// // cs-tokenizer.cs: The Tokenizer for the C# compiler // This also implements the preprocessor // // Author: Miguel de Icaza (miguel@gnu.org) // // Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL // // (C) 2001, 2002 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) // /* * TODO: * Make sure we accept the proper Unicode ranges, per the spec. * Report error 1032 */ using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Globalization; using System.Reflection; namespace Mono.CSharp { /// /// Tokenizer for C# source code. /// public class Tokenizer : yyParser.yyInput { StreamReader reader; public SourceFile ref_name; public SourceFile file_name; public int ref_line = 1; public int line = 1; public int col = 1; public int current_token; bool handle_get_set = false; bool handle_remove_add = false; bool handle_assembly = false; // // Whether tokens have been seen on this line // bool tokens_seen = false; // // Whether a token has been seen on the file // This is needed because `define' is not allowed to be used // after a token has been seen. // bool any_token_seen = false; static Hashtable tokenValues; private static Hashtable TokenValueName { get { if (tokenValues == null) tokenValues = GetTokenValueNameHash (); return tokenValues; } } private static Hashtable GetTokenValueNameHash () { Type t = typeof (Token); FieldInfo [] fields = t.GetFields (); Hashtable hash = new Hashtable (); foreach (FieldInfo field in fields) { if (field.IsLiteral && field.IsStatic && field.FieldType == typeof (int)) hash.Add (field.GetValue (null), field.Name); } return hash; } // // Returns a verbose representation of the current location // public string location { get { string det; if (current_token == Token.ERROR) det = "detail: " + error_details; else det = ""; // return "Line: "+line+" Col: "+col + "\n" + // "VirtLine: "+ref_line + // " Token: "+current_token + " " + det; string current_token_name = TokenValueName [current_token] as string; if (current_token_name == null) current_token_name = current_token.ToString (); return String.Format ("{0} ({1},{2}), Token: {3} {4}", ref_name.Name, ref_line, col, current_token_name, det); } } public bool PropertyParsing { get { return handle_get_set; } set { handle_get_set = value; } } public bool AssemblyTargetParsing { get { return handle_assembly; } set { handle_assembly = value; } } public bool EventParsing { get { return handle_remove_add; } set { handle_remove_add = value; } } // // Class variables // static Hashtable keywords; static NumberStyles styles; static NumberFormatInfo csharp_format_info; // // Values for the associated token returned // int putback_char; Object val; // // Pre-processor // Hashtable defines; const int TAKING = 1; const int TAKEN_BEFORE = 2; const int ELSE_SEEN = 4; const int PARENT_TAKING = 8; const int REGION = 16; // // pre-processor if stack state: // Stack ifstack; static System.Text.StringBuilder string_builder; const int max_id_size = 512; static char [] id_builder = new char [max_id_size]; const int max_number_size = 128; static char [] number_builder = new char [max_number_size]; static int number_pos; // // Details about the error encoutered by the tokenizer // string error_details; public string error { get { return error_details; } } public int Line { get { return ref_line; } } public int Col { get { return col; } } static void InitTokens () { keywords = new Hashtable (); keywords.Add ("abstract", Token.ABSTRACT); keywords.Add ("as", Token.AS); keywords.Add ("add", Token.ADD); keywords.Add ("assembly", Token.ASSEMBLY); keywords.Add ("base", Token.BASE); keywords.Add ("bool", Token.BOOL); keywords.Add ("break", Token.BREAK); keywords.Add ("byte", Token.BYTE); keywords.Add ("case", Token.CASE); keywords.Add ("catch", Token.CATCH); keywords.Add ("char", Token.CHAR); keywords.Add ("checked", Token.CHECKED); keywords.Add ("class", Token.CLASS); keywords.Add ("const", Token.CONST); keywords.Add ("continue", Token.CONTINUE); keywords.Add ("decimal", Token.DECIMAL); keywords.Add ("default", Token.DEFAULT); keywords.Add ("delegate", Token.DELEGATE); keywords.Add ("do", Token.DO); keywords.Add ("double", Token.DOUBLE); keywords.Add ("else", Token.ELSE); keywords.Add ("enum", Token.ENUM); keywords.Add ("event", Token.EVENT); keywords.Add ("explicit", Token.EXPLICIT); keywords.Add ("extern", Token.EXTERN); keywords.Add ("false", Token.FALSE); keywords.Add ("finally", Token.FINALLY); keywords.Add ("fixed", Token.FIXED); keywords.Add ("float", Token.FLOAT); keywords.Add ("for", Token.FOR); keywords.Add ("foreach", Token.FOREACH); keywords.Add ("goto", Token.GOTO); keywords.Add ("get", Token.GET); keywords.Add ("if", Token.IF); keywords.Add ("implicit", Token.IMPLICIT); keywords.Add ("in", Token.IN); keywords.Add ("int", Token.INT); keywords.Add ("interface", Token.INTERFACE); keywords.Add ("internal", Token.INTERNAL); keywords.Add ("is", Token.IS); keywords.Add ("lock", Token.LOCK); keywords.Add ("long", Token.LONG); keywords.Add ("namespace", Token.NAMESPACE); keywords.Add ("new", Token.NEW); keywords.Add ("null", Token.NULL); keywords.Add ("object", Token.OBJECT); keywords.Add ("operator", Token.OPERATOR); keywords.Add ("out", Token.OUT); keywords.Add ("override", Token.OVERRIDE); keywords.Add ("params", Token.PARAMS); keywords.Add ("private", Token.PRIVATE); keywords.Add ("protected", Token.PROTECTED); keywords.Add ("public", Token.PUBLIC); keywords.Add ("readonly", Token.READONLY); keywords.Add ("ref", Token.REF); keywords.Add ("remove", Token.REMOVE); keywords.Add ("return", Token.RETURN); keywords.Add ("sbyte", Token.SBYTE); keywords.Add ("sealed", Token.SEALED); keywords.Add ("set", Token.SET); keywords.Add ("short", Token.SHORT); keywords.Add ("sizeof", Token.SIZEOF); keywords.Add ("stackalloc", Token.STACKALLOC); keywords.Add ("static", Token.STATIC); keywords.Add ("string", Token.STRING); keywords.Add ("struct", Token.STRUCT); keywords.Add ("switch", Token.SWITCH); keywords.Add ("this", Token.THIS); keywords.Add ("throw", Token.THROW); keywords.Add ("true", Token.TRUE); keywords.Add ("try", Token.TRY); keywords.Add ("typeof", Token.TYPEOF); keywords.Add ("uint", Token.UINT); keywords.Add ("ulong", Token.ULONG); keywords.Add ("unchecked", Token.UNCHECKED); keywords.Add ("unsafe", Token.UNSAFE); keywords.Add ("ushort", Token.USHORT); keywords.Add ("using", Token.USING); keywords.Add ("virtual", Token.VIRTUAL); keywords.Add ("void", Token.VOID); keywords.Add ("volatile", Token.VOLATILE); keywords.Add ("while", Token.WHILE); } // // Class initializer // static Tokenizer () { InitTokens (); csharp_format_info = NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo; styles = NumberStyles.Float; string_builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder (); } int GetKeyword (string name) { object o = keywords [name]; if (o == null) return -1; int res = (int) o; if (handle_get_set == false && (res == Token.GET || res == Token.SET)) return -1; if (handle_remove_add == false && (res == Token.REMOVE || res == Token.ADD)) return -1; if (handle_assembly == false && res == Token.ASSEMBLY) return -1; return res; } public Location Location { get { return new Location (ref_line); } } void define (string def) { if (!RootContext.AllDefines.Contains (def)){ RootContext.AllDefines [def] = true; } if (defines.Contains (def)) return; defines [def] = true; } public Tokenizer (StreamReader input, SourceFile file, ArrayList defs) { this.ref_name = file; this.file_name = file; reader = input; putback_char = -1; if (defs != null){ defines = new Hashtable (); foreach (string def in defs) define (def); } // // FIXME: This could be `Location.Push' but we have to // find out why the MS compiler allows this // Mono.CSharp.Location.Push (file); } bool is_identifier_start_character (char c) { return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || c == '_' || Char.IsLetter (c); } bool is_identifier_part_character (char