REM LineNo: 30 REM ExpectedError: BC40004 REM ErrorMessage: function 'F' conflicts with function 'F' in the base class 'B' and so should be declared 'Shadows'. ' As per MS VB Specification (section 4.3.3) ' this program should compile. ' But MS VB compiler 7.0 is unable to compile it. ' Still I am keeping this in positive test cases ' May move it later to negative tests section ' after clarifying it with later versions of MS VB compilers. ' In derived class if you ' override a method whithout ' shadowing or overloading should get shadowed ' in the derived class by default ' But it should throw an warning during compilation Class B Function F() End Function Function F(ByVal i As Integer) End Function End Class Class D Inherits B Function F() End Function End Class Module ShadowsB Sub Main() End Sub End Module