// // cfold.cs: Constant Folding // // Author: // Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com) // Marek Safar (marek.safar@seznam.cz) // // (C) 2002, 2003 Ximian, Inc. // using System; namespace Mono.CSharp { public class ConstantFold { static Type[] binary_promotions = new Type[] { TypeManager.decimal_type, TypeManager.double_type, TypeManager.float_type, TypeManager.uint64_type, TypeManager.int64_type, TypeManager.uint32_type }; // // Performs the numeric promotions on the left and right expresions // and desposits the results on `lc' and `rc'. // // On success, the types of `lc' and `rc' on output will always match, // and the pair will be one of: // static void DoBinaryNumericPromotions (ref Constant left, ref Constant right) { Type ltype = left.Type; Type rtype = right.Type; foreach (Type t in binary_promotions) { if (t == ltype || t == rtype) { left = left.ConvertImplicitly (t); right = right.ConvertImplicitly (t); return; } } left = left.ConvertImplicitly (TypeManager.int32_type); right = right.ConvertImplicitly (TypeManager.int32_type); } internal static void Error_CompileTimeOverflow (Location loc) { Report.Error (220, loc, "The operation overflows at compile time in checked mode"); } /// /// Constant expression folder for binary operations. /// /// Returns null if the expression can not be folded. /// static public Constant BinaryFold (EmitContext ec, Binary.Operator oper, Constant left, Constant right, Location loc) { if (left is EmptyConstantCast) return BinaryFold (ec, oper, ((EmptyConstantCast)left).child, right, loc); if (right is EmptyConstantCast) return BinaryFold (ec, oper, left, ((EmptyConstantCast)right).child, loc); Type lt = left.Type; Type rt = right.Type; bool bool_res; Constant result = null; if (lt == TypeManager.bool_type && lt == rt) { bool lv = ((BoolConstant) left ).Value; bool rv = ((BoolConstant) right).Value; switch (oper) { case Binary.Operator.BitwiseAnd: case Binary.Operator.LogicalAnd: return new BoolConstant (lv && rv, left.Location); case Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr: case Binary.Operator.LogicalOr: return new BoolConstant (lv || rv, left.Location); case Binary.Operator.ExclusiveOr: return new BoolConstant (lv ^ rv, left.Location); case Binary.Operator.Equality: return new BoolConstant (lv == rv, left.Location); case Binary.Operator.Inequality: return new BoolConstant (lv != rv, left.Location); } return null; } // // During an enum evaluation, none of the rules are valid // Not sure whether it is bug in csc or in documentation // if (ec.InEnumContext){ if (left is EnumConstant) left = ((EnumConstant) left).Child; if (right is EnumConstant) right = ((EnumConstant) right).Child; } else if (left is EnumConstant && rt == lt) { switch (oper){ /// /// E operator |(E x, E y); /// E operator &(E x, E y); /// E operator ^(E x, E y); /// case Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr: case Binary.Operator.BitwiseAnd: case Binary.Operator.ExclusiveOr: return BinaryFold (ec, oper, ((EnumConstant)left).Child, ((EnumConstant)right).Child, loc).TryReduce (ec, lt, loc); /// /// U operator -(E x, E y); /// case Binary.Operator.Subtraction: result = BinaryFold (ec, oper, ((EnumConstant)left).Child, ((EnumConstant)right).Child, loc); return result.TryReduce (ec, ((EnumConstant)left).Child.Type, loc); /// /// bool operator ==(E x, E y); /// bool operator !=(E x, E y); /// bool operator <(E x, E y); /// bool operator >(E x, E y); /// bool operator <=(E x, E y); /// bool operator >=(E x, E y); /// case Binary.Operator.Equality: case Binary.Operator.Inequality: case Binary.Operator.LessThan: case Binary.Operator.GreaterThan: case Binary.Operator.LessThanOrEqual: case Binary.Operator.GreaterThanOrEqual: return BinaryFold(ec, oper, ((EnumConstant)left).Child, ((EnumConstant)right).Child, loc); } return null; } switch (oper){ case Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr: DoBinaryNumericPromotions (ref left, ref right); if (left == null || right == null) return null; if (left is IntConstant){ int res = ((IntConstant) left).Value | ((IntConstant) right).Value; return new IntConstant (res, left.Location); } if (left is UIntConstant){ uint res = ((UIntConstant)left).Value | ((UIntConstant)right).Value; return new UIntConstant (res, left.Location); } if (left is LongConstant){ long res = ((LongConstant)left).Value | ((LongConstant)right).Value; return new LongConstant (res, left.Location); } if (left is ULongConstant){ ulong res = ((ULongConstant)left).Value | ((ULongConstant)right).Value; return new ULongConstant (res, left.Location); } break; case Binary.Operator.BitwiseAnd: DoBinaryNumericPromotions (ref left, ref right); if (left == null || right == null) return null; /// /// int operator &(int x, int y); /// uint operator &(uint x, uint y); /// long operator &(long x, long y); /// ulong operator &(ulong x, ulong y); /// if (left is IntConstant){ int res = ((IntConstant) left).Value & ((IntConstant) right).Value; return new IntConstant (res, left.Location); } if (left is UIntConstant){ uint res = ((UIntConstant)left).Value & ((UIntConstant)right).Value; return new UIntConstant (res, left.Location); } if (left is LongConstant){ long res = ((LongConstant)left).Value & ((LongConstant)right).Value; return new LongConstant (res, left.Location); } if (left is ULongConstant){ ulong res = ((ULongConstant)left).Value & ((ULongConstant)right).Value; return new ULongConstant (res, left.Location); } break; case Binary.Operator.ExclusiveOr: DoBinaryNumericPromotions (ref left, ref right); if (left == null || right == null) return null; if (left is IntConstant){ int res = ((IntConstant) left).Value ^ ((IntConstant) right).Value; return new IntConstant (res, left.Location); } if (left is UIntConstant){ uint res = ((UIntConstant)left).Value ^ ((UIntConstant)right).Value; return new UIntConstant (res, left.Location); } if (left is LongConstant){ long res = ((LongConstant)left).Value ^ ((LongConstant)right).Value; return new LongConstant (res, left.Location); } if (left is ULongConstant){ ulong res = ((ULongConstant)left).Value ^ ((ULongConstant)right).Value; return new ULongConstant (res, left.Location); } break; case Binary.Operator.Addition: // // If both sides are strings, then concatenate, if // one is a string, and the other is not, then defer // to runtime concatenation // if (lt == TypeManager.string_type || rt == TypeManager.string_type){ if (lt == TypeManager.string_type && rt == TypeManager.string_type) return new StringConstant ( ((StringConstant) left).Value + ((StringConstant) right).Value, left.Location); return null; } // // handle "E operator + (E x, U y)" // handle "E operator + (Y y, E x)" // EnumConstant lc = left as EnumConstant; EnumConstant rc = right as EnumConstant; if (lc != null || rc != null){ if (lc == null) { lc = rc; lt = lc.Type; right = left; } // U has to be implicitly convetible to E.base right = right.ConvertImplicitly (lc.Child.Type); if (right == null) return null; result = BinaryFold (ec, oper, lc.Child, right, loc); if (result == null) return null; result = result.TryReduce (ec, lt, loc); if (result == null) return null; return new EnumConstant (result, lt); } DoBinaryNumericPromotions (ref left, ref right); if (left == null || right == null) return null; try { if (left is DoubleConstant){ double res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((DoubleConstant) left).Value + ((DoubleConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((DoubleConstant) left).Value + ((DoubleConstant) right).Value); return new DoubleConstant (res, left.Location); } if (left is FloatConstant){ float res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((FloatConstant) left).Value + ((FloatConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((FloatConstant) left).Value + ((FloatConstant) right).Value); result = new FloatConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is ULongConstant){ ulong res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((ULongConstant) left).Value + ((ULongConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((ULongConstant) left).Value + ((ULongConstant) right).Value); result = new ULongConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is LongConstant){ long res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((LongConstant) left).Value + ((LongConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((LongConstant) left).Value + ((LongConstant) right).Value); result = new LongConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is UIntConstant){ uint res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((UIntConstant) left).Value + ((UIntConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((UIntConstant) left).Value + ((UIntConstant) right).Value); result = new UIntConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is IntConstant){ int res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((IntConstant) left).Value + ((IntConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((IntConstant) left).Value + ((IntConstant) right).Value); result = new IntConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is DecimalConstant) { decimal res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((DecimalConstant) left).Value + ((DecimalConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((DecimalConstant) left).Value + ((DecimalConstant) right).Value); result = new DecimalConstant (res, left.Location); } else { throw new Exception ( "Unexepected addition input: " + left); } } catch (OverflowException){ Error_CompileTimeOverflow (loc); } return result; case Binary.Operator.Subtraction: // // handle "E operator - (E x, U y)" // handle "E operator - (Y y, E x)" // lc = left as EnumConstant; rc = right as EnumConstant; if (lc != null || rc != null){ if (lc == null) { lc = rc; lt = lc.Type; right = left; } // U has to be implicitly convetible to E.base right = right.ConvertImplicitly (lc.Child.Type); if (right == null) return null; result = BinaryFold (ec, oper, lc.Child, right, loc); if (result == null) return null; result = result.TryReduce (ec, lt, loc); if (result == null) return null; return new EnumConstant (result, lt); } DoBinaryNumericPromotions (ref left, ref right); if (left == null || right == null) return null; try { if (left is DoubleConstant){ double res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((DoubleConstant) left).Value - ((DoubleConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((DoubleConstant) left).Value - ((DoubleConstant) right).Value); result = new DoubleConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is FloatConstant){ float res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((FloatConstant) left).Value - ((FloatConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((FloatConstant) left).Value - ((FloatConstant) right).Value); result = new FloatConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is ULongConstant){ ulong res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((ULongConstant) left).Value - ((ULongConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((ULongConstant) left).Value - ((ULongConstant) right).Value); result = new ULongConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is LongConstant){ long res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((LongConstant) left).Value - ((LongConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((LongConstant) left).Value - ((LongConstant) right).Value); result = new LongConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is UIntConstant){ uint res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((UIntConstant) left).Value - ((UIntConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((UIntConstant) left).Value - ((UIntConstant) right).Value); result = new UIntConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is IntConstant){ int res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((IntConstant) left).Value - ((IntConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((IntConstant) left).Value - ((IntConstant) right).Value); result = new IntConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is DecimalConstant) { decimal res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((DecimalConstant) left).Value - ((DecimalConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((DecimalConstant) left).Value - ((DecimalConstant) right).Value); return new DecimalConstant (res, left.Location); } else { throw new Exception ( "Unexepected subtraction input: " + left); } } catch (OverflowException){ Error_CompileTimeOverflow (loc); } return result; case Binary.Operator.Multiply: DoBinaryNumericPromotions (ref left, ref right); if (left == null || right == null) return null; try { if (left is DoubleConstant){ double res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((DoubleConstant) left).Value * ((DoubleConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((DoubleConstant) left).Value * ((DoubleConstant) right).Value); return new DoubleConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is FloatConstant){ float res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((FloatConstant) left).Value * ((FloatConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((FloatConstant) left).Value * ((FloatConstant) right).Value); return new FloatConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is ULongConstant){ ulong res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((ULongConstant) left).Value * ((ULongConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((ULongConstant) left).Value * ((ULongConstant) right).Value); return new ULongConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is LongConstant){ long res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((LongConstant) left).Value * ((LongConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((LongConstant) left).Value * ((LongConstant) right).Value); return new LongConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is UIntConstant){ uint res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((UIntConstant) left).Value * ((UIntConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((UIntConstant) left).Value * ((UIntConstant) right).Value); return new UIntConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is IntConstant){ int res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((IntConstant) left).Value * ((IntConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((IntConstant) left).Value * ((IntConstant) right).Value); return new IntConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is DecimalConstant) { decimal res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((DecimalConstant) left).Value * ((DecimalConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((DecimalConstant) left).Value * ((DecimalConstant) right).Value); return new DecimalConstant (res, left.Location); } else { throw new Exception ( "Unexepected multiply input: " + left); } } catch (OverflowException){ Error_CompileTimeOverflow (loc); } break; case Binary.Operator.Division: DoBinaryNumericPromotions (ref left, ref right); if (left == null || right == null) return null; try { if (left is DoubleConstant){ double res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((DoubleConstant) left).Value / ((DoubleConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((DoubleConstant) left).Value / ((DoubleConstant) right).Value); return new DoubleConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is FloatConstant){ float res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((FloatConstant) left).Value / ((FloatConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((FloatConstant) left).Value / ((FloatConstant) right).Value); return new FloatConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is ULongConstant){ ulong res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((ULongConstant) left).Value / ((ULongConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((ULongConstant) left).Value / ((ULongConstant) right).Value); return new ULongConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is LongConstant){ long res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((LongConstant) left).Value / ((LongConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((LongConstant) left).Value / ((LongConstant) right).Value); return new LongConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is UIntConstant){ uint res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((UIntConstant) left).Value / ((UIntConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((UIntConstant) left).Value / ((UIntConstant) right).Value); return new UIntConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is IntConstant){ int res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((IntConstant) left).Value / ((IntConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((IntConstant) left).Value / ((IntConstant) right).Value); return new IntConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is DecimalConstant) { decimal res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((DecimalConstant) left).Value / ((DecimalConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((DecimalConstant) left).Value / ((DecimalConstant) right).Value); return new DecimalConstant (res, left.Location); } else { throw new Exception ( "Unexepected division input: " + left); } } catch (OverflowException){ Error_CompileTimeOverflow (loc); } catch (DivideByZeroException) { Report.Error (020, loc, "Division by constant zero"); } break; case Binary.Operator.Modulus: DoBinaryNumericPromotions (ref left, ref right); if (left == null || right == null) return null; try { if (left is DoubleConstant){ double res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((DoubleConstant) left).Value % ((DoubleConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((DoubleConstant) left).Value % ((DoubleConstant) right).Value); return new DoubleConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is FloatConstant){ float res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((FloatConstant) left).Value % ((FloatConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((FloatConstant) left).Value % ((FloatConstant) right).Value); return new FloatConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is ULongConstant){ ulong res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((ULongConstant) left).Value % ((ULongConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((ULongConstant) left).Value % ((ULongConstant) right).Value); return new ULongConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is LongConstant){ long res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((LongConstant) left).Value % ((LongConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((LongConstant) left).Value % ((LongConstant) right).Value); return new LongConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is UIntConstant){ uint res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((UIntConstant) left).Value % ((UIntConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((UIntConstant) left).Value % ((UIntConstant) right).Value); return new UIntConstant (res, left.Location); } else if (left is IntConstant){ int res; if (ec.ConstantCheckState) res = checked (((IntConstant) left).Value % ((IntConstant) right).Value); else res = unchecked (((IntConstant) left).Value % ((IntConstant) right).Value); return new IntConstant (res, left.Location); } else { throw new Exception ( "Unexepected modulus input: " + left); } } catch (DivideByZeroException){ Report.Error (020, loc, "Division by constant zero"); } catch (OverflowException){ Error_CompileTimeOverflow (loc); } break; // // There is no overflow checking on left shift // case Binary.Operator.LeftShift: IntConstant ic = right.ConvertImplicitly (TypeManager.int32_type) as IntConstant; if (ic == null){ Binary.Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (loc, "<<", lt, rt); return null; } int lshift_val = ic.Value; if (left.Type == TypeManager.uint64_type) return new ULongConstant (((ULongConstant)left).Value << lshift_val, left.Location); if (left.Type == TypeManager.int64_type) return new LongConstant (((LongConstant)left).Value << lshift_val, left.Location); if (left.Type == TypeManager.uint32_type) return new UIntConstant (((UIntConstant)left).Value << lshift_val, left.Location); left = left.ConvertImplicitly (TypeManager.int32_type); if (left.Type == TypeManager.int32_type) return new IntConstant (((IntConstant)left).Value << lshift_val, left.Location); Binary.Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (loc, "<<", lt, rt); break; // // There is no overflow checking on right shift // case Binary.Operator.RightShift: IntConstant sic = right.ConvertImplicitly (TypeManager.int32_type) as IntConstant; if (sic == null){ Binary.Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (loc, ">>", lt, rt); return null; } int rshift_val = sic.Value; if (left.Type == TypeManager.uint64_type) return new ULongConstant (((ULongConstant)left).Value >> rshift_val, left.Location); if (left.Type == TypeManager.int64_type) return new LongConstant (((LongConstant)left).Value >> rshift_val, left.Location); if (left.Type == TypeManager.uint32_type) return new UIntConstant (((UIntConstant)left).Value >> rshift_val, left.Location); left = left.ConvertImplicitly (TypeManager.int32_type); if (left.Type == TypeManager.int32_type) return new IntConstant (((IntConstant)left).Value >> rshift_val, left.Location); Binary.Error_OperatorCannotBeApplied (loc, ">>", lt, rt); break; case Binary.Operator.Equality: if (left is NullConstant){ if (right is NullConstant) return new BoolConstant (true, left.Location); else if (right is StringConstant) return new BoolConstant ( ((StringConstant) right).Value == null, left.Location); } else if (right is NullConstant){ if (left is NullConstant) return new BoolConstant (true, left.Location); else if (left is StringConstant) return new BoolConstant ( ((StringConstant) left).Value == null, left.Location); } if (left is StringConstant && right is StringConstant){ return new BoolConstant ( ((StringConstant) left).Value == ((StringConstant) right).Value, left.Location); } DoBinaryNumericPromotions (ref left, ref right); if (left == null || right == null) return null; bool_res = false; if (left is DoubleConstant) bool_res = ((DoubleConstant) left).Value == ((DoubleConstant) right).Value; else if (left is FloatConstant) bool_res = ((FloatConstant) left).Value == ((FloatConstant) right).Value; else if (left is ULongConstant) bool_res = ((ULongConstant) left).Value == ((ULongConstant) right).Value; else if (left is LongConstant) bool_res = ((LongConstant) left).Value == ((LongConstant) right).Value; else if (left is UIntConstant) bool_res = ((UIntConstant) left).Value == ((UIntConstant) right).Value; else if (left is IntConstant) bool_res = ((IntConstant) left).Value == ((IntConstant) right).Value; else return null; return new BoolConstant (bool_res, left.Location); case Binary.Operator.Inequality: if (left is NullConstant){ if (right is NullConstant) return new BoolConstant (false, left.Location); else if (right is StringConstant) return new