// // anonymous.cs: Support for anonymous methods // // Author: // Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximain.com) // // (C) 2003, 2004 Novell, Inc. // // TODO: Ideally, we should have the helper classes emited as a hierarchy to map // their nesting, and have the visibility set to private, instead of NestedAssembly // // // using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; namespace Mono.CSharp { public abstract class AnonymousContainer : Expression { // Used to generate unique method names. protected static int anonymous_method_count; // An array list of AnonymousMethodParameter or null public Parameters Parameters; // // The block that makes up the body for the anonymous mehtod // public ToplevelBlock Block; // // The container block for this anonymous method. // public Block ContainingBlock; // // The implicit method we create // public Method method; protected MethodInfo invoke_mb; // The emit context for the anonymous method public EmitContext aec; public string[] TypeParameters; public Type[] TypeArguments; protected bool unreachable; // The method scope ScopeInfo method_scope; bool computed_method_scope = false; // // The modifiers applied to the method, we aggregate them // protected int method_modifiers = Modifiers.PRIVATE; // // Track the scopes that this method has used. At the // end this is used to determine the ScopeInfo that will // host the method // ArrayList scopes_used = new ArrayList (); // // Points to our container anonymous method if its present // public AnonymousContainer ContainerAnonymousMethod; protected AnonymousContainer (Parameters parameters, ToplevelBlock container, ToplevelBlock block, Location l) { Parameters = parameters; Block = block; loc = l; // // The order is important: this setups the CaptureContext tree hierarchy. // if (container == null) { return; } container.SetHaveAnonymousMethods (l, this); block.SetHaveAnonymousMethods (l, this); } protected AnonymousContainer (Parameters parameters, ToplevelBlock container, Location l): this (parameters, container, new ToplevelBlock (container, parameters, l), l) { } public override Expression DoResolve (EmitContext ec) { // // Set class type, set type // eclass = ExprClass.Value; // // This hack means `The type is not accessible // anywhere', we depend on special conversion // rules. // type = TypeManager.anonymous_method_type; return this; } public void RegisterScope (ScopeInfo scope) { if (scopes_used.Contains (scope)) return; scopes_used.Add (scope); } // Returns the deepest of two scopes ScopeInfo Deepest (ScopeInfo a, ScopeInfo b) { ScopeInfo p; if (a == null) return b; if (b == null) return a; if (a == b) return a; // // If they Scopes are on the same CaptureContext, we do the double // checks just so if there is an invariant change in the future, // we get the exception at the end // for (p = a; p != null; p = p.ParentScope) if (p == b) return a; for (p = b; p != null; p = p.ParentScope) if (p == a) return b; CaptureContext ca = a.CaptureContext; CaptureContext cb = b.CaptureContext; for (CaptureContext c = ca; c != null; c = c.ParentCaptureContext) if (c == cb) return a; for (CaptureContext c = cb; c != null; c = c.ParentCaptureContext) if (c == ca) return b; throw new Exception ("Should never be reached"); } // // Determines the proper host for a method considering the // scopes it references // public void ComputeMethodHost () { if (computed_method_scope) return; method_scope = null; int top = scopes_used.Count; computed_method_scope = true; if (top == 0) return; method_scope = (ScopeInfo) scopes_used [0]; if (top == 1) return; for (int i = 1; i < top; i++) method_scope = Deepest (method_scope, (ScopeInfo) scopes_used [i]); } public ScopeInfo Scope { get { if (computed_method_scope) return method_scope; // // This means that ComputeMethodHost is not being called, most // likely by someone who overwrote the CreateMethodHost method // throw new Exception ("Internal error, AnonymousContainer.Scope is being used before its container is computed"); } } protected abstract bool CreateMethodHost (EmitContext ec); public abstract void CreateScopeType (EmitContext ec, ScopeInfo scope); public abstract Iterator Iterator { get; } public abstract bool IsIterator { get; } } public class AnonymousMethod : AnonymousContainer { TypeContainer host; public AnonymousMethod (TypeContainer host, Parameters parameters, ToplevelBlock container, ToplevelBlock block, Location l) : base (parameters, container, block, l) { this.host = host; } public override Iterator Iterator { get { return null; } } public override bool IsIterator { get { return false; } } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { // nothing, as we only exist to not do anything. } // // Creates the host for the anonymous method // protected override bool CreateMethodHost (EmitContext ec) { ComputeMethodHost (); // // Crude hack follows: we replace the TypeBuilder during the // definition to get the method hosted in the right class // TypeBuilder current_type = ec.TypeContainer.TypeBuilder; TypeBuilder type_host = (Scope == null ) ? current_type : Scope.ScopeTypeBuilder; if (current_type == null) throw new Exception ("The current_type is null"); if (type_host == null) throw new Exception (String.Format ("Type host is null, method_host is {0}", Scope == null ? "null" : "Not null")); if (current_type != type_host) method_modifiers = Modifiers.INTERNAL; if (current_type == type_host && ec.IsStatic){ method_modifiers |= Modifiers.STATIC; current_type = null; } string name = "<#AnonymousMethod>" + anonymous_method_count++; MemberName member_name; GenericMethod generic_method = null; if (TypeParameters != null) { TypeArguments args = new TypeArguments (loc); foreach (string t in TypeParameters) args.Add (new SimpleName (t, loc)); member_name = new MemberName (name, args, loc); generic_method = new GenericMethod ( ec.DeclContainer.NamespaceEntry, (TypeContainer) ec.TypeContainer, member_name, new TypeExpression (invoke_mb.ReturnType, loc), Parameters); generic_method.SetParameterInfo (null); } else member_name = new MemberName (name, loc); method = new Method ( (TypeContainer) ec.TypeContainer, generic_method, new TypeExpression (invoke_mb.ReturnType, loc), method_modifiers, false, member_name, Parameters, null); method.Block = Block; // // Swap the TypeBuilder while we define the method, then restore // if (current_type != null) ec.TypeContainer.TypeBuilder = type_host; bool res = method.Define (); if (current_type != null) ec.TypeContainer.TypeBuilder = current_type; return res; } void Error_ParameterMismatch (Type t) { Report.Error (1661, loc, "Anonymous method could not be converted to delegate `" + "{0}' since there is a parameter mismatch", TypeManager.CSharpName (t)); } public bool ImplicitStandardConversionExists (Type delegate_type) { if (Parameters == null) return true; MethodGroupExpr invoke_mg = Delegate.GetInvokeMethod (host.TypeBuilder, delegate_type, loc); invoke_mb = (MethodInfo) invoke_mg.Methods [0]; ParameterData invoke_pd = TypeManager.GetParameterData (invoke_mb); if (Parameters.Count != invoke_pd.Count) return false; for (int i = 0; i < Parameters.Count; ++i) { if (invoke_pd.ParameterType (i) != Parameters.ParameterType (i)) return false; } return true; } // // Returns true if this anonymous method can be implicitly // converted to the delegate type `delegate_type' // public Expression Compatible (EmitContext ec, Type delegate_type) { // // At this point its the first time we know the return type that is // needed for the anonymous method. We create the method here. // MethodGroupExpr invoke_mg = Delegate.GetInvokeMethod (ec.ContainerType, delegate_type, loc); invoke_mb = (MethodInfo) invoke_mg.Methods [0]; ParameterData invoke_pd = TypeManager.GetParameterData (invoke_mb); if (delegate_type.IsGenericType) { Type def = delegate_type.GetGenericTypeDefinition (); if (def != delegate_type) { Type[] tparam = TypeManager.GetTypeArguments (def); TypeArguments = TypeManager.GetTypeArguments (delegate_type); TypeParameters = new string [tparam.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < tparam.Length; i++) TypeParameters [i] = tparam [i].Name; } } if (Parameters == null) { // // We provide a set of inaccessible parameters // Parameter [] fixedpars = new Parameter [invoke_pd.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < invoke_pd.Count; i++){ fixedpars [i] = new Parameter ( invoke_pd.ParameterType (i), "+" + i, invoke_pd.ParameterModifier (i), null, loc); } Parameters = new Parameters (fixedpars); } else { if (Parameters.Count != invoke_pd.Count) { Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (delegate_type); Report.Error (1593, loc, "Delegate `{0}' does not take `{1}' arguments", TypeManager.CSharpName (delegate_type), Parameters.Count.ToString ()); Error_ParameterMismatch (delegate_type); return null; } for (int i = 0; i < Parameters.Count; ++i) { Parameter.Modifier p_mod = invoke_pd.ParameterModifier (i); if (Parameters.ParameterModifier (i) != p_mod && p_mod != Parameter.Modifier.PARAMS) { if (p_mod == Parameter.Modifier.NONE) Report.Error (1677, loc, "Parameter `{0}' should not be declared with the `{1}' keyword", (i + 1).ToString (), Parameter.GetModifierSignature (Parameters.ParameterModifier (i))); else Report.Error (1676, loc, "Parameter `{0}' must be declared with the `{1}' keyword", (i+1).ToString (), Parameter.GetModifierSignature (p_mod)); Error_ParameterMismatch (delegate_type); return null; } if (invoke_pd.ParameterType (i) != Parameters.ParameterType (i)) { Report.Error (1678, loc, "Parameter `{0}' is declared as type `{1}' but should be `{2}'", (i+1).ToString (), TypeManager.CSharpName (Parameters.ParameterType (i)), TypeManager.CSharpName (invoke_pd.ParameterType (i))); Error_ParameterMismatch (delegate_type); return null; } } } // // Second: the return type of the delegate must be compatible with // the anonymous type. Instead of doing a pass to examine the block // we satisfy the rule by setting the return type on the EmitContext // to be the delegate type return type. // //MethodBuilder builder = method_data.MethodBuilder; //ILGenerator ig = builder.GetILGenerator (); aec = new EmitContext (ec.ResolveContext, ec.TypeContainer, ec.DeclContainer, loc, null, invoke_mb.ReturnType, /* REVIEW */ (ec.InIterator ? Modifiers.METHOD_YIELDS : 0) | (ec.InUnsafe ? Modifiers.UNSAFE : 0) | (ec.IsStatic ? Modifiers.STATIC : 0), /* No constructor */ false); aec.CurrentAnonymousMethod = this; ContainerAnonymousMethod = ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod; ContainingBlock = ec.CurrentBlock; if (aec.ResolveTopBlock (ec, Block, Parameters, null, out unreachable)) return new AnonymousDelegate (this, delegate_type, loc).Resolve (ec); return null; } public override Expression DoResolve (EmitContext ec) { if (!ec.IsAnonymousMethodAllowed) { Report.Error (1706, loc, "Anonymous methods are not allowed in the attribute declaration"); return null; } if (Parameters != null && !Parameters.Resolve (ec)) { return null; } return base.DoResolve (ec); } public override string ExprClassName { get { return "anonymous method"; } } public MethodInfo GetMethodBuilder () { MethodInfo builder = method.MethodBuilder; if (TypeArguments != null) return builder.MakeGenericMethod (TypeArguments); else return builder; } public override string GetSignatureForError () { string s = TypeManager.CSharpSignature (invoke_mb); return s.Substring (0, s.IndexOf (".Invoke(")); } public bool EmitMethod (EmitContext ec) { if (!CreateMethodHost (ec)) return false; MethodBuilder builder = method.MethodBuilder; ILGenerator ig = builder.GetILGenerator (); aec.ig = ig; Parameters.ApplyAttributes (builder); // // Adjust based on the computed state of the // method from CreateMethodHost aec.MethodIsStatic = (method_modifiers & Modifiers.STATIC) != 0; aec.EmitMeta (Block); aec.EmitResolvedTopBlock (Block, unreachable); return true; } public override void CreateScopeType (EmitContext ec, ScopeInfo scope) { TypeBuilder container = ec.TypeContainer.TypeBuilder; string name = String.Format ("<>AnonHelp<{0}>", scope.id); scope.ScopeTypeBuilder = container.DefineNestedType ( name, TypeAttributes.AutoLayout | TypeAttributes.Class | TypeAttributes.NestedAssembly, TypeManager.object_type, null); Type [] constructor_types = Type.EmptyTypes; ConstructorBuilder ctor = scope.ScopeTypeBuilder.DefineConstructor ( MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.SpecialName | MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName, CallingConventions.HasThis, constructor_types); TypeManager.RegisterMethod (ctor, Parameters.EmptyReadOnlyParameters); ILGenerator cig = ctor.GetILGenerator (); cig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0); cig.Emit (OpCodes.Call, TypeManager.object_ctor); cig.Emit (OpCodes.Ret); if (ec.TypeContainer.IsGeneric) { TypeParameter[] tparam = ec.TypeContainer.TypeParameters; string[] names = new string [tparam.Length]; Type[] types = new Type [tparam.