The Internals of the Mono C# Compiler Miguel de Icaza ( 2002 * Abstract The Mono C# compiler is a C# compiler written in C# itself. Its goals are to provide a free and alternate implementation of the C# language. The Mono C# compiler generates ECMA CIL images through the use of the System.Reflection.Emit API which enable the compiler to be platform independent. * Overview: How the compiler fits together The compilation process is managed by the compiler driver (it lives in driver.cs). The compiler reads a set of C# source code files, and parses them. Any assemblies or modules that the user might want to use with his project are loaded after parsing is done. Once all the files have been parsed, the type hierarchy is resolved. First interfaces are resolved, then types and enumerations. Once the type hierarchy is resolved, every type is populated: fields, methods, indexers, properties, events and delegates are entered into the type system. At this point the program skeleton has been completed. The next process is to actually emit the code for each of the executable methods. The compiler drives this from RootContext.EmitCode. Each type then has to populate its methods: populating a method requires creating a structure that is used as the state of the block being emitted (this is the EmitContext class) and then generating code for the topmost statement (the Block). Code generation has two steps: the first step is the semantic analysis (Resolve method) that resolves any pending tasks, and guarantees that the code is correct. The second phase is the actual code emission. All errors are flagged during in the "Resolution" process. After all code has been emitted, then the compiler closes all the types (this basically tells the Reflection.Emit library to finish up the types), resources, and definition of the entry point are done at this point, and the output is saved to disk. * The parsing process All the input files that make up a program need to be read in advance, because C# allows declarations to happen after an entity is used, for example, the following is a valid program: class X : Y { static void Main () { a = "hello"; b = "world"; } string a; } class Y { public string b; } At the time the assignment expression `a = "hello"' is parsed, it is not know whether a is a class field from this class, or its parents, or whether it is a property access or a variable reference. The actual meaning of `a' will not be discvored until the semantic analysis phase. ** The Tokenizer and the pre-processor The tokenizer is contained in the file `cs-tokenizer.cs', and the main entry point is the `token ()' method. The tokenizer implements the `yyParser.yyInput' interface, which is what the Yacc/Jay parser will use when fetching tokens. Token definitions are generated by jay during the compilation process, and those can be references from the tokenizer class with the `Token.' prefix. Each time a token is returned, the location for the token is recorded into the `Location' property, that can be accessed by the parser. The parser retrieves the Location properties as it builds its internal representation to allow the semantic analysis phase to produce error messages that can pin point the location of the problem. Some tokens have values associated with it, for example when the tokenizer encounters a string, it will return a LITERAL_STRING token, and the actual string parsed will be available in the `Value' property of the tokenizer. The same mechanism is used to return integers and floating point numbers. C# has a limited pre-processor that allows conditional compilation, but it is not as fully featured as the C pre-processor, and most notably, macros are missing. This makes it simple to implement in very few lines and mesh it with the tokenizer. The `handle_preprocessing_directive' method in the tokenizer handles all the pre-processing, and it is invoked when the '#' symbol is found as the first token in a line. The state of the pre-processor is contained in a Stack called `ifstack', this state is used to track the if/elif/else/endif nesting and the current state. The state is encoded in the top of the stack as a number of values `TAKING', `TAKEN_BEFORE', `ELSE_SEEN', `PARENT_TAKING'. ** Locations Locations are encoded as a 32-bit number (the Location struct) that map each input source line to a linear number. As new files are parsed, the Location manager is informed of the new file, to allow it to map back from an int constant to a file + line number. The tokenizer also tracks the column number for a token, but this is currently not being used or encoded. It could probably be encoded in the low 9 bits, allowing for columns from 1 to 512 to be encoded. * The Parser The parser is written using Jay, which is a port of Berkeley Yacc to Java, that I later ported to C#. Many people ask why the grammar of the parser does not match exactly the definition in the C# specification. The reason is simple: the grammar in the C# specification is designed to be consumed by humans, and not by a computer program. Before you can feed this grammar to a tool, it needs to be simplified to allow the tool to generate a correct parser for it. In the Mono C# compiler, we use a class for each of the statements and expressions in the C# language. For example, there is a `While' class for the the `while' statement, a `Cast' class to represent a cast expression and so on. There is a Statement class, and an Expression class which are the base classes for statements and expressions. ** Namespaces Using list. * Internal Representation ** Expressions Expressions in the Mono C# compiler are represented by the `Expression' class. This is an abstract class that particular kinds of expressions have to inherit from and override a few methods. The base Expression class contains two fields: `eclass' which represents the "expression classification" (from the C# specs) and the type of the expression. Expressions have to be resolved before they are can be used. The resolution process is implemented by overriding the `DoResolve' method. The DoResolve method has to set the `eclass' field and the `type', perform all error checking and computations that will be required for code generation at this stage. The return value from DoResolve is an expression. Most of the time an Expression derived class will return itself (return this) when it will handle the emission of the code itself, or it can return a new Expression. For example, the parser will create an "ElementAccess" class for: a [0] = 1; During