//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Don't entity encode high chars (160 to 256), to fix bugs VSWhidbey 85857/111927 // #define ENTITY_ENCODE_HIGH_ASCII_CHARS namespace System.Net { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; #if !FEATURE_NETCORE using System.Configuration; #endif using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Net.Configuration; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Text; #if FEATURE_NETCORE using System.Security; #endif public static class WebUtility { // some consts copied from Char / CharUnicodeInfo since we don't have friend access to those types private const char HIGH_SURROGATE_START = '\uD800'; private const char LOW_SURROGATE_START = '\uDC00'; private const char LOW_SURROGATE_END = '\uDFFF'; private const int UNICODE_PLANE00_END = 0x00FFFF; private const int UNICODE_PLANE01_START = 0x10000; private const int UNICODE_PLANE16_END = 0x10FFFF; private const int UnicodeReplacementChar = '\uFFFD'; private static readonly char[] _htmlEntityEndingChars = new char[] { ';', '&' }; private static volatile UnicodeDecodingConformance _htmlDecodeConformance = UnicodeDecodingConformance.Auto; private static volatile UnicodeEncodingConformance _htmlEncodeConformance = UnicodeEncodingConformance.Auto; #region HtmlEncode / HtmlDecode methods public static string HtmlEncode(string value) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { return value; } // Don't create string writer if we don't have nothing to encode int index = IndexOfHtmlEncodingChars(value, 0); if (index == -1) { return value; } StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); HtmlEncode(value, writer); return writer.ToString(); } #if FEATURE_NETCORE [SecuritySafeCritical] #endif public static unsafe void HtmlEncode(string value, TextWriter output) { if (value == null) { return; } if (output == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("output"); } int index = IndexOfHtmlEncodingChars(value, 0); if (index == -1) { output.Write(value); return; } Debug.Assert(0 <= index && index <= value.Length, "0 <= index && index <= value.Length"); UnicodeEncodingConformance encodeConformance = HtmlEncodeConformance; int cch = value.Length - index; fixed (char* str = value) { char* pch = str; while (index-- > 0) { output.Write(*pch++); } for (; cch > 0; cch--, pch++) { char ch = *pch; if (ch <= '>') { switch (ch) { case '<': output.Write("<"); break; case '>': output.Write(">"); break; case '"': output.Write("""); break; case '\'': output.Write("'"); break; case '&': output.Write("&"); break; default: output.Write(ch); break; } } else { int valueToEncode = -1; // set to >= 0 if needs to be encoded #if ENTITY_ENCODE_HIGH_ASCII_CHARS #if MONO // MS starts encoding with &# from 160 and stops at 255. // We don't do that. One reason is the 65308/65310 unicode // characters that look like '<' and '>'. if (ch >= 160 && !char.IsSurrogate (ch)) { valueToEncode = ch; #else if (ch >= 160 && ch < 256) { // The seemingly arbitrary 160 comes from RFC valueToEncode = ch; #endif } else #endif // ENTITY_ENCODE_HIGH_ASCII_CHARS if (encodeConformance == UnicodeEncodingConformance.Strict && Char.IsSurrogate(ch)) { int scalarValue = GetNextUnicodeScalarValueFromUtf16Surrogate(ref pch, ref cch); if (scalarValue >= UNICODE_PLANE01_START) { valueToEncode = scalarValue; } else { // Don't encode BMP characters (like U+FFFD) since they wouldn't have // been encoded if explicitly present in the string anyway. ch = (char)scalarValue; } } if (valueToEncode >= 0) { // value needs to be encoded output.Write("&#"); output.Write(valueToEncode.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)); output.Write(';'); } else { // write out the character directly output.Write(ch); } } } } } public static string HtmlDecode(string value) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { return value; } // Don't create string writer if we don't have nothing to encode if (!StringRequiresHtmlDecoding(value)) { return value; } StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); HtmlDecode(value, writer); return writer.ToString(); } [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1806:DoNotIgnoreMethodResults", MessageId = "System.UInt16.TryParse(System.String,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.IFormatProvider,System.UInt16@)", Justification="UInt16.TryParse