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++) { names [i] = tparam [i].Name; types [i] = tparam [i].Type; } scope.ScopeTypeBuilder.DefineGenericParameters (names); scope.ScopeTypeBuilder.GetGenericTypeDefinition (); scope.ScopeType = scope.ScopeTypeBuilder.MakeGenericType (types); } else scope.ScopeType = scope.ScopeTypeBuilder; if (ec.TypeContainer.IsGeneric) scope.ScopeConstructor = TypeBuilder.GetConstructor ( scope.ScopeType, ctor); else scope.ScopeConstructor = ctor; } public static void Error_AddressOfCapturedVar (string name, Location loc) { Report.Error (1686, loc, "Local variable `{0}' or its members cannot have their address taken and be used inside an anonymous method block", name); } } // // This will emit the code for the delegate, as well delegate creation on the host // public class AnonymousDelegate : DelegateCreation { AnonymousMethod am; public AnonymousDelegate (AnonymousMethod am, Type target_type, Location l) { type = target_type; loc = l; this.am = am; } public override Expression DoResolve (EmitContext ec) { eclass = ExprClass.Value; return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { if (!am.EmitMethod (ec)) return; // // Now emit the delegate creation. // if ((am.method.ModFlags & Modifiers.STATIC) == 0) delegate_instance_expression = new AnonymousInstance (am); Expression ml = Expression.MemberLookup (ec.ContainerType, type, ".ctor", loc); constructor_method = ((MethodGroupExpr) ml).Methods [0]; delegate_method = am.GetMethodBuilder (); base.Emit (ec); } class AnonymousInstance : Expression { AnonymousMethod am; public AnonymousInstance (AnonymousMethod am) { this.am = am; eclass = ExprClass.Value; } public override Expression DoResolve (EmitContext ec) { return this; } public override void Emit (EmitContext ec) { am.aec.EmitMethodHostInstance (ec, am); } } } class CapturedParameter { public Type Type; public FieldBuilder FieldBuilder; public int Idx; public CapturedParameter (Type type, int idx) { Type = type; Idx = idx; } } // // Here we cluster all the variables captured on a given scope, we also // keep some extra information that might be required on each scope. // public class ScopeInfo { public CaptureContext CaptureContext; public ScopeInfo ParentScope; public Block ScopeBlock; public bool NeedThis = false; public bool HostsParameters = false; // For tracking the number of scopes created. public int id; static int count; bool inited = false; ArrayList locals = new ArrayList (); ArrayList children = new ArrayList (); // // The types and fields generated // public TypeBuilder ScopeTypeBuilder; public Type ScopeType; public ConstructorInfo ScopeConstructor; public FieldBuilder THIS; public FieldBuilder ParentLink; // // Points to the object of type `ScopeTypeBuilder' that // holds the data for the scope // LocalBuilder scope_instance; public ScopeInfo (CaptureContext cc, Block b) { CaptureContext = cc; ScopeBlock = b; id = count++; cc.RegisterCaptureContext (); } public void AddLocal (LocalInfo li) { if (locals.Contains (li)) return; locals.Add (li); } public bool IsCaptured (LocalInfo li) { return locals.Contains (li); } internal void AddChild (ScopeInfo si) { if (children.Contains (si)) return; // // If any of the current children should be a children of `si', move them there // ArrayList move_queue = null; foreach (ScopeInfo child in children){ if (child.ScopeBlock.IsChildOf (si.ScopeBlock)){ if (move_queue == null) move_queue = new ArrayList (); move_queue.Add (child); child.ParentScope = si; si.AddChild (child); } } children.Add (si); if (move_queue != null){ foreach (ScopeInfo child in move_queue){ children.Remove (child); } } } static int indent = 0; void Pad () { for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) Console.Write (" "); } void EmitDebug () { //Console.WriteLine (Environment.StackTrace); Pad (); Console.WriteLine ("START"); indent++; Pad (); Console.WriteLine ("NeedThis=" + NeedThis); foreach (LocalInfo li in locals){ Pad (); Console.WriteLine ("var {0}", MakeFieldName (li.Name)); } foreach (ScopeInfo si in children) si.EmitDebug (); indent--; Pad (); Console.WriteLine ("END"); } public string MakeHelperName () { return String.Format ("<>AnonHelp<{0}>", id); } private string MakeFieldName (string local_name) { return "<" + id + ":" + local_name + ">"; } public void EmitScopeType (EmitContext ec) { // EmitDebug (); if (ScopeTypeBuilder != null) return; Type container; if (ec.TypeContainer.CurrentType != null) container = ec.TypeContainer.CurrentType; else container = ec.TypeContainer.TypeBuilder; CaptureContext.Host.CreateScopeType (ec, this); if (NeedThis) THIS = ScopeTypeBuilder.DefineField ("<>THIS", container, FieldAttributes.Assembly); if (ParentScope != null){ if (ParentScope.ScopeTypeBuilder == null){ throw new Exception (String.Format ("My parent has not been initialized {0} and {1}", ParentScope, this)); } if (ParentScope.ScopeTypeBuilder != ScopeTypeBuilder) ParentLink = ScopeTypeBuilder.DefineField ( "<>parent", ParentScope.ScopeType, FieldAttributes.Assembly); } if (NeedThis && ParentScope != null) throw new Exception ("I was not expecting THIS && having a parent"); foreach (LocalInfo info in locals) info.FieldBuilder = ScopeTypeBuilder.DefineField ( MakeFieldName (info.Name), info.VariableType, FieldAttributes.Assembly); if (HostsParameters){ Hashtable captured_parameters = CaptureContext.captured_parameters; foreach (DictionaryEntry de in captured_parameters){ string name = (string) de.Key; CapturedParameter cp = (CapturedParameter) de.Value; FieldBuilder fb; fb = ScopeTypeBuilder.DefineField ("", cp.Type, FieldAttributes.Assembly); cp.FieldBuilder = fb; } } foreach (ScopeInfo si in children){ si.EmitScopeType (ec); } } public void CloseTypes () { RootContext.RegisterCompilerGeneratedType (ScopeTypeBuilder); foreach (ScopeInfo si in children) si.CloseTypes (); } // // Emits the initialization code for the scope // public void EmitInitScope (EmitContext ec) { ILGenerator ig = ec.ig; if (inited) return; if (ScopeConstructor == null) throw new Exception ("ScopeConstructor is null for" + this.ToString ()); if (!CaptureContext.Host.IsIterator) { scope_instance = ig.DeclareLocal (ScopeType); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, ScopeConstructor); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Stloc, scope_instance); } if (THIS != null){ if (CaptureContext.Host.IsIterator) { ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_1); } else { ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc, scope_instance); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0); } ig.Emit (OpCodes.Stfld, THIS); } // // Copy the parameter values, if any // int extra = ec.IsStatic ? 0 : 1; if (CaptureContext.Host.IsIterator) extra++; if (HostsParameters){ Hashtable captured_parameters = CaptureContext.captured_parameters; foreach (DictionaryEntry de in captured_parameters){ CapturedParameter cp = (CapturedParameter) de.Value; EmitScopeInstance (ig); ParameterReference.EmitLdArg (ig, cp.Idx + extra); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Stfld, cp.FieldBuilder); } } if (ParentScope != null){ if (!ParentScope.inited) ParentScope.EmitInitScope (ec); if (ParentScope.ScopeTypeBuilder != ScopeTypeBuilder) { // // Only emit initialization in our capturecontext world // if (ParentScope.CaptureContext == CaptureContext){ EmitScopeInstance (ig); ParentScope.EmitScopeInstance (ig); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Stfld, ParentLink); } else { EmitScopeInstance (ig); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0); ig.Emit (OpCodes.Stfld, ParentLink); } } } inited = true; } public void EmitScopeInstance (ILGenerator ig) { if (CaptureContext.Host.IsIterator) ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0); else { if (scope_instance == null){ // // This is needed if someone overwrites the Emit method // of Statement and manually calls Block.Emit without // this snippet first: // // ec.EmitScopeInitFromBlock (The_Block); // The_Block.Emit (ec); // Console.WriteLine ( "The scope_instance has not been emitted, this typically means\n" + "that inside the compiler someone is calling Block.Emit without\n" + "first calling EmitScopeInitFromBlock for the block. See compiler" + "source code for an explanation"); throw new Exception ("Internal compiler error"); } ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc, scope_instance); } } public static void CheckCycles (string msg, ScopeInfo s) { ArrayList l = new ArrayList (); int n = 0; for (ScopeInfo p = s; p != null; p = p.ParentScope,n++){ if (l.Contains (p)){ Console.WriteLine ("Loop detected {0} in {1}", n, msg); throw new Exception (); } l.Add (p); } } static void DoPath (StringBuilder sb, ScopeInfo start) { CheckCycles ("print", start); if (start.ParentScope != null){ DoPath (sb, start.ParentScope); sb.Append (", "); } sb.Append ((start.id).ToString ()); } public override string ToString () { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.Append ("{"); if (CaptureContext != null){ sb.Append (CaptureContext.ToString ()); sb.Append (":"); } DoPath (sb, this); sb.Append ("}"); return sb.ToString (); } } // // CaptureContext objects are created on demand if a method has // anonymous methods and kept on the ToplevelBlock. // // If they exist, all ToplevelBlocks in the containing block are // linked together (children pointing to their parents). // public class CaptureContext { public static int count; public int cc_id; public