// // driver.cs: The compiler command line driver. // // Author: Rafael Teixeira (rafaelteixeirabr@hotmail.com) // Based on mcs by : Miguel de Icaza (miguel@gnu.org) // // Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL // // (C) 2002 Rafael Teixeira // namespace Mono.Languages { using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Globalization; using Mono.CSharp; using Mono.GetOptions; enum Target { Library, Exe, Module, WinExe }; enum OptionCompare { Binary, Text }; /// /// The compiler driver. /// public class Driver : Options { // Temporary options //------------------------------------------------------------------ [Option("[Mono] Only parses the source file (for debugging the tokenizer)", "parse")] public bool parse_only = false; [Option("[Mono] Only tokenizes source files")] public bool tokenize = false; [Option("[Mono] Shows stack trace at Error location")] public bool stacktrace { set { Report.Stacktrace = value; } } [Option("[Mono] Displays time stamps of various compiler events")] public bool timestamp { set { timestamps = true; last_time = DateTime.Now; debug_arglist.Add("timestamp"); } } // Mono-specific options //------------------------------------------------------------------ [Option("About the MonoBASIC compiler", "about")] public override WhatToDoNext DoAbout() { return base.DoAbout(); } [Option("[Mono] Don\'t assume the standard library", "nostdlib")] public bool nostdlib { set { RootContext.StdLib = !value; } } [Option("[Mono] Disables implicit references to assemblies", "noconfig")] public bool NoConfig { set { load_default_config = !value; } } [Option("[Mono] Allows unsafe code", "unsafe")] public bool AllowUnsafeCode { set { RootContext.Unsafe = value; } } [Option("[Mono] Set default context to checked", "checked")] public bool Checked { set { RootContext.Checked = value; } } [Option("[Mono] Debugger arguments", "debug-args")] public WhatToDoNext SetDebugArgs(string args) { char[] sep = { ',' }; debug_arglist.AddRange (args.Split (sep)); return WhatToDoNext.GoAhead; } [Option("[Mono] Ignores warning number PARAM", "ignorewarn")] public WhatToDoNext SetIgnoreWarning(int warn) { Report.SetIgnoreWarning(warn); return WhatToDoNext.GoAhead; } [Option("[Mono] Sets warning level (the highest is 4, the default)", "wlevel")] public int wlevel { set { RootContext.WarningLevel = value; } } [Option("[Mono] Makes errors fatal", "fatal")] public bool Fatal { set { Report.Fatal = value; } } [Option("[Mono] Adds path to the assembly link path")] public string[] linkpaths = null; // Output file options //------------------------------------------------------------------ [Option("Specifies the output file name", 'o', "out")] public string output_file = null; [Option("Specifies the target type for the output file (exe [default], winexe, library, module)", "target")] public WhatToDoNext SetTarget(string type) { switch (type.ToLower()) { case "library": target = Target.Library; target_ext = ".dll"; break; case "exe": target = Target.Exe; break; case "winexe": target = Target.WinExe; break; case "module": target = Target.Module; target_ext = ".dll"; break; } return WhatToDoNext.GoAhead; } // input file options //------------------------------------------------------------------ [Option("[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]Reference metadata from specified module", "addmodule")] public string[] addedModules = null; [Option("[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]Include all files in the current directory and subdirectories according to the wildcard", "recurse")] public WhatToDoNext recurse(string wildcard) { //AddFiles (DirName, true); // TODO wrong semantics return WhatToDoNext.GoAhead; } [Option(-1, "References metadata from the specified assembly", 'r', "reference")] public string reference { set { references.Add(value); } } // resource options //------------------------------------------------------------------ public ArrayList EmbeddedResources = new ArrayList(); // TODO : accept a multi-letter short form: 'res' [Option(-1, "Adds the specified file as an embedded assembly resource", "resource")] public string resource { set { EmbeddedResources.Add(value); } } public ArrayList LinkedResources = new ArrayList(); // TODO : accept a multi-letter short form: 