guarantees that result is zero if the parse fails.")] public static void HtmlDecode(string value, TextWriter output) { if (value == null) { return; } if (output == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("output"); } if (!StringRequiresHtmlDecoding(value)) { output.Write(value); // good as is return; } UnicodeDecodingConformance decodeConformance = HtmlDecodeConformance; int l = value.Length; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { char ch = value[i]; if (ch == '&') { // We found a '&'. Now look for the next ';' or '&'. The idea is that // if we find another '&' before finding a ';', then this is not an entity, // and the next '&' might start a real entity (VSWhidbey 275184) int index = value.IndexOfAny(_htmlEntityEndingChars, i + 1); if (index > 0 && value[index] == ';') { string entity = value.Substring(i + 1, index - i - 1); if (entity.Length > 1 && entity[0] == '#') { // The # syntax can be in decimal or hex, e.g. // å --> decimal // å --> same char in hex // See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/charset.html#entities bool parsedSuccessfully; uint parsedValue; if (entity[1] == 'x' || entity[1] == 'X') { parsedSuccessfully = UInt32.TryParse(entity.Substring(2), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out parsedValue); } else { parsedSuccessfully = UInt32.TryParse(entity.Substring(1), NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out parsedValue); } if (parsedSuccessfully) { switch (decodeConformance) { case UnicodeDecodingConformance.Strict: // decoded character must be U+0000 .. U+10FFFF, excluding surrogates parsedSuccessfully = ((parsedValue < HIGH_SURROGATE_START) || (LOW_SURROGATE_END < parsedValue && parsedValue <= UNICODE_PLANE16_END)); break; case UnicodeDecodingConformance.Compat: // decoded character must be U+0001 .. U+FFFF // null chars disallowed for compat with 4.0 parsedSuccessfully = (0 < parsedValue && parsedValue <= UNICODE_PLANE00_END); break; case UnicodeDecodingConformance.Loose: // decoded character must be U+0000 .. U+10FFFF parsedSuccessfully = (parsedValue <= UNICODE_PLANE16_END); break; default: Debug.Assert(false, "Should never get here!"); parsedSuccessfully = false; break; } } if (parsedSuccessfully) { if (parsedValue <= UNICODE_PLANE00_END) { // single character output.Write((char)parsedValue); } else { // multi-character char leadingSurrogate, trailingSurrogate; ConvertSmpToUtf16(parsedValue, out leadingSurrogate, out trailingSurrogate); output.Write(leadingSurrogate); output.Write(trailingSurrogate); } i = index; // already looked at everything until semicolon continue; } } else { i = index; // already looked at everything until semicolon char entityChar = HtmlEntities.Lookup(entity); if (entityChar != (char)0) { ch = entityChar; } else { output.Write('&'); output.Write(entity); output.Write(';'); continue; } } } } output.Write(ch); } } #if FEATURE_NETCORE [SecuritySafeCritical] #endif private static unsafe int IndexOfHtmlEncodingChars(string s, int startPos) { Debug.Assert(0 <= startPos && startPos <= s.Length, "0 <= startPos && startPos <= s.Length"); UnicodeEncodingConformance encodeConformance = HtmlEncodeConformance; int cch = s.Length - startPos; fixed (char* str = s) { for (char* pch = &str[startPos]; cch > 0; pch++, cch--) { char ch = *pch; if (ch <= '>') { switch (ch) { case '<': case '>': case '"': case '\'': case '&': return s.Length - cch; } } #if ENTITY_ENCODE_HIGH_ASCII_CHARS else if (ch >= 160 #if !MONO && ch < 256 #endif ) { return s.Length - cch; } #endif // ENTITY_ENCODE_HIGH_ASCII_CHARS else if (encodeConformance == UnicodeEncodingConformance.Strict && Char.IsSurrogate(ch)) { return s.Length - cch; } } } return -1; } private static UnicodeDecodingConformance HtmlDecodeConformance { get { if (_htmlDecodeConformance != UnicodeDecodingConformance.Auto) { return _htmlDecodeConformance; } UnicodeDecodingConformance defaultDecodeConformance = (BinaryCompatibility.TargetsAtLeast_Desktop_V4_5) ? UnicodeDecodingConformance.Strict : UnicodeDecodingConformance.Compat; UnicodeDecodingConformance decodingConformance = defaultDecodeConformance; #if !FEATURE_NETCORE && !MOBILE try { // Read from config decodingConformance = SettingsSectionInternal.Section.WebUtilityUnicodeDecodingConformance; // Normalize conformance settings (turn 'Auto' into the actual setting) if (decodingConformance <= UnicodeDecodingConformance.Auto || decodingConformance > UnicodeDecodingConformance.Loose) { decodingConformance = defaultDecodeConformance; } } catch (ConfigurationException) { // Continue with default values // HtmlDecode and related methods can still be called and format the error page intended for the client // No need to retry again to initialize from the config in case of config errors decodingConformance = defaultDecodeConformance; } catch { // DevDiv: 642025 // ASP.NET uses own ConfigurationManager which can throw in more situations than config errors (i.e. BadRequest) // It's ok to ---- the exception here and continue using the default value // Try to initialize again the next time return defaultDecodeConformance; } #endif _htmlDecodeConformance = decodingConformance; return _htmlDecodeConformance; } } private static UnicodeEncodingConformance HtmlEncodeConformance { get { if (_htmlEncodeConformance != UnicodeEncodingConformance.Auto) { return _htmlEncodeConformance; } UnicodeEncodingConformance defaultEncodeConformance = (BinaryCompatibility.TargetsAtLeast_Desktop_V4_5) ? UnicodeEncodingConformance.Strict : UnicodeEncodingConformance.Compat; UnicodeEncodingConformance encodingConformance = defaultEncodeConformance; #if !FEATURE_NETCORE && !MOBILE try { // Read from config encodingConformance = SettingsSectionInternal.Section.WebUtilityUnicodeEncodingConformance; // Normalize conformance settings (turn 'Auto' into the actual setting) if (encodingConformance <= UnicodeEncodingConformance.Auto || encodingConformance > UnicodeEncodingConformance.Compat) { encodingConformance = defaultEncodeConformance; } } catch (ConfigurationException) { // Continue with default values // HtmlEncode and related methods can still be called and format the error page intended for the client // No need to retry again to initialize from the config in case of config errors encodingConformance = defaultEncodeConformance; } catch { // DevDiv: 642025 // ASP.NET uses own ConfigurationManager which can throw in more situations than config errors (i.e. BadRequest) // It's ok to ---- the exception here and continue using the default value // Try to initialize again the next time return defaultEncodeConformance; } #endif _htmlEncodeConformance = encodingConformance; return _htmlEncodeConformance; } } #endregion #region UrlEncode implementation // *** Source: alm/tfs_core/Framework/Common/UriUtility/HttpUtility.cs // This specific code was copied from above ASP.NET codebase. private static byte[] UrlEncode(byte[] bytes, int offset, int count, bool alwaysCreateNewReturnValue) { byte[] encoded = UrlEncode(bytes, offset, count); return (alwaysCreateNewReturnValue && (encoded != null) && (encoded == bytes)) ? (byte[])encoded.Clone() : encoded; } private static byte[] UrlEncode(byte[] bytes, int offset, int count) { if (!ValidateUrlEncodingParameters(bytes, offset, count)) { return null; } int cSpaces = 0; int cUnsafe = 0; // count them first for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { char ch = (char)bytes[offset + i]; if (ch == ' ') cSpaces++; else if (!IsUrlSafeChar(ch)) cUnsafe++; } // nothing to expand? if (cSpaces == 0 && cUnsafe == 0) { // DevDiv 912606: respect "offset" and "count" if (0 == offset && bytes.Length == count) { return bytes; } else { var subarray = new byte[count]; Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, offset, subarray, 0, count); return subarray; } } // expand not 'safe' characters into %XX, spaces to +s byte[] expandedBytes = new byte[count + cUnsafe * 2]; int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { byte b = bytes[offset + i]; char ch = (char)b; if (IsUrlSafeChar(ch)) { expandedBytes[pos++] = b; } else if (ch == ' ') { expandedBytes[pos++] = (byte)'+'; } else { expandedBytes[pos++] = (byte)'%'; expandedBytes[pos++] = (byte)IntToHex((b >> 4) & 0xf); expandedBytes[pos++] = (byte)IntToHex(b & 0x0f); } } return expandedBytes; } #endregion #region UrlEncode public methods [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1055:UriReturnValuesShouldNotBeStrings", Justification="Already shipped public API; code moved here as part of API consolidation")] public static string UrlEncode(string value) { if (value == null) return null; byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value); return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(UrlEncode(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, false /* alwaysCreateNewReturnValue */)); } public static byte[] UrlEncodeToBytes(byte[] value, int offset, int count) { return UrlEncode(value, offset, count, true /* alwaysCreateNewReturnValue */); } #endregion #region UrlDecode implementation // *** Source: alm/tfs_core/Framework/Common/UriUtility/HttpUtility.cs // This specific code was copied from above ASP.NET codebase. // Changes done - Removed the logic to handle %Uxxxx as it is not standards compliant. private static string UrlDecodeInternal(string value, Encoding encoding) { if (value == null) { return null; } int count = value.Length; UrlDecoder helper = new UrlDecoder(count, encoding); // go through the string's chars collapsing %XX and // appending each char as char, with exception of %XX constructs // that are appended as bytes for (int pos = 0; pos < count; pos++) { char ch = value[pos]; if (ch == '+') { ch = ' '; } else if (ch == '%' && pos < count - 2) { int h1 = HexToInt(value[pos + 1]); int h2 = HexToInt(value[pos + 2]); if (h1 >= 0 && h2 >= 0) { // valid 2 hex chars byte b = (byte)((h1 << 4) | h2); pos += 2; // don't add as char helper.AddByte(b); continue; } } if ((ch & 0xFF80) == 0) helper.AddByte((byte)ch); // 7 bit have to go as bytes because of Unicode else helper.AddChar(ch); } return helper.GetString(); } private static byte[] UrlDecodeInternal(byte[] bytes, int offset, int count) { if (!ValidateUrlEncodingParameters(bytes, offset, count)) { return null; } int decodedBytesCount = 0; byte[] decodedBytes = new byte[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int pos = offset + i; byte b = bytes[pos]; if (b == '+') { b = (byte)' '; } else if (b == '%' && i < count - 2) { int h1 = HexToInt((char)bytes[pos + 1]); int h2 = HexToInt((char)bytes[pos + 2]); if (h1 >= 0 && h2 >= 0) { // valid 2 hex chars b = (byte)((h1 << 4) | h2); i += 2; } } decodedBytes[decodedBytesCount++] = b; } if (decodedBytesCount < decodedBytes.Length) { byte[] newDecodedBytes = new byte[decodedBytesCount]; Array.Copy(decodedBytes, newDecodedBytes, decodedBytesCount); decodedBytes = newDecodedBytes; } return decodedBytes; } #endregion #region UrlDecode public methods [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1055:UriReturnValuesShouldNotBeStrings", Justification="Already shipped public API; code moved here as part of API consolidation")] public static string UrlDecode(string encodedValue) { if (encodedValue == null) return null; return UrlDecodeInternal(encodedValue, Encoding.UTF8); } public static byte[] UrlDecodeToBytes(byte[] encodedValue, int offset, int count) { return UrlDecodeInternal(encodedValue, offset, count); } #endregion #region Helper methods // similar to Char.ConvertFromUtf32, but doesn't check arguments or generate strings // input is assumed to be an SMP character private static void ConvertSmpToUtf16(uint smpChar, out char leadingSurrogate, out char trailingSurrogate) { Debug.Assert(UNICODE_PLANE01_START <= smpChar && smpChar <= UNICODE_PLANE16_END); int utf32 = (int)(smpChar - UNICODE_PLANE01_START); leadingSurrogate = (char)((utf32 / 0x400) + HIGH_SURROGATE_START); trailingSurrogate = (char)((utf32 % 0x400) + LOW_SURROGATE_START); } #if FEATURE_NETCORE [SecuritySafeCritical] #endif private static unsafe int GetNextUnicodeScalarValueFromUtf16Surrogate(ref char* pch, ref int charsRemaining) { // invariants Debug.Assert(charsRemaining >= 1); Debug.Assert(Char.IsSurrogate(*pch)); if (charsRemaining <= 1) { // not enough characters remaining to resurrect the original scalar value return UnicodeReplacementChar; } char leadingSurrogate = pch[0]; char trailingSurrogate = pch[1]; if (Char.IsSurrogatePair(leadingSurrogate, trailingSurrogate)) { // we're going to consume an extra char pch++; charsRemaining--; // below code is from Char.ConvertToUtf32, but without the checks (since we just performed them) return (((leadingSurrogate - HIGH_SURROGATE_START) * 0x400) + (trailingSurrogate - LOW_SURROGATE_START) + UNICODE_PLANE01_START); } else { // unmatched surrogate return UnicodeReplacementChar; } } private static int HexToInt(char h) { return (h >= '0' && h <= '9') ? h - '0' : (h >= 'a' && h <= 'f') ? h - 'a' + 10 : (h >= 'A' && h <= 'F') ? h - 'A' + 10 : -1; } private static char IntToHex(int n) { Debug.Assert(n < 0x10); if (n <= 9) return (char)(n + (int)'0'); else return (char)(n - 10 + (int)'A'); } // Set of safe chars, from RFC 1738.4 minus '+' private static bool IsUrlSafeChar(char ch) { if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return true; switch (ch) { case '-': case '_': case '.': case '!': case '*': case '(': case ')': return true; } return false; } private static bool ValidateUrlEncodingParameters(byte[] bytes, int offset, int count) { if (bytes == null && count == 0) return false; if (bytes == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("bytes"); } if (offset < 0 || offset > bytes.Length) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset"); } if (count < 0 || offset + count > bytes.Length) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count"); } return true; } private static bool StringRequiresHtmlDecoding(string s) { if (HtmlDecodeConformance == UnicodeDecodingConformance.Compat) { // this string requires html decoding only if it contains '&' return (s.IndexOf('&') >= 0); } else { // this string requires html decoding if it contains '&' or a surrogate character for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) { char c = s[i]; if (c == '&' || Char.IsSurrogate(c)) { return true; } } return false; } } #endregion #region UrlDecoder nested class // *** Source: alm/tfs_core/Framework/Common/UriUtility/HttpUtility.cs // This specific code was copied from above ASP.NET codebase. // Internal class to facilitate URL decoding -- keeps char buffer and byte buffer, allows appending of either chars or bytes private class UrlDecoder { private int _bufferSize; // Accumulate characters in a special array private int _numChars; private char[] _charBuffer; // Accumulate bytes for decoding into characters in a special array private int _numBytes; private byte[] _byteBuffer; // Encoding to convert chars to bytes private Encoding _encoding; private void FlushBytes() { if (_numBytes > 0) { _numChars += _encoding.GetChars(_byteBuffer, 0, _numBytes, _charBuffer, _numChars); _numBytes = 0; } } internal UrlDecoder(int bufferSize, Encoding encoding) { _bufferSize = bufferSize; _encoding = encoding; _charBuffer = new char[bufferSize]; // byte buffer created on demand } internal void AddChar(char ch) { if (_numBytes > 0) FlushBytes(); _charBuffer[_numChars++] = ch; } internal void AddByte(byte b) { if (_byteBuffer == null) _byteBuffer = new byte[_bufferSize]; _byteBuffer[_numBytes++] = b; } internal String GetString() { if (_numBytes > 0) FlushBytes(); if (_numChars > 0) return new String(_charBuffer, 0, _numChars); else return String.Empty; } } #endregion #region HtmlEntities nested class // helper class for lookup of HTML encoding entities private static class HtmlEntities { #if MONO public static char Lookup (string entity) { var token = CalculateKeyValue (entity); if (token == 0) { return '\0'; } var idx = Array.BinarySearch (entities, token); if (idx < 0) { return '\0'; } return entities_values [idx]; } static long CalculateKeyValue (string s) { if (s.Length > 8) return 0; long key = 0; for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; ++i) { long ch = s[i]; if (ch > 'z' || ch < '0') return 0; key |= ch << ((7 - i) * 8); } return key; } // Must be sorted static readonly long[] entities = new long[] { (long)'A' << 56 | (long)'E' << 48 | (long)'l' << 40 | (long)'i' << 32 | (long)'g' << 24, (long)'A' << 56 | (long)'a' << 48 | (long)'c' << 40 | (long)'u' << 32 | (long)'t' << 24 | (long)'e' << 16, (long)'A' << 56 | (long)'c' << 48 | (long)'i' << 40 | (long)'r' << 32 | (long)'c' << 24, (long)'A' << 56 | (long)'g' << 48 | (long)'r' << 40 | (long)'a' << 32 | (long)'v' << 24 | (long)'e' << 16, (long)'A' << 56 | (long)'l' << 48 | (long)'p' << 40 | (long)'h' << 32 | (long)'a' << 24, (long)'A' << 56 | (long)'r' << 48 | (long)'i' << 40 | (long)'n' << 32 | (long)'g' << 24, (long)'A' << 56 | (long)'t' << 48 | (long)'i' << 40 | (long)'l' << 32 | (long)'d' << 24 | (long)'e' << 16, (long)'A' << 56 | (long)'u' << 48 | (long)'m' << 40 | (long)'l' << 32, (long)'B' << 56 | (long)'e' << 48 | (long)'t' << 40 | (long)'a' << 32, (long)'C' << 56 | (long)'c' << 48 | (long)'e' << 40 | (long)'d' << 32 | (long)'i' << 24 | (long)'l' << 16, (long)'C' << 56 | (long)'h' << 48 | (long)'i' << 40, (long)'D' << 56 | (long)'a' << 48 | (long)'g' << 40 | (long)'g' << 32 | (long)'e' << 24 | (long)'r' << 16, (long)'D' << 56 | (long)'e' << 48 | (long)'l' << 40 | (long)'t' << 32 | (long)'a' << 24, (long)'E' << 56 | (long)'T' << 48 | (long)'H' << 40, (long)'E' << 56 | (long)'a' << 48 | (long)'c' << 40 | (long)'u' << 32 | (long)'t' << 24 | (long)'e' << 16, (long)'E' << 56 | (long)'c' << 48 | (long)'i' << 40 | (long)'r' << 32 | (long)'c' << 24, (long)'E' << 56 | (long)'g' << 48 | (long)'r' << 40 | (long)'a' << 32 | (long)'v' << 24 | (long)'e' << 16, (long)'E' << 56 | (long)'p' << 48 | (long)'s' << 40 | (long)'i' << 32 | (long)'l' << 24 | (long)'o' << 16 | (long)'n' << 8, (long)'E' << 56 | (long)'t' << 48 | (long)'a' << 40, (long)'E' << 56 | (long)'u' << 48 | (long)'m' << 40 | (long)'l' << 32, (long)'G' << 56 | (long)'a' << 48 | (long)'m' << 40 | (long)'m' << 32 | (long)'a' << 24, (long)'I' << 56 | (long)'a' << 48 | (long)'c' << 40 | (long)'u' << 32 | (long)'t' << 24 | (long)'e' << 16, (long)'I' << 56 | (long)'c' << 48 | (long)'i' << 40 | (long)'r' << 32 | (long)'c' << 24, (long)'I' << 56 | (long)'g' << 48 | (long)'r' << 40 | (long)'a' << 32 | (long)'v' << 24 | (long)'e' << 16, (long)'I' << 56 | (long)'o' << 48 | (long)'t' << 40 | (long)'a' << 32, (long)'I' << 56 | (long)'u' << 48 | (long)'m' << 40 | (long)'l' << 32, (long)'K' << 56 | (long)'a' << 48 | (long)'p' << 40 | (long)'p' << 32 | (long)'a' << 24, (long)'L' << 56 | (long)'a' << 48 | (long)'m' << 40 | (long)'b' << 32 | (long)'d' << 24 | (long)'a' << 16, (long)'M' << 56 | (long)'u' << 48, (long)'N' << 56 | (long)'t' << 48 | (long)'i' << 40 | (long)'l' << 32 | (long)'d' << 24 | (long)'e' << 16, (long)'N' << 56 | (long)'u' << 48, (long)'O' << 56 | (long)'E' << 48 | (long)'l' << 40 | (long)'i' << 32 | (long)'g' << 24, (long)'O' << 56 | (long)'a' << 48 | (long)'c' << 40 | (long)'u' << 32 | (long)'t' << 24 | (long)'e' << 16, (long)'O' << 56 | (long)'c' << 48 | (long)'i' << 40 | (long)'r' << 32 | (long)'c' << 24, (long)'O' << 56 | (long)'g' << 48 | (long)'r' << 40 | (long)'a' << 32 | (long)'v' << 24 | (long)'e' << 16, (long)'O' << 56 | (long)'m' << 48 | (long)'e' << 40 | (long)'g' << 32 | (long)'a' << 24, (long)'O' << 56 | (long)'m' << 48 | (long)'i' << 40 | (long)'c' << 32 | (long)'r' << 24 | (long)'o' << 16 | (long)'n' << 8, (long)'O' << 56 | (long)'s' << 48 | (long)'l' << 40 | (long)'a' << 32 | (long)'s' << 24 | (long)'h' << 16, (long)'O' << 56 | (long)'t' << 48 | (long)'i' << 40 | (long)'l' << 32 | (long)'d' << 24 | (long)'e' << 16, (long)'O' << 56 | (long)'u' << 48 | (long)'m' << 40 | (long)'l' << 32, (long)'P' << 56 | (long)'h' << 48 | (long)'i' << 40, (long)'P' << 56 | (long)'i' << 48, (long)'P' << 56 | (long)'r' << 48 | (long)'i' << 40 | (long)'m' << 32 | (long)'e' << 24, (long)'P' << 56 | (long)'s' << 48 | (long)'i' << 40, (long)'R' << 56 | (long)'h' << 48 | (long)'o' << 40, (long)'S' << 56 | (long)'c' << 48 | (long)'a' << 40 | (long)'r' << 32 | (long)'o' << 24 | (long)'n' << 16, (long)'S' << 56 | (long)'i' << 48 | (long)'g' << 40 | (long)'m' << 32 | (long)'a' << 24, (long)'T' << 56 | (long)'H' << 48 | (long)'O' << 40 | (long)'R' << 32 | (long)'N' << 24, (long)'T' << 56 | (long)'a' << 48 | (long)'u' << 40, (long)'T' << 56 | (long)'h' << 48 | (long)'e' << 40 | (long)'t' << 32 | (long)'a' << 24, (long)'U' << 56 | (long)'a' << 48 | (long)'c' << 40 | (long)'u' << 32 | (long)'t' << 24 | (long)'e' << 16, (long)'U' << 56 | (long)'c' << 48 | (long)'i' << 40 | (long)'r' << 32 | (long)'c' << 24, (long)'U' << 56 | (long)'g' << 48 | (long)'r' << 40 | (long)'a' << 32 | (long)'v' << 24 | (long)'e' << 16, (long)'U' << 56 | (long)'p' << 48 | (long)'s' << 40 | (long)'i' << 32 | (long)'l' << 24 | (long)'o' << 16 | (long)'n' << 8, (long)'U' << 56 | (long)'u' << 48 | (long)'m' << 40 | (long)'l' << 32, (long)'X' << 56 | (long)'i' << 48, (long)'Y' << 56 | (long)'a' << 48 | (long)'c' << 40 | (long)'u' << 32 | (long)'t' << 24 | (long)'e' << 16, 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(long)'t' << 32 | (long)'a' << 24 | (long)'s' << 16 | (long)'y' << 8 | (long)'m' << 0, (long)'t' << 56 | (long)'h' << 48 | (long)'i' << 40 | (long)'n' << 32 | (long)'s' << 24 | (long)'p' << 16, (long)'t' << 56 | (long)'h' << 48 | (long)'o' << 40 | (long)'r' << 32 | (long)'n' << 24, (long)'t' << 56 | (long)'i' << 48 | (long)'l' << 40 | (long)'d' << 32 | (long)'e' << 24, (long)'t' << 56 | (long)'i' << 48 | (long)'m' << 40 | (long)'e' << 32 | (long)'s' << 24, (long)'t' << 56 | (long)'r' << 