//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* * HashCodeCombiner class * * Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation */ namespace System.Web.Util { using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Globalization; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Web.Security.Cryptography; /* * Class used to combine several hashcodes into a single hashcode */ internal class HashCodeCombiner { private long _combinedHash; internal HashCodeCombiner() { // Start with a seed (obtained from String.GetHashCode implementation) _combinedHash = 5381; } internal HashCodeCombiner(long initialCombinedHash) { _combinedHash = initialCombinedHash; } internal static int CombineHashCodes(int h1, int h2) { return ((h1 << 5) + h1) ^ h2; } internal static int CombineHashCodes(int h1, int h2, int h3) { return CombineHashCodes(CombineHashCodes(h1, h2), h3); } internal static int CombineHashCodes(int h1, int h2, int h3, int h4) { return CombineHashCodes(CombineHashCodes(h1, h2), CombineHashCodes(h3, h4)); } internal static int CombineHashCodes(int h1, int h2, int h3, int h4, int h5) { return CombineHashCodes(CombineHashCodes(h1, h2, h3, h4), h5); } internal static string GetDirectoryHash(VirtualPath virtualDir) { HashCodeCombiner hashCodeCombiner = new HashCodeCombiner(); hashCodeCombiner.AddDirectory(virtualDir.MapPathInternal()); return hashCodeCombiner.CombinedHashString; } internal void AddArray(string[] a) { if (a != null) { int n = a.Length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { AddObject(a[i]); } } } internal void AddInt(int n) { _combinedHash = ((_combinedHash << 5) + _combinedHash) ^ n; Debug.Trace("HashCodeCombiner", "Adding " + n.ToString("x") + " --> " + _combinedHash.ToString("x")); } internal void AddObject(int n) { AddInt(n); } internal void AddObject(byte b) { AddInt(b.GetHashCode()); } internal void AddObject(long l) { AddInt(l.GetHashCode()); } internal void AddObject(bool b) { AddInt(b.GetHashCode()); } internal void AddObject(string s) { if (s != null) AddInt(StringUtil.GetStringHashCode(s)); } internal void AddObject(Type t) { if (t != null) AddObject(System.Web.UI.Util.GetAssemblyQualifiedTypeName(t)); } internal void AddObject(object o) { if (o != null) AddInt(o.GetHashCode()); } internal void AddCaseInsensitiveString(string s) { if (s != null) AddInt(StringUtil.GetNonRandomizedHashCode(s, ignoreCase:true)); } internal void AddDateTime(DateTime dt) { Debug.Trace("HashCodeCombiner", "Ticks: " + dt.Ticks.ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Debug.Trace("HashCodeCombiner", "Hashcode: " + dt.GetHashCode().ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); AddInt(dt.GetHashCode()); } private void AddFileSize(long fileSize) { Debug.Trace("HashCodeCombiner", "file size: " + fileSize.ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Debug.Trace("HashCodeCombiner", "Hashcode: " + fileSize.GetHashCode().ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); AddInt(fileSize.GetHashCode()); } [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2122:DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands", Justification = "This call site is trusted.")] private void AddFileVersionInfo(FileVersionInfo fileVersionInfo) { Debug.Trace("HashCodeCombiner", "FileMajorPart: " + fileVersionInfo.FileMajorPart.GetHashCode().ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Debug.Trace("HashCodeCombiner", "FileMinorPart: " + fileVersionInfo.FileMinorPart.GetHashCode().ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Debug.Trace("HashCodeCombiner", "FileBuildPart: " + fileVersionInfo.FileBuildPart.GetHashCode().ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Debug.Trace("HashCodeCombiner", "FilePrivatePart: " + fileVersionInfo.FilePrivatePart.GetHashCode().ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); AddInt(fileVersionInfo.FileMajorPart.GetHashCode()); AddInt(fileVersionInfo.FileMinorPart.GetHashCode()); AddInt(fileVersionInfo.FileBuildPart.GetHashCode()); AddInt(fileVersionInfo.FilePrivatePart.GetHashCode()); } private void AddFileContentHashKey(string fileContentHashKey) { AddInt(StringUtil.GetNonRandomizedHashCode(fileContentHashKey)); } internal void AddFileContentHash(string fileName) { // Convert file content to hash bytes byte[] fileContentBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName); byte[] fileContentHashBytes = CryptoUtil.ComputeSHA256Hash(fileContentBytes); // Convert byte[] to hex string representation StringBuilder sbFileContentHashBytes = new StringBuilder(); for (int index = 0; index < fileContentHashBytes.Length; index++) { sbFileContentHashBytes.Append(fileContentHashBytes[index].ToString("X2", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } AddFileContentHashKey(sbFileContentHashBytes.ToString()); } internal void AddFile(string fileName) { Debug.Trace("HashCodeCombiner", "AddFile: " + fileName); if (!FileUtil.FileExists(fileName)) { // Review: Should we change the dependency model to take directory into account? if (FileUtil.DirectoryExists(fileName)) { // Add as a directory dependency if it's a directory. AddDirectory(fileName); return; } Debug.Trace("HashCodeCombiner", "Could not find target " + fileName); return; } AddExistingFile(fileName); } // Same as AddFile, but only called for a file which is known to exist private void AddExistingFile(string fileName) { Debug.Trace("HashCodeCombiner", "AddExistingFile: " + fileName); AddInt(StringUtil.GetStringHashCode(fileName)); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(fileName); if (!AppSettings.PortableCompilationOutput) { AddDateTime(file.CreationTimeUtc); } AddDateTime(file.LastWriteTimeUtc); AddFileSize(file.Length); } [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2122:DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands", Justification = "This call site is trusted.")] internal void AddExistingFileVersion(string fileName) { Debug.Trace("HashCodeCombiner", "AddExistingFileVersion: " + fileName); AddInt(StringUtil.GetStringHashCode(fileName)); FileVersionInfo fileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(fileName); AddFileVersionInfo(fileVersionInfo); } internal void AddDirectory(string directoryName) { DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(directoryName); if (!directory.Exists) { return; } AddObject(directoryName); // Go through all the files in the directory foreach (FileData fileData in FileEnumerator.Create(directoryName)) { if (fileData.IsDirectory) AddDirectory(fileData.FullName); else AddExistingFile(fileData.FullName); } if (!AppSettings.PortableCompilationOutput) { AddDateTime(directory.CreationTimeUtc); AddDateTime(directory.LastWriteTimeUtc); } } // Same as AddDirectory, but only look at files that don't have a culture internal void AddResourcesDirectory(string directoryName) { DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(directoryName); if (!directory.Exists) { return; } AddObject(directoryName); // Go through all the files in the directory foreach (FileData fileData in FileEnumerator.Create(directoryName)) { if (fileData.IsDirectory) AddResourcesDirectory(fileData.FullName); else { // Ignore the file if it has a culture, since only neutral files // need to re-trigger compilation (VSWhidbey 359029) string fullPath = fileData.FullName; if (System.Web.UI.Util.GetCultureName(fullPath) == null) { AddExistingFile(fullPath); } } } if (!AppSettings.PortableCompilationOutput) { AddDateTime(directory.CreationTimeUtc); } } internal long CombinedHash { get { return _combinedHash; } } internal int CombinedHash32 { get { return _combinedHash.GetHashCode(); } } internal string CombinedHashString { get { return _combinedHash.ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } } }