MakeName (string name, TypeArguments args) { if (args == null) return name; return name + "`" + args.Count; } public static string MakeName (string name, int count) { return name + "`" + count; } } public class SimpleMemberName { public string Value; public Location Location; public SimpleMemberName (string name, Location loc) { this.Value = name; this.Location = loc; } } /// /// Base representation for members. This is used to keep track /// of Name, Location and Modifier flags, and handling Attributes. /// [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplay ("{GetSignatureForError()}")] public abstract class MemberCore : Attributable, IMemberContext, IMemberDefinition { /// /// Public name /// protected string cached_name; // TODO: Remove in favor of MemberName public string Name { get { if (cached_name == null) cached_name = MemberName.GetName (!(this is GenericMethod) && !(this is Method)); return cached_name; } } string IMemberDefinition.Name { get { return member_name.Name; } } // Is not readonly because of IndexerName attribute private MemberName member_name; public MemberName MemberName { get { return member_name; } } /// /// Modifier flags that the user specified in the source code /// private Modifiers mod_flags; public Modifiers ModFlags { set { mod_flags = value; if ((value & Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED) != 0) caching_flags = Flags.IsUsed | Flags.IsAssigned; } get { return mod_flags; } } public virtual ModuleContainer Module { get { return Parent.Module; } } public /*readonly*/ TypeContainer Parent; /// /// Location where this declaration happens /// public Location Location { get { return member_name.Location; } } /// /// XML documentation comment /// protected string comment; /// /// Represents header string for documentation comment /// for each member types. /// public abstract string DocCommentHeader { get; } [Flags] public enum Flags { Obsolete_Undetected = 1, // Obsolete attribute has not been detected yet Obsolete = 1 << 1, // Type has obsolete attribute ClsCompliance_Undetected = 1 << 2, // CLS Compliance has not been detected yet ClsCompliant = 1 << 3, // Type is CLS Compliant CloseTypeCreated = 1 << 4, // Tracks whether we have Closed the type HasCompliantAttribute_Undetected = 1 << 5, // Presence of CLSCompliantAttribute has not been detected HasClsCompliantAttribute = 1 << 6, // Type has CLSCompliantAttribute ClsCompliantAttributeFalse = 1 << 7, // Member has CLSCompliant(false) Excluded_Undetected = 1 << 8, // Conditional attribute has not been detected yet Excluded = 1 << 9, // Method is conditional MethodOverloadsExist = 1 << 10, // Test for duplication must be performed IsUsed = 1 << 11, IsAssigned = 1 << 12, // Field is assigned HasExplicitLayout = 1 << 13, PartialDefinitionExists = 1 << 14, // Set when corresponding partial method definition exists HasStructLayout = 1 << 15 // Has StructLayoutAttribute } /// /// MemberCore flags at first detected then cached /// internal Flags caching_flags; public MemberCore (DeclSpace parent, MemberName name, Attributes attrs) { this.Parent = parent as TypeContainer; member_name = name; caching_flags = Flags.Obsolete_Undetected | Flags.ClsCompliance_Undetected | Flags.HasCompliantAttribute_Undetected | Flags.Excluded_Undetected; AddAttributes (attrs, this); } protected virtual void SetMemberName (MemberName new_name) { member_name = new_name; cached_name = null; } protected bool CheckAbstractAndExtern (bool has_block) { if (Parent.PartialContainer.Kind == MemberKind.Interface) return true; if (has_block) { if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.EXTERN) != 0) { Report.Error (179, Location, "`{0}' cannot declare a body because it is marked extern", GetSignatureForError ()); return false; } if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.ABSTRACT) != 0) { Report.Error (500, Location, "`{0}' cannot declare a body because it is marked abstract", GetSignatureForError ()); return false; } } else { if ((ModFlags & (Modifiers.ABSTRACT | Modifiers.EXTERN | Modifiers.PARTIAL)) == 0 && !