Imports System Imports TestUtils Module Test Public Sub Main() Dim a() As String Dim b(,) As String Dim c(,,) As String Dim o As Object Dim s As String = "" a = New String(1) { "0", "1" } b = New String(1,1) { {"0,0", "0,1"}, {"1,0", "1,1"} } c = New String(1,1,1) { {{"0,0,0", "0,0,1"}, {"0,1,0", "0,1,1"}}, {{"1,0,0", "1,0,1"}, {"1,1,0", "1,1,1"}} } ' Testing with monodimensional array o = a s = String.Format ("/{0}/{1}", o(0), o(1)) ' Testing with bidimensional array o = b s = s & String.Format ("/{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}", o(0,0), o(0,1), o(1,0), o(1,1)) ' Testing with tridimensional array o = c s = s & String.Format ("/{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/{4}/{5}/{6}/{7}/", o(0,0,0), o(0,0,1), o(0,1,0), o(0,1,1), o(1,0,0), o(1,0,1), o(1,1,0), o(1,1,1)) Console.WriteLine (TestUtils.GenerateHash(s)) End Sub End Module