'linkres' [Option(-1, "[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]Adds the specified file as an embedded assembly resource", "linkresource")] public string linkresource { set { LinkedResources.Add(value); } } public ArrayList Win32Resources = new ArrayList(); [Option(-1, "[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]Specifies a Win32 resource file (.res)", "win32resource")] public string win32resource { set { Win32Resources.Add(value); } } public ArrayList Win32Icons = new ArrayList(); // TODO : accept a multi-letter short form: 'res' [Option(-1, "[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]Specifies a Win32 icon file (.ico) for the default Win32 resources", "win32icon")] public string win32icon { set { Win32Icons.Add(value); } } // code generation options //------------------------------------------------------------------ [Option("[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]Enable optimizations")] public bool optimize = false; [Option("[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]Remove integer checks. Default off.")] public bool removeintchecks = false; // TODO: handle VB.NET [+|-] boolean syntax [Option("Emit debugging information", "debug")] public bool want_debugging_support = false; [Option("Emit full debugging information (default)", "debug:full")] public bool fullDebugging = false; [Option("[IGNORED]Emit PDB file only", "debug:pdbonly")] public bool pdbOnly = false; // errors and warnings options //------------------------------------------------------------------ [Option("Treat warnings as errors", "warnaserror")] public bool WarningsAreErrors { set { Report.WarningsAreErrors = value; } } [Option("Disable warnings")] public bool nowarn { set { if (value) RootContext.WarningLevel = 0; } } // language options //------------------------------------------------------------------ public Hashtable Defines = new Hashtable(); // TODO: Symbol-List parsing [Option(-1, "[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]Declares global conditional compilation symbol(s). symbol list:name=value,...", 'd', "define")] public string define { set { foreach(string item in value.Split(',')) { string[] dados = item.Split('='); if (dados.Length > 1) Defines.Add(dados[0], dados[1]); else Defines.Add(dados[0], string.Empty); } } } private string[] importsList = null; [Option("[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]Declare global Imports for namespaces in referenced metadata files. import list:namespace,...", "imports")] public WhatToDoNext imports(string importslist) { importsList = importslist.Split(';'); return WhatToDoNext.GoAhead; } // TODO: handle VB.NET [+|-] boolean syntax [Option("[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]Require explicit declaration of variables")] public bool optionexplicit { set { Mono.MonoBASIC.Parser.InitialOptionExplicit = value; } } // TODO: handle VB.NET [+|-] boolean syntax [Option("[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]Enforce strict language semantics")] public bool optionstrict { set { Mono.MonoBASIC.Parser.InitialOptionStrict = value; } } [Option("[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]Specifies binary-style string comparisons. This is the default", "optioncompare:binary")] public bool optioncomparebinary { set { Mono.MonoBASIC.Parser.InitialOptionCompareBinary = true; } } [Option("[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]Specifies text-style string comparisons.", "optioncompare:text")] public bool optioncomparetext { set { Mono.MonoBASIC.Parser.InitialOptionCompareBinary = false; } } [Option("Specifies de root namespace for all type declarations")] public string rootnamespace { set { RootContext.RootNamespace = value; } } // Miscellaneous options //------------------------------------------------------------------ [Option("[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]Do not display compiler copyright banner")] public bool nologo = false; [Option("[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]Quiet output mode")] public bool quiet = false; // TODO: semantics are different and should be adjusted [Option("Display verbose messages", 'v')] public bool verbose { set { GenericParser.yacc_verbose_flag = value; } } // Advanced options //------------------------------------------------------------------ // TODO: force option to accept number in hex format [Option("[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]The base address for a library or module (hex)")] public int baseaddress; [Option("[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]Create bug report file")] public string bugreport; // TODO: handle VB.NET [+|-] boolean syntax [Option("[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]Delay-sign the assembly using only the public portion of the strong name key")] public bool delaysign; [Option("[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]Specifies a strong name key container")] public string keycontainer; [Option("[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]Specifies a strong name key file")] public string keyfile; public string[] libpath = null; [Option("[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]List of directories to search for metada references (semi-colon delimited)", "libpath")] public WhatToDoNext setlibpath(string pathlist) { libpath = pathlist.Split(';'); return WhatToDoNext.GoAhead; } [Option(@"Specifies the Class or Module that contains Sub Main. It can also be a Class that inherits from System.Windows.Forms.Form.", 'm', "main")] public string main { set { RootContext.MainClass = value; } } // TODO: handle VB.NET [+|-] boolean syntax [Option("[NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]Emit compiler output in UTF8 character encoding")] public bool utf8output; // TODO : response file support ArrayList defines = new ArrayList(); ArrayList references = new ArrayList(); ArrayList soft_references = new ArrayList(); string first_source = null; Target target = Target.Exe; string target_ext = ".exe"; ArrayList debug_arglist = new ArrayList (); bool timestamps = false; Hashtable source_files = new Hashtable (); bool load_default_config = true; // // Last time we took the time // DateTime last_time; void ShowTime (string msg) { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan span = now - last_time; last_time = now; Console.WriteLine ( "[{0:00}:{1:000}] {2}", (int) span.TotalSeconds, span.Milliseconds, msg); } public static int Main (string[] args) { Driver Exec = new Driver(); return Exec.MainDriver(args); } public int LoadAssembly (string assembly, bool soft) { Assembly a; string total_log = ""; try { char[] path_chars = { '/', '\\' }; if (assembly.IndexOfAny (path_chars) != -1) a = Assembly.LoadFrom(assembly); else a = Assembly.Load(assembly); TypeManager.AddAssembly (a); return 0; } catch (FileNotFoundException){ foreach (string dir in linkpaths){ string full_path = dir + "/" + assembly + ".dll"; try { a = Assembly.LoadFrom (full_path); TypeManager.AddAssembly (a); return 0; } catch (FileNotFoundException ff) { total_log += ff.FusionLog; continue; } } if (soft) return 0; } catch (BadImageFormatException f) { Error ("// Bad file format while loading assembly"); Error ("Log: " + f.FusionLog); return 1; } catch (FileLoadException f){ Error ("File Load Exception: " + assembly); Error ("Log: " + f.FusionLog); return 1; } catch (ArgumentNullException){ Error ("// Argument Null exception "); return 1; } Report.Error (6, "Can not find assembly `" + assembly + "'" ); Console.WriteLine ("Log: \n" + total_log); return 0; } void Error(string message) { Console.WriteLine(message); } /// /// Loads all assemblies referenced on the command line /// public int LoadReferences () { int errors = 0; foreach (string r in references) errors += LoadAssembly (r, false); foreach (string r in soft_references) errors += LoadAssembly (r, true); return errors; } void SetupDefaultDefines () { defines = new ArrayList (); defines.Add ("__MonoBASIC__"); } // // Returns the directory where the system assemblies are installed // string GetSystemDir () { Assembly [] assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies (); foreach (Assembly a in assemblies){ string codebase = a.CodeBase; if (codebase.EndsWith ("corlib.dll")){ return codebase.Substring (0, codebase.LastIndexOf ("/")); } } Report.Error (-15, "Can not compute my system path"); return ""; } // // Given a path specification, splits the path from the file/pattern // void SplitPathAndPattern (string spec, out string path, out string pattern) { int