// ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== // [....] // // // TokenBasedSet.cs // namespace System.Security.Util { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Threading; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; [Serializable] internal class TokenBasedSet { // Following 3 fields are used only for serialization compat purposes: DO NOT USE THESE EVER! #pragma warning disable 414 private int m_initSize = 24; private int m_increment = 8; #pragma warning restore 414 private Object[] m_objSet; // END -> Serialization only fields [OptionalField(VersionAdded = 2)] private volatile Object m_Obj; [OptionalField(VersionAdded = 2)] private volatile Object[] m_Set; private int m_cElt; private volatile int m_maxIndex; [OnDeserialized] private void OnDeserialized(StreamingContext ctx) { OnDeserializedInternal(); } private void OnDeserializedInternal() { if (m_objSet != null) //v1.x case { if (m_cElt == 1) m_Obj = m_objSet[m_maxIndex]; else m_Set = m_objSet; m_objSet = null; } // Nothing to do for the v2.0 and beyond case } [OnSerializing] private void OnSerializing(StreamingContext ctx) { if ((ctx.State & ~(StreamingContextStates.Clone|StreamingContextStates.CrossAppDomain)) != 0) { //Nothing special for the v2 and beyond case // for the v1.x case, we need to create m_objSet if necessary if (m_cElt == 1) { m_objSet = new Object[m_maxIndex+1]; m_objSet[m_maxIndex] = m_Obj; } else if (m_cElt > 0) { // Array case: m_objSet = m_Set; } } } [OnSerialized] private void OnSerialized(StreamingContext ctx) { if ((ctx.State & ~(StreamingContextStates.Clone|StreamingContextStates.CrossAppDomain)) != 0) { m_objSet = null; } } internal bool MoveNext(ref TokenBasedSetEnumerator e) { switch (m_cElt) { case 0: return false; case 1: if (e.Index == -1) { e.Index = m_maxIndex; e.Current = m_Obj; return true; } else { e.Index = (short)(m_maxIndex+1); e.Current = null; return false; } default: while (++e.Index <= m_maxIndex) { e.Current = Volatile.Read(ref m_Set[e.Index]); if (e.Current != null) return true; } e.Current = null; return false; } } internal TokenBasedSet() { Reset(); } [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Concurrency", "CA8001", Justification = "Reviewed for thread safety")] internal TokenBasedSet(TokenBasedSet tbSet) { if (tbSet == null) { Reset(); return; } if (tbSet.m_cElt > 1) { Object[] aObj = tbSet.m_Set; int aLen = aObj.Length; Object[] aNew = new Object[aLen]; System.Array.Copy(aObj, 0, aNew, 0, aLen); m_Set = aNew; } else { m_Obj = tbSet.m_Obj; } m_cElt = tbSet.m_cElt; m_maxIndex = tbSet.m_maxIndex; } internal void Reset() { m_Obj = null; m_Set = null; m_cElt = 0; m_maxIndex = -1; } internal void SetItem(int index, Object item) { Object[] aObj = null; if (item == null) { RemoveItem(index); return; } switch (m_cElt) { case 0: // on the first item, we don't create an array, we merely remember it's index and value // this this the 99% case m_cElt = 1; m_maxIndex = (short)index; m_Obj = item; break; case 1: // we have to decide if a 2nd item has indeed been added and create the array // if it has if (index == m_maxIndex) { // replacing the one existing item m_Obj = item; } else { // adding a second distinct permission Object objSaved = m_Obj; int iMax = Math.Max(m_maxIndex, index); aObj = new Object[iMax+1]; aObj[m_maxIndex] = objSaved; aObj[index] = item; m_maxIndex = (short)iMax; m_cElt = 2; m_Set = aObj; m_Obj = null; } break; default: // this is the general case code for when there is really an array aObj = m_Set; // we are now adding an item, check if we need to grow if (index >= aObj.Length) { Object[] newset = new Object[index+1]; System.Array.Copy(aObj, 0, newset, 0, m_maxIndex+1); m_maxIndex = (short)index; newset[index] = item; m_Set = newset; m_cElt++; } else { if (aObj[index] == null) m_cElt++; aObj[index] = item; if (index > m_maxIndex) m_maxIndex = (short)index; } break; } } [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Concurrency", "CA8001", Justification = "Reviewed for thread-safety")] internal Object GetItem(int index) { switch (m_cElt) { case 0: return null; case 1: if (index == m_maxIndex) return m_Obj; else return null; default: if (index < m_Set.Length) return Volatile.Read(ref m_Set[index]); else return null; } } internal Object RemoveItem(int index) { Object ret = null; switch (m_cElt) { case 0: ret = null; break; case 1: if (index != m_maxIndex) { // removing a permission we don't have ignore it ret = null; } else { // removing the permission we have at the moment ret = m_Obj; Reset(); } break; default: // this is the general case code for when there is really an array // we are removing an item if (index < m_Set.Length && (ret = Volatile.Read(ref m_Set[index])) != null) { // ok we really deleted something at this point Volatile.Write(ref m_Set[index], null); m_cElt--; if (index == m_maxIndex) ResetMaxIndex(m_Set); // collapse the array if (m_cElt == 1) { m_Obj = Volatile.Read(ref m_Set[m_maxIndex]); m_Set = null; } } break; } return ret; } private void ResetMaxIndex(Object[] aObj) { int i; // Start at the end of the array, and // scan backwards for the first non-null // slot. That is the new maxIndex. for (i = aObj.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (aObj[i] != null) { m_maxIndex = (short)i; return; } } m_maxIndex = -1; } internal int GetStartingIndex() { if (m_cElt <= 1) return m_maxIndex; return 0; } internal int GetCount() { return m_cElt; } internal int GetMaxUsedIndex() { return m_maxIndex; } internal bool FastIsEmpty() { return m_cElt == 0; } // Used to merge two distinct TokenBasedSets (used currently only in PermissionSet Deserialization) internal TokenBasedSet SpecialUnion(TokenBasedSet other) { // This gets called from PermissionSet.OnDeserialized and it's possible that the TokenBasedSets have // not been subjected to VTS callbacks yet OnDeserializedInternal(); TokenBasedSet unionSet = new TokenBasedSet(); int maxMax; if (other != null) { other.OnDeserializedInternal(); maxMax = this.GetMaxUsedIndex() > other.GetMaxUsedIndex() ? this.GetMaxUsedIndex() : other.GetMaxUsedIndex(); } else maxMax = this.GetMaxUsedIndex(); for (int i = 0; i <= maxMax; ++i) { Object thisObj = this.GetItem( i ); IPermission thisPerm = thisObj as IPermission; #if FEATURE_CAS_POLICY ISecurityElementFactory thisElem = thisObj as ISecurityElementFactory; #endif // FEATURE_CAS_POLICY Object otherObj = (other != null)?other.GetItem( i ):null; IPermission otherPerm = otherObj as IPermission; #if FEATURE_CAS_POLICY ISecurityElementFactory otherElem = otherObj as ISecurityElementFactory; #endif // FEATURE_CAS_POLICY if (thisObj == null && otherObj == null) continue; if (thisObj == null) { #if FEATURE_CAS_POLICY if (otherElem != null) { otherPerm = PermissionSet.CreatePerm(otherElem, false); } #endif // FEATURE_CAS_POLICY PermissionToken token = PermissionToken.GetToken(otherPerm); if (token == null) { throw new SerializationException(Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_InsufficientState")); } unionSet.SetItem(token.m_index, otherPerm); } else if (otherObj == null) { #if FEATURE_CAS_POLICY if (thisElem != null) { thisPerm = PermissionSet.CreatePerm(thisElem, false); } #endif // FEATURE_CAS_POLICY PermissionToken token = PermissionToken.GetToken(thisPerm); if (token == null) { throw new SerializationException(Environment.GetResourceString("Serialization_InsufficientState")); } unionSet.SetItem( token.m_index, thisPerm); } else { Contract.Assert( (thisObj == null || otherObj == null), "Permission cannot be in both TokenBasedSets" ); } } return unionSet; } internal void SpecialSplit(ref TokenBasedSet unrestrictedPermSet, ref TokenBasedSet normalPermSet, bool ignoreTypeLoadFailures) { int maxIndex = GetMaxUsedIndex(); for (int i = GetStartingIndex(); i <= maxIndex; ++i) { Object obj = GetItem( i ); if (obj != null) { IPermission perm = obj as IPermission; #if FEATURE_CAS_POLICY if (perm == null) perm = PermissionSet.CreatePerm(obj, ignoreTypeLoadFailures); #endif // FEATURE_CAS_POLICY PermissionToken token = PermissionToken.GetToken(perm); if (perm == null || token == null) continue; if (perm is IUnrestrictedPermission) { // Add to unrestrictedPermSet if (unrestrictedPermSet == null) unrestrictedPermSet = new TokenBasedSet(); unrestrictedPermSet.SetItem(token.m_index, perm); } else { // Add to normalPermSet if (normalPermSet == null) normalPermSet = new TokenBasedSet(); normalPermSet.SetItem(token.m_index, perm); } } } } } }