48 | (long)'a' << 40 | (long)'d' << 32 | (long)'e' << 24, (long)'u' << 56 | (long)'A' << 48 | (long)'r' << 40 | (long)'r' << 32, (long)'u' << 56 | (long)'a' << 48 | (long)'c' << 40 | (long)'u' << 32 | (long)'t' << 24 | (long)'e' << 16, (long)'u' << 56 | (long)'a' << 48 | (long)'r' << 40 | (long)'r' << 32, (long)'u' << 56 | (long)'c' << 48 | (long)'i' << 40 | (long)'r' << 32 | (long)'c' << 24, (long)'u' << 56 | (long)'g' << 48 | (long)'r' << 40 | (long)'a' << 32 | (long)'v' << 24 | (long)'e' << 16, (long)'u' << 56 | (long)'m' << 48 | (long)'l' << 40, (long)'u' << 56 | (long)'p' << 48 | (long)'s' << 40 | (long)'i' << 32 | (long)'h' << 24, (long)'u' << 56 | (long)'p' << 48 | (long)'s' << 40 | (long)'i' << 32 | (long)'l' << 24 | (long)'o' << 16 | (long)'n' << 8, (long)'u' << 56 | (long)'u' << 48 | (long)'m' << 40 | (long)'l' << 32, (long)'w' << 56 | (long)'e' << 48 | (long)'i' << 40 | (long)'e' << 32 | (long)'r' << 24 | (long)'p' << 16, (long)'x' << 56 | (long)'i' << 48, (long)'y' << 56 | (long)'a' << 48 | (long)'c' << 40 | (long)'u' << 32 | (long)'t' << 24 | (long)'e' << 16, (long)'y' << 56 | (long)'e' << 48 | (long)'n' << 40, (long)'y' << 56 | (long)'u' << 48 | (long)'m' << 40 | (long)'l' << 32, (long)'z' << 56 | (long)'e' << 48 | (long)'t' << 40 | (long)'a' << 32, (long)'z' << 56 | (long)'w' << 48 | (long)'j' << 40, (long)'z' << 56 | (long)'w' << 48 | (long)'n' << 40 | (long)'j' << 32 }; static readonly char[] entities_values = new char[] { '\u00C6', '\u00C1', '\u00C2', '\u00C0', '\u0391', '\u00C5', '\u00C3', '\u00C4', '\u0392', '\u00C7', '\u03A7', '\u2021', '\u0394', '\u00D0', '\u00C9', '\u00CA', '\u00C8', '\u0395', '\u0397', '\u00CB', '\u0393', '\u00CD', '\u00CE', '\u00CC', '\u0399', '\u00CF', '\u039A', '\u039B', '\u039C', '\u00D1', '\u039D', '\u0152', '\u00D3', '\u00D4', '\u00D2', '\u03A9', '\u039F', '\u00D8', '\u00D5', '\u00D6', '\u03A6', '\u03A0', '\u2033', '\u03A8', '\u03A1', '\u0160', '\u03A3', '\u00DE', '\u03A4', '\u0398', '\u00DA', '\u00DB', '\u00D9', '\u03A5', '\u00DC', '\u039E', '\u00DD', '\u0178', '\u0396', '\u00E1', '\u00E2', '\u00B4', '\u00E6', '\u00E0', '\u2135', '\u03B1', '\u0026', '\u2227', '\u2220', '\u0027', '\u00E5', '\u2248', '\u00E3', '\u00E4', '\u201E', '\u03B2', '\u00A6', '\u2022', '\u2229', '\u00E7', '\u00B8', '\u00A2', '\u03C7', '\u02C6', '\u2663', '\u2245', '\u00A9', '\u21B5', '\u222A', '\u00A4', '\u21D3', '\u2020', '\u2193', '\u00B0', '\u03B4', '\u2666', '\u00F7', '\u00E9', '\u00EA', '\u00E8', '\u2205', '\u2003', '\u2002', '\u03B5', '\u2261', '\u03B7', '\u00F0', '\u00EB', '\u20AC', '\u2203', '\u0192', '\u2200', '\u00BD', '\u00BC', '\u00BE', '\u2044', '\u03B3', '\u2265', '\u003E', '\u21D4', '\u2194', '\u2665', '\u2026', '\u00ED', '\u00EE', '\u00A1', '\u00EC', '\u2111', '\u221E', '\u222B', '\u03B9', '\u00BF', '\u2208', '\u00EF', '\u03BA', '\u21D0', '\u03BB', '\u2329', '\u00AB', '\u2190', '\u2308', '\u201C', '\u2264', '\u230A', '\u2217', '\u25CA', '\u200E', '\u2039', '\u2018', '\u003C', '\u00AF', '\u2014', '\u00B5', '\u00B7', '\u2212', '\u03BC', '\u2207', '\u00A0', '\u2013', '\u2260', '\u220B', '\u00AC', '\u2209', '\u2284', '\u00F1', '\u03BD', '\u00F3', '\u00F4', '\u0153', '\u00F2', '\u203E', '\u03C9', '\u03BF', '\u2295', '\u2228', '\u00AA', '\u00BA', '\u00F8', '\u00F5', '\u2297', '\u00F6', '\u00B6', '\u2202', '\u2030', '\u22A5', '\u03C6', '\u03C0', '\u03D6', '\u00B1', '\u00A3', '\u2032', '\u220F', '\u221D', '\u03C8', '\u0022', '\u21D2', '\u221A', '\u232A', '\u00BB', '\u2192', '\u2309', '\u201D', '\u211C', '\u00AE', '\u230B', '\u03C1', '\u200F', '\u203A', '\u2019', '\u201A', '\u0161', '\u22C5', '\u00A7', '\u00AD', '\u03C3', '\u03C2', '\u223C', '\u2660', '\u2282', '\u2286', '\u2211', '\u2283', '\u00B9', '\u00B2', '\u00B3', '\u2287', '\u00DF', '\u03C4', '\u2234', '\u03B8', '\u03D1', '\u2009', '\u00FE', '\u02DC', '\u00D7', '\u2122', '\u21D1', '\u00FA', '\u2191', '\u00FB', '\u00F9', '\u00A8', '\u03D2', '\u03C5', '\u00FC', '\u2118', '\u03BE', '\u00FD', '\u00A5', '\u00FF', '\u03B6', '\u200D', '\u200C' }; #else // The list is from http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/sgml/entities.html, except for ', which // is defined in http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-xml-20081126/#sec-predefined-ent. private static String[] _entitiesList = new