p = spec.LastIndexOf ("/"); if (p != -1){ // // Windows does not like /file.cs, switch that to: // "\", "file.cs" // if (p == 0){ path = "\\"; pattern = spec.Substring (1); } else { path = spec.Substring (0, p); pattern = spec.Substring (p + 1); } return; } p = spec.LastIndexOf ("\\"); if (p != -1){ path = spec.Substring (0, p); pattern = spec.Substring (p + 1); return; } path = "."; pattern = spec; } bool AddFiles (string spec, bool recurse) { string path, pattern; SplitPathAndPattern(spec, out path, out pattern); if (pattern.IndexOf("*") == -1) { AddFile(spec); return true; } string [] files = null; try { files = Directory.GetFiles(path, pattern); } catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException) { Report.Error (2001, "Source file `" + spec + "' could not be found"); return false; } catch (System.IO.IOException){ Report.Error (2001, "Source file `" + spec + "' could not be found"); return false; } foreach (string f in files) AddFile (f); if (!recurse) return true; string [] dirs = null; try { dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(path); } catch { } foreach (string d in dirs) { // Don't include path in this string, as each // directory entry already does AddFiles (d + "/" + pattern, true); } return true; } void DefineDefaultConfig () { // // For now the "default config" is harcoded into the compiler // we can move this outside later // string [] default_config = { "System", "System.Data", "System.Xml", "Microsoft.VisualBasic" , #if EXTRA_DEFAULT_REFS // // Is it worth pre-loading all this stuff? // "Accessibility", "System.Configuration.Install", "System.Design", "System.DirectoryServices", "System.Drawing.Design", "System.Drawing", "System.EnterpriseServices", "System.Management", "System.Messaging", "System.Runtime.Remoting", "System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap", "System.Security", "System.ServiceProcess", "System.Web", "System.Web.RegularExpressions", "System.Web.Services" , "System.Windows.Forms" #endif }; foreach (string def in default_config) soft_references.Add(def); } [ArgumentProcessor] public void AddFile(string fileName) { string f = fileName; if (first_source == null) first_source = f; if (source_files.Contains(f)) Report.Error(1516, "Source file '" + f + "' specified multiple times"); else source_files.Add(f, f); } void ProcessSourceFile(string filename) { if (tokenize) GenericParser.Tokenize(filename); else GenericParser.Parse(filename); } string outputFile_Name = null; string outputFileName { get { if (outputFile_Name == null) { if (output_file == null) { int pos = first_source.LastIndexOf("."); if (pos > 0) output_file = first_source.Substring(0, pos); else output_file = first_source; } string bname = CodeGen.Basename(output_file); if (bname.IndexOf(".") == -1) output_file += target_ext; outputFile_Name = output_file; } return outputFile_Name; } } /// /// Parses the arguments, and calls the compilation process. /// int MainDriver(string [] args) { ProcessArgs(args); if (first_source == null) { DoHelp(); return 2; } CompileAll(); if (Report.Errors == 0) { Console.Write("Compilation succeeded"); if (Report.Warnings > 0) { Console.Write(" - {0} warning(s)", Report.Warnings); } Console.WriteLine(); return 0; } Console.WriteLine("Compilation failed: {0} Error(s), {1} warnings", Report.Errors, Report.Warnings); return 1; } public Driver() { SetupDefaultDefines(); } bool ParseAll() // Phase 1 { if (first_source == null) { Report.Error(2008, "No files to compile were specified"); return false; } foreach(string filename in source_files.Values) ProcessSourceFile(filename); if (tokenize || parse_only || (Report.Errors > 0)) return false; return true; // everything went well go ahead } void InitializeDebuggingSupport() { string[] debug_args = new string [debug_arglist.Count]; debug_arglist.CopyTo(debug_args); CodeGen.Init(outputFileName, outputFileName, want_debugging_support, debug_args); TypeManager.AddModule(CodeGen.ModuleBuilder); } public bool ResolveAllTypes() // Phase 2 { // Load Core Library for default compilation if (RootContext.StdLib) references.Insert(0, "mscorlib"); if (load_default_config) DefineDefaultConfig(); if (timestamps) ShowTime("Loading references"); // Load assemblies required if (LoadReferences() > 0) { Error ("Could