// // Mono.ILASM.TypeDef // // Author(s): // Jackson Harper (Jackson@LatitudeGeo.com) // // (C) 2003 Jackson Harper, All rights reserved // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Security; namespace Mono.ILASM { public class TypeDef : ICustomAttrTarget, IDeclSecurityTarget, IComparable { private PEAPI.TypeAttr attr; private string name_space; private string name; private bool is_defined; private bool is_intransit; private BaseClassRef parent; private ArrayList impl_list; private PEAPI.ClassDef classdef; private Hashtable field_table; private ArrayList field_list; private Hashtable method_table; private ArrayList method_list; private ArrayList customattr_list; private DeclSecurity decl_sec; private ArrayList event_list; private ArrayList property_list; private GenericParameters gen_params; private ArrayList override_list; private ArrayList override_long_list; private TypeDef outer; private EventDef current_event; private PropertyDef current_property; private int size; private int pack; private bool is_value_class; private bool is_enum_class; private Location location; public TypeDef (PEAPI.TypeAttr attr, string name_space, string name, BaseClassRef parent, ArrayList impl_list, Location location, GenericParameters gen_params, TypeDef outer) { this.attr = attr; this.parent = parent; this.impl_list = impl_list; this.gen_params = gen_params; this.outer = outer; this.location = location; field_table = new Hashtable (); field_list = new ArrayList (); method_table = new Hashtable (); method_list = new ArrayList (); size = -1; pack = -1; is_defined = false; is_intransit = false; is_value_class = false; is_enum_class = false; ResolveGenParams (); int lastdot = name.LastIndexOf ('.'); /* Namespace . name split should not be done for nested classes */ if (lastdot >= 0 && outer == null) { if (name_space == null || name_space == "") this.name_space = name.Substring (0, lastdot); else this.name_space = name_space + "." + name.Substring (0, lastdot); this.name = name.Substring (lastdot + 1); } else { this.name_space = name_space; this.name = name; } //Fixup attributes if (IsInterface) this.attr |= PEAPI.TypeAttr.Abstract; } public string Name { get { return name; } } public string FullName { get { return MakeFullName (); } } public string NestedFullName { get { return (outer == null ? FullName : (outer.NestedFullName + "/" + FullName)); } } public TypeDef OuterType { get { return outer; } } public PEAPI.ClassDef PeapiType { get { return classdef; } } public PEAPI.ClassDef ClassDef { get { return classdef; } } public bool IsGenericType { get { return (gen_params == null); } } public bool IsDefined { get { return is_defined; } } public EventDef CurrentEvent { get { return current_event; } } public PropertyDef CurrentProperty { get { return current_property; } } public bool IsInterface { get { return (attr & PEAPI.TypeAttr.Interface) != 0; } } public bool IsAbstract { get { return (attr & PEAPI.TypeAttr.Abstract) != 0; } } public GenericParameters TypeParameters { get { return gen_params; } } public DeclSecurity DeclSecurity { get { if (decl_sec == null) decl_sec = new DeclSecurity (); return decl_sec; } } public void AddOverride (MethodDef body, BaseTypeRef parent, string name) { if (override_list == null) override_list = new ArrayList (); override_list.Add (new DictionaryEntry (body, new DictionaryEntry (parent, name))); } public void AddOverride (string sig, BaseMethodRef decl) { if (override_long_list == null) override_long_list = new ArrayList (); override_long_list.Add (new DictionaryEntry (sig, decl)); } public void MakeValueClass () { is_value_class = true; } public void MakeEnumClass () { is_enum_class = true; } public void SetSize (int size) { this.size = size; } public void SetPack (int pack) { this.pack = pack; } public void AddFieldDef (FieldDef fielddef) { if (IsInterface && !fielddef.IsStatic) { Report.Warning ("Non-static field in interface, set to such"); fielddef.Attributes |= PEAPI.FieldAttr.Static; } DictionaryEntry entry = new DictionaryEntry (fielddef.Name, fielddef.Type.FullName); if (field_table [entry] != null) Report.Error ("Duplicate field declaration: " + fielddef.Type.FullName + " " + fielddef.Name); field_table.Add (entry, fielddef); field_list.Add (fielddef); } public void AddMethodDef (MethodDef methoddef) { if (IsInterface && !methoddef.IsStatic && (!methoddef.IsVirtual || !methoddef.IsAbstract)) { Report.Warning (methoddef.StartLocation, "Non-virtual or