(Parent is Delegate)) { if (Compiler.Settings.Version >= LanguageVersion.V_3) { Property.PropertyMethod pm = this as Property.PropertyMethod; if (pm is Indexer.GetIndexerMethod || pm is Indexer.SetIndexerMethod) pm = null; if (pm != null && pm.Property.AccessorSecond == null) { Report.Error (840, Location, "`{0}' must have a body because it is not marked abstract or extern. The property can be automatically implemented when you define both accessors", GetSignatureForError ()); return false; } } Report.Error (501, Location, "`{0}' must have a body because it is not marked abstract, extern, or partial", GetSignatureForError ()); return false; } } return true; } protected void CheckProtectedModifier () { if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.PROTECTED) == 0) return; if (Parent.PartialContainer.Kind == MemberKind.Struct) { Report.Error (666, Location, "`{0}': Structs cannot contain protected members", GetSignatureForError ()); return; } if ((Parent.ModFlags & Modifiers.STATIC) != 0) { Report.Error (1057, Location, "`{0}': Static classes cannot contain protected members", GetSignatureForError ()); return; } if ((Parent.ModFlags & Modifiers.SEALED) != 0 && (ModFlags & Modifiers.OVERRIDE) == 0 && !(this is Destructor)) { Report.Warning (628, 4, Location, "`{0}': new protected member declared in sealed class", GetSignatureForError ()); return; } } public abstract bool Define (); public virtual string DocComment { get { return comment; } set { comment = value; } } // // Returns full member name for error message // public virtual string GetSignatureForError () { if (Parent == null || Parent.Parent == null) return member_name.GetSignatureForError (); return Parent.GetSignatureForError () + "." + member_name.GetSignatureForError (); } /// /// Base Emit method. This is also entry point for CLS-Compliant verification. /// public virtual void Emit () { if (!Compiler.Settings.VerifyClsCompliance) return; VerifyClsCompliance (); } public bool IsCompilerGenerated { get { if ((mod_flags & Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED) != 0) return true; return Parent == null ? false : Parent.IsCompilerGenerated; } } public bool IsImported { get { return false; } } public virtual bool IsUsed { get { return (caching_flags & Flags.IsUsed) != 0; } } protected Report Report { get { return Compiler.Report; } } public void SetIsUsed () { caching_flags |= Flags.IsUsed; } public void SetIsAssigned () { caching_flags |= Flags.IsAssigned; } /// /// Returns instance of ObsoleteAttribute for this MemberCore /// public virtual ObsoleteAttribute GetAttributeObsolete () { if ((caching_flags & (Flags.Obsolete_Undetected | Flags.Obsolete)) == 0) return null; caching_flags &= ~Flags.Obsolete_Undetected; if (OptAttributes == null) return null; Attribute obsolete_attr = OptAttributes.Search (Module.PredefinedAttributes.Obsolete); if (obsolete_attr == null) return null; caching_flags |= Flags.Obsolete; ObsoleteAttribute obsolete = obsolete_attr.GetObsoleteAttribute (); if (obsolete == null) return null; return obsolete; } /// /// Checks for ObsoleteAttribute presence. It's used for testing of all non-types elements /// public virtual void CheckObsoleteness (Location loc) { ObsoleteAttribute oa = GetAttributeObsolete (); if (oa != null) AttributeTester.Report_ObsoleteMessage (oa, GetSignatureForError (), loc, Report); } // // Checks whether the type P is as accessible as this member // public bool IsAccessibleAs (TypeSpec p) { // // if M is private, its accessibility is the same as this declspace. // we already know that P is accessible to T before this method, so we // may return true. // if ((mod_flags & Modifiers.PRIVATE) != 0) return true; while (TypeManager.HasElementType (p)) p = TypeManager.GetElementType (p); if (p.IsGenericParameter) return true; for (TypeSpec p_parent; p != null; p = p_parent) { p_parent = p.DeclaringType; if (p.IsGeneric) { foreach (TypeSpec t in p.TypeArguments) { if (!IsAccessibleAs (t)) return false; } } var pAccess = p.Modifiers & Modifiers.AccessibilityMask; if (pAccess == Modifiers.PUBLIC) continue; bool same_access_restrictions = false; for (MemberCore mc = this; !same_access_restrictions && mc != null && mc.Parent != null; mc = mc.Parent) { var al = mc.ModFlags & Modifiers.AccessibilityMask; switch (pAccess) { case Modifiers.INTERNAL: if (al == Modifiers.PRIVATE || al == Modifiers.INTERNAL) same_access_restrictions = p.MemberDefinition.IsInternalAsPublic (mc.Module.DeclaringAssembly); break; case Modifiers.PROTECTED: if (al == Modifiers.PROTECTED) { same_access_restrictions = mc.Parent.IsBaseTypeDefinition (p_parent); break; } if (al == Modifiers.PRIVATE) { // // When type is private and any of its parents derives from // protected type then the type is accessible // while (mc.Parent != null) { if (mc.Parent.IsBaseTypeDefinition (p_parent)) same_access_restrictions = true; mc = mc.Parent; } } break; case Modifiers.PROTECTED | Modifiers.INTERNAL: if (al == Modifiers.INTERNAL) same_access_restrictions = p.MemberDefinition.IsInternalAsPublic (mc.Module.DeclaringAssembly); else if (al == (Modifiers.PROTECTED | Modifiers.INTERNAL)) same_access_restrictions = mc.Parent.IsBaseTypeDefinition (p_parent) && p.MemberDefinition.IsInternalAsPublic (mc.Module.DeclaringAssembly); else goto case Modifiers.PROTECTED; break; case Modifiers.PRIVATE: // // Both are private and share same parent // if (al == Modifiers.PRIVATE) { var decl = mc.Parent; do { same_access_restrictions = decl.CurrentType == p_parent; } while (!same_access_restrictions && !decl.IsTopLevel && (decl = decl.Parent) != null); } break; default: throw new InternalErrorException (al.ToString ()); } } if (!same_access_restrictions) return false; } return true; } /// /// Analyze whether CLS-Compliant verification must be execute for this MemberCore. /// public override bool IsClsComplianceRequired () { if ((caching_flags & Flags.ClsCompliance_Undetected) == 0) return (caching_flags & Flags.ClsCompliant) != 0; caching_flags &= ~Flags.ClsCompliance_Undetected; if (HasClsCompliantAttribute) { if ((caching_flags & Flags.ClsCompliantAttributeFalse) != 0) return false; caching_flags |= Flags.ClsCompliant; return true; } if (Parent.PartialContainer.IsClsComplianceRequired ()) { caching_flags |= Flags.ClsCompliant; return true; } return false; } public virtual string[] ConditionalConditions () { return null; } /// /// Returns true when MemberCore is exposed from assembly. /// public bool IsExposedFromAssembly () { if ((ModFlags & (Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.PROTECTED)) == 0) return false; DeclSpace parentContainer = Parent.PartialContainer; while (parentContainer != null && parentContainer.ModFlags != 0) { if ((parentContainer.ModFlags & (Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.PROTECTED)) == 0) return false; parentContainer = parentContainer.Parent; } return true; } public virtual ExtensionMethodCandidates LookupExtensionMethod (TypeSpec extensionType, string name, int arity) { return Parent.LookupExtensionMethod (extensionType, name, arity); } public virtual FullNamedExpression LookupNamespaceAlias (string name) { return Parent.NamespaceEntry.LookupNamespaceAlias (name); } public virtual FullNamedExpression LookupNamespaceOrType (string name, int arity, LookupMode mode, Location loc) { return Parent.LookupNamespaceOrType (name, arity, mode, loc); } /// /// Goes through class hierarchy and gets value of first found CLSCompliantAttribute. /// If no is attribute exists then assembly CLSCompliantAttribute is returned. /// public bool? CLSAttributeValue { get { if ((caching_flags & Flags.HasCompliantAttribute_Undetected) == 0) { if ((caching_flags & Flags.HasClsCompliantAttribute) == 0) return null; return (caching_flags & Flags.ClsCompliantAttributeFalse) == 0; } caching_flags &= ~Flags.HasCompliantAttribute_Undetected; if (OptAttributes != null) { Attribute cls_attribute = OptAttributes.Search (Module.PredefinedAttributes.CLSCompliant); if (cls_attribute != null) { caching_flags |= Flags.HasClsCompliantAttribute; if (cls_attribute.GetClsCompliantAttributeValue ()) return true; caching_flags |= Flags.ClsCompliantAttributeFalse; return false; } } return null; } } /// /// Returns true if MemberCore is explicitly marked with CLSCompliantAttribute /// protected bool HasClsCompliantAttribute { get { return CLSAttributeValue.HasValue; } } /// /// Returns true when a member supports multiple overloads (methods, indexers, etc) /// public virtual bool EnableOverloadChecks (MemberCore overload) { return false; } /// /// The main virtual method for CLS-Compliant verifications. /// The method returns true if member is CLS-Compliant and false if member is not /// CLS-Compliant which means that CLS-Compliant tests are not necessary. A descendants override it /// and add their extra verifications. /// protected virtual bool VerifyClsCompliance () { if (HasClsCompliantAttribute) { if (!Module.DeclaringAssembly.HasCLSCompliantAttribute) { Attribute a = OptAttributes.Search (Module.PredefinedAttributes.CLSCompliant); if ((caching_flags & Flags.ClsCompliantAttributeFalse) != 0) { Report.Warning (3021, 2, a.Location, "`{0}' does not need a CLSCompliant attribute because the assembly is not marked as CLS-compliant", GetSignatureForError ()); } else { Report.Warning (3014, 1, a.Location, "`{0}' cannot be marked as CLS-compliant because the assembly is not marked as CLS-compliant", GetSignatureForError ()); } return false; } if (!IsExposedFromAssembly ()) { Attribute a = OptAttributes.Search (Module.PredefinedAttributes.CLSCompliant); Report.Warning (3019, 2, a.Location, "CLS compliance checking will not be performed on `{0}' because it is not visible from outside this assembly", GetSignatureForError ()); return false; } if ((caching_flags & Flags.ClsCompliantAttributeFalse) != 0) { if (Parent.Kind == MemberKind.Interface && Parent.IsClsComplianceRequired ()) { Report.Warning (3010, 1, Location, "`{0}': CLS-compliant interfaces must have only CLS-compliant members", GetSignatureForError ()); } else if (Parent.Kind == MemberKind.Class && (ModFlags & Modifiers.ABSTRACT) != 0 && Parent.IsClsComplianceRequired ()) { Report.Warning (3011, 1, Location, "`{0}': only CLS-compliant members can be abstract", GetSignatureForError ()); } return false; } if (Parent.Parent != null && !Parent.IsClsComplianceRequired ()) { Attribute a = OptAttributes.Search (Module.PredefinedAttributes.CLSCompliant); Report.Warning (3018, 1, a.Location, "`{0}' cannot be marked as CLS-compliant because it is a member of non CLS-compliant type `{1}'", GetSignatureForError (), Parent.GetSignatureForError ()); return false; } } else { if (!IsExposedFromAssembly ()) return false; if (!Parent.PartialContainer.IsClsComplianceRequired ()) return false; } if (member_name.Name [0] == '_') { Report.Warning (3008, 1, Location, "Identifier `{0}' is not CLS-compliant", GetSignatureForError () ); } return true; } // // Returns a string that represents the signature for this // member which should be used in XML documentation. // public abstract string GetSignatureForDocumentation (); // // Generates xml doc comments (if any), and if required, // handle warning report. // internal virtual void GenerateDocComment (DocumentationBuilder builder) { if (DocComment == null) { if (IsExposedFromAssembly ()) { Constructor c = this as Constructor; if (c == null || !c.IsDefault ()) Report.Warning (1591, 4, Location, "Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member `{0}'", GetSignatureForError ()); } return; } try { builder.GenerateDocumentationForMember (this); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InternalErrorException (this, e); } } #region IMemberContext Members public virtual CompilerContext Compiler { get { return Parent.Compiler; } } public virtual TypeSpec CurrentType { get { return Parent.CurrentType; } } public MemberCore CurrentMemberDefinition { get { return this; } } public virtual TypeParameter[] CurrentTypeParameters { get { return null; } } public bool IsObsolete { get { if (GetAttributeObsolete () != null) return true; return Parent == null ? false : Parent.IsObsolete; } } public bool IsUnsafe { get { if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.UNSAFE) != 0) return true; return Parent == null ? false : Parent.IsUnsafe; } } public bool IsStatic { get { return (ModFlags & Modifiers.STATIC) != 0; } } #endregion } // // Base member specification. A member specification contains // member details which can alter in the context (e.g. generic instances) // public abstract class MemberSpec { [Flags] public enum StateFlags { Obsolete_Undetected = 1, // Obsolete attribute has not been detected yet Obsolete = 1 << 1, // Member has obsolete attribute CLSCompliant_Undetected = 1 << 2, // CLSCompliant attribute has not been detected yet CLSCompliant = 1 << 3, // Member is CLS Compliant MissingDependency_Undetected = 1 << 4, MissingDependency = 1 << 5, HasDynamicElement = 1 << 6, ConstraintsChecked = 1 << 7, IsAccessor = 1 << 9, // Method is an accessor IsGeneric = 1 << 10, // Member contains type arguments PendingMetaInflate = 1 << 12, PendingMakeMethod = 1 << 13, PendingMemberCacheMembers = 1 << 14, PendingBaseTypeInflate = 1 << 15, InterfacesExpanded = 1 << 16, IsNotCSharpCompatible = 1 << 17, SpecialRuntimeType = 1 << 18, InflatedExpressionType = 1 << 19, InflatedNullableType = 1 << 20, GenericIterateInterface = 1 << 21, GenericTask = 1 << 22 } protected Modifiers modifiers; public StateFlags state; protected IMemberDefinition definition; public readonly MemberKind Kind; protected TypeSpec declaringType; #if DEBUG static int counter; public int ID = counter++; #endif protected MemberSpec (MemberKind kind, TypeSpec declaringType, IMemberDefinition definition, Modifiers modifiers) { this.Kind = kind; this.declaringType = declaringType; this.definition = definition; this.modifiers = modifiers; state = StateFlags.Obsolete_Undetected | StateFlags.CLSCompliant_Undetected | StateFlags.MissingDependency_Undetected; } #region Properties public virtual int Arity { get { return 0; } } public TypeSpec DeclaringType { get { return declaringType; } set { declaringType = value; } } public IMemberDefinition MemberDefinition { get { return definition; } } public Modifiers Modifiers { get { return modifiers; } set { modifiers = value; } } public virtual string Name { get { return definition.Name; } } public bool IsAbstract { get { return (modifiers & Modifiers.ABSTRACT) != 0; } } public bool IsAccessor { get { return (state & StateFlags.IsAccessor) != 0; } set { state = value ? state | StateFlags.IsAccessor : state & ~StateFlags.IsAccessor; } } // // Return true when this member is a generic in C# terms // A nested non-generic type of generic type will return false // public bool IsGeneric { get { return (state & StateFlags.IsGeneric) != 0; } set { state = value ? state | StateFlags.IsGeneric : state & ~StateFlags.IsGeneric; } } // // Returns true for imported members which are not compatible with C# language // public bool IsNotCSharpCompatible { get { return (state & StateFlags.IsNotCSharpCompatible) != 0; } set { state = value ? state | StateFlags.IsNotCSharpCompatible : state & ~StateFlags.IsNotCSharpCompatible; } } public bool IsPrivate { get { return (modifiers & Modifiers.PRIVATE) != 0; } } public bool IsPublic { get { return (modifiers & Modifiers.PUBLIC) != 0; } } public bool IsStatic { get { return (modifiers & Modifiers.STATIC) != 0; } } #endregion public virtual ObsoleteAttribute GetAttributeObsolete () { if ((state & (StateFlags.Obsolete | StateFlags.Obsolete_Undetected)) == 0) return null; state &= ~StateFlags.Obsolete_Undetected; var oa = definition.GetAttributeObsolete (); if (oa != null) state |= StateFlags.Obsolete; return oa; } // // Returns a list of missing dependencies of this member. The list // will contain types only but it can have numerous values for members // like methods where both return type and all parameters are checked // public List GetMissingDependencies () { if ((state & (StateFlags.MissingDependency | StateFlags.MissingDependency_Undetected)) == 0) return null; state &= ~StateFlags.MissingDependency_Undetected; var imported = definition as ImportedDefinition; List missing; if (imported != null) { missing = ResolveMissingDependencies (); } else if (this is ElementTypeSpec) { missing = ((ElementTypeSpec) this).Element.GetMissingDependencies (); } else { missing = null; } if (missing != null) { state |= StateFlags.MissingDependency; } return missing; } public abstract List ResolveMissingDependencies (); protected virtual bool IsNotCLSCompliant (out bool attrValue) { var cls = MemberDefinition.CLSAttributeValue; attrValue = cls ?? false; return cls == false; } public virtual string GetSignatureForDocumentation () { return DeclaringType.GetSignatureForDocumentation () + "." + Name; } public virtual string GetSignatureForError () { var bf = MemberDefinition as Property.BackingField; var name = bf == null ? Name : bf.OriginalName; return DeclaringType.GetSignatureForError () + "." + name; } public virtual MemberSpec InflateMember (TypeParameterInflator inflator) { var inflated = (MemberSpec) MemberwiseClone (); inflated.declaringType = inflator.TypeInstance; if (DeclaringType.IsGenericOrParentIsGeneric) inflated.state |= StateFlags.PendingMetaInflate; #if DEBUG inflated.ID += 1000000; #endif return inflated; } // // Is this member accessible from invocation context // public bool IsAccessible (IMemberContext ctx) { var ma = Modifiers & Modifiers.AccessibilityMask; if (ma == Modifiers.PUBLIC) return true; var parentType = /* this as TypeSpec ?? */ DeclaringType; var ctype = ctx.CurrentType; if (ma == Modifiers.PRIVATE) { if (ctype == null) return false; // // It's only accessible to the current class or children // if (parentType.MemberDefinition == ctype.MemberDefinition) return true; return TypeManager.IsNestedChildOf (ctype, parentType.MemberDefinition); } if ((ma & Modifiers.INTERNAL) != 0) { bool b; var assembly = ctype == null ? ctx.Module.DeclaringAssembly : ctype.MemberDefinition.DeclaringAssembly; if (parentType == null) { b = ((ITypeDefinition) MemberDefinition).IsInternalAsPublic (assembly); } else { b = DeclaringType.MemberDefinition.IsInternalAsPublic (assembly); } if (b || ma == Modifiers.INTERNAL) return b; } // // Checks whether `ctype' is a subclass or nested child of `parentType'. // while (ctype != null) { if (TypeManager.IsFamilyAccessible (ctype, parentType)) return true; // Handle nested types. ctype = ctype.DeclaringType; // TODO: Untested ??? } return false; } // // Returns member CLS compliance based on full member hierarchy // public bool IsCLSCompliant () { if ((state & StateFlags.CLSCompliant_Undetected) != 0) { state &= ~StateFlags.CLSCompliant_Undetected; bool compliant; if (IsNotCLSCompliant (out compliant)) return false; if (!compliant) { if (DeclaringType != null) { compliant = DeclaringType.IsCLSCompliant (); } else { compliant = ((ITypeDefinition) MemberDefinition).DeclaringAssembly.IsCLSCompliant; } } if (compliant) state |= StateFlags.CLSCompliant; } return (state & StateFlags.CLSCompliant) != 0; } public bool IsConditionallyExcluded (CompilerContext ctx, Location loc) { if ((Kind & (MemberKind.Class | MemberKind.Method)) == 0) return false; var conditions = MemberDefinition.ConditionalConditions (); if (conditions == null) return false; foreach (var condition in conditions) { if (loc.CompilationUnit.IsConditionalDefined (ctx, condition)) return false; } return true; } public override string ToString () { return GetSignatureForError (); } } // // Member details which are same between all member // specifications // public interface IMemberDefinition { bool? CLSAttributeValue { get; } string Name { get; } bool IsImported { get; } string[] ConditionalConditions (); ObsoleteAttribute GetAttributeObsolete (); void SetIsAssigned (); void SetIsUsed (); } public interface IParametersMember : IInterfaceMemberSpec { AParametersCollection Parameters { get; } } public interface IInterfaceMemberSpec { TypeSpec MemberType { get; } } // // Base type container declaration. It exists to handle partial types // which share same definition (PartialContainer) but have different // resolve scopes // public abstract class DeclSpace : MemberCore { /// /// This points to the actual definition that is being /// created with System.Reflection.Emit /// public TypeBuilder TypeBuilder; // // This is the namespace in which this typecontainer // was declared. We use this to resolve names. // public NamespaceContainer NamespaceEntry; public readonly string Basename; protected Dictionary defined_names; public TypeContainer PartialContainer; protected readonly bool is_generic; readonly int count_type_params; protected TypeParameter[] type_params; TypeParameter[] type_param_list; // // Whether we are Generic // public bool IsGeneric { get { if (is_generic) return true; else if (Parent != null) return Parent.IsGeneric; else return false; } } static readonly string[] attribute_targets = new string [] { "type" }; public DeclSpace (NamespaceContainer ns, DeclSpace parent, MemberName name, Attributes attrs) : base (parent, name, attrs) { NamespaceEntry = ns; Basename = name.Basename; defined_names = new Dictionary (); PartialContainer = null; if (name.TypeArguments != null) { is_generic = true; count_type_params = name.TypeArguments.Count; } if (parent != null) count_type_params += parent.count_type_params; } /// /// Adds the member to defined_names table. It tests for duplications and enclosing name conflicts /// protected virtual bool AddToContainer (MemberCore symbol, string name) { MemberCore mc; if (!defined_names.TryGetValue (name, out mc)) { defined_names.Add (name, symbol); return true; } if (((mc.ModFlags | symbol.ModFlags) & Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED) != 0) return true; if (symbol.EnableOverloadChecks (mc)) return true; InterfaceMemberBase im = mc as InterfaceMemberBase; if (im != null && im.IsExplicitImpl) return true; Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (mc); if ((mc.ModFlags & Modifiers.PARTIAL) != 0 && (symbol is ClassOrStruct || symbol is Interface)) { Error_MissingPartialModifier (symbol); return false; } if (symbol is TypeParameter) { Report.Error (692, symbol.Location, "Duplicate type parameter `{0}'", symbol.GetSignatureForError ()); } else { Report.Error (102, symbol.Location, "The type `{0}' already contains a definition for `{1}'", GetSignatureForError (), symbol.MemberName.Name); } return false; } protected void RemoveFromContainer (string name) { defined_names.Remove (name); } /// /// Returns the MemberCore associated with a given name in the declaration /// space. It doesn't return method based symbols !! /// /// public MemberCore GetDefinition (string name) { MemberCore mc = null; defined_names.TryGetValue (name, out mc); return mc; } // // root_types contains all the types. All TopLevel types // hence have a parent that points to `root_types', that is // why there is a non-obvious test down here. // public bool IsTopLevel { get { return (Parent != null && Parent.Parent == null); } } public virtual bool IsUnmanagedType () { return false; } protected