Location loc; // // Points to the toplevel block that owns this CaptureContext // ToplevelBlock toplevel_owner; // // All the scopes we capture // Hashtable scopes = new Hashtable (); // // All the root scopes // ArrayList roots = new ArrayList (); bool have_captured_vars = false; bool referenced_this = false; // // Captured fields // Hashtable captured_fields = new Hashtable (); Hashtable captured_variables = new Hashtable (); public Hashtable captured_parameters = new Hashtable (); public AnonymousContainer Host; public CaptureContext (ToplevelBlock toplevel_owner, Location loc, AnonymousContainer host) { cc_id = count++; this.toplevel_owner = toplevel_owner; this.loc = loc; if (host != null) Host = host; } void DoPath (StringBuilder sb, CaptureContext cc) { if (cc.ParentCaptureContext != null){ DoPath (sb, cc.ParentCaptureContext); sb.Append ("."); } sb.Append (cc.cc_id.ToString ()); } public void ReParent (ToplevelBlock new_toplevel, AnonymousContainer new_host) { toplevel_owner = new_toplevel; Host = new_host; for (CaptureContext cc = ParentCaptureContext; cc != null; cc = cc.ParentCaptureContext) { cc.Host = new_host; } } public override string ToString () { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.Append ("["); DoPath (sb, this); sb.Append ("]"); return sb.ToString (); } public ToplevelBlock ParentToplevel { get { return toplevel_owner.Container; } } public CaptureContext ParentCaptureContext { get { ToplevelBlock parent = ParentToplevel; return (parent == null) ? null : parent.CaptureContext; } } ScopeInfo GetScopeForBlock (Block block) { ScopeInfo si = (ScopeInfo) scopes [block.ID]; if (si != null) return si; si = new ScopeInfo (this, block); scopes [block.ID] = si; return si; } public void AddLocal (AnonymousContainer am, LocalInfo li) { if (li.Block.Toplevel != toplevel_owner){ ParentCaptureContext.AddLocal (am, li); return; } ScopeInfo scope = GetScopeForBlock (li.Block); // // Adjust the owner // if (Host != null) Host.RegisterScope (scope); // // Adjust the user // am.RegisterScope (scope); if (captured_variables [li] != null) return; have_captured_vars = true; captured_variables [li] = li; scope.AddLocal (li); } // // Retursn the CaptureContext for the block that defines the parameter `name' // static CaptureContext _ContextForParameter (ToplevelBlock current, string name) { ToplevelBlock container = current.Container; if (container != null){ CaptureContext cc = _ContextForParameter (container, name); if (cc != null) return cc; } if (current.IsParameterReference (name)) return current.ToplevelBlockCaptureContext; return null; } static CaptureContext ContextForParameter (ToplevelBlock current, string name) { CaptureContext cc = _ContextForParameter (current, name); if (cc == null) throw new Exception (String.Format ("request for parameteter {0} failed: not found", name)); return cc; } // // Records the captured parameter at the appropriate CaptureContext // public void AddParameter (EmitContext ec, AnonymousContainer am, string name, Type t, int idx) { CaptureContext cc = ContextForParameter (ec.CurrentBlock.Toplevel, name); cc.AddParameterToContext (am, name, t, idx); } // // Records the parameters in the context // public void AddParameterToContext (AnonymousContainer am, string name, Type t, int idx) { if (captured_parameters == null) captured_parameters = new Hashtable (); if (captured_parameters [name] == null) captured_parameters [name] = new CapturedParameter (t, idx); ScopeInfo scope = GetScopeForBlock (toplevel_owner); scope.HostsParameters = true; am.RegisterScope (scope); } // // Captured fields are only recorded on the topmost CaptureContext, because that // one is the one linked to the owner of instance fields // public void AddField (EmitContext ec, AnonymousContainer am, FieldExpr fe) { if (fe.FieldInfo.IsStatic) throw new Exception ("Attempt to register a static field as a captured field"); CaptureContext parent = ParentCaptureContext; if (parent != null) { parent.AddField (ec, am, fe); return; } ScopeInfo scope = GetScopeForBlock (toplevel_owner); am.RegisterScope (scope); } public void CaptureThis (AnonymousContainer am) { if (am == null) throw new Exception ("Internal Compiler error: Capturethis called with a null method"); CaptureContext parent = ParentCaptureContext; if (parent != null) { parent.CaptureThis (am); return; } referenced_this = true; ScopeInfo scope = GetScopeForBlock (toplevel_owner); am.RegisterScope (scope); } public bool HaveCapturedVariables { get { return