not load one or more assemblies"); return false; } if (timestamps) ShowTime("References loaded"); InitializeDebuggingSupport(); // // Before emitting, we need to get the core // types emitted from the user defined types // or from the system ones. // if (timestamps) ShowTime ("Initializing Core Types"); if (!RootContext.StdLib) RootContext.ResolveCore (); if (Report.Errors > 0) return false; TypeManager.InitCoreTypes(); if (Report.Errors > 0) return false; if (timestamps) ShowTime (" Core Types done"); if (timestamps) ShowTime ("Resolving tree"); // The second pass of the compiler RootContext.ResolveTree (); if (Report.Errors > 0) return false; if (timestamps) ShowTime ("Populate tree"); if (!RootContext.StdLib) RootContext.BootCorlib_PopulateCoreTypes(); if (Report.Errors > 0) return false; RootContext.PopulateTypes(); if (Report.Errors > 0) return false; TypeManager.InitCodeHelpers(); if (Report.Errors > 0) return false; return true; } bool IsSWFApp() { bool hasSWF = false, isForm = false; foreach (string r in references) { if (r.IndexOf ("System.Windows.Forms") >= 0) { hasSWF = true; break; } } Type t = TypeManager.LookupType(RootContext.RootNamespace + "." + RootContext.MainClass); if (t != null) isForm = t.IsSubclassOf (TypeManager.LookupType("System.Windows.Forms.Form")); return (hasSWF && isForm); } void FixEntryPoint() { if (target == Target.Exe || target == Target.WinExe) { MethodInfo ep = RootContext.EntryPoint; if (ep == null) { // If we don't have a valid entry point yet // AND if System.Windows.Forms is included // among the dependencies, we have to build // a new entry point on-the-fly. Otherwise we // won't be able to compile SWF code out of the box. if (IsSWFApp()) { Type t = TypeManager.LookupType(RootContext.RootNamespace + "." + RootContext.MainClass); if (t != null) { TypeBuilder tb = t as TypeBuilder; MethodBuilder mb = tb.DefineMethod ("Main", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static, CallingConventions.Standard, typeof(void), new Type[0]); Type SWFA = TypeManager.LookupType("System.Windows.Forms.Application"); Type SWFF = TypeManager.LookupType("System.Windows.Forms.Form"); Type[] args = new Type[1]; args[0] = SWFF; MethodInfo mi = SWFA.GetMethod("Run", args); ILGenerator ig = mb.GetILGenerator(); ConstructorInfo ci = TypeManager.GetConstructor (TypeManager.LookupType(t.FullName), new Type[0]); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, ci); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Call, mi); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ret); RootContext.EntryPoint = mb as MethodInfo; } } } } } bool GenerateAssembly() { // // The code generator // if (timestamps) ShowTime ("Emitting code"); RootContext.EmitCode(); FixEntryPoint(); if (Report.Errors > 0) return false; if (timestamps) ShowTime (" done"); if (timestamps) ShowTime ("Closing types"); RootContext.CloseTypes (); if (Report.Errors > 0) return false; if (timestamps) ShowTime (" done"); PEFileKinds k = PEFileKinds.ConsoleApplication; if (target == Target.Library || target == Target.Module) k = PEFileKinds.Dll; else if (target == Target.Exe) k = PEFileKinds.ConsoleApplication; else if (target == Target.WinExe) k = PEFileKinds.WindowApplication; if (target == Target.Exe || target == Target.WinExe) { MethodInfo ep = RootContext.EntryPoint; if (ep == null) { Report.Error (5001, "Program " + outputFileName + " does not have an entry point defined"); return false; } CodeGen.AssemblyBuilder.SetEntryPoint (ep, k); } // Add the resources if (EmbeddedResources != null) foreach (string file in EmbeddedResources) CodeGen.AssemblyBuilder.AddResourceFile (file, file); CodeGen.Save(outputFileName); if (timestamps) ShowTime ("Saved output"); if (want_debugging_support) { CodeGen.SaveSymbols (); if (timestamps) ShowTime ("Saved symbols"); } return true; } public void CompileAll() { /* VB.NET expects the default namespace to be "" (empty string) if (RootContext.RootNamespace == "") { RootContext.RootNamespace = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outputFileName); } */ if (!ParseAll()) // Phase 1 return; if (!ResolveAllTypes()) // Phase 2 return; if (!GenerateAssembly()) // Phase 3 return; if (Report.ExpectedError != 0) Error("Failed to report expected Error " + Report.ExpectedError); } } }