2003-04-02 Duncan Mak * mb-parser.jay: Temporarily remove the references to Class.MustOverride to fix the build. 2003/03/29 Rafael Teixeira * mb-parser.jay: corrected some module related rules * location.cs : now handles column information 2003/03/11 Rafael Teixeira * makefile.gnu : use $RUNTIME for all targets actually run the compiled program on 'test-gtk' target * mb-tokenizer.cs : no escaping of chars allowed in VB.NET (old mcs code removed) handle doubled-doublequotes (VB idiom to escape a doublequote) 2003/03/04 Rafael Teixeira * mb-parser.jay: added rule for Imports with alias * mb-parser.jay: Friend (internal) modifier was missing, Shared modifier was expecting Static token erroneously Modules must accept only a static constructor rule added Constant declaration rule added * makefile & makefile.gnu : actually run the compiled program on test target 2003/03/03 Rafael Teixeira * mb-tokenizer.cs : new semi-keywords: Compare, Explicit, Strict, On, Off, Binary, Text * mb-parser.jay: tokens for above semi-keywords, and rules for option directives * driver.cs: integrates command line options with parser flags for option directives * makefile & makefile.gnu : added 'verbose' target that uses --verbose switch to compile the test source and pipes it through 'less', also added a Extended Syntax source 2003/02/22 Rafael Teixeira * class.cs : As, per vbc, there is a rootnamespace now, --main wasn't working anymore, because it was expecting a fully qualified class name. We now also test the name passed prepended by the rootnamespace. * class.cs : Corrected warning "The keyword new is required on `Mono.CSharp.Property.Emit' because it hides inherited member `PropertyBase.Emit'", by making it virtual in PropertyBase and override in Property. * makefile.gnu : test and test-gtk targets now depend on mbas.exe 2003/02/19 Rafael Teixeira * mb-parser.jay : eliminated reduce/reduce conflict on duplicated rank_specifier rule by renaming the one using brackets to bracketed_rank_specifier 2003/02/12 Rafael Teixeira * added argument.cs (extracted from expression.cs) makefiles corrected * mb-parser.jay : eliminated reduce/reduce conflict on opt_argument_list rule, by putting and if to make a argument list with just an empty argument list become an empty list 2003/02/03 Rafael Teixeira * rootcontext.cs : added RootNamespace member * mb-parser.jay : use RootContext.RootNamespace to initialize outermost namespace * driver.cs : - implement rootnamespace parameter, and defaults it to the output file name - like vbc if no source file name is provided just show help 2003/01/22 Nick Drochak * makefile: Use csc compiler in here. makefile.gnu assumes mono/mcs 2003-01-13 Rafael Teixeira * added cleanup method to tokenizer as needed but modifications made in jay 2003-01-12 Rafael Teixeira * changed test target in makefile work * corrected authors list to include Marco 2002-10-23 Rafael Teixeira * merged many sources from mcs/mcs, to resync 2002-10-20 Rafael Teixeira * using Mono.GetOptions preliminar support for response files, changed the makefile target 'test' for use o response file testmbas/filelist 2002-10-20 Rafael Teixeira * merged many sources from mcs/mcs, to resync 2002-10-05 Rafael Teixeira * merged many sources from mcs/mcs, to resync 2002-08-31 Rafael Teixeira * merged many sources from mcs/mcs, to resync 2002-09-03 Rafael Teixeira * integrated new version of Mono.GetOptions (reflection/attributes-based) 2002-08-31 Rafael Teixeira * merged expression.cs from mcs/mcs, to resync 2002-08-29 Rafael Teixeira * merged assign.cs, attribute.cs, class.cs, codegen.cs, const.cs, decl.cs, delegate.cs, ecore.cs, enum.cs, expression.cs, interface.cs, pending.cs, report.cs, rootcontext.cs, statement.cs, support.cs and typemanager.cs from mcs/mcs, to