have_captured_vars; } } public bool HaveCapturedFields { get { CaptureContext parent = ParentCaptureContext; if (parent != null) return parent.HaveCapturedFields; return captured_fields.Count > 0; } } public bool IsCaptured (LocalInfo local) { foreach (ScopeInfo si in scopes.Values){ if (si.IsCaptured (local)) return true; } return false; } // // Returns whether the parameter is captured // public bool IsParameterCaptured (string name) { if (ParentCaptureContext != null && ParentCaptureContext.IsParameterCaptured (name)) return true; if (captured_parameters != null) return captured_parameters [name] != null; return false; } public void EmitAnonymousHelperClasses (EmitContext ec) { if (roots.Count != 0){ foreach (ScopeInfo root in roots){ // // FIXME: We really should do this in a per-ScopeInfo // basis, instead of having the NeedThis applied to // all of the roots. // root.NeedThis = HaveCapturedFields || referenced_this; root.EmitScopeType (ec); } } } public void CloseAnonymousHelperClasses () { if (roots.Count != 0) foreach (ScopeInfo root in roots) root.CloseTypes (); } public void EmitInitScope (EmitContext ec) { EmitAnonymousHelperClasses (ec); if (roots.Count != 0) foreach (ScopeInfo root in roots) root.EmitInitScope (ec); } // // This is called externally when we start emitting code for a block // if the block has a ScopeInfo associated, emit the init code // public void EmitScopeInitFromBlock (EmitContext ec, Block b) { ScopeInfo si = (ScopeInfo) scopes [b.ID]; if (si == null) return; si.EmitInitScope (ec); } // // Emits the opcodes necessary to load the instance of the captured // variable in `li' // public void EmitCapturedVariableInstance (EmitContext ec, LocalInfo li, AnonymousContainer am) { ILGenerator ig = ec.ig; ScopeInfo si; if (li.Block.Toplevel == toplevel_owner){ si = (ScopeInfo) scopes [li.Block.ID]; si.EmitScopeInstance (ig); return; } si = am.Scope; ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0); if (si != null){ if (am.IsIterator && (si.ScopeBlock.Toplevel == li.Block.Toplevel)) { return; } while (si.ScopeBlock.ID != li.Block.ID){ if (si.ParentLink != null) ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldfld, si.ParentLink); si = si.ParentScope; if (si == null) { si = am.Scope; Console.WriteLine ("Target: {0} {1}", li.Block.ID, li.Name); while (si.ScopeBlock.ID != li.Block.ID){ Console.WriteLine ("Trying: {0}", si.ScopeBlock.ID); si = si.ParentScope; } throw new Exception ( String.Format ("Never found block {0} starting at {1} while looking up {2}", li.Block.ID, am.Scope.ScopeBlock.ID, li.Name)); } } } } // // Internal routine that loads the instance to reach parameter `name' // void EmitParameterInstance (EmitContext ec, string name) { CaptureContext cc = ContextForParameter (ec.CurrentBlock.Toplevel, name); if (cc != this){ cc.EmitParameterInstance (ec, name); return; } CapturedParameter par_info = (CapturedParameter) captured_parameters [name]; if (par_info != null){ // // FIXME: implementing this. // } ILGenerator ig = ec.ig; ScopeInfo si; if (ec.CurrentBlock.Toplevel == toplevel_owner) { si = (ScopeInfo) scopes [toplevel_owner.ID]; si.EmitScopeInstance (ig); } else { si = ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod.Scope; ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0); } if (si != null){ while (si.ParentLink != null) { ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldfld, si.ParentLink); si = si.ParentScope; } } } // // Emits the code necessary to load the parameter named `name' within // an anonymous method. // public void EmitParameter (EmitContext ec, string name, bool leave_copy, bool prepared, ref LocalTemporary temp) { CaptureContext cc = ContextForParameter (ec.CurrentBlock.Toplevel, name); if (cc != this){ cc.EmitParameter (ec, name, leave_copy, prepared, ref temp); return; } if (!prepared) EmitParameterInstance (ec, name); CapturedParameter par_info = (CapturedParameter) captured_parameters [name]; if (par_info != null){ // // FIXME: implementing this. // } ec.ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldfld, par_info.FieldBuilder); if (leave_copy){ ec.ig.Emit (OpCodes.Dup); temp = new LocalTemporary (par_info.FieldBuilder.FieldType); temp.Store (ec); } } // // Implements the assignment of `source' to the paramenter named `name' within // an anonymous method. // public void EmitAssignParameter (EmitContext ec, string name, Expression source, bool leave_copy, bool prepare_for_load, ref LocalTemporary temp) { CaptureContext cc = ContextForParameter (ec.CurrentBlock.Toplevel, name); if (cc != this){ cc.EmitAssignParameter (ec, name, source, leave_copy, prepare_for_load, ref temp); return; } ILGenerator ig = ec.ig; CapturedParameter par_info = (CapturedParameter) captured_parameters [name]; EmitParameterInstance (ec, name); if (prepare_for_load) ig.Emit (OpCodes.Dup); source.Emit (ec); if (leave_copy){ ig.Emit (OpCodes.Dup); temp = new LocalTemporary (par_info.FieldBuilder.FieldType); temp.Store (ec); } ig.Emit (OpCodes.Stfld, par_info.FieldBuilder); if (temp != null) temp.Emit (ec); } // // Emits the address for the parameter named `name' within // an anonymous method. // public void EmitAddressOfParameter (EmitContext ec, string name) { CaptureContext cc = ContextForParameter (ec.CurrentBlock.Toplevel, name); if (cc != this){ cc.EmitAddressOfParameter (ec, name); return; } EmitParameterInstance (ec, name); CapturedParameter par_info = (CapturedParameter) captured_parameters [name]; ec.ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldflda, par_info.FieldBuilder); } // // The following methods are only invoked on the host for the // anonymous method. // public void EmitMethodHostInstance (EmitContext target, AnonymousContainer am) { ILGenerator ig = target.ig; ScopeInfo si = am.Scope; AnonymousContainer container = am.ContainerAnonymousMethod; if ((si == null) || ((container != null) && (si == container.Scope))) { ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0); return; } si.EmitInitScope (target); si.EmitScopeInstance (ig); } public void RegisterCaptureContext () { toplevel_owner.RegisterCaptureContext (this); } // // Returs true if `probe' is an ancestor of `scope' in the // scope chain // bool IsAncestor (ScopeInfo probe, ScopeInfo scope) { for (Block b = scope.ScopeBlock.Parent; b != null; b = b.Parent){ if (probe.ScopeBlock == b) return true; } return false; } // // Returns an ArrayList of ScopeInfos that enumerates all the ancestors // of `scope' found in `scope_list'. // // The value returned is either a ScopeInfo or an Arraylist of ScopeInfos // object GetAncestorScopes (ScopeInfo scope, ScopeInfo [] scope_list) { object ancestors = null; for (int i = 0; i < scope_list.Length; i++){ // Ignore the same scope if (scope_list [i] == scope) continue; if (IsAncestor (scope_list [i], scope)){ if (ancestors == null){ ancestors = scope_list [i]; continue; } if (ancestors is ScopeInfo){ object old = ancestors; ancestors = new ArrayList (4); ((ArrayList)ancestors).Add (old); } ((ArrayList)ancestors).Add (scope_list [i]); } } return ancestors; } // // Returns the immediate parent of `scope' from all the captured // scopes found in `scope_list', or null if this is a toplevel scope. // ScopeInfo GetParentScope (ScopeInfo scope, ScopeInfo [] scope_list) { object ancestors = GetAncestorScopes (scope, scope_list); if (ancestors == null) return null; // Single match, thats the parent. if (ancestors is ScopeInfo) return (ScopeInfo) ancestors; ArrayList candidates = (ArrayList) ancestors; ScopeInfo parent = (ScopeInfo) candidates [0]; for (int i = 1; i < candidates.Count; i++){ if (IsAncestor (parent, (ScopeInfo) candidates [i])) parent = (ScopeInfo) candidates [i]; } return parent; } // // Links all the scopes // bool linked; public void LinkScopes () { if (linked) return; linked = true; if (ParentCaptureContext != null) ParentCaptureContext.LinkScopes (); int scope_count = scopes.Keys.Count; ScopeInfo [] scope_list = new ScopeInfo [scope_count]; scopes.Values.CopyTo (scope_list, 0); for (int i = 0; i < scope_count; i++){ ScopeInfo parent = GetParentScope (scope_list [i], scope_list); if (parent == null){ roots.Add (scope_list [i]); continue; } scope_list [i].ParentScope = parent; parent.AddChild (scope_list [i]); } // // Link the roots to their parent containers if any. // if (ParentCaptureContext != null && roots.Count != 0){ ScopeInfo one_root = (ScopeInfo) roots [0]; bool found = false; foreach (ScopeInfo a_parent_root in ParentCaptureContext.roots){ if (!IsAncestor (a_parent_root, one_root)) continue; found = true; // Found, link all the roots to this root foreach (ScopeInfo root in roots){ root.ParentScope = a_parent_root; a_parent_root.AddChild (root); } break; } if (!found){ // // This is to catch a condition in which it is // not possible to determine the containing ScopeInfo // from an encapsulating CaptureContext // throw new Exception ("Internal compiler error: Did not find the parent for the root in the chain"); } } } } }