the resolution process, the compiler will know whether this is an array access, or an indexer access. And will return either an ArrayAccess expression or an IndexerAccess expression from DoResolve. *** The Expression Class The utility functions that can be called by all children of Expression. ** Constants Constants in the Mono C# compiler are reprensented by the abstract class `Constant'. Constant is in turn derived from Expression. The base constructor for `Constant' just sets the expression class to be an `ExprClass.Value', Constants are born in a fully resolved state, so the `DoResolve' method only returns a reference to itself. Each Constant should implement the `GetValue' method which returns an object with the actual contents of this constant, a utility virtual method called `AsString' is used to render a diagnostic message. The output of AsString is shown to the developer when an error or a warning is triggered. Constant classes also participate in the constant folding process. Constant folding is invoked by those expressions that can be constant folded invoking the functionality provided by the ConstantFold class (cfold.cs). Each Constant has to implement a number of methods to convert itself into a Constant of a different type. These methods are called `ConvertToXXXX' and they are invoked by the wrapper functions `ToXXXX'. These methods only perform implicit numeric conversions. Explicit conversions are handled by the `Cast' expression class. The `ToXXXX' methods are the entry point, and provide error reporting in case a conversion can not be performed. ** Constant Folding The C# language requires constant folding to be implemented. Constant folding is hooked up in the Binary.Resolve method. If both sides of a binary expression are constants, then the ConstantFold.BinaryFold routine is invoked. This routine implements all the binary operator rules, it is a mirror of the code that generates code for binary operators, but that has to be evaluated at runtime. If the constants can be folded, then a new constant expression is returned, if not, then the null value is returned (for example, the concatenation of a string constant and a numeric constant is deferred to the runtime). ** Side effects a [i++]++ a [i++] += 5; ** Statements * The semantic analysis Hence, the compiler driver has to parse all the input files. Once all the input files have been parsed, and an internal representation of the input program exists, the following steps are taken: * The interface hierarchy is resolved first. As the interface hierarchy is constructed, TypeBuilder objects are created for each one of them. * Classes and structure hierarchy is resolved next, TypeBuilder objects are created for them. * Constants and enumerations are resolved. * Method, indexer, properties, delegates and event definitions are now entered into the TypeBuilders. * Elements that contain code are now invoked to perform semantic analysis and code generation. * Output Generation ** Code Generation The EmitContext class is created any time that IL code is to be generated (methods, properties, indexers and attributes all create EmitContexts). The EmitContext keeps track of the current namespace and type container. This is used during name resolution. An EmitContext is used by the underlying code generation facilities to track the state of code generation: * The ILGenerator used to generate code for this method. * The TypeContainer where the code lives, this is used to access the TypeBuilder. * The DeclSpace, this is used to resolve names through RootContext.LookupType in the various statements and expressions. Code generation state is also tracked here: * CheckState: This variable tracks the `checked' state of the compilation, it controls whether we should generate code that does overflow checking, or if we generate code that ignores overflows. The default setting comes from the command line option to generate checked or unchecked code plus any source code changes using the checked/unchecked statements or expressions. Contrast this with the ConstantCheckState flag. * ConstantCheckState The constant check state is always set to `true' and cant be changed from the command line. The source code can change this setting with the `checked' and `unchecked' statements and expressions. * IsStatic Whether we are emitting code inside a static or instance method * ReturnType The value that is allowed to be returned or NULL if there is no return type. * ContainerType Points to the Type (extracted from the TypeContainer) that declares this body of code summary> * IsConstructor Whether this is generating code for a constructor * CurrentBlock Tracks the current block being generated. * ReturnLabel; The location where return has to jump to return the value A few variables are used to track the state for checking in for loops, or in try/catch statements: * InFinally Whether we are in a Finally block * InTry Whether we are in a Try block * InCatch Whether we are in a Catch block * InUnsafe Whether we are inside an unsafe block * Miscelaneous ** Error Processing. Errors are reported during the various stages of the compilation process. The compiler stops its processing if there are errors between the various phases. This simplifies the code, because it is safe to assume always that the data structures that the compiler is operating on are always consistent. The error codes in the Mono C# compiler are the same as those found in the Microsoft C# compiler, with a few exceptions (where we report a few more errors, those are documented in mcs/errors/errors.txt). The goal is to reduce confussion to the users, and also to help us track the progress of the compiler in terms of the errors we report. The Report class provides error and warning display functions, and also keeps an error count which is used to stop the compiler between the phases. A couple of debugging tools are available here, and are useful when extending or fixing bugs in the compiler. If the `--fatal' flag is passed to the compiler, the Report.Error routine will throw an exception. This can be used to pinpoint the location of the bug and examine the variables around the error location. Warnings can be turned into errors by using the `--werror' flag to the compiler. The report class also ignores warnings that have been specified on the command line with the `--nowarn' flag. Finally, code in the compiler uses the global variable RootContext.WarningLevel in a few places to decide whether a warning is worth reporting to the user or not.