c) { return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '_' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || Char.IsLetter (c); } int is_punct (char c, ref bool doread) { int d; int t; doread = false; switch (c){ case '{': return Token.OPEN_BRACE; case '}': return Token.CLOSE_BRACE; case '[': return Token.OPEN_BRACKET; case ']': return Token.CLOSE_BRACKET; case '(': return Token.OPEN_PARENS; case ')': return Token.CLOSE_PARENS; case ',': return Token.COMMA; case ':': return Token.COLON; case ';': return Token.SEMICOLON; case '~': return Token.TILDE; case '?': return Token.INTERR; } d = peekChar (); if (c == '+'){ if (d == '+') t = Token.OP_INC; else if (d == '=') t = Token.OP_ADD_ASSIGN; else return Token.PLUS; doread = true; return t; } if (c == '-'){ if (d == '-') t = Token.OP_DEC; else if (d == '=') t = Token.OP_SUB_ASSIGN; else if (d == '>') t = Token.OP_PTR; else return Token.MINUS; doread = true; return t; } if (c == '!'){ if (d == '='){ doread = true; return Token.OP_NE; } return Token.BANG; } if (c == '='){ if (d == '='){ doread = true; return Token.OP_EQ; } return Token.ASSIGN; } if (c == '&'){ if (d == '&'){ doread = true; return Token.OP_AND; } else if (d == '='){ doread = true; return Token.OP_AND_ASSIGN; } return Token.BITWISE_AND; } if (c == '|'){ if (d == '|'){ doread = true; return Token.OP_OR; } else if (d == '='){ doread = true; return Token.OP_OR_ASSIGN; } return Token.BITWISE_OR; } if (c == '*'){ if (d == '='){ doread = true; return Token.OP_MULT_ASSIGN; } return Token.STAR; } if (c == '/'){ if (d == '='){ doread = true; return Token.OP_DIV_ASSIGN; } return Token.DIV; } if (c == '%'){ if (d == '='){ doread = true; return Token.OP_MOD_ASSIGN; } return Token.PERCENT; } if (c == '^'){ if (d == '='){ doread = true; return Token.OP_XOR_ASSIGN; } return Token.CARRET; } if (c == '<'){ if (d == '<'){ getChar (); d = peekChar (); if (d == '='){ doread = true; return Token.OP_SHIFT_LEFT_ASSIGN; } return Token.OP_SHIFT_LEFT; } else if (d == '='){ doread = true; return Token.OP_LE; } return Token.OP_LT; } if (c == '>'){ if (d == '>'){ getChar (); d = peekChar (); if (d == '='){ doread = true; return Token.OP_SHIFT_RIGHT_ASSIGN; } return Token.OP_SHIFT_RIGHT; } else if (d == '='){ doread = true; return Token.OP_GE; } return Token.OP_GT; } return Token.ERROR; } void Error_NumericConstantTooLong () { Report.Error (1021, Location, "Numeric constant too long"); } bool decimal_digits (int c) { int d; bool seen_digits = false; if (c != -1){ if (number_pos == max_number_size) Error_NumericConstantTooLong (); number_builder [number_pos++] = (char) c; } // // We use peekChar2, because decimal_digits needs to do a // 2-character look-ahead (5.ToString for example). // while ((d = peekChar2 ()) != -1){ if (d >= '0' && d <= '9'){ if (number_pos == max_number_size) Error_NumericConstantTooLong (); number_builder [number_pos++] = (char) d; getChar (); seen_digits = true; } else break; } return seen_digits; } bool is_hex (int e) { return (e >= '0' && e <= '9') || (e >= 'A' && e <= 'F') || (e >= 'a' && e <= 'f'); } void hex_digits (int c) { if (c != -1) number_builder [number_pos++] = (char) c; } int real_type_suffix (int c) { int t; switch (c){ case 'F': case 'f': t = Token.LITERAL_FLOAT; break; case 'D': case 'd': t = Token.LITERAL_DOUBLE; break; case 'M': case 'm': t= Token.LITERAL_DECIMAL; break; default: return Token.NONE; } return t; } int integer_type_suffix (ulong ul, int c) { bool is_unsigned = false; bool is_long = false; if (c != -1){ bool scanning = true; do { switch (c){ case 'U': case 'u': if (is_unsigned) scanning = false; is_unsigned = true; getChar (); break; case 'l': if (!is_unsigned){ // // if we have not seen anything in between // report this error // Report.Warning ( 78, Location, "the 'l' suffix is easily confused with digit `1'," + " use 'L' for clarity"); } goto case 'L'; case 'L': if (is_long) scanning = false; is_long = true; getChar (); break; default: scanning = false; break; } c = peekChar (); } while (scanning); } if (is_long && is_unsigned){ val = ul; return Token.LITERAL_INTEGER; } else if (is_unsigned){ // uint if possible, or ulong else. if ((ul & 0xffffffff00000000) == 0) val = (uint) ul; else val = ul; } else if (is_long){ // long if possible, ulong otherwise if ((ul & 0x8000000000000000) != 0) val = ul; else val = (long) ul; } else { // int, uint, long or ulong in that order if ((ul & 0xffffffff00000000) == 0){ uint ui = (uint) ul; if ((ui & 0x80000000) != 0) val = ui; else val = (int) ui; } else { if ((ul & 0x8000000000000000) != 0) val = ul; else val = (long) ul; } } return Token.LITERAL_INTEGER; } // // given `c' as the next char in the input decide whether // we need to convert to a special type, and then choose // the best representation for the integer // int adjust_int (int c) { try { if (number_pos > 9){ ulong ul = (uint) (number_builder [0] - '0'); for (int i = 1; i < number_pos; i++){ ul = checked ((ul * 10) + ((uint)(number_builder [i] - '0'))); } return integer_type_suffix (ul, c); } else { uint ui = (uint) (number_builder [0] - '0'); for (int i = 1; i < number_pos; i++){ ui = checked ((ui * 10) + ((uint)(number_builder [i] - '0'))); } return integer_type_suffix (ui, c); } } catch (OverflowException) { error_details = "Integral constant is too large"; Report.Error (1021, Location, error_details); val = 0ul; return Token.LITERAL_INTEGER; } } int adjust_real (int t) { string s = new String (number_builder, 0, number_pos); switch (t){ case Token.LITERAL_DECIMAL: try { val = System.Decimal.Parse (s, styles, csharp_format_info); } catch (OverflowException) { val = 0m; error_details = "Floating-point constant is outside the range of the type 'decimal'"; Report.Error (594, Location, error_details); } break; case Token.LITERAL_FLOAT: try { val = (float) System.Double.Parse (s, styles, csharp_format_info); } catch (OverflowException) { val = 0.0f; error_details = "Floating-point constant is outside the range of the type 'float'"; Report.Error (594, Location, error_details); } break; case Token.LITERAL_DOUBLE: case Token.NONE: t = Token.LITERAL_DOUBLE; try { val = System.Double.Parse (s, styles, csharp_format_info); } catch (OverflowException) { val = 0.0; error_details = "Floating-point constant is outside the range of the type 'double'"; Report.Error (594, Location, error_details); } break; } return t; } int handle_hex () { int d; ulong ul; getChar (); while ((d = peekChar ()) != -1){ if (is_hex (d)){ if (number_pos == 16){ Report.Error (1021, Location, "Integral constant too large"); return Token.ERROR; } number_builder [number_pos++] = (char) d; getChar (); } else break; } string s = new String (number_builder, 0, number_pos); if (number_pos <= 8) ul = System.UInt32.Parse (s, NumberStyles.HexNumber); else ul = System.UInt64.Parse (s, NumberStyles.HexNumber); return integer_type_suffix (ul, peekChar ()); } // // Invoked if we know we have .digits or digits // int is_number (int c) { bool is_real = false; int type; number_pos = 0; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9'){ if (c == '0'){ int peek = peekChar (); if (peek == 'x' || peek == 'X') return handle_hex (); } decimal_digits (c); c = getChar (); } // // We need to handle the case of // "1.1" vs "1.string" (LITERAL_FLOAT vs NUMBER DOT IDENTIFIER) // if (c == '.'){ if (decimal_digits ('.')){ is_real = true; c = getChar (); } else { putback ('.'); number_pos--; return adjust_int (-1); } } if (c == 'e' || c == 'E'){ is_real = true; if (number_pos == max_number_size) Error_NumericConstantTooLong (); number_builder [number_pos++] = 'e'; c = getChar (); if (c == '+'){ if (number_pos == max_number_size) Error_NumericConstantTooLong (); number_builder [number_pos++] = '+'; c = -1; } else if (c == '-') { if (number_pos == max_number_size) Error_NumericConstantTooLong (); number_builder [number_pos++] = '-'; c = -1; } else { if (number_pos == max_number_size) Error_NumericConstantTooLong (); number_builder [number_pos++] = '+'; } decimal_digits (c); c = getChar (); } type = real_type_suffix (c); if (type == Token.NONE && !is_real){ putback (c); return adjust_int (c); } else is_real = true; if (type == Token.NONE){ putback (c); } if (is_real) return adjust_real (type); Console.WriteLine ("This should not be reached"); throw new Exception ("Is Number should never reach this point"); } // // Accepts exactly count (4 or 8) hex, no more no less // int getHex (int count, out bool error) { int [] buffer = new int [8]; int i; int total = 0; int c; int top = count != -1 ? count : 4; getChar (); error = false; for (i = 0; i < top; i++){ c = getChar (); if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') c = (int) c - (int) '0'; else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') c = (int) c - (int) 'A' + 10; else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') c = (int) c - (int) 'a' + 10; else { error = true; return 0; } total = (total * 16) + c; if (count == -1){ int p = peekChar (); if (p == -1) break; if (!is_hex ((char)p)) break; } } return total; } int escape (int c) { bool error; int d; int v; d = peekChar (); if (c != '\\') return c; switch (d){ case 'a': v = '\a'; break; case 'b': v = '\b'; break; case 'n': v = '\n'; break; case 't': v = '\t'; break; case 'v': v = '\v'; break; case 'r': v = '\r'; break; case '\\': v = '\\'; break; case 'f': v = '\f'; break; case '0': v = 0; break; case '"': v = '"'; break; case '\'': v = '\''; break; case 'x': v = getHex (-1, out error); if (error) goto default; return v; case 'u': v = getHex (4, out error); if (error) goto default; return v; case 'U': v = getHex (8, out error); if (error) goto default; return v; default: Report.Error (1009, Location, "Unrecognized escape sequence in " + (char)d); return d; } getChar (); return v; } int getChar () { if (putback_char != -1){ int x = putback_char; putback_char = -1; return x; } return reader.Read (); } int peekChar () { if (putback_char != -1) return putback_char; putback_char = reader.Read (); return putback_char; } int peekChar2 () { if (putback_char != -1) return putback_char; return reader.Peek (); } void putback (int c) { if (putback_char != -1){ Console.WriteLine ("Col: " + col); Console.WriteLine ("Row: " + line); Console.WriteLine ("Name: " + ref_name.Name); Console.WriteLine ("Current [{0}] putting back [{1}] ", putback_char, c); throw new Exception ("This should not happen putback on putback"); } putback_char = c; } public bool advance () { return peekChar () != -1; } public Object Value { get { return val; } } public Object value () { return val; } public int token () { current_token = xtoken (); return current_token; } static StringBuilder static_cmd_arg = new System.Text.StringBuilder (); void get_cmd_arg (out string cmd, out string arg) { int c; tokens_seen = false; arg = ""; static_cmd_arg.Length = 0; while ((c = getChar ()) != -1 && (c != '\n') && (c != ' ') && (c != '\t') && (c != '\r')){ static_cmd_arg.Append ((char) c); } cmd = static_cmd_arg.ToString (); if (c == '\n'){ line++; ref_line++; return; } else if (c == '\r') col = 0; // skip over white space while ((c = getChar ()) != -1 && (c != '\n') && ((c == '\r') || (c == ' ') || (c == '\t'))) ; if (c == '\n'){ line++; ref_line++; return; } else if (c == '\r'){ col = 0; return; } static_cmd_arg.Length = 0; static_cmd_arg.Append ((char) c); while ((c = getChar ()) != -1 && (c != '\n') && (c != '\r')){ static_cmd_arg.Append ((char) c); } if (c == '\n'){ line++; ref_line++; } else if (c == '\r') col = 0; arg = static_cmd_arg.ToString ().Trim (); } // // Handles the #line directive // bool PreProcessLine (string arg) { if (arg == "") return false; if (arg == "default"){ ref_line = line; ref_name = file_name; Location.Push (ref_name); return true; } try { int pos; if ((pos = arg.IndexOf (' ')) != -1 && pos != 0){ ref_line = System.Int32.Parse (arg.Substring (0, pos)); pos++; char [] quotes = { '\"' }; string name = arg.Substring (pos). Trim (quotes); ref_name = Location.LookupFile (name); Location.Push (ref_name); } else { ref_line = System.Int32.Parse (arg); } ref_line--; } catch { return false; } return true; } // // Handles #define and #undef // void PreProcessDefinition (bool is_define, string arg) { if (arg == "" || arg == "true" || arg == "false"){ Report.Error (1001, Location, "Missing identifer to pre-processor directive"); return; } char[] whitespace = { ' ', '\t' }; if (arg.IndexOfAny (whitespace) != -1){ Report.Error (1025, Location, "Single-line comment or end-of-line expected"); return; } foreach (char c in arg){ if (!Char.IsLetter (c) && (c != '_')){ Report.Error (1001, Location, "Identifier expected"); return; } } if (is_define){ if (defines == null) defines = new Hashtable (); define (arg); } else { if (defines == null) return; if (defines.Contains (arg)) defines.Remove (arg); } } bool eval_val (string s) { if (s == "true") return true; if (s == "false") return false; if (defines == null) return false; if (defines.Contains (s)) return true; return false; } bool pp_primary (ref string s) { s = s.Trim (); int len = s.Length; if (len > 0){ char c = s [0]; if (c == '('){ s = s.Substring (1); bool val = pp_expr (ref s); if (s.Length > 0 && s [0] == ')'){ s = s.Substring (1); return val; } Error_InvalidDirective (); return false; } if (is_identifier_start_character (c)){ int j = 1; while (j < len){ c = s [j]; if (is_identifier_part_character (c)){ j++; continue; } bool v = eval_val (s.Substring (0, j)); s = s.Substring (j); return v; } bool vv = eval_val (s); s = ""; return vv; } } Error_InvalidDirective (); return false; } bool pp_unary (ref string s) { s = s.Trim (); int len = s.Length; if (len > 0){ if (s [0] == '!'){ if (len > 1 && s [1] == '='){ Error_InvalidDirective (); return false; } s = s.Substring (1); return ! pp_primary (ref s); } else return pp_primary (ref s); } else { Error_InvalidDirective (); return false; } } bool pp_eq (ref string s) { bool va = pp_unary (ref s); s = s.Trim (); int len = s.Length; if (len > 0){ if (s [0] == '='){ if (len > 2 && s [1] == '='){ s = s.Substring (2); return va == pp_unary (ref s); } else { Error_InvalidDirective (); return false; } } else if (s [0] == '!' && len > 1 && s [1] == '='){ s = s.Substring (2); return va != pp_unary (ref s); } } return va; } bool pp_and (ref string s) { bool va = pp_eq (ref s); s = s.Trim (); int len = s.Length; if (len > 0){ if (s [0] == '&'){ if (len > 2 && s [1] == '&'){ s = s.Substring (2); return (va & pp_eq (ref s)); } else { Error_InvalidDirective (); return false; } } } return va; } // // Evaluates an expression for `#if' or `#elif' // bool pp_expr (ref string s) { bool va = pp_and (ref s); s = s.Trim (); int len = s.Length; if (len > 0){ char c = s [0]; if (c == '|'){ if (len > 2 && s [1] == '|'){ s = s.Substring (2); return va | pp_expr (ref s); } else { Error_InvalidDirective (); return false; } } } return va; } bool eval (string s) { bool v = pp_expr (ref s); s = s.Trim (); if (s.Length != 0){ Error_InvalidDirective (); return false; } return v; } void Error_InvalidDirective () { Report.Error (1517, Location, "Invalid pre-processor directive"); } void Error_UnexpectedDirective (string extra) { Report.Error ( 1028, Location, "Unexpected processor directive (" + extra + ")"); } void Error_TokensSeen () { Report.Error ( 1032, Location, "Cannot define or undefine pre-processor symbols after a token in the file"); } // // if true, then the code continues processing the code // if false, the code stays in a loop until another directive is // reached. // bool handle_preprocessing_directive (bool caller_is_taking) { char [] blank = { ' ', '\t' }; string cmd, arg; bool region_directive = false; get_cmd_arg (out cmd, out arg); // Eat any trailing whitespaces and single-line comments if (arg.IndexOf ("//") != -1) arg = arg.Substring (0, arg.IndexOf ("//")); arg = arg.TrimEnd (' ', '\t'); // // The first group of pre-processing instructions is always processed // switch (cmd){ case "line": if (!PreProcessLine (arg)) Report.Error ( 1576, Location, "Argument to #line directive is missing or invalid"); return true; case "region": region_directive = true; arg = "true"; goto case "if"; case "endregion": region_directive = true; goto case "endif"; case "if": if (arg == ""){ Error_InvalidDirective (); return true; } bool taking = false; if (ifstack == null) ifstack = new Stack (); if (ifstack.Count == 0){ taking = true; } else { int state = (int) ifstack.Peek (); if ((state & TAKING) != 0) taking = true; } if (eval (arg) && taking){ int push = TAKING | TAKEN_BEFORE | PARENT_TAKING; if (region_directive) push |= REGION; ifstack.Push (push); return true; } else { int push = (taking ? PARENT_TAKING : 0); if (region_directive) push |= REGION; ifstack.Push (push); return false; } case "endif": if (ifstack == null || ifstack.Count == 0){ Error_UnexpectedDirective ("no #if for this #endif"); return true; } else { int pop = (int) ifstack.Pop (); if (region_directive && ((pop & REGION) == 0)) Report.Error (1027, Location, "#endif directive expected"); else if (!region_directive && ((pop & REGION) != 0)) Report.Error (1038, Location, "#endregion directive expected"); if (ifstack.Count == 0) return true; else { int state = (int) ifstack.Peek (); if ((state & TAKING) != 0) return true; else return false; } } case "elif": if (ifstack == null || ifstack.Count == 0){ Error_UnexpectedDirective ("no #if for this #elif"); return true; } else { int state = (int) ifstack.Peek (); if ((state & REGION) != 0) { Report.Error (1038, Location, "#endregion directive expected"); return true; } if ((state & ELSE_SEEN) != 0){ Error_UnexpectedDirective ("#elif not valid after #else"); return true; } if ((state & (TAKEN_BEFORE | TAKING)) != 0) return false; if (eval (arg) && ((state & PARENT_TAKING) != 0)){ state = (int) ifstack.Pop (); ifstack.Push (state | TAKING | TAKEN_BEFORE); return true; } else return false; } case "else": if (ifstack == null || ifstack.Count == 0){ Report.Error ( 1028, Location, "Unexpected processor directive (no #if for this #else)"); return true; } else { int state = (int) ifstack.Peek (); if ((state & REGION) != 0) { Report.Error (1038, Location, "#endregion directive expected"); return true; } if ((state & ELSE_SEEN) != 0){ Error_UnexpectedDirective ("#else within #else"); return true; } ifstack.Pop (); bool ret; if ((state & TAKEN_BEFORE) == 0){ ret = ((state & PARENT_TAKING) != 0); } else ret = false; if (ret) state |= TAKING; else state &= ~TAKING; ifstack.Push (state | ELSE_SEEN); return ret; } } // // These are only processed if we are in a `taking' block // if (!caller_is_taking) return false; switch (cmd){ case "define": if (any_token_seen){ Error_TokensSeen (); return true; } PreProcessDefinition (true, arg); return true; case "undef": if (any_token_seen){ Error_TokensSeen (); return true; } PreProcessDefinition (false, arg); return true; case "error": Report.Error (1029, Location, "#error: '" + arg + "'"); return true; case "warning": Report.Warning (1030, Location, "#warning: '" + arg + "'"); return true; } Report.Error (1024, Location, "Preprocessor directive expected (got: " + cmd + ")"); return true; } private int consume_string (bool quoted) { int c; string_builder.Length = 0; while ((c = getChar ()) != -1){ if (c == '"'){ if (quoted && peekChar () == '"'){ string_builder.Append ((char) c); getChar (); continue; } else { val = string_builder.ToString (); return Token.LITERAL_STRING; } } if (c == '\n'){ if (!quoted) Report.Error (1010, Location, "Newline in constant"); line++; ref_line++; col = 0; } else col++; if (!quoted){ c = escape (c); if (c == -1) return Token.ERROR; } string_builder.Append ((char) c); } Report.Error (1039, Location, "Unterminated string literal"); return Token.EOF; } private int consume_identifier (int s, bool quoted) { int pos = 1; int c; id_builder [0] = (char) s; while ((c = reader.Read ()) != -1) { if (is_identifier_part_character ((char) c)){ if (pos == max_id_size){ Report.Error (645, Location, "Identifier too long (limit is 512 chars)"); return Token.ERROR; } id_builder [pos++] = (char) c; putback_char = -1; col++; } else { putback_char = c; break; } } string ids = new String (id_builder, 0, pos); if (s >= 'a'){ int keyword = GetKeyword (ids); if (keyword == -1 || quoted){ val = ids; return Token.IDENTIFIER; } return keyword; } val = ids; return Token.IDENTIFIER; } public int xtoken () { int t; bool doread = false; int c; val = null; // optimization: eliminate col and implement #directive semantic correctly. for (;(c = getChar ()) != -1; col++) { if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\f' || c == '\v' || c == '\r' || c == 0xa0){ if (c == '\t') col = (((col + 8) / 8) * 8) - 1; continue; } // Handle double-slash comments. if (c == '/'){ int d = peekChar (); if (d == '/'){ getChar (); while ((d = getChar ()) != -1 && (d != '\n') && d != '\r') col++; if (d == '\n'){ line++; ref_line++; col = 0; } any_token_seen |= tokens_seen; tokens_seen = false; continue; } else if (d == '*'){ getChar (); while ((d = getChar ()) != -1){ if (d == '*' && peekChar () == '/'){ getChar (); col++; break; } if (d == '\n'){ line++; ref_line++; col = 0; any_token_seen |= tokens_seen; tokens_seen = false; } } continue; } goto is_punct_label; } if (is_identifier_start_character ((char)c)){ tokens_seen = true; return consume_identifier (c, false); } is_punct_label: if ((t = is_punct ((char)c, ref doread)) != Token.ERROR){ tokens_seen = true; if (doread){ getChar (); col++; } return t; } // white space if (c == '\n'){ line++; ref_line++; col = 0; any_token_seen |= tokens_seen; tokens_seen = false; continue; } if (c >= '0' && c <= '9'){ tokens_seen = true; return is_number (c); } if (c == '.'){ tokens_seen = true; int peek = peekChar (); if (peek >= '0' && peek <= '9') return is_number (c); return Token.DOT; } /* For now, ignore pre-processor commands */ // FIXME: In C# the '#' is not limited to appear // on the first column. if (c == '#' && !tokens_seen){ bool cont = true; start_again: cont = handle_preprocessing_directive (cont); if (cont){ col = 0; continue; } col = 1; bool skipping = false; for (;(c = getChar ()) != -1; col++){ if (c == '\n'){ col = 0; line++; ref_line++; skipping = false; } else if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\v' || c == '\r' || c == 0xa0) continue; else if (c != '#') skipping = true; if (c == '#' && !skipping) goto start_again; } any_token_seen |= tokens_seen; tokens_seen = false; if (c == -1) Report.Error (1027, Location, "#endif/#endregion expected"); continue; } if (c == '"') return consume_string (false); if (c == '\''){ c = getChar (); tokens_seen = true; if (c == '\''){ error_details = "Empty character literal"; Report.Error (1011, Location, error_details); return Token.ERROR; } c = escape (c); if (c == -1) return Token.ERROR; val = new System.Char (); val = (char) c; c = getChar (); if (c != '\''){ error_details = "Too many characters in character literal"; Report.Error (1012, Location, error_details); // Try to recover, read until newline or next "'" while ((c = getChar ()) != -1){ if (c == '\n' || c == '\''){ line++; ref_line++; col = 0; break; } else col++; } return Token.ERROR; } return Token.LITERAL_CHARACTER; } if (c == '@') { c = getChar (); if (c == '"') { tokens_seen = true; return consume_string (true); } else if (is_identifier_start_character ((char) c)){ return consume_identifier (c, true); } else { Report.Error (1033, Location, "'@' must be followed by string constant or identifier"); } } error_details = ((char)c).ToString (); return Token.ERROR; } return Token.EOF; } public void cleanup () { if (ifstack != null && ifstack.Count >= 1) { int state = (int) ifstack.Pop (); if ((state & REGION) != 0) Report.Error (1038, "#endregion directive expected"); else Report.Error (1027, "#endif directive expected"); } } } }