String[] { "\x0022-quot", "\x0026-amp", "\x0027-apos", "\x003c-lt", "\x003e-gt", "\x00a0-nbsp", "\x00a1-iexcl", "\x00a2-cent", "\x00a3-pound", "\x00a4-curren", "\x00a5-yen", "\x00a6-brvbar", "\x00a7-sect", "\x00a8-uml", "\x00a9-copy", "\x00aa-ordf", "\x00ab-laquo", "\x00ac-not", "\x00ad-shy", "\x00ae-reg", "\x00af-macr", "\x00b0-deg", "\x00b1-plusmn", "\x00b2-sup2", "\x00b3-sup3", "\x00b4-acute", "\x00b5-micro", "\x00b6-para", "\x00b7-middot", "\x00b8-cedil", "\x00b9-sup1", "\x00ba-ordm", "\x00bb-raquo", "\x00bc-frac14", "\x00bd-frac12", "\x00be-frac34", "\x00bf-iquest", "\x00c0-Agrave", "\x00c1-Aacute", "\x00c2-Acirc", "\x00c3-Atilde", "\x00c4-Auml", "\x00c5-Aring", "\x00c6-AElig", "\x00c7-Ccedil", "\x00c8-Egrave", "\x00c9-Eacute", "\x00ca-Ecirc", "\x00cb-Euml", "\x00cc-Igrave", "\x00cd-Iacute", "\x00ce-Icirc", "\x00cf-Iuml", "\x00d0-ETH", "\x00d1-Ntilde", "\x00d2-Ograve", "\x00d3-Oacute", "\x00d4-Ocirc", "\x00d5-Otilde", "\x00d6-Ouml", "\x00d7-times", "\x00d8-Oslash", "\x00d9-Ugrave", "\x00da-Uacute", "\x00db-Ucirc", "\x00dc-Uuml", "\x00dd-Yacute", "\x00de-THORN", "\x00df-szlig", "\x00e0-agrave", "\x00e1-aacute", "\x00e2-acirc", "\x00e3-atilde", "\x00e4-auml", "\x00e5-aring", "\x00e6-aelig", "\x00e7-ccedil", "\x00e8-egrave", "\x00e9-eacute", "\x00ea-ecirc", "\x00eb-euml", "\x00ec-igrave", "\x00ed-iacute", "\x00ee-icirc", "\x00ef-iuml", "\x00f0-eth", "\x00f1-ntilde", "\x00f2-ograve", "\x00f3-oacute", "\x00f4-ocirc", "\x00f5-otilde", "\x00f6-ouml", "\x00f7-divide", "\x00f8-oslash", "\x00f9-ugrave", "\x00fa-uacute", "\x00fb-ucirc", "\x00fc-uuml", "\x00fd-yacute", "\x00fe-thorn", "\x00ff-yuml", "\x0152-OElig", "\x0153-oelig", "\x0160-Scaron", "\x0161-scaron", "\x0178-Yuml", "\x0192-fnof", "\x02c6-circ", "\x02dc-tilde", "\x0391-Alpha", "\x0392-Beta", "\x0393-Gamma", "\x0394-Delta", "\x0395-Epsilon", "\x0396-Zeta", "\x0397-Eta", "\x0398-Theta", "\x0399-Iota", "\x039a-Kappa", "\x039b-Lambda", "\x039c-Mu", "\x039d-Nu", "\x039e-Xi", "\x039f-Omicron", "\x03a0-Pi", "\x03a1-Rho", "\x03a3-Sigma", "\x03a4-Tau", "\x03a5-Upsilon", "\x03a6-Phi", "\x03a7-Chi", "\x03a8-Psi", "\x03a9-Omega", "\x03b1-alpha", "\x03b2-beta", "\x03b3-gamma", "\x03b4-delta", "\x03b5-epsilon", "\x03b6-zeta", "\x03b7-eta", "\x03b8-theta", "\x03b9-iota", "\x03ba-kappa", "\x03bb-lambda", "\x03bc-mu", "\x03bd-nu", "\x03be-xi", "\x03bf-omicron", "\x03c0-pi", "\x03c1-rho", "\x03c2-sigmaf", "\x03c3-sigma", "\x03c4-tau", "\x03c5-upsilon", "\x03c6-phi", "\x03c7-chi", "\x03c8-psi", "\x03c9-omega", "\x03d1-thetasym", "\x03d2-upsih", "\x03d6-piv", "\x2002-ensp", "\x2003-emsp", "\x2009-thinsp", "\x200c-zwnj", "\x200d-zwj", "\x200e-lrm", "\x200f-rlm", "\x2013-ndash", "\x2014-mdash", "\x2018-lsquo", "\x2019-rsquo", "\x201a-sbquo", "\x201c-ldquo", "\x201d-rdquo", "\x201e-bdquo", "\x2020-dagger", "\x2021-Dagger", "\x2022-bull", "\x2026-hellip", "\x2030-permil", "\x2032-prime", "\x2033-Prime", "\x2039-lsaquo", "\x203a-rsaquo", "\x203e-oline", "\x2044-frasl", "\x20ac-euro", "\x2111-image", "\x2118-weierp", "\x211c-real", "\x2122-trade", "\x2135-alefsym", "\x2190-larr", "\x2191-uarr", "\x2192-rarr", "\x2193-darr", "\x2194-harr", "\x21b5-crarr", "\x21d0-lArr", "\x21d1-uArr", "\x21d2-rArr", "\x21d3-dArr", "\x21d4-hArr", "\x2200-forall", "\x2202-part", "\x2203-exist", "\x2205-empty", "\x2207-nabla", "\x2208-isin", "\x2209-notin", "\x220b-ni", "\x220f-prod", "\x2211-sum", "\x2212-minus", "\x2217-lowast", "\x221a-radic", "\x221d-prop", "\x221e-infin", "\x2220-ang", "\x2227-and", "\x2228-or", "\x2229-cap", "\x222a-cup", "\x222b-int", "\x2234-there4", "\x223c-sim", "\x2245-cong", "\x2248-asymp", "\x2260-ne", "\x2261-equiv", "\x2264-le", "\x2265-ge", "\x2282-sub", "\x2283-sup", "\x2284-nsub", "\x2286-sube", "\x2287-supe", "\x2295-oplus", "\x2297-otimes", "\x22a5-perp", "\x22c5-sdot", "\x2308-lceil", "\x2309-rceil", "\x230a-lfloor", "\x230b-rfloor", "\x2329-lang", "\x232a-rang", "\x25ca-loz", "\x2660-spades", "\x2663-clubs", "\x2665-hearts", "\x2666-diams", }; private static Dictionary _lookupTable = GenerateLookupTable(); private static Dictionary GenerateLookupTable() { // e[0] is unicode char, e[1] is '-', e[2+] is entity string Dictionary lookupTable = new Dictionary(StringComparer.Ordinal); foreach (string e in _entitiesList) { lookupTable.Add(e.Substring(2), e[0]); } return lookupTable; } public static char Lookup(string entity) { char theChar; _lookupTable.TryGetValue(entity, out theChar); return theChar; } #endif } #endregion } }