// // location.cs: Keeps track of the location of source code entity // // Author: // Miguel de Icaza // Atsushi Enomoto // // (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc. // (C) 2005 Novell, Inc. // using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter; namespace Mono.CSharp { /// /// This is one single source file. /// /// /// This is intentionally a class and not a struct since we need /// to pass this by reference. /// public sealed class SourceFile : ISourceFile { public readonly string Name; public readonly string Path; public readonly int Index; public SourceFileEntry SourceFileEntry; public bool HasLineDirective; public SourceFile (string name, string path, int index) { this.Index = index; this.Name = name; this.Path = path; } SourceFileEntry ISourceFile.Entry { get { return SourceFileEntry; } } public override string ToString () { return String.Format ("SourceFile ({0}:{1}:{2}:{3})", Name, Path, Index, SourceFileEntry); } } /// /// Keeps track of the location in the program /// /// /// /// This uses a compact representation and a couple of auxiliary /// structures to keep track of tokens to (file,line and column) /// mappings. The usage of the bits is: /// /// - 16 bits for "checkpoint" which is a mixed concept of /// file and "line segment" /// - 8 bits for line delta (offset) from the line segment /// - 8 bits for column number. /// /// http://lists.ximian.com/pipermail/mono-devel-list/2004-December/009508.html /// public struct Location { int token; struct Checkpoint { public readonly int LineOffset; public readonly int File; public Checkpoint (int file, int line) { File = file; LineOffset = line - (int) (line % (1 << line_delta_bits)); } } static ArrayList source_list; static Hashtable source_files; static int checkpoint_bits; static int source_count; static int current_source; static int line_delta_bits; static int line_delta_mask; static int column_bits; static int column_mask; static Checkpoint [] checkpoints; static int checkpoint_index; public readonly static Location Null = new Location (-1); public static bool InEmacs; static Location () { source_files = new Hashtable (); source_list = new ArrayList (); current_source = 0; checkpoints = new Checkpoint [10]; } public static void Reset () { source_files = new Hashtable (); source_list = new ArrayList (); current_source = 0; source_count = 0; } // // This must be called before parsing/tokenizing any files. // static public void AddFile (string name) { string path = Path.GetFullPath (name); if (source_files.Contains (path)){ int id = (int) source_files [path]; string other_name = ((SourceFile) source_list [id - 1]).Name; if (name.Equals (other_name)) Report.Warning (2002, "Source file `{0}' specified multiple times", name); else Report.Warning (2002, "Source filenames `{0}' and `{1}' both refer to the same file: {2}", name, other_name, path); return; } source_files.Add (path, ++source_count); source_list.Add (new SourceFile (name, path, source_count)); } static public SourceFile[] SourceFiles { get { SourceFile[] retval = new SourceFile [source_list.Count]; source_list.CopyTo (retval, 0); return retval; } } // // After adding all source files we want to compile with AddFile(), this method // must be called to `reserve' an appropriate number of bits in the token for the // source file. We reserve some extra space for files we encounter via #line // directives while parsing. // static public void Initialize () { checkpoints = new Checkpoint [source_list.Count * 2]; if (checkpoints.Length > 0) checkpoints [0] = new Checkpoint (0, 0); column_bits = 8; column_mask = 0xFF; line_delta_bits = 8; line_delta_mask = 0xFF00; checkpoint_index = 0; checkpoint_bits = 16; } // // This is used when we encounter a #line preprocessing directive. // static public SourceFile LookupFile (string name) { string path = name == "" ? "" : Path.GetFullPath (name); if (!source_files.Contains (path)) { if (source_count >= (1 << checkpoint_bits)) return new SourceFile (name, path, 0); source_files.Add (path, ++source_count); SourceFile retval = new SourceFile (name, path, source_count); source_list.Add (retval); return retval; } int index = (int) source_files [path]; return (SourceFile) source_list [index - 1]; } static public void Push (SourceFile file, int line) { current_source = file.Index; // File is always pushed before being changed. } // // If we're compiling with debugging support, this is called between parsing // and code generation to register all the source files with the // symbol writer. // static public void DefineSymbolDocuments (SymbolWriter symwriter) { foreach (SourceFile file in source_list) { file.SourceFileEntry = symwriter.DefineDocument (file.Path); } } public Location (int row) : this (row, 0) { } public Location (int row, int column) { if (row <= 0) token = 0; else { if (column > 255) column = 255; int target = -1; int delta = 0; int max = checkpoint_index < 10 ? checkpoint_index : 10; for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { int offset = checkpoints [checkpoint_index - i].LineOffset; delta = row - offset; if (delta >= 0 && delta < (1 << line_delta_bits) && checkpoints [checkpoint_index - i].File == current_source) { target = checkpoint_index - i; break; } } if (target == -1) { AddCheckpoint (current_source, row); target = checkpoint_index; delta = row % (1 << line_delta_bits); } long l = column + (long) (delta << column_bits) + (long) (target << (line_delta_bits + column_bits)); token = l > 0xFFFFFFFF ? 0 : (int) l; } } static void AddCheckpoint (int file, int row) { if (checkpoints.Length == ++checkpoint_index) { Checkpoint [] tmp = new Checkpoint [checkpoint_index * 2]; Array.Copy (checkpoints, tmp, checkpoints.Length); checkpoints = tmp; } checkpoints [checkpoint_index] = new Checkpoint (file, row); } public override string ToString () { if (column_bits == 0 || InEmacs) return Name + "(" + Row + "):"; else return Name + "(" + Row + "," + Column + (Column == column_mask ? "+):" : "):"); } /// /// Whether the Location is Null /// public bool IsNull { get { return token == 0; } } public string Name { get { int index = File; if (token == 0 || index == 0) return "Internal"; SourceFile file = (SourceFile) source_list [index - 1]; return file.Name; } } int CheckpointIndex { get { return (int) ((token & 0xFFFF0000) >> (line_delta_bits + column_bits)); } } public int Row { get { if (token == 0) return 1; return checkpoints [CheckpointIndex].LineOffset + ((token & line_delta_mask) >> column_bits); } } public int Column { get { if (token == 0) return 1; return (int) (token & column_mask); } } public int File { get { if (token == 0) return 0; if (checkpoints.Length <= CheckpointIndex) throw new Exception (String.Format ("Should not happen. Token is {0:X04}, checkpoints are {1}, index is {2}", token, checkpoints.Length, CheckpointIndex)); return checkpoints [CheckpointIndex].File; } } // The ISymbolDocumentWriter interface is used by the symbol writer to // describe a single source file - for each source file there's exactly // one corresponding ISymbolDocumentWriter instance. // // This class has an internal hash table mapping source document names // to such ISymbolDocumentWriter instances - so there's exactly one // instance per document. // // This property returns the ISymbolDocumentWriter instance which belongs // to the location's source file. // // If we don't have a symbol writer, this property is always null. public SourceFile SourceFile { get { int index = File; if (index == 0) return null; return (SourceFile) source_list [index - 1]; } } } public class LocatedToken { public readonly Location Location; public readonly string Value; public LocatedToken (Location loc, string value) { Location = loc; Value = value; } public override string ToString () { return Location.ToString () + Value; } } }