BoolConstant ( ((StringConstant) right).Value != null, left.Location); } else if (right is NullConstant){ if (left is NullConstant) return new BoolConstant (false, left.Location); else if (left is StringConstant) return new BoolConstant ( ((StringConstant) left).Value != null, left.Location); } if (left is StringConstant && right is StringConstant){ return new BoolConstant ( ((StringConstant) left).Value != ((StringConstant) right).Value, left.Location); } DoBinaryNumericPromotions (ref left, ref right); if (left == null || right == null) return null; bool_res = false; if (left is DoubleConstant) bool_res = ((DoubleConstant) left).Value != ((DoubleConstant) right).Value; else if (left is FloatConstant) bool_res = ((FloatConstant) left).Value != ((FloatConstant) right).Value; else if (left is ULongConstant) bool_res = ((ULongConstant) left).Value != ((ULongConstant) right).Value; else if (left is LongConstant) bool_res = ((LongConstant) left).Value != ((LongConstant) right).Value; else if (left is UIntConstant) bool_res = ((UIntConstant) left).Value != ((UIntConstant) right).Value; else if (left is IntConstant) bool_res = ((IntConstant) left).Value != ((IntConstant) right).Value; else return null; return new BoolConstant (bool_res, left.Location); case Binary.Operator.LessThan: DoBinaryNumericPromotions (ref left, ref right); if (left == null || right == null) return null; bool_res = false; if (left is DoubleConstant) bool_res = ((DoubleConstant) left).Value < ((DoubleConstant) right).Value; else if (left is FloatConstant) bool_res = ((FloatConstant) left).Value < ((FloatConstant) right).Value; else if (left is ULongConstant) bool_res = ((ULongConstant) left).Value < ((ULongConstant) right).Value; else if (left is LongConstant) bool_res = ((LongConstant) left).Value < ((LongConstant) right).Value; else if (left is UIntConstant) bool_res = ((UIntConstant) left).Value < ((UIntConstant) right).Value; else if (left is IntConstant) bool_res = ((IntConstant) left).Value < ((IntConstant) right).Value; else return null; return new BoolConstant (bool_res, left.Location); case Binary.Operator.GreaterThan: DoBinaryNumericPromotions (ref left, ref right); if (left == null || right == null) return null; bool_res = false; if (left is DoubleConstant) bool_res = ((DoubleConstant) left).Value > ((DoubleConstant) right).Value; else if (left is FloatConstant) bool_res = ((FloatConstant) left).Value > ((FloatConstant) right).Value; else if (left is ULongConstant) bool_res = ((ULongConstant) left).Value > ((ULongConstant) right).Value; else if (left is LongConstant) bool_res = ((LongConstant) left).Value > ((LongConstant) right).Value; else if (left is UIntConstant) bool_res = ((UIntConstant) left).Value > ((UIntConstant) right).Value; else if (left is IntConstant) bool_res = ((IntConstant) left).Value > ((IntConstant) right).Value; else return null; return new BoolConstant (bool_res, left.Location); case Binary.Operator.GreaterThanOrEqual: DoBinaryNumericPromotions (ref left, ref right); if (left == null || right == null) return null; bool_res = false; if (left is DoubleConstant) bool_res = ((DoubleConstant) left).Value >= ((DoubleConstant) right).Value; else if (left is FloatConstant) bool_res = ((FloatConstant) left).Value >= ((FloatConstant) right).Value; else if (left is ULongConstant) bool_res = ((ULongConstant) left).Value >= ((ULongConstant) right).Value; else if (left is LongConstant) bool_res = ((LongConstant) left).Value >= ((LongConstant) right).Value; else if (left is UIntConstant) bool_res = ((UIntConstant) left).Value >= ((UIntConstant) right).Value; else if (left is IntConstant) bool_res = ((IntConstant) left).Value >= ((IntConstant) right).Value; else return null; return new BoolConstant (bool_res, left.Location); case Binary.Operator.LessThanOrEqual: DoBinaryNumericPromotions (ref left, ref right); if (left == null || right == null) return null; bool_res = false; if (left is DoubleConstant) bool_res = ((DoubleConstant) left).Value <= ((DoubleConstant) right).Value; else if (left is FloatConstant) bool_res = ((FloatConstant) left).Value <= ((FloatConstant) right).Value; else if (left is ULongConstant) bool_res = ((ULongConstant) left).Value <= ((ULongConstant) right).Value; else if (left is LongConstant) bool_res = ((LongConstant) left).Value <= ((LongConstant) right).Value; else if (left is UIntConstant) bool_res = ((UIntConstant) left).Value <= ((UIntConstant) right).Value; else if (left is IntConstant) bool_res = ((IntConstant) left).Value <= ((IntConstant) right).Value; else return null; return new BoolConstant (bool_res, left.Location); } return null; } } }