non-abstract instance method in interface, set to such"); methoddef.Attributes |= PEAPI.MethAttr.Abstract | PEAPI.MethAttr.Virtual; } if (method_table [methoddef.Signature] != null) Report.Error (methoddef.StartLocation, "Duplicate method declaration: " + methoddef.Signature); method_table.Add (methoddef.Signature, methoddef); method_list.Add (methoddef); } public void BeginEventDef (EventDef event_def) { if (current_event != null) Report.Error ("An event definition was not closed."); current_event = event_def; } public void EndEventDef () { if (event_list == null) event_list = new ArrayList (); event_list.Add (current_event); current_event = null; } public void BeginPropertyDef (PropertyDef property_def) { if (current_property != null) Report.Error ("A property definition was not closed."); current_property = property_def; } public void EndPropertyDef () { if (property_list == null) property_list = new ArrayList (); property_list.Add (current_property); current_property = null; } public void AddCustomAttribute (CustomAttr customattr) { if (customattr_list == null) customattr_list = new ArrayList (); customattr_list.Add (customattr); } public GenericParameter GetGenericParam (string id) { if (gen_params == null) return null; return gen_params.GetGenericParam (id); } public GenericParameter GetGenericParam (int index) { if (gen_params == null || index < 0 || index >= gen_params.Count) return null; return gen_params [index]; } public int GetGenericParamNum (string id) { if (gen_params == null) return -1; return gen_params.GetGenericParamNum (id); } /* Resolve any GenParams in constraints, parent & impl_list */ private void ResolveGenParams () { if (gen_params == null) return; gen_params.ResolveConstraints (gen_params, null); BaseGenericTypeRef gtr = parent as BaseGenericTypeRef; if (gtr != null) gtr.Resolve (gen_params, null); if (impl_list == null) return; foreach (BaseClassRef impl in impl_list) { gtr = impl as BaseGenericTypeRef; if (gtr != null) gtr.Resolve (gen_params, null); } } private bool IsValueType (string ns, string name) { return (ns == "System" && name == "ValueType"); } private bool IsEnumType (string ns, string name) { return (ns == "System" && name == "Enum"); } public void Define (CodeGen code_gen) { if (is_defined) return; if (is_intransit) { // Circular definition Report.Error ("Circular definition of class: " + FullName); } if (outer != null) { PEAPI.TypeAttr vis = attr & PEAPI.TypeAttr.VisibilityMask; if (vis == PEAPI.TypeAttr.Private || vis == PEAPI.TypeAttr.Public) { /* Nested class, but attr not set accordingly. */ Report.Warning (location, String.Format ("Nested class '{0}' has non-nested visibility, set to such.", NestedFullName)); attr = attr ^ vis; attr |= (vis == PEAPI.TypeAttr.Public ? PEAPI.TypeAttr.NestedPublic : PEAPI.TypeAttr.NestedPrivate); } } if (parent != null) { is_intransit = true; parent.Resolve (code_gen); is_intransit = false; if (parent.PeapiClass == null) { Report.Error ("this type can not be a base type: " + parent); } if (IsValueType (parent.PeapiClass.nameSpace, parent.PeapiClass.name)) is_value_class = true; else if (IsEnumType (parent.PeapiClass.nameSpace, parent.PeapiClass.name)) is_enum_class = true; if (!IsValueType (name_space, name) && !IsEnumType (name_space, name) && is_value_class && (attr & PEAPI.TypeAttr.Sealed) == 0) { Report.Warning (location, "Non-sealed value class, made sealed."); attr |= PEAPI.TypeAttr.Sealed; } if (outer != null) { if (!outer.IsDefined) outer.Define (code_gen); classdef = outer.PeapiType.AddNestedClass (attr, name_space, name, parent.PeapiClass); } else { if (is_value_class || is_enum_class) { // Should probably confirm that the parent is System.ValueType classdef = code_gen.PEFile.AddValueClass (attr, name_space, name, is_value_class ? PEAPI.ValueClass.ValueType : PEAPI.ValueClass.Enum); } else { classdef = code_gen.PEFile.AddClass (attr, name_space, name, parent.PeapiClass); } } } else { if (outer != null) { if (!outer.IsDefined) outer.Define (code_gen); classdef = outer.PeapiType.AddNestedClass (attr, name_space, name); } else { if (is_value_class || is_enum_class) { classdef = code_gen.PEFile.AddValueClass (attr, name_space, name, is_value_class ? PEAPI.ValueClass.ValueType : PEAPI.ValueClass.Enum); } else { classdef = code_gen.PEFile.AddClass (attr, name_space, name); } } if (FullName == "System.Object") classdef.SpecialNoSuper (); } is_defined = true; if (size != -1 || pack != -1) classdef.AddLayoutInfo ( (pack == -1) ? 