resync 2002-08-06 Rafael Teixeira * added "test" target to makefile * merged assign.cs, attribute.cs, cfold.cs, class.cs, codegen.cs, const.cs, constant.cs, decl.cs, delegate.cs, ecore.cs, enum.cs, expression.cs, interface.cs, modifiers.cs, parameter.cs, pending.cs, report.cs, rootcontext.cs, statement.cs, support.cs and typemanager.cs from mcs/mcs, to resync 2002-07-14 Rafael Teixeira * merged assign.cs, class.cs, ecore.cs, expression.cs, statement.cs and typemanager from mcs/mcs, to resync 2002-07-09 Rafael Teixeira * merged attribute.cs, ecore.cs, namespace.cs and statement.cs from mcs/mcs, to resync 2002-07-06 Rafael Teixeira * merged attribute.cs, class.cs, codegen.cs, ecore.cs, expression.cs, modifiers.cs, namespace.cs, report.cs, rootcontext.cs, statement.cs and typemanager.cs from mcs/mcs, to resync * changed driver.cs to follow mcs lead on error/warning counting and reporting 2002-06-23 Rafael Teixeira * merged attribute.cs, class.cs, ecore.cs, rootcontext.cs, support.cs and typemanager.cs from mcs/mcs, to resync * makefile makes csc reference a copy of Mono.GetOptions.dll (mbas.sln now compiles to mbas dir instead of mbas/bin/Debug) 2002-06-21 Rafael Teixeira * merged attribute.cs, class.cs, interface.cs, expression.cs, ecore.cs, modifiers.cs, rootcontext.cs, statement.cs and typemanager.cs from mcs/mcs, to resync * added pending.cs from mcs/mcs, to resync 2002-06-15 Rafael Teixeira * merged assign.cs, attribute.cs, enum.cs and namespace.cs from mcs/mcs, to resync * namespace.cs needed some fixing, because CSharpParser isnŽt available 2002-06-15 Rafael Teixeira * merged delegate.cs, ecore.cs, typemanager.cs and rootcontext.cs from mcs/mcs, to resolve expression.cs blues 2002-06-15 Rafael Teixeira * oops merged expression.cs from mcs/mcs is breaking my make * driver.cs, assemblyinfo.cs wasnŽt ready for prime time (offending lines were commented out) 2002-06-15 Rafael Teixeira * merged expression.cs from mcs/mcs 2002-06-12 Rafael Teixeira * corrected Module.TypeAttr property getter in module.cs 2002-06-12 Rafael Teixeira * merged typemanager.cs from mcs/mcs 2002-06-10 Rafael Teixeira * merged expression.cs and interface.cs from mcs/mcs 2002-06-09 Rafael Teixeira * merged const.cs, enum.cs, expression.cs and typemanager.cs from mcs/mcs * comments on module.cs 2002-06-07 Rafael Teixeira * merged class.cs, attribute.cs from mcs/mcs 2002-06-07 Rafael Teixeira * merged class.cs, enum.cs, expression.cs, interface.cs, rootcontext.cs and typemanager.cs from mcs/mcs * added module.cs (class Mono.MonoBASIC.Module - derived from Mono.CSharp.Class) * added System.XML and Microsoft.VisualBasic to the default config (driver.cs) 2002-06-07 Rafael Teixeira * merged class.cs and ecore.cs from mcs/mcs 2002-06-02 Rafael Teixeira * copied methods MakeName and CheckDef from mcs\cs-parser.jay to GenericParser.cs where they are inherited by mb-parser.jay/cs * put some code on the Module rule in mb-parser.jay to at least generate a class in the assembly, if I jump over the entry-point check code, while debugging 2002-05-31 Rafael Teixeira * class Mono.MonoBASIC.Tokenizer now handles - all valid line-terminators (CR, LF, CRLF, LS and PS) - escaped identifiers (like [Integer]) - old-fashioned comments syntax (REM Blah-Blah) 2002-05-31 Rafael Teixeira * modified mbas.ico to be a small version of monoŽs logo (see mcs\MonoIcon.png) 2002-05-31 Rafael Teixeira * squashed some reduce/reduce conflicts out of mb-parser.jay 2002-05-31 Rafael Teixeira * merged codegen.cs from mcs * altered Driver.cs to work with new codegen.cs 2002-05-27 Rafael Teixeira * merged all I could from mcs source files into mbas * added VS.NET Solution and Project Files for mbas * added icon file and a vb-sources-filled testmbas directory * started this ChangeLog