abstract TypeAttributes TypeAttr { get; } /// /// Should be overriten by the appropriate declaration space /// public abstract void DefineType (); protected void Error_MissingPartialModifier (MemberCore type) { Report.Error (260, type.Location, "Missing partial modifier on declaration of type `{0}'. Another partial declaration of this type exists", type.GetSignatureForError ()); } public override string GetSignatureForDocumentation () { return Name; } public override string GetSignatureForError () { return MemberName.GetSignatureForError (); } TypeParameter[] initialize_type_params () { if (type_param_list != null) return type_param_list; DeclSpace the_parent = Parent; if (this is GenericMethod) the_parent = null; var list = new List (); if (the_parent != null && the_parent.IsGeneric) { // FIXME: move generics info out of DeclSpace TypeParameter[] parent_params = the_parent.TypeParameters; list.AddRange (parent_params); } int count = type_params != null ? type_params.Length : 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { TypeParameter param = type_params [i]; list.Add (param); if (Parent.CurrentTypeParameters != null) { foreach (TypeParameter tp in Parent.CurrentTypeParameters) { if (tp.Name != param.Name) continue; Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (tp.Location, null); Report.Warning (693, 3, param.Location, "Type parameter `{0}' has the same name as the type parameter from outer type `{1}'", param.Name, Parent.GetSignatureForError ()); } } } type_param_list = new TypeParameter [list.Count]; list.CopyTo (type_param_list, 0); return type_param_list; } public virtual void SetParameterInfo (List constraints_list) { if (!is_generic) { if (constraints_list != null) { Report.Error ( 80, Location, "Constraints are not allowed " + "on non-generic declarations"); } return; } TypeParameterName[] names = MemberName.TypeArguments.GetDeclarations (); type_params = new TypeParameter [names.Length]; // // Register all the names // for (int i = 0; i < type_params.Length; i++) { TypeParameterName name = names [i]; Constraints constraints = null; if (constraints_list != null) { int total = constraints_list.Count; for (int ii = 0; ii < total; ++ii) { Constraints constraints_at = (Constraints)constraints_list[ii]; // TODO: it is used by iterators only if (constraints_at == null) { constraints_list.RemoveAt (ii); --total; continue; } if (constraints_at.TypeParameter.Value == name.Name) { constraints = constraints_at; constraints_list.RemoveAt(ii); break; } } } Variance variance = name.Variance; if (name.Variance != Variance.None && !(this is Delegate || this is Interface)) { Report.Error (1960, name.Location, "Variant type parameters can only be used with interfaces and delegates"); variance = Variance.None; } type_params [i] = new TypeParameter ( Parent, i, new MemberName (name.Name, Location), constraints, name.OptAttributes, variance); AddToContainer (type_params [i], name.Name); } if (constraints_list != null && constraints_list.Count > 0) { foreach (Constraints constraint in constraints_list) { Report.Error(699, constraint.Location, "`{0}': A constraint references nonexistent type parameter `{1}'", GetSignatureForError (), constraint.TypeParameter.Value); } } } protected TypeParameter[] TypeParameters { get { if (!IsGeneric) throw new InvalidOperationException (); if ((PartialContainer != null) && (PartialContainer != this)) return PartialContainer.TypeParameters; if (type_param_list == null) initialize_type_params (); return type_param_list; } } public int CountTypeParameters { get { return count_type_params; } } public override string[] ValidAttributeTargets { get { return attribute_targets; } } protected override bool VerifyClsCompliance () { if (!base.VerifyClsCompliance ()) { return false; } if (type_params != null) { foreach (TypeParameter tp in type_params) { tp.VerifyClsCompliance (); } } return true; } } }