//---------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //---------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Activities.Presentation { using System.Activities.Presentation.View; using System.Activities.Presentation.Hosting; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime; //DefaultCommandExtensionCallback - provides default key input gestures for most of the //WF commands. user can either implmeent his own class or override this one and provide special //handling for specific commands class DefaultCommandExtensionCallback : IWorkflowCommandExtensionCallback { Dictionary> defaultGestures = new Dictionary>(); public DefaultCommandExtensionCallback() { defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.GoToParentCommand, new List { new ChordKeyGesture(Key.E, Key.P) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.ExpandInPlaceCommand, new List { new ChordKeyGesture(Key.E, Key.E) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.ExpandAllCommand, new List { new ChordKeyGesture(Key.E, Key.X) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.CollapseCommand, new List { new ChordKeyGesture(Key.E, Key.C) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.CollapseAllCommand, new List { new ChordKeyGesture(Key.E, Key.Y) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.RestoreCommand, new List { new ChordKeyGesture(Key.E, Key.R) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.ZoomInCommand, new List { new KeyGesture(Key.OemPlus, ModifierKeys.Control, "Ctrl +"), new KeyGesture(Key.Add, ModifierKeys.Control) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.ZoomOutCommand, new List { new KeyGesture(Key.OemMinus, ModifierKeys.Control, "Ctrl -"), new KeyGesture(Key.Subtract, ModifierKeys.Control) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.ToggleArgumentDesignerCommand, new List { new ChordKeyGesture(Key.E, Key.A) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.ToggleVariableDesignerCommand, new List { new ChordKeyGesture(Key.E, Key.V) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.ToggleImportsDesignerCommand, new List { new ChordKeyGesture(Key.E, Key.I) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.ToggleMiniMapCommand, new List { new ChordKeyGesture(Key.E, Key.O) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.CreateVariableCommand, new List { new ChordKeyGesture(Key.E, Key.N) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.CycleThroughDesignerCommand, new List { new KeyGesture(Key.F6, ModifierKeys.Control | ModifierKeys.Alt, "Ctrl + Alt + F6") }); defaultGestures.Add(ExpressionTextBox.CompleteWordCommand, new List { new KeyGesture(Key.Right, ModifierKeys.Alt, "Alt + Right Arrow") }); defaultGestures.Add(ExpressionTextBox.GlobalIntellisenseCommand, new List { new KeyGesture(Key.J, ModifierKeys.Control, "Ctrl + J") }); defaultGestures.Add(ExpressionTextBox.ParameterInfoCommand, new List { new ChordKeyGesture(Key.K, Key.P) }); defaultGestures.Add(ExpressionTextBox.QuickInfoCommand, new List { new ChordKeyGesture(Key.K, Key.I) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.MoveFocusCommand, new List { new ChordKeyGesture(Key.E, Key.M) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.ToggleSelectionCommand, new List { new ChordKeyGesture(Key.E, Key.S) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.CutCommand, new List { new KeyGesture(Key.X, ModifierKeys.Control) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.CopyCommand, new List { new KeyGesture(Key.C, ModifierKeys.Control) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.PasteCommand, new List { new KeyGesture(Key.V, ModifierKeys.Control) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.SelectAllCommand, new List { new KeyGesture(Key.A, ModifierKeys.Control) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.UndoCommand, new List { new KeyGesture(Key.Z, ModifierKeys.Control) }); defaultGestures.Add(DesignerView.RedoCommand, new List { new KeyGesture(Key.Y, ModifierKeys.Control) }); defaultGestures.Add(ExpressionTextBox.IncreaseFilterLevelCommand, new List { new KeyGesture(Key.Decimal, ModifierKeys.Alt) }); defaultGestures.Add(ExpressionTextBox.DecreaseFilterLevelCommand, new List { new KeyGesture(Key.OemComma, ModifierKeys.Alt) }); } public void OnWorkflowCommandLoaded(CommandInfo commandInfo) { if (commandInfo == null) { throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError(new ArgumentNullException("commandInfo")); } RoutedCommand cmd = commandInfo.Command as RoutedCommand; if (cmd != null) { List gestures = null; if (defaultGestures.TryGetValue(cmd, out gestures)) { gestures.ForEach((gesture) => { if (!this.ContainsGesture(cmd, gesture)) { cmd.InputGestures.Add(gesture); } }); } } } protected bool ContainsGesture(RoutedCommand cmd, KeyGesture gesture) { return cmd.InputGestures.OfType().Any(p => string.Equals(p.DisplayString, gesture.DisplayString)); } //ChordKeyGesture - class derived from KeyGesture - provides simple state machine implementation //to handle chord keyboard navigation. Invoke when ChordKey or ChordKey + Ctrl is pressed after //entering chord mode internal sealed class ChordKeyGesture : KeyGesture { bool isInKeyChordMode = false; Key chordKey; private WeakReference ownerReference; internal DesignerView Owner { get { if (this.ownerReference != null) { return this.ownerReference.Target as DesignerView; } return null; } set { if (value == null) { this.ownerReference = null; } else { this.ownerReference = new WeakReference(value); } } } public ChordKeyGesture(Key key, Key chordKey) : base(key, ModifierKeys.Control, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Ctrl+{0}, {1}", key, chordKey)) { this.chordKey = chordKey; } public void ResetChordMode() { this.isInKeyChordMode = false; } public override bool Matches(object targetElement, InputEventArgs inputEventArgs) { bool result = false; KeyEventArgs keyArgs = inputEventArgs as KeyEventArgs; //lookup only for keyboard events if (null != keyArgs) { //by default - check if we are entering double key navigation if (!this.isInKeyChordMode) { //call base implementation to match Ctrl + actual key if (base.Matches(targetElement, keyArgs)) { this.isInKeyChordMode = true; } } //if we are waiting for chord key else if (keyArgs.Key == this.chordKey && (Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.None || Keyboard.Modifiers == ModifierKeys.Control)) { //ok - we found a match, reset state to default System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(this.DisplayString); result = true; // reset all the chord key after this command if (this.Owner != null) { this.Owner.ResetAllChordKeyGesturesMode(); } } //no, second key didn't match the chord //if ctrl is pressed, just let it stay in chord mode else if (Keyboard.Modifiers != ModifierKeys.Control) { this.isInKeyChordMode = false; } } //any other input event resets state to default else { this.isInKeyChordMode = false; } return result; } } } }