Mono MCS Errors contributors readme Created: 01/14/2003. First revised: If you are willing to contribute to the errors tests, you should follow the following procedure. * Visit the URL: We are writing at least one test per each error CSXXXX documented in that URL. So check the mcs/errors directory for missing csXXXX.cs files, where a csXXXX.cs file is a simple error test for a concrete bug. * Contact, or the mono list: before you start so we can provide you with a list of errors that are unassigned. Otherwise you might start writing already assigned errors tests. Template for an error test: The file should be named: csXXXX.cs according to the error number. The file should start with two inline commented lines. The first one contains a little description of the error. You can't just copy it from Microsoft's documentation. Invent your own. The second line declares the line where the error occurs. F.ex: // cs0057.cs: Inconsistent accessibility. Parameter type is less accessible than operator. // Line: 10 Then you can write the code for your test. You can also add inline comments for the copyright, etc if you want to. Look at the other tests for examples. There shouldn't be two or more errors per tests. This is you write a test for each error and the code shouldn't have more errors than the one trying to show and that appears at the line commented in the second line of the file. Then you have to add the file to the CVS and commit it. The next thing is to write a short text file with a little description of what the error is and what it's necessary to be done to solve it. F.ex, if the error is that there is no entrypoint in the program, you could say: "Error CSXXXX: no entrypoint defined. You need to specify an entrypoint or compile with /target:library (F.ex.). The file must be called csXXXX.txt