1 : pack, (size == -1) ? 0 : size); if (impl_list != null) { foreach (BaseClassRef impl in impl_list) { impl.Resolve (code_gen); classdef.AddImplementedInterface (impl.PeapiClass); } } if (gen_params != null) gen_params.Resolve (code_gen, classdef); is_intransit = false; code_gen.AddToDefineContentsList (this); } public void DefineContents (CodeGen code_gen) { ArrayList fielddef_list = new ArrayList (); foreach (FieldDef fielddef in field_list) { fielddef.Define (code_gen, classdef); fielddef_list.Add (fielddef.PeapiFieldDef); } classdef.SetFieldOrder (fielddef_list); foreach (MethodDef methoddef in method_list) { methoddef.Define (code_gen); } if (event_list != null) { foreach (EventDef eventdef in event_list) { eventdef.Define (code_gen, classdef); } } if (property_list != null) { foreach (PropertyDef propdef in property_list) { propdef.Define (code_gen, classdef); } } if (customattr_list != null) { foreach (CustomAttr customattr in customattr_list) { customattr.AddTo (code_gen, classdef); if (customattr.IsSuppressUnmanaged (code_gen)) classdef.AddAttribute (PEAPI.TypeAttr.HasSecurity); } } /// Add declarative security to this class if (decl_sec != null) { decl_sec.AddTo (code_gen, classdef); classdef.AddAttribute (PEAPI.TypeAttr.HasSecurity); } if (override_list != null) { foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in override_list) { MethodDef body = (MethodDef) entry.Key; DictionaryEntry decl = (DictionaryEntry) entry.Value; BaseTypeRef parent_type = (BaseTypeRef) decl.Key; parent_type.Resolve (code_gen); string over_name = (string) decl.Value; BaseMethodRef over_meth = parent_type.GetMethodRef (body.RetType, body.CallConv, over_name, body.ParamTypeList (), body.GenParamCount); over_meth.Resolve (code_gen); classdef.AddMethodOverride (over_meth.PeapiMethod, body.PeapiMethodDef); } } if (override_long_list != null) { foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in override_long_list) { string sig = (string) entry.Key; BaseMethodRef decl = (BaseMethodRef) entry.Value; MethodDef body = (MethodDef) method_table[sig]; decl.Resolve (code_gen); classdef.AddMethodOverride (decl.PeapiMethod, body.PeapiMethodDef); } } } public PEAPI.Method ResolveMethod (BaseTypeRef ret_type, PEAPI.CallConv call_conv, string name, BaseTypeRef [] param, int gen_param_count, CodeGen code_gen) { string signature = MethodDef.CreateSignature (ret_type, call_conv, name, param, gen_param_count, false); MethodDef methoddef = (MethodDef) method_table[signature]; if (methoddef != null) return methoddef.Resolve (code_gen, classdef); return ResolveAsMethodRef (ret_type, call_conv, name, param, gen_param_count, code_gen); } public PEAPI.Method ResolveVarargMethod (BaseTypeRef ret_type, PEAPI.CallConv call_conv, string name, BaseTypeRef [] param, int gen_param_count, PEAPI.Type [] opt, CodeGen code_gen) { // Only MethodDef sig required to lookup in the method_table string signature = MethodDef.CreateSignature (ret_type, call_conv, name, param, 0, false); MethodDef methoddef = (MethodDef) method_table[signature]; if (methoddef != null) { methoddef.Resolve (code_gen, classdef); return methoddef.GetVarargSig ( opt, MethodDef.CreateSignature (ret_type, call_conv, name, param, 0, true)); } return ResolveAsMethodRef (ret_type, call_conv, name, param, gen_param_count, code_gen); } private PEAPI.Method ResolveAsMethodRef (BaseTypeRef ret_type, PEAPI.CallConv call_conv, string name, BaseTypeRef [] param, int gen_param_count, CodeGen code_gen) { ExternTypeRef type_ref = code_gen.ThisModule.GetTypeRef (FullName, false); ExternMethodRef methodref = (ExternMethodRef) type_ref.GetMethodRef (ret_type, call_conv, name, param, gen_param_count); methodref.Resolve (code_gen); return methodref.PeapiMethod; } public PEAPI.Field ResolveField (string name, BaseTypeRef ret_type, CodeGen code_gen) { FieldDef fielddef = (FieldDef) field_table[new DictionaryEntry (name, ret_type.FullName)]; if (fielddef !=null) return fielddef.Resolve (code_gen, classdef); ExternTypeRef type_ref = code_gen.ThisModule.GetTypeRef (FullName, false); IFieldRef fieldref = type_ref.GetFieldRef (ret_type, name); fieldref.Resolve (code_gen); return fieldref.PeapiField; } private string MakeFullName () { if (name_space == null || name_space == String.Empty) return name; return name_space + "." + name; } public int CompareTo (object obj) { TypeDef type_def = (TypeDef) obj; return FullName.CompareTo (type_def.FullName); } } }